Business central setup仕事
I am looking for a skilled Vietnamese - Japanese interpreter for multiple BD meetings in around a half year. - Setting: The interpretation will be needed in a business meeting. - Duration: a meeting is expected to last between 2 to 4 hours. Around 20 hours a month. - Experience in IT industry as the client is highly desirable. Especially in payment field. 継続的に契約更新ができる人材を探しています。 ・3か月程度毎の契約更新(試用期間がある可能性があります) ・ハノイ拠点またはホーチミン拠点 ・月に25時間程度の時間を予定しています(ホーチミンは月に1-2日程度) ・IT業界のシステム用語や、クレジットカード決済のスキームが理解できる方優遇 日本語力を見たいので、応募の際に日本語でご連絡いただける方を優遇いたします。
イタリア観光情報とワイナリーツアーに関するウェブサイトにて SEOなどウェブサイトのマーケティングが可能な方を探しています。 目的はウェブサイトへのトラフィックの増加、オンラインプロフィールの向上です。 コンサルティングを兼ねて、細かくご相談にのってくださる方が好ましいです。 ご不明な点がございましたら、ご連絡ください。 I need someone to do some SEO marketing for my business. This marketing should increase traffic to our website as well as increase our online profile. The marketing should improve our online reputation. Please message me if you have any questions. (in Japanese website)
コピー&ペースト作業を手伝ってくださる方。 簡単な宣伝業務です。 テンプレ使用なので初心者でも可能です。 納期等はありませんので、無理ないペースでお願いします。 未経験者、初心者歓迎です。 立ち上がったばかりなので、ほとんどの方が初心者です。 サポートがありますので、初心者の方も実績を上げています。 マニュアル、常時サポートをご用意しております! 少しでも興味がありましたらお問い合わせください。 参加される方が増えております。 初心者向け・完全在宅OK。 主婦の方も大歓迎! 時間や場所も自由。 インターネットさえ使えれば 誰でもできます。 たくさんのメッセージお待ちしております!
私のビジネスを手伝ってください コピー&ペースト作業を手伝ってくださる方。 簡単な宣伝業務です。 テンプレ使用なので初心者でも可能です。 納期等はありませんので、無理ないペースでお願いします。 未経験者、初心者歓迎です。 立ち上がったばかりなので、ほとんどの方が初心者です。 サポートがありますので、初心者の方も実績を上げています。 マニュアル、常時サポートをご用意しております! 少しでも興味がありましたらお問い合わせください。 参加される方が増えております。 初心者向け・完全在宅OK。 主婦の方も大歓迎! 時間や場所も自由。 インターネットさえ使えれば 誰でもできます。 たくさんのご連絡お待ちしております! [Removed by Admin]
私のビジネスを手伝ってください 【未経験者歓迎】PR広報の完全在宅ワークです。 指定のテキストを配布して、ある企業の広報をするお仕事です。 ■依頼詳細 お渡しする反応の取れるテキストを貼り付けて頂けると投稿できます。 ご自宅で空いた時間にお仕事をしていただけます。 時間、場所は問いませんが 夜時間の取れる方は大歓迎です。 ■採用条件 ・素直な方 ・インターネットでできる仕事をお探しの方 ・継続的に取り組める方 ■必要なもの ・スマホ 又は PC ・素直さ 少しでも気になった方はお気軽にご応募ください。それから考えていただいても構いません。 お待ちしております。
