3shape dental system 2017 user manual仕事
We are looking for an Electrical and Hardware Engineer to design and prototype a power consumption smart meter with the following requirements: - Smart Meter is designed and built for high voltage (240 volts) - Smart Meter is a connected (IOT) device that sends power usage to the server using wifi connection - Smart Meter can be controlled from the server using APIs - Smart Meter is designed to pass UL and CE requirements (obtaining the certifications is not part of this project) Please only apply to the job posting if you have relevant prior experience. Submit your portfolio or past work to be considered for the job. ====Google翻訳テキスト==== 私たちは、次の要件を満たした消費電力スマートメーターを設計およびプロトタイプ化する電気およびハードウェアエンジニアを募集しています。 -スマートメーターは高電圧(240ボルト)用に設計および構築されています -スマートメーターは、WiFi接続を使用してサーバーに電...
SDL is Product and Service Public Company. Over the past 25 years we’ve delivered transformative business results by enabling powerfullynuanced digital experiences with customers around the world. We are looking for passionate, collaborative and creative people to join our team. We are spreadacross 55 offices in 38 countries yet we still manage to keep a small company feel. About Us - SDLアメリアは、ソフトウェアテスティングサービスのリーディングカンパニーです。 ただいま、ソフトウェアのQAテスターを急募しています。様々なデバイスを使って、ソフトウェアのQAテストを担当していただきます。都内のグローバルIT企業のオフィスでのお仕事です。 雇用形態:契約社員(契約延長の可能性あり) 勤務地:東京 モバイルデバイスのテスト経験がある方、幅広い種類のデバイス、アプリ、メディアに対応できる方からのご応募をお待ちしています。 <求める経験、スキル> • モバイルデバイス、クラウド、ウェブ、テレビ/ビデオ等のテスト経験、または開発経験がある方(2年以上) • iOS、Android、Mac OSの使用経験がある方 • 分析力、トラブルシューティングのスキルをお持ちの方、細部に注意を払える方、新しいことを学びすばやく吸収でき...
■お仕事の内容 一流旅館・ホテルの予約サイトrelux()の旅館、ホテルの情報を英語に翻訳したいと考えており、英語で文書を書くことが得意な方の募集を行います。作業としては、こちらから翻訳用のアカウントをお渡しするので、そこに記載されている旅館またはホテルの情報を翻訳して頂く形となります。 ▽Reluxについて 以下サイトをご覧くださいませ。 サイトURL: アプリ: ▽報酬金額 20,000円/10施設(システム利用料・税込み) ※10施設単位でのお支払いになります。 ※事前に源泉税を徴収の手続きをさせていただきます ▽翻訳の分量 弊社の予約サイト( )の各施設のページの中にある ・施設の名前 ・施設の紹介 ・宿泊プラン紹介(施設による数は変わります) ・部屋タイプ紹介(施設による数は変わります) ・アクセス ・レストラン ・お風呂 ・その他の施設情報 ・ご案内 ・注意事項 となります。文字の分量をご確認ください。 ▽応募条件 ・英語が母語の方 ・1週間10施設の翻訳を仕上げてくださる方。 ・英語のみでなく、日本語読解能力のある方(文言的な日本語がでてきます) ・定期的な進捗報告ができる方。 ▽選考および仕事依頼のフロー 【選考】 翻訳の品質を確認するため、短いテスト文面の翻訳を選考として行わせていただきます。 選考内容を答えた上で、ご応募してください 【仕事依頼のフロー】 選考を通過した方に一回目の契約はトライアルとして、1施設の翻訳のみとさせていただきます。 納品後作業のルール、内容と品質を確認した上で、問題ないようでしたら、正式に10施設をご依頼させていただきます。 ※トライアル翻訳(1施設分)の報酬は支払いますので、ご安心ください。 ▽期間 早くご応募いただけ...
