Translate something english to danish仕事


    2,000 translate something english to danish 見つかった仕事

    Hi naifeiwu, this is Loco Partners. I understand that you have agreed to translate for us and have been told how to use our masteradmin page. The list of the first 10 plans that we would like you to translate is written below. The first two numbers are the Plan IDs and Hotel IDs respectively. Use them to make sure you are translating the correct hotels. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you 13772 11559 ウェスティンホテル大阪 お部屋でフルコースディナー<br />高層ラグジュアリールームで過ごす記念日プラン 13773 11559 ウェスティンホテル大阪 お部屋でフルコースディナー<br />高層エグゼクティブルームで過ごす記念日プラン 13774 11559 ウェスティンホテル大阪 【記念日】アニバーサリーステイ/アマデウスディナー&アニバーサリーケーキ付【夕食のみ】 13775 11559 ウェスティンホテル大阪 【記念日】アニバーサリーステイ/アマデウスディナー&アニバーサリーケーキ付【エグゼクティブ】 13884 11680 軽井沢マリオットホテル 軽井沢 Basic Stay~素泊まり~ 1...

    $22 Average bid
    $22 平均入札額
    1 入札


    $77 Average bid
    $77 平均入札額
    4 入札

    翻译 在日留学大学生

    $18 Average bid
    $18 平均入札額
    11 入札

    今日は! 英和翻訳をお願いしたいと思います。 テキストは250ワードになります。英語から日本語への翻訳になります。 日本語のネーチブスピーカーからのオッファーを待っています。 よろしくお願いします。 Japanese native speakers are welcomed. No agencies please.

    $25 Average bid
    $25 平均入札額
    8 入札

    ブログ記事の翻訳をしてくださる方を募集しております。良い記事を読者に提供するのが唯一の目的であり、重要なことはそれだけです。そのため、翻訳の方法は直訳ではなく意訳でもなく、実際の作業は「英語を記事を参考にした日本語記事」を執筆とも言えます。原文に忠実である必要はなく、パラグラフをひとつ削除しても、文章の構成を完全に作り替えてしまっても結構です。ただし、完成品は以下の条件を満たすものとします。 日本語の文字数:800~1500 ひとつの段落は3-7文。 見出し(h1、h2、h3)を使用する。 一文は長くても60文字以内にする。 HTML形式で納品する。 翻訳・執筆内容 本文 タイトル(ひとつの英語タイトルにつき、5つの日本語タイトルを作成して下さい。一番良いものを利用します。) メタディスクリプション(メタディスクリプションを3つ書いてください。タイトルのように使うのは1つだけです。) Twitter投稿メッセージ x 5 なお、PMでマニュアルを2点送付いたします。必ず目を通してください。

    $59 Average bid
    $59 平均入札額
    7 入札

    翻译 中国学生,在美国留学。

    $24 Average bid
    $24 平均入札額
    3 入札

    大量プロジェクトのため、日英翻訳者・校正者を大募集 詳細のためご興味のある方は、至急履歴書を添えご連絡ください。

    $450 Average bid
    $450 平均入札額
    13 入札

    翻訳 特許、翻訳 英日翻訳

    $12 Average bid
    $12 平均入札額
    12 入札

    翻訳 弊社が作成したラフな英文の修正、編集

    $25 Average bid
    $25 平均入札額
    3 入札

    翻訳 弊社が作成したラフな英文の修正、編集

    $24 Average bid
    $24 平均入札額
    6 入札


    $46 Average bid
    $46 平均入札額
    13 入札

    1200語程度(ワードファイルで2枚)の不動産関連(ビジネスプロポーザル)の翻訳を2日以内にしていただける方を探しています。 予算は$65ですが、質によっては添削無しとなり、$90お出しできます。 専門用語は一切ありませんが、ビジネスとして通用する日本語訳でお願いいたします

    $74 Average bid
    $74 平均入札額
    21 入札

    I have a personal letter to be edited, spell checked and "Grammarly Gramma Correction Free" of errors and translated from common English to formal Chinese language. The letter will not only be translated but said letter must also be written in a formal to gain elegance in the use of the Chinese language.

