Business plan management powerpoint仕事
I am looking for a skilled Vietnamese - Japanese interpreter for multiple BD meetings in around a half year. - Setting: The interpretation will be needed in a business meeting. - Duration: a meeting is expected to last between 2 to 4 hours. Around 20 hours a month. - Experience in IT industry as the client is highly desirable. Especially in payment field. 継続的に契約更新ができる人材を探しています。 ・3か月程度毎の契約更新(試用期間がある可能性があります) ・ハノイ拠点またはホーチミン拠点 ・月に25時間程度の時間を予定しています(ホーチミンは月に1-2日程度) ・IT業界のシステム用語や、クレジットカード決済のスキームが理解できる方優遇 日本語力を見たいので、応募の際に日本語でご連絡いただける方を優遇いたします。
合計 2 枚のポスターと 16 枚の PowerPoint スライドを英語から日本語に翻訳する必要があります。 プロレベルの翻訳は、日本のビジネスプロフェッショナルを対象としています。 主な要件: - ポスターとスライドの両方に正式なレベルの翻訳が必要です。 言葉遣いは敬意を表し、プロフェッショナルである必要があります。 - コンテンツは専門的な環境で使用されるため、翻訳の精度と品質が最も重要です。 - ビジネスコミュニケーションの経験と日本のビジネス文化の理解が高く評価されます。 2日で完成予定
...跟蹤和分析關鍵績效指標的分析思維 預算: - 我這個專案的預算在 500 美元到 1000 美元之間。如果你有技能和經驗來支援我的Instagram行銷工作,我很想聽聽你的意見。請提供您以前工作的範例,並讓我知道您如何説明我實現我的社交媒體營銷目標。 所需技能 網路行銷 社交網路 臉書行銷 社交媒體行銷 -- Project Description: Social Media and Google Marketing Support I am looking for a skilled freelancer who can provide support for my Instagram marketing efforts. Must speak Chinese and English fluently. Platforms: - Instagram Responsibilities: - Management of my Instagram account, including content creation, posting, and engagement with followers - Implementing effective strategies to increase brand visibility and attract more followers - Monitoring and analyzing key metrics to measure the success of the marketing campaign - Collaborating with me to develop and execute creative and engaging marketing campaigns Skills ...
イタリア観光情報とワイナリーツアーに関するウェブサイトにて SEOなどウェブサイトのマーケティングが可能な方を探しています。 目的はウェブサイトへのトラフィックの増加、オンラインプロフィールの向上です。 コンサルティングを兼ねて、細かくご相談にのってくださる方が好ましいです。 ご不明な点がございましたら、ご連絡ください。 I need someone to do some SEO marketing for my business. This marketing should increase traffic to our website as well as increase our online profile. The marketing should improve our online reputation. Please message me if you have any questions. (in Japanese website)
■プロジェクト名(案件名): Windows10の動作検証作業 ■単価: ~70万円/月 ※スキル見合い ■精算条件: 140-180 ■作業内容: ・Windows10上でSWの動作検証 ・InternetExplorer11でのWEBサイト閲覧の検証 ※上記をWindows7と比較Windows11でも問題なく動作・閲覧かのうな事を検証する ■環境: OS: Windows7、Windows10 ■要求スキル: 【必要】 ・WindowsPC全般の知識 ・スケジュール管理、タスク管理 ・Excel、Word、PowerPointでの資料作成 【尚可】 ・htmlの知見があればなお良い ■募集人員: 1名 ■作業期間: 2018/06~2018/07 ■作業場所: 都内近郊 ■業務時間: 09:00~18:00 ■服装: スーツもしくは、ビジネスカジュアル
コピー&ペースト作業を手伝ってくださる方。 簡単な宣伝業務です。 テンプレ使用なので初心者でも可能です。 納期等はありませんので、無理ないペースでお願いします。 未経験者、初心者歓迎です。 立ち上がったばかりなので、ほとんどの方が初心者です。 サポートがありますので、初心者の方も実績を上げています。 マニュアル、常時サポートをご用意しております! 少しでも興味がありましたらお問い合わせください。 参加される方が増えております。 初心者向け・完全在宅OK。 主婦の方も大歓迎! 時間や場所も自由。 インターネットさえ使えれば 誰でもできます。 たくさんのメッセージお待ちしております!
