Questions to ask in a restaurant survey仕事


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2,000 questions to ask in a restaurant survey 見つかった仕事

アマゾンユーザへのアンケート アマゾンユーザーの方に動画でのアンケートがご...します。 Native Japanese Amazon Users for Video Survey We need native Japanese Amazon users to participate in a short video survey. The survey results will be used for Japanese Amazon market research. You will get 8$ upon completion of the survey. Requirements: * At least 18 yrs old * Japanese * Live in Japan * Amazon user * Webcam or phone camera Procedure: 1st, there will be a short screening questionnaire to check if you match the requirements. 2nd, you will be asked to complete a short video survey about your Amazon use (10-15 min). 3rd, we will check if you completed the survey as requested. If yes, we will pay you 8$. If there is any miss...

$12 Average bid
$12 平均入札額
4 入札

...working with children? If you have a friendly and patient personality that kids adore, we have an exciting opportunity for you! **Position:** Playing Minecraft with Japanese Young Kids who have very limited English proficiency as their English tutor and playmate. No Japanese language proficiency required. **Job Overview:** In this role, prior English teaching experience isn't a major requirement. Our students, mostly 6 to 8-year-old boys new to English learning, are exposed to basic and straightforward content. We cover simple topics like naming "colors, animals, and body parts," and introduce basic phrases such as "I want" and "I have" to those just starting to grasp English. Additionally, ...

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr 平均入札額
3 入札

Dear Mr. David Dundas, Hello again, this is Yasuko WASHITANI from Japan. I have a manuscript should be revised and submit soon. I would like to ask you to proofread a part of it (actually 2 pages of all (7 pages)).

$60 Average bid
$60 平均入札額
1 入札
Trophy icon Kawaii style robots
終了 left

...I need 2 characters created for new apparel campaign. 1 female (robot or superhero) in Kawaii Style, 1 male (robot or superhero) in Kawaii Style Think cute but deadly. Most creative entry wins. The art can be hand drawn or digitally created, The final work will be in vector or psd, vector preferred. I need 2 total art works for the final submission. Art must be original and in vector format. Target Market: Apparel for Japanese and American Kawaii fans (young adults ages 18 - 25) Submission: Submit your entry as a 1 page overview. Final work may need additional edits after end of contest. Post any questions in the discussion forum. ----------------------- Translation of above post in Japanese: 付属品を参考にしてく...

$60 Average bid

I have an important interview in Business Intelligence. In order to succeed, I need to prepare by simulating the interview and practice in English, so I need a native speaker. I'd like to ask several hours of practicing together with good English or American freelancers. The result is two hours of English conversation for several hours and creation of standard answers. Those who wish, please submit your application. 眼の前に、重要な面接がやってきます。 成功するために、いろいろ準備して起きたちと思っています。 対策の一つは、真剣のインタビューを事前に真似しておくことです。そして、英語上手のかた、またはアメリカ人とか、一緒に数時間の練習をお願いしたいと思っています。 成果として、数時間の英会話と標準回答の作成との2つです。 ご希望の方、どうぞご応募よろしくおねがいします。

$24 / hr Average bid
$24 / hr 平均入札額
2 入札

I want to ask you the entire renewal of this website. 「シーボニアヨットクラブ」< > Renewal Pages: ○概要、What's new ○理事長ご挨拶 ○設備(メンバーズルーム、事務局、レストラン)、空撮 ○交通、Googleマップ、地図 ○集合写真、理事長、部会長写真 ○入会案内 ●概要、写真 → Lightbox機能の導入 ●各カテゴリ年間イベントカレンダー → Googleカレンダー等で代用 ●各カテゴリ別写真フォルダー → 要検討 ○セイルボートカテゴリ紹介 ○クルーザーカテゴリ紹介 ○ディンギーカテゴリ紹介 ○パワーボートカテゴリ紹介 ○お問い合わせフォーム ○外部サイト・リンク

$157 Average bid
$157 平均入札額
13 入札

イタリア観光情報とワイナリーツアーに関するウェブサイトにて SEOなどウェブサイトのマーケティングが可能な方を探しています。 目的はウェブサイトへのトラフィックの増加、オンラインプロフィールの向上です。 コンサルティングを兼ねて、細かくご相談にのってくださる方が好ましいです。 ご不明な点がございましたら、ご連絡ください。 I need someone to do some SEO marketing for my business. This marketing should increase traffic to our website as well as increase our online profile. The marketing should improve our online reputation. Please message me if you have any questions. (in Japanese website)

