Website admin pages php仕事


    2,000 website admin pages php 見つかった仕事

    私はある特定のプロジェクトのためのプログラマーを探しています。このプロジェクトではPHPとReactJSを主なプログラミング言語として使用します。 ### 必要スキルと経験 - PHPとReactJSに精通していること - 顧客管理、販売管理などの主要な業務システム開発要素に対する理解 - フルスタックエンジニアリングの経験があること - 日本語が理解できること 仕事の範囲には、プログラムの実装、既存のコードの保守、改良、デバッグが含まれます。また、設計チームと協力して効率的なシステムを作り出すことが必要です. 適格な候補者は、コードのクオリティと効率を高める新技術の適応力を持ち、問題解決スキルが優れていることが望まれます。

    $2067 Average bid
    $2067 平均入札額
    15 入札

    日本のファッション系ECサイト・BUYMA()にて、ラグジュアリーブランドの商品を輸入販売しています。 今回、 ・出品商品のリストアップ 1日10件程度 ・仕入れ価格計算、販売価格決定 ・商品登録パートナー(ミャンマー法人・英語OK)とのやり取り などを行っていただく方を募集します。 平日・1日3時間程度のお仕事必須。 日本語できる方優遇、英語のみの方もご連絡お待ちしています。 お仕事開始前に、[Removed by Admin for offsiting - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions] にて概要説明・スケジュールの確認などを行います。 長期的に一緒にお仕事いただける方のご応募をお待ちしておりますね。

    $40 Average bid
    $40 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ... • 分析力、トラブルシューティングのスキルをお持ちの方、細部に注意を払える方、新しいことを学びすばやく吸収できる方 • スピード感があり、マルチタスクが求められる環境に適応できる方。自ら考え行動できる方 • 英語でコミュニケーションができる方(ライティング、スピーキング) • 日本語ネイティブの方 <あると望ましい経験、スキル> • 動画配信/音声配信技術の知識をお持ちの方 • モバイル開発の経験をお持ちの方 関心をお持ちいただけた方は英文CVをお送りください。 すぐにご用意が難しい場合は、採用担当のPinak Nathまでお気軽にご相談ください。ご経歴をおうかがいして検討させていただくことも可能です(恐れ入りますがお問い合わせは英語でのみ受け付けております)。 ご応募から2営業日以内にご連絡いたします。 (Removed by Admin)

    $52 / hr Average bid
    $52 / hr 平均入札額
    31 入札

    - ネイティブの方のみ参加可能です。 - 参加者はアプリを使って5秒以内の短い文章を50個録音します。 例)OK Honda 家計状況をチェック  ‐ 参加を希望する方は [Removed by Admin] に名前(英語表記)と年齢、出身地(東京など)をお知らせください。 ‐ 録音を完了された方にはペイパル、または amazonギフト券(1,000円)を支払います。 ‐ このプロジェクトに参加された方は600個の文書を録音するプロジェクト(7,000円)にも参加することができます。

    $15 Average bid
    $15 平均入札額
    7 入札

    ビジネスパートナーを募集しています。 PHPと日本語ができるのが条件です。 おそらく、月10万円ぐらいの報酬は得られるかと思います。 あなたが負担する初期費用はサーバー代とドメイン費ぐらいです。 連絡お待ちしています。

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr 平均入札額
    8 入札

    Windows PHP タオバオの商品を日本語で検索、購入のできるショッピングサイトの作成をお願いします サンプルサイトは です まずは 中国語バージョンで構いません 納期は1ヶ月。過去に一度にたようなものを作った経験のあるかたでしたら、レイアウトの変更なので 時間はかからないとおもいます。 注文はせずに注文者と日時、商品名、色 サイズ 数量の一覧表示ができれば いいです まだ secret idなどは取得してないので それからお願いします 開発料金は20万円。約1万元。*Removed by Admin*私は中国語はできないので、日本語でコミュニケーションのとれる人をお願いしたいので、あえて 日本語でかきました。