私のビジネスを手伝ってください >>詳細 ・簡単なコピペ作業、 ・お好きな時間に作業OK (時間帯は融通効きます) ・現在のお仕事の有無は不問。副業、Wワーク歓迎です。 ・育児中、通院中、その他様々なご事情があそっても大丈夫です ・PCがなくても可能です。特別なスキルもいりません。 ・スマホ、タブレット等が普通に操作できる方。 ・しっかりとサポートしますので、だれでも簡単に作業出来ます。 >>応募要件 ・19歳以上の方(学生可) ・内部情報を漏洩させない方(冷やかしでの応募はお断りします) ・パソコンやスマホをお持ちでLINEの使える方 経済的、時間的自由がほしい方にはぴったりの案件です。 インターネットビジネスを初めてやる方でも問題ありません。 簡単に稼げるなんて怪しいと思っている方こそ試していただきたいです。 スキル、経験は問いませんがやる気のある方、マメに連絡つく方の応募をお待ちしております(作業自体は単純ですが根気はいるため) 皆様のご応募お待ちしております。 _____
House Cleaning Job 2500JPY~8000JPY. 都内で池袋エリア、新宿エリア、上野エリア、銀座エリアにたくさんの物件持っています。 お部屋の清掃をお願いします。 11時〜夜の間でお願いします。 許可物件ですので、安心して出入りして頂けます。 収入が部屋の広さによります。 一軒家なら最大8000円になります、慣れてくるとお得です! 今回に限らず、継続して頂ける方が居ましたら、今後時々お願い出来ると嬉しいです。 また、今回だけでも構いません。 依頼を受けて頂ける方が居ましたら、マニュアルを送ります。 よろしくお願い致します。❤️
私のビジネスを手伝ってください 大成して自己実現したい新規事業のコアメンバーを募集致します。 既にある程度の成功を手にしたが、時間的拘束に悩んでいれば一度ご相談ください。 システムを拡散していただくシンプルな仕事です。 メッセージいただければ詳細の事業動画をお渡しします。 長期目線を念頭に取り組んでいただくことで、半年~一年後には爆発的に収益が見込めます。 【依頼詳細】 チームでシステムを拡散していくお仕事になります。 世界展開しており、すでに売り上げの立っている事業を日本や世界に向けて発信するお仕事になります。 ※今の参入は強烈なビジネスメリットが見込まれます。 経験者でしたらスピード感を持って取り組まれることで、すぐにコストも回収可能ですし、私の実績でも初月10万以上の報酬を獲得しています。 誰でも出来るよう高度にシステム化したシンプルな作業で現在稼働率も驚異的な数字を記録しています。 チーム全体の評価なので一人が頑張り続ける必要がありません。 ※仕組上、ノウハウやサポートの提供は無償提供致します。 ++++++++++++++++++++++ インターネット環境: PC、スマホ、タブレット等、いずれか一つでも可 PC、スマホ知識: 不問だが、経験者はスピード感を持って取り組めます 就業時間: 自由 就業場所: 自由、国内・海外と場所を問いません 予定収入: 歩合ですが、チームを総合的に評価する制度です 誰でも実践出来るよう高度にシステム化しているため、驚異的な稼働率を誇っています。初心者でもシンプルで実績の出せる仕組みが貴方にも強力なメリットです。 副業、専業と仕事としてのスタイルは問いませんがしっかり収益を上げたいならメリットが大きいビジネス。 【重要視する点・経験】 ■ やる気や行動力がないと出来ませ...
大成して自己実現したい新規事業のコアメンバーを募集致します。 既にある程度の成功を手にしたが、時間的拘束に悩んでいれば一度ご相談ください。 システムを拡散していただくシンプルな仕事です。 メッセージいただければ詳細の事業動画をお渡しします。 長期目線を念頭に取り組んでいただくことで、半年~一年後には爆発的に収益が見込めます。 【依頼詳細】 チームでシステムを拡散していくお仕事になります。 世界展開しており、すでに売り上げの立っている事業を日本や世界に向けて発信するお仕事になります。 ※今の参入は強烈なビジネスメリットが見込まれます。 経験者でしたらスピード感を持って取り組まれることで、すぐにコストも回収可能ですし、私の実績でも初月10万以上の報酬を獲得しています。 誰でも出来るよう高度にシステム化したシンプルな作業で現在稼働率も驚異的な数字を記録しています。 チーム全体の評価なので一人が頑張り続ける必要がありません。 ※仕組上、ノウハウやサポートの提供は無償提供致します。 ++++++++++++++++++++++ インターネット環境: PC、スマホ、タブレット等、いずれか一つでも可 PC、スマホ知識: 不問だが、経験者はスピード感を持って取り組めます 就業時間: 自由 就業場所: 自由、国内・海外と場所を問いません 予定収入: 歩合ですが、チームを総合的に評価する制度です 誰でも実践出来るよう高度にシステム化しているため、驚異的な稼働率を誇っています。初心者でもシンプルで実績の出せる仕組みが貴方にも強力なメリットです。 副業、専業と仕事としてのスタイルは問いませんがしっかり収益を上げたいならメリットが大きいビジネス。 【重要視する点・経験】 ■ やる気や行動力がないと出来ません ■ インターネット環境が必...
