Brochure content writing services in hyderabad仕事


    2,000 brochure content writing services in hyderabad 見つかった仕事

    Toefl iBT の writing 問題 (Integrated 及び Independent 両方) において高得点獲得確実ななスキルの伝授。条件は ・テンプレート必須(必要な種類を全て揃える、文・表現方法・単語など全て) ・当方では、スキルに従い2、3回しか練習しない(それ以上の努力は全くしない) ・自身で満点またはそれに準ずる点をとった実績必要 ・結果的に当方が22点未満であれば半額以上返金

    $1000 Average bid
    $1000 平均入札額
    1 入札

    Hello, こんにちは。 こんにちは、ウィリアムと言います。初めまして 最近は電動一輪車をオンラインで販売するためのSHOPIFYウエブサイトを作ってもらって日本語に翻訳してSEOもやってもらいたいのだからMahanacorpに連絡を取ろうと思いました。 必要なのは: ーウエブサイトは今の状態で英語で書いてあるのでまずはその英語から日本語の翻訳がしてほしい。翻訳はただの直接翻訳ではなくて、日本文化を含めて正しいキャッチフレーズを考えてほしい。 ーそうしたら日本グーグルとヤフージャパンでいいランクになるように正しいキーワードとかインプルーブSEOもやってほしいのです。 ウエブサイトは: ウエブサイトをアックスするのパスワードは:miraigaijin 製品は電動一輪車です。Miraiwheelのフェースブックとインスタグラムも確認したらブランドのイメージもわかりやすくなるかもしれないです。 フェースブック: インスタグラム:

    $390 Average bid
    $390 平均入札額
    18 入札

    , steady and deep voice about 700-1000 Japanese words, the final script is still being writing record a demo below: 政治制度を改革し、ベルトや道路のイニシアティブとインターネットの発展の新しい時代には3つの主要な座標系を構成している。 第19回cpc国民会議は、人々の生活に集中し、心の人々に貢献することを目的としたもので、人類の将来についての共有によるコミュニティを作成し、その値として。 議長xi業界とインターネットの統合されるインターネット・プラスを再定義し、大きな重要性の大きいデータ産業に付随して、インターネット産業のための方向をハイライトし、新しい時代へのトレーサビリティの産業。

    $203 Average bid
    $203 平均入札額
    5 入札

    ...戦国ものシミュレーションゲームを運営しているのですが、ユーザーから多数、クラッシュ後にデータが消えてしまい、最初のチュートリアルからとなっていまったとのメールを受け取っています。(殆どがAndroidユーザーからの報告です) 機種やOSに傾向は見受けられません。 ゲーム内容: ■データ保存方法 データ保存にはPlayerPrefsを拡張したプラグイン、「」を使用しています。 PlayerPrefsのSave()同等のFlush()メソッドは都度実施しているため、ファイル書き込みはされています。 再現も難しく、解決するのに時間がかかっており、有識者に確認していただきたいと思っており、今回依頼をさせていただきました。 宜しくお願いいたします。

    $352 Average bid
    $352 平均入札額
    6 入札

    (English follows Japanese) 私(外国人)が添付されているメールニュースを作成しました。日本人のネーティブチェックしていただきたい。内容と文法はおかしくないかどうか。ワードの修正機能を使用して納品していただきたい。よろしくご検討ください。 I am not Japanese but I wrote the attached Japanese-language email newsletter. I am looking for a NATIVE Japanese person to check the content and grammar are written correctly. I am not seeking a bilingual non-native speaker of the language. Checking should be done using the correction function of Microsoft Word, and showing the corrections so I can see where the changes have been made.

    $25 Average bid
    $25 平均入札額
    3 入札

    I am looking for a freelancer with great Enslish writing skill to introduce originally created 「New English Pronuncation Symbols」to the world. English native prefered. The prospective ariticle will be on my HP with your name (nickname can be accepted).

