
    2,000 turn line art res 見つかった仕事

    - 既存のソーシャル・メディア・アカウントを Twitter、LINE、Facebook、Linkedinの既存のソーシャルメディアのアカウントを許容範囲内の状態にする。 - 各ソーシャルメディア上に小さなネットワークを作る - 新たに確立されたソーシャルメディアからウェブサイトへの訪問を促す - 各ソーシャルメディアアカウントの管理方法に関するガイドラインの提供 - 各ソーシャルメディアのアカウントは、日本向けにアレンジされている必要がありますが、英語でのコンテンツも必要です。 追記:ネットワークの構築とトラフィックの生成は、ソーシャル・プレゼンスに対する市場の反応をテストするために、現在は実験的なレベルとなっています。 また、このタスクが成功裏に完了した場合、将来的に長期的な協力関係を築くことができることに留意してください。

    $150 Average bid
    $150 平均入札額
    2 入札

    ART LAND DESIGNさん、こんにちは。あなたのプロフィールを拝見させていただきました。ぜひわたしのプロジェクトをオファーさせてください。 横長の画面(幅11メートル:高さ2.45メートル)に花火の3Dアニメーションを投影したいと考えています。 シーン1(15s):打ち上げた火のラインが縦横無尽にうごく シーン2(5s):火がパーティクル状に拡散する シーン3(15s):多数の花火 プロジェクト情報を確認した後、詳細を話しあいましょう。

    $250 Average bid
    $250 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ...ョンが取れる方であれば難しい作業では有りません。 お客様から商品の問い合わせに対して、数日以内には必ず在庫状況の返信が必要ですので、 コンスタントに週4日以上稼働して頂ける方にお願いいたします。 作業量は1日1~2時間程度です。 問合せは多い日でも1日に数件、また問合せがない日もありますので、 店舗営業時間にお電話する以外は好きな時間に作業可能です。自分のペースで仕事をすすめることが出来ます。 【応募条件】 ・ヨーロッパにお住まいの方 (フランス・イタリア・イギリス・スペイン・ドイツ等) ・女性 ・英語が日常会話レベルで話せる方(その他欧州の言語など話されればなお可) ・25歳以上~40歳まで ・ヨーロッパの店舗営業時間(フランス時間11-17時くらい)に1日1~2時間程度、週4~5日稼働できる方 (その日の作業量で時間は変わります。都合のいい時間に細切れで作業可能です) ・LINE、チャットワーク、WhatsApp等でこまめにコンタクトが取れる方 ・接客経験、コミュニケーションを取ることが好きな方 ・現在お仕事をされていない方、今後予定がない方 ・これまでBUYMAの出品や運営のお手伝いをしたことがない方 ・(出来れば)日本の金融機関口座をお持ちの方 ・契約書を交わして頂ける方 ・長期でお仕事をして頂ける方 【報酬】 ①固定給:7,000円(研修期間1ヶ月:5,000円) ②売上報酬インセンティブ ※頑張りに応じて、昇給がございます。 【応募の流れ】 ご興味を持っていただきましたら、下記のフォームに入力しご応募ください。 (予定人数よりも多い場合は選考となりますのでご了承くださいませ) ------------------ ・お名前 : ・ご年齢: ・居住地(国名・都市名): ・これまでのご職業: ・話せる言語・レベル: ・BUYMA経...

    $250 Average bid
    $250 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ... ※営業経験は必須ではありませんが、積極的に業務に取り組み学ぼうとする意欲は必須です。 ・コーヒーが好きな方、興味がある方を優遇。 ・この仕事は、フルタイムではなくパートタイムの仕事です。電話とネットさえあれば出来るので、自宅で仕事をすることが可能です。 ・コミュニケーション力、マネジメント力、交渉力に長けていて、顧客と良好な関係を築ける方。 ・プレゼンテーションスキルをお持ちの方。 〈給料〉 ・お給料は完全歩合制になります。取引終了後、コミッションをお支払いします。 (※給料のお支払いは無事に弊社が顧客からコーヒー代金を頂いた後になります。) ・コミッションについては、ご連絡を頂いた後にご説明致します。 ※担当顧客が商品を購入する毎にコミッションが入ってくるので、単発ではなく長期的にビジネスを考えている方にお薦めの業務です。 上記の募集内容にご興味がある方は、LineまたはSkypeのIDを下記のメールアドレスまでにお送り下さい。その際は、本文文頭に「I’m REAL」とご記載の上、営業経験(期間や販売商品など)をお知らせ下さい。 Email:info@(担当者:八島)

