Xml api csv file output仕事
...on bespoke social media content, including but not limited to our Canva for Education and MSMEs communities; Ensuring each output adheres to the specified amount of text fields or character count for each designated project, category, subcategory or topic. Adapting to Canva’s friendly and informative tone. Consistently meeting the required minimum output by the specified deadline. Consistently meeting the 90% weekly output quality rating You're probably a match if You have a good grasp of your local language, in terms of sentence construction, spelling, and grammatical structure. And because less than 50% of our community is English-speaking, you consider your output carefully. You have working knowledge of the English language - technically stron...
...ます。 第一段階としてこのプロジェクトではアプリ開発の環境整備と最低限の機能を実装したα版構築を目標とします。 【 依頼内容 】 ・開発内容: 1.iOSアプリ開発環境構築 -github上で複数人でのアプリ開発環境・ソースコード共有環境の構築 -iOSアプリ開発Developer 登録、 α 版アプリのApp Store 登録 2.棋力向上将棋アプリα版構築 ①Top Menu 画面構築 -トレーニングメニュー選択画面構築 ②将棋棋譜検討GUI構築 -将棋盤面GUI、将棋のルールに沿った指し手の動作機能構築 -コピー&ペーストによる棋譜入力(CSA形式) -APIから受け取った指し手ごとの検討結果表示 -各局面における指し継ぎ、検討ボタンの実装 ③アプリからのサーバーAPI連携実装 -棋譜をAPI連携し検討結果の受け取り -各局面をコード形式に変換しAPI連携、検討結果受け取り ・使用言語:Objective-C 【用意してあるもの】 ・仕様書:各画面のワイヤーフレーム・API仕様などを準備予定 ・サーバー、ドメイン: GCP Cloud Runを利用予定 ・デザイン:未定、デザイナーが必要であれば応相談
Project overview: 1. Language pair: English to Japanese 2. Field: UI industry 3. Project type: remote part-time job Project requirements: 1. Japanese native language; 2. Must have experience in UI industry translation, and can accept trial translation; 3. High degree of cooperation, timely response and stable daily output.
...わせます。 プラットフォームは、ユーザーが選択したBGM、アップロードされたビデオ、事前にレンダリングされたビデオセグメントを含むすべてのアセットを、友人や家族と共有できる1つの最終ビデオ(mp4)にまとめます。 動的なビデオテンプレートに変換されるカテゴリ別に整理された100を超える事前レンダリングされたビデオがあります。これらのテンプレートはユーザーが選択します。ユーザーは、各テンプレートの開いているセグメント内に自分の個人的なビデオを記録するように求められます。 沈黙とノイズの検出、デシベルレベルの決定と調整などの概念の経験が必要です。 責任 新しいビデオ編集と機能のアイデアのプロトタイプを作成します(管理者とエンドユーザーがレイヤーとタイムラインでビデオアセットを表示するためのビデオ編集ダッシュボード) 最前線のビデオ編集技術である新しい技術を探る 新機能の設計、APIの作成、デバッグ 製品、設計、モバイルおよびWeb開発、サーバー側エンジニアリングを代表するチームメンバーと部門間でコラボレーションします アプリを維持し、コミュニティに耳を傾け、発生する問題を修正します スキル:Node.js、C ++ Re、OpenCV、Python、React Native
...(obtaining the certifications is not part of this project) Please only apply to the job posting if you have relevant prior experience. Submit your portfolio or past work to be considered for the job. ====Google翻訳テキスト==== 私たちは、次の要件を満たした消費電力スマートメーターを設計およびプロトタイプ化する電気およびハードウェアエンジニアを募集しています。 -スマートメーターは高電圧(240ボルト)用に設計および構築されています -スマートメーターは、WiFi接続を使用してサーバーに電力使用量を送信する接続(IOT)デバイスです -スマートメーターは、APIを使用してサーバーから制御できます -スマートメーターは、ULおよびCE要件に合格するように設計されています(認証の取得はこのプロジェクトの一部ではありません) 関連する以前の経験がある場合のみ、求人公募に応募してください。 あなたのポートフォリオまたは過去の仕事を提出して、その仕事を検討してください。
XMLのSCHEMAを使ってXMLの文章を作ることです 日本人にやらせてもらいたいです(日本語がわからないと困る) 種類とかあとで渡します よろしくお願いします
日本代表購入サイトを作りたいので誰か似たサイトを作った経験があれば是非申し込んでください 条件: ショッピングサイト大手3社(Amazon、楽天、Yahoo!)のAPIの利用な方
私はAndroidとiOSの両方のアプリが必要です。 私はすでにそれのためのデザインとサンプルのWebサイトを持って、私はそれを構築する必要があります。 また、AdminコントロールパネルとWeb APIを作成する必要があります。 2月中に完了する必要がありますので、私は専門家のチームを探しています。 私はインタビューで詳細を提供します。 ありがとうございました。
