Article rewriter software bid仕事


    2,000 article rewriter software bid 見つかった仕事

    My company needs to build an RPA application creator software. The requirements as following. ### Automation batch creator application a. Running environment: Windows 7 or later b. Functional requirements:  1. Simulate mouse click  2. Simulate keyboard input  3. Using OCR to detect windows, selection  4. Open/Close Program  5. Record macro  6. Logic functions support (if-else, switch case...)  7. Loop functions support (while, for...)  8. DateTime functions support (get system time...)  9. Wait (sleep) functions to support  10. Exports the robot that was created to a .exe file ### Automation batch manages application a. Running environment: Web b. Functional requirements:  1. Manage created robot (search, run, delete)  2. Alarm to the creator (email, message..) when having an ...

    $4851 Average bid
    $4851 平均入札額
    6 入札

    SDL is Product and Service Public Company. Over the past 25 years we’ve delivered transformative business results by enabling powerfullynuanced digital experiences with customers around the world. We are looking for passionate, collaborative and creative people to join our team. We are spreadacross 55 offices in 38 countries yet we still manage to keep a small company feel. About Us - SDLアメリアは、ソフトウェアテスティングサービスのリーディングカンパニーです。 ただいま、ソフトウェアのQAテスターを急募しています。様々なデバイスを使って、ソフトウェアのQAテストを担当していただきます。都内のグローバルIT企業のオフィスでのお仕事です。 雇用形態:契約社員(契約延長の可能性あり) 勤務地:東京 モバイルデバイスのテスト経験がある方、幅広い種類のデバイス、アプリ、メディアに対応できる方からのご応募をお待ちしています。 <求める経験、スキル> • モバイルデバイス、クラウド、ウェブ、テレビ/ビデオ等のテスト経験、または開発経験がある方(2年以上) • iOS、Android、Mac OSの使用経験がある方 • 分析力、トラブルシューティングのスキルをお持ちの方、細部に注意を払える方、新しいことを学びすばやく吸収でき...

    $52 / hr Average bid
    $52 / hr 平均入札額
    31 入札

    SERVEROK SOFTWAREさん、あなたのプロフィールを見つけて、私のプロジェクトを依頼したいと思います。詳細についてはチャットで話し合いましょう。

    $25 Average bid
    $25 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ...verification may be asked during recruiting process. ■納品ファイルの形式 / Delivery Form 納品形式のPDFファイルをお送りします。 We will send an PDF file . ■禁止事項 / Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any existing content or article already submitted ・Submitting products that copied from any result from automatic translation tools or software ・Reprinting or leaking of any contents to a third party Plagiarism is crime, and please be aware that there is a case of termination of the contract and legal procedures when such act including "copy and paste" would be discovered.

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr 平均入札額
    13 入札

    ...verification may be asked during recruiting process. ■納品ファイルの形式 / Delivery Form 納品形式のPDFファイルをお送りします。 We will send an PDF file . ■禁止事項 / Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any existing content or article already submitted ・Submitting products that copied from any result from automatic translation tools or software ・Reprinting or leaking of any contents to a third party Plagiarism is crime, and please be aware that there is a case of termination of the contract and legal procedures when such act including "copy and paste" would be discovered.

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr 平均入札額
    5 入札

    ...verification may be asked during recruiting process. ■納品ファイルの形式 / Delivery Form 納品形式のPDFファイルをお送りします。 We will send an PDF file . ■禁止事項 / Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any existing content or article already submitted ・Submitting products that copied from any result from automatic translation tools or software ・Reprinting or leaking of any contents to a third party Plagiarism is crime, and please be aware that there is a case of termination of the contract and legal procedures when such act including "copy and paste" would be discovered.

    $17 Average bid
    $17 平均入札額
    7 入札

    ...verification may be asked during recruiting process. ■納品ファイルの形式 / Delivery Form 納品形式のPDFファイルをお送りします。 We will send an PDF file . ■禁止事項 / Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any existing content or article already submitted ・Submitting products that copied from any result from automatic translation tools or software ・Reprinting or leaking of any contents to a third party Plagiarism is crime, and please be aware that there is a case of termination of the contract and legal procedures when such act including "copy and paste" would be discovered.

