Oscommerce edit attributes button php仕事
国内のローカルプロジェクトにおいて、翻訳とITコンサルティングの両方を担当していただける日本語のエキスパートを求めています。リモートチームと連携し、日本のクライアントとの面接やコミュニケーションを主に担当して頂きます。コンピュータサイエンスのBE/Bエンジニアであれば尚良しです。 理想的なスキルと経験: - ITに関する広範な知識 - スムーズな日本語コミュニケーション能力 - 英語 - 面接経験 採用されることで多くのメリットがあります。あなたからのご連絡をお待ちしております。ありがとうございます。
私はある特定のプロジェクトのためのプログラマーを探しています。このプロジェクトではPHPとReactJSを主なプログラミング言語として使用します。 ### 必要スキルと経験 - PHPとReactJSに精通していること - 顧客管理、販売管理などの主要な業務システム開発要素に対する理解 - フルスタックエンジニアリングの経験があること - 日本語が理解できること 仕事の範囲には、プログラムの実装、既存のコードの保守、改良、デバッグが含まれます。また、設計チームと協力して効率的なシステムを作り出すことが必要です. 適格な候補者は、コードのクオリティと効率を高める新技術の適応力を持ち、問題解決スキルが優れていることが望まれます。
ビジネスパートナーを募集しています。 PHPと日本語ができるのが条件です。 おそらく、月10万円ぐらいの報酬は得られるかと思います。 あなたが負担する初期費用はサーバー代とドメイン費ぐらいです。 連絡お待ちしています。
下記データをもとにWeb( )への求人情報の入力をお願いします。 また、下記の情報で入力フォーム形式のご確認が可能です。 -メールアドレス:workjapantest123@ - パス:www123456 ■本タスクの流れ(参考) 1)添付したspreadsheetにあります、赤文字を埋めていただく ・勤務地名(英記)=日本語をもとにローマ字でご入力ください。 ・郵便番号=住所をもとに郵便番号を検索、ご入力ください。() ・最寄駅名=住所をもとに最寄駅を検索、ご入力ください。 ・最寄駅からの移動時間 =検索していただいた駅から住所までの一番早い移動手段(バス or 徒歩)を検索し、ご入力ください。 2)完成した spreadsheetをもとに、Webへ求人情報を入力していただく ※Webで求人記事の複製機能がありますので、そちらも上手く使っていただければ早くできるかと思ってます。 ※間違いなどがあれば、修正作業を細かく行っていただく可能性がございます。 ※上記の流れはあくまでも参考です。Spreadsheetのデータを埋めて、求人記事がWebにアップされていれば、やり方をお任せします。 ■報酬金額の計算方法 固定報酬:16,520円(413件×40円) 単価:40円/「Spreadsheetデータ入力完了+求人記事Webアップロード完了」
<応募条件> ・東南アジア在住のエンジニア ・PHP、Ruby、Rails等を利用したweb開発経験(3年以上) ・リモートワークに対応してくださる方 ・日本語の読み書き能力 ・週40時間以上のコミット <担当案件(一部)> Webシステムの開発を行っており、特に ・Saas型ユーザーアンケート分析システム ・WebRTCを利用した遠隔医療サービス ・CtoCマッチングプレイス ・対話インターフェースのbotアプリ ・機械学習を用いた不動産取引価格予測システム の開発案件多数 を担当していただきます。 また、週一程度でクライアントとのミーティングがあり、 skypeで参加いただきますので、その点もご留意ください。 給与は応相談です。(約20~50万/週40時間) 皆様のご応募をお待ちしております!
弊社で開発中のアプリ等と連動する会員管理サイト。登録や管理画面を開発をお願いします。画面イメージ等はこちらで準備しております。 ・今回は在ミャンマーの方限定です。 ・日本語が出来る方(メールのみ、会話不要)限定です。
8600 symbols. 7,5 pages. Text translated by foreign translator agency to Japanese. Need to check it and edit to Natural Japanese language (by native speaker). Mark all edited paces so we could see. Only Editor with native japanese is accepted. 文字数は8600字 ページ数は7,5ページ 外国人が通訳したテキスト(自動ソフトではありません) 自然な日本語に直してほしいです。不自然なところやわかりずらい所の訂正をお願いします。 訂正したすべてのところに色付けてください。 日本語のネーティブスピーカーのみに依頼しますので、ご注意ください。
英語のプレスリリースを綺麗な日本語にしてくださる方を探しています。 プレスリリースの経験がある方にお願いできると嬉しいです。 原稿はこちら
...rosemarylaw office, lawyer in Japan. We are searching freelancer of PHP, SSIS, SSRS programer. We are continue to develop CS system, MS SQL +SSIS ,SSRS of server side and PHP front with IIS. All MS solution based. We have Server side engineer in house. we have test server with dummy data, you can try from remote. development can do english based with skype, github,mail and so on. We hope to good offshore appications. Thanks now we are searching below project enginner. 1 upgrade SQL server SSIS import program2005 to 2012 SSIS side is improt form CSV to DB, job lancher is C# based. Req Skill C# 2000, SSIS, SQL 2 upgarde SSRS program 2005 to 2012 small customizing upgarde checking. over 100 report should upgarde 3 php with sql add new searchi...