Voice over a business video in Japanese, Need to do some corrections first and then voice over it Better be a Japanese person あるビジネスビデオの音声を吹き替えする仕事です 中国語から通訳したから、その内容をまず正しくして、そして吹き替えするのでお願いします。 日本人の方はお優先ね
-------------------------------- English Description -------------------------------- We are a grocery wholesale company and would like to build an e-commerce website based on Magento. We need a professional Magento team for building, design and maintenance. It will be great if you have experiences in what we need as following: 1. Magento Website setup & plan 2. Payment Model Install (PayPal, Credit Card...etc) 3. Front-End Template Design 4. Login Model (Facebook, Google...etc) 5. Language: Traditional Chinese 6. Maintenance Notice: 1. Please provide your related works. 2. Please provide your team information. 3. Please provide your detail quotation. Contact us Skype : jpyco168 Line : -------------------------------- 中文說明 --------------------------...
インターネット関連技術屋のための名刺のデザインをお願いします。 シンプルで思慮に富んだデザイン希望です。 成果物はイラストレータ形式のファイルでお願いします。 A business card design for IT company. Simple but thoughtful design is preferred. I need your help by the illustrator file format. thanks.
I need a professional business proposal writer who can help me craft a compelling proposal to present to potential investors. My startup is focused on the refining and distribution sector within the oil and gas industry. Key Aspects: - Understanding of the oil and gas industry is crucial, particularly in refining and distribution - Ability to highlight the potential for growth and profitability in this sector - Experience in writing startup business proposals Ideal Skills: - Strong business acumen - Excellent writing and communication skills - Previous experience in the oil and gas sector - Proven track record of successful business proposals Your proposal should convince investors of the viability of my startup and its potential for significant returns in a...
I'm seeking a professional who can breathe new life into my website with a classic and elegant UI/UX design. The project involves a full website refresh on a new hosting platform, with a focus on creating multiple design options for me to consider. Key Responsibilities: - Initial setup of the website on a new hosting platform - Designing several classic and elegant UI/UX options for me to choose from - Creating one to three templates for me to use in developing my web pages, based on the selected UI/UX design The website will be built on WordPress, utilizing either a free or a lifetime paid theme. The primary content of the site will be a description of our services and an overview of our company skill sets, so experience in designing service-oriented websites is a plus. Y...
... credit card services, payment solutions, digital lending, neobanks, insurance, cryptocurrency, or any regulated entity requiring compliant KYC/AML solutions. Decision Makers & Roles: Heads of Compliance / Compliance Officers Chief Risk Officers / Risk Management Directors KYC/AML Directors Fraud Prevention Managers Chief Technology Officers / Product Managers (compliance or fraud mitigation) Business Development Executives responsible for risk or compliance SCOPE OF WORK: LEAD SOURCING & RESEARCH Identify & Qualify Prospects: Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator, professional forums, fintech communities, Slack/Discord channels, and other databases to compile a list of 50–100 qualified leads weekly. Validate Fit: Ensure each lead’s organization has or could hav...
...features, customizing WooCommerce for specific order needs, online payment integration, SEO optimization, hosting setup, and ensuring responsive design. The website needs to be multilingual with English, French, and Arabic. The existing translation issues primarily stem from incomplete translations added manually using PHP and JavaScript. Specific tasks include: Fixing incomplete translations across the site. Customizing WooCommerce forms for pickup and delivery orders. Setting up and enabling secure online payments. Optimizing the site for SEO. Ensuring the site is fully responsive across all devices. Migrating the site from localhost to a live server, including hosting setup and domain configuration. The ideal candidate would have: Extensive experience with WordPress...
