Pay write pharmacy school personal statement仕事
...translation content to those freelancers who are considered to be the best candidates. ■採用条件 / Hiring Conditions ・英語、日本語がネイティブであること ・ワークシフトでのプロフィールや評価がしっかりしていること ・日本語、若しくは英語でのコミュニケーションがこまめに取れる方 ・採用時に本人確認書類を入れていただく可能性があります- Profile (language skills) ・Native English and Japanese speaker ・Substantial and completed Workshift profile ・Applicant who can be in touch frequently in Japanese or English. ・Personal identification verification may be asked during recruiting process. ■納品ファイルの形式 / Delivery Form 納品形式のPDFファイルをお送りします。 We will send an PDF file . ■禁止事項 / Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any existing content or article already su...
...translation content to those freelancers who are considered to be the best candidates. ■採用条件 / Hiring Conditions ・英語、日本語がネイティブであること ・ワークシフトでのプロフィールや評価がしっかりしていること ・日本語、若しくは英語でのコミュニケーションがこまめに取れる方 ・採用時に本人確認書類を入れていただく可能性があります- Profile (language skills) ・Native English and Japanese speaker ・Substantial and completed Workshift profile ・Applicant who can be in touch frequently in Japanese or English. ・Personal identification verification may be asked during recruiting process. ■納品ファイルの形式 / Delivery Form 納品形式のPDFファイルをお送りします。 We will send an PDF file . ■禁止事項 / Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any existing content or article already su...
...translation content to those freelancers who are considered to be the best candidates. ■採用条件 / Hiring Conditions ・英語、日本語がネイティブであること ・ワークシフトでのプロフィールや評価がしっかりしていること ・日本語、若しくは英語でのコミュニケーションがこまめに取れる方 ・採用時に本人確認書類を入れていただく可能性があります- Profile (language skills) ・Native English and Japanese speaker ・Substantial and completed Workshift profile ・Applicant who can be in touch frequently in Japanese or English. ・Personal identification verification may be asked during recruiting process. ■納品ファイルの形式 / Delivery Form 納品形式のPDFファイルをお送りします。 We will send an PDF file . ■禁止事項 / Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any existing content or article already su...
...translation content to those freelancers who are considered to be the best candidates. ■採用条件 / Hiring Conditions ・英語、日本語がネイティブであること ・ワークシフトでのプロフィールや評価がしっかりしていること ・日本語、若しくは英語でのコミュニケーションがこまめに取れる方 ・採用時に本人確認書類を入れていただく可能性があります- Profile (language skills) ・Native English and Japanese speaker ・Substantial and completed Workshift profile ・Applicant who can be in touch frequently in Japanese or English. ・Personal identification verification may be asked during recruiting process. ■納品ファイルの形式 / Delivery Form 納品形式のPDFファイルをお送りします。 We will send an PDF file . ■禁止事項 / Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any existing content or article already su...
記事の執筆 旅に役立つ情報や旅関連の情報の記事を作成してほしいです。 旅人に使えるガジェットや旅を収益に結びつける方法など専門的な事の方がよりいいです。 海外から情報発信を行なっている様に記事書いて頂きたいです。
オーストラリア・シドニーにて運営している現地の日本人むけ学校のホームページ作成です。指定のデザインテンプレート()があります。このテンプレートを使用し: ・ウェブサイトのデザイン作業 ・日本語の英語両方をターゲットにしたサイトのデザインサポート ・指定のウェブホスティングサイト()へ構築する作業のサポート をお願いします。
I have a personal letter to be edited, spell checked and "Grammarly Gramma Correction Free" of errors and translated from common English to formal Chinese language. The letter will not only be translated but said letter must also be written in a formal to gain elegance in the use of the Chinese language.