    $54 Average bid
    $54 平均入札額
    1 入札

    海外からの旅行者に向けた日本の観光紹介記事を、英語で書いて頂ける方を募集します。英語のライティングがネイティブレベルであること、英語でのSEO対策も行えることが必要となります。多くのコンテンツを必要としているため、1記事だけではなく継続して複数記事を書いて頂ける方にお願いしたいと考えております。宜しくお願い足します。(*お仕事を依頼させて頂く前に一度記事サンプルを頂き、確認後にご依頼させて頂きます。) We need who can write articles on Japan in English for tourists from foreign countries. Native English skill (especially writing) and SEO skill are essentials. We would like to offer who can continue to create contents for a long period. And before working, you have to submit a sample article for checking your skill.

    $20 - $170
    $20 - $170
    0 入札

    2 writing》》》》》》》》》》2 writing》》》》》》》》》》

    $32 Average bid
    $32 平均入札額
    9 入札

    ...technical and patent translations from many languages to English, including Japanese. We already have some clients in Japan, but we want to expand our business there, so we are searching for candidates that can come to be interviewed to our branch office in Japan (Tokyo). We need a salesperson / account manager in Japan; the candidate will be required to: - Actively make sales calls to Japanese companies to sell translation services, and so develop new customers (no need for doing translations). - Contact and visit customers - keep a permanent, live relationship with the customers. - Manage the existing customer accounts and manage sales records. - Participate in trade shows and conferences. - Submit regular reports about his/her activity....

    $15 Average bid
    $15 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I need to make a company profile brochure , power point design for special reports and stationary design for a tax consulting firm

    $163 Average bid
    $163 平均入札額
    15 入札

    ■冊子 ■初稿5日以内 ■入稿までにトータル8日以内 ■フルカラー 4c/4c ■ページ数40~50p ■日本人 フォトショップ、イラストレーター、インデザインのいずれか で作成可能な方。 ■値段 4万円 毎月定期的にお仕事をお願いするので、 継続的にお付き合いできる方を募集致します。

    $339 Average bid
    $339 平均入札額
    2 入札
    $104 平均入札額
    4 入札

    ...Social Media Service Company ( MIRAISHONEN, Inc.() ) providing multiple services, seeking for Business Planning Researchers(Analysts) . Here is the introduction of our company. Corporate Summary PV: Corporate Brochure: WEB: This is the job to research on our new business models prior to their launch in regards to market trends and competitons with strong analysis especially based on data and numbers. -Job Descrption *Creating reports with PowerPoint and Word about the services and companies we specify. *The quality of the reports must be professional business presentation

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 入札
    Content Writing
    終了 left

    I would like a native Japanese to write 10 articles explaining English grammar in Japanese. The articles will be used as blog content. An example of an article would be "The difference between "will" and "be going to". 母国語が日本語の方に、日本語で英語の文法説明文を10通り書いていただきたいです。記事はブログに使われます。例えば「willとbe going toの違い」など英文法をわかりやすく日本語で説明した記事を書いて下さい。

    $105 Average bid
    $105 平均入札額
    5 入札

    ...す。 現在好評につき受注が多く、ライター様の手が足りない状況でございます。 金額は1文字0.3〜3円と幅広く扱っており、 ライター様のレベルに合わせてお仕事を振り分けさせて頂きます。 後々にライター様の仕事の速度、レベル、信頼、に伴い高額案件をお任せしたいと思っております。 今回、是非ともご応募いただければと思いご連絡差し上げました。 【記事内容】 地域の生活情報などをリサーチしていただき、600文字〜800文字程度で執筆していただきます。 不動産記事になりますので、読みやすくて、その地域に住みたい!と思うような文章を作成してください。 金額300〜600円 1記事 本数10〜30本 一週間 (それ以下でも大丈夫です。ご相談下さい) 一ヶ月36000〜72000円 応募されたい方は以下のテンプレートを御記入の上、t1.writing@迄 メールをお願い致します。 【お名前】 【住所】※最後まで必ずご記入ください 【性別】 【年齢】 【メールアドレス】 【得意ジャンル】 【月のペース(文字数)】 【電話番号】※確認の為こちらから掛ける場合があります 【過去に執筆した】 【簡単な自己紹介】 以下の人は募集をお控えください。 〇自己判断で記事を作成する方。 〇仕事に責任感の無い人。 〇納期の守れない人 〇18歳未満の方 〇著作権の放棄ができない方 〇委託契約書の結べない方。 〇連絡の取れない方。 〇コピペを多用する方。 〇オリジナル文章が書けない方。 〇高額の案件だけを求める方。 (キャリアのある方でも、高額案件を最初にお任せする事はありません。 高額案件は実力が無くても、信頼のある方へお任せしております。) ※【特に記事の履行...