    $20 Average bid
    $20 平均入札額
    16 入札

    We are looking for EN>JP translators for our project. Field: medical, life science pricing manner: per EN word requirements: Freelancer (not the agency) native Japanese speaker at least two years in a translation firm or department Good at medical translation simple test as acceptable Please contact us if you are available

    $32 Average bid
    $32 平均入札額
    16 入札

    3 Amazon listings need to translate.

    $63 Average bid
    $63 平均入札額
    11 入札

    we need somebody who are a native speaker of Japanese and also familiar with MacBook to translate the information on our website from English to Japanese.

    $19 Average bid
    $19 平均入札額
    8 入札

    Translation project from English to Japanese. Native level Japanese is required. I will ask you to translate attached docs. (2 documents) All texts should be translated. Tables including text should be translated. 英語から日本語への翻訳の依頼です。 日本語はネイティブレベルのスキルを求めます。 添付の2つのファイルを書類を日本語への翻訳をお願いします。 テキスト部分をすべて翻訳して頂きます。 表部分もテキストが含まれるものは翻訳必要。

    $123 Average bid
    $123 平均入札額
    14 入札

    The task is to make tagline of product in Native level English. (hair care product). Based on the massage outline, submit 5 polished tagline for three line. We will pay $30(U.S) or 4000yen for this and the deadline is Noon of Dec.7th, in Japan time. Please apply by mail with your tagline work attached. Detail will be sent by e-mail. 商品のタグラインを考えていただくお仕事です。 日本語のアイディアを基に英語でタグラインを考えていただき、最良と思われる5案を提出頂きます。予算は5案で30ドルです。英語圏出身期限は12月7日の正午です。応募の際は、ご自身の書かれたコピーがわかる資料を添えてお送りください。依頼内容の詳細はメールにてお送りします。

    $114 Average bid
    $114 平均入札額
    4 入札

    ★ work Your job is, primarily, mail, etc., is the translation work of explanation contents. English and Japanese is okay if possible. (日本語の分かる方、こんにちは!私は、日本に住む、佐々木と申します。 宜しくお願いします。 早速ですが、私が今回、募集しているランサーさんは、日本語と英語の両方翻訳を出来る方を募集しています。 主な翻訳作業内容は、メールの内容、商品等の説明内容、その他の翻訳です。 お互いの通信手段は、Skypeを使用します。 長期間お付き合いできる方を優先して、採用します。 ★ budget 1 e-mail = $ 0.10 We're looking for people who can work a long period of time together. Nice to meet you.

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr 平均入札額
    5 入札

    ...なって再び降り始め、一時は雪がなくなったアスファルトを、再び白く覆い尽くした。 日本海側の広い範囲で大雪をもたらしている「寒気」。 その要因となっているのが、偏西風と「ブロッキング高気圧」の存在。 北日本付近を西から東に流れる偏西風の流れが、1月中旬ごろから、南へ大きく蛇行し、寒気が日本付近まで南下しやすい状態になった。 さらに、日本のはるか北東の海上に発生したブロッキング高気圧によって、寒気が抜けにくくなっている。 この状態は、2月頭にかけて続くという。 柳瀬 真 気象予報士は「この先も、来月の初旬にかけて、日本海側では雪が降り続きます。場所によっては記録的な大雪になるところもありますので、雪崩ですとか、屋根からの落雪などに、注意していただきたいと思います」と話した。 26日以降も、日本海側の雪は、さらに増える見込みで、気象庁は警戒を呼びかけている。 I need you to translate this perfectly

    $25 Average bid
    $25 平均入札額
    1 入札

    Were currently looking to have a personal letter translated from English to Traditional Chinese. It is important that the translator has the key ability to translate the personal letter to an extent where the Chinese reader and understand the message clearly and that everything coherent.

    $361 Average bid
    $361 平均入札額
    8 入札

    I want English proofreading and editing for scientific paper review. (about 4300 words) The contents are cancer biology and medicine -related but not so difficult. I hope the one who had experience of English proofreading and editing for scientific paper File will be provided as MS-Word file.

    $96 Average bid
    $96 平均入札額
    9 入札

    内容: 生物系の学術誌(総説)です。その英文校正です。コメント内容は科学においては一般的なもので、特別な知識は要求されません。科学系の雑誌に論文を発表された経験のある人が望ましいです。ファイルはMS-Wordで提供されます。 I want English proofreading and editing for scientic paper review. (about 4300 words) The contents are cancer biology and medicie -related but not so difficult. I hope the one who had experience of English proofreading and editing for scientic paper File will be provided as MS-Word file.

