Parse twitter rss feed仕事
- 既存のソーシャル・メディア・アカウントを Twitter、LINE、Facebook、Linkedinの既存のソーシャルメディアのアカウントを許容範囲内の状態にする。 - 各ソーシャルメディア上に小さなネットワークを作る - 新たに確立されたソーシャルメディアからウェブサイトへの訪問を促す - 各ソーシャルメディアアカウントの管理方法に関するガイドラインの提供 - 各ソーシャルメディアのアカウントは、日本向けにアレンジされている必要がありますが、英語でのコンテンツも必要です。 追記:ネットワークの構築とトラフィックの生成は、ソーシャル・プレゼンスに対する市場の反応をテストするために、現在は実験的なレベルとなっています。 また、このタスクが成功裏に完了した場合、将来的に長期的な協力関係を築くことができることに留意してください。
★中国語→日本語 在宅翻訳家の募集★ お申し込みフォーム 初めまして。 Uptempo Marketerはグローバル企業のローカリゼーションと翻訳サポートに特化した、急成長のITスタートアップ企業です。今年から来年にかけて大規模の翻訳プロゼェクト(中国語➡日本語)を進めており、多くの翻訳者の方々を募集しております。 【仕事内容】 弊社が提供するオンラインツールでの【中国語➡日本語】の翻訳業務です。 業務の詳細は下記の通りです。 <1.中国語スクリプトの日本語翻訳 (Human Translation) > 記事、TwitterやFacebook等のSNSで使われている一般的な文章を翻訳する作業です。 Google翻訳等の機会翻訳を使うのは禁止です。 <2.中国語➡日本語 機械翻訳文の校正 (Machine Translation + Post Editing)> 弊社のAI自動翻訳機が翻訳した文章のミスをチェックして、修正する作業です。 Google翻訳等の機会翻訳を使うのは禁止です。 【業務形態】 パートタイム(オンラインツールを活用する在宅勤務) 【応募条件】 日本語ネイティブもしくは中国語ネイティブの方 すぐにプロゼェクトに参加できる方 ネットの環境が整っている方 【待遇条件】 中国語が流暢に話せる日本人の方 過去に翻訳者として経験・実績がある方 海外在住経験のある方 【選考方法】 お申し込みフォーム ①お名前・履歴書の添付・テストの解答など、必須情報のご記入の上、フォームを提出してください。 ②フォームより送信いただきました内容をスタッフが拝見し、選考結果を判断します。 ③選考結果とプロゼェクトの詳細(翻訳ツ
★中国語→日本語 在宅翻訳家の募集★ お申し込みフォーム 初めまして。 Uptempo Marketerはグローバル企業のローカリゼーションと翻訳サポートに特化した、急成長のITスタートアップ企業です。今年から来年にかけて大規模の翻訳プロゼェクト(中国語➡日本語)を進めており、多くの翻訳者の方々を募集しております。 【仕事内容】 弊社が提供するオンラインツールでの【中国語➡日本語】の翻訳業務です。 業務の詳細は下記の通りです。 <1.中国語スクリプトの日本語翻訳 (Human Translation) > 記事、TwitterやFacebook等のSNSで使われている一般的な文章を翻訳する作業です。 Google翻訳等の機会翻訳を使うのは禁止です。 <2.中国語➡日本語 機械翻訳文の校正 (Machine Translation + Post Editing)> 弊社のAI自動翻訳機が翻訳した文章のミスをチェックして、修正する作業です。 Google翻訳等の機会翻訳を使うのは禁止です。 【業務形態】 パートタイム(オンラインツールを活用する在宅勤務) 【応募条件】 日本語ネイティブもしくは中国語ネイティブの方 すぐにプロゼェクトに参加できる方 ネットの環境が整っている方 【待遇条件】 中国語が流暢に話せる日本人の方 過去に翻訳者として経験・実績がある方 海外在住経験のある方 【選考方法】 お申し込みフォーム ①お名前・履歴書の添付・テストの解答など、必須情報のご記入の上、フォームを提出してください。 ②フォームより送信いただきました内容をスタッフが拝見し、選考結果を判断します。 ③選考結果とプロ
仕事依頼1 専業主婦歓迎!スマホでカンタンSNS運用♪ 【仕事内容】 ・Facebook、Instagram、Twitter等のSNSの運用。 ・具体的には、フォローやいいねなどの単純作業です。 【応募条件】 ・SNS使用経験がある方 ・単純作業を続けられる方 ・18歳〜30代の女性 ・長期歓迎 ・仕事に対する責任感がある方 【給与・報酬】 ・ 固定給1万円〜 (KPIを設ける場合有、過去最高12万円) 【勤務時間】 ・一日2時間程度 ・週5〜7 ・長期可能な方を優先します♪ ・働く時間は自分で調整可能! 【勤務地】 ・在宅ワーク ・スマホがあればどこでもお仕事可能♪ 【試用期間】 ・通常のお仕事のように長期の依頼となりますので、まずは1週間の試用期間があります。 この期間中に、作業が問題なく進めれるかを確認させていただきます。 飽きずに単純作業ができる方に依頼したいです。 PC及びスマホできます。 最後に、 ご依頼につきましては、 相談しながら決めさせていただきますので、よろしくお願い申し上げます。
Facebook、Twitter、Instagramなどソーシャルメディア投稿コンテンツの校正、ソーシャルメディアでのキャンペーンについてローカルなアドバイスの提示。 要するに、ソーシャルメディアアカウントの運営は弊社が担当していますが、投稿コンテンツの校正などを含めてサポートの仕事を提供できる人を募集したいです(ローカル日本人が必要)。
キュレーションサイトは人工知能でサイト名、タイトル名、タグなどSEOを意識する。 キーワード(これは手動)設定したらニュースサイト、Facebook、Twitter、Instagram、から自動で記事収集。 引用元の記載して投稿。 Facebook、Twitter、Instagramに人工知能で自動で#タグを付けて投稿(閲覧者をキュレーションサイトに誘導する) キュレーションサイトには広告も入れる こういうキュレーションサイトを量産する 同じキュレーションサイトをカテゴリーごとにリンクさせる。 ↑これを全て人工知能で行う。 すべて日本語で作って欲しい。