■お仕事の内容 一流旅館・ホテルの予約サイトrelux()の旅館、ホテルの情報を英語に翻訳したいと考えており、英語で文書を書くことが得意な方の募集を行います。作業としては、こちらから翻訳用のアカウントをお渡しするので、そこに記載されている旅館またはホテルの情報を翻訳して頂く形となります。 ▽Reluxについて 以下サイトをご覧くださいませ。 サイトURL: アプリ: ▽報酬金額 20,000円/10施設(システム利用料・税込み) ※10施設単位でのお支払いになります。 ※事前に源泉税を徴収の手続きをさせていただきます ▽翻訳の分量 弊社の予約サイト( )の各施設のページの中にある ・施設の名前 ・施設の紹介 ・宿泊プラン紹介(施設による数は変わります) ・部屋タイプ紹介(施設による数は変わります) ・アクセス ・レストラン ・お風呂 ・その他の施設情報 ・ご案内 ・注意事項 となります。文字の分量をご確認ください。 ▽応募条件 ・英語が母語の方 ・1週間10施設の翻訳を仕上げてくださる方。 ・英語のみでなく、日本語読解能力のある方(文言的な日本語がでてきます) ・定期的な進捗報告ができる方。 ▽選考および仕事依頼のフロー 【選考】 翻訳の品質を確認するため、短いテスト文面の翻訳を選考として行わせていただきます。 選考内容を答えた上で、ご応募してください 【仕事依頼のフロー】 選考を通過した方に一回目の契約はトライアルとして、1施設の翻訳のみとさせていただきます。 納品後作業のルール、内容と品質を確認した上で、問題ないようでしたら、正式に10施設をご依頼させていただきます。 ※トライアル翻訳(1施設分)の報酬は支払いますので、ご安心ください。 ▽期間 早くご応募いただけ...
日本語の取扱説明書を校正お願いします。 よろしくお願いいたします。
業務内容としてはPC上での簡単なデータのコピー&ペースト作業です。 1日 30分程度です。 これを毎日お願いします。 基本コピー&ペースト作業、初心者の方でも大丈夫です。 報酬に関しては 約月6000円ぐらいからと考えています。 ※1日にこなせる作業幅が増えた場合は昇給させていただきます。 ☆条件☆ ?パソコンを持っている方 ?毎日作業が出来る方 ?ライン等を使える方 ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※ノウハウやデータの内容を第三者に漏洩することは厳禁です。 ※入力したデータに誤りがあった場合や、 重複があった場合には、以降の作業を拒否することがあります。 お仕事をお願いする場合はこちらの情報をかなりお渡しすることになりますので 本当に信頼できる方にお願いしたいと考えております。 ご応募の際は、以下の質問への回答をお願いいたします。 【質問への回答がなかった場合は、内容や条件などのご確認頂けていないものとし、返信はいたしませんので、予めご了承くださいm(__)m】 Q、インターネットの閲覧、PC上でのコピー&ペーストはできますか? Q、1日に確保できる作業時間はおおよそどのくらいですか? Q、年齢、性別、ご職業、お住いの地域、簡単な自己紹介をお願いいたします。 仕事内容についてご質問等ありましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください。 よろしくお願い申し上げます。
業務内容としてはPC上での簡単なデータのコピー&ペースト作業です。 1日 30分程度です。 これを毎日お願いします。 基本コピー&ペースト作業、初心者の方でも大丈夫です。 報酬に関しては 約月6000円ぐらいからと考えています。 ※1日にこなせる作業幅が増えた場合は昇給させていただきます。 ☆条件☆ ?パソコンを持っている方 ?毎日作業が出来る方 ?ライン等を使える方 ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※ノウハウやデータの内容を第三者に漏洩することは厳禁です。 ※入力したデータに誤りがあった場合や、 重複があった場合には、以降の作業を拒否することがあります。 お仕事をお願いする場合はこちらの情報をかなりお渡しすることになりますので 本当に信頼できる方にお願いしたいと考えております。 ご応募の際は、以下の質問への回答をお願いいたします。 【質問への回答がなかった場合は、内容や条件などのご確認頂けていないものとし、返信はいたしませんので、予めご了承くださいm(__)m】 Q、インターネットの閲覧、PC上でのコピー&ペーストはできますか? Q、1日に確保できる作業時間はおおよそどのくらいですか? Q、年齢、性別、ご職業、お住いの地域、簡単な自己紹介をお願いいたします。 仕事内容についてご質問等ありましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください。 よろしくお願い申し上げます。
前回のプロジェクトに関連する進行中のプロジェクトがあります。designing logo'
In our company, we are looking for a system engineer. About Us: it is a company We are doing a hardware development there Your job Overview: Have you responsible for the application development that corresponds to the Internet. <Work scope> Of the front-end requirements definition - Specification of the front-end functions and UI In addition, the following work will be made out of scope. 1. programming 2. Description of the test code 3. Test specification created Non_Japanese and GLOBAL community System Engineers are requested kindly to check the Attachment Files which signifies the REQUIREMENT for this ROLE. Assumed operating time: XXX contract period: XXX Such as the necessary skills and experience: - Business application requirements definit...
