Www microsoft com games product registration freelancer仕事
【長期契約のフリーランサー募集!】 ゲームの魅力を伝える翻訳者を募集!/Tencent ● 私たちについて: TencentのILC(Infinite Localization Center)フリーランサー人材採用チームです。ILCはTencent Games Globalにおけるローカライズを専門としており、これまで下記を含む50タイトル以上のローカライズに携わってきました。 ・Assassin's Creed: Jade ・V Rising ・Call of Duty: Mobile ・Honor of Kings ・PUBG Mobile ・勝利の女神:NIKKE ・その他の未発表タイトルなど ● 業務内容: 翻訳、校正、LQAなどの多様なローカライズ業務。 ●求めている人材: 長期契約が可能なフリーランスの方。 ● 募集中の言語ペア: ・簡体字中国語→日本語/英語/韓国語/繁体字中国語(台湾) ・英語→日本語/韓国語/ドイツ語/フランス語/ロシア語/トルコ語/アラビア語/ラテンアメリカスペイン語/ブラジルポルトガル語/タイ語/インドネシア語/マレーシア語/ビルマ語 ご応募を心よりお待ちしております。 ILCフリーランサー人材採用チーム
Создайте платформу, на которой фрилансеры из различных отраслей могут сотрудничать в крупномасштабных, мульти-ди Сциплинарные проекты. Платформа будет объединять фрилансеров с дополнительными навыками - дизайнеров, разработчиков, маркетологов, И писатели - для формирования динамичных команд для сложных, высокооплачиваемых проектов. Он также будет включать в себя встроенные инструменты управления проектами, каналы связи и интеграцию платежей Ion для оптимизации рабочего процесса. Это предоставило бы фрилансерам возможность работать над более крупными проектами, одновременно расширяя их Профессиональная сеть и набор навыков.
...Confira os requisitos e os detalhes: Você é: ・Uma pessoa disponível para contato frequente; ・Responsável com prazos; ・Possui facilidade com o pacote Office (Excel, Word); ・Um redator que domina a língua portuguesa; E contribuirá em um projeto que: ・Publica artigos de 1000 a 4000 palavras; ・Paga aproximadamente R$20 a cada 1000 palavras (valor definido por palavra, variando com a cotação do dólar), com bônus de até 20% por produtividade e qualidade de artigo; ・Tem demanda constante de artigos! Caso tenha interesse, pedimos para mencionar em quais dias da semana estará disponível para contato, quantos artigos estima que conseguirá escrever por semana, e por quanto...
http://hit-888.com:8880/play 上記のようなサイトが制作します。 お願いしたい部分はサーバー側でグラフーを書いていただきたいです。 ゲームの方法は30秒に一度グラフーが作成されます。 ユーザーはその前に例えば100円を掛けます。 グラフーが右型上がりで書かれると倍数が表示されます。 グラフーが止まる前にユーザーが先にストップすればユーザーの勝利になり ユーザーがストップする前にグラフーが止まればユーザーの負けとなる単純がゲームです。 サンプルサイトは韓国語ですが何度かグラフーの動きを確認していただければ幸いです。
(English follows Japanese) 私(外国人)が添付されているメールニュースを作成しました。日本人のネーティブチェックしていただきたい。内容と文法はお...私(外国人)が添付されているメールニュースを作成しました。日本人のネーティブチェックしていただきたい。内容と文法はおかしくないかどうか。ワードの修正機能を使用して納品していただきたい。よろしくご検討ください。 I am not Japanese but I wrote the attached Japanese-language email newsletter. I am looking for a NATIVE Japanese person to check the content and grammar are written correctly. I am not seeking a bilingual non-native speaker of the language. Checking should be done using the correction function of Microsoft Word, and showing the corrections so I can see where the changes have been made.
