Adsl speed test script仕事
, steady and deep voice about 700-1000 Japanese words, the final script is still being writing record a demo below: 政治制度を改革し、ベルトや道路のイニシアティブとインターネットの発展の新しい時代には3つの主要な座標系を構成している。 第19回cpc国民会議は、人々の生活に集中し、心の人々に貢献することを目的としたもので、人類の将来についての共有によるコミュニティを作成し、その値として。 議長xi業界とインターネットの統合されるインターネット・プラスを再定義し、大きな重要性の大きいデータ産業に付随して、インターネット産業のための方向をハイライトし、新しい時代へのトレーサビリティの産業。
need mature and steady voice, sometimes emotional whole script is about 1500 Japan words record a demo below: ここは緑豊かで肥沃な大地であり、西江と岐江の雨露を休むことなく浴び;板芙鎮という肥沃な大地の滋養を吸収、中山市知的生産システム産業園は、ここで根を張りその発芽を待っています。 【産業的地位編】 「天下の先たるをおそれない」と言う精神の元、中山市は、世界クラスの現代装備品製造業基地にするためにその建設に向かって努力しています。中山市における重点として建設された唯一の省レベルの知的生産モデル基地であり、中山市知的生産装備品産業園は、まさにこの目標達成の為の重要手段であります。
■ 仕事内容 主に米国にいらっしゃる方にお願いします。 弊社のアプリを、実際に現地にいらっしゃる方にに操作していただいて、実際の通信速度を計測したいと思っています。 ・テスト用アプリをインストールしていただき、こちらの指示書通りに操作を行っていただきます。 ・1回 30分ほどのテストを 3回行っていただきます。 ・指示書は応募後にお送りします。 ・テスト結果は、アプリを通じて自動的に記録されます。細かい計測などを手動でしていただく必要はありません。 ・英語のスキルも必要ありません。 ■ お支払い額 3,000円 ■ 応募資格 1) 現在、米国にいらっしゃる方 2) iPhone 6s / iPhone 7 / iPhone SE をお持ちの方 端末性能の差をできるだけなくしたいので、今回は上記の端末のみに限定させていただきます。 3) 以下のいずれかの通信キャリアをご利用いただける方 ・Verizon ・AT&T ・Sprint ・T-mobile ■ 応募時に教えてほしいこと ・現在お住いの州 ・お手持ちのスマホの機種 ・契約中のキャリア ■ その他 テスト結果を受けてアプリを修正しますので、2週間後ぐらいに再度同じようなテストをご依頼させていただけると助かります。 その際はさらに追加で 3,000円お支払いさせていただきます。(サイトを通じてご依頼させていただきます。)
Please to recover the 500 Internal Server Error that occurred in the construction sites in Magento. 500 Internal Server Error is now displayed in normal operation to have a site that has been built with magento. I do not remember such as changes to the file. Only the 500 Internal Server Error front end of the site is displayed. Back office is normal operation and normally ...magento-cleanup.php. Installation condition confirmation using the magento-check.php. Delete of .htaccess. It is desired. iam not a native English speaker, you understand me well patience view. I want you to do it. I want to return the site to normal display and correct the error. Submission of the cause description and accurate and detailed work report of error. It is important. Speed, pric...
We are looking for EN>JP translators for our project. Field: medical, life science pricing manner: per EN word requirements: Freelancer (not the agency) native Japanese speaker at least two years in a translation firm or department Good at medical translation simple test as acceptable Please contact us if you are available
This is rosemarylaw office, lawyer in Japan. We are searching freelancer of PHP, SSIS, SSRS programer. We are continue to develop CS system, MS SQL +SSIS ,SSRS of server side and PHP front with IIS. All MS solution based. We have Server side engineer in house. and test server with dummy data, you can try from remote. development can do english based with skype, github,mail and so on. We hope to good offshore appications. Thanks now we are searching below project enginner. 1 upgrade SQL server SSIS import program 2005 to 2012 SSIS side is improt form exel to dbo and job lancher is C# based exe. Req Skill C# 2000, SSIS, SQL prototype, ex- version will remained Documets also you need to upgarede customizing and version up job. Becase some field connection was...