読んでいただきありがとうございます。 海外サイトRedditから、アニメに対するコメントを英→日に翻訳していただきたいです。 内容は、High School DxD BorN 1-12話 Working!!!3期 1‐13話 2作品合計25話分です。 書き方は添付ファイルを参照してください。 1.RedditのコメントをコピーしてOpen Officeに貼り付ける。 注:ファイルはOpen Officeでの提出でお願いします。 DLはこちらから→ 2.英語のコメントの下に日本語の翻訳を書く。 3.話の時系列に並べる。 4.全体の感想として述べられているものは一番最後にまとめる。 以上が流れになります。 下記サイトあにこ便を観ると話の流れも速く理解でき、翻訳しやすいと思います。 !!!&x=0&y=0 アニメが好きな方には楽しんでいただけると思います。 締め切りは6月の末まででお願いします。
読んでいただきありがとうございます。 海外サイトRedditから、アニメに対するコメントを英→日に翻訳していただきたいです。 内容は、High School DxD BorN 1-12話 Working!!!3期 1‐13話 2作品合計25話分です。 書き方は添付ファイルを参照してください。 1.RedditのコメントをコピーしてOpen Officeに貼り付ける。 注:ファイルはOpen Officeでの提出でお願いします。 DLはこちらから→ 2.英語のコメントの下に日本語の翻訳を書く。 3.話の時系列に並べる。 4.全体の感想として述べられているものは一番最後にまとめる。 以上が流れになります。 下記サイトあにこ便を観ると話の流れも速く理解でき、翻訳しやすいと思います。 !!!&x=0&y=0 アニメが好きな方には楽しんでいただけると思います。 締め切りは6月の末まででお願いします。
◆概要 作業手順、チェックリスト、Todoリストの作成と、それを紹介する1200文字以上の記事を作成して頂きます。質の高い記事を作成してくださった方には、月に10~20の記事を依頼します。終了時期は定めず、数年間続く予定です。 ◆価格 入稿して頂く記事の品質(クオリティ)が高ければ、単価もアップします。 良文で、長文であるほど、単価をアップします。 スタートの単価は、1000文字以上で、1文字1円です。 上限単価は定めてませんが、1文字5円まではあると考えてください。 良い記事を継続的に得ることがもっとも最優先です。 そのため、記事の下部には、ライターのプロフィールを掲載し、Lancersやその他のクラウドソーシングサイトでの顧客獲得につながるように、微力ではありますが貢献することも可能です。 ◆作業手順、チェックリスト、Todoリストの要件 皆さんの仕事でも手順が決まっている仕事ってありますよね。 例えば何か新しい案件を受注した場合に、 売上を売上表に記入 受注指示 先方に電話して取材日をフィックス 別の部署に報告 チェックシートを修正 チェックシートを先方に提出 開始を先方に連絡 みたいな感じである程度フローが決まっている場合って多いと思うんですよね。 書いていただきたいのは、このようにGTDに準拠した「タスクの実行を具体的にイメージできるレベルまで細分化したリスト」を募集しています。 ◆注意事項 ・文字数は1200字以上です。 ・誤字脱字に注意してください。 ・コピペは厳禁です。(15文字以上連続で他サイトから引用しないでください) ・見出し、小見出し、本文は関連性を持たせてください。 ・個別の企業・店舗にフォーカスしないでください。 ・求人情報をのせないでください。 ・敬体(ですます調)にて執筆...
Were currently looking to have a personal letter translated from English to Traditional Chinese. It is important that the translator has the key ability to translate the personal letter to an extent where the Chinese reader and understand the message clearly and that everything coherent.
AREAS OF EXPERTISE Adobe Creative Suite Photoshop In-Design Illustrator MAC CS4/CS5 Flash 3D animation PROFESSIONAL Visual Commination Creative Media PERSONAL SKILLS Problem solving Thinking creatively Attention to detail Communication skills TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY Image Editing & Graphic Designing: Adobe Photoshop CS, Illustrator, Flash Video Editing: FCP, AVID - Media composer, Adobe Premiere Pro, VFX: Adobe After Effects, 3D Max Sound Effects: Audacity, Cube Base 5, Nuendo, Protools. Operating System: MS Windows (Word, Excel, Power point) Camera Operation: Canon, Nikon Music - Western Organ Keyboard, Melodica, Singing STRENGTHS Achievement accompanied with...