...対面は有りませんので、依頼はオンラインで完結出来る内容のみです。 【求めている人物像】 ・秘書経験者 ・日本語、英語のバイリンガル ・カスタマーサポート経験者 ・営業事務、アシスタント経験者 ・Webの知識が豊富な方 →システム的な意味では無く、「情報収集」や「検索力」 【必須条件】 ・ADSL以上のインターネット環境 ・skypeなどが問題無く動作するレベルのPC 【提出書類】 選考に進まれる場合は、履歴書及び職務経歴書のご提出をお願い致します。 ※個人を特定する情報の記載は必須ではございません。 また、下記の質問事項のご回答と、タイピングテスト(無料)の受検結果のスクリーンショットも併せてご提出お願いたします。 ◆タイピングテスト(3000円コースをお選び下さい:無料) ://neutral.x0.com/home/sushida/ ◆無料簡易テスト ◆質問事項 1)DROPBOXは使われていますか? 2)チャットワークは使われていますか? 3)Googledriveは使われていますか?その場合はどのような使い方をされていますか? 皆様からのご応募、お待ちいたしております。
・新規にドメインを取得、メールアドレス10個程度取得 ・会社ロゴの作成 ・Websiteの新規作成(シンプルなトップページから、会員用のサイトに入り、そこで http://www.platinum1000.com/ のような、会社概要やビジネスの情報を見せるサイトにする)
ヤフオクYahoo Api を使用するウェブサイトの作成が必要。 このサイト(fromjapan. co. jp)と同様なシステムをつくるのは目的。デザインはこのサイトopennippon. comと同様なもの。 ヤフーオークション(Yahoo Auction)の情報を他国語に翻訳、カテゴリーの参照ができる、コスト(送料・手数料など)計算、ユーザーのアカウントページ、パイパルとカード(日本国内システム)の支払いを可能にするモジュール、お勧めカテゴリー、顧客の意見のモジュール、各国語のポップアップお問い合わせフォーム。 既存の出来上がったシステムがあれば、一番いいです。今後のサポートも別料金で依頼します。
【内容】 ①4K動画/Youtube動画/Facebookに関するテーマに沿って記事を書く ②キーワードを文章に埋め込んでください。 ③製品の使い方、体験談や豆知識などの記事作成 ④重複しないこと、絶対にコピペをしないように注意してください。 初心者でもわかる内容の記事作成、例えば、「Facebookの使い方」について、初心者向けの教則本を執筆するような感覚です。 【その他特記事項】 ①1記事あたり、全角1000-2000文字くらい ② 『です。』『ます。』調で書く ③読みやすいように3~5行程度で改行する ④Microsoft Excel形式のファイルで書く ⑤WindowsまたはMac環境が必要です。
...----------- 1.氏名 2.年齢 3.性別 4.スカイプID(お持ちであれば) 5.ライティング経験(なしでも可) 6.PR(得意分野(脱毛器,美顔器,化粧品,作曲など)など) 7.1週間に書ける記事数(目安) 8.選考テスト記事(500文字前後) 美顔器の「エステナードソニックローズ」の紹介記事を500文字でお書きください。 次のURLを見て、商品情報を集めてから、人に紹介するような感じでお書きください。 (※記事は、選考のみに使用致します。選考テスト記事に対する報酬はありません) -------------------------------------- ■連絡先 HP: http://nodazaitaku.web.fc2.com/
...だきたいと思います。 例えば、「化粧品」といった商品ですと、 口紅やファンデーションなど、幅が広すぎてしまいます。 そうではなく、「口紅」や「ファンデーション」など 細かいジャンルで応募していただきたいと思います。 「口紅」の中でさらにジャンル分けして商品を紹介できるとなお好ましいです。 上記のように複数の商品について詳しく書けるというのでも構いませんし、 1~5個ぐらいの商品について、とことん詳しく複数の記事を書けるというのでも構いません。 外注の皆様から頂いた記事を参考に、下記のようなサイトを作りたいと思っております。 参考までにチェックしていただければと思います。 ・おすすめシャンプー解析サイト ・シミ・そばかすを消すコスメ・化粧品 http://シミそばかす対策コスメ.com/ ※必ずしも上記のようなサイト(記事)を作るとは限りません。 どのような記事を作るかは外注の皆様とお話をして決めて行きたいと考えております。 「サービス」というのは、食材宅配やライブチャット・エステなどの 物販ではないようなサービスを指します。 こちらも書いていただく記事は、それらサービスの体験談などになります。 こちらもジャンルは出来る限り絞っていただけるのが好ましいです。 たとえば、「エステ」というよりも、「男性向けエステ」や「美顔エステ」など ジャンルがより細かいほうが好ましいです。 「メンズTBC」など具体的ならなお良いです。 サービスに関してもそのジャンルの複数のサービスについて記事を書くというのでもいいですし、 1~5個ぐらいのサービスをとことん詳しく書くというのでも構いません。 外注の皆様から頂いた記事を
こんにちは、日本の皆様、現在香港で住んでいる。Freelancerです。 今、私はBrand Buyer(Sales)とか、Display Designとか、Travel Writerとか、日本関係あるの仕事を探している。 もし興味あれば、是非連絡してください。 こちらは私の日本語BLOGです。[[Posting of contact information is prohibited by Site Administrators.]] 宜しくお願い致します。ありがとうございます。
We are seeking an experienced Business Development Freelancer to help expand our final-mile delivery service by identifying and securing contracts with large businesses and local warehouses in Kingston, Ontario, and surrounding areas. This is a key role for our growing business, focused on creating meaningful client relationships and driving revenue. Responsibilities: Research and identify potential clients in the logistics and warehousing sectors. Reach out to key decision-makers through email, calls, or LinkedIn to present our delivery services. Set up meetings with prospective clients for direct discussions. Build and maintain a database of leads, tracking progress and follow-ups. Collaborate closely with the owner for seamless client onboarding. Qualifications: Proven e...
...organizing product information for a new online store. I have a spreadsheet with 2475 product lines distributed across five suppliers. Each product line includes a direct URL to the supplier's product (search) page. Your task will be to extract product images, descriptions, and any relevant details from these pages. If a product is no longer available, it should be skipped, and this should be noted in the spreadsheet. Supplier Breakdown: Casu: 136 products DCT: 327 products Kama: 294 products Max Fritid: 1169 products Movera: 545 products Deliverables: Structured Data: Use the provided Excel sheet and fill in the designated columns with extracted information, including: 1) Product Name 2) Description 3) Product page URL 4) ...