私のビジネスを手伝ってください コピー&ペースト作業を手伝ってくださる方。 簡単な宣伝業務です。 テンプレ使用なので初心者でも可能です。 納期等はありませんので、無理ないペースでお願いします。 未経験者、初心者歓迎です。 立ち上がったばかりなので、ほとんどの方が初心者です。 サポートがありますので、初心者の方も実績を上げています。 マニュアル、常時サポートをご用意しております! 少しでも興味がありましたらお問い合わせください。 参加される方が増えております。 初心者向け・完全在宅OK。 主婦の方も大歓迎! 時間や場所も自由。 インターネットさえ使えれば 誰でもできます。 たくさんのご連絡お待ちしております! [Removed by Admin]
私のビジネスを手伝ってください 【未経験者歓迎】PR広報の完全在宅ワークです。 指定のテキストを配布して、ある企業の広報をするお仕事です。 ■依頼詳細 お渡しする反応の取れるテキストを貼り付けて頂けると投稿できます。 ご自宅で空いた時間にお仕事をしていただけます。 時間、場所は問いませんが 夜時間の取れる方は大歓迎です。 ■採用条件 ・素直な方 ・インターネットでできる仕事をお探しの方 ・継続的に取り組める方 ■必要なもの ・スマホ 又は PC ・素直さ 少しでも気になった方はお気軽にご応募ください。それから考えていただいても構いません。 お待ちしております。
私のビジネスを手伝ってください >>詳細 ・簡単なコピペ作業、 ・お好きな時間に作業OK (時間帯は融通効きます) ・現在のお仕事の有無は不問。副業、Wワーク歓迎です。 ・育児中、通院中、その他様々なご事情があそっても大丈夫です ・PCがなくても可能です。特別なスキルもいりません。 ・スマホ、タブレット等が普通に操作できる方。 ・しっかりとサポートしますので、だれでも簡単に作業出来ます。 >>応募要件 ・19歳以上の方(学生可) ・内部情報を漏洩させない方(冷やかしでの応募はお断りします) ・パソコンやスマホをお持ちでLINEの使える方 経済的、時間的自由がほしい方にはぴったりの案件です。 インターネットビジネスを初めてやる方でも問題ありません。 簡単に稼げるなんて怪しいと思っている方こそ試していただきたいです。 スキル、経験は問いませんがやる気のある方、マメに連絡つく方の応募をお待ちしております(作業自体は単純ですが根気はいるため) 皆様のご応募お待ちしております。 _____
House Cleaning Job 2500JPY~8000JPY. 都内で池袋エリア、新宿エリア、上野エリア、銀座エリアにたくさんの物件持っています。 お部屋の清掃をお願いします。 11時〜夜の間でお願いします。 許可物件ですので、安心して出入りして頂けます。 収入が部屋の広さによります。 一軒家なら最大8000円になります、慣れてくるとお得です! 今回に限らず、継続して頂ける方が居ましたら、今後時々お願い出来ると嬉しいです。 また、今回だけでも構いません。 依頼を受けて頂ける方が居ましたら、マニュアルを送ります。 よろしくお願い致します。❤️
私のビジネスを手伝ってください 大成して自己実現したい新規事業のコアメンバーを募集致します。 既にある程度の成功を手にしたが、時間的拘束に悩んでいれば一度ご相談ください。 システムを拡散していただくシンプルな仕事です。 メッセージいただければ詳細の事業動画をお渡しします。 長期目線を念頭に取り組んでいただくことで、半年~一年後には爆発的に収益が見込めます。 【依頼詳細】 チームでシステムを拡散していくお仕事になります。 世界展開しており、すでに売り上げの立っている事業を日本や世界に向けて発信するお仕事になります。 ※今の参入は強烈なビジネスメリットが見込まれます。 経験者でしたらスピード感を持って取り組まれることで、すぐにコストも回収可能ですし、私の実績でも初月10万以上の報酬を獲得しています。 誰でも出来るよう高度にシステム化したシンプルな作業で現在稼働率も驚異的な数字を記録しています。 チーム全体の評価なので一人が頑張り続ける必要がありません。 ※仕組上、ノウハウやサポートの提供は無償提供致します。 ++++++++++++++++++++++ インターネット環境: PC、スマホ、タブレット等、いずれか一つでも可 PC、スマホ知識: 不問だが、経験者はスピード感を持って取り組めます 就業時間: 自由 就業場所: 自由、国内・海外と場所を問いません 予定収入: 歩合ですが、チームを総合的に評価する制度です 誰でも実践出来るよう高度にシステム化しているため、驚異的な稼働率を誇っています。初心者でもシンプルで実績の出せる仕組みが貴方にも強力なメリットです。 副業、専業と仕事としてのスタイルは問いませんがしっかり収益を上げたいならメリットが大きいビジネス。 【重要視する点・経験】 ■ やる気や行動力がないと出来ませ...
