Mysql social network example仕事
...Instagram 帳戶,包括內容創建、發佈和與關注者的互動 - 實施有效的策略以提高品牌知名度並吸引更多關注者 - 監控和分析關鍵指標以衡量行銷活動的成功 - 與我合作開發和執行創意和引人入勝的營銷活動 技能和經驗: - 在管理Instagram帳戶和取得可衡量的結果 - 深入瞭解 Instagram 的演算法、最佳實踐和最新趨勢 - 對社交媒體行銷原則和策略有深刻的理解 - 精通內容創作和平面設計 - 出色的溝通和協作技巧 - 跟蹤和分析關鍵績效指標的分析思維 預算: - 我這個專案的預算在 500 美元到 1000 美元之間。如果你有技能和經驗來支援我的Instagram行銷工作,我很想聽聽你的意見。請提供您以前工作的範例,並讓我知道您如何説明我實現我的社交媒體營銷目標。 所需技能 網路行銷 社交網路 臉書行銷 社交媒體行銷 -- Project Description: Social Media and Google Marketing Support I am looking for a skilled freelancer who can provide support for my Instagram marketing efforts. Must speak Chinese and English fluently. Platforms: - Instagram Responsibilities: - Management of my Instagram account, including content creation, posting, and engagement with followers - Implementing effective strategies to increase brand visib...
海外ブランドの日本ページを作り、成長させられる方を探しています。 特にワイン・スピリッツに興味ある方・英語喋れる方歓迎してます。
リモートワーカー向けの求人サイトのシステムを開発したいと考えており、 システムエンジニアの方々を募集します。 お仕事の詳細: ▽システム開発依頼の目的・概要 リモートワーカー向け求人サイトを新規で立ち上げたいと考えております。 デザイン制作は当社の方で用意いたしますので、 システムの設計から、構築までお願い致します。 ▽参考システム(サイト) サイトURL: ▽システム開発に利用するプログラミング言語 ・使用言語: PHP など ・MYSQL等データベース技術 ・サーバ構築、管理の技術(クラウドサーバーなど) ▽重要視する点・経験 ・業務用のシステム開発・システム設計の経験 ・フレームワークによる開発/ライブラリ開発の経験があると尚可 ・拡張性・生産性の高いコーディング力 ・クライアント企業とのコミュニケーションに慣れている方 ・秘密保持契約を結べる方 ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※開発したシステムに関する情報を第三者に漏洩すること ▽その他コメント ※実際のシステム開発の進め方・別途詳細は、メッセージでやりとりして決められればと思います。 ※このお仕事以降も、継続的に追加で開発依頼をさせていただくことも可能です。 たくさんのシステムエンジニアの方からのご連絡・ご応募お待ちしております。 ********************************************************** ボリューム感としては 参考サイトに記載したURLのサイトと同等のモノを作成したいと考えております。 ざっくりですが、 ・求人情報表示 ・求人検索 ・ユーザー管理 ・企業側ユーザー管理 ・企業側求人作成 ・企業側求人管理 ・企業ーユーザー間の連絡管理
【 Androidアプリ開発者募集 】 Android向けに開発したいと考えており、 エンジニア・プログラマの方を募集します。 お仕事の詳細: ▽使用するプログラミング言語 ・Javaのスキル ・MySQL / PostgreSQLなどのデータベース技術 ・サーバサイドの技術があれば尚可(vps、クラウドサーバーなど) ▽重要視する点・開発経験 ・Android SDK、Javaでのスマートフォンアプリ開発経験 ・Android端末に対する深い理解(特にGalasySシリーズなどのメジャーなスマートフォン) ・AndroidOSに関する理解 ・クライアント企業とのコミュニケーションに慣れている方 ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※他で登録されているデザインや商標の転用など、他社の知的財産権を侵すこと ※他のクライアントへ既に提案した内容の転用など ▽その他コメント ※実際のAndroidアプリ開発の進め方・別途詳細は、クラウドワークスのメッセージでやりとりして決められればと思います。 ※ご希望があれば、このお仕事以降も、Android版の開発など継続的に追加で依頼をさせていただく可能性もあります。 たくさんのエンジニア・プログラマの方からのご連絡・ご応募お待ちしております。
MYSQLサーバーと連携させて、twitterクローンアプリの制作。 実装する機能はtwitterの持つ機能+αです。 UIのデザインはこちらで用意致します。システム部分の構築をお願い致します。