I need a professional to install a Laravel web platform on my Nginx server. The job involves a complete configuration of the Nginx server, ensuring it is well-tailored to support the Laravel platform. The platform must be compatible with...Laravel platform. The platform must be compatible with MySQL as the designated database. Skills and Experience: - Strong understanding of Laravel framework - Extensive experience with Nginx server configuration - Proficient in MySQL database management - Previous experience with web platform installation SSL: - Please note, I already have SSL configured, so there's no need for SSL certification setup Your bid will be considered if you can demonstrate relevant experience and provide a timeline for project completion. Looking forward to wo...
I am seeking a person to 1. do gsuite email to helpscout email forwarding 2. setup dkim and spf records, for helpscout to send emails on behalf of my domain Mandatory Requirements: - 5 to 40 reviews with a rating of 4.0 stars or higher (Very Important) - Person who have done this should only apply, as I will test you. - Available immediately and ready to start Work Details: - Compensation: $30 I am a 5-star rated client from previous freelancers, you will have a positive working experience with me. In your proposal, please share details about exact same project you have done in the past.
I'm seeking expert guidance on becoming a Meta Business Partner to access the WhatsApp API. Key Areas of Support Needed: - Application Process: I require assistance navigating the application to ensure it's completed correctly and efficiently. - Eligibility Criteria: I need help understanding the eligibility criteria to determine my qualification for the partnership. Your proposal should include: - Timeline: An estimated time for each phase of the process. - Pricing: A detailed breakdown of your fees. Your expertise in this domain is crucial for a successful partnership setup.
We are looking for an experienced developer or a small team to create a QR code-based system to manage the use of company vehicles. The system should allow employees to log in and out of vehicles by scanning a QR code, with data displayed in real-time on a central dashboard.
I'm in need of a professional who can set up an Always On VPN on my Windows PCs. The desired protocol for this setup is IKEv2. Additionally, this VPN needs to be integrated with my existing Active Directory. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Extensive knowledge and experience with VPN setup and protocols - Proficiency in working with Windows PCs - Prior experience with integrating VPNs with Active Directory - Strong understanding of network security protocols - Excellent troubleshooting skills -Knowledge of Hyper-V Virtualization server
I'm looking for a professional web developer and designer to revamp my website with a modern and sleek design. The primary goal of this redesign is to improve the visual aesthetics and overall design of the site. Key Requirements: - Transform the existing website into a modern and sleek style - Incorporate high-quality images into the design - Ensure the design is visually pleasing and user-friendly - Enhance the overall design without compromising the functionality of the site - Create Instagram and Facebook accounts for the website Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web design and development - Strong portfolio of modern and sleek website designs - Expertise in social media account creation and management - Ability to source and incorporate high-qual...
I need a professional to help me set up a new Google Analytics account for my online English school. The ideal candidate should have significant experience with Google Analytics, particularly in the context of setting up accounts for e-commerce sites. Key Responsibilities: - Create a new Google Analytics account specifically tailored for tracking an online English school. - Ensure the account is optimized for tracking essential e-commerce metrics. Key Metrics to Track: - Sales and revenue: Understanding how our courses are selling and generating income is crucial. - Customer behavior: We need insights into how our students are interacting with the site, what courses they're interested in, and where they may be dropping off. - Traffic sources: It's important to know where our v...
...related listings within the same neighborhood. Blogs should include links to articles on similar topics. Technical SEO: Implement schema markup for property pages, blog articles, and other sections of the site. Ensure all URLs are SEO-friendly and match the defined structure. Forms and Server Configuration: Adjust lead and contact forms to work seamlessly with the Houzez theme and current server setup. Test and troubleshoot any issues with form submission and integrations. Blogs and Categories: Organize blog posts into relevant categories, following SEO standards. Build internal links within blogs to improve navigation and engagement. Plugin Optimization: Configure and optimize the following plugins already installed: Elementor Pro Yoast SEO Pro Smush Pro Hummingbird Pro Requ...