CtoCサイト(一部分)phpからRailsへ,元サイトをそのまま移行。 使用技能Solr,Sass. Php及びRuby on Railsに詳しい方連絡してください。
弊社はネット系企業を複数社保有しており、ソーシャル、スマートフォンアプリで世界最高のエンタメコンテンツを生み出し、安定的で高品質なサービスで業界を牽引しているIT企業です。(株式会社未来少年()) ※弊社詳細につきましては添付会社概要および会社紹介動画をご覧下さい。 動画: 会社概要: ウェブ: 眠っている資金を有効活用したいので 安定的かつ収益性の高いファイナンスプランニングをご依頼したいと考えています。 目標は年20%以上の運用です。 応募者に必要な経験は下記の通りです。 1)個人・法人は問いません 2)年20%以上の運用の5年以上の経験 3)ファイナンス関連の何らかの資格をお持ちであること 4)当方がかなりITリテラシーの高い体制を組んでいるためチャットやGoogleDOCSを使った報告等が可能な方 5)何よりも強い自信と信頼がおける方(当方も運用に関する知識と経験はそこそこありますので初心者相手の方はお断り) 6)一部の業者のみに限定する提案は不可です(野村系と関係があるので野村系だけの提案等) 支払う費用 ・月額3万円~20万円(提案内容と具体的な活動内容に応じて変更します) 業務内容 ・月1度のMTG(月ごとの結果報告と見直しプランの作成) ・プランニングリストの作成 応募時に必要な要件 1)運用実績が分かる何らかの提示 2)取り急ぎ最も
依頼の目的・背景 ▽ECサイト/ネットショップ制作依頼の目的 現状のシステムが古くなったために リニューアル 開発の進捗状況 デザインがある 開発の範囲 分からないので、相談して決めさせていただければと思います。 開発の継続性 今回のみ、開発をお願い致します。 ECサイトの出店先 独自サイト 参考サイト 希望する色 赤系 重視する点 予算、クオリティ、業務経験・知識、実績評価 希望開発言語 PHP、JavaScript CMS導入 特に希望はありませんので、相談して決めさせていただければと思います。 補足説明 ▽利用するECカート 現在はCakePHPを使用しております。 SEOに強い新しいフレームワークに移行をしたく ご提案を希望します。 サーバーはできればクラウドサーバーを使用したく メリットとデメリットもあわせてご提案をお待ちしております。 ▽ECサイト/ネットショップの制作に使用するプログラミング言語 ・PHPなどのプログラミングスキル ・HTML / CSSなどのコーディングスキル ・MySQLなどのデータベース技術 ・JavaScript(jQuery)の技術 ・サーバ構築、管理の技術があれば尚可(VPS、クラウドサーバーなど) ▽重要視する点・経験 ・Skypeのビデオ面談に対応していただけるかた(必須)<=最初に ・Skypeもしくはチャットワークスで連絡が取れる方(必須) ・納期をしっかりと守っていただける方 ・クライアント企業とのコミュニケーションに慣れている方
...for candidates who can write/speak Japanese language We are a Social Media Service Company ( MIRAISHONEN, Inc.() ) providing multiple services, seeking for Business Planning Researchers(Analysts) . Here is the introduction of our company. Corporate Summary PV: Corporate Brochure: WEB: This is the job to research on our new business models prior to their launch in regards to market trends and competitons with strong analysis especially based on data and numbers. -Job Descrption *Creating reports with PowerPoint and Word about the services and companies we specify. *The
現在、弊社ではユーザー直、代理店案件含めまして、受託、常駐案件ともに多数ございます。 PHP、Java、Oracle、C#、Ruby、SAPが中心ですが、事業拡大に伴い現在、パートナーを探しております。 SAP案件、Java、PHP案件、LAMP(Linux、Apache、MySQL、PostgreSQL)案件、VC++、C言語案件、VB、C#.NET、COBOL、Ruby案件、PM(プロジェクトマネージャー)、PL(プロジェクトリーダー)など受託、常駐で開発案件のご協力をして頂ける方の募集で御座います。 制御系・組み込み系から企業の情報システム、基幹システム、業務システム開発、ウェブシステム、サイト構築まで。 現在、ユーザー直の受注案件で具体的な案件内容も提示できますので、宜しければ、一度お会いしてご相談させて頂ければと思っております。
I need a PHP developer to integrate my application with Outlook. This integration should allow my application to send Outlook emails. The emails may include attachments, so the developer needs to ensure that the integration can handle this. Ideal skills and experiences for the job include: - Proficiency in PHP - Experience with Outlook API - Understanding of email protocols - Capability to handle email attachments The content of the emails will be plain text, so the integration does not need to handle HTML formatting. However, the developer should ensure that the email content is correctly formatted as plain text.
