Vbnet writing wrapper com library仕事
...Confira os requisitos e os detalhes: Você é: ・Uma pessoa disponível para contato frequente; ・Responsável com prazos; ・Possui facilidade com o pacote Office (Excel, Word); ・Um redator que domina a língua portuguesa; E contribuirá em um projeto que: ・Publica artigos de 1000 a 4000 palavras; ・Paga aproximadamente R$20 a cada 1000 palavras (valor definido por palavra, variando com a cotação do dólar), com bônus de até 20% por produtividade e qualidade de artigo; ・Tem demanda constante de artigos! Caso tenha interesse, pedimos para mencionar em quais dias da semana estará disponível para contato, quantos artigos estima que conseguirá escrever por semana, e por quanto...
Toefl iBT の writing 問題 (Integrated 及び Independent 両方) において高得点獲得確実ななスキルの伝授。条件は ・テンプレート必須(必要な種類を全て揃える、文・表現方法・単語など全て) ・当方では、スキルに従い2、3回しか練習しない(それ以上の努力は全くしない) ・自身で満点またはそれに準ずる点をとった実績必要 ・結果的に当方が22点未満であれば半額以上返金
, steady and deep voice about 700-1000 Japanese words, the final script is still being writing record a demo below: 政治制度を改革し、ベルトや道路のイニシアティブとインターネットの発展の新しい時代には3つの主要な座標系を構成している。 第19回cpc国民会議は、人々の生活に集中し、心の人々に貢献することを目的としたもので、人類の将来についての共有によるコミュニティを作成し、その値として。 議長xi業界とインターネットの統合されるインターネット・プラスを再定義し、大きな重要性の大きいデータ産業に付随して、インターネット産業のための方向をハイライトし、新しい時代へのトレーサビリティの産業。
... ■不具合詳細 戦国ものシミュレーションゲームを運営しているのですが、ユーザーから多数、クラッシュ後にデータが消えてしまい、最初のチュートリアルからとなっていまったとのメールを受け取っています。(殆どがAndroidユーザーからの報告です) 機種やOSに傾向は見受けられません。 ゲーム内容: ■データ保存方法 データ保存にはPlayerPrefsを拡張したプラグイン、「」を使用しています。 PlayerPrefsのSave()同等のFlush()メソッドは都度実施しているため、ファイル書き込みはされています。 再現も難しく、解決するのに時間がかかっており、有識者に確認していただきたいと思っており、今回依頼をさせていただきました。 宜しくお願いいたします。
http://hit-888.com:8880/play 上記のようなサイトが制作します。 お願いしたい部分はサーバー側でグラフーを書いていただきたいです。 ゲームの方法は30秒に一度グラフーが作成されます。 ユーザーはその前に例えば100円を掛けます。 グラフーが右型上がりで書かれると倍数が表示されます。 グラフーが止まる前にユーザーが先にストップすればユーザーの勝利になり ユーザーがストップする前にグラフーが止まればユーザーの負けとなる単純がゲームです。 サンプルサイトは韓国語ですが何度かグラフーの動きを確認していただければ幸いです。
(English follows Japanese) 私(外国人)が添付されているメールニュースを作成しました。日本人のネーティブチェックしていただきたい。内容と文法はおかしくないかどうか。ワードの修正機能を使用して納品していただきたい。よろしくご検討ください。 I am not Japanese but I wrote the attached Japanese-language email newsletter. I am looking for a NATIVE Japanese person to check the content and grammar are written correctly. I am not seeking a bilingual non-native speaker of the language. Checking should be done using the correction function of Microsoft Word, and showing the corrections so I can see where the changes have been made.
