Role of asp net in web development仕事 in Sydney, Australia but we engage our Contractors and Freelancers all over the world to help us meet our crazy big goals. As a Contract or Freelancer at Canva you can work remotely in the country listed on this job ad, meaning you have ultimate flexibility. Wherever works for you, works for us. -What you’d be doing in this role As a Copywriter at Canva, it’s your mission to create content that makes complex things simple and to give ordinary people the ability to make extraordinary things. We place a strong emphasis on the success of our users, and content in all forms has a big impact on that. This could include copy for social advertising, branding campaigns, EDMs, landing pages, UI copy and more. You will have the opportuni...
...proficiency required. **Job Overview:** In this role, prior English teaching experience isn't a major requirement. Our students, mostly 6 to 8-year-old boys new to English learning, are exposed to basic and straightforward content. We cover simple topics like naming "colors, animals, and body parts," and introduce basic phrases such as "I want" and "I have" to those just starting to grasp English. Additionally, many parents hope our project sparks their children's interest in English, emphasizing the enjoyment of using English before delving into formal learning. Therefore, we're seeking teachers who can connect with children and make them think, "Playing with foreign friends in Minecraft is fun!&quo...
Ajaykumar Narshibhai P.さん、こんにちは。あなたのプロフィールを拝見させていただきました。ぜひわたしのプロジェクトをオファーさせてください。プロジェクト情報を確認した後、詳細を話しあいましょう。
Dear Mr. David Dundas, Hello again, this is Yasuko WASHITANI from Japan. I have a manuscript should be revised and submit soon. I would like to ask you to proofread a part of it (actually 2 pages of all (7 pages)).
I need a new website. I need you to design and build it. 私はあなたがあなただからウェブサイトを作ることができると思うなら、私に教えてください、ウェブサイトを作るためのデザイナーが必要です。日本語と英語(話す、聞く、読む、書く)についての知識が必要です。
I need a new website. I need you to design and build it. 私はあなたがあなたがウェブサイトを作ることができると思うなら、私に教えてください、ウェブサイトを作るためのデザイナーが必要です。日本語と英語(話す、聞く、読む、書く)についての知識が必要です。
新しいウェブサイトが必要です デザインと作成 オンラインストア 私は日本人ですがcafe24を使って、アパレルのオンラインショップを始めます。 複雑なデザインでなく、シンプルで使いやすいオンラインショップを作りたいです。 自己資金ではじめるため、予算は少なくやりたいです。 出来れば、韓国語でのシステムなので韓国人で日本語が話せる人がいたら1番望ましいです。
新しいウェブサイトが必要です デザインと作成 個人のウェブサイト I need someone to make a new website.
新しいウェブサイトが必要です 作成のみ その他 / 不明 小中学生が英語を学ぶための学習サイトを作りたいです。サイトにはJavaスクリプトで動くようなゲーム感覚の問題を組み込み、生徒が個別に会員登録してログインできるシステムも欲しいです。 また、設問を選択し、自分にあった学習方法を表示させるようなphpのシステムもくみこみたいです。
...recover the 500 Internal Server Error that occurred in the construction sites in Magento. 500 Internal Server Error is now displayed in normal operation to have a site that has been built with magento. I do not remember such as changes to the file. Only the 500 Internal Server Error front end of the site is displayed. Back office is normal operation and normally displayed. Also with reference to the existing DB by installing a new magento files become 500 Internal Server Error. I will be get 500 Internal Server Error in DB creation time when I try to fresh installation with the new DB and file. I tried it. Change permissions using the magento-cleanup.php. Installation condition confirmation using the magento-check.php. Delete of .h...
This is rosemarylaw office, lawyer in Japan. We are searching freelancer of PHP, SSIS, SSRS programer. We are continue to develop CS system, MS SQL +SSIS ,SSRS of server side and PHP front with IIS. All MS solution based. We have Server side engineer in house. and test server with dummy data, you can try from remote. development can do english based with skype, github,mail and so on. We hope to good offshore appications. Thanks now we are searching below project enginner. 1 upgrade SQL server SSIS import program 2005 to 2012 SSIS side is improt form exel to dbo and job lancher is C# based exe. Req Skill C# 2000, SSIS, SQL prototype, ex- version will remained Documets also you need to upgarede customizing and version up job. Beca...