I'm seeking an experienced Wikipedia writer/editor to help create a new page for my company and also edit an existing page. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a comprehensive and engaging Wikipedia page for my company, based on the detailed company history and achievements that I will provide. - Ensure the page adheres to Wikipedia's guidelines and standards for content and neutrality. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in writing and editing Wikipedia pages, particularly for companies/organizations. - Excellent writing and research skills, with the ability to present information in a clear and engaging manner. - Familiarity with Wikipedia's content guidelines and standards. I have a detailed company history and achievements ready to share, so we can cre...
...- Familiarity with YouTube's search algorithms - Ability to deliver actionable insights and strategies Steps: - Find keywords in VidIq, All the keywords has to scored above >70 only to be accepted - Ensure The keywords are relevant to stock market only - The keywords has to be not the one we already have here : - The keywords has to relevant match with our YouTube channel [@im-aam_official] - The keywords has to has high google search trends above >70 - The keywords accepted are only under one term, so it is may not be closed in terms with each other, like NVDA stock, NVDA stock analysis, NVDA analysis, as it will be counted as one keyword. - Target location are YouTube
I'm looking for an expert to enhance and edit our brochure and lead magnet on how to do Meta Ads for our social media marketing agency. The target audience is wellness businesses. Currently, the materials are in PowerPoint format. Key Tasks: - Enhance the design to a modern and innovative style - Structure the content to make it professional and easy to understand - Ensure the materials are visually appealing and suitable for our target audience Ideal Skills: - Advanced design skills with experience in custom graphics and branding - Excellent understanding of modern and innovative design styles - Strong PowerPoint editing skills - Experience working with marketing materials - Understanding of the wellness industry is a plus Please note that the design of the materials and th...
...who can develop a Saas product for event organisers. It would include a CRM for businesses and a customer portal. It will have 30 pages with different functions and all pages should be responsive. Pages will include but won’t be limited to: Business portal/CRM - Registration. - Settings (with business info.) - Login. - Events (where businesses can see all there events) - Create an event. - Edit event. - Create a menu. - Event summary and food order. - Individual food order. - Exports to excel - Food orders(sorted by course and table). - seating management Customer portal - Register. - Login. - Register and create an event. - Login and create an event. - Customer profile page. - Future events. - Past events. - Event details - Info page. - Event details - Food ord...
...Squarespace templates. Creating visuals and graphics for digital campaigns. Editing short videos. Setting up basic Zapier automation workflows. The scope may vary based on your performance, with an opportunity to transition into a steady monthly role starting at $600/month. Hourly Rate: $15–$20 (negotiable based on experience). Key Responsibilities 1. Content Creation and Management Design and edit graphics for landing pages, advertisements, and social media. Publish and update content using Squarespace. 2. Social Media and Engagement Develop and execute campaigns on platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitch. Interact with followers through comments, direct messaging, and community engagement. 3. Marketing Automation Setup Create and manage Zapier workflows...
I'm looking for a talented food photographer and videographer to create engaging content for my social media platforms. The shoot will include a variety of shots, from close-ups of the food to action shots of the cooking process. Key Requirements: - Capture of different types of shots including close-up/macro shots, plated dishes, and action shots (cooking in process...different types of shots including close-up/macro shots, plated dishes, and action shots (cooking in process) - Use of a neutral and natural style of photography - Ability to create content that will appeal to a social media audience Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in food photography and videography - Strong understanding of social media content creation - Ability to shoot and edit high-quality...