    $1250 Average bid
    $1250 平均入札額
    1 入札

    私はAndroidとiOSの両方のアプリが必要です。 私はすでにそれのためのデザインとサンプルのWebサイトを持って、私はそれを構築する必要があります。 また、AdminコントロールパネルとWeb APIを作成する必要があります。 2月中に完了する必要がありますので、私は専門家のチームを探しています。 私はインタビューで詳細を提供します。 ありがとうございました。

    $2620 Average bid
    $2620 平均入札額
    9 入札

    私のビジネスを手伝ってください コピー&ペースト作業を手伝ってくださる方。 簡単な宣伝業務です。 テンプレ使用なので初心者でも可能です。 納期等はありませんので、無理ないペースでお願いします。 未経験者、初心者歓迎です。 立ち上がったばかりなので、ほとんどの方が初心者です。 サポートがありますので、初心者の方も実績を上げています。 マニュアル、常時サポートをご用意しております! 少しでも興味がありましたらお問い合わせください。 参加される方が増えております。 初心者向け・完全在宅OK。 主婦の方も大歓迎! 時間や場所も自由。 インターネットさえ使えれば 誰でもできます。 たくさんのご連絡お待ちしております! [Removed by Admin]

    $20 - $170
    $20 - $170
    0 入札

    We a looking for someone to develop an bitcoin payment gateway like gocoin ( ). The features are simple, including Forms, Notifications, admin, and payment etc. UIUX skilled is a plus. Opportunity for long term relationship and additional work.

    $716 Average bid
    $716 平均入札額
    7 入札

    <応募条件> ・東南アジア在住のエンジニア ・PHP、Ruby、Rails等を利用したweb開発経験(3年以上) ・リモートワークに対応してくださる方 ・日本語の読み書き能力 ・週40時間以上のコミット <担当案件(一部)> Webシステムの開発を行っており、特に ・Saas型ユーザーアンケート分析システム ・WebRTCを利用した遠隔医療サービス ・CtoCマッチングプレイス ・対話インターフェースのbotアプリ ・機械学習を用いた不動産取引価格予測システム の開発案件多数 を担当していただきます。 また、週一程度でクライアントとのミーティングがあり、 skypeで参加いただきますので、その点もご留意ください。 給与は応相談です。(約20~50万/週40時間) 皆様のご応募をお待ちしております!

    $2702 Average bid
    $2702 平均入札額
    3 入札

    弊社で開発中のアプリ等と連動する会員管理サイト。登録や管理画面を開発をお願いします。画面イメージ等はこちらで準備しております。 ・今回は在ミャンマーの方限定です。 ・日本語が出来る方(メールのみ、会話不要)限定です。

    $194 Average bid
    $194 平均入札額
    6 入札

    Target blog: *** This blog is one of the site managed on WordPress multisite. Requirements: 1. Please develop customize the theme to AMP compatible WITHOUT using AMP WordPress Plugin. 2. Keep showing the current mobile design of the blog when user accesses it from non-AMP-enabled mobile browser. In other words, this site currently has 2 responsive designs which support desktop & smartphone, so that this time we want it to support AMP in addition. We'd like to see how would you remodel this blog to AMP compatible at your proposal. (if possible) Please provide your working experience of AMP development with URLs. (must) Thank you! Sayuri

    $275 Average bid
    $275 平均入札額
    12 入札

    ...rosemarylaw office, lawyer in Japan. We are searching freelancer of PHP, SSIS, SSRS programer. We are continue to develop CS system, MS SQL +SSIS ,SSRS of server side and PHP front with IIS. All MS solution based. We have Server side engineer in house. we have test server with dummy data, you can try from remote. development can do english based with skype, github,mail and so on. We hope to good offshore appications. Thanks now we are searching below project enginner. 1 upgrade SQL server SSIS import program2005 to 2012 SSIS side is improt form CSV to DB, job lancher is C# based. Req Skill C# 2000, SSIS, SQL 2 upgarde SSRS program 2005 to 2012 small customizing upgarde checking. over 100 report should upgarde 3 php with sql add new searchi...