I'm seeking an expert in product hunting on Amazon to find low competition items specifically in the Health & Personal Care category. The ideal products should have a high sales velocity, indicating their popularity and demand. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and source low competition products in the Health & Personal Care category on Amazon - Ensure these products have a high sales velocity Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in product sourcing on Amazon - Deep understanding of the Health & Personal Care category - Ability to analyze sales data and identify trending products - Strong research skills to find low competition items
We are looking for a skilled developer to create a custom app for Microsoft Teams that enhances task management with robust time-tracking capabilities. The app must be built using the Microsoft Teams Developer Platform and operate entirely within Teams for seamless integration and user experience. Ideally, the app will work alongside the existing Planner app in Teams. If integration is not feasible, the app must replicate Planner’s features while adding time-tracking functionality and other enhancements.
I am in need of a talented Canva designer who can create engaging and entertaining activity books and planners for children aged 6-8 years old. The design style should be cart...a talented Canva designer who can create engaging and entertaining activity books and planners for children aged 6-8 years old. The design style should be cartoonish, appealing to young children while also being suitable for educational purposes. Key Responsibilities: - Design children's activity books and planners in a cartoonish style - Incorporate a variety of activities such as puzzles and games, coloring pages, and learning exercises Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Canva - Experience designing for children - Strong understanding of cartoonish design styles - Ability to create engaging and age-appr...
I'm seeking a skilled professional to help me develop an E-commerce app for iOS and a corresponding website. Key Features: - User Registration: The app and website should include a seamless user registration process. - Blog Section: A dedicated blog section is required to share news, updates, and engaging content with our users. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in developing E-commerce apps and websites. - Proficiency in iOS app development. - Strong understanding of user registration systems and blog integration. - Excellent skills in UI/UX design for E-commerce platforms. - Ability to deliver a secure, scalable, and user-friendly product. Please share your previous work examples in your proposal.
I need an expert in Microsoft Power Automate and C# to help me automate my weekly email process. Currently, I manually prepare emails in MS-Word, pulling customer data from MS-Excel, and sending through MS-Outlook using mail merge. I utilize 25 different email accounts, sending 2000 emails from each account to my customers, with the content being a price list with images. I want a system that automates this process. The emails should be sent from the 25 accounts to the customers from the Excel file automatically, with each account sending out 2000 emails. Skills and experience required: - Proficiency in Microsoft Power Automate - Experience with C# for custom scripting - Familiarity with mail merge in MS-Word, MS-Excel, and MS-Outlook - Knowledge in creating both HTML and...