    $1115 Average bid
    $1115 平均入札額
    3 入札

    ... ◆応募対象者◆ ・18才以上の方(学生可) ・こまめに連絡の取れる方 ・必要に応じLlNE通話等、オンライン通話の可能な方 ◆報酬◆ 作業時間が多いほど報酬も上がりますが、やる気と努力次第では月30万円も可能です。 1日1、2時間程度のスキマ時間での作業でも1日5000円の報酬を得る事も出来ます。 報酬は、月に5回あります。 ◆募集◆ 人数本気でかせぎたい方を『2名』募集致します。 2名の方は、私が直接ご指導させて頂きます。 ◆その他◆ ・将来に不安のある方 ・在宅一本で生活したい方 ・現状の生活を変えたい方 ・コツコツ作業が好きな方 ・海外にお住まいの方 など 様々に方に喜んでいただける内容です。 一般的なお仕事とは少しだけ違いがありますが 初心者の方もかせぎやすく、様々な方にご提案したい案件となりますので、 詳細など興味を持たれましたらお気軽にご連絡ください。 《山根LINE》 →

    $4000 Average bid
    $4000 平均入札額
    1 入札
    Trophy icon Kawaii style robots
    終了 left

    ..."lovable", "cute", or "adorable") Please reference the attached images but be creative. Most creative entry wins I need 2 characters created for new apparel campaign. 1 female (robot or superhero) in Kawaii Style, 1 male (robot or superhero) in Kawaii Style Think cute but deadly. Most creative entry wins. The art can be hand drawn or digitally created, The final work will be in vector or psd, vector preferred. I need 2 total art works for the final submission. Art must be original and in vector format. Target Market: Apparel for Japanese and American Kawaii fans (young adults ages 18 - 25) Submission: Submit your entry as a 1 page overview. Final work may need additional edits after end of contest. Post any quest...

    $60 Average bid
    終了 left

    記事の投稿 事業拡大のため、旅行関連の記事作成をしていただける方を募集しています。 学歴、経験、年齢は一切不問です。 誰でもできる簡単なお仕事です。 インターネット環境があればパソコンかスマートフォン1台で、時間と場所を選ばず作業する事ができます。 報酬は週払いで入金され、多くの方が月に計10万円以上は稼いでいます。 上限はありませんので、時間をかけた分だけどんどん稼げます! コピペでもお小遣い程度なら稼ぐことが可能です。 納期や期限も特にございません。 稼ぎたい時に好きなだけ稼いでください! ネット初心者の方にでも取り組めるように動画、メールでしっかりサポートしていきます。 他にも作業で分からないことがあれば、弊社公式LINEのサポートセンターまでご質問下さい。24時間対応していますので、お気軽にご相談下さい。

    $202 Average bid
    $202 平均入札額
    2 入札
    終了 left

    既存ウェブサイトの変更が必要です LINEでユーザーログインする機能を追加したい。

    $1147 Average bid
    $1147 平均入札額
    15 入札

    ...ご覧いただき、ありがとうございます。 私は実際に、このビジネスと出会い人生が変わりました。 ビジネスのスキームを知ると驚かれると思います。 ◯◯◯とは『コピー』の事ですw ちなみにウチの娘は6歳でコピーをマスターしました。 誰でも実践することがでします。 "コピーだけ"です。 しかも1日1、2時間程度それをするだけです。 スマホorパソコンのどちらかがあれば出来ます。 あなた自身が本気で ・今の現状を心の底から変えたい ・どうしても在宅で仕事をしなければならない と思っているならきっと大丈夫です。 【購入にあたってのお願い】 本気の方からの応募をお待ちしてます。 ①スマホもしくはPC(有・無) ②Wi-Fi環境(有・無) ③収入アップさせたい動機 理由 ④収入の希望額(〇〇万円~〇〇万円) ⑤ビジネスに費やせる時間 ご興味ありましたら、  お気軽にお問い合わせください。 <↓LINE>    (ID:naokiookawa)  