    $97 Average bid
    $97 平均入札額
    9 入札

    ブログ記事の翻訳をしてくださる方を募集しております。良い記事を読者に提供するのが唯一の目的であり、重要なことはそれだけです。そのため、翻訳の方法は直訳ではなく意訳でもなく、実際の作業は「英語を記事を参考にした日本語記事」を執筆とも言えます。原文に忠実である必要はなく、パラグラフをひとつ削除しても、文章の構成を完全に作り替えてしまっても結構です。ただし、完成品は以下の条件を満たすものとします。 日本語の文字数:800~1500 ひとつの段落は3-7文。 見出し(h1、h2、h3)を使用する。 一文は長くても60文字以内にする。 HTML形式で納品する。 翻訳・執筆内容 本文 タイトル(ひとつの英語タイトルにつき、5つの日本語タイトルを作成して下さい。一番良いものを利用します。) メタディスクリプション(メタディスクリプションを3つ書いてください。タイトルのように使うのは1つだけです。) Twitter投稿メッセージ x 5 なお、PMでマニュアルを2点送付いたします。必ず目を通してください。

    $59 Average bid
    $59 平均入札額
    7 入札

    こんにちは itsdaniyalshah、あなたのプロフィールを拝見しました。私のプロジェクトをオファーしたいです。詳細についてはチャットで話し合うことができます。hi!please accept this.1article 1 doolor and 20 article limit is !:)

    $20 Average bid
    $20 平均入札額
    1 入札

    こんにちは itsdaniyalshah、あなたのプロフィールを拝見しました。私のプロジェクトをオファーしたいです。詳細についてはチャットで話し合うことができます。hi!please accept this.1article 1 doolor and 20 article limit is !:)

    $20 Average bid
    $20 平均入札額
    1 入札

    こんにちは rhizzha1120、あなたのプロフィールを拝見しました。私のプロジェクトをオファーしたいです。詳細についてはチャットで話し合うことができます。please do 14 article left!thanks!

    $14 Average bid
    $14 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I am looking for a freelancer with great Enslish writing skill to introduce originally created 「New English Pronuncation Symbols」to the world. English native prefered. The prospective ariticle will be on my HP with your name (nickname can be accepted).

    $54 Average bid
    $54 平均入札額
    1 入札

    海外からの旅行者に向けた日本の観光紹介記事を、英語で書いて頂ける方を募集します。英語のライティングがネイティブレベルであること、英語でのSEO対策も行えることが必要となります。多くのコンテンツを必要としているため、1記事だけではなく継続して複数記事を書いて頂ける方にお願いしたいと考えております。宜しくお願い足しま...ンツを必要としているため、1記事だけではなく継続して複数記事を書いて頂ける方にお願いしたいと考えております。宜しくお願い足します。(*お仕事を依頼させて頂く前に一度記事サンプルを頂き、確認後にご依頼させて頂きます。) We need who can write articles on Japan in English for tourists from foreign countries. Native English skill (especially writing) and SEO skill are essentials. We would like to offer who can continue to create contents for a long period. And before working, you have to submit a sample article for checking your skill.

    $20 - $170
    $20 - $170
    0 入札
    Content Writing
    終了 left

    I would like a native Japanese to write 10 articles explaining English grammar in Japanese. The articles will be used as blog content. An example of an article would be "The difference between "will" and "be going to". 母国語が日本語の方に、日本語で英語の文法説明文を10通り書いていただきたいです。記事はブログに使われます。例えば「willとbe going toの違い」など英文法をわかりやすく日本語で説明した記事を書いて下さい。

    $105 Average bid
    $105 平均入札額
    5 入札

    === project summary === Emails from Google Alert are registered on a table of MySQL everyday. We need PHP script that read these emails via cron, and auto post as wordpress article. On front-page, the website should have 30 new articles. And other article's link are needed on pages that have 30 links. We also need sitemap of all articles for visitors and google (xml). For design, wordpress default template is OK. But we need responsive design, we'll check under 320px, 640px and PC's resolution of width. === required pages === Front page New articles from 31 to 60 New articles from 61 to 90 (From 91, follow these URL) Article's detail Sitemap

    $357 Average bid
    $357 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I'm looking for a skilled software developer to create a comprehensive application. This project entails developing a software that will run on Web, Mobile and Desktop platforms. Key Requirements: - Development of a web application with user authentication and profiles, E-commerce capabilities, and a content management system. - The application should be designed to be fully functional on both Mobile and Desktop platforms. - The software should have an intuitive interface and seamless user experience across all platforms. Ideal qualifications: - Proven experience in software development, particularly in creating cross-platform applications. - Strong skills in E-commerce and content management system development. - Excellent understanding and experience in...

