Windows asterisk click dial仕事


    2,000 windows asterisk click dial 見つかった仕事


    $40 Average bid
    $40 平均入札額
    2 入札

    【NEED JAPANESE】レイアウトをもとにWindowsパソコンに関する記事作成して頂きます。詳細な要求は次へ: ■応募条件 ・ライターとして記事作成経験があります。 ・インターネットで正しい情報をリサーチできます。 ・簡潔でわかりやすい文章でお願い致します。 ・長期的に働けます。 ・Windowsパソコンをお持ちします。 ・パソコンに詳しい。 ・日本語が必要。 ■歓迎するスキル ・SEOを意識してライティングいただければ幸いです。 ・Webマーケティングの実務経験 ■記事構成 ・記事タイトル 文字数:32文字以内に収める ・リード:記事タイトルの下に(記事の冒頭に)、短くまとめられています。 ・導入 ・見出し 見出しタイトルの数は記事の長さ・内容によって調整してください。 ・本文(説明) 悩みを解決する方法を読者に提案し、「やり方」をステップごとに紹介してください。 ・画像 a. ステップ用の画像・スクリーンショット、または記事の雰囲気に合う画像を入れてください。 b. できるだけ自分でステップ用のスクリーンショット(マークを付ける)を撮ってください。 c. インターネット上の写真を引用する場合、引用元の明記をお願いします。 d. 3枚以上の写真をお願いいたします。 ・結論/まとめ ■その他 ・文体:です・ます調 ・1記事当たりの文字数:1500以上 記事の内容や品質確保のため文字数が多くなることは問題ありません。 ・【キーワード入力回数】:タイトル、リード、見出しにキーワードを1回入れて、全文にキーワードを10~15回配置してください。 ・キーワードの詰め込みすぎはNGです。 ・類義語や同義語も一度使ってみてください。 ■注意事項 以下のような場合は承認できませんのでご注意ください。 ・完全オリジナル記事での作成をお願いし...

    $63 Average bid
    $63 平均入札額
    2 入札

    母国語は日本語の方で、動画を作っていただける方を募集しています。 弊社はwindows、mac、ios、androidのデータ復旧、システムの修復、画面のロック解除、スマホテータ転送&管理などのソフトを作るIT企業です。 当社の製品で動画を作るまたはiPhone最新の機能、注目される機能の紹介動画。 動画には日本語の吹き替えが必要で、適切な時間にカットし、日本語の字幕を付けます。 ビデオコンテンツに応じて、録画時間は長くなったり短くなったりします。 通常2分から10分まで。動画のテーマはこちら提供いたします。 報酬は、難易度の高いものや通常より時間の長い動画を除き、基本的に1本1000円でお願いしたいと考えております。 何度か依頼させて頂いた上で、より難易度の高いと判断される(5分以上)3000-5000円以上の案件をお願いする場合があります。 ご興味のある方は、もちろんお金はお支払いしますので、まずは一度試しにやってみていただければと思います。 依頼に少しでも興味を持って頂ければ気軽にコンタクトを頂けると幸いです。 長期的にお願いしたいと考えております。 お支払いは、動画を納品後の直後

    $195 Average bid
    $195 平均入札額
    2 入札

    ...environment: Windows 7 or later b. Functional requirements:  1. Simulate mouse click  2. Simulate keyboard input  3. Using OCR to detect windows, selection  4. Open/Close Program  5. Record macro  6. Logic functions support (if-else, switch case...)  7. Loop functions support (while, for...)  8. DateTime functions support (get system time...)  9. Wait (sleep) functions to support  10. Exports the robot that was created to a .exe file ### Automation batch manages application a. Running environment: Web b. Functional requirements:  1. Manage created robot (search, run, delete)  2. Alarm to the creator (email, message..) when having an error at runtime  3. View, download robot running logs. 弊社にてRPA作成アプリケーションを構築する必要があります。 要件は下記のようです。 ###オートメーションバッチを作成するアプリケーションの開...