    $18 Average bid
    $18 平均入札額
    3 入札

    ...・PCがなくても可能です。特別なスキルもいりません。 ・Iphone、タブレット等が普通に操作できる方。 ・しっかりとサポートしますので、だれでも簡単に作業出来ます。 ■応募要件 ・19歳以上の方(学生可) ・内部情報を漏洩させない方(冷やかしでの応募はお断りします) ・PCやIphone をお持ちでLINEの使える方 経済的、時間的自由がほしい方にはぴったりの案件です。 Iphoneでお仕事を初めてやる方でも問題ありません。 簡単に収入をあげられるなんて怪しいと思っている方こそ試していただきたいです。 スキル、経験は問いませんがやる気のある方、マメに連絡つく方の応募をお待ちしております(作業自体は単純ですが根気はいるため) 皆様のご応募お待ちしております。 ご応募の際は、以下の質問に回答してください。 本気で稼ぎたい方からの応募をお待ちしてます。 ①iPhone もしくはPC(有・無) ②Wi Fi環境(有・無) ③お金を得る動機 理由 ④得たい希望額(〇〇万円~〇〇万円) ⑤ビジネスに費やせる時間 ※しっかり自己紹介が、できない方は ご利用頂けません。 *こんな方にオススメ* ●今の仕事が不安な方 ●在宅でお仕事したい方 ●新規事業をお考えの方 ●現状の収入では満足していない方 ●副収入として安定的な収入が欲しい方 ●インターネットでのお仕事を探されてる方 ご興味ありましたら、 お気軽にお問い合わせください。 <公式LINE↓>

    $170 - $510
    $170 - $510
    0 入札

    私のビジネスを手伝ってください >>詳細 ・簡単なコピペ作業、 ・お好きな時間に作業OK (時間帯は融通効きます) ・現在のお仕事の有無は不問。副業、Wワーク歓迎です。 ・育児中、通院中、その他様々なご事情があそっても大丈夫です ・PCがなくても可能です。特別なスキルもいりません。 ・スマホ、タブレット等が普通に操作できる方。 ・しっかりとサポートしますので、だれでも簡単に作業出来ます。 >>応募要件 ・19歳以上の方(学生可) ・内部情報を漏洩させない方(冷やかしでの応募はお断りします) ・パソコンやスマホをお持ちでLINEの使える方 経済的、時間的自由がほしい方にはぴったりの案件です。 インターネットビジネスを初めてやる方でも問題ありません。 簡単に稼げるなんて怪しいと思っている方こそ試していただきたいです。 スキル、経験は問いませんがやる気のある方、マメに連絡つく方の応募をお待ちしております(作業自体は単純ですが根気はいるため) 皆様のご応募お待ちしております。 _____

    $50000 Average bid
    $50000 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ☆ 長く取り組むことでより高単価になります☆ 月40万以上も可★ スマホやタブレットなどで場所や時間をとわずでき、初心者、主婦、サラリーマンなども活躍中です! ●業務内容は、米有名企業(シンガーのケイティペリーやシンガポールの李首相も会員)の企画をお手持ちのスマホやパソコンで広めていただきます。  日本本格上陸前の今がベストタイミング! ●1日の作業時間はおよそ2〜3時間くらいです 最初はマニュアルがあります。またその後もサポート体制が万全ですので、ビジネスのノウハウも学べます。 応募された方には詳しい事業動画をご案内いたします。 世界ではすでに500万人が取り組み、あのトランプ大統領も太鼓判を押すビジネスです! ----- 【 優先して採用させていただく方 】 ■LINEをお持ちの方 ■長期でお取り組みいただける方 ----- 【 このお仕事に向いている方 】 ■19歳以上の方 ■好きや得意を仕事にしたい方

    $2037 - $3395
    $2037 - $3395
    0 入札

    ...etc) 5. Language: Traditional Chinese 6. Maintenance Notice: 1. Please provide your related works. 2. Please provide your team information. 3. Please provide your detail quotation. Contact us Skype : jpyco168 Line : -------------------------------- 中文說明 -------------------------------- 本公司是食品、百貨批發、代購的公司,需要架設Magento購物網站。我們需要專業團隊協助開發以下需求: 1. Magento 架設規劃 2. 金流模組安裝 (信用卡 銀行匯款 第三方支付) 3. 前台範本設計 (套用模板 or 開發) 4. 登入模組安裝 (google facebook...) 5. 語言:繁體中文 6. 後續維護 注意事項: 1. 請提供您相關作品資料 2. 請提供貴開發團隊資訊 3. 請提供您的詳細報價資料 與我們聯繫 Skype : jpyco168 Line :