...対面は有りませんので、依頼はオンラインで完結出来る内容のみです。 【求めている人物像】 ・秘書経験者 ・日本語、英語のバイリンガル ・カスタマーサポート経験者 ・営業事務、アシスタント経験者 ・Webの知識が豊富な方 →システム的な意味では無く、「情報収集」や「検索力」 【必須条件】 ・ADSL以上のインターネット環境 ・skypeなどが問題無く動作するレベルのPC 【提出書類】 選考に進まれる場合は、履歴書及び職務経歴書のご提出をお願い致します。 ※個人を特定する情報の記載は必須ではございません。 また、下記の質問事項のご回答と、タイピングテスト(無料)の受検結果のスクリーンショットも併せてご提出お願いたします。 ◆タイピングテスト(3000円コースをお選び下さい:無料) ://neutral.x0.com/home/sushida/ ◆無料簡易テスト ◆質問事項 1)DROPBOXは使われていますか? 2)チャットワークは使われていますか? 3)Googledriveは使われていますか?その場合はどのような使い方をされていますか? 皆様からのご応募、お待ちいたしております。
I am looking for a freelancer with great Enslish writing skill to introduce originally created 「New English Pronuncation Symbols」to the world. English native prefered. The prospective ariticle will be on my HP with your name (nickname can be accepted).
海外からの旅行者に向けた日本の観光紹介記事を、英語で書いて頂ける方を募集します。英語のライティングがネイティブレベルであること、英語でのSEO対策も行えることが必要となります。多くのコンテンツを必要としているため、1記事だけではなく継続して複数記事を書いて頂ける方にお願いしたいと考えております。宜しくお願い足します。(*お仕事を依頼させて頂く前に一度記事サンプルを頂き、確認後にご依頼させて頂きます。) We need who can write articles on Japan in English for tourists from foreign countries. Native English skill (especially writing) and SEO skill are essentials. We would like to offer who can continue to create contents for a long period. And before working, you have to submit a sample article for checking your skill.
・新規にドメインを取得、メールアドレス10個程度取得 ・会社ロゴの作成 ・Websiteの新規作成(シンプルなトップページから、会員用のサイトに入り、そこで http://www.platinum1000.com/ のような、会社概要やビジネスの情報を見せるサイトにする)
ヤフオクYahoo Api を使用するウェブサイトの作成が必要。 このサイト(fromjapan. co. jp)と同様なシステムをつくるのは目的。デザインはこのサイトopennippon. comと同様なもの。 ヤフーオークション(Yahoo Auction)の情報を他国語に翻訳、カテゴリーの参照ができる、コスト(送料・手数料など)計算、ユーザーのアカウントページ、パイパルとカード(日本国内システム)の支払いを可能にするモジュール、お勧めカテゴリー、顧客の意見のモジュール、各国語のポップアップお問い合わせフォーム。 既存の出来上がったシステムがあれば、一番いいです。今後のサポートも別料金で依頼します。
I would like a native Japanese to write 10 articles explaining English grammar in Japanese. The articles will be used as blog content. An example of an article would be "The difference between "will" and "be going to". 母国語が日本語の方に、日本語で英語の文法説明文を10通り書いていただきたいです。記事はブログに使われます。例えば「willとbe going toの違い」など英文法をわかりやすく日本語で説明した記事を書いて下さい。
...す。 現在好評につき受注が多く、ライター様の手が足りない状況でございます。 金額は1文字0.3〜3円と幅広く扱っており、 ライター様のレベルに合わせてお仕事を振り分けさせて頂きます。 後々にライター様の仕事の速度、レベル、信頼、に伴い高額案件をお任せしたいと思っております。 今回、是非ともご応募いただければと思いご連絡差し上げました。 【記事内容】 地域の生活情報などをリサーチしていただき、600文字〜800文字程度で執筆していただきます。 不動産記事になりますので、読みやすくて、その地域に住みたい!と思うような文章を作成してください。 金額300〜600円 1記事 本数10〜30本 一週間 (それ以下でも大丈夫です。ご相談下さい) 一ヶ月36000〜72000円 応募されたい方は以下のテンプレートを御記入の上、t1.writing@迄 メールをお願い致します。 【お名前】 【住所】※最後まで必ずご記入ください 【性別】 【年齢】 【メールアドレス】 【得意ジャンル】 【月のペース(文字数)】 【電話番号】※確認の為こちらから掛ける場合があります 【過去に執筆した】 【簡単な自己紹介】 以下の人は募集をお控えください。 〇自己判断で記事を作成する方。 〇仕事に責任感の無い人。 〇納期の守れない人 〇18歳未満の方 〇著作権の放棄ができない方 〇委託契約書の結べない方。 〇連絡の取れない方。 〇コピペを多用する方。 〇オリジナル文章が書けない方。 〇高額の案件だけを求める方。 (キャリアのある方でも、高額案件を最初にお任せする事はありません。 高額案件は実力が無くても、信頼のある方へお任せしております。) ※【特に記事の履行...