    $12797 Average bid
    $12797 平均入札額
    17 入札

    About the Study: I am looking for professionals with hands-on experience in identifying, assessing, mitigating, or reporting software vulnerabilities to participate in a research study (Online Survey). You need to have at least 1 year of professional experience. Your insights will contribute to improving security practices and enhancing vulnerability management processes. What is Software Vulnerability Management (SVM)? Key tasks in SVM include: • Vulnerability Discovery / Detection: Finding weaknesses in code. • Vulnerability Assessment: Evaluating the severity and exploitability of identified vulnerabilities. • Vulnerability Patching / Remediation: Addressing weaknesses to secure systems. • Vulnerability Reporting / Disclosure: Sharing information about...

    $293 Average bid
    $293 平均入札額
    11 入札

    I'm seeking a skilled Python develope...a skilled Python developer to create an automated trading system for me. This software will apply my proprietary trading strategies and execute trades automatically through an Interactive Brokers account. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Python, with extensive experience in software development. - Deep understanding of algorithmic trading, including the implementation of Moving Average and RSI strategies. - Previous experience with Interactive Brokers API. Ideal Skills: - Algorithm Development - API Integration - Python Programming - Trading Strategy Implementation - Software Automation Please note, I have all necessary resources and materials ready for this project. Your role will primarily involve software deve...

    $238 Average bid
    $238 平均入札額
    10 入札
    Software Product Development
    6 日 left

    I'm seeking a company with a strong background in software development to create several software products for me. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in software development - Strong portfolio of software products - Expertise in web, mobile, and desktop applications - Excellent project management and communication skills Please provide examples of your previous work in your proposal.

    $302 Average bid
    $302 平均入札額
    26 入札

    I'm looking for a professional web developer with substantial experience in building ecommerce websites specifically for digital products. This project primarily revolves around creating a platform for selling software. Key Requirements: - The platform must include the functionality for automatic updates. - It should be user-friendly, secure, and able to handle high traffic. - The website should be optimized for SEO and mobile use. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Previous experience in ecommerce website development, particularly for digital products. - Strong understanding of UX/UI design principles. - Knowledge of SEO and mobile optimization strategies. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr 平均入札額
    30 入札

    I'm looking to build a custom online test software that primarily supports multiple choice tests. The software should be capable of: - Automatic grading of the tests - Being accessed from desktop computers and smartphones. The software needs to be uploaded on my server or cloud after development. Ideal candidates should have experience in educational software development and server management. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.

    $21 Average bid
    $21 平均入札額
    7 入札

    I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a brochure for my SAAS project management software. This brochure will be used primarily for marketing to potential customers, so it needs to effectively highlight the product's features and our various hosting models in a clear and appealing way. Key Aspects: - Focus on product features and hosting models - Use a professional and formal tone and style Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Marketing Materials Production - Experience with SAAS Products Your design should reflect a professional and formal tone, suitable for a business-oriented audience. Please provide examples of similar work you've done in the past.

    $66 Average bid
    $66 平均入札額
    69 入札

    Top 3 Gelato Shops to Visit in Christchurch #1:- Utopia Ice Sumner #2:- The Gelato Lab #3:- Helado - Gelato & Coffee Garden (In Rolleston, still if you are a Gelato fan, you can go and try this)

    $34 Average bid
    $34 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I'm looking for a graphic or web designer to design a blog/article index on my Wix website in line with our brand guidelines. I have references to follow. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Wix website design knowledge/experience - Strong understanding of minimalistic, modern, and classic design styles. - Exceptional typography skills.