...PageSpeed. Key Tasks: - Analyze the specific issues identified in the PageSpeed links. Detail are attached and I am looking for someone to solve all of the issues listed in attached files or you can see in below web links. - Propose and implement effective solutions to enhance website performance. Requirements: - Proven experience in website optimization. - Proficiency in using tools and analyzers for performance evaluation. - Ability to implement caching and image optimization solutions if necessary. - Knowledge of improving both desktop and mobile site performance. Access: - I have full access to the website's
I need to convert a PDF to a Word document primarily for content editing. The formatting and style in the Word document should be similar to the original PDF, but it doesn't have to be exactly the same. Ideal skills for this project: - Proficiency in PDF to Word conversion - Excellent understanding of Microsoft Word - Attention to detail for formatting - Editing skills would be a plus
...and the site is still very slow. We used litespeed cache paid version too, but it didn't help. Litespeed is installed on WHM and wordpress. We need a professional who has advanced experience in the plugins mentioned above! WP query identifies hundreds of duplicate queries, I suspect the problem arises from there. Every day at 8:59am the site stops receiving new registrations in the ''User Registration'' plugin because of the ''Nonce Error'' and only returns to normal when I restart the litespeed cache. I don't know if the problem is related. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress and its associated plugins, particularly Peepso, WooCommerce, and Dokan. - Experienced with Elementor. - Strong knowledge in website optimization te...
I'm looking for an experienced iOS developer with expertise in Microsoft Entra ID authentication. The app needs to incorporate: - Single Sign-On (SSO) - Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) - Conditional Access Policies Having problems with Access Tokens and Verification Login etc. User roles and permissions in the app are limited to Admins and Users. The app also needs to interact with various third-party services via Microsoft Entra ID, including CRM Systems, Cloud Storage Services, and Email Services. An ideal candidate for this project should have a strong background in: - iOS app development - Integrating Microsoft Entra ID authentication - Implementing SSO, MFA, and Conditional Access Policies - Managing user roles and permissions - Integrating with CRM s...
As a B2B software company, we're in the process of launching a new website. The task at hand is to simplify our product screenshots from the images and instructions provided. Key Requirements: - Ensure the simplified screenshots facilitate easy understanding of our software - Adopt a modern style for the screenshots - Emphasize the user interface in the simplified screenshots Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - User Interface Understanding - Modern Aesthetic Sense We have a total of 10-20 images for this job. Here is just 1 as a TEST to see your skills.
I'm seeking a designer to create an elegant and classic-style brochure for a physical product. The primary goal of this brochure is to market the product effectively. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Prior experience with brochure design - Understanding of marketing principles - Ability to create designs in a classic and elegant style
I'm in need of a talented 3D artist who can create realistic 3D renderings of my fruit snacks for marketing purposes. Key Requirements: - Expert in 3D rendering with a strong portfolio of realistic product renderings - Experience in creating marketing materials - Ability to deliver high-quality, photorealistic images suitable for promotion - Understanding of branding and how to translate that into visual content Ideal Candidate: - Has a keen eye for detail - Understands the requirements for creating materials for a specific audience - Able to meet deadlines without compromising quality
...am looking for a skilled web scraping specialist to develop a program that scrapes product data from the Schneider Electric website. The program should meet the following requirements: Program Requirements Input: Accept a list of product codes (e.g., ATV212HU40N4, ATV212HU55N4) provided in a CSV or XLSX file. Accept a list of specific parameters to scrape, such as "Device short name," "Motor power kW," "EMC filter," etc. Output: Generate a CSV or XLSX file with: Column A: Product codes. Row 1: Names of the selected parameters. Rows below: Data for each product. Additional Data to Scrape: For each product, the following should also be scraped: Link to the main product image. Link to download the "Product...