    $175 Average bid
    $175 平均入札額
    1 入札

    Services  Professional Photos, Images, Pictures editing  Data Entry & Data Processing  Logo Designing & T-shirt Designing  Any work with Ms. WORD, Ms. Excel, Ms. PowerPoint  Architecture  HTML, CSS, PHP  FB Cover Photo, Banner Designing

    $24 Average bid
    $24 平均入札額
    8 入札

    ...でコミュニケーションができる方。コンテンツの制作、リンク構築、キーワード調査ができ、日本のインターネット業界に精通していること。 条件・予算:1ヵ月約3,000~5,000 豪ドル (経験により応相談)。6ヶ月の試用期間がありますが、長くお仕事をしてくださる方を募集しています。 Quality Off-Page SEO Ad: We are looking for an SEO professional that can help us build the authority of our travel website in Japan. Someone that can help us build diverse and high quality links from relevant Japanese websites pointing to different pages of our site. Skills required: Native Japanese speaker, good English, Content writing, Link building, Keyword research, In depth knowledge of the Japanese Internet landscape. Conditions and Approximate budget: $3000 - $5000 AUD on a monthly basis (negotiable depending on experience and proposal). Although we would start with a 6 months trial period. We are l...

    $2599 Average bid
    $2599 平均入札額
    7 入札

    I reports. The platform will also require integrations with certain third-party services, specifically: - Credit Bureaus: The system should interact with credit bureaus for real-time credit report access and updates. - Payment Gateways: As this will be a paid service, a reliable and secure payment gateway integration is essential for processing user payments. User access levels should be split into: - Admin and User Roles: The platform should have an admin role with all access rights, and a standard user role with limited access. Ideal skills for this project include PHP, MySQL, and experience with developing credit repair services or similar platforms. Familiarity with integrating third-party services, especially credit bureaus and payment gateways...

    $111 Average bid
    $111 平均入札額
    70 入札

    ...Media Content Editor (TikTok & Instagram) Job Description: I am looking for a skilled and dedicated Social Media Content Editor to help build and grow my brand on TikTok and Instagram. This person will be responsible for editing, posting, and repurposing content 3-4 times per week on both platforms. The content will primarily be focused on educating and engaging my audience about Amazon FBA, eCommerce, and my coaching services. Responsibilities: Edit and repurpose videos from existing content for TikTok and Instagram (Reels, Stories, Posts). Ensure content aligns with my brand voice and resonates with the target audience. Schedule and post content 3-4 times a week on both platforms. Engage with followers and respond to comm...

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr 平均入札額
    21 入札

    I'm looking for an expert in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build a landing page dedicated to selling my financial services. Key Features: - The primary goal of this landing page is direct sales. - Include Call-to-action buttons strategically throughout the page to prompt immediate purchases. - Customer testimonials are crucial to build trust and credibility. These will need to be presented in an appealing and effective manner. - Comprehensive Product/Service descriptions are necessary to inform potential clients about what I'm offering. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is a must. - Proven experience in creating high-converting landing pages is highly desirable. - Skills in designing appealing la...