This is rosemarylaw office, lawyer in Japan. We are searching freelancer of PHP, SSIS, SSRS programer. We are continue to develop CS system, MS SQL +SSIS ,SSRS of server side and PHP front with IIS. All MS solution based. We have Server side engineer in house. we have test server with dummy data, you can try from remote. development can do english based with skype, github,mail and so on. We hope to good offshore appications. Thanks now we are searching below project enginner. 1 upgrade SQL server SSIS import program2005 to 2012 SSIS side is improt form CSV to DB, job lancher is C# based. Req Skill C# 2000, SSIS, SQL 2 upgarde SSRS program 2005 to 2012 small customizing upgarde checking. over 100 report should upgarde 3 php with sql add new searching view e... About Us: it is a company We are doing a hardware development there Your job Overview: Have you responsible for the application development that corresponds to the Internet. <Work scope> Of the front-end requirements definition - Specification of the front-end functions and UI In addition, the following work will be made out of scope. 1. programming 2. Description of the test code 3. Test specification created Non_Japanese and GLOBAL community System Engineers are requested kindly to check the Attachment Files which signifies the REQUIREMENT for this ROLE. Assumed operating time: XXX contract period: XXX Such as the necessary skills and experience: - Business application requirements definition and design of the experience of Smar...
... 土日、祝日の休日に業務いただける方 【報酬形態】 ・報酬は経歴、業務状況などを基に決定、昇給致します。 ・面接、適性審査により支払い方式を相談させていただく場合有。 【勤務地】PCと快適なネット回線が有ればどこでも構いません また、通話して頂く必要が有りますので電話が出来る環境でお願いします 【具体的な業務】 チャット、メール、電話などで依頼される内容を受けて頂き 実行して貰うお仕事となります。 一般的な企業のアシスタント、秘書業務などと同様な部分が多いですが 対面は有りませんので、依頼はオンラインで完結出来る内容のみです。 【求めている人物像】 ・秘書経験者 ・日本語、英語のバイリンガル ・カスタマーサポート経験者 ・営業事務、アシスタント経験者 ・Webの知識が豊富な方 →システム的な意味では無く、「情報収集」や「検索力」 【必須条件】 ・ADSL以上のインターネット環境 ・skypeなどが問題無く動作するレベルのPC 【提出書類】 選考に進まれる場合は、履歴書及び職務経歴書のご提出をお願い致します。 ※個人を特定する情報の記載は必須ではございません。 また、下記の質問事項のご回答と、タイピングテスト(無料)の受検結果のスクリーンショットも併せてご提出お願いたします。 ◆タイピングテスト(3000円コースをお選び下さい:無料) :// ◆無料簡易テスト ◆質問事項 1)DROPBOXは使われていますか? 2)チャットワークは使われていますか?
...【具体的な業務】 チャット、メール、電話などで依頼される内容を受けて頂き 実行して貰うお仕事となります。 一般的な企業のアシスタント、秘書業務などと同様な部分が多いですが 対面は有りませんので、 依頼はオンラインで完結出来る内容のみです。 電話での依頼もあり、また発信も有ります。 発信の際の通話料金は弊社負担で行いますのでご安心ください。 【求めている人物像】 ・秘書経験者 、営業サポート、経理経験、カスタマーサポート経験、web、ECサイトの運用経験がある方は優遇 ・経験に合った部署へ配属をさせていただきます。 ・Webの知識が豊富な方 →システム的な意味では無く、「情報収集」や「検索力」 ・英語が多少出来る人 ・Wordpressの経験のある方 ・Adobe Illustrator, Photoshopを扱える方 ・日本語の文章力に自信がある方 【必須条件】 ・ADSL以上のインターネット環境 ・skypeなどが問題無く動作するレベルのPC ご質問など、お気軽に頂ければと思います。 【提出書類】 選考に進まれる場合は、履歴書及び職務経歴書のご提出をお願い致します。 ※個人を特定する情報の記載は必須ではございません。 作業一例) ・領収書の整理と経理処理のサポート ・インターネット上での調査 ・電話での問合せ(仕入れ先への材料発注、納期確認、在庫確認等) ・エクセルの作成と加工等(元データを販売店別・品番別の売上実績表、商品別の利益率表に加工など) ・ウェブサイト更新の手伝い(商品説明の文面を考え、記入など) ・お客様より商品フィードバックを促進する(雛形を元にメールを配信) ・競合調査のリサーチ ・メール整理と返信 ※上記業務は一例になります。 すべてを実...