    $2380 Average bid
    $2380 平均入札額
    22 入札

    The task is to make tagline of product in Native level English. (hair care product). Based on the massage outline, submit 5 polished tagline for three line. We will pay $30(U.S) or 4000yen for this and the deadline is Noon of Dec.7th, in Japan time. Please apply by mail with your tagline work attached. Detail will be sent by e-mail. 商品のタグラインを考えていただくお仕事です。 日本語のアイディアを基に英語でタグラインを考えていただき、最良と思われる5案を提出頂きます。予算は5案で30ドルです。英語圏出身期限は12月7日の正午です。応募の際は、ご自身の書かれたコピーがわかる資料を添えてお送りください。依頼内容の詳細はメールにてお送りします。

    $114 Average bid
    $114 平均入札額
    4 入札

    ...SEO performance monitoring (tracking performance against all monitored keywords, identify pages that are/aren't performing, flag opportunities including content gaps) - Website content management (updating/tweaking/maintaining content on all local sites) - Experience with adwords set-up and Optimisation - Website maintenance (looking for 404 errors, cleaning up broken links etc) - Able to turn concepts and high fidelity mock-ups into HTML and CSS fast - Ability to work collaboratively in a geographically distributed team --- 動画、映像クラウドソーシングサービスプロバイダーである 90 Secondsでは、グローバルに事業を展開しています。  日本支社内のみでなくグローバルに広がる90 Secondsのメンバーと協力しながら、  日本のWebサイトのデザイン、運用業務をお任せします。 【求めている人物像】  ・日本語、英語(ビジネスレベル)  ・ポートフォリオ(ワイヤーフレーム、Webデザイン、HTML、CSS、Wordpressを使用したもの)  ・PCとSP向けのUX、あるいは...

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr 平均入札額
    2 入札

    格安・迅速にランディング・HP制作致します。 LINEスタンプのイラスト・アニメーションGIFの制作も行っています。 まずはご相談ください。

    $433 Average bid
    $433 平均入札額
    2 入札

    I'm seeking an architect proficient in industrial design to create plans for a 10,000 m2 factory. The factory will manufacture steel structural electric powerline towers and include all types of automated steel structure smart parking systems. Key project components: - The factory will occupy 50% of the total area. - Distribution of machinery and equipment inside the plant along an assembly line. - movement of product from raw material until final product and storage. - The remaining space of the land (5,000m2) will be allocated for roads, a storage area, a paint chamber, greenery, a showroom, and offices. - Emphasis on functionality is paramount; the design must prioritize efficient use of space and practical workflow. - The factory needs to accommodate various types of sto...

    $9 - $14 / hr
    $9 - $14 / hr
    0 入札

    I'm looking for over 100 people to use my mobile app, EarniFi, for 5-10 minutes daily. Your task is straightforward: - Install & Open the App - Complete simple tasks & watch ...looking for over 100 people to use my mobile app, EarniFi, for 5-10 minutes daily. Your task is straightforward: - Install & Open the App - Complete simple tasks & watch video ads - Close the app The payment varies from ₹50 to ₹100 per week, paid through UPI or Paytm. If you invite friends, you can earn bonuses! The work is flexible, with no fixed timing. Just a few minutes of your day can turn into extra income! Requirements: - You must be from India ?? - You need to have an Android phone ? - Daily screenshots of your usage must be submitted as proof, through the app Apply now a...

    $540 Average bid
    $540 平均入札額
    2 入札
    Trophy icon Website Hero Video Redesign
    2 日 left

    I'm looking to have my hero video redesigned to better suit both desktop and mobile viewing, incorporating a more visually appealing design rather than just a plain white background. The video should reflect a playful yet professional style, as per my brand kit. Key Requirements: - Redesign the video in line with my brand kit - Make the video more engaging and visually appealing - Resize the video for both desktop and mobile The video will be used on my website's hero page, so it needs to capture attention quickly. The ideal freelancer for this project should have strong skills in video editing and design, with a solid understanding of brand consistency and cross-platform sizing. Experience in creating playful yet professional content is a plus. Knowledge of integrating ...