    $320 Average bid
    $320 平均入札額
    3 入札

    CtoCサイト(一部分)phpからRailsへ,元サイトをそのまま移行。 使用技能Solr,Sass. Php及びRuby on Railsに詳しい方連絡してください。

    $117 Average bid
    $117 平均入札額
    3 入札

    依頼の目的・背景 ▽ECサイト/ネットショップ制作依頼の目的 現状のシステムが古くなったために リニューアル 開発の進捗状況 デザインがある 開発の範囲 分からないので、相談して決めさせていただければと思います。 開発の継続性 今回のみ、開発をお願い致します。 ECサイトの出店先 独自サイト 参考サイト 希望する色 赤系 重視する点 予算、クオリティ、業務経験・知識、実績評価 希望開発言語 PHP、JavaScript CMS導入 特に希望はありませんので、相談して決めさせていただければと思います。 補足説明 ▽利用するECカート 現在はCakePHPを使用しております。 SEOに強い新しいフレームワークに移行をしたく ご提案を希望します。 サーバーはできればクラウドサーバーを使用したく メリットとデメリットもあわせてご提案をお待ちしております。 ▽ECサイト/ネットショップの制作に使用するプログラミング言語 ・PHPなどのプログラミングスキル ・HTML / CSSなどのコーディングスキル ・MySQLなどのデータベース技術 ・JavaScript(jQuery)の技術 ・サーバ構築、管理の技術があれば尚可(VPS、クラウドサーバーなど) ▽重要視する点・経験 ・Skypeのビデオ面談に対応していただけるかた(必須)<=最初に ・Skypeもしくはチャットワークスで連絡が取れる方(必須) ・納期をしっかりと守っていただける方 ・クライアント企業とのコミュニケーションに慣れている方

    $2296 Average bid
    $2296 平均入札額
    14 入札

    現在、弊社ではユーザー直、代理店案件含めまして、受託、常駐案件ともに多数ございます。 PHP、Java、Oracle、C#、Ruby、SAPが中心ですが、事業拡大に伴い現在、パートナーを探しております。 SAP案件、Java、PHP案件、LAMP(Linux、Apache、MySQL、PostgreSQL)案件、VC++、C言語案件、VB、C#.NET、COBOL、Ruby案件、PM(プロジェクトマネージャー)、PL(プロジェクトリーダー)など受託、常駐で開発案件のご協力をして頂ける方の募集で御座います。 制御系・組み込み系から企業の情報システム、基幹システム、業務システム開発、ウェブシステム、サイト構築まで。 現在、ユーザー直の受注案件で具体的な案件内容も提示できますので、宜しければ、一度お会いしてご相談させて頂ければと思っております。

    min $3398
    min $3398
    0 入札

    (php) 商品を売りサイト。 (php) 商品を売りサイト。 (androi) パーチコン 他のがあります。

    $364 Average bid
    $364 平均入札額
    3 入札

    ...application that operates on all phones, all operating systems, and computers. The application will serve as an intermediary between clients and skilled craftsmen in home maintenance (plumbing, electricity, painting, carpentry, blacksmithing, etc.), similar to the Freelancer website. Key Features: - Cross-Platform Accessibility: The app should be available on iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, and through web browsers. - User Roles: There will be two primary user roles - the Client and the Craftsman (Service Provider). An Admin role could be added for backend support. - Core Functionality: The app should facilitate job posting and bidding, provide a system for user reviews and ratings, and support in-app messaging. It should also handle client deposits, which are released to the...

    $410 Average bid
    $410 平均入札額
    40 入札

    Are you a passionate local guide eager to meet travelers from around the world and share your unique experiences? Here’s an amazing opportunity for you to connect with a global community of explorers and earn extra money while doing what you love whether you're in a bustling city or a remote, hidden gem! ? What we offer: 1) Free registration on [Removed by Admin for offsiting - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions] – No fees, no commissions! 2) The chance to offer your local tours, experiences, and services to tourists globally. 3) Exposure to a worldwide audience who are looking for authentic, local experiences. 4) Earn extra income by meeting travelers and showing them the best of your city or region. 5) You can even add your social m...