大成して自己実現したい新規事業のコアメンバーを募集致します。 既にある程度の成功を手にしたが、時間的拘束に悩んでいれば一度ご相談ください。 システムを拡散していただくシンプルな仕事です。 メッセージいただければ詳細の事業動画をお渡しします。 長期目線を念頭に取り組んでいただくことで、半年~一年後には爆発的に収益が見込めます。 【依頼詳細】 チームでシステムを拡散していくお仕事になります。 世界展開しており、すでに売り上げの立っている事業を日本や世界に向けて発信するお仕事になります。 ※今の参入は強烈なビジネスメリットが見込まれます。 経験者でしたらスピード感を持って取り組まれることで、すぐにコストも回収可能ですし、私の実績でも初月10万以上の報酬を獲得しています。 誰でも出来るよう高度にシステム化したシンプルな作業で現在稼働率も驚異的な数字を記録しています。 チーム全体の評価なので一人が頑張り続ける必要がありません。 ※仕組上、ノウハウやサポートの提供は無償提供致します。 ++++++++++++++++++++++ インターネット環境: PC、スマホ、タブレット等、いずれか一つでも可 PC、スマホ知識: 不問だが、経験者はスピード感を持って取り組めます 就業時間: 自由 就業場所: 自由、国内・海外と場所を問いません 予定収入: 歩合ですが、チームを総合的に評価する制度です 誰でも実践出来るよう高度にシステム化しているため、驚異的な稼働率を誇っています。初心者でもシンプルで実績の出せる仕組みが貴方にも強力なメリットです。 副業、専業と仕事としてのスタイルは問いませんがしっかり収益を上げたいならメリットが大きいビジネス。 【重要視する点・経験】 ■ やる気や行動力がないと出来ません ■ インターネット環境が必...
Hi naifeiwu, this is Loco Partners. I understand that you have agreed to translate for us and have been told how to use our masteradmin page. The list of the first 10 plans that we would like you to translate is written below. The first two numbers are the Plan IDs and Hotel IDs respectively. Use them to make sure you are translating the correct hotels. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you 13772 11559 ウェスティンホテル大阪 お部屋でフルコースディナー<br />高層ラグジュアリールームで過ごす記念日プラン 13773 11559 ウェスティンホテル大阪 お部屋でフルコースディナー<br />高層エグゼクティブルームで過ごす記念日プラン 13774 11559 ウェスティンホテル大阪 【記念日】アニバーサリーステイ/アマデウスディナー&アニバーサリーケーキ付【夕食のみ】 13775 11559 ウェスティンホテル大阪 【記念日】アニバーサリーステイ/アマデウスディナー&アニバーサリーケーキ付【エグゼクティブ】 13884 11680 軽井沢マリオットホテル 軽井沢 Basic Stay~素泊まり~ 13885 11680 軽井沢マリオットホテル 軽井沢 Basic Stay~2食付s...
