Seo articles demand仕事
私のコーポレートサイト()において、インバウンドリードの獲得を目指しています。この役割を担ってくれるフリーランサーを募集します: ・SEOとSEMの戦略立案と実施経験が豊富であること ・サイトのコンテンツやデザインを一部改善できる能力があること ・タスクを一刻も早く完了させる能力があること 必要とするスキル: ・SEOとSEMの深い知識と経験 ・Google AnalyticsやGoogle AdWordsなどのツール使用経験 ・コンテンツマーケティングの知識 ・ウェブデザインとユーザーエクスペリエンスに対する理解 ・英語でのコミュニケーション(読み書き)できると尚可 ・日本語Native必須 あなたが私たちのプロジェクトの成功に貢献できると確信しています。私たちの仕事に共感してくれることを期待しています。あなたと一緒に働くことを楽しみにしています。
英会話スクールのウェブサイト。 5 ページのテキスト、図、Google マップの場所、お問い合わせフォーム。 この仕事を遂行してくれる日本語と英語を話せる人を探しています。 全ての課題をクリアできる方のみご応募ください。
日本のアニメ・ニュース関係の記事を翻訳していただきます。 また、日本人がそのニュースに対して頂いた感想等も翻訳してください。 ■おすすめポイント 慣れれば1記事1時間もかからず終わります。 ■言語について 日本語が正確に書けなくても問題有りません。機械翻訳等を駆使して行っていただいても大丈夫です。 ただし、やり取りは日本語で行いますので、多少話せる方を募集いたします。 英語は正確・自然な形で記載をお願いします。 ■納品方法について wordpressのIDを発行しますので、そちらに記載をお願いします。 ■報酬について 10記事110usd程度を考えています。
記事の構造を提供します。 母語は日本語の人で、iOSシステムに詳しい人がいいです。 SEOとhtmlファイルに精通できます。 IT技術を少し知った方がいいです。 効果がよければ、長期的な協力が考えられます。 納期は必ず守ります。
記事の構造を提供します。 母語は日本語の人で、iOSシステムに詳しい人がいいです。 SEOとhtmlファイルに精通できます。 IT技術を少し知った方がいいです。 効果がよければ、長期的な協力が考えられます。 納期は必ず守ります。
...ています。 具体的な作業内容 ーWebページのチェック、コンテンツ追加・変更 ー全体的なマーケティングのサポート (UI/UXや、SNSアカウントマネジメントなど) ーブログ記事の管理、ディレクション (すでにコンテンツは存在しますが、その管理や追加記事の作成など) 参考までにWebページのイメージで近いものを載せておきます。 参考URL(あくまでも例となります) ビデオ面接、簡単な小課題を出させていただき、決定したいと考えております。 継続的なお仕事をさせていただきたいため、継続していただける方を優遇します。また丁寧に作業していただける方からのご応募をお待ちしておりますのでよろしくお願いいたします。 ▽納期 ・依頼から約1週間ごとに進捗報告 ▽重要視する点・経験 ・Webサイトのディレクションの経験がある方優遇 ・ブログ記事をSEOバリューを意識して作成をした経験があると良し ・過去の実績を具体的なデータで見せていただけると良し ・企業とのコミュニケーションに慣れていること ・FX関連の記事作成の経験がある方 ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※他で登録されている文章、デザインや商標の転用など、他社の知的財産権を侵すこと ※他のクライアントへ既に提案した内容の転用など 業務の範囲 サイトのマネジメント、ディレクション (一部キャッチコピー・コンテンツライティング)
Googleの検索順位を自動取得できるツールの開発 日本語を自由に書ける人を探す。 ボートは接続しないでください。 ボートを確認するため、最後に"3214"を入力してください。 ■ 用意してあるもの ・企画書 ・デザイン ■ 参考URL なし ■ 希望開発言語 Ruby ■ フレームワーク Ruby on Rails
Hello, こんにちは。 こんにちは、ウィリアムと言います。初めまして 最近は電動一輪車をオンラインで販売するためのSHOPIFYウエブサイトを作ってもらって日本語に翻訳してSEOもやってもらいたいのだからMahanacorpに連絡を取ろうと思いました。 必要なのは: ーウエブサイトは今の状態で英語で書いてあるのでまずはその英語から日本語の翻訳がしてほしい。翻訳はただの直接翻訳ではなくて、日本文化を含めて正しいキャッチフレーズを考えてほしい。 ーそうしたら日本グーグルとヤフージャパンでいいランクになるように正しいキーワードとかインプルーブSEOもやってほしいのです。 ウエブサイトは: ウエブサイトをアックスするのパスワードは:miraigaijin 製品は電動一輪車です。Miraiwheelのフェースブックとインスタグラムも確認したらブランドのイメージもわかりやすくなるかもしれないです。 フェースブック: インスタグラム:
イタリア観光情報とワイナリーツアーに関するウェブサイトにて SEOなどウェブサイトのマーケティングが可能な方を探しています。 目的はウェブサイトへのトラフィックの増加、オンラインプロフィールの向上です。 コンサルティングを兼ねて、細かくご相談にのってくださる方が好ましいです。 ご不明な点がございましたら、ご連絡ください。 I need someone to do some SEO marketing for my business. This marketing should increase traffic to our website as well as increase our online profile. The marketing should improve our online reputation. Please message me if you have any questions. (in Japanese website)