    $33 / hr Average bid
    $33 / hr 平均入札額
    30 入札
    Existing Web Platform update
    6 日 left

    I'm looking for a seasoned web developer to help me with my existing web platform. We have a platform where our employees add what they produce each day. At the admin part we can add/remove employees, products... also we have a weekly statistic that calculate the coefficient of efficiency of each employee according daily targets. We need to fix the web address where it shows, also the weekly statistic doesn't work properly. This is a long term project where if we need to fix or add/remove feature to rely on the developer. Ideal candidate should possess: - Proficiency in bug tracking and fixing - Strong understanding of web development - Experience with my specific platform (if possible)

    $145 Average bid
    $145 平均入札額
    143 入札

    Hello, I am looking for an experienced freelancer to build a Shopify store focused on the pet products niche. The store will be targeted at the Spanish market and will include affiliate links to Amazon. The project involves the following tasks: Shopify Store Creation: Setting up and customizing an appropriate Shopify theme. Creating essential pages (Home, About Us, Contact, Privacy Policy, etc.). Integrating necessary apps (e.g., for affiliate links and SEO). Adding 100 Products: Importing 100 products from Amazon related to the pet niche. Writing unique product descriptions based on the provided information. Embedding affiliate links to Amazon (I will provide access to my Amazon Affiliate account). Localization for the Spanish Market: Translating product descriptions and text i...

    $151 Average bid
    $151 平均入札額
    88 入札

    I need an SEO expert who can optimize my entire website, particularly the product pages, to improve its ranking on search engines, especially Google. The goals are to enhance the site's visibility and drive more traffic to the product pages. Key Requirements: - An expert who can develop and implement a comprehensive SEO strategy that covers on-page, off-page, and technical SEO - Proven ability to significantly enhance search engine rankings - A track record of improving website visibility on Google Skills: - In-depth knowledge of SEO - Proficient in Digital Marketing - Expert in Google Analytics - Skilled in Content Optimization - Excellent in Keyword Research Specific focus areas include: - Technical SEO improvements: Site speed optimization, Mobile-fr...

    $42 Average bid
    $42 平均入札額
    25 入札

    I'm seeking a proficient Laravel and PHP developer to integrate a payment gateway into my existing project. I have all the necessary documentation for the payment gateway API. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze and advise on the best suitable payment gateway for my project. - Implement a seamless integration of the selected payment gateway. - Provide guidance on whether recurring payment capabilities are necessary and implement them if required. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with PHP and Laravel. - Proven track record with payment gateway integrations. - Strong analytical skills for assessing project needs and providing suitable solutions.

    $55 Average bid
    $55 平均入札額
    79 入札
    PHP Fixes and Apache Server Repair
    6 日 left

    I urgently need an experienced PHP developer and system administrator to fix my PHP configuration on an Apache Ubuntu server. Background: - My server is currently showing PHP version 8.3 in PuTTY, but the front-end is still displaying 8.2. This inconsistency is causing problems. - I need a professional who can resolve these issues promptly ensure my PHP configuration is correct. Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 8.3.0". Requirements: - Extensive knowledge and experience with PHP and Apache. - Familiarity with Ubuntu server management. - Ability to troubleshoot and resolve server errors efficiently. - Experience with cURL PHP extension.