I want to create voice agent in python , where on button click i can talk with chatgpt and 11labs intigration
...I'm facing some challenges that I can't seem to overcome. Specific Issues: - Plugin Conflicts: I suspect some of the plugins I'm using are causing problems, but I can't identify them all. - Installation Problems: I need assistance with ensuring everything is set up correctly and optimally. What I Need: - Help identifying problematic plugins. - Assistance with setting up my site so I can easily edit my purchased template kit using Elementor. - General tech support to resolve installation issues. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with WordPress and Elementor. - Proficient in troubleshooting plugin conflicts. - Able to provide clear explanations and guidance. Ideally I would like someone to go into my accounts and fix the issues and set it all up properl...
Job Description: I’m purchasing a ready-to-use social media platform called Sngine (if you’re not familiar with it, you can search for it online). I need a developer who can: Customize the appearance and functionalities of Sngine. Deploy it on a VPS server. Integrate user storage with AWS or another cloud platform. Required Modifications: Repost Button: Add a "Repost" button on ak posts, allowing users to repost content to their profiles. Thread Feature: Implement a "Thread" option, similar to X (formerly Twitter), so users can connect their posts into threads. Home Page Tabs: Add "For You" and "Following" tabs: For You: Displays trending posts. Following: Shows posts from users they follow. Add two primary tabs in the top...
Job Description: I’m purchasing a ready-to-use social media platform called Sngine (if you’re not familiar with it, you can search for it online). I need a developer who can: Customize the appearance and functionalities of Sngine. Deploy it on a VPS server. Integrate user storage with AWS or another cloud platform. Required Modifications: Repost Button: Add a "Repost" button on ak posts, allowing users to repost content to their profiles. Thread Feature: Implement a "Thread" option, similar to X (formerly Twitter), so users can connect their posts into threads. Home Page Tabs: Add "For You" and "Following" tabs: For You: Displays trending posts. Following: Shows posts from users they follow. Add two primary tabs in the top...
...application. These are 3 apks because of 3 languages UI. But the contents, resources and codes are all the same. To do: 1. Update the UI to add a first Print button that will connect to a Zebra thermal printer on the network and print a label. Zebra printer uses ZPL language. 2. Update the UI to add a second Print button that will connect to a Bluetooth thermal printer and print a tag (receipt like). This function is already in the existing app, i just need an additional button that will print another set of contents. 3. There is a photo button which is opening a jpg file depending on the value from another field. Currently the button opens a search box when clicked, then the photo will be shown in a photo box. I want you to change that functi...
I need a seasoned programmer with expertise in Python and MySQL to convert a segment of my existing PHP Telegram bot code into Python. Specific Requirements: - The primary focus is on translating the broadcast functionality. - The bot should be capable of sending broadcasts based on user-specified times. - Ideally, the freelancer should be able to understand Hindi as the bot is designed for Hindi speakers. Skills & Experience: - Proficient in Python and MySQL. - Prior experience with Telegram bot development. - Able to understand and translate PHP code to Python. - Understanding of Hindi is a plus.
...development of complete systems using technologies such as Laravel, PHP, and MySQL. Front-end interface generation using modern technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Modification and Maintenance: Ability to perform advanced modifications to existing systems with high efficiency and professionalism. Adapt to specific requirements based on business needs. Key Features of the Assistant: Continuous learning capability: The AI should improve its performance over time. User-friendly interface for intuitive interaction with the AI. Automatic documentation of all changes made. Clean, optimized, and maintainable code output. Required Skills: Expertise in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Proficiency in Laravel, PHP, and MySQL development. Front-end development...
I'm looking for an experienced video editor to help enhance my YouTube channel content about Mgm Pushpam Chits Private Ltd. This is for promotional and personal branding purposes. Key Responsibilities: - Edit video content by adding professional and sleek transitions and effects. The aim is to have high-quality, polished videos that reflect well on the brand. - Integrate my company logo at appropriate points in the video. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in using video editing software to add transitions and effects. - Experience with creating professional and sleek videos. - Ability to incorporate branding elements seamlessly. - Understanding of YouTube content standards and audience expectations.
My Joomla site has a broken feature after the recent update. Notably, some static text — which appears to be the Yelp link — on the main page has been replaced with gibberish. The ideal freelancer for this project should: - Have extensive experience with Joomla - Be proficient in PHP - inderstand English. Have a keen eye for detail to identify all instances of gibberish text - Be able to fix broken features in a timely manner
I am looking for a professional PHP developer who can integrate a comprehensive PayPal payment gateway into my site. Key Features: - Support for subscription payments, one-time payments and donation options - Inclusion of an additional payment method: Cryptocurrency I already have a fully set up PayPal account ready for this integration. Please provide examples of similar projects you've worked on in your bid.