... -iOSやAndroidのスマートフォンアプリケーション開発の経験 (IOTに対応したアプリケーション開発経験があればさらに可) -プロジェクト管理ツール(例 Basecamp) -チャットツール(例 Flowdock、Slack) -表計算ツール(例 Excel、Google Spreadsheet) -英語の読み書きに抵抗がないレベル (ビジネス英語レベルは必須ではありませんが、オフショアの開発メンバーとのコミュニケーションが英語となります) 注意点・禁止事項: 1500円~3000円/時間でご提案ください ご応募いただいた方にはこちらから詳細情報をご連絡いたします 依頼した仕事の内容を第三者に漏洩することは厳禁です 契約の際は手順に基づき、契約・NDA同意、仮払いと進めさせていただきます Non_Japanese and GLOBAL community System Engineers are requested kindly to check the Attachment Files which signifies the REQUIREMENT for this ROLE. NB: We have our own Highly experienced Native Correspondent for Non-japanese candidates. Feel free to apply your candidature.
様々なe-bookファイルを表示できるビュアーの開発ができる開発先を探しています。 VnBestSolutionsさんが可能であれば、詳細について打ち合わせさせていただきたいです。 また、もしVnBestSolutionsさんが不可能でも、お知り合いの方や会社を紹介いただけるとありがたいです。 ご検討よろしくお願いします。
...search = (Make,Model,Year,Region) , region will be preselected from the account level ) O sa se afiseze doar masinile care se incadreaza in filtre. Dupa selectarea unui rezultat din lista o sa se afiseze pagina aferenta unde avem urmatoare structura: Hero/ Titlu = Model ,Ani, Model Cheie si logo Detalii vehicul: Program Transponder - Yes /No Programm Remotes - Automatic /Manual / No Pin Code Reading - Automatic / Manual / Dealer / No Pin Code Source - TESTER / DEALER / EEPROM Pre-coded Key - Yes / No Pre-coding Read - Automatic / Transponder Type - ID-50/etc Add Key - Yes/ No Working Key required - Yes / No Lishi Tool - Hu100/Hu64 Blade Model - Hu100/Hu64 Universal Remote - NB11/ Wired / etc Remote Type - OEM / Aftermarket /Universal Detalii Aditionale:(...
I'm looking for a flyer designed to boost sales of our residential solar and battery systems. The target audience for this flyer is homeowners, and the key message to convey is cost savings. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Marketing - Copywriting - Understanding of Solar Energy Concepts Experience: - Prior experience designing sales flyers - Experience working in the renewable energy sector is a plus
I fix system issues using custom Python tools with an id called the power of Python to identify, troubleshoot, and resolve system issues efficiently. developing custom scripts and tools, I streamline the process of diagnosing problems in operating systems, applications, and networks, ensuring minimal downtime and optimal I Offer: Automated Diagnostics: Build Python scripts to analyze system logs, monitor performance metrics, and detect anomalies. Identify root causes of errors or crashes using data parsing and analysis tools like Pandas. Custom Troubleshooting Tools: Create interactive Python applications to test and debug specific system components (e.g., hardware checks, API response testers). Develop tools to manage system resources, monitor disk u...
