core 2.0 architecture仕事
国内のローカルプロジェクトにおいて、翻訳とITコンサルティングの両方を担当していただける日本語のエキスパートを求めています。リモートチームと連携し、日本のクライアントとの面接やコミュニケーションを主に担当して頂きます。コンピュータサイエンスのBE/Bエンジニアであれば尚良しです。 理想的なスキルと経験: - ITに関する広範な知識 - スムーズな日本語コミュニケーション能力 - 英語 - 面接経験 採用されることで多くのメリットがあります。あなたからのご連絡をお待ちしております。ありがとうございます。 ■ テスター管理番号 P0111 ■ テスト用のみてねアカウント情報 メールアドレス:mitenetest+p0111@ パスワード:mitenetest46513 ■ テスト手順書&レポートフォーム テストは時間帯を変更して合計3回実施いただきます。1回 10分程度です。 期日までのお好きな時間にやっていただいて構いませんが、 1回のテストごとに終了から 6時間以上経ってから行ってください。 ex) 1回目 10am - 10:30am → 2回目 4:30pm - 5:00pm → 3回目 11:00pm - 11:30pm それぞれのテスト実施ごとに、下記のテスト手順書&レポートの記入と送信をお願いします。 各回、専用のものを使ってください。 1回目: 2回目: 3回目: ■ テストの実施期限(3回目終了) 7月3日 0:00AM PDTまで 3回のテストが全て完了したら、こちらで完了報告をしてください。 弊社にて全てのテストが完了していることを確認したあと、 規定の方法で謝礼をお支払いいたします。 以下の場合は謝礼をお支払いできませんので、ご注意ください。 ・期限内に完了報告をいただかなかった場合 ・テストの内容が手順と異なる場合 テストに関してご不明点がございましたら、こちらか、mitenetest@ まで ご連絡ください。 --- それでは、どうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。
.../3aluij/spoilers_high_school_dxd_born_episode_12_final/ Working!!!3期 1‐13話 2作品合計25話分です。 書き方は添付ファイルを参照してください。 1.RedditのコメントをコピーしてOpen Officeに貼り付ける。 注:ファイルはOpen Officeでの提出でお願いします。 DLはこちらから→ 2.英語のコメントの下に日本語の翻訳を書く。 3.話の時系列に並べる。 4.全体の感想として述べられているものは一番最後にまとめる。 以上が流れになります。 下記サイトあにこ便を観ると話の流れも速く理解でき、翻訳しやすいと思います。 !!!&x=0&y=0 アニメが好きな方には楽しんでいただけると思います。 締め切りは6月の末まででお願いします。 よろしくお願いします。
.../3aluij/spoilers_high_school_dxd_born_episode_12_final/ Working!!!3期 1‐13話 2作品合計25話分です。 書き方は添付ファイルを参照してください。 1.RedditのコメントをコピーしてOpen Officeに貼り付ける。 注:ファイルはOpen Officeでの提出でお願いします。 DLはこちらから→ 2.英語のコメントの下に日本語の翻訳を書く。 3.話の時系列に並べる。 4.全体の感想として述べられているものは一番最後にまとめる。 以上が流れになります。 下記サイトあにこ便を観ると話の流れも速く理解でき、翻訳しやすいと思います。 !!!&x=0&y=0 アニメが好きな方には楽しんでいただけると思います。 締め切りは6月の末まででお願いします。 よろしくお願いします。
...中身のあるサイトを作っていきたいのです。 ですので、スピード重視で記事を書くのではなく、本気で私と一緒にサイトを作り上げていけるビジネスパートナーを募集しています。 そこで、報酬は「アフィリエイト報酬を折半」という形にさせて頂きます。 あなたと一緒に作り上げたサイトから発生(確定)した報酬のうち50%をお支払させて頂きます。 目安としては、1年かけて30~50万円/月の売上を目標にしていきます。 まずは5~10万円/月を売上られるサイトを数サイト作り、 その後は1サイトで30万、50万、100万と売り上げられる大きめのサイト作りにステップアップしていきます。 いくつか小さ目のサイトを作成したあと、大きなサイト作りに入っていくといった流れです。 報酬のお支払に関しては、ASPからの入金後3営業日以内にお振込み致します。 応募条件などについては詳細サイトをご覧ください。