    $236 Average bid
    $236 平均入札額
    102 入札

    I'm in need of a professional and engaging website for a trucking software focused on fleet management. The site will cater mainly to customers, so it should be user-friendly and intuitive. Key aspects to consider: - 3 to 5-page website - It's crucial that the site has a professional appearance to instill confidence in our potential users and investors. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Ability to create a simple, customer-friendly interface. - Strong portfolio of professional, engaging websites. ***Sample Websites of peer companies attached***

    $493 Average bid
    $493 平均入札額
    114 入札

    I'm in need of a professional and engaging website for a trucking software focused on fleet management. The site will cater mainly to customers, so it should be user-friendly and intuitive. Key aspects to consider: - 3 to 5 page website - It's crucial that the site has a professional appearance to instill confidence in our potential users and investors. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Ability to create a simple, customer-friendly interface. - Strong portfolio of professional, engaging websites. ***Sample Websites of peer companies attached***

    $1038 Average bid
    $1038 平均入札額
    138 入札

    I'm looking for a skilled professional to integrate Microsoft Authenticator into our tax preparation software by Wolters Kluwer. The main purpose of this integration is to enhance our user authentication process. Key Requirements: - Install Microsoft Authenticator for user authentication purposes. - Ensure seamless integration with the existing tax preparation software. - Maintain software functionality post-integration. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Microsoft Authenticator. - Previous work with Wolters Kluwer software is a plus. - Strong software integration skills. - Excellent problem-solving abilities. Users will require admin access permissions. The integration should apply to admin users only. The integration should support Windows p...

    $36 / hr Average bid
    $36 / hr 平均入札額
    54 入札

    I'm seeking an experienced Jira specialist to help set up my Jira boards for software development projects. I primarily need a basic setup using templates, focusing on Scrum, Bug tracking, and Feature Requests. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in setting up Jira, specifically for software development. - Familiarity with Scrum and Bug tracking templates in Jira. - Experience with configuring Feature Requests boards. Please note, this project doesn't require advanced custom workflows or automations, just a solid, template-based setup. Your understanding of software development and related project management processes will be key to delivering a well-structured and effective Jira setup. The project should be completed within 1 week. Set up basic user roles and...

    $162 Average bid
    $162 平均入札額
    5 入札

    Desarrollo de Facturación Básica con Comprobantes Fiscales Descripción: Tiene que ser con la legislaciones de república dominicana en un software llamado perfex Busco un desarrollador con experiencia en facturación electrónica e integración de comprobantes fiscales para desarrollar la primera fase de un sistema de facturación. Alcance del trabajo: Implementación de factura de crédito fiscal y factura para consumidor final. Generación básica de números de comprobantes fiscales según normativas. Requisitos: Experiencia en desarrollo de sistemas contables o facturación. Conocimiento de normativas fiscales y comprobantes electrónicos (preferible). Desarrollo en tecnolog&iac...

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr 平均入札額
    7 入札

    I'm looking for a talented content creator to write articles and create engaging content for my social media platforms - Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional writing skills - Understanding of social media trends - Ability to create engaging content Experience in: - Article writing - Social media content creation - Understanding of target audience on different platforms Your role will involve: - Writing high-quality articles - Translating these into engaging, platform-appropriate posts - Regularly creating unique, original content for my social media Please provide examples of your previous work in your proposal.

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr 平均入札額
    59 入札

    I'm looking for a writer to create an engaging and persuasive blog article about nutrition and diet, as part of a wider project covering technology, health, and lifestyle topics for my website. Key Requirements: - The article must be well-researched and original - It should be written in a persuasive and motivational tone - It needs to be SEO-optimized - It should resonate with my audience and encourage them to adopt healthier eating habits Ideal Skills: - Experience in health and nutrition writing - SEO expertise - Ability to write in a persuasive and motivational tone - Strong research skills - Understanding of audience engagement strategies

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr 平均入札額
    67 入札

    I'm seeking a developer who can assist in creating software to enhance our shared living resident's matching process. Key Features: - Matching Criteria: Software should consider age and gender, interests and hobbies, and work schedule for pairing residents. - Information Submission: Residents will provide their details through an online form. - Security: The system should adhere to standard security protocols. Ideal candidates should have: - Experience in software development, particularly in creating matching algorithms. - Understanding of standard security measures in software development. - Ability to create intuitive online forms for data collection. The software should be web-based. The matching results should be displayed through an in...