    $4851 Average bid
    $4851 平均入札額
    6 入札

    Windows PHP タオバオの商品を日本語で検索、購入のできるショッピングサイトの作成をお願いします サンプルサイトは です まずは 中国語バージョンで構いません 納期は1ヶ月。過去に一度にたようなものを作った経験のあるかたでしたら、レイアウトの変更なので 時間はかからないとおもいます。 注文はせずに注文者と日時、商品名、色 サイズ 数量の一覧表示ができれば いいです まだ secret idなどは取得してないので それからお願いします 開発料金は20万円。約1万元。*Removed by Admin*私は中国語はできないので、日本語でコミュニケーションのとれる人をお願いしたいので、あえて 日本語でかきました。

    $1250 Average bid
    $1250 平均入札額
    1 入札
    終了 left


    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 入札

    ...=========================================== A??? 1. APK???????/?????(??????????????)???/?????????? ? ?? ??????????? jQuery Windows??????chrome??????? ? ?? ?????????????????json??????????json??????? ?????????????????????????????? ???????????json?????????????(?????????????)?? ???????????????????????????????? ??APK?????????????????????? 1. ???????????????????? 2. ????????? 3. ?????????????????????????? ????????????????????json???????????????? or ajax?????API?POST???(API????????????????????????????) ???????????????? 1?????????????????????? ? json?????????????????? 2. ??/??????????? ? ?? ??????????? php or gradle Windows????????? C??????Module??????? ? ?? ?????????????????json?????

    $170 - $1018
    $170 - $1018
    0 入札

    ...=========================================== A??? 1. APK???????/?????(??????????????)???/?????????? ? ?? ??????????? jQuery Windows??????chrome??????? ? ?? ?????????????????json??????????json??????? ?????????????????????????????? ???????????json?????????????(?????????????)?? ???????????????????????????????? ??APK?????????????????????? 1. ???????????????????? 2. ????????? 3. ?????????????????????????? ????????????????????json???????????????? or ajax?????API?POST???(API????????????????????????????) ???????????????? 1?????????????????????? ? json?????????????????? 2. ??/??????????? ? ?? ??????????? php or gradle Windows????????? C??????Module??????? ? ?? ?????????????????json?????

    $170 - $1018
    $170 - $1018
    0 入札

    我々は、Android 、 iOSとWindowsの携帯電話のために本当に良いゲームを開発する必要があります。 我々は提案を開いているし、予算や期間によって制限されています。 私たちは入札メッセージでお知らせください。 We need to develop a really good game for Android, iOS and Windows Phone. We're open to suggestions, and are limited by budget and time period. Please let us know in bid message.

    $3771 Average bid
    $3771 平均入札額
    1 入札
    click and earn
    終了 left

    I need a respondent for click a link. i need their e-mail address for sending the link i will offer them $5 as incentive.

    $11 Average bid
    $11 平均入札額
    2 入札

    【内容】 ①4K動画/Youtube動画/Facebookに関するテーマに沿って記事を書く ②キーワードを文章に埋め込んでください。 ③製品の使い方、体験談や豆知識などの記事作成 ④重複しないこと、絶対にコピペをしないように注意してください。 初心者でもわかる内容の記事作成、例えば、「Facebookの使い方」について、初心者向けの教則本を執筆するような感覚です。 【その他特記事項】 ①1記事あたり、全角1000-2000文字くらい ② 『です。』『ます。』調で書く ③読みやすいように3~5行程度で改行する ④Microsoft Excel形式のファイルで書く ⑤WindowsまたはMac環境が必要です。

    $377 Average bid
    $377 平均入札額
    1 入札

    AREAS OF EXPERTISE  ...Problem solving  Thinking creatively  Attention to detail  Communication skills TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY  Image Editing & Graphic Designing: Adobe Photoshop CS, Illustrator, Flash  Video Editing: FCP, AVID - Media composer,  Adobe Premiere Pro, VFX: Adobe After Effects, 3D Max  Sound Effects: Audacity, Cube Base 5, Nuendo, Protools.  Operating System: MS Windows (Word, Excel, Power point)  Camera Operation: Canon, Nikon  Music - Western Organ Keyboard, Melodica, Singing STRENGTHS Achievement accompanied with excellence;  Apropos Communication and Interpersonal skills.  A dynamic optimistic and a positive attitude.  Highly receptive with good grasping power

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr 平均入札額
    1 入札

    Translate IT News (Apple/Windows Phone)