現在、弊社ではユーザー直、代理店案件含めまして、受託、常駐案件ともに多数ございます。 PHP、Java、Oracle、C#、Ruby、SAPが中心ですが、事業拡大に伴い現在、パートナーを探しております。 SAP案件、Java、PHP案件、LAMP(Linux、Apache、MySQL、PostgreSQL)案件、VC++、C言語案件、VB、C#.NET、COBOL、Ruby案件、PM(プロジェクトマネージャー)、PL(プロジェクトリーダー)など受託、常駐で開発案件のご協力をして頂ける方の募集で御座います。 制御系・組み込み系から企業の情報システム、基幹システム、業務システム開発、ウェブシステム、サイト構築まで。 現在、ユーザー直の受注案件で具体的な案件内容も提示できますので、宜しければ、一度お会いしてご相談させて頂ければと思っております。
...非常にストレスを抱えています。そのため至急対応することができる熟練レベルの実務経験をお持ちの方を求めています。 システム要件定義書、テスト機能リストを作成する作業もセットになる場合もあります。 あなたの即戦力を必要としています。 ご興味のある方は下記をお読み頂き御納得頂けましたらこちらの応募フォームもしくはメールアドレス 佐方まで ご連絡頂きたくお願い致します。 業務内容: 開発の途中経過(7割り程完成)しているシステム、 楽天及びアマゾン、ヤフーASPと連動したデータベース一括在庫管理システムを引き継いでいただき 現状稼働時に起きるエラーの修正作業及び完成までフルスクラッチで仕上げて頂く、修正及び開発 業務です。 応募資格:実務経験熟練者 楽天ASP及びフルスクラッチに長けた熟練者の方を募集します。 日本国籍 スカイプでの打ち合せが可能な方 既存システム内容 楽天及びアマゾン、ヤフーASPと連動したデータベース一括在庫管理システムのエラー 主要機能 ・会員登録制 ・ショップ各社のASPに、1つの管理画面から自社の商品情報(文字、画像)を一括登録し編集管理、更新する事ができる ・会員各自の管理画面を所有し商品一覧表から、各店舗のASPに一括出力更新している内容を随時修正更新管理することができる ・店舗ページのレイアウトを文字、色、背景色などをチェックボタン、プルダウンなどで選択カスタマイズし ・オリジナルのテンプレート生成する。 ・初期設定時のテンプレートもしくは会員によるオリジナルテンプレートと選択することができる機能 作業内容 エラー修正箇所>>&g...
Services Professional Photos, Images, Pictures editing Data Entry & Data Processing Logo Designing & T-shirt Designing Any work with Ms. WORD, Ms. Excel, Ms. PowerPoint Architecture HTML, CSS, PHP FB Cover Photo, Banner Designing
...・トレースしたオブジェクトは、Adobe Illustrator(ai)形式で保存してください。 ・バージョンは CS5以下 で保存してください。 ・オブジェクトの色は(C 50、M 50、Y 70、K 0)の1色のみ にしてください。 ・パスのアウトラインはとらないでください。 ※応募される際は、サンプルをお送りください。(元画像とイラストデータどちらも) Need long-term illustrator to make illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail. -Save file as Adobe Illustrator (ai) file. -Version needs to be CS5 or under. -Object color is one color (C 50, M 50, Y 70, K 0) -Do not take outline of pass. !! Please attach a sample when bidding (both the ...
...・トレースしたオブジェクトは、Adobe Illustrator(ai)形式で保存してください。 ・バージョンは CS5以下 で保存してください。 ・オブジェクトの色は(C 50、M 50、Y 70、K 0)の1色のみ にしてください。 ・パスのアウトラインはとらないでください。 ※応募される際は、サンプルをお送りください。(元画像とイラストデータどちらも) Need long-term illustrator to make illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail. -Save file as Adobe Illustrator (ai) file. -Version needs to be CS5 or under. -Object color is one color (C 50, M 50, Y 70, K 0) -Do not take outline of pass. !! Please attach a sample when bidding (both the ...