【毎月の定期的な収入にいかがですか?】スマホコーディング(20ページ前後) すでにあるブログのようなPCサイト(20P前後)があって、 それをスマホ化するコーディングする案件があります。 (ただの流し込みページも多く含まれます) 毎月定期的に3~5件ほど受注しているので、 定期的な収入に良いと思います。 計測タグを入れたり、細かいルールがあり、 最初はルールを憶えるのに少し大変ですが、 1~2件こなすと慣れると思いますので楽だと思います。 細かい仕事なので、正確で迅速にご対応していただける方を探しております。 多数のウェブエンジニア・プログラマの方からのご連絡・ご応募お待ちしております。
すでにあるブログのようなPCサイト(20P前後)があって、 それをスマホ化するコーディングする案件があります。 (ただの流し込みページも多く含まれます) 毎月定期的に3~5件ほど受注しているので、 定期的な収入に良いと思います。 計測タグを入れたり、細かいルールがあり、 最初はルールを憶えるのに少し大変ですが、 1~2件こなすと慣れると思いますので楽だと思います。 細かい仕事なので、正確で迅速にご対応していただける方を探しております。
...Optimization: Incorporate primary and secondary keywords in a natural manner. Ensure the content is fully optimized for SEO, including meta descriptions, headers, and internal linking suggestions. Ideal Writer: Experience in writing for the furniture/home decor niche. Strong research skills and ability to write engaging, well-structured content. Familiarity with SEO and content optimization. Someone who can bring their own personal experiences (if any) to add authenticity and depth to the blog. Deliverables: A polished and well-structured blog post of 2000 words. The blog should meet all the outlined guidelines and maintain high-quality standards. Please include samples of your previous work, particularly in the furniture or hom...
...examples attached (in blue and pink). - Final format: The final design must be delivered in vector format (Adobe Illustrator). - Colors: You don’t need to stick to blue and pink, but we’re looking for soft, romantic tones that fit a wedding theme. - Creativity: We want a unique logo, avoiding copies or generic designs. Feel free to draw inspiration from the attached examples but add your personal touch. Requirements: 1. The file must be in vector format (Adobe Illustrator). 2. The design must be original. 3. The composition should be clear and legible, with a sophisticated touch. Attached examples: We’ve uploaded some examples we like. The first two are our favorites, but we’re also open to minimalist or monochromatic styles that convey el... for my play school. The primary aim of the site is to attract new enrollments, so it should be appealing to parents and highlight the positive aspects of our school. Essential Components - Homepage: The front page should be captivating and informative, giving a glimpse of what our play school offers. - Enrollment Information: This page needs to be clear and concise, detailing our enrollment process, fees, and requirements. - Contact Us: A straightforward page with our contact details and a simple form for inquiries. - Facilities Showcase: A dedicated section showing our facilities, designed to reassure parents of our safe and stimulating environment. - Event Highlight: A presentation of our blockbuster annual day, showcasing the activities and events at our...
...olive oil in their culture and faith. 4. Olive Oil Production Process Theme: Take viewers behind the scenes of how your holy oil is made. Content Ideas: Traditional olive harvesting and pressing techniques. The spiritual care and intention behind the production process. Differences between your holy oil and commercial oils, emphasizing its purity and sacred purpose. 5. Testimonies & Personal Stories Theme: Share personal experiences of how holy oil impacts people’s lives. Content Ideas: Stories from individuals who use holy oil for prayer, healing, or blessings. Testimonials from pastors, priests, or spiritual leaders about its role in their practices. 6. Explainers & Mini Documentaries Theme: Dive deeper into topics of faith, the Bible, and rituals. Content ...
More details: What is the primary focus of your website? Portfolio/personal blog What specific features would you like on your portfolio/personal blog? Contact form Which design style do you prefer for your portfolio/personal blog? Minimalist
I'm seeking a medical professional for a personal health consultation. The focus is on general health, so the ideal candidate should be adept at providing comprehensive health assessments and recommendations.
EUWEB 250101 - E-commerce WordPress Developer/ADMIN I'm looking for a seasoned WordPress/ADMIN to assist in enhancing my E-commerce site. This project will consist of 10 Units of Work (UoW), each lasting 4 hours, based on my needs. Need: Expertise in WordPress/ADMIN development specifically for E-commerce; Ability to implement customer review functionalities; Skills in creating a personal blog on WordPress; ...plz, like to work with us (as WordPress/ADMIN, which we need) ? ...set 10 UoW (10 half/day, a week), when/where like; UoW - Unit of Work, 4 hours/each, on our need; ...choice when work or useful for the work goal; your home, in slippers, without taking a tram or wearing a tie, ...just enough smart neurons available, with us (sometimes) !!! ...set 10 UoW i...
... and maintain web applications using Node.js. • Design and implement cloud-based solutions on Microsoft Azure and AWS. • Develop and manage AWS serverless applications using Lambda, DynamoDB. • Implement payment gateway integrations. • Collaborate with UI/UX designers to translate designs into functional, responsive web applications. • Optimize applications for maximum speed and scalability. • Write clean, maintainable, and efficient code. • Participate in code reviews and provide constructive feedback to team members. • Troubleshoot and debug applications to ensure optimal performance. • Stay up-to-date with emerging technologies and industry trends. Requirements: • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a r...