$67 Average bid
$67 平均入札額
17 入札

イタリア観光情報とワイナリーツアーに関するウェブサイトにて SEOなどウェブサイトのマーケティングが可能な方を探しています。 目的はウェブサイトへのトラフィックの増加、オンラインプロフィールの向上です。 コンサルティングを兼ねて、細かくご相談にのってくださる方が好ましいです。 ご不明な点がございましたら、ご連絡ください。 I need someone to do some SEO marketing for my business. This marketing should increase traffic to our website as well as increase our online profile. The marketing should improve our online reputation. Please message me if you have any questions. (in Japanese website)

$95 Average bid
$95 平均入札額
14 入札

【仕事内容】: 来店されたお客さんを対象にアンケートの協力をお願いし、その回答をアプリに入力する。 (家具や日用品を販売する店です。) 【日時】: 11月― 10日, 11日, 17日, 18日, 24日, 25日 の6日間。一部のみは不可。 一日に6時間の勤務となります。 【場所】: 東京都内 (新宿、青山、日本橋、代官山) にある店舗にて。 【応募条件】: ・英語ができる、 20代、30代の女性の方。 (お客さんの一部は外国人。説明会も英語で行われる)。 ・タブレットを持参できる方。 (専用のアプリをインストール必要あり) ・事前に面接に来ていただける方。 (面接の際、交通費の全額もしくは一部の支給あり) ・採用が決定した場合、仕事の初日の前に説明会があります。 (約1.5時間程度。支給あり。) ・コミュニケーションスキルが得意、お客さんに能動的に声をかけることに抵抗がない方。  この様な仕事、もしくはイベントコンパニオンの経験がある方は優遇します。 【応募不可】: ・コミュニケーションスキルが得意でない方。 人見知りをされる方。 ・接客に負担を感じる方で、最後まできちんと対応する自信がない方。 ・長く立てない方。 ・大学を卒業されていない方。 【報酬】: (全日勤務で)72,000円 ~ 120,000円の範囲の金額のご提案をお待ちしています。 5名募集 質問がありましたらお気軽にお尋ねください。

$666 Average bid
$666 平均入札額
2 入札

Hi naifeiwu, this is Loco Partners. I understand that you have agreed to translate for us and have been told how to use our masteradmin page. The list of the first 10 plans that we would like you to translate is written below. The first two numbers are the Plan IDs and Hotel IDs respectively. Use them to make sure you are translating the correct hotels. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you 13772 11559 ウェスティンホテル大阪 お部屋でフルコースディナー<br />高層ラグジュアリールームで過ごす記念日プラン 13773 11559 ウェスティンホテル大阪 お部屋でフルコースディナー<br />高層エグゼクティブルームで過ごす記念日プラン 13774 11559 ウェスティンホテル大阪 【記念日】アニバーサリーステイ/アマデウスディナー&アニバーサリーケーキ付【夕食のみ】 13775 11559 ウェスティンホテル大阪 【記念日】アニバーサリーステイ/アマデウスディナー&アニバーサリーケーキ付【エグゼクティブ】 13884 11680 軽井沢マリオットホテル 軽井沢 Basic Stay~素泊まり~ 1...

$22 Average bid
$22 平均入札額
1 入札

...[About us] We are a production company in Japan (Tokyo) that deal directly with the Japanese listed companies more than 300. 私たちが手掛けている制作物は、会社案内、コーポレートサイト、カタログ、アニュアルレポート、CSRレポートです。 Production that we are working on, the company guidance, corporate site, catalogs, annual reports, CSR reports. 私たちが仕事をするうえで最も大切にしていることは、まず世の中にあるデザインの優れているものを徹底的に集め、分析することです。 That we are the most important in terms of the work, thoroughly collect what first is better some of the design in the world, it is to analyze. 仕事の契約をした際には、私たちの会社の名前もお伝えします。 At the time of the contract of work, it also tells the name of our company. 【仕事内容について】 みなさまに協力してほしいことは、世の中にある優れたデザインを集めてほしいです。 About Job Description] that you want to cooperate with everyone is, I ...