ブログ記事の翻訳をしてくださる方を募集しております。良い記事を読者に提供するのが唯一の目的であり、重要なことはそれだけです。そのため、翻訳の方法は直訳ではなく意訳でもなく、実際の作業は「英語を記事を参考にした日本語記事」を執筆とも言えます。原文に忠実である必要はなく、パラグラフをひとつ削除しても、文章の構成を完全に作り替えてしまっても結構です。ただし、完成品は以下の条件を満たすものとします。 日本語の文字数:800~1500 ひとつの段落は3-7文。 見出し(h1、h2、h3)を使用する。 一文は長くても60文字以内にする。 HTML形式で納品する。 翻訳・執筆内容 本文 タイトル(ひとつの英語タイトルにつき、5つの日本語タイトルを作成して下さい。一番良いものを利用します。) メタディスクリプション(メタディスクリプションを3つ書いてください。タイトルのように使うのは1つだけです。) Twitter投稿メッセージ x 5 なお、PMでマニュアルを2点送付いたします。必ず目を通してください。
MYSQLサーバーと連携させて、twitterクローンアプリの制作。 実装する機能はtwitterの持つ機能+αです。 UIのデザインはこちらで用意致します。システム部分の構築をお願い致します。
...■参考になるサイト/サービス 機能、見せ方は以下のサイトをイメージしています。 フィリピン語学学校口コミサイト() さらにこの個人プロフィール(例、)に、 その個人の留学の詳細の情報が加えられるものを考えています。 またレビューした個人へのQ&A掲示板 直接メッセージのやりとり ■必要な機能 口コミ機能 ・カテゴリ分け ・新着コメント表示 ・キーワード検索 ・条件検索 ・口コミ検索 ・レビューユーザー検索 ・口コミ5段階評価(6項目、総合平均値) ・第三者評価機能 ・月間口コミランキング ・評価の高いレビューランキング ・コメント(各ユーザーの掲示板でのやり取り数)ランキング 口コミユーザー会員 ・Facebook/Twitterアカウントログイン ・ユーザーのマイページ 留学期間、受講プログラム、学校、 留学前(TOEIC400、中学生レベルなど)、留学後(上級クラス、またはビジネス知識の習得など)、 帰国後の状態(学生、出版業界に従事、教師として勤務など) ・ユーザー同士でメッセージをやり取りできる機能 ・ユーザーへのQ&A掲示板 企業ユーザー会員 ・企業ユーザー(レビューされる側)ログイン ・企業ページの編集可能 ■必要な対応項目 ・システム開発 ・データベース構築 ・ウェブデザイン ・コーディング ・ドメイン/サーバーの取得はこちらで行いますので、設定をお願いします。 ・SEO (可能であれば) ■使用言語 WordPressを想定しているので、PHP, MySQL ■ 重視する点/検討基準 ・実績 ・クオリティ ・予算
創建一個網站,該公司主要從事製造,按訂單家具。 任務 - 組合,產品目錄,航運郵購結帳主玻璃加工(標準形式派遣) ,促銷/折扣。 需要設計使用iozhno模板。 類似的網站: , , ,呻/ 特點:正規網站搜索/目錄下,畫廊模塊(任何標準) , Google Analytics (分析)統計,新聞/股(RSS ) ,常見問題解答,橫幅,反饋形式,大多數購買的產品或新的項目目錄相關的產品和商品與其他項目購買,在網站上(可能只是一個YouTube)的視頻,採用了鮮豔醒目的顏色設計。
過去のプロジェクトに関連する新しいプロジェクトがありますTwitter followers needed. 200K Worldwide. - repost'
I need a social network manager who can work in this way: **Personalized Strategy:** develop a strategy tailored to objectives and audience and decide what to post, when, and how, to maximize impact. **Content Creation:** photos, graphics, videos, and engaging texts for posts and stories Everything to capture audience's attention. **Plan...clients. **Pricing:** - €100 for 1 social network - €150 for 2 social networks - €200 for 3 social networks - €250 for 4 social networks - €300 for 5 social networks - €350 for 6 social networks - €400 for 7 social networks - €450 for 8 social networks - €500 for 9 social networks **Optional management tailored to client needs, up to 9 platforms:** Google, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Amazon, Twit...
Social media manager adalah seseorang yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengawasi, mengeksekusi, menyaring, menyunting, serta menganalisis aktivitas semua media sosial milik perusahaan. Biasanya, media sosial tersebut berupa Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, dan juga LinkedIn.