...----------- 1.氏名 2.年齢 3.性別 4.スカイプID(お持ちであれば) 5.ライティング経験(なしでも可) 6.PR(得意分野(脱毛器,美顔器,化粧品,作曲など)など) 7.1週間に書ける記事数(目安) 8.選考テスト記事(500文字前後) 美顔器の「エステナードソニックローズ」の紹介記事を500文字でお書きください。 次のURLを見て、商品情報を集めてから、人に紹介するような感じでお書きください。 (※記事は、選考のみに使用致します。選考テスト記事に対する報酬はありません) -------------------------------------- ■連絡先 HP: http://nodazaitaku.web.fc2.com/
...だきたいと思います。 例えば、「化粧品」といった商品ですと、 口紅やファンデーションなど、幅が広すぎてしまいます。 そうではなく、「口紅」や「ファンデーション」など 細かいジャンルで応募していただきたいと思います。 「口紅」の中でさらにジャンル分けして商品を紹介できるとなお好ましいです。 上記のように複数の商品について詳しく書けるというのでも構いませんし、 1~5個ぐらいの商品について、とことん詳しく複数の記事を書けるというのでも構いません。 外注の皆様から頂いた記事を参考に、下記のようなサイトを作りたいと思っております。 参考までにチェックしていただければと思います。 ・おすすめシャンプー解析サイト ・シミ・そばかすを消すコスメ・化粧品 http://シミそばかす対策コスメ.com/ ※必ずしも上記のようなサイト(記事)を作るとは限りません。 どのような記事を作るかは外注の皆様とお話をして決めて行きたいと考えております。 「サービス」というのは、食材宅配やライブチャット・エステなどの 物販ではないようなサービスを指します。 こちらも書いていただく記事は、それらサービスの体験談などになります。 こちらもジャンルは出来る限り絞っていただけるのが好ましいです。 たとえば、「エステ」というよりも、「男性向けエステ」や「美顔エステ」など ジャンルがより細かいほうが好ましいです。 「メンズTBC」など具体的ならなお良いです。 サービスに関してもそのジャンルの複数のサービスについて記事を書くというのでもいいですし、 1~5個ぐらいのサービスをとことん詳しく書くというのでも構いません。 外注の皆様から頂いた記事を
...your vision for the business. Why not hire an expert? As a seasoned copywriter who listens to your needs, I pour my heart and soul into crafting copy that you will love. What You Get: 1 Homepage, 1 About Us, 1 Service/Landing Page + 3 Blogs Package 800 words 's Included:Multiple revisionsCompetitor analysisDeep target audience researchSEO keyword analysis and SEO-friendly contentNo AI writing (if required)Grammarly premium-checked content—all my offerings don't perfectly fit your requirements, I'm happy to discuss and create a personalized quote just for you. Let’s chat! OFFER: Book NOW for a FREE website audit where I’ll provide suggestions for improvement that can elevate your website from good to great. A highly-rated, experienced co...