    $115 Average bid
    $115 平均入札額
    17 入札
    終了 left

    IP-PBXであるAsteriskの設定画面(GUI)をブラウザー上でのDrag&Dropにて設定できるようにしたい。 参考となるのは以下URL

    $38 / hr Average bid
    $38 / hr 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ...puerto 8000 esté libre para el servicio Icecast. Subir un archivo de audio de prueba y comprobar su reproducción desde un cliente Windows mediante un navegador web. Configurar un servidor DNS: Utilizar el servidor DNS primario previamente configurado o uno nuevo. Garantizar su correcta comunicación con las otras máquinas en la red. Configurar el entorno de red: Crear una red NAT en VirtualBox que permita la comunicación entre: El servidor DNS. El servidor de streaming de audio. El cliente Windows. Proporcionar las siguientes capturas de pantalla: [CS13]: Servicio Icecast activo en el servidor Linux. [CS14]: Disponibilidad del puerto 8000 en el navegador del cliente Windows. [CS15]: Configuración del servidor Icecast vista de...

    $46 / hr Average bid
    $46 / hr 平均入札額
    3 入札
    Machine Learning Image Forecast
    6 日 left

    ...attract me to speak to you, you either revise your bid, or I will ignore you. • Delivery We need the source code and will integrate your program into a much larger one. You will be paid once you finish all the work and it works on my machine. We will also attack your program, as it has to be secure and reliable without loopholes. It has to be bug-free. • Platform Your code has to work on Windows. • Workplace You will be working online remotely. • Experience Please show us your detailed related work experience and portfolio. Without similar experience, you are unlikely to be awarded, as you may not finish the project anyway. • IP The intellectual property, including the source code, belongs to Sors Markets Ltd. • Interview We may inte...

    $124 Average bid
    $124 平均入札額
    84 入札
    Running Trained Python Model in C#
    6 日 left

    ...attract me to speak to you, you either revise your bid, or I will ignore you. • Delivery We need the source code and will integrate your program into a much larger one. You will be paid once you finish all the work and it works on my machine. We will also attack your program, as it has to be secure and reliable without loopholes. It has to be bug-free. • Platform Your code has to work on Windows. • Workplace You will be working online remotely. • Experience Please show us your detailed related work experience and portfolio. Without similar experience, you are unlikely to be awarded, as you may not finish the project anyway. • IP The intellectual property, including the source code, belongs to Sors Markets Ltd. • Interview We ma...

    $135 Average bid
    $135 平均入札額
    55 入札

    ...numbering. Book Intro, Copyright Page, and Table of Contents: Automatically generated based on user input. 2. AI Integration: Mistral AI 7B: Host and integrate Mistral AI 7B to power the full book-writing process. Allow content generation directly within a text box, with options to auto-insert generated text into the book. AI Editing Tools: Grammar Check: 1-click full book grammar check with auto-correction. Copyright Check: 1-click copyright check for the entire book. Automatic regeneration of flagged content to ensure originality. 3. Book Export Options: Export books in the following formats: PDF (Print-ready) PDF (Standard) Word Document 4. User Workflow: No Registration Required: Users can create and generate books without logging in. Subscription P...

    $1276 Average bid
    $1276 平均入札額
    8 入札

    I need a custom JavaScript script to automate the process of filling fields on an appointment booking website with complete accuracy and ease. The script should work on Windows and perform the following functions: - Automatically enter email and password. - Effectively choose appropriate options from drop-down lists. - Bypass unnecessary stages based on your requirements. - Bypass selfie stage. The ideal freelancer for this task should have extensive experience in JavaScript and web automation, with a deep understanding of how to interact with web forms and drop-down lists. It would be beneficial if you have experience in creating scripts for bypassing stages in online processes. Please note that the ability to securely enter bank card details

    $19 Average bid
    $19 平均入札額
    70 入札

    I'm looking for a professional with extensive experience in network security and OpenVPN setup. The primary objective is to enable secure remote access through RDP using a newly configured OpenVPN server on my Windows machine. Key requirements: - Full installation and configuration of OpenVPN - Ensuring top-notch security for remote access - Potentially providing advice on best practices for secure RDP usage Your expertise in setting up and securing OpenVPN with RDP will be invaluable for this project. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.