    $510 Average bid
    $510 平均入札額
    67 入札

    I'm seeking a programmer to create a custom software that generates fiber optic splicing diagrams. Key Requirements: - The software should generate diagrams with basic connections and labels. - Diagrams must be exportable in PDF format. Ideal Skills: - Software Development - Diagram Generation - Fiber Optic knowledge would be beneficial

    $7792 Average bid
    $7792 平均入札額
    64 入札

    This will be written based on the instructions we discussed

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr 平均入札額
    1 入札
    Feb Month SEO
    9 日 left

    ? Achieve Video Excellence with YouTube SEO! ? Dear Sir/Madam, I will optimize your YouTube videos with effective SEO strategies to improve rankings ...Optimization 3. H1 & H2 Tag Optimization 4. URL Optimization 5. Italic/Bold Tag Optimization 6. Non-index Attribute Analysis 7. Optimization 8. Image Alt Optimization 9. External Link Optimization 10. Broken Link Analysis 11. Page Content Optimization 12. Canonical Error Fixing 13. Sitemap Optimization ? Off-Site Optimization: ✔ Backlinks from DA 40+ Sites ✔ Social Bookmarking ✔ Article Submissions ✔ Classified Ads Posting ✔ PDF & Image Sharing ✔ Business Listings ✔ Directory Submissions ✔ Web 2.0 Strategies ✔ Blog Promotions ✔ Profile Link Building ✔ Forum Posting Best regards, SEO4Ranking Team

    $50 Average bid
    $50 平均入札額
    1 入札

    We are looking for a content writer with a basic understanding of content creation, eager to grow and develop their skills. Since the content type, industries/topics, and article length are not yet defined, flexibility and a willingness to learn are essential for this role. Compensation: ₹10,000 per month Ideal Skills: - Basic adaptability in writing styles for different audiences - General awareness of a variety of topics - Willingness to learn and improve task management - Familiarity with grammar basics to produce error-free content - Eagerness to develop technical and social media writing skills - Basic editing skills with attention to clarity and coherence - Enthusiasm to learn time management and audience analysis - Openness to multitask and handle multiple assignments - Open...

    $95 Average bid
    $95 平均入札額
    24 入札

    I'm looking for a skilled illustrator to create a cartoonish illustration for a scientific article. The figure will depict the experimental process. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in creating scientific illustrations - Ability to convey complex processes in a clear and engaging way - Proficiency in cartoonish style Ideal Skills: - Strong illustration skills - Understanding of scientific concepts and processes - Experience with academic publishing Please provide examples of relevant work in your proposal.

    $104 Average bid
    $104 平均入札額
    101 入札
    Online Software & Tools Directory
    6 日 left
    認証済み focused on online software and tools. This platform should be able to showcase a range of products, the tech stacks they utilize, and who made them. Key Features: - Each listing should detail the product, its tech stack, and its creator. - User-friendly filters and search options by product name, tech stack, and maker name. - Sections for 'New', 'Featured', and 'Popular' products. - An option for users to sign in and submit their own listings. - A newsletter subscription feature for updates. Ideal candidates for this project should have a robust background in web development, particularly in creating directory-style websites. Experience with user authentication and subscription services would be beneficial. A keen understanding of tech sta...

    $163 Average bid
    $163 平均入札額
    18 入札
    $124 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I'm seeking a professional writer with experience in Wikipedia article creation and publishing. The article will focus on a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, highlighting their career milestones, with an emphasis on their awards and recognitions. Key Responsibilities: - Craft a well-structured, engaging biography - Ensure the article meets Wikipedia's notability and content standards - Submit the article for publication on Wikipedia Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Wikipedia's guidelines and standards - Experience in writing biographies, particularly in the entertainment field - Strong understanding of SEO and online content strategies Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.

    $217 Average bid
    $217 平均入札額
    64 入札

    I have a software website where I sell Windows activation keys and Office suites activation keys. I want to promote these products exclusively in the sponsored shopping section of Google, with the sole objective of increasing sales. I intend to use existing content for these ads. Ideal Skills: - Experience in Google Shopping Ads - Understanding of e-commerce and software market - Proven track record of increasing sales through online advertising - Ability to optimize ad performance for maximum ROI - Proficiency in conducting keyword research to target the right audience. India The target market for these ads is exclusively India. The budget for this campaign is $6. The campaign will run for one month. The campaign will target keywords that I have already provided. Please e...