Sabır beklemek yeteneği değil, ama nasıl beklerken davranmaya devam yoktur. ================================================ Geduld is nie die vermoë om te wag nie, maar hoe kan jy voortgaan om op te tree terwyl hulle wag. ================================================ อดทนไม่สามารถที่จะรอ แต่อย่างไรคุณยังคงทำหน้าที่ในขณะที่รอ ================================================ 耐心是不是要等能力,但你如何繼續採取行動,同時等待。 ================================================ 忍耐は待機する能力はありませんが、どのように待機している間に行動していきます。 Join us
...特定のゲームタイトルに関連する記事を取得すること 2. プログラムの特定の一か所に記述されたゲームタイトルパラメーターを変更するだけで対応したデータが取得できること 3. 海外ゲームタイトルであっても取得可能であること 4. 1日に1回バッチを回した際、以前に取得したことがない記事をリストとして取得できること 5. 記事のタイトル・サムネイル・記事本文の一部を取得すること ■ システム要件 1. PHP + MySQLで構築すること 2. PHP5.3で推奨されていない表現を用いないこと 3. Cronによって動作すること 4. プログラムを動かすサーバー OR dbサーバーに対して必要以上の負荷をかけないこと ■ 納品物については以下の通りとなります 1. プログラム本体の納品(PHP) 2. データの格納先DB-Tableの納品(SQLクエリ) ■ 応募条件 1. 応募時にどのような方法で実現する予定なのかを簡潔に明記してください (Ex. TwitterSerch API と Bing Serch APIを用いて実現します、など) ▽参考Webサイト サイト名:スマートニュース/newspicksなどのバックエンド ▽使用するプログラミング言語/ツール/特殊技術(テクノロジー) ・PHP(5.3) ・MySQL ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※ 他で登録されているデザインや商標の転用など、他社の知的財産権を侵すこと ※ 商用利用できないライセンスのプログラムを用いること ※ ▽その他コメント ※実際のWebサイト開発/アプリケーション開発の進め方・別途詳細は、 クラウドワークスのメッセージでやりとりして決められればと思います。...
...price using the data from the Excel document. This is part of the fixed price , in order to cover all the latest tables. Currently I am using PHP Excel, to migrate to MySQL if possible. MySQL 5.5 PHP 5.2 Basically: I want to display the captured data in XLS (Excel) to MySQL in calendar form. PS. if there is the necessary support, we can do this monthly PPS. For the test site , I can prepare it in the same server. ---------------------------------------------------------------- エクセルファイルのデータを使って料金をカレンダー表示したい。 料金を一部変えることは無く、最新のシートですべて上書きする。 現在はPHPExcelを使っている。 できればMySQLに移行したい。 MySQLは5.5 PHPは5.2 ・XLSをMySQLに取り込む ・取り込んだデータをカレンダー状に表示する 月を区切るためにエクセルになにか追記が必要な場合対応可能。 テストサイトは、同じサーバーで用意できます。
Android端末/iPhone向けソーシャルゲーム・アプリの設計、開発、テスト、運用まで一通り携わっていただきます。 当社サービスのスマートフォン向け企画、開発/新規アプリの開発/既存サービスの スマホクライアントを企画から一緒に作っていきます
...今回のみ、開発をお願い致します。 ECサイトの出店先 独自サイト 参考サイト 希望する色 赤系 重視する点 予算、クオリティ、業務経験・知識、実績評価 希望開発言語 PHP、JavaScript CMS導入 特に希望はありませんので、相談して決めさせていただければと思います。 補足説明 ▽利用するECカート 現在はCakePHPを使用しております。 SEOに強い新しいフレームワークに移行をしたく ご提案を希望します。 サーバーはできればクラウドサーバーを使用したく メリットとデメリットもあわせてご提案をお待ちしております。 ▽ECサイト/ネットショップの制作に使用するプログラミング言語 ・PHPなどのプログラミングスキル ・HTML / CSSなどのコーディングスキル ・MySQLなどのデータベース技術 ・JavaScript(jQuery)の技術 ・サーバ構築、管理の技術があれば尚可(VPS、クラウドサーバーなど) ▽重要視する点・経験 ・Skypeのビデオ面談に対応していただけるかた(必須)<=最初に ・Skypeもしくはチャットワークスで連絡が取れる方(必須) ・納期をしっかりと守っていただける方 ・クライアント企業とのコミュニケーションに慣れている方