    $13 Average bid

    I'm in need of a highly professional Shopify website tailored for selling furniture items. The website must have a modern and sleek design, in line with contemporary styles. Key Responsibilities: - Build a Shopify site that can generate professional-looking images from product photos. - Design the site with a modern and sleek aesthetic. - Implement an ordering functionality on the site. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Shopify. - Proficiency in e-commerce website design. - Ability to integrate image generation tools. - Strong understanding of modern design principles. Please provide examples of similar projects you've worked on.

    $86 Average bid
    $86 平均入札額
    36 入札

    As a startup DTC brand focused on eco-friendly women's products, I'm in need of a professional video production and art team. The right team will be skilled in: - Creative script execution - Cross-era storytelling (historical and futuristic) - Cost-effective, innovative prop design - Visual effects These elements are essential for producing narrative-driven, eco-themed promotional videos. The primary goal of these videos is to launch a product on social media. Therefore, experience with creating engaging content tailored for this platform is crucial. The style we aim for is inspirational, so your ability to evoke emotional resonance through visual storytelling will be key to our success. If we find a good fit, a long-term collaboration is possible.

    $335 Average bid
    $335 平均入札額
    20 入札
    Trophy icon Logo Design for Modern Boutique
    2 日 left

    I'm looking for a modern, bright and vibrant logo for my boutique. The design should incorporate both text and a symbol, in line with a modern aesthetic. Brand Name - Loom Zoom (Golden Colour) with needle and thread

    $17 Average bid
    166 エントリー
    Trophy icon New Product Line Logo Creation
    2 日 left

    I'm seeking a designer...create a new logo for an upcoming product line. The new logo needs to closely resemble our existing one, maintaining the same font style and color scheme but also introducing an additional color. The ideal candidate for this project should have a strong background in logo design, with particular skills in creating minimalist, modern and classic styles. Suggested iconography of atomic image attached, would need to be adapted to the style of existing logo - thicker lines and colours to match. The company name is MDR Security and I have attached the logo we use and the AI file for it. I am looking for a logo for new service line "MDR Quantum". The name should be in upper case, same font as existing logo. The target audience for the ne...

    $31 Average bid
    105 エントリー

    I'm seeking a skilled 3D artist to create photorealistic renderings of my skincare product line. - Product Types: The 3D mockups will be for creams, lotions, serums, and oils. - Style: All renderings should be photorealistic, capturing every intricate detail of the products. - Purpose: These 3D renderings will be used for marketing materials, product presentations, and online platforms. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software such as Blender, Maya or 3ds Max. - Prior experience in creating product renderings, particularly for the skincare or cosmetic industry. - Exceptional attention to detail and ability to create photorealistic models. - A portfolio showcasing similar past projects will be highly beneficial.

    $103 Average bid
    $103 平均入札額
    4 入札

    I need an illustrator that can conceal ominous and dark inferences among a cheery and warm setting. The illustrations should be welcoming as a tour guide would be giving a tour but on closer inspection, have small nuances that gradually layer to indicate a desperate no way out prison of the mind and heart. Steganography or any experience in hiding meaning or messages in art strongly appreciated Ideal Skills: I'll know the right fit when I see an example. No previous experience required but I would like it to be more abstract. I am open to any interpretation. Please contact me and I will send you the and then send some rough sketches please and thank you. No experience or degrees required. I'm looking for wild talent with more work available depending on budget

    $301 Average bid
    $301 平均入札額
    37 入札

    I'm seeking a talented designer to create an appealing cover page for my magazine. The magazine is rooted in the artistic genre, so a deep understanding and appreciation of art is vital. Key Requirements: - Create an attractive, yet sophisticated design that will captivate the audience. - Incorporate various elements such as artwork, bold typography, and photographs into the design. - A strong capability in designing with minimalism, abstract concepts, and realism. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Typography - Photography Experience: - Previous work in designing magazine covers or similar projects is highly desirable. - A portfolio demonstrating an understanding of and ability to design for the artistic genre is a plus.

    $16 Average bid
    $16 平均入札額
    23 入札

    I'm seeking a logo for my interior design company that exudes elegance. Key Features: - The logo should reflect a modern yet timeless elegance. - Inclusion of my company's initials (monogram) and an abstract symbol. - Use of a neutral color palette, which is in line with the aesthetic of my design work. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in graphic design, particularly logo creation. - Experience with designing for the interior design industry a plus. - Ability to create sophisticated, minimalist designs.