$686 Average bid
$686 平均入札額
7 入札

I need a person who can take up calls for me. I'm a psychologist and have a private practice. I want a Japanese/English speaking assistant who can answer prospective clients' questions, take up their info, and set up an initial appointment. 日本語と英語をしゃべれるバーチュアルアシスタントを探しています。電話・メールでのアポイントメントのセットアップ、基本的な質問に答える、コーラーの情報を得る、などのシンプルなタスクを正確に、優しい声でしてくれる人を探しています。

$115 Average bid
$115 平均入札額
3 入札

Hi, I'm glad to see you again! I would like to post a project again. The job is same previous one, but it is larger number. survey about 4,000 building in chicago. Buildings: 3,892 , Budget: 150,000 YEN , Time frame : please submit the survey result by March 24, Steps: 4 steps by about 1,000 buildings Could you accept this? Regard.

$1142 Average bid
$1142 平均入札額
1 入札

Translation project from English to Japanese. Native level Japanese is required. I will ask you to translate attached docs. (2 documents) All texts should be translated. Tables including text should be translated. 英語から日本語への翻訳の依頼です。 日本語はネイティブレベルのスキルを求めます。 添付の2つのファイルを書類を日本語への翻訳をお願いします。 テキスト部分をすべて翻訳して頂きます。 表部分もテキストが含まれるものは翻訳必要。

$123 Average bid
$123 平均入札額
14 入札

【development request of iOS app】 I want to ask the development of apps that listen to the radio. Listen radio is only one station. the operation of the carrier lines such as docomoLTE au4G is required . Thanks. 【IOS ラジオ試聴アプリの開発依頼】 アプリ内でラジオ放送を試聴するアプリの開発を依頼したく思います。 試聴チャンネルは1局のみ「サイマル放送 FM KENTO」になります。 docomoLTEやau4G回線のようなキャリア回線での動作が必須になります。 よろしくお願いいたします。

$1049 Average bid
$1049 平均入札額
1 入札

SAKURA CIRCUS Hi all, I want to make a logo for my new Circus ( SAKURA CIRCUS ) IN JAPAN! THIS DESIGN IS FOR A JAPANESE CIRCUS Base Colors are PINK and WHITE. Pink color is more like FUCHSIA. YOU CAN USE OTHER COLORS BUT BASE IS WHITE AND PINKFUCHSIA Please include the SAKURA flower (cherry blossom) in the logo Key words for you to have in mind are ("ENJOY, EXCITING, FUNNY, SMILE,DREAM,HAPPY" I want the logo to be cheerful, happy, cute and especially appealing for KIDS... A feminine design is prefered. All people, children to old people can understand this logo is "CIRCUS!!" what I want. Also, the logo is meant to be used for SIGNBOARD, LEAFLETS, POSTER, ALL PU...

$28 Average bid
$28 平均入札額
14 入札

日本語の母語話者だけ。外国人に翻訳された短い調査をより自然、適当な日本語で書き直す仕事です。字数は約2500-3000だ。締め切りは水曜日の午前8時までです(日本時)。For Japanese native speakers only.

$18 Average bid
$18 平均入札額
3 入札

...selection. If you bid low to be selected and then ask for more, I will cancel the project immediately. Only serious professionals should apply. ? If you are not comfortable with this, do not bid. ? Project Description: Hello, I am looking for an experienced developer in PDF data extraction to create an automated script that converts a PDF invoice into a CSV file formatted for MySQL import via phpMyAdmin. ? ? Input Data: A PDF file containing an invoice structured in a table format. Each row in the invoice contains: item number, description, quantity, unit, unit price (HT), VAT rate, and total price. ? ? Goal: Automatically extract data from the PDF. Convert the extracted data into a CSV file with specific ...

$158 Average bid
$158 平均入札額
26 入札

...options to help you organize and clean up your accounting records in QuickBooks. Here are the services I provide: - Review and Correction of Transactions: I examine existing transactions in QuickBooks Online and correct any errors or discrepancies in the accounts. - Bank Reconciliation: I ensure that bank transactions match the records in QuickBooks Online. - Classification of Expenses and Income: I correctly organize and classify transactions into the appropriate categories. - Duplicate Removal: I look for and eliminate duplicate transactions or unnecessary records that may inflate financial reports. - Inventory Regularization: If you manage inventory, I verify the accuracy of inventory records and adjust quantities as necessary. - Missing Data Update...