Business Planning Researchers Wanted(Analysts) IMPORTANT: This time we are ONLY looking for candidates who can write/speak Japanese language We are a Social Media Service Company ( MIRAISHONEN, Inc.() ) providing multiple services, seeking for Business Planning Researchers(Analysts) . Here is the introduction of our company. Corporate Summary PV: Corporate Brochure: WEB: This is the job to research on our new business models prior to their launch in regards to market trends and competitons with strong analysis especially based on data and numbers. -Job Descrption
現在、弊社ではユーザー直、代理店案件含めまして、受託、常駐案件ともに多数ございます。 PHP、Java、Oracle、C#、Ruby、SAPが中心ですが、事業拡大に伴い現在、パートナーを探しております。 SAP案件、Java、PHP案件、LAMP(Linux、Apache、MySQL、PostgreSQL)案件、VC++、C言語案件、VB、C#.NET、COBOL、Ruby案件、PM(プロジェクトマネージャー)、PL(プロジェクトリーダー)など受託、常駐で開発案件のご協力をして頂ける方の募集で御座います。 制御系・組み込み系から企業の情報システム、基幹システム、業務システム開発、ウェブシステム、サイト構築まで。 現在、ユーザー直の受注案件で具体的な案件内容も提示できますので、宜しければ、一度お会いしてご相談させて頂ければと思っております。
...・コメント(各ユーザーの掲示板でのやり取り数)ランキング 口コミユーザー会員 ・Facebook/Twitterアカウントログイン ・ユーザーのマイページ 留学期間、受講プログラム、学校、 留学前(TOEIC400、中学生レベルなど)、留学後(上級クラス、またはビジネス知識の習得など)、 帰国後の状態(学生、出版業界に従事、教師として勤務など) ・ユーザー同士でメッセージをやり取りできる機能 ・ユーザーへのQ&A掲示板 企業ユーザー会員 ・企業ユーザー(レビューされる側)ログイン ・企業ページの編集可能 ■必要な対応項目 ・システム開発 ・データベース構築 ・ウェブデザイン ・コーディング ・ドメイン/サーバーの取得はこちらで行いますので、設定をお願いします。 ・SEO (可能であれば) ■使用言語 WordPressを想定しているので、PHP, MySQL ■ 重視する点/検討基準 ・実績 ・クオリティ ・予算 ■その他 サイトのコンテンツ、素材などは弊社にて用意致します。 ある程度ユーザーを獲得できた後、SNSシステムの強化を考えているので、 拡張性のあるシステムをお願いします。 設定している予算や納期は目安です。必要に応じてご提案いただけますと幸いです。 またWordPress、PHPなどを考えていますが、他に良い方法があれば、 ご提案いただければ検討致します。 提案にあたり不明点があれば、お気軽にご質問ください。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
WEBシステム開発のお仕事です。 (求められるスキル) ・PHP ・WEBデザイン ・グラフィック ・MySQL ・HTML (ジャンル) ・教育 ・ジョブマッチング ・ソフトウェア ・エンターテイメント ・医療
=== project summary === Emails from Google Alert are registered on a table of MySQL everyday. We need PHP script that read these emails via cron, and auto post as wordpress article. On front-page, the website should have 30 new articles. And other article's link are needed on pages that have 30 links. We also need sitemap of all articles for visitors and google (xml). For design, wordpress default template is OK. But we need responsive design, we'll check under 320px, 640px and PC's resolution of width. === required pages === Front page New articles from 31 to 60 New articles from 61 to 90 (From 91, follow these URL) Article's detail Sitemap
D QWCCCDCDQCDCDQCDDQQDQCDDD有料サービスを見るためのユーザー登録方法 | ネットワーク機能を楽しむ ... › ... › ネットワーク機能を楽しむ 上記〈ブラビア〉ネットチャンネルの有料サービスを楽しむには、まず、「Sony Entertainment Network(SEN)」でユーザー登録が必要です。 SENでのユーザー登録後、各サービスプロバイダーでのユーザー登録が出来るようになります。 既に「Essentials」に ... ニコニコヘルプ: 015プレミアム会員と有料サービスについて アーカイブ プレミアム会員と有料サービスについて. プレミアム会員とは? プレミアム会員登録方法; プレミアム会員かどうか確認する; プレミアム会員の解約方法について; プレミアム会員を解約するとどうなるの? プレミアム会員を解約したのに料金が発生している ...