Voice over a business video in Japanese, Need to do some corrections first and then voice over it Better be a Japanese person あるビジネスビデオの音声を吹き替えする仕事です 中国語から通訳したから、その内容をまず正しくして、そして吹き替えするのでお願いします。 日本人の方はお優先ね
-------------------------------- English Description -------------------------------- We are a grocery wholesale company and would like to build an e-commerce website based on Magento. We need a professional Magento team for building, design and maintenance. It will be great if you have experiences in what we need as following: 1. Magento Website setup & plan 2. Payment Model Install (PayPal, Credit Card...etc) 3. Front-End Template Design 4. Login Model (Facebook, Google...etc) 5. Language: Traditional Chinese 6. Maintenance Notice: 1. Please provide your related works. 2. Please provide your team information. 3. Please provide your detail quotation. Contact us Skype : jpyco168 Line : -------------------------------- 中文說明 --------------------------...
...clear examples of wireframing, web design, HTML CSS and wordpress builds - Experience in UX and/or web design for Web and mobile - Experience with Bootstrap - Experience with Wordpress - Keyword research SEO performance monitoring (tracking performance against all monitored keywords, identify pages that are/aren't performing, flag opportunities including content gaps) - Website content management (updating/tweaking/maintaining content on all local sites) - Experience with adwords set-up and Optimisation - Website maintenance (looking for 404 errors, cleaning up broken links etc) - Able to turn concepts and high fidelity mock-ups into HTML and CSS fast - Ability to work collaboratively in a geographically distributed team --- 動画、映像クラウドソーシングサービスプロバイダーである 90 S...
...everyday. -No Need to Be able to read HTML -Each task is about 5 to 10 minutes. -You have to be able to READ Japanese but not able to Write or Speak -If you dont Read Japanese but high IT Literacy so that by our tellling you which part corresponds to which part, then you can do the job. JOB This is the job to update the items that comes to the toppage of our 2 online stores. the management system is already set up so yo do not need to use HTMLat all. You just select the item code from our website and set into the system everyday. SKILLS REQUIRED Ability to arrange items in a meaningful, atttractive manner. Lets say if its getting closer to summer, it makes sense to have swimwear. and swimwear matches so well with sunglasses. I would like you to be interested...
Business Planning Researchers Wanted(Analysts) IMPORTANT: This time we are ONLY looking for candidates who can write/speak Japanese language We are a Social Media Service Company ( MIRAISHONEN, Inc.() ) providing multiple services, seeking for Business Planning Researchers(Analysts) . Here is the introduction of our company. Corporate Summary PV: Corporate Brochure: WEB: This is the job to research on our new business models prior to their launch in regards to market trends and competitons with strong analysis especially based on data and numbers. -Job Descrption
Services Professional Photos, Images, Pictures editing Data Entry & Data Processing Logo Designing & T-shirt Designing Any work with Ms. WORD, Ms. Excel, Ms. PowerPoint Architecture HTML, CSS, PHP FB Cover Photo, Banner Designing
インターネット関連技術屋のための名刺のデザインをお願いします。 シンプルで思慮に富んだデザイン希望です。 成果物はイラストレータ形式のファイルでお願いします。 A business card design for IT company. Simple but thoughtful design is preferred. I need your help by the illustrator file format. thanks.
... Admin Requirements: 1. Booking Management: Maintain a Google Sheet or lightweight CRM to log bookings, availability, and user details. 2. Availability Updates: Allow manual updates for unavailable time slots. 3. Payment Handling: Automatically log payments and flag unpaid bookings. 4. Scalable Solution: Ensure the system can handle multiple concurrent users. Tech Stack: WhatsApp Business API or tools like WATI/Twilio Studio. Payment integration (Razorpay/Paytm/Stripe). Google Sheets or any lightweight CRM for booking management. Deliverables: 1. Fully functional WhatsApp booking automation system. 2. Integration with payment gateways and OTP verification service. 3. Google Sheet/CRM integration for admin booking management. 4...
Project description: Introduction This proposal outlines the development plan for a comprehensive Nursery Management Web Application. The application is designed to meet the needs of nursery owners, parents, and administrators by providing essential functionalities such as child management, attendance tracking, billing, and more. Technology Stack** • Front-end: React and • Backend: PHP (Laravel framework) • Database: MySQL Deliverables 1. Main Application Account • Dashboard • Customizable with widgets and graphical elements. • Client Account Management • Create, suspend, delete client accounts. • Access Control • Give access rights to certain features. • Billing with Deposits and Discounts • Implement b...