I'm looking for a clean and minimalistic e-commerce photoshoot for my air coolers and home appliances. We have around 40 SKUs that need to be photographed. Given the large size of the products, the ideal photographer will need to bring their setup to our location in Kundli, Haryana (Delhi border). Key requirements include: - Expertise in clean and minimalistic photography - Experience in product photography for e-commerce - Ability to provide advanced post-processing (retouching, background removal) - Flexible in discussing props and backdrops - Willing to transport equipment to our location Please note that the products are large, so the ability to work with sizable items is a plus. The selected freelancer will need to carry out advanced editing on the photos, so experience...
...2. Custom Assets and SOPs (Door Hangers, Mailers, Checklists). 3. Team Training and Accountability Measures. 4. Ongoing Support and Strategic Consulting. - Visual: Flowchart showing the steps. --- ### Slide 5: **The Process** - Title: "How We Work Together" - Points: 1. Develop a Custom Plan Aligned with Your Sales & Production. 2. Create Plug-and-Play Assets (Direct Mail, GHL/Proline Setup, etc.). 3. Train Your Team on Execution and Accountability. 4. Provide Continuous Support for Growth. - Visual: Timeline or process image. --- ### Slide 6: **Results You Can Expect** - Title: "From 1 Job to a Pipeline of Opportunities" - Points: - Case Study Example: [Insert Trueworks Testimonial] - Data: "Clients see a 3x ROI on neighborhood ma...
Project Description: Website Management, SEO, and Instagram Marketing for Artificial Jewelry Business We are seeking an experienced freelancer to manage our online presence and drive growth for our "artificial jewelry business". The ideal candidate should have a proven track record of handling similar projects and a deep understanding of the artificial jewelry industry. **Responsibilities:** 1. **Website Management**: - Regular updates and optimization of the website for a seamless user experience. - Monitoring website performance and fixing any issues to ensure smooth operation. 2. **Search Engine Optimization (SEO)**: - Conducting keyword research relevant to the artificial jewelry market. - Optimizing website content to rank higher in se...
NO EXTERNAL PAYMENT. NO CRYPTO PAYMENT. NO PLACEHOLDER BID. NO EXTERNAL MESSENGER APP. I need a freelancer with strong knowledge of Quasar and Vue 3 Composition API script setup. I require a component for a nested menu, using the Quasar qItem and qMenu components (see ). Sample data is in data.js. It is important to note that the levels may vary, so the component must be recursive to handle any number of levels in the data. Please check the file for how the recursive menu component should be invoked. Requirements: 1. The component must be recursive. 2. Avoid using provide or inject. 3. Submenu opening should be triggered by both click and mouseover. 4. I need control over the behavior of closing all menus when the mouse leaves them. There should be a variable
I'm looking for assistance in setting up a manual transfer system for my paycheck from the USA to India via PayPal. The goal is to facilitate seamless, timely transfers that can support my needs. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient understanding and experience with PayPal - Knowledge of international money transfer regulations and procedures - Experience in setting up manual transfer systems - Excellent communication skills for updates and clarifications. Please note, this project does not require automation, but a keen attention to detail and reliability is essential. I am open to discussing strategies for optimizing the transfer process.
I'm planning a spectacular masquerade-themed birthday party and need professional event decorations to bring the theme to life. Key Requirements: - Expertise in event decoration, specifically for birthday parties. - Previous experience with mas...spectacular masquerade-themed birthday party and need professional event decorations to bring the theme to life. Key Requirements: - Expertise in event decoration, specifically for birthday parties. - Previous experience with masquerade-themed events is a plus. - Ability to source and set up appropriate decorations. - Excellent attention to detail to ensure a cohesive and visually pleasing setup. Your role will be to transform the event space into a captivating masquerade setting that delights and surprises the guests....
I'm struggling with setting up my development tools for learning smart contracts on the Ethereum network. I need a professional who can help me fix my test environment.