    $16 Average bid
    $16 平均入札額
    12 入札

    Necesito que el logo de mi empresa sea el inicio de la pagina web (sin menu arriba ni abajo) y que cada una de las secciones del circulo (los triangulos que son 6 en total) al pasar el cursor se agranden un poco y aparezca una pequeña descripción de esa sección, y que al hacer click en uno de los triangulos lleve a una nueva página. También al pasar el cursor sobre las letras que se agranden y diga contáctanos y al hacer click ahí que lleve al link de whatsapp. Tengo hosting con editor wordpress.

    $36 Average bid
    $36 平均入札額
    15 入札

    I'm in need of a professional who can assist with the setup and management of my Windows-based virtual machines on VMware. Key Responsibilities: - Setup and configuration of Windows-based VMs using VMware - Ongoing management of these virtual machines - Ensuring security and timely updates Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with VMware setup and management - Strong skills in Windows OS - Knowledge of security protocols and update schedules Looking forward to your proposals.

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr 平均入札額
    14 入札
    chrome extension automation
    6 日 left

    i have a chrome extension that download files from education website, every time should i click on file then open in new tab then download button, after 15 files click on "see more" then 15 new files showing, and repeat... i want to automated this, just give the extension the endpoint website with the filter i choose like this: this showing me 71666 results (every 15 results, click see more and repeat)... i want to be automated just give him the endpoint and start download all files, with waiting beetwenn every 15 downloaded files 5 seconds to avoid any thing.

    $38 Average bid
    $38 平均入札額
    80 入札

    ...Expensive Subscriptions: The platform should use free or inexpensive one-time purchase tools (no ongoing subscriptions). 5. User-Friendly Interface: Provide a drag-and-drop interface where users can upload videos, select CG characters, and replace actors automatically. 6. Real-Time Rendering: Support real-time or near real-time rendering (free for business). 7. Must work fast on my server and on Windows 10 and higher computers. Must be able to save all work as an MP4 and highest quality and resolution for YouTube video uploads. It must render my videos and CG Characters in high resolution. 8. I have my own CG Character. I don't need any CG Characters made. This program must work perfectly with my CG Characters and any new CG Characters I have made for me. 9. It must allow me...

    $2500 - $3500
    シール NDA
    $2500 - $3500
    6 入札

    ...Desktop - Previous experience with S/MIME encryption set up - Knowledge of cross-platform email encryption compatibility - Familiarity with automated system configuration and management I have a C# Outlook Addin. I have the E5 M365 license so I am able to use encryption. I can use the manual Encrypt option in the Outlook Ribbon and it works,. MSFT brands auto-decrypt emails. Non-MSFT brands must click a button to decrypt. I obtained a free s-mime certificate but I don't know how it gets entered into Outlook Desktop app. This site gives FREE certificates for email encryption: I found the above site by reading this article: https://www

    $26 / hr Average bid
    $26 / hr 平均入札額
    34 入札

    I need a custom Excel workbook specifically designed for estimating costs in the construction of custom built sunrooms. Key Requiremen...of elements including material costs, labor costs, and permits and fees. - There should be a customer input window for various cost factors including packages for windows, framing, and foundations, as well as siding and roofing. - Additional cost categories to be accounted for include drywall, insulation, electrical, HVAC, interior trim, exterior decking, and flooring. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Excel with a strong background in creating custom workbooks. - Experience in construction cost estimation. - Understanding of sunroom construction and necessary materials. - Ability to create user-friendly input windows for cust...

    $2083 Average bid
    $2083 平均入札額
    45 入札

    ...opportunities for differentiation. 2. Keyword Research: • Identify relevant keywords that resonate with potential clients in the blue-collar industry. 3. A/B Testing: • Conduct A/B tests on ad variations (headlines, descriptions, and images) to determine optimal performance. 4. Quality Score Improvement: • Optimize keywords, ad copy, and landing pages to enhance the Quality Score, lower costs per click, and improve ad placement. 5. Budget Management: • Ensure efficient use of the ad budget to maximize ROI. 6. Tracking and Analytics: • Set up and monitor tracking systems to measure performance and inform data-driven decisions. 7. Optimization: • Continuously refine ads, keywords, and targeting to achieve better results over time. 8. Conte...

