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2,000 american accounting firms in jordan 見つかった仕事
Trophy icon Kawaii style robots
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...I need 2 characters created for new apparel campaign. 1 female (robot or superhero) in Kawaii Style, 1 male (robot or superhero) in Kawaii Style Think cute but deadly. Most creative entry wins. The art can be hand drawn or digitally created, The final work will be in vector or psd, vector preferred. I need 2 total art works for the final submission. Art must be original and in vector format. Target Market: Apparel for Japanese and American Kawaii fans (young adults ages 18 - 25) Submission: Submit your entry as a 1 page overview. Final work may need additional edits after end of contest. Post any questions in the discussion forum. ----------------------- Translation of above post in Japanese: 付属品を参考にしてください。 ...

$60 Average bid

I have an important interview in Business Intelligence. In order to succeed, I need to prepare by simulating the interview and practice in English, so I need a native speaker. I'd like to ask several hours of practicing together with good English or American freelancers. The result is two hours of English conversation for several hours and creation of standard answers. Those who wish, please submit your application. 眼の前に、重要な面接がやってきます。 成功するために、いろいろ準備して起きたちと思っています。 対策の一つは、真剣のインタビューを事前に真似しておくことです。そして、英語上手のかた、またはアメリカ人とか、一緒に数時間の練習をお願いしたいと思っています。 成果として、数時間の英会話と標準回答の作成との2つです。 ご希望の方、どうぞご応募よろしくおねがいします。

$24 / hr Average bid
$24 / hr 平均入札額
2 入札

コピー&ペースト作業を手伝ってくださる方。 簡単な宣伝業務です。 テンプレ使用なので初心者でも可能です。 納期等はありませんので、無理ないペースでお願いします。 未経験者、初心者歓迎です。 立ち上がったばかりなので、ほとんどの方が初心者です。 サポートがありますので、初心者の方も実績を上げています。 マニュアル、常時サポートをご用意しております! 少しでも興味がありましたらお問い合わせください。 参加される方が増えております。 初心者向け・完全在宅OK。 主婦の方も大歓迎! 時間や場所も自由。 インターネットさえ使えれば 誰でもできます。 たくさんのメッセージお待ちしております!

$174 Average bid
$174 平均入札額
3 入札

私のビジネスを手伝ってください コピー&ペースト作業を手伝ってくださる方。 簡単な宣伝業務です。 テンプレ使用なので初心者でも可能です。 納期等はありませんので、無理ないペースでお願いします。 未経験者、初心者歓迎です。 立ち上がったばかりなので、ほとんどの方が初心者です。 サポートがありますので、初心者の方も実績を上げています。 マニュアル、常時サポートをご用意しております! 少しでも興味がありましたらお問い合わせください。 参加される方が増えております。 初心者向け・完全在宅OK。 主婦の方も大歓迎! 時間や場所も自由。 インターネットさえ使えれば 誰でもできます。 たくさんのご連絡お待ちしております! [Removed by Admin]

$20 - $170
$20 - $170
0 入札

私のビジネスを手伝ってください 【未経験者歓迎】PR広報の完全在宅ワークです。 指定のテキストを配布して、ある企業の広報をするお仕事です。 ■依頼詳細 お渡しする反応の取れるテキストを貼り付けて頂けると投稿できます。 ご自宅で空いた時間にお仕事をしていただけます。 時間、場所は問いませんが 夜時間の取れる方は大歓迎です。 ■採用条件 ・素直な方 ・インターネットでできる仕事をお探しの方 ・継続的に取り組める方 ■必要なもの ・スマホ 又は PC ・素直さ 少しでも気になった方はお気軽にご応募ください。それから考えていただいても構いません。 お待ちしております。