...policy, especially around the Circumventing Systems Policy violation. An appeal has already been submitted and not accepted as issue still exists. Key Responsibilities: - Understand the core issue (creation of multiple forgotten accounts recently cancelled). - Advise on best practises to ensure compliance with policies ahead. - Identify what are or is the Circumventing Systems Policy violation. - Sort and fix any and all issues that will remove the suspension. - Lift restriction and suspension of Google Ads Account The project mainly centres around having a service and a product: 1. Dropshipping products 2. Product Ideal Experience: - Prior work in restoring Google Ads accounts - Deep understanding of Google's Circumventing Systems Policy - Proven record of...
...Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to develop a model for detecting breast cancer in mammography images. The input data will be JPEG formatted images. Key Requirements: - The CNN should output a binary classification: indicating either the presence or absence of cancer. - The training data is partially annotated, meaning some images indicate the presence of cancer while others do not. - Specify the architecture of the CNN model, including the number of layers and types of layers. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with CNNs and image classification tasks. - Familiarity with medical imaging and mammography data is a plus. - Ability to work with partially annotated datasets. I need this project completed as soon as possible. Please provide examples of similar projects you&...
I am looking for a skilled 3D architectural visualization expert to create detailed visualizations of a residential property. The project requires both exterior and interior representations, covering all areas of the house, including living areas, bedrooms, bathrooms, and outdoor spaces. Please include your video showreel. Thank you. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficiency in 3D ...outdoor spaces. Please include your video showreel. Thank you. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software (e.g., AutoCAD, SketchUp, Blender) - Strong understanding of architectural design and spatial awareness - Ability to create realistic and high-quality visualizations - Experience in visualizing both exterior and interior spaces - Knowledge of residential archit...
...grading, display results on individual pages, and optionally mint their graded items as 3D NFTs. The platform should include e-commerce functionality for grading services, a dynamic gallery, Key Features & Requirements: Website Design & Development ✔ Dark, modern, and futuristic UI (Black, Red, Yellow theme based on logo). ✔ Mobile-responsive & SEO-optimized. ✔ Fast, lightweight, and scalable architecture. ✔ Wix, WordPress, Shopify, or Custom (React/Vue/ preferred). ? Grading Submission System ✔ Upload Form for Pokémon Cards, ETBs & Booster Packs (Images & Videos). ✔ AI-based grading system (centering, edges, corners, surface analysis). ✔ Option to clean & restore cards before grading. ✔ Send cards to PSA for official grading. ✔ Secure Payment Ga... security and GDPR compliance. ✅ Provide analytical tracking of the firm’s performance. ? Development Status The project has already been partially developed, with the backend architecture and some core features implemented. The current codebase includes a .NET 8 Web API backend and a VueJS frontend. The developer will need to review the existing work, integrate missing features, optimize performance, and complete the remaining modules. ?️ Tech Stack ? Frontend: VueJS (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), PusherJS for notifications, CalendarJS for scheduling. ? Backend: .NET 8 Web API, modular architecture (Controllers, Application, Domain, Infrastructure). ? Database: PostgreSQL. ? Tools & Integrations: Dapper for ORM, SendGrid for ema...
I'm seeking a skilled .NET developer to create simple application forms with a backend using MS SQL. These forms will be used by internal employees and need to incorporate specific functionalities such as file uploads and dynamic fields based on user input. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in .NET framework and MS SQL - Experience in designing interactive application forms - Knowledge in implementing file upload features - Ability to create dynamic fields within forms This project will require a keen attention to detail and a strong understanding of backend integration.
...TypeScript Engineer - 2) Senior Full Stack Engineer (Python + Full-Stack (JS) Developer) - 3) LLM C/C++ Developer - 4) CUDA Developer - If the 3+ years experienced developer is good in his skills, we can proceed with him but can show him 5 years work ex 6 months min contract, extendable till 2 years based on performance 1 technical interview will be there, that dev only has to give as KYC Id will be needed during
...goal is to create the ultimate gaming experience, combining high-level design, smooth mechanics, and a competitive atmosphere that keeps players hooked. If you’re a creative thinker with experience in game development, design, or marketing, I’d love to have you on board! Roles We're Looking For: Game Designers: Help shape the gameplay mechanics, progression, and balance. Programmers: Work on core gameplay mechanics, multiplayer functionality, and AI. Artists: Create immersive 3D models, environments, and special effects. Animators: Bring our characters and game world to life with smooth animations. Sound Designers: Develop engaging soundscapes, from gunfire to battle music. Marketing/Community Managers: Build a community, promote the game, and engage with ...