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr 平均入札額
1 入札
AI Voice Agent for Real Estate
6 日 left

...project will develop a fully automated AI-powered voice calling agent that acts as a real estate sales representative. The AI will autonomously call leads, engage in human-like conversations, qualify prospects, and update a centralized dashboard with call summaries, lead statuses, and conversation insights. The system will use: OpenAI Whisper for Speech-to-Text (STT) to accurately transcribe conversations. 11 Labs API for Text-to-Speech (TTS) to generate highly realistic AI voice responses. A dynamic dashboard to track leads, call status, and follow-ups. Core Functionalities 1. Lead Management & CSV Upload System CSV Upload Feature: Users can upload a CSV file with the following lead details: Lead Name Ph...

$20 Average bid
$20 平均入札額
9 入札

I'm looking for a developer to create a straightforward online quiz application. The quiz will consist solely of multiple choice questions. Key Features: - Predefined Static Key: Users will be provided with a single static key, which they'll use as a password to access the quiz. - Error Handling: If a user inputs an incorrect key, the application should simply display an error message. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web development and programming languages suitable for creating interactive online applications. - Experience in developing simple quiz applications is a plus. - Ability to implement basic error handling mechanisms.

$101 Average bid
$101 平均入札額
28 入札

I'm looking for a talented web developer who can help me create a private, custom interactive website for my boyfriend's birthday. I've already mapped out the requirements, so this will be a straightforward project for the right person. Website Requirements: - An interactive platform where questions can be answered - A photo gallery that includes a slideshow with animations Budget: INR 5k - 7k Ideal Skills: - Web development and programming - Experience with creating interactive websites - Understanding of implementing animated slideshows - Good communication to understand and implement pre-planned ideas Please note that this project is time-sensitive, so a prompt response will be appreciated.

$86 Average bid
$86 平均入札額
27 入札

We need a logo for our textile brand "Prenil Weaves" for the purpose of business concentrating on export, local and online sales. I have attached a sample logo for your reference. Need source file with all the fonts and elements. Preferences: 1) Our logo should contain letters "DPN" with a Crown. 2) Kindly give your innovative ideas related to textile. If you have any questions, please dm me. Thank you.

$10 Average bid
102 エントリー

...interested in developing a custom payment system that functions as an independent payment provider and can be integrated into an existing project. Requirements: 1. Core Payment System Features • Mobile apps (iOS & Android) with multilingual support • Add, store, and manage credit and bank cards • Send, receive, and withdraw payments • QR code generation for receiving and making payments • Subscription-based monetization models 2. Administrator and User Features • Admin dashboard with comprehensive statistics and reports on transactions, user activity, revenue, etc. • User dashboard with transaction overview, account management, and security options • Advanced security measures, including 2FA, biometric authentication, ...

$4752 Average bid
$4752 平均入札額
56 入札

Project Title: Development of a Training Manual for Food Preparation Project Description: I am looking for a freelancer to create a detailed training manual for a food preparation task, following specific guidelines. The project consists of the following tasks: Create a Training Manual Select a recipe (provided in the assignment). Write a step-by-step instruction manual including: Preparation steps Process steps Cleaning steps Equipment usage explanations Incorporate food safety measures, sanitation steps, workplace safety, and work simplification principles using different color-coded text. Ensure the manual is clear, well-structured, and suitable for beginners. Write a Reflection Report Answer specific questions...

$72 Average bid
$72 平均入札額
25 入札
Trophy icon Logo Design for "SMIGO Mart"
9 日 left

I'm looking for a modern logo for my e-commerce brand "SMIGO Mart" with any two colours Deliverables: - Source file with all the fonts and elements - Option to DM for any clarifications or questions I appreciate your creativity and look forward to your proposals. Thank You.