...calendar to display the price using the data from the Excel document. This is part of the fixed price , in order to cover all the latest tables. Currently I am using PHP Excel, to migrate to MySQL if possible. MySQL 5.5 PHP 5.2 Basically: I want to display the captured data in XLS (Excel) to MySQL in calendar form. PS. if there is the necessary support, we can do this monthly PPS. For the test site , I can prepare it in the same server. ---------------------------------------------------------------- エクセルファイルのデータを使って料金をカレンダー表示したい。 料金を一部変えることは無く、最新のシートですべて上書きする。 現在はPHPExcelを使っている。 できればMySQLに移行したい。 MySQLは5.5 PHPは5.2 ・XLSをMySQLに取り込む ・取り込んだデータをカレンダー状に表示する 月を区切るためにエクセルになにか追記が必要な場合対応可能。 テストサイトは、同じサーバーで用意できます。
Quiz program written by JavaScript is already existed. I think of this app for android and iOS. I would like to implementate like them. 1. easily addon (It means another titles of quiz can be added ) Now, source code of quizes are written in basis script directly. I wish these addon can be downloaded each from the store. [main program +trial quiz] + [addon(other title of quiz)] I am looking forward to your proposals. 選択クイズプログラムがすでにJavascriptで書かれたものがあります。 これを、アンドロイドとiOS用に用意しているのですが、次で頓挫しています。 実装したいのは アドオンを追加することでクイズのタイトルが好きに追加できる機能。 アドオンはストアから別途ダウンロードできるようにしたいと考えています。 現在ソースコードにべた書きをしている状態で、分離できていません。 [メインプログラム+トライアルクイズ] と [アドオンなどで新しいクイズの追加] これを理想としています。 ご提案お待ちしております。
I have a Python script that is meant to scrape data from a website, but currently it is not collecting any data. The structure of the website has not changed recently, so I suspect there may be an issue with the script itself. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Python - Experienced with web scraping - Familiar with troubleshooting and debugging scripts I am looking for an expert who can quickly identify and fix the problem, so that my script can start collecting data again.
I have a Code Canyon PHP script and I'm encountering a PayPal integration issue. The error message reads: "Something doesn't look right. Your payment can't be completed to the merchant." This happens when I hit the 'pay now' button. I must mention that I haven't made any recent changes to my PayPal account or payment setup. I'm a novice and don't know how to configure it correctly. It says to add your PayPal email to get paid and you're done. The creator Mr. Plugin said he fixed this. Ideal Skills: - Strong proficiency in PHP - Extensive experience in PayPal API integration - Expertise in debugging e-commerce scripts My goal is to have the PayPal integration working seamlessly again. Please reach out if you have the necessary ...
...and sleek square Instagram post ads for my Winzy App. Concept 1: "Guess the Movie from Emojis" - Theme: Decode movies using emojis - Description: Participants will decode emojis to guess iconic movies and compete for amazing prizes, including a mini projector for home and cash prizes. - Entry Fee: ₹50 Concept 2: "Guess the Musical Instrument" - Theme: Recognize musical instruments - Description: Test your musical knowledge by guessing instruments to win prizes like Apple AirPods and cash awards. - Entry Fee: ₹50 The ads should convey: - Fun, engaging quizzes - The thrill of winning exciting prizes - An affordable entry fee for all Preferred color scheme is warm and inviting colors. The ideal candidate should have a strong portfolio in modern design, and ex...
...delivered, all code delivered, tested, and accepted by me. You must install the program on my server and make sure it is bug free and works perfectly. You will suggest a server for me to rent I will approve the server for me to rent. I will provide or have the server company provide a coder login. The server must be an inexpensive server that will work perfectly. You must allow me sufficient time to test each feature as you have it built and ready for me to check. If your work is High Quality and exactly what I need I would be interested in considering you for Future projects. I don't communicate on Sundays and I don't expect you to work on Sundays....
...developer to implement bug fixes to existing Android Code. Developer will be provioded with existing code and APK. Must ensure latest version of 3rd party SDK and Android version is used. Fix the bugs and deliver build for playstore - from where app will be tested Key Responsibilities: - Identify and troubleshoot bugs within the application - Ensure the app is stable and ready for Playstore - Create a test builds for Playstore and release build Ideal Qualifications: - Proficient in Android app development - Experience with preparing apps for Playstore - Strong skills to troubleshoot bugs and performance optimization - Familiar with integrating apps with multiple APIs This will be a fixed bid project and must be completed in 7 days from award. These are minor bug-fixes. Develo...
