Embed A Player To My Site

終了済み 投稿 4年前 着払い
終了済み 着払い

Its a PHP site i want to embed a player and play the video, the player is open source available in github just need to configure and place it in my site

HTML JavaScript PHP ソフトウェアアーキテクチャ ウェブサイトのデザイン

プロジェクトID: #25489725


4個の提案 リモートプロジェクト アクティブ 4年前

4人のフリーランサーが、平均$25 で、この仕事に入札しています。


Hi there, I'm Matt Sergei (do call me Matt) and can embed any javascript video player to your website. It's less regular job for me, bidding for one third of my daily rate. Otherwise I'm a webmaster and IT developer f もっと

$40 USD 1日以内

Hi I can configure that open source player in your website i will start your work immediately kindly share your web url and as well as media player link

$20 USD 1日以内

Hello Sir, I'm a experienced PHP developer and can deliver your task with no problems. Also, we could maintain contact for the future if you need any more repairs, tasks, or full projects done. Thank you :)

$19 USD 1日以内

I have a well time experience in web developing and social media optimization. I have worked for 2 years in Yearn Inc. as a web developer and social media expert. I have expertise in PHP ,HTML ,CSS & Graphic designing

$19 USD 2日以内