    $23 Average bid
    $23 平均入札額
    52 入札

    I'm in need of a PHP script that will be hosted on a web server. Its primary role will be to download backup files from a ftp server to a specific folder on the CPanel installation. Description: The php site should be under The script should show following messages when running: Login Password on site(a static login to be able to run the script) Login to FTP Server Extract all files in the specific folder and show them in a drop down list Be able to chose in the drop down list which file to download Click on button Download Showing in realtime % how much has been downloaded. Confirming when the download is done Log out All steps should follow with an acknowledgement that it is done or if an error occurs it should explain what has gone wrong. Ideal Skills:

    $25 Average bid
    $25 平均入札額
    25 入札

    Looking for a full stake of developer to complete the project ( 1 day ) 1. The landing page ( 6landing pages will be given once you are awarded) should have a corporate and professional aesthetic. Includes: • add Registration form: Allows users to sign up for the event. • Event details section: Provides comprehensive information about the event. 2. Email and messager Bursting System • After a user signs up the form in the landing pages above • They should automatically receive reminders for the event email and other messager . • Automation tools like Power Automate or other free solutions should be used (NO paid 3rd party integrations allowed). 3. Backend Dashboard for Admin (option) • The admin should: • Able to upload an...

    $102 Average bid
    $102 平均入札額
    83 入札 create a user-friendly website dedicated to facilitating community management. The site should serve as a centralized hub for information sharing, communication, and providing various management tools, all while promoting transparency and collaboration. Key Features: - Member registration and profiles: A system for community members to register, create profiles and interact with each other. - Event Management: A feature to schedule, manage and notify members about community events. - Resource Library: A dedicated space for sharing various resources with the community. - Secure Payment Portal: Integration of a safe and reliable payment gateway for community dues, events, or resources. User Roles: The website needs to cater to three different user roles: - Admin:...

    $78 Average bid
    $78 平均入札額
    52 入札

    ...Ionic Angular developer to help me create a web app with Supabase integration. Key Features: 1. There will be one super admin which we will. put manually in database. Superadmin can create admin and user 2. Admin can create more users 3. Creation of user/admin is from alert config screen by clicking add user button. once create it will show on table on same screen. There are other columns in that table but as of now put dummy hardcoded data for those columns 4. User, admin will login using email password we have to capture location and ip address and save in db and show in network history screen. 5. Users can update profile data in profile screen 6. After login redirect admin to alert config screen and user to network history Ideal Candidate:...

    $68 Average bid
    $68 平均入札額
    13 入札

    I'm looking for a professional to install the Vuexy Admin v10.4.0 template onto my backend Yii2 application. This project requires no customization of the template; it is a straightforward installation task need install it on all forms and fields and pages mean should use it to all thing on my backend apps....

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    132 入札

    ...on a port, allowing me to stream from my VMIX computer to it using the SRT protocol. Key Requirements: - The server must support multiple simultaneous streams, enabling me to run several streams on the same server. - A web-based control panel is needed for stream setup. This panel should allow me to create new streams and select input/output ports. - The control panel should be accessible by admin only, with a simple username and password for authentication. - Stream analytics should be integrated into the control panel. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Ubuntu server setup and software development. - In-depth knowledge of SRT protocol and VMIX. - Proficiency in creating user-friendly web control panels. - Ability to implement stream analytics features. This project r...

    $114 Average bid
    $114 平均入札額
    51 入札

    Hi, I am looking for php developer for quick fix, I am using custom digistore gateway payment plugin the issue is order status is not updating to processing automatically after payment is paid. I created webhook and i will show you the code once I hire. If you're interested start your proposal with "PHP Expert Here" so i know you read my project description. Budget for this task $20, It is not more then 15 or 20mins for any expert. so budget is fair. PS: you must have anydesk for this work. Looking forward now

    $22 Average bid
    $22 平均入札額
    37 入札

    ...if indeed a functional Bug as you sent us and approved *** YOU MUST BID WITH TEXT CONFIRMING YOU REAL ALL SPECS BEFORE YOU BID ! YOU MUST STATE: " I HAVE READ ALL SPECS IN PROJECT ZIP- I WILL FOCOUS ON FINDING 2 FILTERING BUGS FIRST OR ONE GEN. BUG ***" if we do not see the line " I HAVE READ ALL SPECS IN PROJECT ZIP" with your bid we know your bid is fake and will report you to freelancer admin as a fake bid and delete it OR if you really want to bid you must read specs before your bid and state that "I read all specs n ZIP FILE " if you have questions let us know .. if you do not have questions , you also state "MY BID IS FINAL AND I AM READY TO START- I WILL FOCUS ON : _________ BUGS " ALL OTHER FAKE REPLIES OR FAKE BIDS WHO DI...