...Have a desire to learn new techniques and technology to advance your craft Have a strong eye for quality and details. Not a must, but it will be extra awesome if you'd have experience in 3D Animation (Blender, Cinema4D, or other 3D rendering software) Are able to receive and interpret feedback, and meet tight deadlines Have own equipment: Computer/Laptop (with hi-res screen preferable) and high-speed internet About the team The Animator/Illustrator role will be part of a vibrant and friendly creative studio, producing beautiful motion and animated elements for our library. You’ll have the opportunity to participate in defining how motion looks at Canva, deliver a wide variety of creative campaigns and the chance to create elegant, on-trend motion graphics and animati...
I need a swift, two-page LMS proof of concept built from a PSD file. The main features to include are a course list and interactive quizzes, specifically multiple-choice questions. The course list page must contain course t...main features to include are a course list and interactive quizzes, specifically multiple-choice questions. The course list page must contain course thumbnails, descriptions, and enrollment buttons. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in HTML and responsive design. - Experience with creating LMS. - Quick turnaround time. - Detail-oriented to follow PSD precisely. - Able to create interactive elements. Speed is crucial. The quicker the delivery, the higher the chance of winning. If this proof of concept is approved, the same freelancer will be tasked with a full WordPr...
I have a text document in PDF format that is between 11 to 50 pages long. I need someone to type it out for me. It is crucial that the typed document follows the PDF formatting exactly. Ideal skills for this project: - Excellent typing speed and accuracy - Proficient in Google Docs - Attention to detail - Able to follow specific formatting instructions
I need a professional to test my REST API for security vulnerabilities using Burp Suite. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in using Burp Suite for security testing - Solid understanding of REST API - Experience in identifying security vulnerabilities - Knowledgeable in various types of security threats Please provide your bid if you have the required skills and experience.
...Project is Profitable: The target wallet executes ~100 trades daily, each lasting 1-10 minutes, with an average trade size of ~$1,000. The wallet generates over $1.5M per week, with no single day below $100,000 in profit over the last two months. By successfully replicating these trades, the bot is expected to generate at least 50% of these profits, potentially $750k+ weekly. Key Requirements: Speed & Precision: Trades must be replicated within the same block to ensure alignment with the target wallet. Blockchain Expertise: Deep knowledge of the Solana ecosystem, memecoin markets, and MEV strategies. Reliability: The bot must operate seamlessly with minimal downtime. Urgent Delivery: This project must be completed within 3 days. Compensation: I am willing to pay generou...
Hi panichapoldee, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over are a licensed and reputable payment institution seeking freelancers to help test our payment functionality. Here are the details: Requirements: Must have a TrueMoney wallet. Task: Test the payment feature by making a transaction. The full payment amount will be refunded to you immediately. Duration: Approximately 10 minutes. Payment: $15 per testing round, converted to Thai Baht and directly transferred to your bank account. Additional Info: A signed contract will be provided to ensure your rights and protect your interests. We kindly request you to screen record the payment process and share your experience, comparing it with your usual payment interactions. If...
Shopify back end support We are looking for someone to help us with our Shopify back end and front end support. We have a small fashion business at 2025 is going to be a test year. We are going to be active on social media, we are going to be adding items to the collection on a limited scale. And we are going to be trying out some investments in social media advertising. At the end of the year we will be evaluating whether or not we can make further investments in the collection and advertising in order to create a bigger business. Our online store and the connected Instagram page need to run perfectly smooth. In the past we have had errors in the way Shopify was set up, leading to error messages popping up about shipping not being available for a ...
...acquired a DSLR camera and I'm eager to learn how to capture stunning wildlife shots. Focus areas for the project: - Wildlife Photography Techniques: I'm particularly interested in learning how to photograph wildlife. This includes understanding animal behaviour, finding the right vantage points, and timing shots perfectly. - Camera Settings: I want to understand how to use the aperture, shutter speed, and ISO settings on my camera to get the best possible shots. I'm not currently looking for assistance with post-processing or editing my photos, but I may require help with this in the future. Ideal skills for the freelancer include: - Extensive experience in wildlife photography - Proficient in teaching and breaking down complex concepts - Ability to provide ...