    $383 Average bid
    $383 平均入札額
    67 入札

    I'm seeking a Windows program for the game "Madfut 25". The program should create the optimal team weekly for the game mode "fatal", considering all game cards, weekly boosts, and various formations. Key requirements: - Team optimization: The program must account for all cards, weekly boosts (like "+2 all stats premier league players"), and formations, including exact positions. - User-friendly database: I need to manually input new cards via a form as they are released. - Tiebreaker recommendations: The program should suggest the best cards for defense, attack, and control, and who to use in a tiebreak situation. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in Windows programming. - Understanding of FIFA-style games, particularly Madfut 2...

    $75 Average bid
    $75 平均入札額
    42 入札

    I'm looking for a proficient software developer to create a Windows-based Point of Sale (POS) software for me. This software should cater to a multi-user environment, with a client-side interface for cashiers and a manager server for inventory control and oversight. Key Features: - The software must support importation of items from an Excel spreadsheet to streamline inventory setup. - At least three concurrent users should be supported, with potential for scale. - Additional features like sales reporting, customer management, and employee time tracking are required. - A hybrid user interface (touchscreen-friendly with keyboard and mouse options) for the cashier side. - Custom, role-based access control for different users, beyond just basic cashier vs manager permissions. Id...

    $463 Average bid
    $463 平均入札額
    117 入札

    Objective: To develop a Windows-based program that automates the collection of specific information (phone numbers, business names, addresses) from a target website requiring login. The program will also compare newly extracted data with previously stored data to identify additions, updates, and deletions. It should handle dynamic content loading (e.g., infinite scrolling) and provide effective management and export of data. The user interface will primarily be in Korean. Key Features: Web Scraping: Automates login and data extraction from a specified website. Handles dynamic content loading (e.g., infinite scrolling). Extracts structured data: phone numbers, business names, and addresses. Data Management: Displays extracted data in a table format within the program. Saves data ...

    $118 Average bid
    $118 平均入札額
    32 入札

    ...professional to help me build an automation system for my smart home primarily focusing on lighting control and comprehensive climate management. Key Areas of Focus: - **Lighting Control**: This should include a system that allows for motion sensor activation and remote control via an app. - **Climate Control**: I want to automate temperature regulation, air quality monitoring, and control of doors and windows. This system should also integrate with my security systems and camera control. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with smart home systems and automation - Proficient in app development for remote control systems - Knowledgeable in security system integration - Familiar with climate control automation and monitoring systems Please provide examples of similar projects ...

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 入札

    I'm looking for a developer to create a tool that tests security solutions, specifically antivirus software and EDR, in alignment with the cyber kill chain and MITRE TTPs. Key features of the tool should include: - Conducting static and dynamic analysis - Supporting testing methodologies such as behavioral analysis (although this is not a primary focus) - Operating on a Windows platform Ideal candidates should have a strong background in cybersecurity, software development, and specifically, the creation of security testing tools. Experience with the cyber kill chain and MITRE TTPs will be highly beneficial.

    $2306 Average bid
    $2306 平均入札額
    36 入札

    I would like to see the house in white with dark windows DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING ON THE CONSTRUCTION

    $15 Average bid

    ...Highlight: Indicates communication due today. · Users can disable or override highlights for specific companies or communications as needed. Interactive Features · Hover Effect: When hovering over a completed communication, a tooltip should display the notes or comments recorded for that communication. Communication Action · Users can select a specific company or multi-select multiple companies. · Click on a "Communication Performed" button to log a new communication. o In the action modal: § Select Type of Communication: E.g., LinkedIn Post, Email. § Input Date of Communication: Date when the communication occurred. § Add Notes: Additional comments about the communication. o Upon submission, this action will reset any exis...

    $11 Average bid
    $11 平均入札額
    18 入札

    ...folder on the CPanel installation. Description: The php site should be under The script should show following messages when running: Login Password on site(a static login to be able to run the script) Login to FTP Server Extract all files in the specific folder and show them in a drop down list Be able to chose in the drop down list which file to download Click on button Download Showing in realtime % how much has been downloaded. Confirming when the download is done Log out All steps should follow with an acknowledgement that it is done or if an error occurs it should explain what has gone wrong. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PHP programming. - Experience with data processing scripts. - Knowledge of handling remote server data. This project requires