... maintainable codebase with documentation. The project includes both development and integration of AI report generation. Please provide examples of previous work related to mobile app development, cloud integration, and/or AI integrations. Budget & Timeline: Please include your estimated cost and timeline based on the described requirements. I am open to discussing an MVP approach that covers core functionality with room for future enhancements. How to Apply: Submit your proposal detailing your experience with similar projects. Include links to previous projects or portfolios. Provide a brief outline of your approach to this project. Thank you, and I look forward to working with you to bring this innovative solution to life!...
I'm seeking a professional architect or designer to create a captivating 2D and 3D elevation plan for my 300 sq.m plot. The design should embody a modern, specifically Scandinavian, style with a clean, minimalist approach. Key design requirements: - North-facing plot with a 3m setback on all sides - A contemporary de...modern appeal of the design. Ideal skills for this project: - Strong background in modern, particularly Scandinavian, architectural design - Proficiency in creating comprehensive 2D and 3D elevation plans - Experience with designing large, multi-purpose residential spaces - Expertise in using glass and other modern materials in exterior design - Understanding of pitched roof designs in modern architecture Please include your portfolio showcasing similar projec...
Our project, "Data Entry Fast and Smart," is focused on delivering efficient, accurate, and high-quality data management solutions. We specialize in entering, organizing, and managing large volumes of data with speed and precision. This project aims to support businesses in maintaining their databases, spreadsheets, and other integrity Conversion of data from various formats (PDF, images, handwritten notes) into digital formats Effective data management for easy accessibility and analysis We prioritize client satisfaction by maintaining clear communication, understanding specific requirements, and delivering results within deadlines. Our goal is to make data handling seamless, helping businesses focus on their core activities The project involves entering data...
...Postgres specialist who can help me speed up my data retrieval queries. We have a complex database design that supports an audited versioned file system, which may contain over 100 million items, so we need to optimise the queries and potentially the database structure Main Issues: - Long Execution Time: My current Postgres queries are taking too long to execute, which is hampering performance of my core functionality Data Operations: - Data Retrieval: The slow queries primarily involve data retrieval from large tables with millions of rows. - Data Retrieval: complex joins required, sometimes with many database queries per user request Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Postgres - Proficient in query optimization - Skilled in handling large data sets - Familiar with d...
Job Description - • File will be generated from android mobile app • File type is an encrypted file ...needs to truncate extra frames between given duration for each packet_type • Time duration for each packet_type will be read from a config file. In case a packet_type is missing in the config file then discard all frames with that packet_type Skills required: 1. Candidates with experience of “C“ and “C++” and must have knowledge and experience in android NDK 2. Proficiency in Java / Kotlin. 3. Strong understanding of Android architecture components (ViewModel, LiveData, Room). 4. Experience with libraries like jetpack compose, Retrofit, maps, firebase, etc. will be plus. 5. Good problem-solving skills and ability to work independe...
1. Overview The WhatsApp Mental Health Chatbot is a conversational AI assistant providing CBT-based therapy, workplace stress management, and mental health assessments through WhatsApp. It integrates GPT-4 for empathetic conversations and LlamaIndex for knowledge retrieval, ensuring responses are evidence-based and personalized. 2. Key Features 2.1. Conversational AI & Therapy Support ✅ AI-powered CBT-based therapy (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) ✅ Mindfulness & stress reduction guidance ✅ Structured therapy plans for burnout & workplace anxiety 2.2. AI-Powered Mental Health Assessments ✅ Provides validated self-assessments for stress, anxiety, & burnout ✅ AI interprets results and suggests action steps ✅ Users can track mental well-being over time 2.3. Know...
...goal is to create the ultimate gaming experience, combining high-level design, smooth mechanics, and a competitive atmosphere that keeps players hooked. If you’re a creative thinker with experience in game development, design, or marketing, I’d love to have you on board! Roles We're Looking For: Game Designers: Help shape the gameplay mechanics, progression, and balance. Programmers: Work on core gameplay mechanics, multiplayer functionality, and AI. Artists: Create immersive 3D models, environments, and special effects. Animators: Bring our characters and game world to life with smooth animations. Sound Designers: Develop engaging soundscapes, from gunfire to battle music. Marketing/Community Managers: Build a community, promote the game, and engage with ...