    $97 Average bid
    $97 平均入札額
    2 入札

    日本語が担当那校正者を募集しております。 期間: 半年から数年 作業量: 不定期(月1000文字から10,000文字ほど) 作業内容: 日本語の文章を読み、誤字脱字、不正な文法、改善が必要な表現のマークをすること。内容の編集は不要です。使用ソフトは主にMS Word、MS Excelです。将来的には、クラウド翻訳ツールを可能性もあります。 支払い方法: "HIRE PER HOUR"タイプのプロジェクトですが、支払いはmilestoneです。金額は文字数あるいは単語数によって決まりますので、1単語あたりの金額と小規模なプロジェクト向けの最低金額を入札に記入してください。

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr 平均入札額
    7 入札

    Deliver in 2 days JAN 事業 事業上崎嶇不平,工作中諸多困阻,必須謹慎操作,步步為營。 羊 財運 收入不錯,但開支較大,宜量入為出,避免財來財去。 愛情 感情生活不太穩定,需心平氣和處理與伴侶間的問題。 健康 健康運沒有太大問題,惟需注意飲食、留意胃部問題。 FEB 事業 事業上易生困局,宜積極面對,努力工作,便可開創新的局面。 猴 財運 正財運較佳,可透過閒暇時的兼職或副業賺取額外收入,不宜投資。 愛情 情侶間易因金錢問題發生口角,需多包容及體諒對方。 健康 注意肺部及呼吸道感染毛病,宜多喝水,好好保養身體。 MAR 事業 事業上會遇上考驗,宜抱信心及實力面對,即可轉危為安。 雞 財運 整體財運不錯,正財運尤為旺盛,可放膽嘗試投資。 愛情 愛情運佳,易出現追求者,但不可濫用感情,提防爛桃花。 健康 情緒上的波動較大,要調理好心態,坦然面對,以免影響身體。 APR 事業 事業上競爭較大,在辦公室人緣一般,需提防小人暗害。 狗 財運 偏財運不錯,但避免賭博及高風險投資,適當的理財可帶來回報收益。 愛情 愛情運一般,情侶間容易因瑣事吵架,需注意自己的情緒。 健康 要小心病從口入,提防上呼吸道感染及注意飲食。 MAY 事業 事業方面,有貴人的賞識及提攜,要抓緊機會,有望大展拳腳。 豬 財運 財運平穩,避免不必要的開支,宜守不宜攻,投資可免則免。 愛情 感情運勢不俗,頗有異性緣,若把握良機則可佳偶天成。 健康 健康運佳,但仍需注意咽喉疾病,遠離煙酒。 JUNE 事業 工作上容易受小人陷害,必須小心謹慎,凡事三思而後行。 鼠 財...

    $63 Average bid
    $63 平均入札額
    21 入札

    I have a upcoming project of Japanese to English translation. Will you accept the deal, if yes how much you charge? Please keep in mind its a huge project so tell me minimal so that client can also agree and work should not be given to other contractors. If yes please provide below info: - Rate Per Japanese Character: - Daily Output: Again i am telling you that its a very long project so please keep the amount as minimal as possible. please translate Sample Text: Make sure the quality should be excellent. "QD51 (高硬度耐熱耐蝕鋼)" SUS440C相当 アルマイト(白) ズブ焼き セラミック溶射 なし パーカーライジング ユニクロメッキ レイデント "低温黒色 クロムメッキ+特殊フッ素樹脂" 締付工具種類 調質 端部種類 高周波焼入(SUS440C相当 56HRC~) 高周波焼入れ 浸炭焼き 精度 両端おねじ 両端段付めねじ 片端おねじ片端めねじ 片端めねじ 熱処理 商品表示記号 焼鈍 ...

    $476 Average bid
    $476 平均入札額
    4 入札

    Translate IT News (Apple/Windows Phone)

    $115 Average bid
    $115 平均入札額
    17 入札

    日本語で書かれた文章の英語への翻訳。 字数は460字。 「私はいま海岸を散歩している。海が山に迫り、海岸線が断崖によって区切られているような海浜である。ゆくてには深い緑が見え、木々の茶色い木肌が点々と見えかくれしている。そのなかで一本の枯木が、ほかの木にもたれかかるようにして、ななめに立っている・・・」

    $10 Average bid
    $10 平均入札額
    8 入札
    Company Promotional Trailer Design
    6 日 left

    I'm in need of a captivating company trailer that serves...need of a captivating company trailer that serves as a promotional tool. The primary aim of this trailer is to enhance brand awareness among potential customers. Key requirements include: - Creative and engaging design concepts - Understanding of branding principles - Ability to translate corporate identity into a visual narrative - Expertise in creating content that resonates with consumers Ideal candidates are those who can demonstrate previous experience in designing promotional trailers, with a portfolio showcasing successful brand awareness campaigns. Your creativity and understanding of our target audience will be key to the success of this project. The Design will need to include o...