Social media manager adalah seseorang yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengawasi, mengeksekusi, menyaring, menyunting, serta menganalisis aktivitas semua media sosial milik perusahaan. Biasanya, media sosial tersebut berupa Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, dan juga LinkedIn.
...platform. ? Child Panels – Provide affordable panels for your customers. ? Affiliate System – Grow your customer base with a partner program. ? Update Logs – Keep users informed with service updates. ? Video Promotion – Grow your panel with YouTuber sponsorships. ?️ Coupon System – Offer coupon codes for promotions or balance recharges. ✍️ Blog System – Create posts to improve your panel’s SEO. ? Drip-feed – Control the speed of social media engagement growth. ? User API – Allow other panels to use your panel as a provider. ? Profit Reports – Track your profits in one place. ? User Login Imitator – Admins can log into any user account. ? Payment Methods – Seamlessly integrate all popular payment methods (visa...
I need a talented videographer to create captivating, entertaining Facebook ads for my physical products. These ads are aimed for the News Feed, and they need to resonate with viewers on a personal level, encouraging them to connect with the content and, by extension, the product. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating Facebook ad content - Skills in filming and video production - Understanding of what makes content shareable and engaging - Ability to create entertaining, emotional content - Experience with physical product marketing is a plus
Looking for a social media expert to promote and sell 150 pairs of men's sports shoes. The target platforms are Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, with a focus on image-based content. Specifics: - Content: Primarily using images for promotion, so experience in creating engaging visual content is a plus. - Platforms: Must have a proven track record of successful campaigns on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. - Target: Attracting 150 buyers. Ideal Skills: - Social Media Marketing - Content Creation - Sales Strategy - Audience Engagement
I'm looking for an experienced React Native developer to help build a social media app. (ON SALLERY BASIS) Key Responsibilities: - Implementing core features including User Profiles, a Messaging System, and a News Feed. - Integrating the app with various social media platforms. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven track record in developing social media apps using React Native. - Strong understanding of user interface design and user experience principles. - Experience with integrating apps with social media platforms. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your bid.