$11 Average bid

$10.00 – 30.00 USD Bidding ends in 6 days, 16 hours Project Overview This project will develop a fully automated AI-powered voice calling agent that acts as a real estate sales representative. The AI will autonomously call leads, engage in human-like conversations, qualify prospects, and update a centralized dashboard with call summaries, lead statuses, and conversation insights. The system will use: OpenAI Whisper for Speech-to-Text (STT) to accurately transcribe conversations. 11 Labs API for Text-to-Speech (TTS) to generate highly realistic AI voice responses. A dynamic dashboard to track leads, call status, and follow-ups. Core Functionalities 1. Lead Management & CSV Upload System CSV Upload Feat...

$17 Average bid
$17 平均入札額
13 入札

I'm launching a small business focused on a personality test for educators/teachers recruitment. I need a professional, clean e-commerce website that can handle the following: - Payment Processing: The site should accept Credit Card, PayPal, and Bank Transfer. - Test Access: After payment, users should receive randomly generated codes via Email (and on-screen) to access their tests. - Test Design: The test consists of 100 questions with a 15-second time limit for each (users choose A or B). Questions should appear randomly, ensuring no two tests are in the same order. - Result Delivery: Once the test is completed, a PDF with the results should be automatically sent to the user. The ideal freelancer for thi...

$1895 Average bid
$1895 平均入札額
94 入札

I'm starting a small business centered around an online personality test for recruitment purposes. I'm in need of a modern and minimalistic website that serves the following functionalities: - Homepage Link to Test Purchase: Users should be able to navigate to the test purchase page via a link on the homepage. - E-commerce Functionality: Users will purchase the test using a Credit Card or they can request an invoice for a bank transfer. Upon payment confirmation, they receive randomly generated code(s) to access the test. - Test Design: The test consists of 100 questions. Users will select an option A or B within a 15 seconds timeframe. The questions should appear in a...

$1809 Average bid
$1809 平均入札額
27 入札

I'm looking for a talented designer to create a modern style homepage landing page for a new construction company website: Design must be ultra HD 4k, high resolution, can be 3D, but needs to be modern similar to the landing page of this high quality website: Also, must be compatible with mobile view, we are using webflow to develop. Looking for high quality designer with good eye for landing page, what we have now is an example of what we want to display as the landing page - Attached is a screenshot. **This is just an idea/example of what the design should be. It is stock image, not real background / landing page. Please submit best work, winner will have priority to bid on upcoming projects and will be go-...

$150 Average bid
71 エントリー

...extensive experience in both iOS and Android) to create a mobile-first messaging application akin to WhatsApp. The app allows users to sign up with their mobile numbers and chat one-on-one or in groups. A unique aspect is the integration of AI, which will analyze messages and documents within chats, providing contextual summaries and responding to user inquiries. Key Features: - Real-time messaging: This is the core of any messaging app. The system needs to handle millions of messages per second without lag. - Media Sharing: Users should be able to share images, videos, and other media seamlessly. - Secure Communication: Implement end-to-end encryption to ensure user privacy. - AI-Powered Document Proce...

$615 Average bid
$615 平均入札額
70 入札
Laravel Development - 1 March 2025
6 日 left

...developers to work on our projects. Also, should be able to complete the tasks in a quicker time, All bugs are to be fixed free of charge. Please send your answers to the below questions; 1. What type of Software you have done in Laravel+Vue? 2. How many years of Industry experience you have in Laravel software development? 3. How many years of Industry experience you have in Vue software development? 4. How many years of Industry experience you have in Laravel + Vue software development? 5. What are your other skills and capabilities? 6. Are you employed anywhere now and if as in which capacity and responsibilities? 7. What is your lowest expected monthly salary in USD? 8. What is your No of ...

$509 Average bid
$509 平均入札額
46 入札

As a coaching institute, we have a project that entails typing approximately 3000 questions. The questions are primarily for Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, and they will all be in a Multiple Choice format.

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr 平均入札額
220 入札
Answer Two Questions for $15
6 日 left

I need a web developer to answer these questions for me: 1- How to apply Google Pay, Apple Pay, and interac e-Transfer so that our users can use them, in addition to PayPal and credit and debit cards 2- Is that possible at all? 3- What are the APIs for that (that I need to give to the web developer)?