    $23 Average bid
    $23 平均入札額
    52 入札

    ...developer or team to create a feature-rich web app for book writing, editing, and generation. This app will use Mistral AI 7B (hosted on our cloud) to handle content generation and editing tasks. The web app must include advanced options for book creation, grammar checking, copyright checking, and export functionalities. Below are the detailed requirements: Core Features: 1. Book Creation Options: Users can customize their book with the following options: Trim Size: Select the book’s trim size. Page Setup: Bleed or non-bleed pages. Format: Choose between PDF (Print), PDF (Standard), and Word. Category: Define the book category/genre. Author Name: Input the author’s name. Chapters and Text Content: Add chapters and write content directly. Text St...

    $1346 Average bid
    $1346 平均入札額
    3 入札 build a transportation services website. The primary function of this site is to facilitate a bidding system where clients can post job requests and transporters can place bids. Key Features and Responsibilities: - Job Request System: Clients should be able to easily post job requests. - Bidding System: Transporters should have a user-friendly interface to place bids on posted jobs. - Service Information: The site needs to prominently display service options, transporter profiles, etc. - User Roles: The website will have three main user roles - Client, Transporter, and Administrator. Each role should have a tailored interface and access to specific features. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in web development with a strong portfolio. - Experience in cr...

    $487 Average bid
    $487 平均入札額
    193 入札

    I'm looking for an expert in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build a landing page dedicated to selling my financial services. Key Features: - The primary goal of this landing page is direct sales. Thus, it must be optimized for conversion. - Include Call-to-action buttons strategically throughout the page to prompt immediate purchases. - Customer testimonials are crucial to build trust and credibility. These will need to be presented in an appealing and effective manner. - Comprehensive Product/Service descriptions are necessary to inform potential clients about what I'm offering. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is a must. - Proven experience in creating high-converting landing pages is highly desirable...

    $20 Average bid
    $20 平均入札額
    90 入札

    "We need the logo and favicon for a new brand that will specialize in providing consulting services for the importation of goods to Colombia. The brand's name is 'Impoasesorías'." When you finish we need ai files

    $25 Average bid
    $25 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ...exceptional service, and include photographs as visuals. Key Areas of Focus: - Exceptional Service: The plan should emphasize our dedication to providing unparalleled service, which is a core aspect of our business model. - Visuals: The plan should incorporate photographs in an engaging manner. - Financial Projections: This is a key area of emphasis. The writer should be able to present our financial projections in a clear and compelling way. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in business plan writing, particularly for the restaurant industry. - Ability to create compelling narratives and visuals. - Strong understanding of financial projections. - Excellent communication and presentation skills. This business plan will be used to attract ...

    $357 Average bid
    $357 平均入札額
    30 入札

    I am in need of professional translation services for legal documents from English to Arabic. The original documents are in PDF format. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Arabic and English - Experienced in translating legal documents - Skilled in working with PDF files - Detail-oriented, ensuring accuracy and adherence to legal terminology - Able to maintain confidentiality and handle sensitive information with discretion. Please provide your previous experience with similar projects.

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr 平均入札額
    18 入札

    ...Limited editing of templates pending approval. • Preview: • Real-time simulation of the template layout. • Template Status: • Display approval status: Pending, Approved, or Rejected. 2. Automated Messaging (Using Templates) • Implement a system to send messages based on approved templates: • Dynamic Parameters: • Integrate CRM fields to personalize messages automatically. • Supported Content: • Text. • Multimedia (images, documents, audio, video). • Automated Campaigns: • Examples: Appointment confirmations, welcome messages, payment reminders. 3. Non-Templated Messaging • Enable manual messaging without templates: • Compose personalized messages directly from the CRM interface. • Attach m...

    $428 Average bid
    $428 平均入札額
    107 入札

    I'm seeking a professional translator to convert my website content into Spanish. The website is currently under development, so the translation needs to be completed in a timely manner to keep the project on schedule. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in English and Spanish, with a strong understanding of both languages' grammar, syntax, and cultural nuances. - Experience in translating website content. - Ability to work under tight deadlines. - Understanding of SEO and web content optimization in Spanish is a plus.