PLEASE READ COMPLETELY PLEASE READ C...document completely and let me know what job you are interested in - ONLY bid what you will charge and be very specific on which job you can do - this is a long term gig but you will be put on a trial period On top of the jobs listed need a full time Graphic designer Social media content creator Faceless content I will have Clear Milestones: For roles like Event Planner and Marketing Specialist, break down deliverables into clear milestones (e.g., “Finalize retreat itinerary by [date]”). Application Screening: I will need examples of past work (e.g., marketing campaigns, event portfolios) and offer an initial short-term contract or trial period.
I'm looking for a freelancer who can edit a picture for me. The job is straightforward. Ideal skills: - Proficiency in photo editing software - Attention to detail - Ability to deliver high-quality work quickly Please note, the specific details of the project will be discussed once I select a freelancer.
I am seeking a skilled CAD/BIM professional to edit my DWG files. The primary tasks involve modifying existing components, including adjustments to dimensions, layouts, materials, and textures. While I believe the drawings were created in Archicad, I am not entirely certain. I have included a sample of the required markups and amendments, along with the current DWG file. While additional work is needed to complete the project, for now, I request an estimate or hourly rate for completing the provided markups and amendments. Additionally, please provide an anticipated timeframe for completing this portion of the work. If you don't provide this information, you will not be considered. You MUST possess and demonstrate the following skills and experience to be considered: Profic...
Require a video creator to create an engaging short pilot video, will consider new freelancers based on proof of similar prior work you may have preformed elsewhere or for yourself. You'll need to be able to create concepts, edit, have creative storytelling ability, understanding how to target and engage audience with videos. Ongoing work, so will need more similar videos regularly. Further details upon contact chat.
I'm looking for a skilled web developer experienced with PHP Laravel and Stripe to integrate a payment system into my website. Key Requirements: - Handling both one-time and subscription payments through Stripe - Implementing automatic renewals for managing subscriptions Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PHP Laravel - Experienced with Stripe payment integration - Familiar with subscription management systems Please note, the project will only require handling a single currency. Your expertise in creating seamless payment systems will be crucial for the success of this project. Looking forward to your proposals.
I'm looking for a skilled video editor who can transform my raw footage into a 1-minute advertisement that's both fun and energetic. The successful candidate will be responsible for: - Editing the video to create a fast-paced, engaging advertisement - Applying a vibrant and bright color grade to the footage Ideal candidates will have previous experience editing advertisement videos and a strong portfolio showcasing their work. A sense of timing and rhythm is essential, as well as an understanding of how to create a piece of video that appeals to a fun-loving audience. Please provide examples of your previous work that you feel are relevant to this project.
I am looking for an experienced video editor to help with editing content for my YouTube channel, The Big Bang Breakdowns. The channel focuses on ranking, analyzing, and breaking down characters, moments, and episodes from The Big Bang Theory. Responsibilities: Edit 10-minute YouTube videos that include clips from The Big Bang Theory (you will need to source appropriate content or I can provide it). Add engaging visual effects, transitions, and text overlays to enhance the content. Incorporate background music and sound effects (licensed or royalty-free). Ensure the videos are engaging, flow well, and align with the channel's theme and audience. Deliver videos in 1080p resolution with correct aspect ratios and formatting for YouTube. Requirements: Proven experience in video ...
...Give prospects / clients a visual reference on how to simply manage their project portfolio What this isn't: A Project Management application A Resource Management solution Scheduling and Project Time Management solution Finance and Project Cost Management solution Job Brief Create a logo and color palette for We would like to incorporate the 'triangle/play button' into the Logo as per the example logos attached. Create simple landing page concept. *Use competitor examples as a guide. The landing page concept only has to be 1 page with some simple copy (see competitors) NOTE Use MS color pallete for inspiration to associate familiarity with MS tools X. EXEMPLARS FROM COMPETITORS
...historical figures. The result should look and sound as though Einstein and Tagore are truly conversing. • Monetization: The final output is intended for YouTube. We want to maximize viewership and ad revenue, while respecting YouTube’s policies. 2. Script and Dialogue 1. Script Extraction • Review the source PDF and extract the direct dialogue from Einstein and Tagore. • If needed, slightly edit the text for clarity and flow, ensuring minimal deviation from the original meaning. 2. Final Script Approval • Provide a draft script (with potential minor edits or clarifications) to the client for approval before proceeding with production. 3. Style & Visual Design 1. Character Design • Develop animated characters for Einstein and Tagore th...