    $80 Average bid
    $80 平均入札額
    54 入札
    Coxcomb Chart Creation in Tableau
    6 日 left

    I'm looking for a proficient Tableau expert to help me create a Coxcomb chart for an internal report. The data is sourced from a CSV file and the primary focus is to highlight the percentage of areas corresponding to specific results. I want it to resemble a baseball field Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Tableau and experience with Coxcomb charts - Ability to work with CSV data files - Understanding of how to visually represent data for internal reporting purposes The ideal freelancer for this project should be able to translate complex data into a clear, concise, and visually appealing Coxcomb chart.

    $15 Average bid
    $15 平均入札額
    1 入札
    Need English Call Support Man
    6 日 left

    I am seekin...seeking a call support professional with exceptional English communication skills. - Proficiency: The ideal candidate should possess at least a fluent level of English, preferably with native-like proficiency. Clear articulation, good listening skills, and the ability to understand different accents are crucial for the role. - Tasks: While specific tasks have not been outlined, the support person may need to handle customer service, technical support or sales calls. Therefore, versatility and a customer-oriented mindset are important. - Industry Knowledge: While no specific industry knowledge is required, an understanding or experience in technology or healthcare could be beneficial. Please note, the ability to communicate effectively ...

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr 平均入札額
    10 入札

    I'm seeking a talented designer well-versed in Corel Draw to elevate the design of my clinic's patient file. The aim is to make the design more professional and uniform, adhering to a modern and clean aesthetic. Key Modifications: - Color Scheme: Revamp the current palette to enhance visual appeal and consistency. (Medical sector blue color, or something good) - Typography: Improve text readability and overall design synergy. - Layout: Adjust the arrangement of elements for a balanced, uncluttered look. This project primarily involves redesigning a patient file, so experience in creating medical or similar professional documents would be an advantage. Please ensure your portfolio reflects your ability to create modern, clean designs. I...

    $13 Average bid
    $13 平均入札額
    16 入札
    Sleepwear Pajamas Brand Design
    6 日 left

    ...We would like to focus on logo design & branding for now. The brand is called HARVAS&CO Brand Design – I want a sleek, sophisticated, and timeless aesthetic with a focus on minimalism and elegance. The brand should exude luxury, comfort, and understated beauty. A neutral, soft color palette (champagne, ivory, deep navy, etc.) and high-end typography would be ideal. Logo – I’d love something simple yet striking, possibly a minimalist wordmark or a delicate icon that represents relaxation and sophistication. Open to creative suggestions! Generally, I’m looking for assistance with designing and developing the brand, including sourcing manufacturers, creating a logo, and setting up a strong social media presence. I’d also need s...

    $197 Average bid
    $197 平均入札額
    60 入札

    I'm seeking a talented designer to create a minimalist-style logo for my company. The logo should incorporate bold colours and typography. The logo should also incorporate and "Kookaburra" images The company is called "Kookaburra House" its a company that creates board games for parties. I want the colours to be Green and Purple Key Requirements: - Strong portfolio of minimalist design - Proficiency in typography - Experience in creating visually appealing designs with bold colors - Ability to understand and translate brand identity into a logo - Attention to detail and commitment to delivering high-quality work Please include samples of similar work in your bid.

    $62 Average bid
    178 エントリー

    I need a skilled HTML/CSS professional to create a custom quote template in Cin7. The template should be based on a design I created in Canva, which I can provide as a PDF or JPG. Key requirements include: - Inclusion of specific elements: Client Information, Terms and Conditions, Company Information, and a personalized header and footer. - The ability to replicate a style I've created in Canva. Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience with HTML/CSS. - Familiarity with Cin7 and it's variables. - Ability to interpret and translate a design from Canva into a functional template. - Attention to detail and commitment to delivering a high-quality, professional product. Link to Cin7 custom document article for your referen...