...create a modern, user-friendly interface for a web and mobile application. The project involves designing key user flows, ensuring intuitive navigation, and delivering high-fidelity prototypes. The ideal candidate should have expertise in responsive design, user experience principles, and a strong portfolio showcasing previous work in web and mobile app design. Key Deliverables: ✅ Wireframes for core screens ✅ High-fidelity UI designs (Figma or Adobe XD) ✅ Interactive prototype for user testing ✅ Design system with typography, colors, and components ✅ Mobile and web responsiveness considerations Requirements: ? Proven experience in UI/UX design ? Strong knowledge of modern design tools (Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch) ? Experience designing for both web and mobile platforms ? Understa...
We are seeking a highly skilled mobile app developer with a proven track record in augmented reality (AR) applications to join our team and finalize the development of our AR app. The app is already built with most of its core features, but we need an expert to focus on key areas: Enhance GPS Location Management: Fine-tune and optimize location services to ensure accurate and efficient GPS tracking and location-based features. Boost Security: Implement security measures to safeguard user data and prevent vulnerabilities within the app. iOS Development: After refining the Android version, transition the app to iOS, ensuring smooth cross-platform functionality and performance. Required Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in mobile app development, particularly in augmented ...
I'm seeking a skilled mobile app developer to build an Android-based social networking app. The purpose of this project is to create a platform for use...mechanisms. - Setting up and managing push notification services for user engagement. - Optimizing app performance for speed and efficiency. - Identifying and fixing bugs throughout the development process. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Java and Kotlin - Experience with Android Studio - Knowledge of social networking app development - Strong understanding of UX/UI principles Please note, the specific core features of the app are yet to be determined. A flexible and creative approach to suggesting and implementing features will be highly valued. The app should include user profiles allowing users to share personal informati...
I'm looking for an experienced application programmer to develop and publish a cross-platform sports club management application, compatible with both iOS and Android. Core Functionalities: - Member Management: The app should efficiently handle all aspects of member tracking and management. - Event Scheduling: A user-friendly interface for scheduling club events. - Payment Processing: Secure and reliable methods for handling club fees and other payments. - Subscriber Card: A system for managing and validating subscriber cards. - Income Calculation: Automatically calculate income and required amounts. - Administrative Account: A dedicated account for administrators with enhanced privileges. - Work Team: A function for managing and coordinating the work team. User Roles: - Memb...
I'm looking for a seasoned app and web developer to create a wholesale products selling platform. Key aspects: - The platform should be geared towards wholesale transactions, with all necessary functionalities to support this. - While the specifics of core features were not provided, the platform will require standard e-commerce functionalities such as user account management and a smooth checkout process. - Ideally, you should have experience in developing both apps and websites for e-commerce, with a strong portfolio to demonstrate your skills. The project could evolve based on your input and expertise, especially in suggesting beneficial features and functionalities that could enhance the platform. Your ability to communicate these ideas clearly and persuasively will be ...
...optimal performance. Progressive Web App (PWA): Full PWA support is required, including offline capabilities, installability, and device responsiveness. Scalability: The architecture must be designed to efficiently handle a high number of users and roles. Security: Robust security measures must be implemented, including encrypted communication, secure authentication mechanisms (e.g., OAuth2, JWT), and fine-grained, role-based access control. Extension: Integration of a third-party security API to enhance threat detection, vulnerability scanning, and automated incident response, following strict encryption and security protocols. 2. Role Management Support for up to 8 Roles: The platform should support a clear role hierarchy and dynamic, role-based access control. Dash...
...EPS, PDF, PNG) ✔ Optimized for Printing – Ensuring the design looks great on fabric ✔ 2-3 Variations – Different styles or color options for employee preferences Ideal Candidate: ? Experience in merchandise & apparel design ? Ability to blend creativity with professionalism ? Strong portfolio showcasing modern T-shirt designs ? Understanding of fabric printing techniques We are looking for high-quality work at a reasonable price and are open to new designers with a strong portfolio. If you have a passion for apparel design and can deliver a unique, high-quality concept within budget, we’d love to see your work! Let’s create something awesome together. ? Focus on themes that highlight our company’s core values. The design should emphasiz...