    $66 Average bid
    $66 平均入札額
    59 入札

    I'm looking for a creative designer to help me create a snapback hat for my clothing line. The design should be appealing to fashion-conscious individuals and integrate my brand's logo, some catchy text, and unique graphics or patterns. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in graphic design, specifically for apparel - Experience in designing snapback hats - Strong understanding of fashion trends - Ability to incorporate brand elements into designs - Creative with text and graphics

    $18 Average bid
    $18 平均入札額
    16 入札

    I'm embarking on a personal music project and I'm in need of a skilled music producer. My vision is to create versatile tracks that can span across different genres, as I'm still exploring what type of music I want to produce. Ideally, these tracks will be good enough to accompany music videos and potentially be released. Key Skills & Experience: - Proficiency...released. Key Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in diverse music genres (Electronic, Hip-hop/Rap, Rock/Pop) - Experience with music production for both personal and commercial use - Creativity and understanding of music video production - Ability to work collaboratively on a passion project - Knowledge of music industry standards for potential release I am looking for someone who can help me turn...

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr 平均入札額
    15 入札

    In addition to designing a logo, I need various graphics for my new store related to tattoos and beauty. This includes business cards, flyers, and social media graphics. The design needs to incorporate unique tattoo art styles and capture the essence of the brand Hyperium.

    $194 Average bid
    $194 平均入札額
    56 入札

    I need a talented 3D artist to create realistic renderings of a sculpture for a client presentation. The sculptures should mimic mirrored stainless steel, a key aspect of the design. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in 3D modeling software (e.g., Rhino, Blender, Maya) - Experience with realistic rendering - Understanding of materials and their visual properties Please pro...examples of similar work in your proposal. Thank you! The sculptures are large in size and should be shown on the renderings of the outside of a building. The sculptures should have a moderate level of detail, balancing realism and efficiency. The sculptures should embody an abstract style. The renderings should depict the sculptures in an urban area setting. The sculptures are intended for a public art installatio...

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr 平均入札額
    26 入札

    I'm...effectively collaborate with professional weavers for prototype creation. - Be able to produce detailed technical sketches for the fabric design. - Have experience in integrating ethnic design elements into modern fabric. - Implement quality control measures to ensure the final design meets high standards. In addition, I want the design to be influenced by ethnic, vectoral travel posters and classic art nouveau. Your ability to blend these elements into the fabric design will be key to your success in this project. Please provide samples of past projects that align with this description. The design should use bright and bold colors for the color palette. handbags. The fabric design will be primarily used for fashion apparel projects. The fabric design will be used for...

    $55 Average bid
    $55 平均入札額
    5 入札

    Hi Qazi. I need product pictures for a couple of products on our website I would like clip art words for all of the Products in the add-ons category. So for remove and dispose, design and layout, and the other products listed there if they don’t already have a picture that fits the product I would like a clip art product picture. Please make it with similar font to fit the website. I then would like a clip art version for the “grand harvest” product as well

    $50 Average bid
    $50 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ...trends across different clothing types - Proficient in designing menswear, especially sportswear - Experience in designing for various target demographics, particularly men - Strong portfolio showcasing diverse clothing designs Your task will be to design: - A collection of casual wear pieces - A line of formal wear - An exciting range of men's sportswear - Designs specifically tailored for different seasons (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) - A series of fashion accessories to complement each clothing line Please note: Specific design elements for men's sportswear are yet to be determined, so flexibility and creativity in this area will be key. I am seeking a designer who can bring innovation and style to all aspects of this project. A keen understanding of mensw...

    $188 Average bid
    $188 平均入札額
    24 入札

    I need an experienced professional to install MongoDB v5 on my Ubuntu DigitalOcean droplet, import my pre-existing data, and connect to it. Requirements: - Install MongoDB v5 on Ubuntu DigitalOcean droplet. - Utilize MongoDB's command line tools (mongorestore, mongoimport) for data import. - Ensure successful connection to the database post-import. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in MongoDB installation and configuration. - Expertise in using MongoDB's command line tools. - Strong knowledge of Ubuntu operating system. - Experience with DigitalOcean platform. Please provide your best bid for this project. More info: I have a Digital Ocean account running App that used to connect remotely to MongoDB Atlas v 5 but they moved all to v 6 and no it fails as I have a le...