This is rosemarylaw office, lawyer in Japan. We are searching freelancer of PHP, SSIS, SSRS programer. We are continue to develop CS system, MS SQL +SSIS ,SSRS of server side and PHP front with IIS. All MS solution based. We have Server side engineer in house. we have test server with dummy data, you can try from remote. development can do english based with skype, github,mail and so on. We hope to good offshore appications. Thanks now we are searching below project enginner. 1 upgrade SQL server SSIS import program2005 to 2012 SSIS side is improt form CSV to DB, job lancher is C# based. Req Skill C# 2000, SSIS, SQL 2 upgarde SSRS program 2005 to 2012 small customizing upgarde checking. over 100 report should upgarde 3 php with ...
In our company, we are looking for a system engineer. About Us: it is a company We are doing a hardware development there Your job Overview: Have you responsible for the application development that corresponds to the Internet. <Work scope> Of the front-end requirements definition - Specification of the front-end functions and UI In addition, the following work will be made out of scope. 1. programming 2. Description of the test code 3. Test specification created Non_Japanese and GLOBAL community System Engineers are requested kindly to check the Attachment Files which signifies the REQUIREMENT for this ROLE. Assumed operating time: XXX contract period: XXX Such as the necessary skills and experie...
弊社では、システムエンジニアを募集しております。 弊社について: 弊社はあるハードウェア開発を行っている企業です お仕事概要: Internet of Things(以下IOT) に対応したアプリケーション開発(フロントエンド部分)をご担当いただきます。 具体的には、弊社独自開発のホームセキュリティH/WデバイスをiPhoneなどのスマートフォンで操作・管理するアプリケーション開発で、次の作業を実施頂くことを想定しております。尚、現在既に一部要件・仕様が決定し進んでいる部分もございます。 <作業スコープ> ・フロントエンドの要件定義 ・フロントエンドの機能やUI(画面イメージやワイヤーフレームなど)の仕様決定 ・最終的に決定した仕様の取りまとめ(簡易的な仕様書作成) ・バックエンドなど他チームとのやり取り(必要に応じて) ・実装(プログラム開発者)や試験(テスト担当者)からの仕様などに関する質問等の回答 また、以下の作業はスコープ外とさせていただきます。 ・プログラミング ・試験コードの記述 ・試験仕様書(テストケース)作成 ・試験(テスト) 想定稼働時間: XXX 契約期間: XXX 必要なスキル・経験など: -業務アプリケーションの要件定義や設計の経験 -iOSやAndroidのスマートフォンアプリケーション開発の経験 (IOTに対応したアプリケーション開発経験があればさらに可) -プロジェクト管理ツール(例 Basecamp) -チャットツール(例 Flowdock、Slack) -表計算ツール(例 Excel、Google Spreadsheet) -英語の読み書きに抵抗がないレベル (ビジネス英語レベルは必須ではありませんが、...
Android端末/iPhone向けソーシャルゲーム・アプリの設計、開発、テスト、運用まで一通り携わっていただきます。 当社サービスのスマートフォン向け企画、開発/新規アプリの開発/既存サービスの スマホクライアントを企画から一緒に作っていきます
...中身のあるサイトを作っていきたいのです。 ですので、スピード重視で記事を書くのではなく、本気で私と一緒にサイトを作り上げていけるビジネスパートナーを募集しています。 そこで、報酬は「アフィリエイト報酬を折半」という形にさせて頂きます。 あなたと一緒に作り上げたサイトから発生(確定)した報酬のうち50%をお支払させて頂きます。 目安としては、1年かけて30~50万円/月の売上を目標にしていきます。 まずは5~10万円/月を売上られるサイトを数サイト作り、 その後は1サイトで30万、50万、100万と売り上げられる大きめのサイト作りにステップアップしていきます。 いくつか小さ目のサイトを作成したあと、大きなサイト作りに入っていくといった流れです。 報酬のお支払に関しては、ASPからの入金後3営業日以内にお振込み致します。 応募条件などについては詳細サイトをご覧ください。
現在、弊社ではユーザー直、代理店案件含めまして、受託、常駐案件ともに多数ございます。 PHP、Java、Oracle、C#、Ruby、SAPが中心ですが、事業拡大に伴い現在、パートナーを探しております。 SAP案件、Java、PHP案件、LAMP(Linux、Apache、MySQL、PostgreSQL)案件、VC++、C言語案件、VB、C#.NET、COBOL、Ruby案件、PM(プロジェクトマネージャー)、PL(プロジェクトリーダー)など受託、常駐で開発案件のご協力をして頂ける方の募集で御座います。 制御系・組み込み系から企業の情報システム、基幹システム、業務システム開発、ウェブシステム、サイト構築まで。 現在、ユーザー直の受注案件で具体的な案件内容も提示できますので、宜しければ、一度お会いしてご相談させて頂ければと思っております。
...非常にストレスを抱えています。そのため至急対応することができる熟練レベルの実務経験をお持ちの方を求めています。 システム要件定義書、テスト機能リストを作成する作業もセットになる場合もあります。 あなたの即戦力を必要としています。 ご興味のある方は下記をお読み頂き御納得頂けましたらこちらの応募フォームもしくはメールアドレス 佐方まで ご連絡頂きたくお願い致します。 業務内容: 開発の途中経過(7割り程完成)しているシステム、 楽天及びアマゾン、ヤフーASPと連動したデータベース一括在庫管理システムを引き継いでいただき 現状稼働時に起きるエラーの修正作業及び完成までフルスクラッチで仕上げて頂く、修正及び開発 業務です。 応募資格:実務経験熟練者 楽天ASP及びフルスクラッチに長けた熟練者の方を募集します。 日本国籍 スカイプでの打ち合せが可能な方 既存システム内容 楽天及びアマゾン、ヤフーASPと連動したデータベース一括在庫管理システムのエラー 主要機能 ・会員登録制 ・ショップ各社のASPに、1つの管理画面から自社の商品情報(文字、画像)を一括登録し編集管理、更新する事ができる ・会員各自の管理画面を所有し商品一覧表から、各店舗のASPに一括出力更新している内容を随時修正更新管理することができる ・店舗ページのレイアウトを文字、色、背景色などをチェックボタン、プルダウンなどで選択カスタマイズし ・オリジナルのテンプレート生成する。 ・初期設定時のテンプレートもしくは会員によるオリジナルテンプレートと選択することができる機能 作業内容 エラー修正箇所>>&g...