I'm looking for an experienced developer to create a face-swapping application for online video or meeting calls. The application should support macOS and primarily focus ...exclusively designed for macOS. - Prioritize the development of a seamless face-swapping functionality over other features. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in macOS application development. - Experience with video processing and real-time face swapping technologies. - Knowledge of creating applications for online meeting platforms. Please note, while compatibility with specific platforms (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet) hasn't been defined, the application should be capable of integrating with popular video conferencing tools. Bids from freelancers with a portfolio showcasing relevant past projects ...
Job Description: I am seeking a highly organized and proactive freelancer to assist with managing my personal and professional tasks. This role involves compiling and organizing notes, emails, text messages, and voice messages into actionable to-do lists. You will help me stay on top of deadlines, track tasks, and ensure that nothing slips through the cracks. Key Responsibilities: • Organize incoming notes, emails, and messages into a centralized task tracker. • Prioritize and track tasks based on deadlines and urgency. • Provide daily or weekly updates with progress reports and outstanding items. • Assist with scheduling, reminders, and basic documentation. • Suggest tools or systems to improve organization and productivity (if needed). Req...
I have a WooCommerce platform for selling registrations for sports events, and I need to create a conditional form during the checkout process to determine whether the person making the payment is the athlete or someone else paying on their behalf. This is crucial because I need to collect the athlete’s personal information, and often, the payer is not the athlete, making it difficult to identify who the competitor is. Key Requirements: Conditional Form Logic: At the beginning of the checkout process, the form should ask if the person filling out the form is the athlete or another person paying on their behalf. If the payer is someone else, an additional form must appear to collect the athlete’s personal information. If the payer is the athlete, the form should skip the addit...
I'm in need of a professional with extensive experience in 3D design, specifically for product modeling and interior architectural visualization. Key Requirements: - Create high-quality 3D models for product design. - Develop ultra-realistic interior renderings with detailed lighting and shading. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in using advanced 3D modeling software. - Has a keen eye for detail. - Can deliver ultra-realistic designs that are suitable for high-end marketing materials. Please include samples of your previous work in your bid.
I need a proficient developer specializing in Microsoft technologies to implement a system that syncs my emails between Outlook and SharePoint. We need a add-in to outlook, so we can see all sharepoint folders etc in outlook, so we easily can drag email, attachements both ways. Easy access
Olá, senhoras Atualmente tenho um código ccharp, que utiliza o , eu tenho uns problemas, para iniciar, e parar, e trocar o monitor. Preciso de auxilio, com isso.
...calendar (e.g. read data like available or not and prices for dates from a database, integrate and display etc.) Then this calendar needs to be integrated into a website with various simple options ( like 1 or 2 month display, etc. preferably via API to show on several different websites) Then, if a reservation is made with this calendar, it must be stored via API V2 in the channel manager of Beds24.com To do this, some json data must be read or created, checked and processed via API and webhook, e.g. the availability of the selected date range must be checked and a payment must be made via an existing and functioning application with verification via webhook, etc.... This sounds more difficult than it actually is. It's just mostly handling json data and beds24 API v2 a...
...parts: create a crosshair with multiple settings a few extra features explained below and a bit of aesthetic to make the app and the sliders pretty. 1)I need a developer who can create a tool on specifically Windows OS (10 or 11 retrocompatible). 2)The tool must be able to display a crosshair on the EXACT center of my screen (of course with the setting to move it in case). Why EXACT center ? All games do it seamlessly, whereas all the third party apps like Crosshair x, genie, v2, hud sight and so on fail to do so. There is a slight offset that makes the crosshair a few pixels to the left and if adjusted a few pixels to the right. 3)Talking about those apps, i'd like to have some of their features, like saving a maximum of 10 crosshairs and each crosshair saved being co...
I'm an advanced user of Microsoft Excel, seeking assistance with some issues I'm encountering. You will need: - Extensive knowledge of Microsoft Excel - Experience with troubleshooting complex spreadsheet problems - Ability to communicate solutions clearly and effectively
I'm a beginner programmer eager to learn JavaScript for building Telegram mini-app arcade games. I'm seeking an experienced tutor who can teach me the ropes of game development on this platform. Key requirements: - Proficiency in JavaScript - Experience in teaching programming - Knowledge of Telegram mini-app development - Game development experience, especially with arcade games - Patience and ability to explain concepts to a beginner Please provide a detailed plan on how you would approach this teaching project.