...Outreach: Identify and build a list of potential B2B customers. Develop and execute cold email and outreach campaigns using tools like Apollo or Mailshake. and Advertising Campaigns: Create and manage Google Ads and Facebook/Instagram Ads to drive trial sign-ups. Design ad creatives, write copy, and analyze campaign performance to improve ROI. and Social Media Strategy: Create a content calendar for organic social media growth. Develop posts and ads showcasing the benefits of Last Employee for small businesses. and Reporting: Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) for campaigns. Provide weekly reports and recommendations for scaling. Requirements: Experience with branding and website optimization (preferably WordPress). Proven track record of generating B2B
I'm seeking a skilled grant finder and writer to help secure private foundation/governement funding or similar for my UK-based startup social business. The primary objective of the funding will be to launch new services/products. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in grant writing, specifically for private foundations - Knowledge of UK-based funding opportunities - Strong communication and persuasive writing skills - Experience with social businesses is a plus Please provide examples of previous successful grant applications, particularly for social enterprises or startup businesses. My start up designs and create adaptive ski equipment for disabled persons. It’s uk based limited by shares. Thank you
...with icons for Report, Track, and Complaint for easier navigation. Include a short message explaining the purpose of the app on the landing page. 2. Quick Access Options: Add an emergency call button for severe animal cases. Provide language options for broader accessibility. --- Report Button Flow: 1. Authentication: Verify the mobile number using OTP for security. Allow optional social login (Google/Apple ID) for quick access. 2. Incident Reporting: Fields to include: Dog Picture: Enable image upload with a preview option. Location: Use GPS or manual pin-drop on a map. Reporter Name and Contact: Autofill if the user is logged in. Additional Details: Notes like the condition of the dog or urgency level. 3. Acknowledgment: Show a confirmation message a...
I'm seeking a witty commentator to inject humor into my social media stories. Your role would be to craft amusing yet relevant commentary that can engage viewers and enhance the entertainment value of my content. Prior experience with social media commentary and a strong sense of humor is essential for this role.
I'm looking for a dedicated full-time assistant with a strong skill set in managing social media platforms, data entry, and various administrative tasks. Social Media Management: - Platforms include Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter - Responsibilities may involve content posting, engaging with followers, and tracking analytics Data Entry: - Tasks will include updating spreadsheets, entering customer information, and cataloging products Administrative Duties: - Involves scheduling appointments, managing emails, and handling correspondence Ideal candidates should have prior experience in a similar role, have excellent communication skills, and be proficient in using social media platforms and spreadsheet software.
I'm in need of a seasoned IT professional with a strong focus on Firewall Management and troubleshooting. My primary need is for assistance with the setup of a firewall. Key Responsibilities: - Configure a new firewall to meet our security needs. - Troubleshoot any issues that arise during setup or in the future. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in Firewall set...on Firewall Management and troubleshooting. My primary need is for assistance with the setup of a firewall. Key Responsibilities: - Configure a new firewall to meet our security needs. - Troubleshoot any issues that arise during setup or in the future. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in Firewall setup. - Proven track record in IT troubleshooting. - Strong understanding of networ...
Project Description: We are looking for a Network Engineer or IT Specialist with expertise in campus-wide network setup and configuration to make our college campus, including admin and hostel buildings, network-enabled. This is an on-site project in Patna, Bihar, and the selected candidate must handle the entire process from installation to configuration and testing. The project involves installing and configuring the following networking equipment (equipment provided by us): Firewalls, routers, and switches (L2 and L3 switches with PoE features). Indoor and outdoor access points. Network racks, patch panels, and other infrastructure. LAN cables, conduits, fiber cables, and connectors. The goal is to ensure seamless Wi-Fi and LAN connectivity across the entir...
