I would like to have a twitter-like site with tags, each tag acts as a Reddit community. I would like it to look exactly as depicted in my mock-ups, if possible. Users sign up for accounts with email, can create a username and password. Viewable without signing up.
-Users can subscribe to Tags. When a new tag gets used, it creates that community, and offers that user the option to moderate that community. Any user can become a moderator of an unclaimed tag.
-Multiple themes, day/night mode as well as others available to choose from in account settings. Color schemes/mock-ups will be provided.
-Ability to follow/unfollow users. Their posts should appear in “your roost” feed, which has three options: Coops/Free Range/Combined
-Show usernames and avatars in all notifications
-Going to [login to view URL] should lead to the /All feed by default, add a toggle in user profile settings to choose between All/Your roost/free range
-Endless/Infinite scrolling in all feeds/profiles
-collapsible posts and comments
-nesting comments
-search function
-Favoriting a post or comment gives notifications for replies to that post/comment
-Accessibility is very important for this project. All buttons should be readable by accessibility programs
-Alt text field for all image (link) uploads
-Option in account settings to change all text to Open Dyslexic font
-colour blind friendly themes; including also texture on buttons and using contrasting on button outlines and other areas.
- customize the size of the font on the page to be larger or smaller in account settings.
Users can submit posts from any feed using a button on the bottom right of that feed’s banner.
One post may appear in up to three different tags leading to that same post. Posts without tags still possible, being viewable in the /all feed along with tagged posts, as well as having their own “twitter feed” called Free Range.
-All/Your Roost/Free Range feeds “Cluck with us” and allow user to input which Coops to tag their post to
-In Coop feeds, “Cluck in this coop” automatically adds that coops tag to their post
-Image embedding in posts and comments. Multi image posts.
-Images hosted off site (on Imgur/similar sites) and would eventually like to have our own image upload system.
-Hearts instead of upvotes.
-Hearts and comments raise post in Hot (default sorting algorithm in all feeds/post comments)
-Flag button for posts, with multiple options for reasons why. When a post reaches 10 flags it no longer rises with engagement.
-Feeds, coops (tag communities), and comments sortable by Hot, Top (all time, last hour, day, week, month). Default to Hot.
-Users may reward posts/comments by purchasing awards (clucks and caws) which boost posts in the Hot algorithm.
-Toggleable notifications for individual likes/show who liked what post (JohnDoe liked your post) On by default
-Ability for users to mute and hide posts from specific users or communities in the /All/free range feeds permanently/1 hour/24 hours. List muted/hidden tags and users in account settings
-Toggleable trigger/spoiler/content warnings when posting images
-In Hot algorithm, limit/space out highly engaged content from the same tag/user. In all post/coop/free range feeds
-If a single user reports over 5 posts/comments within 30 minutes, escalate those reports to admin report
-Markdown support
-Users you are not following have a + button next to their username in posts and their profiles, “-“ if already following (to unfollow) see mock-ups
-titles optional
-clicking titles (or top middle of post if untitled) opens link to view full post
-share button opens in page window with option to copy direct link to post/comment, send link as DM/text message/email
Page header:
Displays the same on all pages. Contains user profile picture top right, then notifications, then direct messages, then favorites (star).
-Clicking/tapping logo leads to the users selected main page, /All by default
-Clicking/tapping user pfp opens a menu. View profile, edit profile, account settings, logout
-Notifications opens menu, list of 5 most recent notifications (likes, replies, stickers on post/comment, mentions) with option to view all notifications underneath, links to notifications page
-Direct messages links to messaging page
-Favorites opens favorites page, which has two feeds. Posts and comments. Sorted by most recent
All Feed:
Posts from tagged communities(aka Coops) and untagged posts (Free Range) feed visible here
-Default sort by Hot
-Public coops message shown in right sidebar (see mock-up)
Your Roost:
Feed for Coops/Users you are following. Options are Coops/Free Range/Combined. Default is Combined
-Default sort by Hot
-Untagged posts do not appear here unless following the user who made the post
-Left sidebar: trending tags, awards given today
-Right sidebar: list of your subscribed coops, list of users you are following
Free Range:
Feed for all untagged posts
-Default sort by Hot
-Right sidebar: trending Users (by post popularity/engagement) list of 10. Updated with Hot algorithm
Tag communities, created by making a post and adding a previously unused tag.