I'm looking for a freelancer who can help me articulate my business and industry. We need a concise and engaging description that covers the following: - A clear articulation of what our business is about, including our core values, purpose, and strategy. - A brief overview of the industry we operate in. Ideally, you would have experience in business writing and understand the nuances of the technology, healthcare, and retail industries.
I'm looking for an expert to help me with my Steam app on Ubuntu. My hard drive is formatted as EXT4 and I'm new to Linux. I have manually mounted the drive, but I'm unable to add it as a Steam library location. Ideal Skills: - Deep knowledge of Ubuntu and Steam - Experience with EXT4 file systems - Strong troubleshooting skills - Ability to explain technical concepts in simple terms
I need a digital PDF brochure that conveys key information about my business to potential franchisees. The brochure should include: - A comprehensive company background to inform potential franchisees about our mission, vision, and values. - A section dedicated to franchisee benefits to highlight the a...benefits to highlight the advantages of partnering with us. - Detailed investment information to give prospective franchisees a clear understanding of the financial commitment involved. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a background in corporate communication, marketing or business development, with a proven track record in designing engaging and informative brochures. Creative writing skills and an understanding of franchise business models would be a significant ...
I'm looking for an experienced writer to craft a compelling, professional biography for Wikipedia. The subject of this biography is a personal figure in the entertainment sector, with the main goal being to promote their persona...information about the subject's life and career in the entertainment industry. - Write a polished, engaging and professional biography that highlights the subject's achievements and unique qualities. - Ensure the biography adheres to Wikipedia's content guidelines and standards. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in writing biographies or similar content, preferably for Wikipedia. - Strong understanding of the entertainment industry. - Excellent research and writing skills. - Ability to write in a professional tone...
...and applying for all types of grants: government, private foundation, and corporate. - Specifically targeting funding for property acquisition. - Focusing on local geographic areas for property investment. This is a pay-for-performance role. You will receive payment after I secure funding, with a percentage of the grant awarded to you. Ideal candidates should have a proven track record in grant writing, particularly in the real estate sector. Excellent communication skills, creativity, and a strong understanding of various types of grants are essential for this role. I'm looking for a long-term business partner, someone I can hire on a project basis, year-to-year. Prior experience in the real estate industry, particularly with Section 8 properties, would be highly advanta...
...book aimed at 3-5 year olds, with a focus on Christian themes. Key Responsibilities: - Craft an engaging, age-appropriate story centered around Christianity - Design and deliver captivating full-page illustrations that complement the story - Ensure the book is suitable for its intended audience in terms of language, themes and illustrations Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in writing and illustrating children's books - Strong understanding and personal connection to Christian themes - Ability to create engaging, age-appropriate content - Excellent illustration skills, with a portfolio of similar work - Understanding of the needs and interests of the 3-5 year old age group Please provide samples of your previous work with similar themes and target audience...
Somos uma empresa de administração de um condomínio de multiproprietarios. Eles podem usar seus apartamentos em determinados períodos do ano. Desde que estejam adimplentes. Eles também pode usar ou locar ou emprestar suas ...uma empresa de administração de um condomínio de multiproprietarios. Eles podem usar seus apartamentos em determinados períodos do ano. Desde que estejam adimplentes. Eles também pode usar ou locar ou emprestar suas semanas de uso futuras. Que são 2, 4,6 8 semanas em diante por ano. Precisamos de um formulário ou um app com uma seleção das semanas dos proprietários para que eles possam dizer e escolher o que desejam fazer com cada semana sua....
I'm seeking a detailed book review focused on medical accuracy. The review should be tailored for the general public, assessing whether the content is accurate and helpful for individuals with osteoarthritis. - Target Audience: The...Focus on Medical Accuracy: The review should critically assess the book's medical accuracy, particularly in relation to osteoarthritis. This includes evaluating the correctness of diagnosis explanations, treatment options, and the clarity of medical terminology. The ideal freelancer for this project would be someone with a strong background in medicine, particularly rheumatology, and experience writing for the general public. They should be able to assess the book's medical content with a critical eye, and communicate their findings in ...
