I provide in-depth content editing, coaching, and guidance for researchers and professionals across the social sciences, including education, psychology, economics, sociology, medicine, nursing, business management, and leadership. Below are just a few of the services
I can offer:
• Rewriting based on advisor feedback
• Managing references and citations using EndNote, Mendeley,or Zotero
• Improving content for clarity, structure, scholarly tone,concision, diction, and flow
• Fact-checking quotes and statistics for accuracy and relevance
• Journal article manuscript preparation and indexing
• Final formatting, layout, and document preparation for publication
• Proposal development, including background, purpose statement, and research aim
• Literature review support and development, focusing on peer-reviewed scholarly sources within the last 5 years
• Job market papers, resumes, and cover letters
• IRB and grant proposal submissions
• Qualitative method guidance and coaching
I have helped hundreds of clients succeed and am happy to discuss your project and goals via a brief discussion.