I'm seeking a meticulous freelancer for manual data entry tasks. You'll be working with provided PDF files and inputting data into an Excel spreadsheet. Key Responsibilities: - Carefully extracting and entering data from PDF files into an Excel spreadsheet - Ensuring accuracy and attention to detail throughout the process Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Excel - Excellent attention to detail - Previous experience in manual data entry - Comfortable working with PDF files.
I'm looking for a talented mobile developer to create an iOS application capable of generating GPX files from a paper map. Detailed Scope of Work and sample code here...create an iOS application capable of generating GPX files from a paper map. Detailed Scope of Work and sample code here: Ideal Experience: - Proficient in iOS development with a portfolio of similar applications. - Understanding of GPS integration and image processing. - Skills in user interface design for intuitive manual route drawing. The goal of this project is to provide users with a simple yet powerful tool for route planning on paper maps. Please include examples of your previous work in similar projects in your bid.
AI Developer Needed to Create a Script-to-Song System Using TV Show Scripts and Video Clips Please take a look at this example video to get an idea of the style we’re aiming for: Description: We are seeking an experienced AI developer to build a unique system that can take full-length episodes of The Sopranos (or any TV show with available transcripts/subtitles) and create a musical song by extracting iconic lines, making them rhyme, and stitching together video clips from the show. The system should automatically perform the following steps: Key Requirements: Transcript and Subtitle Extraction: The system needs to process video episodes of The Sopranos and extract corresponding dialogue from subtitle files or generate it through speech-to-text
Eye Color Simulation System Specification 1. Project Purpose: The system is designed to allow users to upload their photos and simulate different eye colors based on their selection. The result will be a simulation of the eye color post-surgery, with the ability for the developer to understand my requirements regarding how the colors should look, based on examples I will provide. 2. System Requirements: 2.1 Photo Upload: Users should be able to upload high-resolution photos with no file size limit (up to 150-200 MB). The photo must meet high quality standards, including a white background, proper lighting, no shadows on the face, and clear focus on the eyes. 2.2 Photo Quality Check: The system will automatically check if the uploaded photo meets the quality sta...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a utility website focused on user account management. The site will provide guides and tips to users, and will have user accounts with a feature to track service history. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a user-friendly utility website with a focus on account management - Integrate a section for 'Guides and Tips' - Implement user accounts with service history tracking Ideal Skills: - Web Development (preferably with a focus on user account management) - UI/UX Design (to ensure the site is user-friendly) - Experience with integrating informational sections on websites - Knowledge of tracking systems for user accounts
...invoice data into a complete system that manages the data in a relational database and provides an interactive web interface for managing and viewing this data. Additionally, the system should allow user management with specific functionalities for assigning and managing invoices. Project Requirements 1. Data Migration Modify the current Python script to insert data directly into a relational database (e.g., PostgreSQL or MySQL) instead of exporting it to a CSV file. 2. Database Design a database to store: Invoice Data: Invoice number, date, amount, client, supplier, details, etc. Users: Name, email, password (encrypted), roles (admin/user), and assigned root folder. Metadata: Additional information such as upload date, validation status, etc. 3. Front En...
Brauche einen Eventkalender für Livestream Branche. Dabei müssen nach Abschluss die Zuschauerzahlen Archiviert werden sowie die IFrams hinterlegt werden können. Diverse Schnittstellen von der Eventplanung
I'm seeking an expert in AI automation capable of enhancing our business processes. The primary focus will be tech stack integration to streamline our operations. Key Responsibilities: - Automate processes primarily centered around our CRM system and Marketing software. - Utilize tools like Ai, ChatGPT, Make, Latenode, TypeForm, and to create seamless integrations and automations. - Enhance efficiency by reducing manual tasks and improving overall workflow. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in AI automation and process optimization. - Proficiency in using mentioned tools and platforms. - Excellent understanding of CRM and Marketing software. - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
I'm in need of a skilled Dental CAD/CAM specialist for designing a hybrid prosthesis for an AO4 full mouth implant. The specific requirements for this project involve: - Type of Prosthesis: The design should be for a hybrid prosthesis, combining features of both fixed and removable prostheses. - Material: The prosthesis should be designed to be made from Zirconia. Experience working with this material is crucial as it is known for its durability and biocompatibility. - Aesthetic Design: The prosthesis needs to have a natural-looking aesthetic. Therefore, a keen eye for detail and experience in designing aesthetically pleasing dental prostheses is essential. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in dental CAD/CAM design, particularl...