... and PHP front with IIS. All MS solution based. We have Server side engineer in house. we have test server with dummy data, you can try from remote. development can do english based with skype, github,mail and so on. We hope to good offshore appications. Thanks now we are searching below project enginner. 1 upgrade SQL server SSIS import program2005 to 2012 SSIS side is improt form CSV to DB, job lancher is C# based. Req Skill C# 2000, SSIS, SQL 2 upgarde SSRS program 2005 to 2012 small customizing upgarde checking. over 100 report should upgarde 3 php with sql add new searching view etc stored exec, view,dbo, will be made by server side so you only made front side. need github and wrike regards MS製品のSQLとSSIS、SSRSをサーバサイドに使用し フロントサイドをPHP+IISのMSソリュー...
Google Play Developer API ???????????????????????????????????????????? (1) ?????? A. Google Play Developer API ?????????????????? ??????????????????Google play Store????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????????(????????https/ajax??) ? ??????????????????? B. A??????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? C. ??????????????? Google Play Store???????????????APK??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????APK/???????????? ? ????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????? (2) ?????????????? ???????A/B/C???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????(1)????????????????????? ? ??????????????? ? ???????...
Google Play Developer API ???????????????????????????????????????????? (1) ?????? A. Google Play Developer API ?????????????????? ??????????????????Google play Store????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????????(????????https/ajax??) ? ??????????????????? B. A??????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? C. ??????????????? Google Play Store???????????????APK??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????APK/???????????? ? ????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????? (2) ?????????????? ???????A/B/C???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????(1)????????????????????? ? ??????????????? ? ???????...
...と 3. 海外ゲームタイトルであっても取得可能であること 4. 1日に1回バッチを回した際、以前に取得したことがない記事をリストとして取得できること 5. 記事のタイトル・サムネイル・記事本文の一部を取得すること ■ システム要件 1. PHP + MySQLで構築すること 2. PHP5.3で推奨されていない表現を用いないこと 3. Cronによって動作すること 4. プログラムを動かすサーバー OR dbサーバーに対して必要以上の負荷をかけないこと ■ 納品物については以下の通りとなります 1. プログラム本体の納品(PHP) 2. データの格納先DB-Tableの納品(SQLクエリ) ■ 応募条件 1. 応募時にどのような方法で実現する予定なのかを簡潔に明記してください (Ex. TwitterSerch API と Bing Serch APIを用いて実現します、など) ▽参考Webサイト サイト名:スマートニュース/newspicksなどのバックエンド ▽使用するプログラミング言語/ツール/特殊技術(テクノロジー) ・PHP(5.3) ・MySQL ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※ 他で登録されているデザインや商標の転用など、他社の知的財産権を侵すこと ※ 商用利用できないライセンスのプログラムを用いること ※ ▽その他コメント ※実際のWebサイト開発/アプリケーション開発の進め方・別途詳細は、 クラウドワークスのメッセージでやりとりして決められればと思います。 ※マイルストーン払いにも対応いたします。
virtuemart3のショッピングカートのカスタム支払いモジュールが必要です。この支払いモジュールは、ローカル支払プロセッサのAPIと統合されます。すべて必要なファイルを開発者に提供します。 Joomla、Virtuemart3.0.9、PHP5.5を3.4.1 APIプロセッサはヤマトクロネコ「クロネコwebコレクト」。API方式のマニュアルは日本語で書いております。 APIのPDFマニュアルがとても大きかったですが、アップロード出来ませんでした。宜しければ送りします。
ヤフオクYahoo Api を使用するウェブサイトの作成が必要。 このサイト(fromjapan. co. jp)と同様なシステムをつくるのは目的。デザインはこのサイトopennippon. comと同様なもの。 ヤフーオークション(Yahoo Auction)の情報を他国語に翻訳、カテゴリーの参照ができる、コスト(送料・手数料など)計算、ユーザーのアカウントページ、パイパルとカード(日本国内システム)の支払いを可能にするモジュール、お勧めカテゴリー、顧客の意見のモジュール、各国語のポップアップお問い合わせフォーム。 既存の出来上がったシステムがあれば、一番いいです。今後のサポートも別料金で依頼します。
たくさんあるお店の住所を元に、地図アプリを作りたい。 住所とお店の名前はエクセルもしくはCSVで提出できます。 ネイティブアプリです。