...specific movement detection or volume button or power button Automatic push notification to designated members when pressed Members who receive push notifications must take action App payment Promotional reward function Visit path number of visits SNS sharing login Condições de elegibilidade para participação no desenvolvimento 1 Mais de 5 anos de experiência em desenvolvimento / Deve ser uma equipe com ampla experiência em desenvolvimento 2 Somente equipes capazes de projetar e desenvolver telas e UIUX como equipe de desenvolvimento 3 O cliente não fala inglês, portanto é utilizado tradutor apenas para desenvolvedores que não tenham problemas de comunicação. 4 Como o orçamento de desenvolvi...
I'm looking for a freelancer who can help me articulate my business and industry. We need a concise and engaging description that covers the following: - A clear articulation of what our business is about, including our core values, purpose, and strategy. - A brief overview of the industry we operate in. Ideally, you would have experience in business writing and understand the nuances of the technology, healthcare, and retail industries.
I'm seeking a professional resume writer to help me create an impactful, chronological resume. I have one year of post-bachelor's experience, part-time on-campus work in the USA, and some notable projects that should catch a...position myself for roles as a Data Engineer, Data Analyst, or Data Scientist. Key considerations for the resume: - Highlight my experience and skills relevant to data-focused roles. - Showcase my understanding and application of machine learning algorithms. - Present my programming proficiency in the context of data analysis and engineering. The ideal candidate would be someone with experience in writing resumes for data professionals, and who understands what recruiters in this field are looking for. Your expertise will help me stand out in a com...
I'm seeking a creative logo for my grant writing business, Legacy Grant Services. The logo should convey quality and confidence, and incorporate an image of a dove and a string of pearls. Your creative input on color choices is welcome, but I have a preference for purple, gold, and ivory. The ideal design should evoke: - Trust and reliability - Elegance and sophistication - Innovation and forward-thinking Key elements to be integrated in the logo: - Prominently featuring the company name - Incorporating a dove and a string of pearls Ideal candidates for this project should have: - A portfolio showcasing creative and thoughtful designs - Experience in business branding and logo design - Strong understanding of color theory and design aesthetics.
basicamente criar um site semelhante ao mas com poucas diferenças.
Criar uma plataforma de encontros online. Com conversa a créditos.. depois dou mais informações.
The purpose of this project is to tes...converting a single JDE CRUD application. If this Proof-Of-Concept succeeds, we'll consider a separate, very large project to convert an entire JDE Custom Module (example scrap metal processing, casinos, or mining). STOP: You must have all of the following: 1) JDE E1 development experience; 2) Extensive full-stack experience for web-based cloud-based large-scale systems; 3) Experience converting and writing code using Claud,ai or some other AI system, and 4) good to excellent English skills. If we engage on this project, we'll be talking real-time and not just via text and emails. If you do not have all of the above, please do not waste your time (and my time) by applying for this project. I have a more detailed requirements docum...
...iBooks, etc.) and for print. Incorporate appropriate typography, spacing, and alignment to enhance readability. Ebook Conversion: Convert the book into popular ebook formats (ePub, MOBI, PDF) while ensuring compatibility with major platforms. Experience and Skills Required: Editing Expertise: Proficiency in grammar and editing tools such as Grammarly or Hemingway Editor. Content Creation: Strong writing and storytelling skills to add value to the book. Book Formatting: Knowledge of tools like Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Word, or Scrivener for professional book formatting. Graphic Design: Experience with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or Canva to create visually compelling designs. Ebook Conversion: Familiarity with ebook formatting tools like Calibre, Kindle Create, or Vellum. Atte...