$169 Average bid
$169 平均入札額
1 入札

私のビジネスを手伝ってください >>詳細 ・簡単なコピペ作業、 ・お好きな時間に作業OK (時間帯は融通効きます) ・現在のお仕事の有無は不問。副業、Wワーク歓迎です。 ・育児中、通院中、その他様々なご事情があそっても大丈夫です ・PCがなくても可能です。特別なスキルもいりません。 ・スマホ、タブレット等が普通に操作できる方。 ・しっかりとサポートしますので、だれでも簡単に作業出来ます。 >>応募要件 ・19歳以上の方(学生可) ・内部情報を漏洩させない方(冷やかしでの応募はお断りします) ・パソコンやスマホをお持ちでLINEの使える方 経済的、時間的自由がほしい方にはぴったりの案件です。 インターネットビジネスを初めてやる方でも問題ありません。 簡単に稼げるなんて怪しいと思っている方こそ試していただきたいです。 スキル、経験は問いませんがやる気のある方、マメに連絡つく方の応募をお待ちしております(作業自体は単純ですが根気はいるため) 皆様のご応募お待ちしております。 _____

$50000 Average bid
$50000 平均入札額
1 入札

私のビジネスを手伝ってください 大成して自己実現したい新規事業のコアメンバーを募集致します。 既にある程度の成功を手にしたが、時間的拘束に悩んでいれば一度ご相談ください。 システムを拡散していただくシンプルな仕事です。 メッセージいただければ詳細の事業動画をお渡しします。 長期目線を念頭に取り組んでいただくことで、半年~一年後には爆発的に収益が見込めます。 【依頼詳細】 チームでシステムを拡散していくお仕事になります。 世界展開しており、すでに売り上げの立っている事業を日本や世界に向けて発信するお仕事になります。 ※今の参入は強烈なビジネスメリットが見込まれます。 経験者でしたらスピード感を持って取り組まれることで、すぐにコストも回収可能ですし、私の実績でも初月10万以上の報酬を獲得しています。 誰でも出来るよう高度にシステム化したシンプルな作業で現在稼働率も驚異的な数字を記録しています。 チーム全体の評価なので一人が頑張り続ける必要がありません。 ※仕組上、ノウハウやサポートの提供は無償提供致します。 ++++++++++++++++++++++ インターネット環境: PC、スマホ、タブレット等、いずれか一つでも可 PC、スマホ知識: 不問だが、経験者はスピード感を持って取り組めます 就業時間: 自由 就業場所: 自由、国内・海外と場所を問いません 予定収入: 歩合ですが、チームを総合的に評価する制度です 誰でも実践出来るよう高度にシステム化しているため、驚異的な稼働率を誇っています。初心者でもシンプルで実績の出せる仕組みが貴方にも強力なメリットです。 副業、専業と仕事としてのスタイルは問いませんがしっかり収益を上げたいならメリットが大きいビジネス。 【重要視する点・経験】 ■ やる気や行動力がないと出来ませ...

min $33980
min $33980
0 入札

大成して自己実現したい新規事業のコアメンバーを募集致します。 既にある程度の成功を手にしたが、時間的拘束に悩んでいれば一度ご相談ください。 システムを拡散していただくシンプルな仕事です。 メッセージいただければ詳細の事業動画をお渡しします。 長期目線を念頭に取り組んでいただくことで、半年~一年後には爆発的に収益が見込めます。 【依頼詳細】 チームでシステムを拡散していくお仕事になります。 世界展開しており、すでに売り上げの立っている事業を日本や世界に向けて発信するお仕事になります。 ※今の参入は強烈なビジネスメリットが見込まれます。 経験者でしたらスピード感を持って取り組まれることで、すぐにコストも回収可能ですし、私の実績でも初月10万以上の報酬を獲得しています。 誰でも出来るよう高度にシステム化したシンプルな作業で現在稼働率も驚異的な数字を記録しています。 チーム全体の評価なので一人が頑張り続ける必要がありません。 ※仕組上、ノウハウやサポートの提供は無償提供致します。 ++++++++++++++++++++++ インターネット環境: PC、スマホ、タブレット等、いずれか一つでも可 PC、スマホ知識: 不問だが、経験者はスピード感を持って取り組めます 就業時間: 自由 就業場所: 自由、国内・海外と場所を問いません 予定収入: 歩合ですが、チームを総合的に評価する制度です 誰でも実践出来るよう高度にシステム化しているため、驚異的な稼働率を誇っています。初心者でもシンプルで実績の出せる仕組みが貴方にも強力なメリットです。 副業、専業と仕事としてのスタイルは問いませんがしっかり収益を上げたいならメリットが大きいビジネス。 【重要視する点・経験】 ■ やる気や行動力がないと出来ません ■ インターネット環境が必...