...Skin Retouching Tools (e.g., Evoto), helpful for evening out skin tones and handling minor blemishes—while staying true to our body-positive mission. -Comfortable working with nudity and ensuring complete confidentiality- absolutely no sharing images at all, including privately. -Efficiency and reliability are key. Please be prepared to meet agreed-upon deadlines. Key Responsibilities -Receive & Edit Lightroom Catalogs, incorporate our anchor images as a guide, then manually fine-tune each photo for lighting, color balance, and skin retouching. -Maintain Style Consistency, ensure the overall look of each gallery remains cohesive, even when images come from different cameras and dynamic lighting situations. -Uphold Body-Positive Values, Retouch responsibly—no res...
I'm looking for a skilled video editor to help me edit social media content for Instagram. The editing style should be clean and professional, suitable for Instagram's audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with editing social media content, particularly for Instagram. - Strong understanding of a clean and professional editing style. - Excellent editing skills, with a keen eye for detail.
I am in need of a skilled developer who can create a bespoke Google Shopping XML feed for my Shopify store. I am specifically looking for a tailored solution and not a generic app, so please don't recommend any pre-installed applications. The XML feed should include: - ...so please don't recommend any pre-installed applications. The XML feed should include: - Product details and prices - Inventory levels - Product Title - Product Description Custom Field It should be updated on a weekly basis. Additionally, I need the feed to support: - Product variants - Custom attributes Ideal skills for this project would include proficiency in XML, Shopify, and experience with Google Shopping integrations. A strong understanding of product variants and custom attributes ...
I am Krushna, an experienced video editor focusing on social media content, primarily Instagram. I'm in need of a competent freelancer who can help me edit and design my Instagram Reels. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in video editing software - Experience with social media content, particularly Instagram - Creative design skills - Understanding of Instagram Reels format and trends - Ability to meet tight deadlines Your role would primarily involve editing and designing content for my Instagram Reels. If you have a passion for social media and video editing, and you're looking for a project that can keep you on your toes, this is the job for you!
I am looking for a video editor who can edit my existing footage into informative and educational Instagram Reels. - Content: I will provide all the existing footage that needs to be edited. - Style: The reels should be informative and educational, so the editing should reflect a clear, easy-to-follow narrative, incorporating appropriate text, graphics and pacing to convey the information effectively. - Platform: The final edits should be optimized for Instagram. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in video editing for social media, particularly Instagram. - Strong understanding of the 'informative and educational' style. - Excellent skills in using editing software to create high quality, engaging content. - Ability to meet deadlines and work independent...
...documentary-style videos for a faceless YouTube channel. What we’re looking for: Experience in video editing for YouTube or similar platforms. Proficiency in tools like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or similar software. Ability to craft compelling visuals and transitions that align with the documentary format. Strong sense of pacing, sound design, and visual storytelling. What you’ll do: Edit clips into high-quality videos that capture audience attention. Incorporate stock footage, voiceovers, sound effects, and music for a polished finish. Collaborate with our team to ensure content meets creative and technical standards. Why join us? Be part of a growing, innovative YouTube team. Opportunity to showcase your editing skills to a wide audience. Flexible and c...
...Southern California. Please see the attached image files for image reference as to how the Italian mansion/villa could look like. Important - we do not have architectural plans, and just need a rendering that can be generated from AI / 3D modeling software. Please see the FULL description of the image to generate: Large Italian Villa on a 30-acre hillside promontory with guest house with a long driveway lined with cypress trees leading up to it. Outdoor Amenities will include: -Pool w/ jacuzzi -Outdoor entertaining Cabana with large TV -BBQ area and outdoor dining -Fire pit gathering area -Pickleball Court -Golf/ Putting Green. -Olive grove on the surrounding hill Important - we are working
...documentary-style videos for a faceless YouTube channel. What we’re looking for: Experience in video editing for YouTube or similar platforms. Proficiency in tools like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or similar software. Ability to craft compelling visuals and transitions that align with the documentary format. Strong sense of pacing, sound design, and visual storytelling. What you’ll do: Edit clips into high-quality videos that capture audience attention. Incorporate stock footage, voiceovers, sound effects, and music for a polished finish. Collaborate with our team to ensure content meets creative and technical standards. Why join us? Be part of a growing, innovative YouTube team. Opportunity to showcase your editing skills to a wide audience. Flexible and c...