I need a Wikipedia page for my business. This project aims to increase my business visibility and provide a detailed history of my services. Content Focus: - Company Achievements: Highlighting our milestones and successes - Product or Service Details: Giving an in-depth overview of what ...milestones and successes - Product or Service Details: Giving an in-depth overview of what we offer - Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives: Showcasing our commitment to social responsibility Timeline: Completion is required within a month or as soon as possible Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in creating and editing Wikipedia pages - Strong understanding of SEO - Excellent writing skills - Ability to depict a company’s history and services in an engaging and infor...
I am seeking a professional to help rewrite specific sections of my research paper to eliminate any instances of plagiarism or AI-generated content. The paper is a scientific study in the field of Computer Science and is nearly complete, needing modifications to the Literature Review, Conclusion, and Methodology sections. **Ideal Skills Required:** - Academic writing expertise - Strong knowledge of Computer Science - Experience in plagiarism detection and correction - Ability to identify and revise AI-generated content Please include examples of similar work you have completed in your proposal. (Note: I would like this to be completed within one to two days.)
"I am Sumudu Harshana, a versatile professional with expertise in the polymer industry, particularly in the glove manufacturing sector. My in-depth understanding of polymer science and latex materials enables me to contribute to process optimization, product innovation, and quality assurance within the industry. I am also skilled in script writing and article writing, blending technical knowledge with creative communication to craft compelling content for diverse audiences. Whether it’s developing detailed technical documentation or engaging written pieces, I have the ability to convey ideas effectively and professionally. I am committed to continuous self-improvement, focusing on enhancing my English proficiency and expanding my knowledge in areas like astronomy...
I need assistance with a modeling paper that involves mathematical modeling primarily focused on the simulation of a physical system. The ideal freelancer for this project should possess: - Strong background in mathematical and statistical modeling - Experience with simulating physical systems - Excellent academic writing skills
...events by name or category. Extra/Self-Learning Techniques: 1. Shared Preferences: Use Shared Preferences to store user preferences such as the last viewed destination or preferred units for temperature (Celsius/Fahrenheit). 2. Push Notifications: Implement Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) to notify users about new events or weather changes for their saved destinations. 3. Charts: Use a charting library (e.g., MPAndroidChart) to visualize weather data, such as temperature trends over time. 4. Location Services: Use device GPS to automatically detect the user's location and show nearby attractions or events. 5. Image Loading: Use Glide or Picasso to load images of tourist destinations efficiently. Extra Functions: 1. Offline Mode: Store recent weather, event data, and...
...developing a Python library to enable the continuous and parallel operation of four thermal cameras, capturing data at a minimum frequency of 8Hz per camera, without the use of a multiplexer. Key Requirements: 1. Python Library Development: - Create a custom Python library for MLX90640 thermal camera modules. - Enable continuous data capture for all pixels (24x32 resolution) for four cameras, saving the data into CSV files. 2. Communication Setup: - Establish custom I2C buses for each camera using predefined Raspberry Pi pins (rearrangements possible but limited). - If a more optimal way of communicating with the cameras exists, I am open to proposals. 3. Error Logging and Documentation: - Implement basic error logging within the ...
I'm seeking a skilled content writer for my lifestyle blog. The tone of the blog posts should be casual and conversational, aiming to entertain and provide information to readers Ideal candidates will have: - Excellent writing and storytelling skills - Ability to create engaging, entertaining content - Experience writing in a casual, conversational tone - Strictly no AI Looking for 10 articles per month with each articles of 1500 words. Please quote your charges. If you have read the full description add the following in bidding so that I know you read the full description - "I HAVE READ THE DESCRIPTION"
Its basically a chess game library, and its in worse condition, So this needs to be redesigned as per proper clean-code principles, so that it becomes easy to extend
I'm looking for an expert who ...better convey my professionalism and reliability. The profile should reflect my dedication to building a trustworthy relationship with clients, emphasizing the quality of service, adherence to deadlines and budgets, careful listening to client feedback, and a focus on creating long-term partnerships. Skills and experience ideal for this job: - Excellent command of English - Experience in profile writing for freelancing platforms - Understanding of what clients on these platforms look for - Ability to convey reliability and professionalism I would appreciate if you could suggest changes in my profile description, incorporate SEO strategies to attract more clients, and highlight my trustworthiness, timeliness, and customization abilities in a b...