I'm encountering a persistent database error within my blood management system. This issue arises when I attempt to modify a request after logging into the blood bank. Specifically, the error message reads 'Database error' and occurs when sending a request. Key Issues: - Error message displayed when modifying request - Database error encountered when sending request The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience in database management and troubleshooting - Expertise in managing system errors and bugs - Ability to implement effective solutions to ensure smooth operation of the system.
Este sistema ha sido diseñado para facilitar y optimizar la administración de ventas en un negocio. Ofrece una solución integral para registrar, gestionar y analizar las ventas de forma eficiente, con una interfaz intuitiva y funcionalidades clave que cubren todas las necesidades operativas. Principales Funcionalidades: Gestión de Productos y Ventas: Registro detallado de productos (nombre, precio, stock, etc.). Creación de ventas con selección de productos, cantidad y cálculo automático del total. Análisis y Reportes: Generación de gráficos de barras para visualizar el rendimiento de ventas. Filtrado de ventas por fechas, productos o categorías. Reportes de ventas detallados con exportación para ...
...oversight. This project extends beyond basic property/tenant management, incorporating advanced financial accounting, invoicing, document management, automated notifications, staff/vendor management, analytics, data import/export, and robust security measures. Initially, we’ll focus on a web-based solution using React (front-end) and Node.js + PostgreSQL (back-end). We also plan to future-proof the system for possible expansions to desktop and mobile platforms. If you have experience building complex, secure, and scalable SaaS/web apps, we’d love to see your proposal! Key Features & Modules 1. Property & Unit Management • Track properties, define units (rent amount, occupancy status). • Link units to tenants, show vacancy vs. occupied, manage le...
...looking for a Full Stack Developer to build a financial system for a project I'm working on. It's a platform focusing on finance ("Finc"). Key Responsibilities: - Develop a comprehensive financial system with a focus on Financial Reporting. - The system should be capable of generating various financial reports, including Balance Sheets, Income Statements, and Cash Flow Statements. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in both front-end and back-end development. - Experience in creating financial systems or platforms. - Strong understanding of generating and interpreting financial reports. The ideal freelancer for this project is someone with a keen interest in finance and technology, and who can translate complex financial data into an accessible, ...
I need my website translated into German, Spanish, French, and Arabic. The default language is English and I need this to be done today. I will provide translation documents. You can also use ChatGPT to help with the remaining parts of the website. Key responsibilities include: - Translating all text content of the website - Using a combination of manual and machine translation - Ensuring only key sections are formatted identically to the original pages Ideal Skills: - Expertise in WPML - Proficient in German, Spanish, French, and Arabic - Experience with website translation - Familiarity with ChatGPT - Attention to detail for formatting
...Manufacturing Product scheduler/run time tracker We are developing a means to schedule components in an integrated excel spreadsheet that includes various production steps: (Functions) Laser, shear, punch, bend, paint, assembly, weld, assembly 2, shipping. To be save on a network-share point so all can access same document. The idea is to have a laptop at each station (listed above) 1a,1st step: Manual enter/copy paste-from engineering Initial step-Enter data (component part number(description)) into the first sequence, list all items from the project that needs to be produced. once entered, you can filter material gauges, material types in order to consolidate production run on the LASER. When running the selected items (check box) we track time to produce on laser (start /...
...cloud-based, Windows-exclusive POS system tailored for the retail sector. The software should be equipped with: - Inventory Management: Seamless tracking of stock levels, orders, sales, and deliveries. - User Access Control: Different access levels for staff, managers, and admin. - Customizable Receipts: Allow for branding and flexibility in customer transactions. - Automated Reporting: Regular and real-time reports on sales, inventory, and user activity. - Dashboards: User-friendly visual representations of key metrics. - Low Inventory Reminders: Alerts to prevent stockouts. - Cash Book: Integrated financial tracking. A modern design with an intuitive, easy-to-use interface is crucial. The system must also have the capability to connect with the gov...