I need an Android-based system to control fishing boats. This system will be used by government controllers equipped with Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 FE tablets with BLE PHY support. The primary function is to identify boats from around 300 meters distance and verify if the license plate corresponds to the declared boat. The aim is ...information and inspection records. - Each boat's specific details to be included in the Excel file are the boat name and registration number, owner's contact information and the boat's dimensions and type. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency with Android development and experience in creating tablet applications. - Familiarity with BLE technology. - Experience in working with Excel for data management. - Knowledge of fishing regulatio...
I'm running a multivendor site using Dokan, and I need to integrate Shiprocket as the courier service. Currently, I don't have a management system in place for shipments. Key Requirements: - Integration of Shiprocket courier service into the website. - Implement features for sellers including: - Ability to pay for their own pickups. - Option to generate commissions for pickups. - A seller dashboard for managing pickups. - Configure the above with the Dokan plugin. - Allow sellers to process multiple orders in bulk for shipping. - Enable sellers to print shipping labels directly from their dashboard. - Automate shipment tracking updates for both sellers and buyers. - Add options for sellers to import and export shipment data via CSV files. - Integrate real-time shipping r...
...assist with the visual layout mockups for a web-based asset interactive management and sales platform for event venues. Key Responsibilities: - Develop Figma (or similar alternative software) mockups focusing on the visual layout of the platform. - Create interactive prototypes that specifically detail the sales process flow. - Combine 2D (layered PDF/IMAGE) files into the 'portal' to use as a viewer tool. - Combine 3D models pre-rendered into the platform viewer tool. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in user interface design and visual layout creation in Figma (or similar alternative software). - Strong understanding of interactive prototype development. - Previous experience with asset management tools, particularly related to venue inform...
My website has been infected with malware. - I received a notification from my hosting provider about the issue, and I need immediate assistance in removing the malware and restoring my site to its normal functionality. - Unfortunately, I do not have a recent backup of my website, so it's crucial that you can handle this without a fallback plan. - Security enhancements to prevent this from happening in the future will also be necessary. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Extensive knowledge of Wordpress - Proven experience with malware removal - Ability to restore website functionality - Skills in implementing security measures Time is of the essence, and I would appreciate prompt and professional assistance. Thank you.
I'm in need of a skilled professional to assist with data collection and verification from a trade fair website. The aim is to enhance my sales outreach efforts. Tasks will include: 1. Checking the exhibitor page for company names and existing contact details 2. Searching for missing information on the internet 3. Finding and adding LinkedIn profiles of individuals in top and mid-management positions within these companies Ideal candidates should have: - Excellent research skills - Proficiency in data collection and verification - Familiarity with LinkedIn and able to identify relevant profiles - Understanding of sales outreach processes Excel format will be given to collect the data.
...hyperlinks to our Instagram and Facebook account. UNDERNEATH THE HEADER: I would like a looped video that starts playing automatically. (Soft wash video 1) UNDERNEATH THE VIDEO: I would like an “About us” section with dot points underneath. The dot points will include; Exterior surface cleaning specialists, servicing residential and commercial property sales and management, family owned business, maximising client sales/leasing management opportunities, fully insured and professional staff all in that order. UNDERNEATH THE “ABOUT US’’ SECTION: I would like an “Our services” section. This must include three separate services. Surface pressure cleaning (Surface pressure cleaning Video 1), soft washing (soft washing video 2)...
...local businesses, travel agencies in particular, and skills in lead generation and conversion. Key Responsibilities: - Generating leads and converting them into business opportunities. - Building and nurturing relationships with local businesses, particularly travel agencies. - Organizing and overseeing promotional events to increase brand awareness. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Deep understanding and experience in the Punjab market is crucial. - Proven track record in sales and marketing. - Experience in the tourism industry is a plus but not mandatory. - Strong interpersonal and networking skills. - Event planning and management experience. Your main focus will be on targeting travel agencies to promote corporate and individual travel to Maldives. If you have the p...