...have Python code that interacts with Uniswap (Ethereum) for minting and managing LP positions, swaps, and more. I’m looking to replicate this functionality for Raydium on Solana. Key Requirements: - Proven experience integrating systems with Solana using Python. - In-depth knowledge of Raydium, including crypto token minting and liquidity provision processes. - Strong understanding of transaction speed optimization and security best practices within the Solana ecosystem. Project Scope: - Develop a Python function to mint an LP position on Raydium. I will provide existing Python code for Uniswap as a reference. - Document the key distinctions between interacting with Uniswap LP positions and Raydium LP positions. There may be related work available if this project goes sm...
...engaging, 2D animated video to be used for employee onboarding. The video should explain the importance of our systems and processes, and what happens when they're not adhered to, all in a humorous tone. I have a detailed script with voiceover lines and suggestions for appropriate visuals. Once the document is finalised with the animator, we'll arrange a voiceover to time the animation accordingly. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Expertise in 2D animation - Proven track record of creating engaging, humorous content - Ability to interpret and visualise a script - Experience with timing animations to a voiceover - Understanding of corporate training content The key takeaway for employees should be the importance of following our systems. The humor s...
...• Es sind weitere 5 Methoden bzw. Properties mit einer entsprechenden Funktionalität implementiert (siehe Methoden GetActiveTasks() bzw. CalculateAveragePoints() von der Übung RichDomainModels als Beispiele). Verwenden Sie auch LINQ Statements für die Methoden. • Das Erstellen der Datenbank entsprechend den Modelkassen ist als Testfall implementiert. • Für jede Methode ist ein eigener Success Test, der das Testergebnis aus der Datenbank ausliest, in einem XUnit Testprojekt umgesetzt. Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten für eine bessere Beurteilung: • Umsetzung von beidseitigen Navigations. • Zusätzliche Modelkassen bzw. Methoden mit entsprechenden Funktionalitäten sind implementiert. • Die Datenb...
I'm seeking a talented Bangladeshi content creator. I'll provide a script in Bengali. Your task will be to create a 1-hour educational video on 'Specific Faith Based Culture' based on the script. - Content Type: This will be an educational video, so clarity, engagement and educational value are key. - Format: The video should follow a report-style format, akin to a news report. - Subject Matter: The focus will be on 'Specific Faith Based Culture Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Native or near-native proficiency in Bengali - Proven experience in content creation, particularly educational videos - Strong understanding and interest in Bangladeshi history and culture - Ability to present information in a clear and engaging manner - Experienc...
I am looking for an experienced Python developer to create a script that will: Automate Daily Data Scraping: Log in to a specific website daily. Scrape data from links provided in a Google Sheet. Google Sheet Integration: Fetch links from a Google Sheet as input. Append the scraped data for the last 1 week (100 data points daily) into a specified Google Sheet. Hosting Requirements: The script will be hosted on and configured to run automatically on a daily schedule. Key Features: Error handling for login issues, scraping errors, or Google Sheets API failures. Efficient handling of large data (100 data points daily). Deliverables: Fully functional Python script meeting the above requirements. Clear setup instructions for hosting on Documentatio...
I'm looking for an expert in TradingView's Pinescript to develop an automated trading strategy for cryptocurrency. The script is likely to be relatively simple based on some manual inputs and involves the trading engine opening orders and corresponding hedges as the market price changes.
I am seeking an experienced WordPress developer to assist with my website's technical issues. Key Responsibilities: - Investigate and mitigate spam comments on my website, primarily targeting the email section. - Diagnose the cause of my website's emails landing in spam folders and implement a solution. - Enhance the website's speed, offering insights on maintaining optimal performance, including cache management. With the right skills and experience, this could lead to a permanent position for future technical problems, new developments, and platform integrations on my website. I am looking forward to collaborating with you.
...both front-end and back-end development, integrating APIs, optimizing performance, and ensuring the overall functionality of the application. Key Deliverables: Design and implement front-end components using React. Build and manage back-end APIs and databases using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. Ensure smooth integration between the front-end and back-end. Optimize application performance for speed and scalability. Implement user authentication, authorization, and security features. Collaborate with the team to troubleshoot and resolve any technical issues. Provide documentation for the developed code and setup instructions. Skills Required: Strong experience in developing applications with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js). Proficient in JavaScript, HTML, CSS,...
I'm looking for an experienced WordPress developer with a deep understanding of speed optimization techniques to enhance the page load time of my blog, particularly the homepage. - Current Situation: I already have caching plugins installed but the homepage still loads slower than expected. - Task: Diagnose the issue and implement necessary optimizations to improve the speed. Ideal candidates should have proven experience with speed optimization on WordPress sites and be familiar with various caching plugins. Good communication skills and the ability to explain technical details in simple terms are a plus.