Need some consulting on the best method to get the raw schema from dynamics business central cloud in either json, SQL DDL or some other format so that it can be visualized in a database modelling software. Looking to get: table name, field id, field name, field type, primary keys, foreign keys and relate table names. Through VS code you can download all the symbol .al files where each file contain the complete raw schema of each table but I have only been able to use parsing in python to get this information and its very error prone. There is also the 3rd part site but I'm looking for full control of the output to put into stand alone data modeler. There's also some vs code plugins like AZ AL Dev Tools but there is no export options. Just looking for advice on...
I'm looking for an expert who can develop a Flowise chatbot integrated with ChatGPT and Wolfram|Alpha. The primary aim of this chatbot is to streamline various business processes. Integration with Pinecone is required. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in chatbot development, specifically with Flowise - Extensive knowledge of ChatGPT and Wolfram|Alpha - Previous experience in improving business processes via technology - Understanding of general business operations - Excellent problem-solving skills
... - Automated email notifications for reminders and matchmaking results. 4. **User Experience:** - Intuitive and clean UI/UX design. - Mobile-friendly interface for both participants and administrators. **Deliverables:** - Fully functional and tested website ready for deployment. - Documentation for the system (user guide and technical documentation). - Support for initial setup and troubleshooting after delivery. **Preferred Freelancer Skills:** - Proven experience in full-stack web development. - Expertise in video chat integration (e.g., WebRTC, Twilio, or similar). - Knowledge of secure coding practices and GDPR compliance. - Strong understanding of time zone handling and scheduling systems. - Ability to deliver within the agreed timeline and...
I'm looking for someone with strong reading skills and editing experience to help improve a business document. The main focus will be on the grammar and spelling in the introduction and conclusion sections. The modifications are required only in segregated parts through medium sized wordplay formatting. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Strong reading and comprehension skills - Extensive editing experience, particularly with business documents - Excellent grasp of grammar and spelling - Proficiency in word processing software - Ability to follow specific instructions and focus on designated sections Your task will be to ensure the document is polished and professional, ready for its intended audience.
I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to create a unique and eye-catching design for my business cards. - Design Requirements: The business card should reflect a professional and creative image. It should be suitable for a wide range of business contexts while also standing out in a stack of cards. - Branding: I currently do not have existing branding guidelines. Therefore, I'm open to innovative design suggestions that could potentially shape my brand identity. Your expertise in creating a cohesive and appealing design will be crucial.
I'm looking for a talented screenwriter who can craft a compelling action movie script set in a modern day city. The central theme revolves around revenge. Key Requirements: - Expertise in screenwriting, particularly within the action genre. - Ability to create engaging, believable characters and high-stakes scenarios. - Experience with stories centered on the theme of revenge. Ideal Skills: - Strong grasp of screenplay structure and pacing. - Creative thinking and storytelling skills. - Excellent command of English, both in dialogue and narrative.
I need an experienced professional who can assist me with configuring my Office 365 email settings. NOTE: We have Office 365, and our domain is in Godaddy; the website is hosted on Hawkhost. Our emails have not come through since putting the website on Hawkhost. Ideal Skills: - Proficient with Office 365 - Experience with email setup and management - Knowledgeable in configuring email settings
I'm looking for a WHMCS expert to assist in the development of a custom module. This module will primarily focus on automated provisioning for web hosting and cloud services. Key Responsib...module. This module will primarily focus on automated provisioning for web hosting and cloud services. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a custom WHMCS module to facilitate automated provisioning. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with WHMCS, particularly in custom module development - Strong understanding of web hosting and cloud services - Proficient in system configuration and setup - Excellent problem-solving skills, able to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues efficiently The successful freelancer will help streamline our operations, ultimately enhancing our se...
Most of this store has been set up already but not tweaked to finalization and connecting all the dots... I'm looking to set up a Shopify-based print-on-demand store that specializes in personalized clothing and accessories. The store should allow customers to customize products with text, images, and graphics. The attached picture I was wondering if it could be an option as well? (Just curious) Key aspects of the project include: - Setting up a Shopify store tailored for print-on-demand - Integrating personalization features for clothing and accessories - Enabling customization options using text, images, and graphics Ideal skills for this project: - Proficiency in Shopify and print-on-demand services - Experience in e-commerce and product customization - Knowledge of creating and ...