    $83 Average bid
    $83 平均入札額
    12 入札

    I'm looking for a fully functional, user-friendly Primary School Management System. It should cater to detailed student profiling, exam management, and class stream organization, it should be able to generate intuitive Termly report cards with student photo and initials in pdf, The system must have a back-end interface that allows me to modify grading scales, subjects, and the overall user interface to meet my requirements. Key Features: - Student details with photos - Exam management including grading and report card generation in PDF - Class stream organization (e.g., Class 1A, Class 1B) - Intuitive back-end for easy modifications Access Control: - Admin and Teachers only with dashboards class based Teacher shoud only login into their respective class account E.g Teacher Stell...

    $255 Average bid
    $255 平均入札額
    70 入札 into a journal article suitable for submission to a specific journal. This journal primarily publishes original research, so the article will need to be tailored to fit that format. Key Requirements: - Expertise in academic writing and journal publication process. - Strong understanding of scientific research. - Experience in transforming dissertations into journal articles. - Ability to adhere to specific journal's formatting and content guidelines. Please note, the final article will need to be of a quality that meets the standards of my target journal. In the following link a sample of how the article must look like.

    $126 Average bid
    $126 平均入札額
    32 入札

    I'm seeking a professional with expertise in legal and compliance matters, specifically regarding franchise agreements, to assist in setting up a franchise for my software subscription company. This will involve ensuring all legal aspects are properly handled and compliant with relevant regulations. Key Responsibilities: - Drafting and reviewing franchise agreements - Ensuring compliance with all necessary legal and regulatory requirements - Providing ongoing legal support throughout the franchise setup process In addition, I am interested in implementing a robust online marketing strategy and telesales approach to promote the franchise. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in franchise law - Strong background in legal compliance - Proven track record in fran...

    $384 Average bid
    $384 平均入札額
    30 入札

    I'm looking for a seasoned MS Project expert to develop a comprehensive template specifically tailored for software development IT projects. This template should assist in tracking our planned versus actual progress, utilizing a weightage system. Key Features Required: - Incorporation of key phases: The template should be able to cover the 'Planning' and 'Execution' phases of our projects. - Milestone Tracking: During the planning phase, the template should specifically enable us to track our milestones. Ideal Skills and Experience: - In-depth knowledge and experience with MS Project - Proven track record in software development project management - Ability to create user-friendly, efficient project management templates.

    $133 Average bid
    $133 平均入札額
    10 入札

    I'm seeking a developer/consultant for our Retail Management software. The ideal candidate should have 2-5 years of experience working with Delphi and SQL Server, preferably within the retail domain. Key Areas of Focus: - Sale Management - Inventory Management - Barcoding - GST - Sales Reporting - Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Main Tasks: - Bug fixing and maintenance, New Development, primarily focusing on the Point of Sale (POS) System. Skills & Experience Required: - Proficiency in Delphi and SQL Server - Prior experience in retail software development - Strong problem-solving skills for bug fixing and maintenance tasks. This project is expected to be completed within 2 years. The consultant will primarily focus on development tasks with minimal inv...

    $77 Average bid
    $77 平均入札額
    4 入札

    I'm looking for a software developer to create a Windows-compatible software that can add members to Teligram. The specifics of the project are as follows: - Platform: The software should be able to run smoothly on Windows. - Sources: While the exact sources for adding members (Group links, Usernames, Phone numbers) haven't been decided yet, the software should have the capability to use these sources. - User Interface: The software does not have a predetermined user interface. However, it should be designed with flexibility in mind to accommodate a potential GUI, CLI, or Web-based interface. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Windows software development. - Familiarity with Teligram and its member adding protocols. - Experie...

    $34 Average bid
    $34 平均入札額
    2 入札

    Fulltime Job - Preferrably from India, Israel, Ukraine, Hungary, Sweden, and the Philippines. Company Name iAcuity Fintech Position Title Software Engineer – FullStack Experience 5+ years of experience in software development. Education B.E/ MCA/ Job Location Work from home (Permanently) Job Description Key Responsibilities: • Design, develop, and maintain robust and scalable web applications using : * Mandatory * - Java 17+, Spring Boot, and Angular/React. • Develop RESTful APIs and microservices using Spring Boot framework. • Implement complex search functionalities using Elasticsearch 8. • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to understand requirements and translate them into technical solutions. • Write clean, well-structured, ...

    $10226 Average bid
    $10226 平均入札額
    12 入札