...policies. ● Ability to perform bulk updates efficiently (e.g., via Google Sheets or APIs). ● Familiarity with Shopify and DSers integration. ● Experience with eCommerce product optimization for Merchant Center. ● Knowledge of Google’s feed requirements, including proper formatting of product data. Tools and Workflow 1. Integration with Shopify and DSers: ○ Understand how DSers imports product data and images from AliExpress to Shopify. ○ Implement tools/scripts to optimize and clean up data for Google Merchant Center. 2. Bulk Editing Solutions: ○ Use feed management tools or scripts to update multiple products at once instead of manual fixes. 3. Manual Reviews: ○ Submit resolved product issues for manual review to Google Merchant Center. Deliverables ● Active an...
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create daily promotional graphics for my social media channels. This includes Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. The graphics should adhere to a professional and corporate style, and align with my existing brand guidelines and color schemes. Key Responsibilities: - Design 1-2 graphics and reals daily using Photoshop or Canva - Create visually engaging, professional-grade graphics - Follow existing brand guidelines and color schemes Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Photoshop and Canva - Strong understanding of professional/corporate design aesthetics - Experience designing for multiple social media platforms - Ability to adhere to brand guidelines Please provide a portfolio of relevant work.
I need help with my WIX WordPress site. There are some photos that need to be added or updated, some spacing issues that need to be fixed, and I need you to confirm that my In...added or updated, some spacing issues that need to be fixed, and I need you to confirm that my Instagram live feeds are functioning correctly. Specifically, this project involves: - Updating photos on the Home page, Portfolio Section, and Social Feed - Fixing text alignment and image spacing issues - Troubleshooting my Instagram live feed, which is currently not updating in real-time and has layout issues Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WIX and WordPress - Strong attention to detail - Experienced in troubleshooting social media feed integration - Good understanding of website de...
I'm an experienced advertisement designer seeking a project to design a digital ad for Instagram. Key details: - The ad must be tailored for the Instagram platform. - Creativity and knowledge of Instagram's ad specifications and audience behavior are essential. - Experience in designing engaging, visually appealing ads that can capture attention in a crowded feed will be highly regarded. Please note, the primary objective of the ad has not been determined yet but I am open to suggestions on whether to focus on brand awareness, driving website traffic, or promoting a specific product or service.
I'm in need of a Twitter Spaces co-host who can help promote my music and attract an audience of hip-hop fans. Key Responsibilities: - Co-host Twitter Spaces with me - Help promote my music during the sessions - Attract and engage hip-hop fans Ideal Candidate: - Deep understanding and passion for hip-hop music - Experience in co-hosting Twitter Spaces or similar platforms - Proven ability to engage and attract an audience - Skills in music promotion Your role will be crucial in helping me reach a wider audience and connect with more fans of hip-hop. If you're passionate about music and have the skills to help me promote my work, I'd love to hear from you!
...pretty soon that work s in the same way . we are looking for commission sales only based on 20% of the GROSS advertised fees shown on the Sale decks. See ABOUT in both. Also 5% residuals per per slot per annum. We are looking for an people with an interest in both these supply and support genres. Check out the 18 unique USPs. We have several thousand curated potential clients in both genres we can feed out in sensible batches. On top of this check out for other opportunities that we can support and the same deal applies on successful sales 20% of the gross on any contract . we take all the heavy lifting , production and liaison keeping candidates in the loop always . we have an extensive track record spanning 50 years We are looking for a team player and usually on both
I'm looking for a Social Media Marketing specialist to help drive traffic to our site and increase our followers across various platforms. The primary content type we will be utilizing is blog posts and articles. Key Responsibilities: - Boosting our follower count across all listed platforms - , LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Medium, Quora, Reddit, Subspace, SubStack, and X (Twitter). - Utilizing blog posts and articles to engage potential followers and drive traffic to our site - Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in social media marketing. - Strong understanding of content marketing, specifically with blog posts and articles. - Ability to creatively engage users and boost follower count. Please provide examples of your previous work in this area, along
I'm looking for a freelancer who can set up an auto blogging site for me. The primary function of this site should be curating content from various sources, including news websites, social media platforms, and RSS feeds. Key Responsibilities: - Develop an auto blogging site that focuses on content curation from diverse sources. - Implement keyword-based filtering to help sift through content and select what gets posted. - Organize curated content into categories for easy navigation. - Create a system for applying custom tags and metadata to posts, enhancing SEO and discoverability. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web development, particularly in creating blogging platforms. - Experience with content curation tools and techniques. - Knowledge of SEO practices an...