...workbook over to the JavaScript necessary to emulate the same features and functionality. Each sheet in the Excel file that is relevant to the project has it's own tabbed view in the apps UI. Core Functionality: - The web application should be capable of emulating the existing calculations and field references in the Excel workbook. - It should be able to generate summary reports - really already setup. - The application must allow for comparison of different refinance options. - The web app should simply recreate the exact same experience as the Excel tool. User Access: - The web application is intended for open access, meaning no user authentication or login is necessary. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Custom HTML/CSS/JavaScript AND Microsoft Excel. - Experience in deve...
I'm seeking a professional web developer to create a temporary placeholder for business website. The placeholder should be a corporate-styled page that includes: - My company name and logo - Contact information - A 'Coming Soon' message The ideal candidate will have a strong background in web development, with experience in creating corporate-style web pages. Prior experience with setting up 'Coming Soon' pages will be a plus. Please provide examples of your work in your proposal. with fluffy white clouds and birds flying, evoking a cheerful, sunny day. Art Style: The illustration features smooth lines, vibrant colors, and soft shading, giving the characters and setting a lively, three-dimensional appearance. The overall style is suitable for children's books or animated content. Mood and Theme: The image captures a sense of friendship, adventure, and whimsy, themes central to the story of Karlson and the Kid. The rooftop setting emphasizes Karlson's unique ability to fly and his unconventional living arrangement. Potential Uses: Children's Books: Ideal as a book cover or promotional material for stories involving "The Kid and Karlson." Educational Content: Suitable for materials teaching creativity, imagination, or storytel...
I'm looking for a skilled professional to implement a high availability (HA) setup for my open-source Jenkins deployment on AWS. The HA configuration should encompass both the Jenkins master and all of my Jenkins agents. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Jenkins and AWS - Proven track record of implementing high availability systems - Knowledge of both Jenkins master and agent configurations
I'm seeking a professional to set up a mixed PvP/PvE, cross-platform, custom hunts Tibia server from scratch. The server should include: - Various custom hunts - Premium account features - Mounts - All relevant game details The ideal freelancer should have extensive experience with setting up online game servers, particularly Tibia, and a deep understanding of both PvP and PvE elements. The project offers a potential for a mutually beneficial long-term agreement based on the quality of work and expertise demonstrated.
...Audio Samples • Focus on Quality Content: Create short, engaging video clips showcasing your products in use. For example, post product demos, “how-to” tutorials, or unique ways to incorporate your equipment into music production workflows. • Visual & Audio Appeal: Ensure the videos are shot in high-definition and have clear, high-quality audio samples. Use music production software or a live setup to highlight the versatility and quality of your gear. • Music Production Workflow: Showcase how your products fit into different production styles, from beginner to advanced, while also offering tips that target your audience’s skill level. 2. Create Informative/Funny Content Around Music Production Techniques • Educational Content: Sha...
I'm launching a small venture and am in need of a clean, minimalistic logo that creatively combines both the brand name and a symbol. The design should reflect a sense of trust and reliability, using bright, friendly colors with a preference for blue and green. Requirements: - Incorporate the brand name: [Your Brand Name]. - Utilize a minimalistic style. - Design a combination of both text and a symbol. - Convey a sense of trust and reliability through the design. - Deliver the final logo in both JPG and PNG formats. Details: - Deadline: Within 5 days. - Budget: ₹2,000–₹3,000. This is a simple yet creative project, perfect for beginner designers looking to build their portfolio. If you're interested, please share some of your previous work or your ideas!
...external part of the tubes where pH varies from <5 to >6.5 and it reproduce the infertility of sperm journey failures due to organic or functional abnormalities I would like to have schematic simple images and videos Please use a minimalistic and schematic style for the figures and videos. Final video files should be in MP4 format. The backgrounds should be simple and not distract from the central elements. Please use grayscale colors. Include textual information in the videos for better presentation. Please include brief annotations or labels on the figures and videos for clarity. Narration should be done with text overlay. Ensure that all figures and videos are provided in high resolution for clear visibility because the final destination is a scientific journal. Plea...
Website Setup and install Backup and make website up and live