    $242 Average bid
    $242 平均入札額
    24 入札

    ...customize, and deploy our newly purchased white-label taxi app, Droptaxi 2.2, along with its admin dashboard. The developer must be proficient in: Setting up and configuring Droptaxi on a Linux VPS (Ubuntu 22.04). Configuring Google APIs (Maps, Firebase, etc.). Customizing the app and admin dashboard branding (colors, logos, and icons). Deploying the apps to Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Tasks Include: App Setup: Complete installation and configuration of Droptaxi 2.2 on our Linux VPS. Set up all dependencies, including Node.js, Cordova, JDK 17, Gradle 8.7, and Android Studio. Configure Firebase for cloud messaging and phone authentication. Dashboard Setup: Install and configure the admin dashboard. Ensure all features (user management, transaction rec...

    $138 Average bid
    $138 平均入札額
    42 入札
    PHP and Angular expert needed
    6 日 left

    I'm looking for a PHP and Angular expert to work on a project. You will be required to develop a new application from scratch. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PHP and Angular - Experience with application development - Knowledge of frontend and backend development - Familiarity with database systems and third-party APIs Please note that the scope of this project may evolve to include bug fixes, enhancements, and integrations with payment gateways and other systems. Your role will likely require a balanced focus on both the frontend and backend.

    $75 Average bid
    $75 平均入札額
    43 入札

    ...inspections). 2.2 Advanced Offline Features (Phase 2) 1. Work Order Management: - Create, assign, and update work orders. - Track costs and completion timelines. 2. Vendor Management: - Maintain a directory of vendors. - Record vendor performance and costs. 3. Detailed Reporting: - Charts for income vs. expenses, occupancy trends, and maintenance costs. 4. Multi-User Support: - Role-based access for admin, staff, and maintenance personnel. - Offline collaboration with manual data syncing. 5. UI/UX Enhancements: - Customizable dashboard with widgets. - Drag-and-drop functionality for file uploads. 3. UI/UX Design The app will feature a modern and simple user interface to ensure ease of use. Key design principles include: - Minimalistic design with a clean layout. - Consistent navi...

    $211 Average bid
    $211 平均入札額
    29 入札

    Je travaille sur un projet de gestion de services en PHP/JS sans aucun framework (pas exclu). Le système déclenche une série d'actions lors de la réservation par un utilisateur, coordonnant les tâches entre les collaborateurs du prestataire de services, de la réservation jusqu'au départ. Le système doit être adaptable à divers services, allant par exemple de la location immobilière au jardinage en passant pas les soins ou autres. Le projet requiert : Une refonte professionnelle et corporate de l'interface utilisateur La mise en place d'un aspect moderne tout en assurant la facilité d'utilisation Le projet est en cours de développement, avec une architecture backend e...

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr 平均入札額
    35 入札

    ...scheduling interface Voice selection and testing Message customization Usage tracking and billing overview Call history and analytics API Integration: RESTful API endpoints API key management Usage monitoring Webhook support SDK generation Billing System: Stripe integration for usage-based billing Pay-per-minute model ($0.50/minute) Premium feature access control Usage tracking and reporting Admin Panel: User management System monitoring Usage analytics Revenue reporting Technical Requirements: Frontend Development TypeScript implementation Responsive design using Tailwind CSS Integration with shadcn/ui components Form validation and error handling Real-time updates Cross-browser compatibility Backend Development: Serverless architecture using AWS Lambda RESTful API impleme...