I have a upcoming project of Japanese to English translation. Will you accept the deal, if yes how much you charge? Please keep in mind its a huge project so tell me minimal so that client can also agree and work should not be given to other contractors. If yes please provide below info: - Rate Per Japanese Character: - Daily Output: Again i am telling you that its a very long project so please keep the amount as minimal as possible. please translate Sample Text: Make sure the quality should be excellent. "QD51 (高硬度耐熱耐蝕鋼)" SUS440C相当 アルマイト(白) ズブ焼き セラミック溶射 なし パーカーライジング ユニクロメッキ レイデント "低温黒色 クロムメッキ+特殊フッ素樹脂" 締付工具種類 調質 端部種類 高周波焼入(SUS440C相当 56HRC~) 高周波焼入れ 浸炭焼き 精度 両端おねじ 両端段付めねじ 片端おねじ片端めねじ 片端めねじ 熱処理 商品表示記号 焼鈍 使用用途 炭素繊維 位置決めシャフト...
...And other article's link are needed on pages that have 30 links. We also need sitemap of all articles for visitors and google (xml). For design, wordpress default template is OK. But we need responsive design, we'll check under 320px, 640px and PC's resolution of width. === required pages === Front page New articles from 31 to 60 New articles from 61 to 90 (From 91, follow these URL) Article's detail Sitemap for visitors Sitemap for Google Webmaster tool === required skill === wordpress mysql php & html shell & cron (centOS ssh) === Stuffs we provide === SFTP/SSH
I need a professional web developer who can help integrate multiple ZOHO APIs with my existing WooCommerce website. The purpose of this project is to automate and streamline business processes by leveraging the capabilities of ZOHO. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in WooCommerce and ZOHO platform - Prior experience with ZOHO API integration - Proficient in PHP, JavaScript, and RESTful services - Knowledge of data synchronization and automation processes
...(iOS and Android apps). Tech Stack: Frontend: React Native or Flutter for cross-platform compatibility. Backend: Node.js or Python (Django/Flask) with RESTful APIs. Database: PostgreSQL or MongoDB for user and transaction data. Payment Gateway: Integration with Stripe, PayPal, or a local Caribbean payment processor. APIs: CashApp API for account linking and transfers. Google Maps API (optional, for location-based payments). QR code generator API. Link Payment API for generating payment links (via SMS, email, social media). Security: Use OAuth 2.0 for secure authentication. PCI DSS compliance for handling payment data. Design Specifications UI/UX: Simple, intuitive interface prioritizing ease of use. Payment flow: Three taps max (select recipient → enter...
I need a dual task project. Firstly, I require some data entry work to be completed and it needs to be formatted into a CSV file. Secondly, I need a logo designed that combines both text and an icon. The ideal freelancer for this project will have experience in both data entry and graphic design, specifically logo creation. Please be proficient in using spreadsheet software and have a creative ability to design a unique and appealing logo.
I have a Code Canyon PHP script and I'm encountering a PayPal integration issue. The error message reads: "Something doesn't look right. Your payment can't be completed to the merchant." This happens...completed to the merchant." This happens when I hit the 'pay now' button. I must mention that I haven't made any recent changes to my PayPal account or payment setup. I'm a novice and don't know how to configure it correctly. It says to add your PayPal email to get paid and you're done. The creator Mr. Plugin said he fixed this. Ideal Skills: - Strong proficiency in PHP - Extensive experience in PayPal API integration - Expertise in debugging e-commerce scripts My goal is to have the PayPal integration working seamlessly ag...