$7 - $20
$7 - $20
0 入札

私はアメリカの会社のブラジルのパートナーです。 私たちは、産業機械部品の販売で動作します。 私たちは、日本ではまだ開いて会社を持っていないが、我々は必要とする部品を販売して喜んサプライヤーを見つける必要があります。 私たちは、部品の送達のための日本での固定アドレスを持っています。 日本語を出来る人が必要です。 I am a Brazilian partner of an American company. We work with sales of industrial machinery parts. We do not have an open company still in Japan, but we need to find suppliers willing to sell the parts we need. We have a fixed address in Japan for the delivery of parts. It is necessary to know the Japanese language.

$148 Average bid
$148 平均入札額
3 入札

...for a Billing & Accounting Software Project We are looking for a freelance software developer to build a billing and accounting platform for businesses. The ideal candidate should have experience in React, Electron, and PouchDB for a seamless offline-first desktop application experience. Required Skills: ✅ React.js & (For cross-platform desktop app) ✅ PouchDB & CouchDB (For offline-first database functionality) ✅ Full-Stack Development (Frontend + Backend) ✅ Database Management (pouchdb and MongoDB) ✅ API Integration & Cloud Syncing ✅ Experience in Accounting/Billing Systems (Preferred) Project Overview: The goal is to develop a fast, offline-capable, and feature-rich software for invoicing, expense tracking, and financial repor...

$578 Average bid
$578 平均入札額
8 入札

As an architecture and engineering office, I am seeking a proficient agency that can help us materialize our concept logo into a full-blown branding package. The ideal freelancer should have a modern and sleek - Email signature design - Creation of a vector logo - Design of a two-page brochure Future Projects: Post completion of the initial branding, there will be further projects including a 150-page portfolio and website development. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design and branding - Experience in working with architecture and engineering firms - Strong portfolio of modern and sleek designs - Able to deliver minimalist design, innovative imagery and a professional tone - Skilled in creating business cards, email signatu...

$105 Average bid
$105 平均入札額
115 入札
Tally Prime Video Course Creation
6 日 left

...on Tally Prime, covering topics from Accounting Basics to Final Accounts. The course should be structured in chapters and professionally recorded with high-quality video, clear audio, and live Tally software demonstrations. Course Structure: (Expected Topics) 1. Introduction to Accounting & Tally Prime Basics of Accounting (Concepts, Principles, Double Entry System) Accounting Terms (Assets, Liabilities, Capital, Income, Expenses, etc.) Types of Accounts (Personal, Real & Nominal) Introduction to Tally Prime Installation & Activation of Tally Prime 2. Tally Prime Interface & Features Understanding the Tally Prime Dashboard Company Creation, Alteration & Deletion Configurations & Settings in Tally Data Securit...

$143 Average bid
$143 平均入札額
1 入札

I'm seeking an individual or a team skilled in sales, particularly cold calling and closing, to help reach out to existing leads in the North American healthcare services sector. The leads pertain to: - Consulting - Start Ups - Courses Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in sales, particularly in the healthcare industry - Excellent cold-calling skills - Strong closing capabilities - Ability to understand and convey value in healthcare services - Experience with consulting, start-ups, and course-related sales - Knowledge of the North American healthcare landscape - Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr 平均入札額
1 入札

This is for a beer label and will lead to many more. We’d like this label done in the same style as our attached labels. I attached our logo to be used in the center. We’d like all the content that you see on all of the attached labels included on this one. This is an OG American IPA that dates back to pre-West Coast IPA. I'm thinking a west coast meets Third Nature Brewing vibe for the label. Maybe Big Sur (pictured) and the redwood tree with the tent next to it on one side and and the rogue river with our forest and hop trellis on the other. Something along these lines with the more adventurer/outdoors theme for the label. West Nature IPA American IPA 6.7% 60IBU Citrus, pine and bitter yet balanced. The flavors that built the Craft beer i...