    $28 Average bid
    $28 平均入札額
    51 入札
    Cobol Work
    9 日 left

    Cobol program emulating in Windows 11

    $7 Average bid
    $7 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I'm seeking a developer to help create a support ticket system, akin to Zendesk or Freshdesk, using Blazor MAUI Hybrid Apps with C# and .NET 8. This will include: - A Windows desktop, Android, iOS, and Mac agent interface. - A Web Admin interface for myself, the admin. The coding architecture will be provided by me, and we'll work together on the development. This system must include: - Multi-channel support (email, chat, social media). - Automated ticket routing and assignment. - Knowledge base integration. User roles: Admin, Agent, and Customer. In addition to the support ticket system, I also need a Blazor Web App based website to showcase and sell this service, with the primary goal of generating sales leads. Ideal skills for this project include: - Extensive ex...

    $257 Average bid
    $257 平均入札額
    18 入札
    Troubleshoot Next.js App on Docker
    6 日 left

    I need assistance troubleshooting an app using and Docker containers on my local Windows machine. There's a simple issue in its configuration that I can't identify. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in - Experienced with Docker, Auth0 - Knowledgeable in Windows OS Please reach out if you can help.

    $17 Average bid
    $17 平均入札額
    20 入札

    ...operational insights. Key Responsibilities: - Implement a data collection system to capture textual information related to bioprinting protocols and user agreement verifications. - Design a secure and efficient system for transferring this data to AWS. - Ensure the software can support predictive analysis of the collected data. The ideal candidate will have: - Extensive experience with C++ and Windows executable software. - Proven track record with AWS cloud services. - Strong understanding of predictive data analysis. - Experience with software creating and implementing API key systems for user authentication. I'm looking for someone who can not only complete this task, but can also contribute ideas to enhance the project's overall scope and potential. Your input wi...

    $53 / hr Average bid
    $53 / hr 平均入札額
    68 入札

    Hi I'm using Oracle 19c database. I created a new user/schema called MM_UAT and given the required grants. I want the MM_UAT user only to see the DB_OBJECTS of other schemas or specific schema. My required DB_OBJECTS like tables, views, functions and procedures seems OK. but there's a problem. If I right click and open a package like PRODN.PKG_REPORTS and i click "view spec & body", i cannot see the body i see only the specs. I have given extra permissions as well to check if they work: GRANT EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE TO MM_UAT; GRANT DEBUG CONNECT SESSION TO MM_UAT; GRANT SELECT ANY DICTIONARY TO MM_UAT; GRANT SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE TO MM_UAT; GRANT SELECT ON DBA_SOURCE TO MM_UAT; GRANT EXECUTE ON PRODN.PKG_REPORTS TO MM_UAT; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW SYS....

    $31 Average bid
    $31 平均入札額
    7 入札

    ...Orders: • Displays: all orders, pending, purchased, invalid, completed. • Orders are displayed with calculated prices, and products being ordered will show up in the order list. 4. Member Center: Recharge: Click to display recharge methods. Monitoring of payment methods is required. Upon payment arrival, it will automatically display on the user’s mobile device. Balance: Numerical status: displayed in different states, unavailable. Withdrawal Methods: Options to upload images and text. Confirmation from the backend is required for successful withdrawal. Withdrawal Application: Click to display: available amount, withdrawal amount (manual input required in a box), handling fees. 5. Secondary Distribution: • Use links to invite sub-users. &bu...

    $1092 Average bid
    $1092 平均入札額
    123 入札

    ...Project Overview Our company plans to develop an advanced AI-based software solution with the following key features: - Copyright Verification: Checks for copyright issues in videos, text, and images before they are uploaded to Facebook and Instagram. - Social Media Management: - Manage multiple Facebook pages and Instagram accounts. - Post the same content to multiple accounts/pages with a single click. - Post scheduling for automation. - AI-Generated Content: - Create AI-based images, videos, and audio. - Text-to-AI-video creation. This document outlines the scope, objectives, and requirements for conducting detailed market research on this project. 2. Objectives of Market Research The research aims to: 1. Analyze Market Scope: - Current and projected market scope for AI...