I'm seeking a skilled developer to create an AI flyer generator. This tool will primarily be used for marketing campaigns, focusing on product promotions. Key Features: - The AI should be able to create flyers in a classic and elegant design style. - It should be capable of generating appealing, high-quality flyers for product promotions. The ideal candidate for this project will have experience in AI development and graphic design. Familiarity with classic and elegant design aesthetics will be a significant advantage.
...(preferred) or a similar framework. Required functionalities: View invoices extracted and stored in the database. Edit invoice data through the front end. Upload new invoices directly through the web interface, process them, and store the data in the database. Filter, search, and sort invoices by various criteria (e.g., date, client, amount). 4. User Management Implement an authentication system: Registration, login, and password recovery. Roles: Administrator: Can manage users and assign root folders. Regular User: Can only view and manage invoices for their own company. Assign specific root folders to each user so they can upload their own invoices. 5. Invoice Processing Allow users to upload PDF invoices via the web interface. Adapt the script to automatically process these ...
I'm seeking assistance to develop a comprehensive KPI spreadsheet for my sales team, compatible with Microsoft Excel. The KPIs to be incorporated include: - Sales volume - Conversion rate - Inputs needed for each team member to achieve their quota The spreadsheet will need to facilitate weekly updates of the KPI data. Ideal skills for this project include advanced Excel proficiency, experience in sales analytics, and understanding of KPI design. I have attached some pictures of some examples I am looking for. I would like a blend of the examples and make it custom to my team.
...systems are prominent. --- ### **Deliverables** - A one or two-slide PowerPoint presentation (.pptx format): - Designed using the provided Siemens Healthineers template. - Incorporates **HD-quality images of MAGNETOM or systems**. - Presents the content cleanly, professionally, and in a visually engaging manner. --- ### **Skills Required** - Proficiency in Microsoft PowerPoint. - Experience in graphic design, branding, and sourcing HD images. - Ability to deliver high-quality, professional presentations. --- ### **Timeline** I need the final presentation by **Monday noon** (sharp). --- ### **Files Provided** - Siemens Healthineers PowerPoint Template (**SHS **). - Content to be included (this description)....
I need a talented Facebook Ads specialist to help drive sales for my digital products. Key Objectives: - Increase sales through effective ad strategies - Target similar audiences to my existing customers Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Facebook Ads - Experience with digital product marketing - Ability to identify and target specific audience segments
We are seeking a skilled freelancer to create a high-quality 3D rendering and animation for our new artwork on an existing personal care product. This project requires wrapping the new design onto the old product's packaging, simulating its use, and presenting it in a realistic and visually engaging way. Below are the key details: Scope of Work 3D Product Modeling: - Create a realistic 3D model of the product using the provided dimensions: 3.82 x 1.65 x 1.06 inches; 2.4 ounces (refer to the attached screenshot of the product’s old design). - Apply the new artwork (label to be provided) to the 3D model, ensuring accuracy by referencing the old packaging and new design concept (see attached reference images). Product Animation: - Show water bei...
I'm in need of a Flutter Flow developer to build a minimalist UI for a queue management app. The backend is already prepared, and the focus is primarily on the UI. Key Features: - User Registration: The app should allow users to create an account. - Queue Management: Users should be able to create, edit, and manage their own queues. - QR management: Users should be able to generate and manage the QR codes for queue. Platform Compatibility: - The app needs to be developed for iOS, Android, WEB and MWEB. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in Flutter Flow. - Experience in developing minimalist UI designs. - Prior work on queue management apps would be a plus.
O livro contém cerca de 80 páginas de word. Precisa receber revisão ortográfica e semântica. Se tiver experiência com publicação na Amazon, é um diferencial e negociamos o adicional pela diagramação e preparação do arquivo. O idioma é Português Brasileiro.
I'm looking for a skilled game developer to create a classic (3-reel) web-based slot game. This project entails: - Developing a slot game compatible with web platforms. - Incorporating bonus rounds, wild symbols, and free spins as special features. Ideal candidates should have proven experience in developing web-based games, particularly slot games, and a solid understanding of the mechanics of classic 3-reel slots. Skills in game design, programming, and a keen eye for delivering engaging, user-friendly interfaces will be crucial.