I need a professional web developer who can help integrate multiple ZOHO APIs with my existing WooCommerce website. The purpose of this project is to automate and streamline business processes by leveraging the capabilities of ZOHO. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in WooCommerce and ZOHO platform - Prior experience with ZOHO API integration - Proficient in PHP, JavaScript, and RESTful services - Knowledge of data synchronization and automation processes
I am looking for a WordPress expert to create a landing page similar to the application form found at The form should be designed in a modern style. Key Re... The form should be designed in a modern style. Key Requirements: - Development of a WordPress landing page - Creation of a form similar to the provided link - Implementation of WhatsApp for OTP verification using provided API documentation - Adherence to a modern design aesthetic Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in WordPress - Experience with form creation on WordPress - Familiarity with API integration - Strong understanding of modern web design principles
Development Request: Automatic Translation Function Using WPML and Google Translate API 1. Background We currently use the WPML translation plugin on our WordPress site. To enable automatic translation of the entire site from Japanese to other languages (Thai, Vietnamese, Malaysian, and others), we request the implementation of a feature that utilizes the Google Translate API. Our site uses the Divi theme, and the translation work must align with the unique structure of this theme. --- 2. Requirements 1. Integration of Google Translate API Develop a function that automates translation using the Google Translate API, based on the WPML plugin. The translation targets are as follows: Thai Vietnamese Malaysian Other languages (to be added as needed) ...
I'm a third-year student struggling with my ASP.NET web development project. I'm building a responsive voting web app with a representative API, but I'm hitting a few roadblocks. I need help fixing the following issues: - Unable to create voting sessions - Pages not displaying correctly (losing other views) I'm targeting to create a minimum viable product (MVP). If you are interested, I can share what I've done so far. I would appreciate it if you could demonstrate your ability to solve these problems and bring all current views online. After that, we can discuss further requirements. My budget is within $A100.
I need a professional to test my REST API for security vulnerabilities using Burp Suite. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in using Burp Suite for security testing - Solid understanding of REST API - Experience in identifying security vulnerabilities - Knowledgeable in various types of security threats Please provide your bid if you have the required skills and experience.
I'm seeking an experienced Flutter and Dart developer to assist with my Taxi app. The app requires both iOS and Android support. This is a pay-per-hour project where we will work collaboratively on troubleshooting and implementing necessary fixes. Key Resp...support. This is a pay-per-hour project where we will work collaboratively on troubleshooting and implementing necessary fixes. Key Responsibilities: - Providing tutorials to help me understand the app's code - Bug fixing primarily within the user interface and backend services - Assisting with API integration Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Flutter and Dart - Extensive experience with iOS and Android app development - Strong understanding of user interface and backend services - Expertise in API integration ...
I need a professional web developer who can help integrate multiple ZOHO APIs with my existing WooCommerce website. The purpose of this project is to automate and streamline business processes by leveraging the capabilities of ZOHO. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in WooCommerce and ZOHO platform - Prior experience with ZOHO API integration - Proficient in PHP, JavaScript, and RESTful services - Knowledge of data synchronization and automation processes
I need to translate a 10-page catalog into several languages. I have a CorelDRAW file with my 10-page catalog and an Excel file containing the translations in 6 languages for this catalog. I want to have multiple CorelDRAW files translated into these languages. Basically, it's just about replacing the English text with the text in the other languages. It’s a very simple task. The price is fixed at €20, and it’s an easy task. If you have read the proposal and want to do the task, start your response by writing the name of your street and the current temperature in your city.
I am seeking a seasoned .NET architect with extensive experience in microservices architecture and API management. The project encompasses both the design of new APIs and the enhancement of existing ones. Key Responsibilities: - Architecting and developing microservices using .NET - Designing and implementing APIs from scratch - Improving and optimizing current APIs Ideal Skills: - Proficient in .NET and microservices architecture - Extensive experience in API development and management - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail Please note that this project requires an individual with a deep understanding of .NET and microservices, as well as a hands-on approach to API design and development.