$87 Average bid
$87 平均入札額
135 入札

...excel workbook and run a macro that will import "AP Data" and format it so it matches the PDF example identically. All numbers in the excel worksheet after import need to be formatted as accounting so something that appears on the PDF Example as 7.50- will change to (7.50). The print area needs to match the PDF example. There are page numbers at the top right of each page and that needs to be how it prints in excel. Below is the generic instructions provided by freelancer. Requirements: - The macro should import data from a TXT file. - The formatting needs to match the column and row layout of my PDF example, with numbers formatted as accounting. - The imported data does not require any manipulation before formatting, such as sorti...

$155 Average bid
$155 平均入札額
30 入札

...Full control over system functions. • Staff (Employees): Can add expenses, view their reimbursements, and check vehicle file status. 2. Vehicle File Management • Ability to create a new file for each vehicle clearance using: o Chassis Number / File Number (Unique Identifier) o Client Name o Vehicle Details o Status: Pending, In Progress, Cleared o Total Expenses Incurred • Staff members can only add expenses if the file is active. • Admin has access to re-open a file in case a staff member forgot to add an expense. 3. Expense Tracking & Reimbursement • Staff members can log daily expenses for each file by selecting: o Chassis/File Number o Expense Type (Custom Duty, Port Charges, Transport, etc.) o Amount Spent o Date & Time (Automaticall...

$290 Average bid
$290 平均入札額
13 入札

I'm in need of an Ethereum L3 system to facilitate the development of a CRUD application tailored. These firms will have their own L3 companywide, ensuring data privacy and a strict audit trail of all activities. Key requirements: - **Creating scaffolding for CRUD Applications**: You will be responsible for crafting a CRUD application framework that leverages the Ethereum L3 system. The application should be user-friendly and intuitive, catering to the needs of people wanting to store arbitrary data on the blockchain Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing CRUD applications. - Proficiency in working with blockchain technologies, particularly Ethereum.

$2375 Average bid
$2375 平均入札額
34 入札

...WooCommerce product structure – centralize pricing rules and options. ✅ Optimize the admin experience – make it easy to update products and pricing. ✅ Improve WooCommerce & Helpdesk integration – ensure seamless order processing. ✅ Ensure compatibility with existing payment gateways (PayPal & Stripe). ✅ Maintain integration with Xero for accounting. ✅ Keep the frontend of the website unchanged – only backend fixes are needed. Ideal Candidate: ✔️ Strong expertise in WooCommerce & WordPress backend development ✔️ Experience working with custom pricing structures & product options ✔️ Familiarity with WooCommerce order management & Helpdesk integrations ✔️ Experience with Xero API integration ✔️ Ability to work independently and pro...

$461 Average bid
$461 平均入札額
180 入札

### **? Hiring Backend / DevOps Expert to Optimize and Develop a Royalty Accounting Dashboard ?** ? **Job Type:** Project-Based / Freelance / Full-Time ? **Salary:** Negotiable based on experience ? **Location:** Remote / On-site (if needed) ⏳ **Duration:** Phase 1 – 1 month (long-term collaboration possible) --- ## **? About the Project** We operate a **music distribution and monetization platform for artists**. One of our core requirements is a **Royalty Accounting Dashboard**, which processes **music streaming data, artist revenue, geographic analytics, and other key insights** from **monthly CSV files** received from our provider. ? **Our goal:** To optimize system performance, fix bugs, and enhance the UI/UX for a seamless user experience. ? **...

$246 Average bid
$246 平均入札額
32 入札
Trophy icon Playful Logo Design
29 日 left

I'm in need of a logo that is both playful and modern, using bright and vibrant colors. Ideal candidates should be: - Creative designers with a knack for fun and playful aesthetics - Experienced in logo design - Able to work with bold, bright, and vibrant color schemes Please, no time wasters. We want you to design our """" Food4Thought com Gelato Bar "" concept using this type van. We want a 50-60"s theme to the designs ... like "" Elvis Presley, Roy Orbinson, "" type themes (u must research this musical era to enter this competition

$22 Average bid

...a flexible, long-term side job? We are a small consulting business seeking a part-time accountant to support us with essential financial tasks and ensure compliance. Your Responsibilities: - Handling accounting tasks for our business - Preparing and submitting VAT reports - Keeping financial records up to date and closing books quarterly - Ensuring compliance and assisting with recurring audits What We’re Looking For: - Residence in Malta (This is mandatory) - Proven experience in accounting and VAT submissions - Ability to work independently and manage financial records - Your own accounting software or willingness to use spreadsheets - A detail-oriented mindset with a structured approach to finances What We Offer: - A long-term opportunity w...