    $142 Average bid
    $142 平均入札額
    29 入札
    Trophy icon Line Art Black & White Drawing
    6 日 left

    The eagle from the attached picture must be drawn in black and white and to be provided in a PSD file at the end of the contest. The first successful JPG entry, closest to the original one, wins the contest.

    $20 Average bid
    Trophy icon Surreal Psychedelic Album Cover
    24 日 left

    I'm looking for a talented graphic designer/artist to create a vibrant, surreal, psychedelic album cover for me. The cover should prominently feature celestial elements like stars and ...talented graphic designer/artist to create a vibrant, surreal, psychedelic album cover for me. The cover should prominently feature celestial elements like stars and planets, all rendered in a vivid, multicolored palette. I want a Pond with a Old radio under a vibrant spacy sky. NO AI, i will reject it. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in graphic design and digital art - A strong understanding of surreal and psychedelic aesthetics - Experience in creating album covers or similar artwork - Ability to work with vibrant and multicolored schemes - Creativity and inno...

    $100 Average bid
    特集 保証 トップコンテスト
    84 エントリー

    ...KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: - Design complete end to end user journeys or refine existing designs - Gather user requirements, map or identify user flows and journeys - Create wireframes based on gathered requirements or user stories - Convert wireframes into visually stunning and intuitive interfaces on Figma - Prototype the high fidelity UI screens - Collaborate with the team to brainstorm ideas, then turn concepts into user-friendly interfaces - Redesign desktop screens for mobile responsiveness - Complete, refine, and optimize existing UI/UX work of the project CANDIDATE QUALIFICATIONS: - Be creative - Have strong Figma skills for the design and prototyping of SaaS websites & dashboards - Be familiar with current design trends and best practices - Have good understanding of U...

    $200 Average bid

    I'm in need of a talented graphic designer who can create a series of cartoonish sticker art. The stickers should focus on various icons, objects, signs and texts, all in a bright and vibrant color palette. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design software - Experience in creating cartoonish art - Good understanding of color theory and design principles - Ability to create a wide range of subjects from icons to texts. Please provide samples of your previous work that aligns with this project's requirements.

    $23 Average bid
    $23 平均入札額
    27 入札

    ...develop a custom technical analysis indicator for me. This will be a simple floating line that shows projected Stop Loss and Take Profit points. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Tradovate platform - Strong experience with programming custom indicators - Deep understanding of technical analysis - Prior experience developing indicators for SL/TP - Excellent problem-solving skills - Strong attention to detail Hello!! I got a custom indicator here that lets you set a different color for the last traded price line. Im looking to add to it: offset number of ticks to show projected TP/SL…can someone help me add that piece in? so under configuration i would add the input ticks off market: “50” and the line would be 50 ticks below mark...

    $41 Average bid
    $41 平均入札額
    6 入札

    ...develop a custom technical analysis indicator for me. This will be a simple floating line that shows projected Stop Loss and Take Profit points. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Tradovate platform - Strong experience with programming custom indicators - Deep understanding of technical analysis - Prior experience developing indicators for SL/TP - Excellent problem-solving skills - Strong attention to detail Hello!! I got a custom indicator here that lets you set a different color for the last traded price line. Im looking to add to it: offset number of ticks to show projected TP/SL…can someone help me add that piece in? so under configuration i would add the input ticks off market: “50” and the line would be 50 ticks below mark...

    $144 Average bid
    $144 平均入札額
    15 入札

    I'm a nail technician looking for a modern, eye-catching logo. The design should incorporate elements of nail art and my initials or text in a creative way. Key Requirements: - The logo should incorporate my name with a nail design on each letter. - The use of images of nail designs and colours provided is crucial. - The designer should have a good grasp of modern design trends. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design and logo creation - Experience with minimalist and modern design aesthetics - Strong communication skills to understand and implement my vision. I look forward to seeing your creative interpretations!