...16-output variant. 2. Sensors & Inputs - 2× PIR** (digital input, each with a 3-pin connector: 5 V, GND, signal). - 2× ToF** (I²C + XSHUT pin), each on a 5-pin connector: 5 V, GND, SDA, SCL, XSHUT. - 1× BH1750** (I²C), 4-pin connector: 5 V, GND, SDA, SCL. - 2× Switches** (digital input), each on a 2-pin connector: GPIO + GND. - 1× DIP switch** (2 bits) with pull-ups (10 kΩ) to 3.3 V. 3. I²C Pull-Ups & ESD - SDA/SCL lines: 4.7 kΩ pull-ups to 3.3 V, small series resistors (~47–100 Ω), ESD diodes if necessary. - XSHUT lines: 10 kΩ pull-ups, small resistors, ESD protection. 4. WS2812 LED Outputs - Each Data line must have a level shifter (e.g., 74HCT14, 74HC125, or equivalent...
...third-party calendars (Google Calendar, Outlook). • Reminder system for upcoming changes or deadlines. Technical Requirements 1. Frontend Development • Framework: React, Electron (for desktop app development). • Responsive design for smooth user experience. 2. Backend Development • Language: Node.js, Python (for data analytics). • Database: PostgreSQL or MongoDB for secure data storage. • API Integration: RESTful APIs for third-party services (Zoom, MyFitnessPal, Square). 3. Security • Encryption for sensitive client data. • Multi-factor authentication (MFA) for user accounts. 4. Scalability • Architecture designed to support multiple users and high traffic. • Cloud hosting solution for scalability and...
Hi I need a working example in PHP using the libraries Slim and Stripe for pre-authorizing cards and then charge charge them. i mean the common feature when you first pre-authorize your card and then the co...pre-authorizing cards and then charge charge them. i mean the common feature when you first pre-authorize your card and then the company takes the money every month (different amount every month, basically post paid) The techical term seems to be 'hold': see here: (paymentIntent) You need to provide PHP files that are easy to install on a server and work with stripe's sandbox. You need to use the official php api: Max 100 euros.
Hi I need a working example in PHP using the libraries Slim and Stripe for pre-authorizing cards and then charge charge them. i mean the common feature when you first pre-authorize your card and then the co...pre-authorizing cards and then charge charge them. i mean the common feature when you first pre-authorize your card and then the company takes the money every month (different amount every month, basically post paid) The techical term seems to be 'hold': see here: (paymentIntent) You need to provide PHP files that are easy to install on a server and work with stripe's sandbox. You need to use the official php api: Max 100 euros.
I'm seeking a skilled developer well-versed in React Native, OpenAI's ChatGPT API, and Langchain, including the construction of Langchain agents. The primary objective of this project is to create a travel app that facilitates the booking of flights and hotels, while also delivering rich travel information and tips. Key Features: - Gen AI-Driven Customer Support: Integrating a ticketing system for inquiries and an AI-driven chatbot support to assist users round-the-clock. - search and book flights, hotels, bus (APIs already working and end points will be provided to integrate in app) - holiday and visa - Travel Guidance: The app should provide comprehensive travel and articles to assist users in their journey. - Real-time Assistance: Incorporating a real-time chat assist...
...transitioning into a thriving, sustainable planet. Add dynamic animations of trees growing and wildlife flourishing. Show the Healuis logo appearing at the center. Text: “Join us in saving the planet, one bag at a time.” Requirements Duration: 1-2 minutes. Style: Modern, clean, and visually appealing (2D animation or motion graphics preferred). Tone: Inspiring, eco-conscious, and professional. Output Format: MP4, 1080p resolution. Deliverables Complete Animation Video: With background music and sound effects. Source Files: Adobe Animate, After Effects, or preferred software files. Assets: Any graphics, illustrations, or templates used. Resources Provided We will share: Brand logo and color palette - logo will be provided to winning entry Brand colors - Primary...
I am looking for an experienced Python developer to create a script that will: Automate Daily Data Scraping:...provided in a Google Sheet. Google Sheet Integration: Fetch links from a Google Sheet as input. Append the scraped data for the last 1 week (100 data points daily) into a specified Google Sheet. Hosting Requirements: The script will be hosted on and configured to run automatically on a daily schedule. Key Features: Error handling for login issues, scraping errors, or Google Sheets API failures. Efficient handling of large data (100 data points daily). Deliverables: Fully functional Python script meeting the above requirements. Clear setup instructions for hosting on PythonAnywhere.com. Documentation for modifying the Google Sheet integration or scraping logic.