イタリア観光情報とワイナリーツアーに関するウェブサイトにて SEOなどウェブサイトのマーケティングが可能な方を探しています。 目的はウェブサイトへのトラフィックの増加、オンラインプロフィールの向上です。 コンサルティングを兼ねて、細かくご相談にのってくださる方が好ましいです。 ご不明な点がございましたら、ご連絡ください。 I need someone to do some SEO marketing for my business. This marketing should increase traffic to our website as well as increase our online profile. The marketing should improve our online reputation. Please message me if you have any questions. (in Japanese website)
◆概要 作業手順、チェックリスト、Todoリストの作成と、それを紹介する1200文字以上の記事を作成して頂きます。質の高い記事を作成してくださった方には、月に10~20の記事を依頼します。終了時期は定めず、数年間続く予定です。 ◆価格 入稿して頂く記事の品質(クオリティ)が高ければ、単価もアップします。 良文で、長文であるほど、単価をアップします。 スタートの単価は、1000文字以上で、1文字1円です。 上限単価は定めてませんが、1文字5円まではあると考えてください。 良い記事を継続的に得ることがもっとも最優先です。 そのため、記事の下部には、ライターのプロフィールを掲載し、Lancersやその他のクラウドソーシングサイトでの顧客獲得につながるように、微力ではありますが貢献することも可能です。 ◆作業手順、チェックリスト、Todoリストの要件 皆さんの仕事でも手順が決まっている仕事ってありますよね。 例えば何か新しい案件を受注した場合に、 売上を売上表に記入 受注指示 先方に電話して取材日をフィックス 別の部署に報告 チェックシートを修正 チェックシートを先方に提出 開始を先方に連絡 みたいな感じである程度フローが決まっている場合って多いと思うんですよね。 書いていただきたいのは、このようにGTDに準拠した「タスクの実行を具体的にイメージできるレベルまで細分化したリスト」を募集しています。 ◆注意事項 ・文字数は1200字以上です。 ・誤字脱字に注意してください。 ・コピペは厳禁です。(15文字以上連続で他サイトから引用しないでください) ・見出し、小見出し、本文は関連性を持たせてください。 ・個別の企業・店舗にフォーカスしないでください。 ・求人情報をのせないでください。 ・敬体(ですます調)にて執筆...
...Alert are registered on a table of MySQL everyday. We need PHP script that read these emails via cron, and auto post as wordpress article. On front-page, the website should have 30 new articles. And other article's link are needed on pages that have 30 links. We also need sitemap of all articles for visitors and google (xml). For design, wordpress default template is OK. But we need responsive design, we'll check under 320px, 640px and PC's resolution of width. === required pages === Front page New articles from 31 to 60 New articles from 61 to 90 (From 91, follow these URL) Article's detail Sitemap for visitors
SEOマーケティング(オフページ)のスペシャリスト募集 旅行関連サイトのオーソリティ構築を担当してくれるSEOのプロを募集しています。日本語サイトから当社サイト複数ページへの質の高いリンク獲得をお手伝いしていただく仕事です。 必要なスキル:日本語のネイティブで、かつ当社担当者と英語でコミュニケーションができる方。コンテンツの制作、リンク構築、キーワード調査ができ、日本のインターネット業界に精通していること。 条件・予算:1ヵ月約3,000~5,000 豪ドル (経験により応相談)。6ヶ月の試用期間がありますが、長くお仕事をしてくださる方を募集しています。 Quality Off-Page SEO Ad: We are looking for an SEO professional that can help us build the authority of our travel website in Japan. Someone that can help us build diverse and high quality links from relevant Japanese websites pointing to different pages of our site. Skills required: Native Japanese speaker, good English, Content writing, Link building, Keyword research, In depth knowledge of the Japanese Internet landscape. Conditions and Approximate budget: $3000 ...