...trying to reach? (Demographics, interests, pain points) Are there any specific traits or behaviors of the audience that are important to know? 3. Key Message/Theme What key message or value proposition should be conveyed? Are there any specific themes or tones you want to explore? (e.g., professional, playful, edgy) 4. Scope and Deliverables What specific deliverables do you need? (e.g., website, social media posts, email campaign, product mockups) Are there any mandatory components that must be included? 5. Timeline/Deadlines What is the deadline for this project? Are there any milestones or checkpoints along the way? 6. Budget Do you have a budget range? (This helps ensure solutions are feasible) 7. Competitors or Similar Projects Are there any competitors or similar projects t...
...whether the specific policy change could be considered a ‘success’ or ‘failure’ and – using your chosen policy change – how the ‘war on terror’ has impacted upon civil society and/or the criminal justice system and its function. Provide an overall argument as to whether this area of change has changed society for the better, for the worse, or produced ambivalent results and outcomes. Use this example to comment, describe, and critically evaluate how the ‘war on terror’ has impacted government, criminal justice, and/or civil society. You will be assessed on your ability to: Identify an area for administrative/policy change or law reform to criminal justice systems relevant to managing terrorism. This can include: o Chan...
I'm in need of a service that can provide an image, a definition, and an example sentence for a significant number of words (more than 100). This is for the American Language Course, which is a book used to teach English to international military students. These words will be provided by me in sections. I have attached an PowerPoint example for section 7.1. Key Requirements: - Ability to source or create suitable images for each word. Any type of image is acceptable (stock images, custom illustrations, etc.) just as long as it appropriately represents the word. Preferably realistic. ChatGPT works. - Strong understanding of language to craft clear, concise definitions and example sentences. - Creativity and resourcefulness in finding or creating engaging and rel...
I'm looking for a visual artist to create a captivating series of 5-6 high-resolution images, exploring the theme of human senses in an realistic style. The images should be designed with a consistent pattern, either through color schemes or subtle details that connect them. (((( they must be simple an...harmonious combination of two, preferably sticking to black and white or blue with complementary hues. - Each image must be suitable for an Instagram post. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in visual arts, particularly in the abstract-realistic style. - Ability to create a cohesive series of images. - Understanding of social media aesthetics. Please ensure the final images are high-resolution, visually striking, and able to engage an Instagram audience. the attached files...
...connect with the target audience. Strong video editing and storytelling skills. What I Offer: Long-term collaboration if the results are successful. Competitive compensation based on experience and performance. If you’re a TikTok and Instagram pro who loves travel and knows how to create buzzworthy content, I’d love to hear from you! Please include samples of your previous work or links to your social media profiles in your proposal....
I'm seeking a seasoned full-stack developer or a dedicated team to create a dynamic Carbon Calculator website on a service-oriented model. This platform will empower users to compute their carbon emissions (CO₂, CH₄, N₂O) on a global scale utilizing emission factors. The site needs to be developed with: - React.js for the frontend - Node.js for the backend - MySQL as the database Incorporate cutting-edge technologies such as , TypeScript, RESTful APIs, GraphQL, and JWT-based authentication to ensure a modern, scalable, and secure solution. Key Features of the Website: - User registration, login, and subscription plans based on different tiers. - Advanced carbon calculation mechanisms influenced by distance-based methods and EF databases. - Data visualization primarily using ...
I'm in search of a highly skilled video editor with a knack for creating trendy and fast-paced content for my social media platforms - primarily Instagram and TikTok. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in editing social media content, specifically for Instagram and TikTok - Ability to create trendy and fast-paced videos that resonate with the target audience - A keen eye for detail and a passion for video editing Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in leading video editing software - Strong understanding of social media trends - Excellent creativity and storytelling skills This is a long-term opportunity for the right candidate. Please include examples of your previous work in your application.
I'm looking for an expert to enhance and edit our brochure and lead magnet on how to do Meta Ads for our social media marketing agency. The target audience is wellness businesses. Currently, the materials are in PowerPoint format. Key Tasks: - Enhance the design to a modern and innovative style - Structure the content to make it professional and easy to understand - Ensure the materials are visually appealing and suitable for our target audience Ideal Skills: - Advanced design skills with experience in custom graphics and branding - Excellent understanding of modern and innovative design styles - Strong PowerPoint editing skills - Experience working with marketing materials - Understanding of the wellness industry is a plus Please note that the design of the materials and th...