-Being the first to use a tag offers the poster the moderation role to that tag. They may then upload a banner, coop rules, coop description, add moderators
-Follow button (+) or unfollow (-) appears next to coop name (see mock-up)
-Coop display name changeable by moderator, but not the tag for that coop once created
-Mods/admins should be able to pin, lock posts in communities
Right sidebar:
-tag info on top right, contains the tag name, then community description, a small image optional, stats like how many subscribers, how many users currently active in that coop, and how many posts are using that tag. Coop moderators listed underneath. If unmoderated, show “moderate this coop” link.
-Community rules underneath tag info (link to full rules page?)
-Trending Tags on left sidebar on all feed pages, listing the top 10 tag communities with most engagement, updated every hour?(see mock-up)
-Awards Given Today leaderboard, listing total number of Clucks and Caws given that day, as well as top 3 award givers and the number of awards they have given that day. Visible on left sidebar only in the All, Your Roost, and Free Range feed pages (see mock-up)
List of all tags (coops). Tabs for claimed (moderated), unclaimed, or all
-sort by amount of subscribers, amount of posts, top (engagement), hot, new, alphabetical
See mock-up
-User profiles will act similar to a Twitter page. Contains Free Range posts (default), Coop post history, comment history, and stickers
-Users may upload a banner
-Users may upload a profile picture, which appears in their profile/posts/comments/notifications when they like or comment a post
-Sticker section on profiles for displaying stickers given to their posts (see sticker section)
-Users followers and following stats in profile. Should be able to view who they follow/are following. Toggle setting for viewable publically/privately (similar to instagram/Twitter)
+ button next to users name to follow them if you are not already. - to unfollow.
-Field for bio under username
-User stats under profile picture (join date/user number/number of posts and comments made
-Awards/stickers given and received
-User’s clique module on right sidebar, displays the top five users that they interact with (tracks comment replies, likes, awards/stickers, tags)
-Most active module beneath users clique, shows coops that user posts/comments/likes most often
-Link to DM a user in profile
See mock-up
-Button always on top right of [login to view URL], with notification bubbles with number of messages unread
-Group messaging
-Right sidebar with list of users you have conversations with, profile pictures only (group chats show all members similar to Apple Messaging)
-Ability to like and sticker messages
-Ability to delete messages and report them (goes to admin)
-Image links embed
Stickers are given out by admin, on joining site they get a “Welcome to Roost” sticker pack, may subscribe to a monthly service (tbd) that gives them a certain amount of stickers (of a certain selection)
-Displayed on bottoms of posts, near hearts
-Also displayed in sticker tab of profile, subscribed users may sort/display their stickers in an order that they choose, 4 free slots (or one row) for unsubscribed, 8 (two rows) with subscription, and pay a one time fee for unlimited.
-Admin may issue stickers at will - please make a way to upload new stickers/issue them to specific users or all users
-Also sell certain stickers in a shop, possibly alongside post rewards
-Stickers hold same weight in Hot algorithm as a heart/comment
-Clicking on a sticker from stickerbook (on a user’s profile) opens a window in that page with a larger view of sticker, with details such as “Received from USER on DATE”, number of that sticker that they have received, and link to the post that sticker was put on. Only shows most recent received from/link. If they got that sticker as part of a purchase/monthly subscription, link goes to shop page, and “Received from Sticker Club”
-Stickers given to posts display under likes on post (see mock-up)
-If a post has no stickers, keep “Sticker this post!” link visible
Bootstrap for mobile viewing
API for eventual app
More details available, I’ve just run out of room