    $1555 Average bid
    $1555 平均入札額
    92 入札

    Website design wordpress with elementor pro and envato markets subscription Pages Home Page
Main Header
- Main header with Account access
- Main Header page selection 
- Main Header Logo

Top section video looping (to be supplied at a later date) 

Other home page styling to show a brief overview of each page with links to get to the pages Contact Us
- Google map link (to be updated at a later date)
- Phone Number (updated later)
- Email Address (Updated Later)
 Enquiry Page Custom form for buyer or sellers (selection will present a different form to be filled in Buyer form - will have the following fields required to be entered 
- Name
- Contact Number
- Email Address
- Type of item interested in
- Details of item large text box (ex to show graded out - make, model...

    $279 Average bid
    $279 平均入札額
    298 入札 life on a business site. The site needs an additional 11x different city location pages. Key Requirements: - Implement a WordPress site based on my current design - Create 8x different, dedicated pages for each of my remaining business locations - Ensure the site is easy to navigate and visually aligns with my branding Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WordPress - Able to work from provided design materials - Experienced in creating location-based pages on a WordPress site - Familiar with ensuring a site is visually aligned with branding guidelines Example Page/City already completed = Sydney, NSW - Pages/States to be completed = New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, South

    $83 Average bid
    $83 平均入札額
    149 入札

    ...append to template name then fetch template named etc”. The _en version of the template will be the default in case the users language does not have its own template. These emails will be sent from an email address that will be specified in a site config file and labelled as “notifications” . 2. Admin-Generated Emails: These will cover newsletters etc. These emails might target all members or specific filtered groups, such as members based on gender, location, language etc. The admin tool currently has a tool for member filtering so this could be used to create the list and then an extension added to “send email to current set”. These emails will follow the same language rules as the event triggered email described above. These emails will b...

    $622 Average bid
    $622 平均入札額
    73 入札

    ...skills -Able to design website in HTML -Able to modify/add custom hooks to woocommerce -Able to develop custom functions in wordpress -Good understanding of backend to be able to edit theme files -Must have experience in working with ACF plugin ( advance custom field) -Have an eye for design This is a full time remote position. Working hours are; Monday to Friday 9am - 6pm ( with one hour break) Comfortable budget is $400 as trial pay per month for 3 months. After trial, will increase to min $500 USD. Payment will break down to weekly payment. The first task is to develop a wordpress plugin that can ensure the below work flow works 1) User create a account and input name, email, contact number, shipping address 2) User can buy from multiple sellers and ship to admin ...

    $337 Average bid
    $337 平均入札額
    244 入札

    I'm looking for a skilled Ionic Angular and Supabase developer to help me create a small full stack web application focused on data management, specifically managing user information. Key Features: 1. Authentication Syst...Role assignment - User profile management 3. Location & Network Tracking - Capture GPS coordinates - Store IP address - Historical login data storage Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Ionic and Angular frameworks. - Experience with Supabase for backend development. - Strong understanding of data management systems. - UI/UX design skills for creating an intuitive admin dashboard. If you have a track record of developing full stack web apps with these technologies and can deliver a clean, user-friendly product, I'...

    $96 Average bid
    $96 平均入札額
    30 入札

    I have updated my VPS server to PHP 8.3 ubuntu@vps-7a0e1e3a:~$ php -v PHP 8.3.15 (cli) (built: Dec 24 2024 06:09:34) (NTS) Copyright (c) The PHP Group Zend Engine v4.3.15, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache v8.3.15, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies It is displaying correctly in console but when installing application, it reporting PHP 8.2 Requirements: PHP version 8.3 is required. Your current PHP version is 8.2 Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-204-generic x86_64) is version using I think this is a very quick fix for ubuntu tech person

    $25 Average bid
    $25 平均入札額
    52 入札

    ...functional and visually appealing WordPress WooCommerce website that prioritises simplicity and usability. The design should reflect a light, fun, and cohesive style, aligned with the branding as informed by the provided logo. Important Requirement: - No Elementor or Similar Builders: The website must be built using the native WordPress builder (Gutenberg) and free plugins only. Avoid any page builders that lock the website into their system or require ongoing subscriptions. Ideal Skills: - eCommerce website development - Proficient in CMS like Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, etc. - Knowledge of digital product delivery systems - Strong SEO and digital marketing skills Key Responsibilities: - Develop a user-friendly, professional eCommerce website - ...