Upgrade PHP version 8.2 Upgrade Joomla 5.2 version Make the theme compatible with joomla 5.2
Hi! I’m Silvio Crisari, Head Coach of the China National Futsal Team, and I’m looking for an experienced designerto create a professional, eye-catching, and interactive business card. ? What I need: Front Side: My name, title, contact details, and the CFA (Chinese Football Association) logo. Hi! I’m Silvio Crisari, Head Coach of the China National Futsal Team, and I’m looking for a highly skilled designerto create an exclusive, premium, and interactive business card that reflects my professional status and international presence. ? What I Need: ✔ Front Side: My name, title, contact details, and the CFA (Chinese Football Association) logo. ✔ B ack Side: The quote &ldquo...
I'm in need of a snipping bot that operates on a laptop and is also compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. This bot is specifically designed for capturing snippets related to cryptocurrency. Key Features: - Automate capturing screenshots: The bot should automatically capture relevant screenshots without manual intervention. - Snipping Crypto: The bot's primary focus will be on capturing cryptocurrency-related content. - Real-time Notifications: Send real-time alerts when new cryptocurrency content is captured. - Data Storage: Store captured screenshots in a secure, organized manner for easy access. - User Authentication: Secure user data with robust authentication mechanisms. - Customization Options: Allow users to customize which cryptocurr...
I'm seeking a talented Software Developer who can create a robust application for handling GeoTIFF files through APIs. The software should primarily focus on managing geographic data, wea...Reading, Editing GeoTIFF metadata - Converting GeoTIFF to other formats - Dynamically and efficiently handling the GeoTIFF and associated data The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience in software development, specifically with GeoTIFF file handling and APIs. A strong understanding of geographic data, and the ability to create a software solution that integrates real-time data seamlessly, is crucial. Your expertise will help transform complex geographic data into a user-friendly, manageable format. Please provide examples of similar projects...
I'm in need of a seasoned professional who can conduct a technical interview on my behalf. The interview will focus on assessing the interviewee's skills in coding languages, system architecture, and database management. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in JavaScript, React.js, and Node.js - Extensive knowledge in system architecture and database management - Ability to conduct a technical interview with precision and professionalism - Experience with coding languages is a must - Prior experience in a similar role would be an advantage The ideal candidate will have a strong technical background and the ability to assess an interviewee's skills accurately. Excellent communication skills and a professional demeanor are essentia...
...gathering to deployment. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a client portal with document sharing, appointment scheduling, and live chat support. - Ensure the website has a superb UI/UX using a state-of-the-art tech stack. - Design the website to be scalable, considering anticipated visitor count and backend data storage. - Create a reliable and effective infrastructure for web development. The ideal candidate for this job should have: - Extensive experience in website development, particularly for client portals. - A strong understanding of modern and clean design principles. - Proven skills in creating engaging UI/UX. - Ability to develop a scalable and reliable infrastructure. This project is crucial for lending credibility to my compa...