I am launching a freelance business focusing on providing top-tier data entry services to clients across various industries. To ensure the highest quality of service, I am seeking experienced Data Entry Specialists to join my team on a project basis. The ideal candidates should exhibit the following: - Proven experience in data entry with a keen eye for detail and accuracy. - Proficiency in MS Office Suite, Google Suite, and other data processing tools. - Excellent typing speed and the ability to handle large volumes of data. - Strong understanding of data confidentiality principles. - Ability to meet tight deadlines and manage tasks effectively. As part of my team, you will receive clear guidelines and expectations for each project to ensure client satisfaction. If you have the s...
I'm looking for an expert in PPC ad management to help improve the performance of my Google Ads campaign. The main goal is to boost sales internationally. Key responsibilities: - Optimizing current ad performance - Suggestions and implementing tastings to enhance ad performance - Strategic planning for targeting international customers Ideal skills and experience: - Proven track record with Google Ads - Experience in managing PPC campaigns aimed at boosting sales - Ability to reach and engage with an international audience - Strong analytical skills for ad performance evaluation and improvement.
I'm looking for a professional graphic designer to create a modern and minimalist logo and design a single-sided visiting card for me. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in logo and business card design - Expertise in modern and minimalist design - Excellent understanding of design principles and trends Key Requirements: - Design a contemporary and simple logo - Create a sleek, single-sided visiting card Please provide a portfolio of your previous work, specifically any modern and minimalist designs.
...Market Order Analysis - Assess activity of buyers and sellers using market orders. - Adjustable time interval for analysis. - Threshold values for market order activity to confirm signals. 3. Combined Analysis - Ensure two conditions are met: 1. Imbalance in the order book. 2. Imbalance in market orders. - Open a position only when both conditions align. 4. Position Management - Automatically open positions when the conditions are met. - Position size is defined as a fixed dollar amount from the account balance. - Adjustable leverage setting. - Automatically set stop-loss and take-profit levels immediately after a position is opened. Customizable Parameters 1. Order Book Imbalance: Threshold for determining dominant side (default: 60%). 2....
I'm in need of a detail-oriented and responsible administrative professional to assist with managing candidates' CVs and handling data entry and record keeping tasks. The ideal candidate should be a strong communicator, able to manage sensitive information discreetly, and committed to delivering high-quality work consistently. Key Responsibilities: - Managing candidates' CVs - Data entry and record keeping Requirements: - Proficiency in handling Word Documents - Strong attention to detail - Excellent communication skills - High level of responsibility and reliability Please note that updated CVs and records will need to be sent via email. Previous experience in an administrative support role, particularly in handling CVs, is highly desirable. I look forward to hearing fro...
More details: What are the main objectives of revamping your WordPress website? Improved user experience Which payment gateways do you need integrated into your WordPress website? ICICI, Razorpay What kind of content management system (CMS) features are you looking for? CMS to Generate Donation Certificates and Other Certificates in PDF
...experiences. Monitor and respond to comments and messages to engage with our diving community. Collaborate with the dive team to capture exciting moments and share updates. Track social media analytics and adjust strategies to boost reach and engagement. Stay up to date with social media trends and apply them creatively to our content. ? Requirements: Proven experience in social media management. Strong content creation skills, including photography, videography, and editing (Canva, Lightroom, or similar tools). Excellent writing and communication skills. Ability to work independently and manage multiple platforms effectively. Passion for diving (having a diving certification is a plus but not required). Knowledge of social media analytics tools and best practices....
I need a professional email address for business communications in the construction sector. This will primarily be used for customer support, sales inquiries, and internal communication. Ideal skills and experience: - Expertise in setting up professional email addresses - Familiarity with the construction industry preferred - Strong understanding of business communication needs - Excellent technical skills in various email platforms
I'm looking for a talented web developer to develop and implement the scheduling management aspect of my gymnastics event website, similar to The primary focus of this project will be to: - a Registration and Scoring System designed for gymnastics events. It serves as a platform for event registration, scheduling, and scoring management. The system is utilized by various gymnastics competitions, such as the Miss Valentine tournament and the Montenegro Cup. - Additionally, the KSIS platform is referenced in official gymnastics documentation, indicating its role in registration and event management processes. - The website also features photos and updates related to gymnastics events, highlighting its active involvement in the gymnastics communit...