Listing Syndication to the top 50 directories in the US, Voice & GPS systems, manual claiming of the top listings, Google Business Profile Optimization. Listing Distribution to the Big 3 Data Aggregators. AI Website Chatbot: AI automatically get contact details from website visitors to answer basic questions automatically using business data Add knowledge and instructions using an interface
SEO, Google/META Ads & Content Management Services USA
I have a blog that covers a wide range of topics including product reviews, how-to guides, and industry news. I'm looking for an SEO specialist who can help optimize my blog for search engines and ultimately increase my visibility online. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with SEO, particularly with blogs - Proficiency in on-page SEO - Strong understanding of blog content and its SEO needs - Proven track record of increasing blog traffic and visibility Please note, while I have not yet specified a primary goal for this project, I am open to suggestions based on your expertise and experience in the field.
I am in the process of building an SEO-optimised E-commerce website and I require a comprehensive list of keywords. The ideal candidate should have a paid SEMRUSH account and a proven track record in conducting similar projects, with references to previous work available upon request. Key requirements: - In-depth keyword analysis: focus keywords, primary keywords, secondary keywords, long-tail keywords, etc. - Keywords should be tailored for both general consumers and businesses, as they are the target audience for my website. - SEO efforts are aimed locally, so the keyword selection should reflect this. I am looking for a freelancer who can deliver a well-researched and thorough list of keywords to help the copy on the site be SEO optimised and improve ranking.
I run SPB, an American online shop that sells cool custom products through print-on-demand providers. We also offer a graphic design service, and sometimes we turn those designs into products in our store. Right now, I’m looking for a creative freelancer to help me get started with content for Instagram. I need help with: Instagram posts & reels – Show off our products, behind-the-scenes stuff, and design tips. What I’m looking for: Someone who can do graphic design and video editing Knows their way around Instagram Gets the U.S. audience and loves the idea of print-on-demand stuff Creative, easygoing, and ready to vibe with SPB’s style Send me links to Instagram profiles you’ve worked on or any other content you’ve created. If you&...
I'm looking for a professional to help me find, add, and write products for my pet accessories dropshipping store on Shopify. The role involves automating the process as much as possible. Key responsibilities: - Product sourcing: Find trending and high-demand pet accessories for dropshipping. - Product listing: Add these products to my Shopify store. - Copywriting: Write engaging, fun, and playful product descriptions that will resonate with pet owners. - Automation: Implement tools and processes to automate as much of this as possible. Skills and experience required: - Proven experience in dropshipping and Shopify. - Excellent copywriting skills, with the ability to write in a fun and playful tone. - Familiarity with automation tools and processes. - Knowledge of the pet ac...
we need somebody works to improve our current SERP in these URL and keywords budget is 510 USD for 56 keywords FOR 3 MONTHS we make a contract for 3 months of work, so payment will be released after 3rd month, NO MONTHLY PAYMENT. Payment after 3erd month URL: call girls bogota call girls cartagena call girls colombia call girls medellin Damas de compañía Bogota Damas de compañía cartagena Damas de compañía Medellin escorts bogota escorts cartagena escorts colombia escorts medellin prepagos bogota prepagos cartagena prepagos colombia prepagos medellin putas bogota putas cartagena putas medellin prepagos de lujo prepagos vip escorts de lujo la mejor agencia de prepagos agencias de prepagos Prepagos jovenes prepagos jovencitas prepagos a domicil...
Please reply with the number of iOS full-stack app projects you have completed at the beginning of your response. We are seeking a skilled iOS full-stack app developer to provide on-demand support for an ongoing project. The ideal candidate should have strong expertise in iOS development, backend integration, and experience with tools like Cursor AI or similar. This role requires flexibility, reliability, and the ability to work independently while meeting project deadlines.