I'm seeking a talented comedy scriptwriter to pen a play targeted at adults. This play will unfold in a public place, lending itself to a variety of humorous scenarios and interactions. Key Requirements: - Proficient in crafting sharp, witty satire - Understanding of comedic timing and structure - Able to create engaging, relatable characters The ideal freelancer will have a strong background in comedy writing, particularly in the realm of satire, and a keen insight into adult humor. If you can weave together clever commentary on societal norms with laugh-out-loud scenarios, this project is for you.
Hi, I’m looking for around 15 beta testers to test my iOS app with TestFlight and provide feedback on things such as: - design - usability - spell and grammar check I will need an email address to send the invitation to your email. Thanks
I'm a beginner student looking for an expert who can tutor me in AWS and data science....beginner student looking for an expert who can tutor me in AWS and data science. The areas I need help with include: - Basics of AWS and AI/ML models - Setting up databases and creating test data - Running analytics and reports/Dashboards on data trends I am particularly interested in learning about predictive analytics and other data analytics models My ideal tutor would have: - Extensive experience and knowledge of AWS - A strong background in data science - Excellent teaching skills - Patience and ability to explain complex topics in a simple way. I hope to learn how to use AWS for data analytics with test data, and gain a solid understanding of predictive analytics and ...
...charting. The ideal candidate should be self-motivated, disciplined, and detail-oriented, with a strong grasp of video production techniques and adhering to our brand guide. Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging motion graphics, animated charts, and explainer animations - Utilize 2D & 3D animating software, primarily Cinema 4D and Adobe Creative Suite - Employ AI services like Chat GPT for script-making and Eleven Labs for voiceovers - Implement sound leveling and Foley FX Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in Cinema 4D, Adobe Creative Suite, Figma - Familiarity with video production techniques - Attention to detail - Experience with trading is a plus, but not mandatory - Previous work with motion graphics and animated charts is desirable This is a temporary to perm...
Service Done for 1 Laptop Check drive status/settings and free up some space. Help client setup login to another account in laptop. Configure and test Outlook. Integrate and test Zoom outlook plugin. Integrate and test Calendly outlook plugin. Setup OneDrive, check sync status, and perform testing. Total Hours = 2.5 Rate per Hour = 35 NZD Total = 87.50 NZD
I need an experienced Python developer to create a script capable of retrieving the full options chain for Ethereum (ETH) and Bitcoin (BTC) from the platform. The script must return detailed options data. Requirements: - The script should provide data for each option, including: Type (Put/Call), Expiry, Strike, Bid Size, Bid Price, Ask Price, Ask Size, Volume, Implied Volatility, Delta. - It should output structured data in a Pandas DataFrame. - The use of API keys is acceptable if it simplifies implementation. - The data retrieval should happen on-demand, each time the script is run. Deliverables: A Python script that fetches and returns the requested data in a structured format (Pandas DataFrame). Please include examples of your past work with simil...
I'm in need of a skilled architecture and engineering professional to refine a set of plans for a...modifying pre-existing plans is essential. In addition to design tweaks, I also need full electrical and plumbing plans (I will indicate where I want them). You will also need to provide full outside elevations and 3D renderings. Please note: This is not a full design project as I already have very detailed specifications in place. The goal is to turn this project around within 24 hours, so speed and efficiency are key. A successful completion of this task may lead to future opportunities. This is the plan I want to do but with changes (This is just for inspiration)
I'm in need of a Florida certified architect to certify a complete set of house plans for new construction approval. The architect should verify the structure, all engineering for wind speed and other factors, and be able to discuss and make any necessary changes. Key Responsibilities: - Certify complete house plans for new construction - Verify structural integrity, wind resistance engineering, and compliance with local building codes - Make necessary adjustments to the plans Ideal Skills: - Florida architect certification - Extensive knowledge of structural engineering and wind resistance engineering - Familiarity with local building codes No specific changes have been identified at this time, but flexibility and expertise in making adjustments will be crucial.