I am looking for a web developer who can design a personalized, modern and sleek blog for me. The site should stand out from the crowd and not resemble typical blogs. Key features should include: - An 'About Me' page that gives readers insight into my life and thoughts. - A 'Gallery' page showcasing images that are important to me or relevant to my blog posts. - A 'Contact' page that allows readers to get in touch with me. The ideal candidate will have: - Extensive experience in web development and design, particularly with creating blogs. - A portfolio of unique, modern designs. - Excellent communication skills to understand my vision and needs. Please provide examples of your previous work that align with this project.
More details: Is this project for business or personal use? Personal What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Detailed project proposals How soon do you need your project completed? ASAP
...Performance tracking dashboard for managers. Yearly/quarterly performance summaries. 6. HR Dashboard: HR analytics dashboard displaying key metrics such as attendance trends, leave statistics, etc. Notifications for pending tasks (e.g., leave approvals). 7. User Roles and Permissions: Admin role with full access. Manager role with limited access to assigned employees. Employee role for accessing personal data and requesting leaves. 8. Additional Features: Secure login system with role-based access. Responsive design compatible with desktop and mobile devices. User-friendly interface for seamless navigation. Technical Requirements: Frontend: React.js, Angular, or similar modern frameworks. Backend: Node.js, Django, or Laravel (or suggest the best fit). Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL,...
I'm in need of a modern styled logo for my pharmacy store. - Design Style: The logo should encapsulate a contemporary, sleek, and sophisticated design that communicates trust and professionalism.
I'm looking for a video editor to enhance my personal content. The editing style needs to be 'stylish and cinematic', so a strong sense of timing, pacing, and visual composition is essential. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in video editing software (e.g. Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro) - Experience with color grading and applying filters - Ability to incorporate special effects and transitions seamlessly - Sound design skills for background music and sound effects This project will involve: - Editing my vlog footage into a polished, cinematic piece - Using special effects and transitions to keep the content engaging - Color grading and applying filters to enhance the visual appeal - Adding background music and sound effects to create a complete audio-...
I'm looking for a skilled illustrator to create black and white illustrations and coloring pages intended for children aged 3-5 years. These illustrations should cater to various themes including: - Animals and Nature - Fantasy and Fairytales - Educational and School-focused - Specific designs for speech language therapy The primary purpose of these coloring pages is for therapeutic use, specifically to assist with speech language therapy. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficient in creating engaging and child-friendly illustrations - Experience in designing for educational and therapeutic purposes - Understanding of speech language therapy needs - Ability to incorporate a variety of themes - Strong portfolio of work for this age group Please provide ...
I'm looking for a freelancer to redesign our Driving School website, creating ansimple way for students/users to book educational sessions (classroom or private lesson) via Square or GoDaddy POS and Scheduling functions. This website should be intuitive, user-friendly, and feature-rich to enhance user interaction and satisfaction. Key Features: - Booking System: Users should be able to seamlessly enroll in a class or book an appointment for various educational or classroom sessions and make payment when required. - Less than 5 pages to site, detailing services offered and instructor profiles highlighting their qualifications, teaching style. - Resource Library: A section of the site should serve as a resource library, containing valuable materials relevant to the sessions an...
...engaging, with creative use of typography, graphics, and symbols to emphasize the ministry's mission and foundational scripture. --- Specific Areas to Design 1. Hallway Purpose: Set the tone for the youth ministry, guiding attendees toward classrooms and other areas with youth ministry logo, overhead signage Design Elements: A logo design wall graphic featuring Jeremiah 29:11 and the mission statement. Directional signage using arrows or icons in primary colors. Graphics showcasing diverse children and youth engaged in prayer, worship, or learning. Decorative elements to symbolize "connecting to purpose." 2. Check-in Station Purpose: A functional, organized, and welcoming area for parents and children. Design Elements: A vibrant backdrop with the mi...
I'm seeking a professional to colorize a black and white photo for me. This colorized version is intended as a personal keepsake. Key Requirements: - Moderately realistic colorization: While I don't need the colors to be highly realistic, they should still resemble a plausible color scheme for the elements in the photo. - Reference photos: I have specific reference photos that can guide the colorization process. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in photo editing software - Experience with colorization of black and white photos - Good eye for color and detail Please note, the goal is not a purely realistic depiction, but a pleasant and coherent colorization that enhances the original photo.