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr 平均入札額
    54 入札
    Need English Call Support Man -- 2
    6 日 left

    I am seekin...seeking a call support professional with exceptional English communication skills. - Proficiency: The ideal candidate should possess at least a fluent level of English, preferably with native-like proficiency. Clear articulation, good listening skills, and the ability to understand different accents are crucial for the role. - Tasks: While specific tasks have not been outlined, the support person may need to handle customer service, technical support or sales calls. Therefore, versatility and a customer-oriented mindset are important. - Industry Knowledge: While no specific industry knowledge is required, an understanding or experience in technology or healthcare could be beneficial. Please note, the ability to communicate effectively ...

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr 平均入札額
    4 入札

    ...seeking a bilingual (English & Spanish) Virtual Assistant with experience in the healthcare industry. This role involves a combination of customer service, scheduling appointments, and managing emails. We will start with 10-15 hours per week and gradually go to 40 hours per week (M-F, 8:30-4:30 CST) by April. Key Responsibilities: - Customer Service: You will be dealing with our clients, addressing their inquiries and providing top-notch service. - Scheduling Appointments: This will involve coordinating with both our team and our clients. - Managing Emails: You will be responsible for filtering and responding to emails in a timely manner. - Billing, timesheets and accurate data entry. The ideal candidate will have: - Excellent bilingual communication skills ...

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr 平均入札額
    16 入札

    We are looking for a skilled web developer to build a React-based E-commerce site designed for selling digital products. The project will leverage a provided Figma mockup for the frontend and integrate pre-existing backend APIs. Key Features: - Figma Integration: Translate detailed Figma mockups into responsive, pixel-perfect designs. - Secure Payment Gateway: Implement reliable payment solutions ensuring secure transactions. - User Accounts: Enable account creation for managing purchases and video watching. - Dynamic Localization: Provide multilingual support and localized content delivery. - Admin Dashboard: Develop tools to manage users, products, and analytics. - Product Reviews: Include ratings and review functionality for products. Requ...

    $1117 Average bid
    $1117 平均入札額
    114 入札

    Ever wanted to play a game in which you knew you were helping the world, but having fun at the same time? Well, you can do all this with a new game that we are planning to make called EcoQuest. EcoQuest is an AR based game in which players start by collecting Eco Spirits. At the start of the game, there is a villain named Pollutio Maximus III who steals all of the Eco-Spirits, and the player has to collect them and restore earth’s green vitality. Eco Spirits are friendly creatures who are based on eco-friendly elements of the earth, like water, wind, and earth. There are different Eco Spirits such as Enthusiastic Earthlings, Wind Wisps, and Water Guardians. Each Eco spirit can be found in locations similar to their name, like Water Guardians near bodies of...

    $1273 Average bid
    $1273 平均入札額
    20 入札

    I’m in need of a talented digital artist who can turn some photos into a cartoon-style drawing for me. The drawing should be a simple outline of the photo, rather than a stylised cartoon interpretation. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in digital drawing - Ability to replicate a photo in cartoon style - Attention to detail - Good understanding of cartoon drawing techniques Something similar to the attached photo

    $51 Average bid
    $51 平均入札額
    84 入札

    I'm in need of a simp...capitol. We are a woman-owned biz so something Texan may also be good--with a female cowgirl flair. Color Scheme: The primary color should be blue, but the design may also include some green, red, or purple to represent the water, parks, and bats in Austin. Key Requirements: - Use of the flying bat symbol , Texas cowgirl or Texas capitol in the logo - Emphasis on a red & blue color scheme- but can have green and purple as well - Creation of both a one-color and full-color design - Provision of a hex and PMS color chart prior to handoff Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Branding - Color Theory - Familiarity with Austin symbols We liked the one attached but it was way too similar to the Texas Rang...

    $125 Average bid
    200 エントリー
    T-Shirt Design Collection
    6 日 left

    I'm seeking a designer to create a collection of 4 t-shirt designs, with each collection containing 3 designs, across various themes. Here are the niches: - Sports (including yoga) - Family (including set designs for mother, father and kids) - Nostalgic themes - Motivational quotes The design style can be minimalist, can include typography. For the family designs, I would like a mix of both matching sets and complementary designs. The motivational quotes should convey an inspirational tone. Ideal skills and experience for the job would include: - Strong portfolio of minimalist, trendy designs - Experience in creating family-oriented designs - Ability to craft or select inspirational quotes - Understanding of sports and yoga themes - Capability to design nostal...