...Investigate and fix the recurring scan_dir_push: open directory maildrop: Permission denied error. Ensure proper permissions and ownership settings for all required directories, including /var/spool/postfix/maildrop. Verify the integrity of Postfix configuration files and adjust as necessary to meet standard practices. Set Up Gmail Integration: Configure email rerouting to allow Gmail access and management of mail accounts hosted on our Plesk server. Ensure proper SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records are set up for secure and reliable email delivery. Test and verify email sending and receiving via Gmail for all specified domains. Test and Verify: Conduct thorough testing to ensure the mail server operates without errors. Provide detailed documentation of all changes and configurations ...
I'm seeking a seasoned Zoho implementation expert to set up Zoho One and its...seeking a seasoned Zoho implementation expert to set up Zoho One and its corresponding apps for my SMB IT MSP organization. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive setup of Zoho One as a complete business solution across most apps. - Focused implementation of Zoho CRM, Zoho Desk, and Zoho Campaigns for optimized customer relationship management. - Streamlining of our customer support and IT MSP management processes with Zoho One. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Zoho One and its apps. - Proven track record in IT MSP management. - Excellent knowledge in customer relationship management tools and strategies. - Strong capabilities in enhancing operational ...
I'm looking for a talented writer and editor to help me develop a short story from the concept/idea stage. The story should be crafted with a business perspective in mind. Ideal Skills: - Strong creative writing background, specifically in short stories - Business writing experience - Excellent editing skills - Ability to transform ideas into a coherent narrative Your task will be to help me flesh out the initial concept into a full story, and refine it with editorial feedback.
I'm looking for a developer to create an automated system that interfaces with Google Sheets to manage communications for my fleet of side tippers via WhatsApp. Key Features: - Send drivers WhatsApp messages about loading and offloading based on prompts from a Google Sheet. - Dispatch daily poll...providing specific ETAs). - Transfer data from one Google Sheet to another. - Enable drivers to log breakdowns or issues to me via WhatsApp. - Send truck booking details to customers when prompted from the Google Sheet. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Google Sheets automation. - Experienced in WhatsApp API or similar messaging platform integration. - Strong understanding of logistics and fleet management communication needs. Please provide examples of similar projects you've do...
About us ,home, terms and conditions, privacy policy,FAQ, contact us, profile section of buyer, profile section of seller, product listing, subscription plan, and the posts they will post , two registration forms different for buyer and seller within the realm of Science and Technology, specifically focusing on Business Management and Machine Learning & AI. I have all the necessary content, but I require help in organizing it effectively. Key Tasks: 1. Structure the report into the provided sections: Abstract, Problem Statement, Analysis, Case Studies, Summary. 2. Adjust the length of the synopsis to a minimum of 4,000 words. 3. Manage and cite a minimum of 30 references using Zotero, adhering to the APA referencing style. 4. Ensure the final document has a similarity index not exceeding 10% on Turnitin. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in academic writing and structuring. - Familiar with Science and Technology, particularly in Business Management and ML & AI. - Experienc...
I'm in need of a seasoned expert in the Houzez WordPress te...project involves a comprehensive range of customizations including: - Design/Layout Changes: I would like to modify the color scheme, typography, and layout structure to create a unique and appealing design. - Functionality Enhancements: Key upgrades will involve the implementation of advanced search filters, integration with various third-party services, and establishing a robust user account management system. - Content Updates: This will also include updating the site with relevant content. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience with the Houzez template, a strong background in WordPress, and excellent design skills. Familiarity with real estate websites and e-commerce functionalities will be a signifi...
I need a Power Automate expert to streamline my project updates. This will involve automating the flow of information from Outlook to Planner, and then to Power BI for generating weekly reports. Key Requirements: - Syncing Task Status: Keep track of the progress of tasks in Planner based on updates from Outlook. - Monitoring ...Keep track of the progress of tasks in Planner based on updates from Outlook. - Monitoring Deadlines: Update Planner with any changes to deadlines. - Tracking Assigned Team Members: Ensure the information on who is responsible for what is always current. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Power Automate - Experience with Outlook, Planner and Power BI - Strong understanding of project management workflows - Ability to create automated systems for ...
I have ongoing work related to our previous project 'Logo Design for kids toy business'