Extract photos from slideshow exe

完了済み 投稿 2年前 着払い
完了済み 着払い

I have an executable slideshow (73MB) given to me by a professional photographer and the photos only play when the executable is run.

I want to extract the photos in their maximum resolution from the file to use separately.

The photographer is no longer in business so I don't know the executable was created in.

App Developer Reverse Engineering 写真撮影

プロジェクトID: #33514741


11個の提案 リモートプロジェクト アクティブ 2年前



Hi there! It's totally doable, however depending on the packing method it can take different time. It might be a couple of minutes when running binary walk tool or a couple of hours/days when extracting the photos fr もっと

€18 EUR 7日以内

11人のフリーランサーが、平均€22 で、この仕事に入札しています。


Hello sir I'm a Professional Photo Editor with over 7 years vast experience on Photo Editing. I can help you any kind of Photo Editing. you are looking for. I have gone through your project details and I am confident t もっと

€15 EUR 1日以内

Dear Honorable Client, I read your job description carefully and understand. So, I am extremely interested to your project and ready to start. I am an expert in photoshop and I have 15 years of experience. So, I ca もっと

€20 EUR 7日以内

Hi there, I’ve gone through your project details regarding “Extract photos from slideshow exe” and I'm very excited to work on this. If you can drop me a private message so we can talk further about the project detail もっと

€19 EUR 2日以内

Hello, My name is Chris and I am a professional photographer and editor. I would love to work with you and help you with this project. Since my main occupation as a freelancer is photo editing, I think this job would もっと

€15 EUR 1日以内

Hello, Alan! I specialize in reverse engineering, security auditing and program protection. Your project sounds like an interesting challenge and very good fit. FYI, below are some links from my previous projects もっと

€30 EUR 1日以内