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr 平均入札額
    42 入札

    I'm seeking a professional CV writer to craft a compelling, bilingual (French & English) CV for senior-level positions in the technology industry. The CV should highlight my skills and experiences relevant to the tech sector, and be tailored for job applications. Key requirements: - Proven experience in CV writing, particularly for the technology sector - Bilingual proficiency in French and English - Understanding of senior-level tech job requirements - Ability to translate complex technical skills into appealing CV content - Familiarity with industry-specific jargon and trends

    $95 Average bid
    $95 平均入札額
    35 入札

    I am looking for a professional with expertise in footwear design, and proofreading and editing services, to assist me in my project. Key Responsibilities: - Design innovative and stylish footwear that aligns with current fashion trends. - Proofread and edit all design-related content to ensure clarity, precision, and professionalism. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in footwear design. - Strong background in proofreading and editing. - A keen understanding of current fashion trends. - Excellent communication and creative skills.

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr 平均入札額
    18 入札

    I'm seeking a dedicated personal assistant who can help me with a variety of tasks. - Primary Task: Taking Screenshots The bulk of your time will be ...seeking a dedicated personal assistant who can help me with a variety of tasks. - Primary Task: Taking Screenshots The bulk of your time will be spent taking screenshots. - Other Tasks: Voice Call Discussions, Content Writing You will also participate in voice call discussions with me and assist with some content writing. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in taking screenshots - Comfortable participating in voice calls - Content writing experience preferred - Excellent communication skills - Able to follow instructions meticulously Note: Specific types of cont...

    $40 / hr Average bid
    $40 / hr 平均入札額
    36 入札

    I'm seeking video content creator for YouTube channel, and website. Key Areas of Focus: - Primarily, I need 'how-to' videos that cover a wide range of topics, from Microsoft 365 and AI to iPhone tips and tricks. - Cyber security best practices will also be a significant part of the content. - Finally, I will need some client onboarding videos. Requirements: - The 'how-to' videos will need to be optimized for our YouTube channel. - A preferred style for these videos is live-action tutorials. - An understanding of cyber security and tech is highly desirable. Skills and Experience: - Proven video production and editing skills. - Experience creating live-action tutorial videos. - Familiarity with cyber security and tech-related content. - Kno...

    $25 - $50 / hr
    特集 シール NDA
    $25 - $50 / hr
    15 入札

    I'm looking for a skilled WordPress developer to create a minimalistic and clean business website for me. Key Features: -Convert an existing Website to WordPress platform - Contact Form: The site should have a functional contact form for customer inquiries. - S...WordPress developer to create a minimalistic and clean business website for me. Key Features: -Convert an existing Website to WordPress platform - Contact Form: The site should have a functional contact form for customer inquiries. - Service Showcase: A dedicated section to showcase our services is essential. - Online Payment & Scheduling Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress - Web development experience - Understanding of minimalistic and clean design principles Please include examples of previous...

    $25 / hr Average bid
    $25 / hr 平均入札額
    209 入札

    I need a professional writer with extensive experience in Wikipedia page creation to craft a comprehensive page for a non-profit organization. The page will need to detail: - The founding and mission of the organization - Our major achievements over the years - Key milestones and events that have shaped our journey Ideal candidates will have: - A proven track record of successful Wikipedia page creations - Excellent writing and research skills - A deep understanding of Wikipedia's content guidelines and standards Please provide examples of previous Wikipedia pages you have created.

    $139 Average bid
    $139 平均入札額
    43 入札

    I'm looking for a seasoned full stack developer adept in MERN, GraphQL, AWS Lambda, and AWS AppSync to build a feature-rich social networking application. Note 1 : this is for growth minded, long term focused, team oriented candidates. Note 2: Some of the people are misunderstanding that we are asking for free service. We are not asking for free services. Budget: The budget of this project is 2-3 million USD. For right fit candidates this is a great life changing opportunity. Build an application with MERN, Graphql, Typescrpt, aws lambda, aws appsync: Existing code base frontend Existing code base backend deployed code on aws both frontend and backend 0 you can see here

    $107952 Average bid
    $107952 平均入札額
    34 入札

    I require a visual overhaul of my exit sting software recruitment website, specifically the homepage and services page. The primary goal is to refresh the visual design to a more corporate and professional aesthetic. Ideal Skills: - Web Design - Graphic Design - UX/UI - HTML/CSS/JavaScript Proficiency Requirements: - Redesign the homepage and services page - Update the visual design to a corporate and professional style - Proposed completion within four days Need modification Need to be like this All are in wordpress so just need someone to work on. Please provide your proposal, including a timeline and your relevant experience.