I'm looking to create a mobile application akin to Nextdoor, with a focus on a neighborhood news feed and a local marketplace. The app should be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features: -* join a hood * see their neighbours * discuss with neighbours in groups or direct messages * receive updates from public authorities * receive updates from public and private utilities providers * post help offers and help requests * view directories of useful contacts and information User Identity Verification: - Users should be able to verify their identity through email verification. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in mobile application development, specifically for both iOS and Android platforms. - Proven track record of developing social netw...
I'm in need of a social media professional to set up and brand my accounts across several platforms. Platforms to set up: - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube - LinkedIn Key requirements: - Creating new accounts on all the aforementioned platforms - Providing assistance in creating a cohesive and appealing brand across all platforms Ideal skills for the job include: - Proven experience in social media account creation and branding - Understanding of different platforms' nuances - Basic graphic design skills - Excellent communication skills
I'm seeking an experienced developer to create an iOS and Android social networking app. Key Features: - User Profiles: The app should allow users to create and customize their profiles. - Activity Feed: An engaging activity feed to keep users updated on their network's activities. - Messaging System: A reliable and secure messaging system for user interactions. - Multimedia Sharing: The app must support sharing photos and videos. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in cross-platform mobile app development. - Extensive experience in creating social networking applications. - Strong knowledge in implementing multimedia sharing capabilities. - Excellent understanding of designing user-friendly interfaces.
I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to create visually appealing marketing materials for sodiao media posts on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Experience in creating social media graphics - Understanding of brand consistency and target audience - Ability to deliver high-quality graphics within a deadline The ideal freelancer should have a proven track record in real estate marketing, specifically in marketing apartments. Key responsibilities include: - Developing and executing marketing strategies on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. - Creating engaging content to attract potential buyers. - Utilizing social media advertising tools to increase reach and visibility. Skills and experience required: - Proven experience in real estate marketing, preferably with residential apartments. - Excellent knowledge of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. - Strong content creation skills. - Proficiency in using social media advertising tools. - Ability to develop effective marketing strategies. Your experience and skills will help me reach potential buyers and increase s...
I'm seeking an Indian professional well-versed in SEO with Wordpress and social media marketing, specifically on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. This role focuses primarily on enhancing brand awareness through strategic social media campaigns. The payment will be fixed and made on a monthly basis. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in SEO, particularly with Wordpress - Experienced in social media marketing - Knowledgeable about Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter - Understands strategies for brand awareness Experience: - Proven track record in improving SEO metrics - Successful history of brand promotion on social media What I’m looking for: Audience Growth: Develop strategies to attract a larger, engaged audience. Content Promotion: Create and execute promotional campaigns across various platforms. SEO Optimization: Optimize video titles, descriptions, and tags to increase visibility. Social Media Management: Manage and promote the channel on social platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Collaborations: Identify opportunities for collaborations with influencers and other finance content creators. Ideal Candidate/Agency: Proven experience in YouTube marketing, especially for educational or finance channels. Strong understanding of SEO and analytics. Creative and data-driven approach to growth. Ability to provide case studies or examples o...
I'm looking for a skilled social media manager who can handle my Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and potentially other platforms. Key Responsibilities: - Content Creation: Develop engaging and relevant content tailored for different platforms. - Scheduling Posts: Strategically plan and schedule posts for optimal engagement. The ideal candidate will have experience with graphic design and video editing, as well as a deep understanding of the mechanics of these social media platforms. Experience running advertisements on these platforms is a must.