-Human written content with 0 plagiarism and grammar errors. Proper optimization SEO point of view on relevant sites only! *DA scores of those blog sites will be 45+ *10x guest posting for client Use these Keywords: shockwave therapy fort lauderdale podiatrist fort lauderdale *10x guest posting for client Use these Keywords: Blown In Insulation Miami spray foam insulation pembroke links will be provided in chat!
...needed or use an older phone. Example interface This options need: - need have option to test agent - need to have option to save settings - need to have call history. Video insctuctions : Partner with job boards or career services and earn a commission for referrals. Competitor Analysis: Research existing resume builders (e.g., , Zety, Kickresume, Canva Resume). Identify their strengths and weaknesses. Determine how your AI can provide a competitive edge. 2. Technology Stack: Frontend (User Interface): React, Angular, or Vue.js: Popular JavaScript frameworks for building interactive and dynamic user interfaces. React is a common choice due to its component-based architecture and large community. HTML, CSS, JavaScript: The fundamental building blocks of the web. You'll need to be proficient in these regardless of the framework you choose. UI Library (Optional): Material UI, Bootstrap, or Ant Design can provide pre-built components to...
Job Description: We are looking for a talented and motivated MERN Stack Developer who has a strong foundation in PHP and DevOps practices. This role requires someone with a full-stack development background, capable of building dynamic and high-performance web app...- Solid understanding of front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and responsive design. - Experience with RESTful API design and integration. - Strong experience with version control tools like Git and GitHub. - Experience with automated testing and test-driven development. - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail. Preferred Skills: - Experience with serverless architecture or microservices. - Experience with Web Security Keywords: Mern STack, MySQL, Linux, Git, API, PHP, Full Stack d...
I'm in need of a sample code in REach and .NET Core that takes a single input (a name) and calls an API to pass this name. The primary focus of this project is to implement robust security measures so that the API can only be accessed via login and is protected from hacking attempts or manipulation via tools like Postman. Key Requirements: - Development of a sample .NET Core and REach code - The API should accept one input: a name - Robust security implementation to prevent unauthorized access To be considered for this project, please specify in your bid how you plan to secure the API. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in .NET Core and REach - Extensive experience with API security implementation - Familiarity with JWT (JSON Web To...
I need a CAD drawing for a mechanical part. The final deliverable should be in a PDF format. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in CAD software - Experience with designing mechanical parts - Ability to deliver in PDF format
I need a professional website developed for hosting educational content focused on government exam preparation. Key requirements: Core Features: - Secure user authentication system for students/viewers - Video hosting and streaming capabilities with organized course sections - Content management system for easily uploading and organizing videos and study materials - Mobile-responsive design for seamless viewing across devices - Search functionality to help students find specific topics - Progress tracking for students to monitor their course completion Technical Requirements: - Video compression and optimization for smooth playback - Secure payment gateway integration for course purchases - Admin dashboard to manage content, users, and analytics - Cloud storage integration for vid...
...create a centralized bid and vendor management platform that allows internal and external users to manage RFIs, RFPs, RFQs, and other procurement-related activities. It will include vendor management, bid management, document management, and user management functionalities. The platform should support parent-child vendor relationships, live online bidding, document uploads, and bid evaluation. 2. Key Features 2.1 User Management • User Roles & Access Levels: • Internal Users: Procurement teams, finance, legal, and management, super user, admin • External Users: Stakeholders (e.g., business partners, consultants, legal counsel). • Vendor Users: Vendor representatives submitting bids. • User Authentication: • Secure login via email/passwor...
I'm looking for an experienced full stack web developer for a modern, minimalist web application. The core functionalities of this application will include user authentication and profiles, as well as a real-time chat feature. Key Requirements: - Proficient in both front-end and back-end development - Prior experience with building web applications - Strong understanding of user authentication systems - Experience implementing real-time communication features - Ability to design in a modern, minimalist style Ideal Skills: - JavaScript, HTML, CSS for front-end development - Node.js, Python, Ruby for back-end development - Experience with WebSocket or similar technologies for real-time chat - UX/UI design skills, particularly in modern minimalist style
...modify my already edited video which is a cut from the KBC episode. The video is currently facing copyright issues on YouTube. Key Requirements: - Retain all dialogues and conversations: The primary focus of the video is its dialogues and conversations. These must remain intact and unaltered. - Creative Editing: I’m open to any changes you deem necessary to avoid copyright strikes, as long as the core content is not removed. - Use of Additional Elements: I’m also open to incorporating additional elements such as background music, visual effects, and subtitles or text overlays to help bypass copyright issues. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software - Creative thinking and problem-solving - Understanding of copyright laws and YouTube's policies - Ab...