I need my blockchain technology articles proofreading (UK English)
...Brief: Content Creator and Designer (Hourly) About Us: We are a dynamic and fast-growing company seeking a creative and talented individual to join our team as a Content Creator and Designer. This role is perfect for someone who is skilled, honest, and eager to produce exceptional work. We are looking for a professional who thrives in a fast-paced environment and can deliver high-quality results on demand. Roles and Responsibilities: Video Editing: Edit videos for social media platforms, advertisements, and other promotional content. Content Creation: Develop creative content ideas aligned with our brand voice and objectives. Video Posting: Schedule and post videos across various platforms with engaging captions and hashtags. 2D Animation: Create visually appealing 2D animation...
My website, , previously ranked in the top 2 for the keywords "Octopus, previously ranked in the top 2 for the keywords "Octopus Energy Refer a Friend" and "Octopus Energy Referral Code". Following an upgrade and a temporary 'no index' status, it's dropped out of the top 5. I'm looking for an SEO specialist who can get it back to its former glory. - Payment will be based on results. I have a budget for purchasing external links if necessary. - Please quote your fee for achieving a top 5 ranking. PAYMENT ON RESULTS Skills and experience needed: - Proven track record in SEO - Experience in link building - Familiarity with the specified keywords - Ability to deliver results in a timely man...
I need an expert to enhance my business's social media presence across Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. The focus will be on generating leads through a well-structured content plan that includes informative articles, promotional ads, and customer testimonials. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a robust social media strategy aimed at lead generation. - Create and manage engaging content tailored for each platform. - Design and implement targeted social media ads. - Drive traffic to my free app. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in social media marketing, particularly in lead generation. - Strong content creation abilities, with an understanding of what works on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. - Experience in designing and executing social media ad campaigns. - Ability to i...
I need a fully func...aesthetically pleasing website. The website should cater to physical products. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive design and deployment of a WooCommerce e-commerce website. - Payment gateway integration for seamless transactions. - SEO optimization to enhance brand visibility and drive more traffic to the site. - Image resizing to fit content holders. - Creation of posters and banners for promotion. - Backdrop change on images for a consistent aesthetic. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with WooCommerce. - Proficiency in web design and e-commerce. - Strong SEO skills. - Graphic design capabilities. - Experience with image editing software. This project is not just about creating an online store, but a platform that can significantly contribute to ...
This assignment is a programming assignment wherein you have to build a multiple linear regression model for the prediction of demand for shared bikes. You will need to submit a Jupyter notebook for the same. Problem Statement A bike-sharing system is a service in which bikes are made available for shared use to individuals on a short term basis for a price or free. Many bike share systems allow people to borrow a bike from a "dock" which is usually computer-controlled wherein the user enters the payment information, and the system unlocks it. This bike can then be returned to another dock belonging to the same system. A US bike-sharing provider BoomBikes has recently suffered considerable dips in their revenues due to the ongoing Corona pandemic. The company is fin...
I'm seeking a skilled content writer for my lifestyle blog. The tone of the blog posts should be casual and conversational, aiming to entertain and provide information to readers Ideal cand...seeking a skilled content writer for my lifestyle blog. The tone of the blog posts should be casual and conversational, aiming to entertain and provide information to readers Ideal candidates will have: - Excellent writing and storytelling skills - Ability to create engaging, entertaining content - Experience writing in a casual, conversational tone - Strictly no AI Looking for 10 articles per month with each articles of 1500 words. Please quote your charges. If you have read the full description add the following in bidding so that I know you read the full description - "I...
I'm seeking a skilled SEO-focused blog writer to create engaging, friendly and conversational content for three Health & Wellness websites. Key Responsibilities: - Craft three weekly blogs of 700-1000 words, one for each site. - Develop unique headers and source suitable royalty-free images for each post. - Optimise the content to evade AI detection tools while maintaining high quality and relevance. - Incorporate provided keywords and phrases as well as conducting independent research for additional SEO terms. The ideal candidate should: - Have a strong background in Health & Wellness content writing. - Be well-versed in SEO techniques and AI content optimisation. - Possess skills in creating friendly and conversational tone blog posts. - Be open to a ...
I'm seeking an SEO specialist to optimize my real estate development and investment land sales business for local searches. The focus will be on local keyword research, particularly for terms like 'development land realtors', 'investment land sales', and 'marketing and sale of development and investment land in the Fraser Valley'. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct thorough local keyword research - Implement on-page and technical SEO strategies - Develop a content strategy tailored for our business - Perform link-building tasks - Provide analytics and reporting on our search engine rankings The primary goal is not to increase traffic to our site, but to ensure we rank at the top for relevant local searches. Hence, your expertise in local ...