...stakeholders to gather additional insights and requirements. - Draft a detailed and structured Business Requirements Document (BRD) that outlines functional and non-functional requirements for the development team. Requirements: - Proven experience in research, business analysis, or technical writing (experience with asset management systems is a plus). - Strong understanding of business and system requirements documentation. - Ability to analyze and synthesize complex information. - Excellent writing and communication skills. - Familiarity with tools and methodologies used for creating BRDs. Deliverables: 1. Comprehensive report detailing the features and components of leading asset management systems. 2. Well-structured Business Requirements Document (BRD) suited for g...
Please no bed over 20$ I need a professional CV writer who can transform my LinkedIn profile into a compelling, senior-level CV targeted at the Excellence, Quality, Governance, Compliance, and Risk Management industry. Key Aspects: - Tailored for job applications - Focused on senior level positions in specified industry Ideal skills: - Extensive CV writing experience - Deep understanding of the specified industry - Proven track record of senior-level CV success Please note, the primary purpose of this CV is for job applications. Your understanding of the nuances of creating a CV that resonates with senior-level roles in my industry of interest will be crucial.
I'm seeking a skilled content writer with a deep understanding of technology to craft engaging and informative blog posts. The primary aim of these posts is to educate readers about various tech topics. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in tech-related content writing - Ability to simplify complex tech concepts - SEO knowledge to enhance content visibility Your role will be to create compelling, educational content that not only informs but also captivates our audience. Understanding of technology and effective communication skills are critical for this project.
I'm seeking a skilled writer with a deep understanding of the Bible and its historical context and theological themes to create engaging Bible study guides for our website. (). Ideal candidates should: - Have experience writing biblical content, particularly Bible study guides - Possess a strong understanding of the Bible's historical context and theological themes - Be able to write in a way that appeals to Bible study groups - Be able to create content that promotes engaging and insightful study sessions
I'm seeking a skilled SEO-focused ...words, one for each site. - Develop unique headers and source suitable royalty-free images for each post. - Optimise the content to evade AI detection tools while maintaining high quality and relevance. - Incorporate provided keywords and phrases as well as conducting independent research for additional SEO terms. The ideal candidate should: - Have a strong background in Health & Wellness content writing. - Be well-versed in SEO techniques and AI content optimisation. - Possess skills in creating friendly and conversational tone blog posts. - Be open to a long-term partnership after a trial period of three months. I can provide 10-20 blog topics to start, but I welcome your input and ideas. Please submit your bid based on a monthly rat...
...content creation, eager to grow and develop their skills. Since the content type, industries/topics, and article length are not yet defined, flexibility and a willingness to learn are essential for this role. Compensation: ₹10,000 per month Ideal Skills: - Basic adaptability in writing styles for different audiences - General awareness of a variety of topics - Willingness to learn and improve task management - Familiarity with grammar basics to produce error-free content - Eagerness to develop technical and social media writing skills - Basic editing skills with attention to clarity and coherence - Enthusiasm to learn time management and audience analysis - Openness to multitask and handle multiple assignments Experience: - No prior experience is necessary, though any re...
I have a legacy Excel workbook developed over the last decade that I want to transform into a web-based platform. This will involve using the Excel workbook as an 'engine' in the background. The final product should include: - A web-based interface with user logins - Payment processing capabilities for licensing - An Admin dashboard... particularly natural language processing - Familiarity with building user databases As for the choice of programming language or framework for the front-end, I haven't made a decision yet. I'm open to suggestions based on what you think would work best for this project. Please include relevant experience in your proposal. I have attached an overview of the program, written as if we were re-writing the software from scratch, but ...