“Storecheckers are a Market Research and Mystery Shopping company. We undertake worldwide mystery shopping visits.
This visit is to an Examination Centre, checking that the security standards are being met, in order to ensure that there is no possibility of cheating at any stage. The exam content and result are irrelevant to this exercise. You will need to be observant and discreet in order to undertake this visit.
You need to remain in the test centre and complete the exam as if you were a genuine entrant. We have full guidance notes to assist you, which give a very clear background of the environment. The actions that you need to take are actions that test takers attempt, so do not be worried about carrying them out. After the visit there is a report to complete, it is not lengthy but you need to explain what you did and what were the staff responses.
The visit lasts one and a half hour. Your payment is $85 per visit. Note that you will need a valid, photo and signature bearing ID for this visit.”
Hi i live in Warsaw Poland and i am able to make this kind of visit. I am also native Polish speaker but can comunicate in english as well. Also ive made such visits before.