I'm in need of a custom WordPress plugin that will enable the following functionalities: - Create agents with individual accounts: Each agent should be able to have their own unique account accessible via a standard username and password login. - Generate vouchers with unique waybill numbers: The plugin should have the capability to generate vouchers that come with unique waybill numbers. - Print labels with barcodes: The plugin should allow for the printing of labels that include barcodes. Additional functionalities that I want included in the plugin are: - Agent reporting: I want to be able to generate reports based on agent performance or activity. - Email notifications: The plugin should have the ability to send out automated email notifications to ag...
I'm looking to build a robust e-commerce build a robust e-commerce website that includes a variety of payment options. This site needs to be user-friendly, secure and capable of handling a high volume of traffic and transactions. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive experience in e-commerce website development. - Proficiency in integrating multiple payment gateways, particularly PayPal, Stripe and Credit/Debit Card processors. - Ability to design a site that is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. - Prior experience with SEO and digital marketing strategies will be a plus. I have not yet decided on a platform for this project, so I'm open to your suggestions based on your expertise and past experience. Please p...
I'm seeking professionals adept at promoting my website development company. Your primary role will be using various communication channels such as Email, Phone calls, and Social Media to generate interest and drive engagement. Key Responsibilities: - Actively convince the clients. - Utilize Email, Phone calls, and Social Media for outreach. - Employ convincing skills to engage potential customers. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional communication skills. - Strong convincing abilities. - Proficient in Email, Phone, and Social Media. The ability to effectively convince and convert the client and generate sales leads is crucial. Experience in technology promotion is a plus.
I need a one-page PDF that details the annual income and expenses of a property. This document is intended to inform current stakeholders about the property's financial performance. The PDF should highlight: - Annual income and expenses And include key metrics such as: - Net income - Rental income vs. expenses - Property appreciation - Occupancy rate - Percentage of the year the property was rented out. Ideal skills for this job include proficiency in data analysis and graphic design. Experience in creating financial reports is a plus. The goal is to create a clear, concise and visually appealing document that effectively communicates the property's financial status to our stakeholders. The design should follow our brand guidelines. The d...
...and reservations○ New Inquiry tabB. Booking Management● Check-In and Check-Out:○ Allow staff to check guests in and out.○ View details of the guests for easy access.● Vacant Rooms:○ Show available rooms for the day and future dates.● Add Booking:○ Quick access to add new bookings with guest details, room selection, andpayment options. WhatsApp integration for Booking details and payment links● Calendar View:○ Interactive calendar to view and manage all bookings, with color-coded statuses(confirmed, pending, canceled).C. Payment and QR Code Access● Payment Shortcut:○ Generate and display a QR code for customers to make payments directlythrough mobile payment solutions.● Access to Menu:○ Quick access to the cafe menu and options for in-room dining.3. Technical ...
I'm looking for a graphic designer with a knack for creating vivid and eye-catching thumbnails specifically for my entertainment and vlog-style YouTube videos. Key Requirements: - Design thumbnails that include engaging text o...Requirements: - Design thumbnails that include engaging text overlays and characters/avatars. - Create designs that are minimalistic enough to be clean, but vibrant enough to stand out to potential viewers. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Familiarity with YouTube and its content style - Creativity and ability to think outside the box. Your designs will play a crucial role in attracting viewers to my videos, so a strong understanding of what makes a thumbnail appealing is key. Check below youtube shorts
I'm looking for a designer who can create a modern and minimalist Certificate of Compliance for my company. The certificate should incorporate our company logo and name, the date of compliance, and an authorized signature. Key aspects of the project include: - Creating a clean, modern design that aligns with a minimalist aesthetic - Incorporating specific company branding elements - Delivering the final design in a high-quality PDF format Ideal candidates will have experience in graphic design, particularly in creating corporate certificates, and a strong understanding of modern, minimalist design principles.
...professional web developer who can create an engaging and user-friendly informational website for my new business. Key Responsibilities: - Build a website that primarily serves to inform visitors about our company, our services, and how to get in touch. - Improve and integrate some pre-existing content into the site, while also creating new, high-quality content where necessary. Required Skills: - Strong web development and design skills. - Excellent content creation and editing abilities. - Experience in building informational websites. - Good understanding of SEO best practices. - Ability to deliver a responsive and mobile-friendly website. Sections to be Included: - About Us: A section detailing our company's mission, vision, and te...