    $74 Average bid
    $74 平均入札額
    89 入札

    I'm looking for a marketing assistant who specializes in social media management and email marketing, particularly on LinkedIn. -Email Marketing: Your primary responsibility will be emailing potential partners on LinkedIn. This requires excellent communication skills, a persuasive writing style, and the ability to identify and target suitable partners. -Social Media Management: I need someone who can effectively manage my LinkedIn profile, scheduling posts, engaging with my audience, and enhancing my online presence. The ideal candidate will have a solid understanding of LinkedIn's platform, proven experience in email marketing and social media management, and the ability to work independently and proactively.

    $357 Average bid
    $357 平均入札額
    39 入札

    "Social Media Marketing Campaign e.g., Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn), content creation, scheduling, and performance analysis. We are seeking an experienced Social Media Marketing specialist to develop and execute a comprehensive strategy aimed at enhancing our online presence and engagement across various platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Scope of Work: Strategy Development: Create a tailored social media marketing plan aligned with our business objectives. Content Creation: Design engaging posts, graphics, and videos to promote our products/services. Scheduling and Posting: Manage a consistent posting schedule to maintain audience engagement. Community Management: Monitor and respond to comments and messages to foster a positive c...

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr 平均入札額
    16 入札

    ...talented freelancer who can help with translating my content from English to French, and also manage my social media marketing on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. Key Responsibilities: - Translation Services: - Translate various content types including blog posts, website pages, and marketing materials from English to French. - Ensure translations are culturally relevant and accurate. - Social Media Marketing: - Develop and implement strategies to boost brand visibility and engagement. - Create and schedule platform-specific posts. - Monitor and assess performance metrics for campaign optimization. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in both English and French, with excellent translation skills. - Experienced in social ...

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr 平均入札額
    11 入札

    "I am a passionate translator capable of providing accurate and fluent translations in [languages you master]. Although I am still at the beginning of my career, I have a strong command of [mention your specific skills, e.g., grammar, vocabulary, etc.], and I always strive to deliver high-quality work. I am diligent, detail-oriented, and committed to meeting deadlines. I enjoy taking on diverse projects, from translating professional documents to more creative texts, depending on my clients' needs. I am dedicated to providing translations that respect the tone and context of the original text." --- If you are a beginner, here is a version adapted for you: "I am a beginner translator, but I am highly motivated, with a strong passion for languages and a solid u...

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr 平均入札額
    3 入札

    S3A Technologies is looking for a creative designer to develop a modern, responsive website that effectively communicates our vision, services, and mission. The website should cater to mobile, tablet, and desktop platforms, featuring engaging scroll animations, a user-friendly layout, and basic SEO optimizations to ensure visibility on search engines. ### Key Highlights for the Website: 1. **Home Page:** - Showcase captivating taglines such as: - "Don’t let technology be a barrier. Make it your business carrier!" - "Not just another IT company, we are your innovation partner!" - Emphasize services like Website Pro, Brand Creation, Digital Marketing, Web Applications, Mobile App Development, and Learning Management Systems...

    $80 Average bid

    ...strategy to engage the general public. - Optimize our campaign's visibility on Indiegogo and BackerKit. - Create compelling content to attract potential backers. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in crowdfunding campaigns, particularly on Indiegogo and BackerKit. - Strong marketing and content creation skills. - Ability to engage and attract a broad audience. Competitive Advantage, We are our only Competition! is the only website offering a seamless, curated experience that combines sex toys, cannabis accessories, lingerie, virtual dressing room, couples' vacations, and coming soon VR/AI full body suits, goggles, and top rated VR intimacy programs—all in one space. Every aspect of our business is designed to create a unique, personalize...