$400 Average bid
$400 平均入札額
36 入札

Preparing for financial report (BS and PL) and tax return and submitting the documents to US tax office for US C corp and US partnership

$585 Average bid
$585 平均入札額
12 入札

...Ltd. is a leading accounting firm based in Australia, specializing in providing comprehensive taxation training, accounting, and financial services to individuals, businesses, and organizations across various industries. Established with a commitment to excellence, integrity, and client satisfaction, eEasyTax has emerged as a trusted partner for all of your accounting and financial needs. As our business continues to grow, we are seeking skilled Accountants, Bookkeepers, Payroll Specialists, and Accounts Payable/Receivable professionals with experience working for Australian entities to join us. The ideal candidates should have a deep understanding of Australian accounting standards and practices. The candidates must have at least 5 years'...

$4 / hr Average bid
$4 / hr 平均入札額
38 入札

I'm seeking a professional with strong accounting knowledge and video production skills to create a series of engaging, interactive video tutorials aimed at high school student. The primary goal of these lessons is to help students understand basic accounting principles. Key requirements: - Strong understanding of basic accounting principles - Experience in creating educational content, particularly video tutorials - Ability to explain concepts in a clear, engaging manner suitable for high school students - Knowledge of accounting principles relevant to high school curriculum - Skills in video production and editing Please include examples of previous similar projects in your proposal.

$20 Average bid
$20 平均入札額
8 入札

...Ltd. is a leading accounting firm based in Australia, specializing in providing comprehensive taxation training, accounting, and financial services to individuals, businesses, and organizations across various industries. Established with a commitment to excellence, integrity, and client satisfaction, eEasyTax has emerged as a trusted partner for all of your accounting and financial needs. As our business continues to grow, we are seeking skilled Accountants, Bookkeepers, Payroll Specialists, and Accounts Payable/Receivable professionals with experience working for Australian entities to join us. The ideal candidates should have a deep understanding of Australian accounting standards and practices. The candidates must have at least 5 years'...

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr 平均入札額
30 入札 sector. This software needs to cater to various financial aspects including accounting management and investment portfolio management, as well as handling EMI receipts and generating diverse reports. Key requirements: - The software must be functional on all platforms: Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. - It should incorporate a secure Two-Factor Authentication for user verification. - The software should be capable of generating various financial reports. Ideal skills and experience include: - Extensive knowledge and experience in software development, particularly for financial services. - Proficiency in creating multi-platform software. - Prior experience with implementing Two-Factor Authentication in software. This project requires a developer...

$300 Average bid
$300 平均入札額
25 入札

As a Bookkeeper at Pinecrest Consulting, your primary role is to maintain precise financial records and manage day-to-day accounting operations. This involves organizing financial documents, ensuring accuracy in the company's financial transactions, and being a vital point of contact for financial inquiries. Your responsibilities include overseeing financial data, implementing effective accounting solutions tailored to the company's needs, and collaborating efficiently with various departments to maintain comprehensive knowledge of Pinecrest Consulting's financial practices. Your role is crucial in ensuring transparent financial reporting and contributing significantly to the fiscal health and integrity of the organization. Key Responsibilities: ...

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr 平均入札額
42 入札

I'm looking for a professional logo designer to help create a minimalist style logo for my law firm. The logo will only include text, so expertise in typography is crucial. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in designing minimalist logos, particularly for law firms or similar industries. - A portfolio showcasing legal branding samples. - Ability to work with a predetermined colour scheme. - Creativity in suggesting suitable fonts for the logo, as I'm open to options beyond the standard Serif or Sans-serif fonts. The rate for this project is $5. Please only apply if you can work within this budget.