I'm in need of a skilled content writer with expertise in crafting technical articles within the healthcare sector. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in content writing, specifically technical articles - Deep understanding or experience in the healthcare field - Ability to simplify complex information and make it engaging - Excellent research skills - Adherence to deadlines Your role will primarily involve: - Writing technical articles related to healthcare - Conducting necessary research to ensure content accuracy and relevance - Adapting writing style to suit different topics and audiences Your understanding of healthcare and technical writing will be key to creating content that is both informative and accessible. If you have ...
...functionality and user experience of established sites like 91 Club, Big Mumbai, and Big Daddy. Key Features: - A fully functional control panel that allows for: - User Management: Overseeing user accounts, their activities, and ensuring a safe gaming environment. - Game Management: Adding, removing, and monitoring games on the platform. - Analytics and Reporting: Tracking site performance, user engagement, and other key metrics. - An integrated admin panel for overall site management. - A secured and reliable payment gateway: We prefer Razorpay for seamless transactions. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in developing casino gaming websites or similar platforms. - Proficiency in integrating payment gateways, particularly Razorpay. - Skills in cre...
...The project requires: - Implementation of a payment gateway for secure transactions. - Integration of social media for sharing and connectivity. - Incorporation of analytics tools for tracking and understanding user behaviour. - Setting up Email and Password for user authentication. - Implementation of push notifications for timely updates. - Ensuring responsive design for mobile and desktop views. - Adding search functionality to enhance user navigation. - Integration of live chat for customer support. - Ensuring SEO optimization for better search engine ranking. - Inclusion of multilingual support for broader accessibility. I'm open to any suggestions you might have that could enhance the project. The ideal candidate should have extensi...
**Table of Contents** 1. Introduction 2. Project Scope 3. Goals 4. Objectives 5. Functional Requirements 6. Design - Front-End UI Inspirations - UML Use-Case Diagram 7. Project Deliverables 8. Communication Plans --- ### 1. Introduction This project proposal outlines the development plan for an online clothing shopping web application similar to ASOS. The platform will offer a seamless online shopping experience for clothing and accessories with features such as: - A modern, responsive design accessible across devices. - Personalized product recommendations. - Secure payment options. - User account management. - Efficient order tracking. The goal is to build an intuitive, engaging, and reliable shopping experience while creating a scala...
I'm seeking a professional web developer to build a modern and sleek website for a home repair service. The site should include: - An Online Booking System: Customers should be able to schedule appointments directly through the site. - A Service Request Form: A simple, intuitive form for customers to request services. - A Customer Reviews Section: This will help build trust and credibility with potential clients by showcasing our satisfied customers. - Create detailed service description pages for each type of home repair. - Ensure the website is fully responsive for an optimal mobile experience. - Integrate secure payment gateways to allow for online payments. - Add a Frequently Asked Questions section to address common customer queries. - Include a Live Chat Support f...
I need an expert in setting up TikTok ad campaigns targeting teenagers, specifically promoting entertainment and events. Your role will involve creating engaging ads that resonate with this demographic and driving brand awareness and participation in events. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in TikTok ad campaigns - Understanding of teenage interests in entertainment - Creativity in crafting engaging ad content Experience: - Prior work with entertainment and event brands - Successful campaigns targeting a teenage audience - TikTok platform mastery
...Trailer utilization The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience in developing fleet management software - Strong skills in web-based application development - Knowledge of the trucking industry would be an advantage The plan is to launch each milestone in steps. This way, we can beta test the first milestone while working on the rest. I am open to your professional suggestions on the timeline and development process. Your bid should reflect your understanding of the project and your estimated timeline for completion. The software should be developed as a web-based application. The project should include the development of a mobile application for drivers to use alongside the w...
I need a professional web developer to create a website for my company. The primary purpose of the site will be to showcase our company information. Key Features: - The site needs to highlight our services and offerings, as well as our company history and mission. - I would like the website to include interactive elements such as service inquiry forms and a Live Chat feature. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web development with a strong portfolio of company websites - Expertise in creating interactive elements on websites - Understanding of showcasing a company's history and mission on a website - Excellent communication skills for understanding and implementing my requirements
I'm seeking an Entry-Level Workforce Development Coordinator with a focus on Recruitment and Placement in the Technology sector. Ideal Skills: - Strong understanding of tech industry trends - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills - Ability to identify and attract talent - Basic knowledge of recruitment tools and platforms - Eagerness to learn and grow in the field - Exceptional problem-solving abilities - Strong time management and organizational skills - Adaptability to rapidly changing environments - Proactive approach to identifying and solving potential issues - Proficiency in team collaboration tools and practices - Attention to detail in the recruitment process Your main responsibilities will include: - Sourcing pote...