    $322 Average bid
    $322 平均入札額
    2 入札

    ...Project Overview Our company plans to develop an advanced AI-based software solution with the following key features: - Copyright Verification: Checks for copyright issues in videos, text, and images before they are uploaded to Facebook and Instagram. - Social Media Management: - Manage multiple Facebook pages and Instagram accounts. - Post the same content to multiple accounts/pages with a single click. - Post scheduling for automation. - AI-Generated Content: - Create AI-based images, videos, and audio. - Text-to-AI-video creation. This document outlines the scope, objectives, and requirements for conducting detailed market research on this project. 2. Objectives of Market Research The research aims to: 1. Analyze Market Scope: - Current and projected market scope for AI...

    $94 Average bid
    $94 平均入札額
    12 入札

    I'm looking for a Python expert to create a script that will independently detect "mobs" in Minecraft and collect loot from them. Key Features: - The script should be able to use commands within the Minecraft and collect loot from them. Key Features: - The script should be able to use commands within the game. - It should have the ability to move independently. - If possible, I would like the ability to manage several accounts simultaneously. Detection Method: - The script should use image recognition to detect the mobs. Platform Compatibility: - The script must be compatible with Windows. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python. - Experience with Minecraft scripting. - Knowledge of image recognition techniques. - Ability to create scripts that can operate ...

    $120 Average bid
    $120 平均入札額
    71 入札

    ...usability. Each button should feature animations for interactions (e.g., hover effects, click animations) to enhance the user experience. Additionally, the project may include enhancements for other UI components like QLabel, QGroupBox, and other widgets, with custom styling and animations where appropriate. The goal is to create a rich, interactive, and visually appealing interface. Requirenments: -The project must be implemented in C++ using Qt Creator, with CMake as the build system. -The file should be configured correctly for the Qt-based application and the C++ project. -Create 10 unique button designs, each with a distinct visual style. -Each button must have animations for hover, click, and focus states (smooth transitions). -Enhance other UI components, suc...

    $29 Average bid
    $29 平均入札額
    28 入札

    ... Requirements: Full-Stack developer with 3-5 years of experience. • Hands-on experDse in PHP, WordPress, Laravel, CodeIgniter. • Socket Programming for real-time communication for simple chat applications. • Worked on complex front-end logic for beKer UI display and complex components • Web: HTML5, Bootstrap, jQuery, Ajax, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, tailwind CSS. • OperaDng System: Windows 98, Windows XP, Ubuntu (Linux) • Development Tools: Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text • Version control: SVN, Git – Bitbucket & GitHub Bug/task tracking: JIRA, Open Project, Slack, Docker • Database: MySQL Your Duties: Working daily in PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, JQuery, WordPress, Laravel. Designing and building web applications using L...

    $1011 Average bid
    $1011 平均入札額
    54 入札

    ...accurate business information, encourage reviews, and add relevant photos to enhance local visibility. 14. Improve User Experience (UX) Free Design Principles: Optimizing your website’s user experience is free, but it requires thoughtful planning during design. How to Apply: Use clear navigation, readable fonts, and organized layouts. Ensure that CTAs (calls to action) are easy to find and click....

    $167 Average bid
    $167 平均入札額
    188 入札
    Windows PDF to HTML Desktop App
    6 日 left

    I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a Windows desktop application that can convert PDF files into HTML with tags. The app should maintain the original formatting of the PDF in the converted HTML. Key Features: - Support for both file upload and drag-and-drop methods for importing PDF files - A conversion process that preserves the original formatting of the PDF in the HTML Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in desktop application development - Proficiency in Windows OS development - Strong understanding of PDF and HTML structures - Proven track record of creating applications with drag-and-drop functionality Please ensure that your bid reflects your understanding of the project's requirements and your relevant experience.

    $24 Average bid
    $24 平均入札額
    50 入札

    Looking for a Freelancer to Create Articles Using a Pattern I am looking for a freelancer to help me create articles based on a single pattern. You can see an example on this page: [Shop by Print - Ramona LaRue](). ? **How it works**: On this website, you can click on a design, and the design appears on multiple articles, such as dresses, kimonos, scarves, and more. This is exactly what I want to do: provide a pattern, and you create articles using that pattern. ? **Articles to create include**: - Short dress - Long dress - Short kimono - Long kimono - Long cape - Scarf - Cushion - Bedspread - Wall art ? **Conditions**: - Rate: €0.50 per article. - More than 500 articles to create, but we will start with a small

    $80 Average bid
    $80 平均入札額
    67 入札