$21 Average bid
$21 平均入札額
19 入札

I'm seeking a committed and dedicated bookkeeper with strong accounting skills and expertise in QuickBooks Online (QBO). The tasks will primarily involve: - Monthly reconciliation: Ensuring that our financial records are accurate and up-to-date. - Income and Expense categorizing : Categorize the transactions properly based on GAAP - Preparing month entries and and producing financial statements (monthly and annually) - Other ad hoc duties - Keep client files in order The ideal candidate will have a good understanding o accounting. This role will involve managing 1-5 accounts. What is more important is your commitment to the role, attention to detail, and ability to deliver consistently high-quality work.

$2 - $8 / hr
$2 - $8 / hr
24 入札

I am seeking a dedicated professional to help generate B2B leads specifically in the Technology, Healthcare, Coaching and Consulting, and Legal industries. The primary goal is to set up meetings with potential clients or partners. Key Responsibilities: - Identifying and targeting potential B2B leads within the specified industries. - Setting up meetings with interested prospects. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in B2B lead generation. - Excellent networking and communication skills. - Familiarity with the Technology and Healthcare industries, as well as Coaching and Consulting firms and the legal sector. - Proficiency in using lead generation tools and platforms. Please note, the main focus is not just collecting data but facilitating meaningful business me...

$68 Average bid
$68 平均入札額
11 入札

...Should work well in both digital and print formats (website, social media, merchandise, documents). Must be scalable (clear and readable in different sizes). Possible elements to include (optional but preferred): A bicycle wheel or srockets or bike tools incorporated into the design. Upward arrows or graphs symbolizing growth and acceleration. A dynamic, motion-inspired feel (without being too busy). Color scheme: Open to ideas, but should evoke trust, success, and innovation. Typography: Strong, professional, and readable. Text & Variations: The full logo should include text SERVICE BUSINESS ACCELERATOR or a stylized abbreviation (SBA) if it fits the design. A version that works with and without a tagline (optional tagline: Accelerate Your Service Success). Delive...

$21 Average bid
132 エントリー

...a creative professional, WITH EXPERIENCE IN THE ACCOUNTING INDUSTRY, to design a series of single-page marketing brochures for my accounting firm. I'll provide the logo and topics, but the content and design will be left to the creater. The brochures are intended to inform our current clients and reach potential new business. Will need 6 brochures created. Key Responsibilities: - Design single-page brochures based on provided topics - Create engaging content that accurately represents our services - Incorporate our logo into the design Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in the Accounting or Financial Services industry is preferred - Proven experience in graphic design, specifically for print media - Strong understanding of...

$100 Average bid
$100 平均入札額
91 入札
Corporate Event Website Design
5 日 left

I'm in need of a proficient web designer for a corporate event. The focus of the website will primarily be on event promotion as well as event content. The site exists already in WP, but is an old and rigid template, needs a new one, new ideas. Some content is in Eventzilla which is used for registration and payments, as well as the event app, but no development needed there, but possible tweaks of their html pages and related content. Ideal skills for the job: - Proficient in web design in Wordpress, Eventzilla and possibly even Wix - Experienced in creating event promotion websites - Good understanding of corporate event needs - Able to deliver on time and budget - Potentially may extend to ongoing support role for the event in relat...

$1269 Average bid
$1269 平均入札額
355 入札

We are a company specializing in outsourced accounting services for property management firms, and seeking to develop a secure web platform that allows our clients to upload accounting documents (invoices, bank statements, account takeovers, etc.), track the processing of their requests, and easily communicate with our team. Goal: Streamline document exchanges, ensure transparent follow-up of requests, and enhance the overall client experience.

$1203 Average bid
$1203 平均入札額
260 入札

I'm seeking a passionate music enthusiast to collaborate with an AI in creating engaging playlists. Your tasks will include: - Participating in a series of 7-8 written conversations with the AI. Entire assignment will last 60-120 minutes. - Sharing your thoughts and music suggestions during these conversations. - Reviewing the final outputs. - Reflecting on the process and rating your experience. Ideal candidates: - Should have a strong familiarity with American culture. - A deep passion for music of any genre. - Excellent communication skills to express thoughts clearly. - Willingness to engage with AI and provide constructive feedback. The fee is $8 per hour. If this sounds like a project you'd enjoy, please apply by completing this quiz:

$14 / hr Average bid
緊急 NDA
$14 / hr 平均入札額
9 入札
Trophy icon Logo Design for Galvanic AI
5 日 left

I'm looking for a professional and iconic logo for my business process automation and AI consulting agency, Galvanic AI. The logo should strike a balance between sophistication and approachability, reflecting our commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions in a user-friendly way. Key Considerations: - Style: The logo can be minimalistic or abstract. I'm open to creative interpretations but it should be professional. - Color Palette: The logo should use a neutral and sophisticated color palette. Think subtle elegance rather than bold statements. I like subdued colors where at least one color is gray. - Elements/Symbols: The logo can incorporate symbols related to business process automation or AI. While I don't want it to be overloaded with symbols, a tasteful re...

$150 Average bid
1462 エントリー

Job Summary: We are seeking a skilled Mechanical Engineer with expertise in low-pressure systems for the downstream oil & gas sector (refining, distribution, terminals). You will design, analyze, and optimize piping, instrumentation, and equipment, ensuring compliance with industry standards (ANSI, API) and safety protocols. Proficiency in PFDs (Process Flow Diagrams), P&IDs (Piping & Instrumentation Drawings), and 3D modeling is essential. Key Responsibilities: Develop and review PFDs, P&IDs, and technical plans (planos) for low-pressure systems in downstream operations. Create detailed 3D models and engineering drawings using CAD software (e.g., AutoCAD, SolidWorks). Collaborate with cross-functional teams (process, civil, electrical) ...

$411 Average bid
$411 平均入札額
39 入札

----------------------------IMPORTANT : PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORD BIDDING------------------- We Urgently need to convert our accounting module from codeigniter (in our old web app) to laravel (in our new web app) and fix many issues and let it work, but respect our new web app design style, Key Requirements: 1. Immediate start: This is an urgent task. 2. Daily updates: I will need numerous updates each day, including a link to the work, a screenshot of the issue, and a screenshot of the fixed issue. 3. Adherence to corrections: You must follow exactly the corrections I send you and fix them the same day. 4. Design and Responsivity: Ensure you do not deviate from our front and admin web app design and responsiveness. Budget and Timeline: 1. Fixed price: The budget...

$25 Average bid
$25 平均入札額
24 入札

...our old Codeigniter web app admin area to our New Laravel web application admin area : 1-convert 2-integrate 3-let work 4-respect our new web app admin pages design style and 5-translation, language and currency switch must work in all modules. please notice that : 1-each module has many tabs pages inside (we changed modules structure style in new web app, check) 2-each module has his own config page wich has many tabs inside (in top right admin config menu, check) 3-some modules like : Clients, drivers, partners, affiliates, jobseekers has user area too (check in old web app) Key Requirements: 1. Immediate start: This is an urgent task. 2. Daily updates: I will need numerous updates each day, including a link to the work, a screenshot of the issue, and...

$170 Average bid
$170 平均入札額
87 入札

I'm looking to develop a comprehensive, interactive trading platform for my prop firm. This website will not only se...interface. - Incorporating robust security measures to ensure safe trading experiences. - Creating a seamless, real-time trading experience. - Establishing a demo environment that accurately simulates live trading conditions. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in website development, particularly in creating interactive trading platforms. Proficiency in understanding trading functionalities and implementing them into a website is crucial. Prior experience with prop firms or similar projects will be a significant advantage. Your ability to create a secure, efficient, and user-friendly trading platform will be...

$2169 Average bid
$2169 平均入札額
41 入札

I'm seeking a skilled accountant to assist with my business's financial records. The specific tasks will involve creating journal entries and generating trial balances. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in accounting principles and practices - Previous experience with journal entry and trial balance - Strong attention to detail - Excellent problem-solving skills - Good communication skills

$22 Average bid
$22 平均入札額
68 入札

We are seeking a Business Support Specialist/Bookkeeping Virtual Assistant to assist with maintaining and managing our financial record...update financial records Reconcile bank statements and track financial transactions Manage accounts payable and accounts receivable Handle invoices, payments, and billing Generate financial reports (P&L, balance sheets, cash flow) Assist with budgeting and expense tracking Provide general administrative support as needed Requirements: Proven experience in bookkeeping or accounting Proficiency with QuickBooks, Xero, or similar accounting software Strong attention to detail and organizational skills Ability to manage multiple tasks and meet deadlines Excellent written and verbal communication skills Ability to work independently ...