    $96 Average bid
    $96 平均入札額
    99 入札

    I'm seeking a designer to create a new, vintage-style logo for my football club. The new badge should prominently incorporate football imagery, whilst also being visually appealing in a bold color palette. Key Requirements: - Modern design skills with a strong understanding of vintage aesthetics. - Experienced in logo design, particularly within the sports industry. - Ability to work with bold color schemes. I'm looking for a creative individual who can translate our club's identity into a fresh new logo that stands out.

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr 平均入札額
    104 入札

    ...years) and I need an illustrator to bring my vision to life. The book revolves around the theme of 'Learning', with a specific focus on 'Technology'. Your task would be to create approximately 30 engaging and educational illustrations that will captivate young readers while assisting in the teaching of technology concepts. The source images in an editable format must be included as part of the final handover, so that I have them for the publishing house. Ideal skills and experience: - Previous experience in illustrating children's books, especially for the 5-8 years age group. - Understanding of technology concepts and ability to translate these into simple, engaging visuals. - Excellent illustration skills, with a portfolio...

    $1144 Average bid
    $1144 平均入札額
    105 入札

    I'm in need of a minimalist style logo that will primarily be used on my website, but should also translate well onto business cards and social media. The logo needs to be designed in a bold and vibrant color scheme. Ideal skills for this project include: - Graphic design - Branding - Adobe Illustrator Experience with web-based logo designs and a deep understanding of minimalist aesthetics will be crucial to the success of this project. Please provide a portfolio of your previous work.

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr 平均入札額
    17 入札

    ...need my website to be redesigned with a primary focus on increasing user engagement. Key Aspects: - I don't have specific websites to draw inspiration from, but I have a general idea of what I find engaging. A freelancer who can understand and translate these ideas into interactive features would be ideal. - I value content quality, so a background in creating or managing blogs and videos could be beneficial. - User experience is crucial. I need the navigation and load times to be optimal to keep users on the site. Skills and Experience: - Web design and development with a focus on user engagement - Experience in creating interactive features - Content management skills - Strong understanding of user experience design - Ability to tr...

    $421 Average bid
    $421 平均入札額
    164 入札

    I award you the file for $10 and files will be sent to me later today January 28 at 5 pm US est

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr 平均入札額
    1 入札
    6 日 left

    That’s a great idea! Here’s a possible job post you can use on Freelancer to attract designers: Job Title: Logo and Brand Identity Design for “Palm & Crust” Date Cheesecake Business Description: I am looking for a talented designer to create a complete logo and brand identity for my artisanal dessert business, Palm & Crust, specializing in premium date cheesecakes. I have a clear vision and inspiration pictures that capture the hand-drawn, minimalist aesthetic I’m aiming for. Requirements: • A doodle-style logo featuring a palm tree, a date, and a subtle crust element. • A cohesive brand identity including a color palette, typography, and basic packaging design concepts. • The design should reflect tradition, nature, ...

    $84 Average bid
    $84 平均入札額
    96 入札

    I need a freelancer to translate a set of anthropological survey forms into Dari. The primary use of these forms is for academic research, and they will be used for both qualitative and quantitative research. Note that the survey pertains to early personal relationships of male participants in Afghanistan and Pakistan. If you are uncomfortable with same sex relations PLEASE do not trouble yourself or us. The survey forms can be examined online at :-Bacha-bazi-survey Make sure that you are comfortable with the topic before applying. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Dari and English - Experience with academic translations - Understanding of both qualitative and quantitative research terminology No technical terms

    $99 Average bid
    $99 平均入札額
    33 入札

    I'm in need of a creative, professional logo for my tax preparation company, Bloom Financial Group. The design should be unique and catchy, aligning well with the company name and must include the entire company name. Key Aspects:...preparation company, Bloom Financial Group. The design should be unique and catchy, aligning well with the company name and must include the entire company name. Key Aspects: - The style should be modern, classic or minimalist, but with a creative twist that relates to the company name. - There's no specific color scheme; designers can choose what they believe works best. - Any floral design elements or symbols can be used, as long as they are relevant to the company name and make sense. Current logos attached. Looking for somethin...

    $30 Average bid
    158 エントリー