    $350 Average bid
    $350 平均入札額
    69 入札

    ...of various sizes (at least 1920x1080 pixels or higher). Additional Details: To help you understand the vision, I’ve included an image of a rough draft that demonstrates the concept I’m looking for. This draft serves as a reference for composition and elements but should be recreated with professional quality, attention to detail, and creative enhancements. Requirements: • Proficiency in digital art or advanced illustration techniques. • Ability to create realistic fire, water, and atmospheric effects. • Expertise in tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, or similar design software. • Attention to detail, particularly in designing accurate puzzle shapes. Deliverables: 1. Fully layered PSD file with all design elements intact. 2. High-resolution JPEG ...

    $150 Average bid
    保証 トップコンテスト
    86 エントリー

    We are seeking an expert in glazin...suppliers, e.g., Kawneer, US Aluminum, Alumicor, OldCastle, and more. - Experienced in estimating commercial projects for aluminum and glass glazing specifically for Windows, Doors, Curtain Wall, Framing, Storefront, Skylight, Canopy, Railing, Office Partitioning, Fiber and Metal Doors etc. - Ability to understand architectural and other drawings. - Ability to work on multiple projects with shortest turn around time. - Willing to perform other duties as assigned by the company. Ideal Skills: - Strong understanding of glazing materials and costs. - Excellent attention to details. - Strong communication skills for liaising with contractors and suppliers. - Prompt response and available to queries' clarifications on demand. [Removed by Freela...

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr 平均入札額
    5 入札

    ...seeking a talented 3D artist who can create intricate, high-quality hair models with textures for my personal art projects. The hair is short hair for a male model. The hair will not reach past the chin. Ideal candidate: - Extensive experience in 3D modeling, specifically in creating hair. - Able to deliver high-detail textures. - A strong portfolio showcasing similar works. - Passionate about art and able to understand artistic requirements. - Proficient in using software like Blender, Maya, or ZBrush for 3D modeling. - Skilled in UV mapping and texture baking. - Exceptional attention to detail in hair strand placement and texture. The hair models will be used in my personal art projects, so creativity and artistic insight will be highly appreciated. The models...

    $133 Average bid
    $133 平均入札額
    39 入札

    ...MUST READ ALL SPECS TO UNDERDTAND THIS JOB PROJECT **** After you send us the bugs with LOOM VIDEO( A MUST) We release if indeed a functional Bug as you sent us and approved *** YOU MUST BID WITH TEXT CONFIRMING YOU REAL ALL SPECS BEFORE YOU BID ! YOU MUST STATE: " I HAVE READ ALL SPECS IN PROJECT ZIP- I WILL FOCOUS ON FINDING 2 FILTERING BUGS FIRST OR ONE GEN. BUG ***" if we do not see the line " I HAVE READ ALL SPECS IN PROJECT ZIP" with your bid we know your bid is fake and will report you to freelancer admin as a fake bid and delete it OR if you really want to bid you must read specs before your bid and state that "I read all specs n ZIP FILE " if you have questions let us know .. if you do not have questions , you also state "MY ...

    $106 Average bid
    $106 平均入札額
    5 入札

    ...be able to view my artwork through an image gallery. The gallery should be easy to use, visually appealing, and able to showcase my artwork in the best possible light. - Integrate social media platforms to enable sharing of artwork directly from the website. The ideal freelancer for this project is someone with a strong background in web development, e-commerce, and UX/UI design. A passion for art and an understanding of the artistic community would be a plus. Please provide examples of your previous work that align with this project. The website should be built using the Shopify platform. Please enable payment via credit and debit cards only. The website should include an order tracking system for customers to track their orders. The website should have a soft and pastel visua...

    $528 Average bid
    $528 平均入札額
    82 入札

    We are seeking an expert in glazing estimation in commercial space. T...suppliers, e.g., Kawneer, US Aluminum, Alumicor, OldCastle, and more. - Experienced in estimating commercial projects for aluminum and glass glazing specifically for Windows, Doors, Curtain Wall, Framing, Storefront, Skylight, Canopy, Railing, Office Partitioning, Fiber and Metal Doors etc. - Ability to understand architectural and other drawings. - Ability to work on multiple projects with shortest turn around time. - Willing to perform other duties as assigned by the company. Ideal Skills: - Strong understanding of glazing materials and costs. - Excellent attention to details. - Strong communication skills for liaising with contractors and suppliers. - Prompt response and available to queries' clarificat...

    $5 - $9 / hr
    $5 - $9 / hr
    0 入札