I need an API and script that will automate sending Bitcoin from my Bitcoin balance to my Coinbase and Binance accounts. Key Requirements: - The primary purpose of this API and script is to automate regular transactions. - Integration with Coinbase and Binance is a must. - The API should specifically include the functionality to send Bitcoin automatically. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with cryptocurrency and Bitcoin transactions. - Proficiency in developing APIs and scripts. - Prior work with integrating services with Coinbase and Binance. - Understanding of security measures related to cryptocurrency transactions. Please, only apply if you can meet these requirements and have the necessary experience. Thank you.
...affiliates a discount on their first ride. 2. Loyalty Incentives: Create rewards for users who repeatedly book rides through the app. 3. Engage Through Content: Regularly share useful content (e.g., tips for riders, travel guides) to drive app usage. --- Step 5: Monitor and Optimize Performance 1. Track Metrics: Measure clicks, signups, and ride bookings generated by affiliates. 2. A/B Test Campaigns: Experiment with different commission rates or marketing materials. 3. Provide Ongoing Training: Host webinars or share best practices with affiliates to improve their conversion rates. --- Step 6: Scale the Program 1. Expand to Partner Apps: Integrate with ride-related apps or services (e.g., navigation or trip-planning apps). 2. Launch Regional Campaigns: Targ...
I'm looking for a skilled video editor to enhance a short screen-recorded video. The editing criteria are specific, and if we work well together, there is potential for ongoing work with additional videos. Key Editing Tasks - Trim the video to the specified start and stop times - Speed up designated sections for a concise demonstration - Apply masking to hide specific elements like tabs, URL bars, and usernames - Insert titles, freeze frames, logos, and explainer text boxes at designated times Video Style and Tone The final product needs to be professional and clear. Text boxes that highlight key points should be created throughout the video. Branding and File Format - The final edited video should be delivered in MP4 format - I will provide branding guidelines from our webs...
I'm looking for a proficient script developer who can create a script for Trading View that will work both in the browser and the Desktop App. The script needs to capture specific data when I draw a vertical line on the chart to identify a particular price bar. When I place a vertical line on the chart, I want the script to extract the following information and send it to an Excel sheet: 1. The date of the price bar 2. The time of the price bar 3. The price (it should consider the high price of the bar if I use a green vertical line, or the low price of the bar if I use a red vertical line) The exact specifications of the project, including the precise format for the data, can be found in the attached document. Key requirements: - Expertise in TradingV...
I'm working on a university machine learning project using PyTorch and LSTM. I'm currently encountering an error while executing the following command on Windows: python scripts/ --input "def mi_funcion(" --model models/ The error message I'm receiving is: import CodeCompletionModel ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'src' I would like a freelancer to troubleshoot and fix the project so it runs smoothly. It's important to check both the scripts and the development environment. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in Python and PyTorch - Experience with LSTM models - Familiarity with Windows development environments - Strong debugging skills - Ability to understand and fix project structure issues
...Wordpress from server to server and switching the domain between servers. The site exists. With all links preserved. Current cyberfolks hosting switching to home with options supporting wordpress. (hosting purchased) Plus making a new graphic design, minimalistic similar to what is (or something more interesting) Most importantly, perfect work on mobile devices phones + page speed tests in green in tests. A local company's site so according to Google guidelines to maintain position. This is a site of a small contractor of various installation works. It is important that all links and their form are completely unchanged. At the moment I use elementror for editing, in fact I even like it and I have already mastered it, so I would like to stay with it but without unnece...
...checking that the security standards are being met, in order to ensure that there is no possibility of cheating at any stage. The exam content and result are irrelevant to this exercise. You will need to be observant and discreet in order to undertake this visit. You need to remain in the test centre and complete the exam as if you were a genuine entrant. We have full guidance notes to assist you, which give a very clear background of the environment. The actions that you need to take are actions that test takers attempt, so do not be worried about carrying them out. After the visit there is a report to complete, it is not lengthy but you need to explain what you did and what were the staff responses. The visit lasts 30 minutes. Your payment is $70 per visit. Note that ...
...checking that the security standards are being met, in order to ensure that there is no possibility of cheating at any stage. The exam content and result are irrelevant to this exercise. You will need to be observant and discreet in order to undertake this visit. You need to remain in the test centre and complete the exam as if you were a genuine entrant. We have full guidance notes to assist you, which give a very clear background of the environment. The actions that you need to take are actions that test takers attempt, so do not be worried about carrying them out. After the visit there is a report to complete, it is not lengthy but you need to explain what you did and what were the staff responses. The visit lasts 30 minutes. Your payment is $70 per visit. Note that ...