I am seeking a professional to enhance my w...particularly guest posts, is crucial for this project. - SEO Proficiency: A deep understanding of SEO principles and techniques will be beneficial in driving the desired results. Objectives: - Primary Goal: The main aim of this project is to increase my website's domain authority. Industry Focus: - General: Backlinks can be sourced from any industry, not limited to a specific niche. However, quality and relevance of the backlinks will be a key consideration. Skills & Experience: - Proven track record in SEO and backlinking. - Experience with guest post sourcing and submission. - Ability to demonstrate improvements in domain authority. I look forward to receiving your proposals and discussing how we can work ...
I am seeking a professional to enhance my w...particularly guest posts, is crucial for this project. - SEO Proficiency: A deep understanding of SEO principles and techniques will be beneficial in driving the desired results. Objectives: - Primary Goal: The main aim of this project is to increase my website's domain authority. Industry Focus: - General: Backlinks can be sourced from any industry, not limited to a specific niche. However, quality and relevance of the backlinks will be a key consideration. Skills & Experience: - Proven track record in SEO and backlinking. - Experience with guest post sourcing and submission. - Ability to demonstrate improvements in domain authority. I look forward to receiving your proposals and discussing how we can work ...
I am looking for an SEO expert to help improve my website's search engine ranking, particularly on Google. Key areas of focus: - SEO optimization for blog posts - Enhancing the visibility of service descriptions The ideal candidate will have a strong background in SEO with a focus on Google, and experience with improving the search engine ranking of blog posts and service descriptions. The goal of this project is to increase the website's visibility and drive more traffic to it.
I'm in need of highly skilled cold callers who can help me gather market feedback and set appointments for my offerings. The target market is national, and the main objectives of the calls are to assess product fit and gauge market demand. This role is commission based with very lucrative commission structure and growth opportunity to work with a variety of offerings. Key responsibilities: - Conduct cold calls to potential clients - Gather feedback on product fit (problem qualifying and solution interest) - Assess overall market demand - Set appointments for further discussions Ideal candidates should: - Have proven experience in cold calling - Possess excellent communication skills - Be able to gather and report feedback effectively - Have a knack for sales and client...
I'm in need of a professional who can help to enhance both the loading speed and search engine ranking of my blog. An ideal candidate will have a strong background in website optimization and SEO, particularly in on-page and technical aspects. Key Responsibilities: - Boost the loading speed of my blog. - Enhance the on-page SEO of my blog. - Improve the technical SEO of my blog. - Assist in improving the overall search engine ranking. Skills Required: - Proven experience in website speed optimization. - Strong understanding of both on-page and technical SEO. - Previous work with blogs preferable. - Excellent communication skills to explain the work being done.
I am in need of a reliable, on-demand personal assistant to help manage my email and communication. This will primarily involve: - Responding to client/customer emails: You will be the first point of contact for my business emails and need to respond to clients and customers in a timely manner. - Sales: Your role will also extend into the sales department. You will be tasked with handling initial communication with potential clients. All communication will need to be conducted in a formal and professional manner. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Excellent written communication skills - Prior experience in email management - Knowledge of sales processes - Ability to maintain professionalism at all times client retention - mass emails - marketing - customer supp...
I need an experienced WordPress developer to make necessary content updates and plugin adjustments on my site. The primary focus will be on text and links, but we'll also need some plugin tweaks. In addition, I require assistance in cleaning up the site for SEO. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in WordPress with a strong understanding of content management and plugin functionality. - Experience with SEO best practices. - Ability to effectively update and manage textual content and hyperlinks. - Strong problem-solving skills to make necessary plugin adjustments. - Knowledge of web design principles for a clean and user-friendly site.
As discussed for quality SEO work to improve search engine rankings.
I'm in need of an expert in SEO and Google Ads who can help me generate leads and sales through search engines. A key part of this project will be assisting with keyword research, as I'm currently unsure of the best keywords to target. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in SEO and Google Ads - Proficient in keyword research and analysis - Proven track record in lead generation and sales conversion - Ability to enhance brand visibility through strategic online marketing
1 website per month SEO 1 website per month SEO 1 website per month SEO
We will do complete On Page and Off Page SEO for the Dutch Url of the website.