$12 Average bid
$12 平均入札額
17 入札
Leadership Case Studies Assignment
6 日 left

I need assistance with an assignment focused on leadership case studies. The case study must have the following: • Executive summary • Table of content • Introduction • Body of assignment (questions related to case need to be answered) • Conclusion / Recommendation if any • References (in-text + citation) to be used. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Knowledge of leadership theories and skills - Strong background in analyzing leadership case studies - Excellent writing and research skills - Ability to deliver high-quality, original work on time

$89 Average bid
$89 平均入札額
54 入札

I'm looking for a doctorate level statistician to assist with mixed-methods data analysis. My project involves analyzing both quantitative and qualitative data, sourced primarily from surveys and interviews. The study explores business opportunities in the healthcare industry. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze quantitative data gathered from surveys, using SPSS including conducting reliability analysis (e.g., Cronbach’s alpha). - Analyze qualitative data gathered from interviews, including conducting thematic analysis. - Provide insights and interpretations from the mixed-methods analysis. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in mixed-methods research. -Expertise in quantitative analysis (e.g., SPSS). -Proficiency in qualitat...

$218 Average bid
$218 平均入札額
34 入札

...project will develop a fully automated AI-powered voice calling agent that acts as a real estate sales representative. The AI will autonomously call leads, engage in human-like conversations, qualify prospects, and update a centralized dashboard with call summaries, lead statuses, and conversation insights. The system will use: OpenAI Whisper for Speech-to-Text (STT) to accurately transcribe conversations. 11 Labs API for Text-to-Speech (TTS) to generate highly realistic AI voice responses. A dynamic dashboard to track leads, call status, and follow-ups. Core Functionalities 1. Lead Management & CSV Upload System CSV Upload Feature: Users can upload a CSV file with the following lead details: Lead Name Ph...

$82 Average bid
$82 平均入札額
23 入札

...high-resolution version of the attached AI inspired restaurant interior design with the following modifications: The Goal: I have two main walls in the restaurant that need decorations, on one wall I want to have a big picture of the baby chicken (katkout). On the other wall, the same picture of a female baby chicken (katkouta). I will attach pictures to inspire the design of the chick design and colors. I might also want to tell the life story of a cool baby chick in picture form surrounding the big baby chick in the middle. I will attach a picture of the real restaurant sign that we already installed. I want the design to be 3D, I want a specific pattern of decoration that I can...

$200 Average bid

I'm looking for a skilled Java Spring Boot developer to build a mobile-friendly restaurant menu admin website with PostgreSQL. Key Features: - Menu Updates: The admin should be able to modify the restaurant's menu in real-time. Design: - I have a concept for the design, but will need your expertise to help flesh it out. User Access: - The system should support two levels of user access: Admin and staff. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Java Spring Boot and PostgreSQL is a must. - Experience in creating mobile-friendly websites. - Prior work with admin websites will be a plus. - UI/UX design skills will be beneficial.

$159 Average bid
$159 平均入札額
71 入札
Trophy icon CultureSync Logo Design & Branding
13 日 left

Design a logo for the Product CultureSync CultureSync is a technology that compares 2 companies culture, usually prior to an acquisition. I have attached a few screenshots. The goal of CultureSync is to align 2 company cultures. The logo should portray that. I prefer SIMPLE Design. No small element that won't scale down to icon size. Assume the logo has TEXT and Graphic. Not sure of the orientation. Not sure of colors, make your case WHY? My RULES: -To avoid AI designs. Add text within your entry briefly explaining your design concept. If I don't see this... instant rejection -No comment SPAM. Telling me to "check entry #____" is instant rejection for all your designs. I will check every entry. Asking m...

$150 Average bid
特集 保証
399 エントリー

We are a great local business, seeking a dedicated Marketing Manager for our pizza restaurant. The role involves implementing a broad range of marketing strategies, with a primary focus on promoting our food, services, dine-in and party spaces to local families, individuals, schools and businesses. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and execute an all-encompassing marketing strategy: This includes social media and text campaigns, plus traditional methods like visiting local businesses, schools, and events, as well as distributing flyers and other promotional materials. - Target Local Businesses: Craft campaigns specifically aimed at enticing nearby companies to choose our restaurant for their business lunches, dinners, and event...