I'm on the lookout for a professional ghostwriter to help me craft a 35,000-word non-fiction book aimed primarily at young entrepreneurs. The book will cover crucial themes such as financial literacy, wealth creation, and the journey of turning dreams into tangible assets. It will be filled with actionable advice and relatable examples. The ideal candidate for this project should be: - Efficient and detail-oriented - Able to deliver high-quality work within tight deadlines - Skilled in transcribing and expanding dictated content into a structured, engaging manuscript - Capable of ensuring a consistent tone that is relatable, conversational, and youth-friendly Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate with me to refine ideas and incorporate examples into the content - Deliver drafts on tim...
I'm seeking a comprehensive report comparing 3D printed dental crowns to traditional ones. The report should focus on durability, cost-effectiveness, and aesthetics. It will need to include simulations of stress and thermal analysis. Key Requirements: - Completion plan with a detailed timeline and strategies for overcoming potential barriers. - Background information on different materials used and techniques for manufacturing dental crowns. - A minimum of 30 pages, excluding appendix and references. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in dental materials and crowns. - Proficiency in conducting and interpreting engineering simulations. - Strong research and writing skills, with a proven track record of producing detailed, high-quality reports.
I need an affiliate program for my systems. I need each sale pay the comission that guy who indicate the software. The payment gateway must have the settings of Mercado Pago and PayPal one, one of the best of Latin America. I NEED THE SYSTEM ALREADY DONE. I think I cannot wait to develop. If have the tool already done I can pay immediatly. More details, chat me.
I need someone to manually enter text data from PDF files into an Excel spreadsheet. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Excel - Attention to detail - Ability to accurately transcribe information from PDF files
### Information System “Active Family” An information system is being developed with the primary goal of promoting physical activity among residents, encouraging participation in organized sports events through friendly competition, and providing direct benefits to users via the system. The system allows users to register their "family" and create a virtual account using online devices (computers, mobile phones, tablets). Each registered participant can collect, monitor, and utilize their virtual points. Points can be earned by completing specific actions (e.g., participating in an organizer's sports event), achieving certain results (e.g., performance in an organizer's sports event), and other cases defined by the organi...
I'm seeking a skilled professional to conduct a Gray Box penetration test on my web-based insurance policy administration system. This is a critical part of our security protocol, focusing specifically on user authentication and transaction processing vulnerabilities. Key areas of focus: - User Authentication: We need to ensure that our system can withstand potential attacks targeting user login and access control measures. - Transaction Processing: This area needs to be scrutinized for possible threats that could compromise the integrity and security of transactions. The penetration test should adhere to the OWASP compliance standards. Your experience with and understanding of these benchmarks will be key in identifying and mitigating potential ri...
More details: Is this project for business or personal use? Personal What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Experience How soon do you need your project completed? ASAP
System Design Plan 1. Architecture Design Approach: Modular and service-oriented to allow independent development, testing, and deployment of features. Core Components: Web-based MIS: Backend: Handle APIs, database queries, and business logic. Frontend: Provide an intuitive interface for data entry, monitoring, and reporting. GIS Module: Geospatial data visualization. Integration of PostGIS for spatial queries. Mobile App: Offline data collection with synchronization. Support for Android and iOS. Dashboard: Real-time analytics and visualizations using libraries like D3.js or Chart.js. Interoperability Layer: Enable integration with external systems Data Storage: PostgreSQL for structured data. PostGIS extension for spatial data. Hosting: Cloud-based for scalability (AWS, Azure, or G...
I need an expert in Excel automation and API integration to help me in calculating GHG emissions, specifically Carbon dioxide (CO2). The primary data source for the calculations will be an API, so experience with API integration is crucial. The project involves: - Automating the process in Excel for GHG emissions calculation - Using API for manual data entry - Focusing on Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions The final output of the project should be in the form of a dashboard visualization. Therefore, experience in creating dashboard visualizations is essential.