...patient engagement. The CRM should streamline workflows for **administrators, medical staff, and patients** while ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA). --- ## **Core Features** ### **1. Appointment Scheduling & Patient Registration** - **Online & Offline Booking System**: Allow patients to book, reschedule, or cancel appointments. - **Automated Appointment Reminders**: Email, SMS, and push notifications. - **Waiting List Management**: Auto-fill canceled slots. - **Multi-Location & Multi-Specialty Support**: Enable booking across different healthcare centers. ### **2. Patient Journey & Workflow Management** - **Check-in & Check-out Tracking**: Monitor patient flow in real-time. - **Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Integr...
...scalability, and security. Integrate MongoDB for data management, ensuring efficient data handling and responsiveness. Leverage serverless architecture on AWS to manage backend functions and processes. Utilize Railway for continuous integration and Vercel for deployment to streamline development and ensure high availability. Collaborate with a UI/UX designer to implement a seamless and engaging user experience. Implement security measures and ensure compliance with financial regulations and standards. Skills Required: Strong expertise in , React, and familiarity with hooks and context APIs. Experience with MongoDB and understanding of NoSQL database architecture. Proficiency with cloud services, particularly AWS, and familiarity with Railway and Vercel. Experience in buil...
...highly scalable, cloud-native web application using Kubernetes on AWS. The application will leverage a microservices architecture and should include the following: - Auto-scaling: The application must be able to handle varying loads seamlessly, ensuring optimal performance at all times. - CI/CD Pipelines: These are essential for enabling continuous delivery, making use of best practices in DevOps. - Monitoring: Although I haven't specified a preferred tool, experience with popular ones like Prometheus, Grafana, or CloudWatch would be beneficial. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience with Kubernetes and AWS. - A solid understanding of microservices architecture. - Proven skills in setting up auto-scaling and CI/CD pipelines. - Familiarity with vari...
Project Description: I am looking for a game developer to build a simple online game where players take on the role of a household bug crusher and crush different types of bugs to earn points. The game should be browser-based and allow users to sign up, play instantly, and compete on a leaderboard. Project Features: User Authe...for milestones (e.g., "You just made it to the Top 10!"). Additional Features (Optional but Preferred): Basic animations & fun sound effects. Mobile-friendly responsive design. Shareable score (allow players to share their high scores on social media). Technology Stack (Preferred but Open to Suggestions): Frontend: Angular, HTML5 + JavaScript or Unity WebGL, or similar game engine Backend: C# .NET Core (or Node.js/Python if preferred)...
...Interactive Message Replies (NFM – Non-Forwardable Messages) Project Requirements: Technology Stack: Backend: C# (.NET Core) Database: Microsoft SQL Server ORM: Entity Framework Core Webhook Functionality: Receive and parse WhatsApp webhook events. Store received messages in the SQL Server database. Handle different message types dynamically. Additional Requirements: Code should be well-structured and documented. Ensure scalability and security in processing webhook events. Use dependency injection and follow best practices for .NET development. Preferred Skills & Experience: Experience with WhatsApp Cloud API integration. Strong knowledge of C# and .NET Core/.NET 8. Entity Framework Core . Experience with RESTful AP...
Job Description: Hey there! We’re looking for a skilled developer to help enhance a basic web server to handle multiple requests simultaneously. The server currently operates on a single-thread setup and we want to upgrade it to a multi-threaded architecture. Your task will be to modify the existing codebase to introduce thread pooling and ensure the server can manage multiple HTTP requests more efficiently. The end goal is to make the server robust, enabling it to serve multiple files at the same time wit hout crashing under load. You’ll also ensure it adheres to basic HTTP protocols and can handle common requests like GET and HEAD. Project Details: Introduce a thread pool to manage multiple requests. Implement buffering mechanisms for handling connections. Enhance the ...