    $126 Average bid
    $126 平均入札額
    205 入札

    ...Developer with knowledge of React.js to join our team. The ideal candidate should have expertise in developing mobile applications (Android & iOS) using React Native and a strong understanding of web technologies with React.js. Key Responsibilities: Develop and maintain robust mobile applications for Android and iOS using React Native. Use React.js for integrating web-based features or creating admin dashboards when needed. Implement complex features like location tracking, maps, subscriptions, chatting, ads, payments, audio/video calls, and more. Write high-quality, optimized, and reusable code adhering to industry standards. Conduct thorough testing and implement test cases to ensure application stability and performance. Work on deployment pipelines for mobile applicatio...

    $300 Average bid
    $300 平均入札額
    47 入札

    I am looking for a reliable and detail-oriented Virtual Assistant to help with CV distribution and provide general personal assistance. The role requires distributing my CV to relevant job platforms, applying for roles that match my profile, and keeping a detailed record of applications. Additionally, you’ll assist with personal tasks like email management, scheduling, and general admin support. Responsibilities: Distribute CVs to job platforms, career websites, and companies directly. Apply for roles on my behalf, ensuring the applications align with my qualifications and preferences. Maintain a tracker of all applications sent, including job titles, companies, and statuses. Manage emails, including replying to inquiries and organizing my inbox. Schedule appointments, manag...

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr 平均入札額
    75 入札

    I'm looking for a developer to create a dual platform (Website and Mobile App) service booking system similar to Uber Eats. The system needs to allow users to create profiles, track the service in real time, and indicate their availability for work. Key Features: - Both a website and a mobile app - User roles: Customer, Service Provider, and Admin - Integrated payment systems: Credit/Debit Cards and Bitcoin Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in full stack web and mobile app development - Experience in creating tracking systems - Familiarity with building profile-based systems - Knowledge of integrating various payment systems - Prior work on similar service-based platforms would be a plus.

    $2806 Average bid
    $2806 平均入札額
    236 入札

    ...application interface for end-users to interact with the platform. Ensure seamless navigation and accessibility across various devices. Admin Control Panel Design: Develop a robust and efficient control panel for administrators to manage users, monitor activities, and oversee platform performance. Incorporate features such as user management, content moderation, and system analytics. Deliverables: A fully functional user application with the features outlined above. A fully functional admin control panel with the features outlined above. User documentation detailing the use of both the user app and the admin control panel. Post-launch support for a specified period to address any issues or required adjustments. Qualifi...

    $89 Average bid
    $89 平均入札額
    55 入札

    I'm in need of a comprehensive Healthcare Appointment Booking System. The system should cater to three distinct user roles: Admin, Doctor, and Patient. Key Features: - User-friendly frontend built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. - A robust backend developed with Java, supported by a MySQL database for managing patient records, appointment schedules, and doctor profiles. - High-level data security through user authentication and encryption protocols. - An admin dashboard for overseeing doctors, patients, and schedules. - An integrated notification system for sending appointment reminders via email/SMS. Platform Accessibility: - The system should be exclusively accessible via the web. Authentication: - The preferred authentication method is a simple username and passw...

    $294 Average bid
    $294 平均入札額
    66 入札

    ...updates, and a version upgrade of PHP and CI. Register message wrong login error message send user on same page after register as login same issue on advertiser and dristubuter on activating user from admin an email should go to user on admin user management search should work from email too Some issue in webseries advertisement (advertisement not coming) in admin TV series add video not playing it play after you edit video and change source to embed video in blog poster is not coming swap color for normal and hover video are not deleted from server when deleted from admin forgot password mail and messages are not working Will share test server then need tp deploy on main Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in CodeIgniter (CI) framewor...

    $45 Average bid
    $45 平均入札額
    45 入札