$32 / hr Average bid
$32 / hr 平均入札額
93 入札

...database to manage some data of my company. We are primarily focussed on selling and servicing scientific equipments in India. Right now I have few tables created in Data in this DB needs to be uploaded to the new DB once it's functional. More details as below: New DB can be developed in MySQL etc and can be hosted in our webspace. Our server is Linux based. Right now I have four tables- - Customer (Customer ID) - Case (Case ID) - EMD/ PBG Tracker - Receipt Log – This is where we log all our income/ expenses(bank account entrees), grouped in month and FY wise. Our CA has access to this with no edit right- Multiple PDF attachments required (Note: This is not an accounting module) Apart from this we would requir...

$288 Average bid
$288 平均入札額
18 入札

I'm seeking an experienced WordPress developer to create a website for my consulting business focused on green building energy efficiency and emissions. The site should highlight various aspects of our services,...our services, including energy saving installations, renewable energy usage, and emissions reductions. Key Features: - Professional, clean design suitable for a consulting firm - Sections dedicated to each aspect of our consulting services - Blog functionality for sharing insights and updates in the green building sector Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in WordPress site development - Experience in creating websites for consulting firms or similar - Understanding of or experience in the green building and energy efficien...

$176 Average bid
$176 平均入札額
193 入札

I need help creating financial statements for external reporting from my current templates. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in financial statement preparation - Experience with accounting/bookkeeping - Familiarity with Australian banking system Must be proficient with creating financial documents. I need someone who has a good work ethic and is interested in continuing work. It's not a large project, but it will offer more jobs in the future. Must be precise and accurate with figures. Data entry experience is also a plus. I require this project done in 2 or less days. Please only apply if you have the time to devote.

$48 Average bid
$48 平均入札額
61 入札

I'm looking for a skilled spreadsheet expert to create a Cost of Goods spreadsheet for my business. The spreadsheet should include: - to create a Cost of Goods spreadsheet for my business. The spreadsheet should include: - Item descriptions and costs - Supplier information In addition, I need the spreadsheet to have a feature for: - Total cost calculations Finally, I would like the items to be categorized by product type. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with spreadsheet software - Strong attention to detail - Ability to understand and implement business needs into a spreadsheet design. A background in supply chain management or cost accounting would be a plus. Please provide examples of similar projects yo...

$24 / hr Average bid
$24 / hr 平均入札額
39 入札

I'm in need of a financial expert who can help create a comprehensive financial summary and 3-year business projections for my healthcare business. I will provide all necessary details to be included in the documents. Key Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in finance and accounting, particularly in the healthcare industry - Experience with creating business projections - Familiarity with financial documents such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements - Excellent analytical skills to help with internal planning I already have an income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. The primary goal of this project is for internal planning, so it will be crucial for the financial summary and projections to be detailed a...

$388 Average bid
$388 平均入札額
110 入札

I'm looking for a detailed-oriented freelancer to help with entering invoices from my e-commerce business into our custom accounting software. Key Responsibilities: - Manually inputting single-page PDF invoices into our in-house accounting software. - Ensuring accuracy and attention to detail in every entry. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience with data entry. - Familiarity with accounting software is a plus, though training on our custom software will be provided. - Ability to handle large volumes of data efficiently. - Keen eye for accuracy. - Able to work with minimal supervision. This job takes about 5 hours per week. If you're interested and meet the criteria, I would love to hear from you!

$120 Average bid
$120 平均入札額
119 入札

...What You’ll Be Doing: Developing and maintaining modern web applications Building dynamic UIs with React, Angular, and Vue Creating and optimizing backend services using Node.js Working with APIs, databases (SQL & NoSQL), and cloud platforms What We’re Looking For: An individual developer (no agencies or outsourcing firms) Strong experience in React, Angular, Vue, and Node.js Proficiency in RESTful APIs, cloud services, and full-stack development Ability to work independently and in groups and solve complex problems...

$7 / hr Average bid
$7 / hr 平均入札額
38 入札