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a comprehensive and modern website/database platform for high school football teams, complete with individual player profiles. Key Features: - **Sleek Design**: The landing page should embody a modern and sleek design style. - **Player Profiles**: Develop profiles for individual players that include contact, academic, and athletic information. - **Media Uploads**: Implement functionality to upload unique pictures, videos, and documents for each player. - **User-friendly Filtering**: Enable robust filtering and sorting options for user convenience. - **Data Export**: Provide functionality to export data in CV or Excel format. - **Public and Secured Access**: Create a combination of secured login for team members and ...
I'm looking for a qualified online teacher to instruct my high school students in science. The teacher should be proficient in Chemistry and Physics. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Chemistry and Physics - Experience teaching high school level science - Strong online teaching skills - Ability to engage and motivate students
I'm seeking a refined, professional, and sleek logo for my personal training business, "Elevate with Hamish". The logo should be minimalistic yet convey a strong sense of fitness and personal growth. Key elements to include: - A silhouette of a person, symbolizing the journey of personal training and elevation. - The initials or the full business name, "Elevate with Hamish". The color scheme is strictly monochrome, which allows for a versatile and timeless design. It should be bold enough to stand out on a variety of platforms, from business cards to social media, while maintaining a professional aesthetic. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong portfolio in minimalistic, professional logo design, preferably within the fitnes...
I'm in need of a seasoned cyber security expert focusing on network security. The primary objective is to bolster the protection of personal data. Key Responsibilities: - Evaluate and enhance current firewall protection measures to safeguard personal data. - Implement effective strategies to counter potential network threats. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in network security. - Proficient in firewall management and configuration. - Knowledgeable in intrusion detection systems. - Able to provide comprehensive data protection strategies.
Trying to enhance a photo bid didn't complete. But she is still paying. Very honest !
Project Brief: Dojo the Bear Mascot for DojoWell About the Project: DojoWell is a wellness app designed to guide users on a journey of personal growth and holistic wellness. The app uses interactive visuals, symbolic elements, and narratives to engage users, helping them progress through 7 unique levels of wellness. The mascot, Dojo the Bear, plays a central role as a guide, mentor, and companion throughout the user's wellness journey. About Dojo the Bear: Character Description: Dojo is a friendly, wise, and approachable bear with a calm and supportive personality. He embodies the themes of growth, resilience, and guidance. oAppearance: Anthropomorphic with soft, cartoon-like features, designed to evoke trust and warmth. oClothing/Accessories: Outfits and accessories that cha...
I'm seeking a proficient web developer with digital marketing skills to create an E-commerce site for selling physical goods. Key Features: - Product Reviews: Implementation of a system for customers to share their feedback on purchased items. - User Accounts: Enabling customers to create personal accounts for a customized shopping experience. - Live Chat Support: Incorporating a real-time chat feature for customer service and support. Ideal Skills: - Web Development: Proven experience in creating E-commerce sites. - Digital Marketing: Skills to promote site and products effectively. - UX/UI Design: Ability to design user-friendly interfaces. Please provide your portfolio and examples of E-commerce sites you've developed.
...confident in delivering the project within the specified budget and meeting all requirements. In your proposal, include: Relevant Experience: Examples of previous WordPress projects, especially those involving product listings and comparison features Approach Overview: Briefly explain how you plan to implement the required features using free tools/plugins Confirmation of Budget Compliance: A statement confirming you can complete the project within ₹3,000 - ₹3,500 INR Note: I am looking for a quality build that meets all the outlined requirements. Please refrain from applying if you cannot adhere to the budget or project specifications....
I'm looking for a talented video editor to help refine and enhance my vlogs for my YouTube channel. Your main tasks will include: - Editing to a casual and personal style. - Incorporating background music and transitions in a seamless and engaging manner. The ideal candidate will have: - Experience editing vlogs or similar content. - A good understanding of creating a casual and personal editing style. - Excellent skills in sound editing and transition timing. - A creative approach to video editing that will help bring my vlogs to a new level.
I'm seeking a skilled video editor to assist with content creation for my vlogs. The purpose of these videos is to share personal stories and experiences, so the ideal freelancer should have a knack for storytelling through video. Key Requirements: - Proficient in video editing software - Understanding of pacing, sound, and visual storytelling - Ability to edit footage into engaging, coherent vlogs - Experience with personal story editing preferred - Good communication skills for discussing project specifics and timelines.