...knowledgeable professional to assist with the integration of the Google Maps API into my project. Key requirements: - **Geocoding Addresses**: The primary functionality I need is geocoding addresses. This involves converting addresses into geographic coordinates which can be used to place markers on the map. - **Map Features**: I want the displayed map to include custom markers, interactive layers, and driving directions. The custom markers will be used to indicate specific locations of interest, while the interactive layers will add depth and engagement to the map. - **Directions Functionality**: The map should be able to provide driving directions. Ideal candidates for this project should have prior experience with Google Maps API and a strong understanding of geo...
...recommendations. Technical Requirements: • Platforms: iOS (Swift/Kotlin), Android (Flutter/React Native), Web (React/Vue.js). • Backend: Node.js/Python (Django or Flask) with cloud-based infrastructure (AWS/GCP). • AI/NLP: OpenAI GPT, Google Cloud NLP, or custom ML models for text analysis. • Database: Secure storage with PostgreSQL, Firebase, or MongoDB. • OCR & Speech Processing: Google Vision API / Tesseract OCR for text recognition. • Encryption & Security: AES-256 for user data protection. Ideal Candidate: • Experience in mobile and web app development with AI/NLP integration. • Strong backend expertise with a focus on scalability and security. • Experience in data visualization (user progress tracking). •...
...and scalability. Implement user authentication, authorization, and security features. Collaborate with the team to troubleshoot and resolve any technical issues. Provide documentation for the developed code and setup instructions. Skills Required: Strong experience in developing applications with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js). Proficient in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and RESTful API design. Knowledge of cloud platforms (AWS, Google Cloud) for application deployment. Experience with version control systems (e.g., Git). Familiarity with security best practices (data encryption, secure authentication). Ability to write clean, maintainable code and deliver results on time. If you have the required skills and are interested in working on this project, please submit y...
...integration. Provide regular updates and accommodate feedback during development. Requirements: Technical Skills: Expertise in Python and machine learning frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn). Experience with transformers and LLM frameworks (e.g., Hugging Face, OpenAI GPT). Proficiency in building and fine-tuning NLP models for sentiment analysis and messaging. Knowledge of RESTful API development for AI system integration. Preferred Skills: Familiarity with pre-trained LLMs and domain-specific fine-tuning. Experience with real-time messaging systems and chatbot frameworks. Knowledge of data privacy regulations and secure AI deployment practices. Portfolio: Include examples of previous work involving machine learning, NLP, or LLM-powered applications. Budget: T...
I'm seeking a .NET Core Developer with DevOps skills to create a small e-commerce website. This project involves: - Utilizing ASP.NET Core and nopCommerce for the shopping cart functionality. - Integrating with Bluestar Inc through a third-party API. - Setting up a clear SQL Server database schema for product, order, and customer data. Key functionalities of the site include order tracking and history. User authentication and advanced product search and filtering are not required. We have branding assets (logo, color palette) and need you to implement them into a simple, clean UI. We do not have Sketch files/wireframes. We would like code in a Git repository with an automated build and deployment process. Familiarity with GitHub Actions or Azure DevOps is a plus. Contain...
...management. Core Features to Develop: Authentication and User Management: Secure user registration, login, and role-based access control (e.g., employers, freelancers, admins). Job and Gig Listings: API support for advanced search, filtering, and listing updates. Payment Integration: Support for subscriptions, transactions, and invoicing. Data Storage and Management: Design and optimize databases for scalability and efficiency. Notifications System: Email, SMS, and push notifications. Support for Local Services and Tasks: Real-time data updates and booking systems. Webinars and Podcasts: API for hosting, streaming, and managing content. Admin Panel Functionality: Tools for managing users, platform analytics, and content. Key Deliverables: Scalable back-end architecture s...
We have a .PES file of the exact graphic we want. However we need a high res PNG file and would like to see how the image looks in a Matte Finish instead of the gloss attached. Very simple contest
Note: Bid amount more than set budget will be ignored, Else don't bid and not to ask to increase thebudget. Read the project details first then bid. I have existing android app which is based on Live train status app. In the app some of api is not showing the results and data due to expired api. I need to replace the api with new rapid api to show the results in same way. The app is developed in java. 4 api need to replace/change only which are related to: Train schedule PNR Trains Between stations Seat availability