...Monitoring Using Social Media Data Project Overview: We are looking for a freelancer to develop a simple prototype for a project that monitors disease-related trends using social media data (e.g., Twitter). This is a proof-of-concept project intended to explore feasibility, and we plan to expand it into a larger project once we get confidance. The main goal is to extract and analyze basic trends using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, along with simple visualizations. --- Scope of Work: 1. Data Collection: Collect a small dataset of tweets or public health data using the Twitter API or any other publicly available source. Focus on disease-related keywords (e.g., “flu,” “dengue,” or “outbreak”). 2. Data P...
...API. Insert the generated content into new WordPress posts. Content Scheduling & Publishing: Implement an automated scheduling system to publish blog posts at predefined times. Google Indexing Optimization: Integrate with an SEO plugin (e.g., Yoast SEO or RankMath) to optimize post titles, meta descriptions, and on-page elements for better Google search rankings. Optional Enhancements: Integrate RSS feed aggregation to source content from other relevant websites. Consider automated image generation or integration for blog posts. Explore options for generating different content formats (e.g., listicles, how-to guides). Current Manual Process: Manually write blog post content using ChatGPT. Create a new page in WordPress. Add images, header, and footer manually. Manuall...
I seek a skilled freelancer to design and generate promotional social media posts using After Effects templates from Envato. The posts will be tailored for E-commerce businesses and shared across Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Key Requirements: - Proficient in After Effects, Photoshop, and other renowned editing software. - Proven experience in crafting engaging social media content, particularly for E-commerce. - Able to deliver a minimum of 50 posts per month, with competitive rates of Rs 150 per post.
...Purpose: To manage the creation, editing, and deletion of blog posts. Components: Blog post editor (Rich Text Editor) Categories/Tags for organizing posts Save Draft functionality Publishing and unpublishing blog posts Admin interface for managing content Libraries: Custom backend API, Retrofit for network requests 3. Blog Post Display Module Purpose: To display blog posts to users. Components: List/Feed of blog posts Pagination (endless scrolling) Sorting (by date, popularity, etc.) Search functionality for posts Libraries: RecyclerView, Pagination 3, SearchView 4. Comments and Feedback Module Purpose: To enable users to comment on blog posts. Components: Comment section for each blog post Like/Dislike comments Nested replies for comments User notification when someone replies L...
...detail-oriented Graphic Designer/Video Editor to help enhance our Instagram content. The ideal candidate will deliver high-quality edited visuals, including reels, carousels, and Instagram story graphics, ensuring all content aligns with our brand's luxury aesthetic. Key Responsibilities: - Reels Editing: Edit and deliver 20 high-quality, ready-to-post reels per month. - Carousel/Feed Post Design: Design 16 professional carousel or feed posts per month. - Story Graphics: Create visually appealing and engaging story graphics and templates. - Content Alignment: Ensure all designs maintain the brand’s luxury standards and aesthetic consistency. - Feedback Implementation: Incorporate feedback from the creative team to deliver polished content. - Trend Application:...
...producing high-quality visuals, providing creative direction, and collaborating on engaging campaigns to drive brand awareness and sales. Key Responsibilities: - Content Creation: Capture high-quality photos and videos during 2 content creation days per month, ensuring alignment with brand aesthetics. - Creative Direction: Develop and oversee creative concepts for campaigns, reels, stories, and feed posts. - Trend Research: Stay up-to-date on Instagram trends and incorporate them into the content strategy. - Content Planning: Collaborate with the social media manager to plan monthly content themes and concepts. - Content Review: Provide feedback and ensure all content aligns with the brand's luxury and professional identity. - Campaign Development: Lead brainstorming for n...
...Purpose: To manage the creation, editing, and deletion of blog posts. Components: Blog post editor (Rich Text Editor) Categories/Tags for organizing posts Save Draft functionality Publishing and unpublishing blog posts Admin interface for managing content Libraries: Custom backend API, Retrofit for network requests 3. Blog Post Display Module Purpose: To display blog posts to users. Components: List/Feed of blog posts Pagination (endless scrolling) Sorting (by date, popularity, etc.) Search functionality for posts Libraries: RecyclerView, Pagination 3, SearchView 4. Comments and Feedback Module Purpose: To enable users to comment on blog posts. Components: Comment section for each blog post Like/Dislike comments Nested replies for comments User notification when someone replies L...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a web-based GPS tracking User Interface using Google Maps. The UI needs to be for Admin only and incorporate the following features: - A customizable GPS module. - Live status display of the GPS module. - Actual location display with a pop-up icon when hovered. - Icon linked with a sub-stream feed of CCTV images. - Clickable icon that hyperlinks to CCTV access (link and backend will be provided). Ideal candidates should have significant experience with web development, GPS software, and Google Maps API. Strong understanding of UI/UX principles and experience with creating secure, access-controlled applications is a must. Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.