I'm looking for a professional with excellent attention to detail for a data entry project. The task involves manually inputting a variety of mixed data (text and numeric) into a system, which will primarily be used for data analysis. Key Requirements: - Experience with manual data entry - Proficiency in handling mixed data (text and numeric) - Understanding of data analysis processes - High level of accuracy and attention to detail - Able to meet deadlines consistently Your role will be crucial in ensuring the data is accurately recorded for analysis purposes. If you have a background in data handling and a keen eye for detail, I'd love to hear from you.
I need assistance with manual data entry from printed documents.
We are looking for someone to help us enhance our...be sourced from publicly available information in compliance with GDPR and other applicable data protection regulations. The methodology used to locate these email addresses is at your discretion, provided it adheres to legal and ethical standards. Each email entry should be accompanied by a URL or source reference to verify its public availability. Ideal Candidate: Experience with manual data entry. Proficiency in spreadsheet software (e.g., Excel, Google Sheets). Strong web research skills for finding publicly listed contact information. Please note: Private or non-publicly listed email addresses must not be used under any circumstances. We look forward to your proposals and are happy to clarify any furthe...
I'm in need of a diligent freelancer to assist with manual data entry. The task involves extracting information from PDFs and carefully inputting it into a database. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in data entry with a keen eye for detail - Familiarity with working on PDFs - Experience in entering data into databases - Able to maintain confidentiality and handle sensitive data with discretion - Good understanding of database management systems - Excellent time management skills to meet deadlines Your primary responsibility will be to ensure accuracy in the data transfer and to maintain the integrity of the information. Looking forward to your proposals.
I'm looking for a professional web developer with extensive experience in creating e-commerce websites, particularly with the Square system. The primary purpose of this site will be to facilitate product orders. Key Features: - Product Catalog: A well-structured, user-friendly product catalog that's easy to navigate. - Shopping Cart: An intuitive shopping cart that provides a seamless user experience. - Payment Gateway Integration: Secure and reliable integration with the Square payment gateway. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web development and e-commerce site creation. - Extensive knowledge and experience with the Square system. - Excellent understanding of user experience and interface design. - Strong skills in secure payment integration.
...like to automate: ### The process should be as follows: 1. The user submits their question to a chatbot (Telegram): they can send a written text, a voice message, or even a photo or a document. 2. The incoming message is sorted and analyzed: - If there are documents, they are stored in a G-Drive folder, and a Google Sheet is updated with columns for "timestamp," "interpretation" (summarizing the content of the document), and "link" (the "link" column contains the link to the document stored in G-Drive). This Google Sheet would simplify my manual processing. // If you have a better suggestion for this step, I’m open to it. 3. A response is then provided. Here are the two possible scenarios: - **If the user...
...are accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities. Fix Color Contrast and Typography issues and add WCAG annotations for a smooth design to dev handoff 3. Development: Integrate Figma Design into WordPress that can help make a website ADA and WCAG compliant include plugins and tools that evaluate accessibility and make recommendations for improvement. 4. Accessibility Audit: Need both Manual and Automated Audit. The following types of testing will be carried out on each unique template page: - Screen reader testing using Jaws for Windows/Chrome - Screen reader testing using NVDA for Windows/Firefox - Screen reader testing using Voiceover for MacOS/iOS - Screen reader testing using Talkback for Android - Browser Zoom testing - High Contrast testing - Keyboard-only testi...
I'm seeking a skilled developer to implement login and sign up features for my website using Node.js and Angular. Key Requirements: - Authentication via email and password. - Integration with Google OAuth for alternate sign in option. - Setup of email verification process for added security. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Node.js and Angular. - Experience with implementing email/password authentication and Google OAuth. - Knowledge in setting up email verification systems.
Position Summary: We are looking for a rigorous and competent data entry professional to ensure the entry, processing and management of data in our systems. The ideal candidate will be proficient in office tools such as Word, Excel, Google Sheets, and will also have skills in data security and the use of Adobe InDesign. Responsibilities: - Enter, verify ...departments to ensure smooth data communication. Technical skills: - Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel and Google Sheets. - Good knowledge of advanced Excel functionalities (pivot tables, complex formulas, etc.). - Strong data security skills (access management, encryption, best practices). - Experience in using Adobe InDesign for document creation and editing. - Convert manual documents to di...