$843 Average bid
$843 平均入札額
20 入札

Download a dataset from Kaggle () related to business analytics, such as sales, customer behavior, marketing trends, or financial performance etc. The dataset must include at least two categorical variables and at least two continuous variables. 1. Critically examine how the selected dataset can help address a specific business problem. Refer to the variables in the dataset to support your analysis. 2. Critically evaluate one variable from your dataset, using an appropriate statistical technique (such as descriptive statistics or a visual summary). Justify your choice of technique. 3. Formulate and test a hypothesis using two variables from your dataset. Your response should: a. Construct the nul...

$383 Average bid
$383 平均入札額
51 入札

I am the owner of a credit card processing company that helps restaurant owners reduce the fees they pay for processing. Additionally, our clients may receive a complete POS system for their restaurant completely free of charge. For now, I need the collaboration of a creative design expert to develop the ad that will be used in a Facebook campaign. The management and launch of the campaign will be handled by another team, so your focus will be exclusively on creating the ad. Project Objectives: Ad Design: Create a visually appealing ad that clearly and concisely communicates the value proposition: helping restaurant owners save on card processing fees and receive a free complete POS system. Impactful Message: De...

$125 Average bid
$125 平均入札額
73 入札
Logo Design
6 日 left

I've created a logo for you and I'm eager to hear your thoughts. Please review the design and let me know if you need any modifications or specific requests. High-quality files will be provided. Aspects for Feedback: - Color scheme - Font style - Overall design Please let me know if you have any questions. Looking forward to your response!

$47 Average bid
$47 平均入札額
22 入札

I have a case study and these are the questiosn related to the case study Questions 1. Construct a mathematical model to solve the above optimization problem and create the network diagram. Critically explain each part of the model by including limitations or assumptions. Support your answer with two scientific articles published. 2. Solve the mathematical model by using Solver Tool. Include screenshots of the model showing the objective function, the optimal solution, and the constraints. Discuss the solution. 3. Based on the solution from Question 2. critically evaluate the impact of the following events on the solution: a. The production managers in Abu Dhabi and Dubai sites decided to increase the annual producti...

$414 Average bid
$414 平均入札額
37 入札

I'm seeking a network engineer with experience in configuring Ubiquiti EdgeRouters. The job is to create a reliable, persistent VPN connection between 3 routers - one acting as a server with a static IP and the 2 others as a client behind a CGNAT networks, Key Project Requirements: - Establish a VPN connection that can withstand reboots or network changes without requiring manual intervention. - Ensure the connection is stable and secure enough for remote access to an IP camera. - Utilize your expertise to implement a VPN protocol that balances performance and security, with standard encryption levels. - We will create a sheet with all CLI commands to run in case there is a...

$159 Average bid
$159 平均入札額
18 入札

I'm looking to create a tailored GPT in ChatGPT for internal use in my office. This AI will encompass all data related to a new home development site. Data Sources: - PDF files: I have numerous documents that need to be processed. - Loom videos: These include presentations to clients that contain crucial information. - WhatsApp chat history: This will provide insights into team discussions. - Recorded phone calls: Potentially, these will also be included for a comprehensive data set. The goal is to upload everything into this GPT, enabling my team to ask any question and receive accurate answers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in AI and machine learning, specifically with ChatGPT....

$599 Average bid
$599 平均入札額
45 入札
Trophy icon Vulnerable Population Care Plan
2 日 left

...Overview This project will require you to look more deeply into multiple concepts, such as clinical judgment, patient-centeredness, health promotion, professionalism, and healthcare systems, by creating a visual care plan and written summary for a patient in a vulnerable population. You will look at vulnerable populations in general and, specifically, how and why these groups are marginalized when accessing health care. You will also look at how the lack of access to healthcare can affect the health and safety of individuals within a chosen vulnerable population. You will develop a presentation based on your findings and present it to your Clinical Instructors. Sign up Link located on canvas page. The assignment is wo...

$100 Average bid
特集 保証 トップコンテスト

I'm seeking a data analyst to help interpret data from a recent survey of mine. The focus will primarily be on descriptive statistics. Requirements: - Extensive experience with data analysis, specifically with survey data - Proficiency in descriptive statistics - Ability to present findings in a clear and concise manner

$107 Average bid
$107 平均入札額
36 入札