I'm in search of a seasoned social media marketer who can help promote my eBook across various platforms, primarily targeting the USA. Key Responsibilities: - Promote my eBook in specific USA Facebook Groups and on platforms like Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. - Focus on targeted groups such as Grief, Angels, Religion, and Spirituality. Objectives: - The primary goal is to significantly boost eBook sales. - I need to reach 100M or more people. This is critical. Requirements: - Proven track record in social media marketing. - Understanding of how to reach and appeal to the specified targeted groups. - Provide proof of where you posted my eBook. Compensation: - This is a flat rate project, not hourly. Please provide your proposed flat rate. Please highlight ...
I need a social network manager who can work in this way: **Personalized Strategy:** develop a strategy tailored to objectives and audience and decide what to post, when, and how, to maximize impact. **Content Creation:** photos, graphics, videos, and engaging texts for posts and stories Everything to capture audience's attention. **Plan...clients. **Pricing:** - €100 for 1 social network - €150 for 2 social networks - €200 for 3 social networks - €250 for 4 social networks - €300 for 5 social networks - €350 for 6 social networks - €400 for 7 social networks - €450 for 8 social networks - €500 for 9 social networks **Optional management tailored to client needs, up to 9 platforms:** Google, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Amazon, Twit...
...more via print-on-demand dropshipping. This is required for the initial launch. - Paid Weekly Newsletter Subscriptions Offer exclusive curated content (articles, guides, hacks) via RSS feed integration. Preferred to launch with this, but can be deferred if it delays the project significantly. A follow-up job post will be created if deferred. IMPORTANT NOTE - PLEASE READ! We are open to launching first with EITHER the Branded Merchandise or the Newsletter Subscription - whichever is the shortest dev time! - Paid Membership for Exclusive Content Provide access to premium content, including written and video RSS feed integrations. This is planned as a future phase and is not part of this job. Project Overview (Phase 1: Mini-Project): We are seeking a skilled...
...Requirements: - The interceptor pit is expected to have a capacity between 300-500 gallons. - The design should be suitable for an industrial site. - Experience with oil/sand interceptor pit design is a plus. - Knowledge of civil design software is essential. - Review existing drawings for service connections to the building and advise on requirements to connect pit to the local municipality's main sanitary feed to the site - Liaise and coordinate with Architectural, Structural and Mechanical consultants - Review and extract information from existing Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) - Assist Prime Consultant as required on Civil-related aspects of building permits to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) - Review and comment on relevant product submittals issued by the ...
...(TOC). Our goal is to transform the group into a powerful business asset while ensuring all strategies are fully compliant with Facebook’s rules. Background Context: We are building a website to monetize the group through the following revenue streams: - Branded Merchandise Sales via a “Shop” feature. Merchandise will be POD, dropshipped. - Paid Weekly Newsletter sourced from curated niche RSS feeds. - VIP Access to Private, Members-Only Content (comprehensive written and video content updated daily). We need actionable insights and clear recommendations to help unlock the group’s full potential. Scope of Work 1. Initial Consultation (15–30 Minutes) Conduct a Zoom call to answer general questions about managing a private Facebook gro...
I have a list of 100 handles on X I need a good chunk of pulled posts and replies in order to ai-analyze the texts. Please quote for a one-time action Please also quote what an update would cost if every week I need this, possibly for different 100 handles though. Sample: thx
I'm looking for an experienced social media marketer to promote my eBook across all platforms: TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, etc. The primary goal is to boost brand awareness. Ideal candidate will: - Have a proven track record in social media marketing - Create and post 3+ engaging videos daily - Understand how to reach and appeal to all age demographics In your application, please highlight your relevant experience and past successes.