    $1064 Average bid
    $1064 平均入札額
    15 入札

    I am in need of a proficient Full Stack Developer with a knack for creating and managing Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud solutions. The primary focus of this project is to develop a robust cloud service capable of addressing diverse needs such as scalable storage solutions, virtual server hosting, and disaster recovery. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement IaaS cloud services - Develop scalable storage solutions - Create virtual server hosting capabilities - Establish effective disaster recovery systems Ideal Skills: - Full Stack Development - Extensive knowledge in IaaS - Experience in creating cloud services - Proficient in disaster recovery planning - Strong understanding of scalable storage solutions - Expertise in vir...

    $527 Average bid
    $527 平均入札額
    37 入札

    I'm seeking an AI consultant to help me create a multifunctional chatbot and to map out the services for my marketing agency and to add additional services for us to sell. This chatbot will serve in customer support and assist with internal process automation, specifically scheduling appointments. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a chatbot for customer support and internal process automation - Implement chatbot functionality across social media platforms Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI and chatbot development - Experience with process automation - Familiarity with social media integration

    $34 / hr Average bid
    $34 / hr 平均入札額
    43 入札

    ...create content on Google, specifically tailored for the blue-collar industry. Only agencies will be considered, as I am seeking a long-term partnership. I’m looking to pay around $400 to $600 monthly Requirements: • Proven Track Record: Provide examples of ad campaigns with clear ROI results and high-quality content you’ve created. • ROI Expectations: For the first few months, the return on investment (ROI) should range between 1x and 3x, with continuous improvements month over month. The goal is to consistently achieve the best possible results. Expectations: 1. Competitor Analysis: • Research competitors’ ads to identify strategies that work and uncover opportunities for differentiation. 2. Keyword Research: • Identify relevant...

    $377 Average bid
    $377 平均入札額
    66 入札

    I'm seeking an experienced designer to create a modern and clean Amazon brand story banner and A+ content for my superfood brand. Key elements to highlight: - Health benefits - Sustainability - Ingredients quality You will need to supplement some of the images I provide with your own creative designs to ensure a cohesive and engaging visual presentation. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in Amazon A+ content creation - Strong graphic design skills - Ability to tell a brand story visually - Understanding of modern, clean design aesthetics - Knowledge of superfood industry is a plus

    $51 Average bid
    $51 平均入札額
    26 入札

    I'm in the process of registering my trademark and need an expert to assist with my Amazon Brand Registry application & approval, brand page development, and A+ content creation. Key Project Aspects: - Amazon Brand Registry: This is my top priority. I need someone experienced who can guide and facilitate the application process to ensure swift approval. - Brand Page Development: Post registration, I need a captivating and professional brand page on Amazon. - A+ Content Creation: With the brand page set up, I need high quality A+ content that aligns with my brand standards and content guidelines. I have detailed content guidelines and brand standards that I would like to be strictly followed, so attention to detail is key. Product Phot...

    $58 Average bid
    $58 平均入札額
    21 入札

    I'm looking for a virtual personal assistant to work 40 hours a week on research, social media management, email communications and occassionally writing documents for me. They must be able to get on a zoom or google meet with me once a week so I can discuss the weeks tasks and deliverables and give the personal assistant time to ask questions about anything. Must be a self starter and able to get tasks completed without me telling them every single day what to do. You must be proficient with Notion Notes. Design skills is a plus!

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr 平均入札額
    76 入札

    I'm in need of a dedicated professional to handle my business bookkeeping. This will primarily involve managing invoicing and billing as well as tracking all business-related expenses. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in bookkeeping and accounting - Proficiency in software like QuickBooks, Xero or similar - Strong organizational skills - Excellent attention to detail - Good communication skills - Understanding of business financials

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr 平均入札額
    40 入札