...short videos. Setting up basic Zapier automation workflows. The scope may vary based on your performance, with an opportunity to transition into a steady monthly role starting at $600/month. Hourly Rate: $15–$20 (negotiable based on experience). Key Responsibilities 1. Content Creation and Management Design and edit graphics for landing pages, advertisements, and social media. Publish and update content using Squarespace. 2. Social Media and Engagement Develop and execute campaigns on platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitch. Interact with followers through comments, direct messaging, and community engagement. 3. Marketing Automation Setup Create and manage Zapier workflows to automate marketing processes. Integrate HubSpot forms into landing pages ...
I'm in need of an ethical hacker to help me find mate has been monitoring on my phone and laptop. I know that he hacked into my system by creating a device adapter or some sort of software. I made the case visible to him but he is is still denying. So i want a proof that its him. - Web applications - Network infrastructure - Mobile applications After the assessment, I require only a summary of the vulnerabilities found, not a detailed report. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in ethical hacking - Proficiency in testing web applications, network infrastructure, and mobile applications - Ability to provide a concise summary of vulnerabilities This is a great opportunity for freelancers with a strong background in cybersecurit...
I'm a business professional seeking a marketing professional with a robust reach within the entrepreneur and small business owner c...completion of my request. Promotion Methods: Creatively promote the link and content I provide. You should be promoting to small business groups and entrepreneurs, potentially investor groups. ****If you are a freelancer that can only post randomly in Facebook comment section do Not bid for my projects.**** Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in affiliate marketing with examples. - Strong network within the targeted audience. - Excellent communication and marketing skills. - Creative and proactive approach to link promotion. **If this is unclear I ask that you communicate with me before awarding the project I’m open to dis...
...approximately 10 hours per week of recording for the duration of the contract. Nice-to-haves (Preference will be given to talent with these qualifications.) Experience working with scripts (for example, voice-over work, audiobook reading, acting) Experience with professional speech recording Equipment requirements PC or Laptop capable of meeting the technical specifications listed below for the contract’s deliverables and browser with the most recent security updates installed Microphones with high-quality audio High-speed, password protected internet connection. Performing work over an open wireless network connection is NOT allowed If you will be recording with your partner virtually and need to use the client’s recording platform, you must meet the followi...
E-commerce Strategy: Expertise in developing comprehensive eCommerce strategies that align with business goals, optimizing product listings, and improving conversion rates. Product Management: Proficient in managing product catalogs, ensuring accurate descriptions, pricing, and inventory control to deliver an excellent user experience. Online Marketing: Experience with SEO, SEM, email marketing, and social media campaigns to drive traffic, increase engagement, and boost sales. Platform Proficiency: Skilled in managing eCommerce platforms such as Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, and Amazon Seller Central. Customer Experience Optimization: Expertise in improving website usability and customer journey to enhance satisfaction and retention. Analytics and Reporting: Adept at using Google A...
We are searching for a Blockchain Engineer to assist in designing and implementing innovative blockchain solutions. The role involves creating secure systems, integrating smart contracts, and ensuring seamless operations within decentralized networks. Ideal candidates will have substantial experience with blockchain technologies and a deep understanding of cryptographic principles. This is a remote freelance position with flexible hours. Join us to contribute your expertise to our cutting-edge project.
I'm looking for a talented food photographer and videographer to create engaging content for my social media platforms. The shoot will include a variety of shots, from close-ups of the food to action shots of the cooking process. Key Requirements: - Capture of different types of shots including close-up/macro shots, plated dishes, and action shots (cooking in process) - Use of a neutral and natural style of photography - Ability to create content that will appeal to a social media audience Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in food photography and videography - Strong understanding of social media content creation - Ability to shoot and edit high-quality visual content
Search for the top 30 YouTube channels and shorts based on keyword searches and save these to Airtable. Do the same for Podcasts, blogs, and newsletters. Scrape their # views, # subscribers, # video, and channel age, along with all of their other social profiles to Airtable. Look up and scrape their # subscribers and top 3-4 stats from their other social media sites. Sort their videos by views. Search the top 10% of their videos that have a guest. Look for the name of the guest and feed that person back into the algorithm to be scraped. Provide a ranking of people by reach in Airtable. Suggest how the ranking should be calculated and how AI could be used to refine the search and ranking, looking for influence and audience overlap.
...AJAX (in search). - Two language versions are required: Arabic and English. - All website functionalities need to remain unchanged, including user authentication, data reporting, real-time updates, and all existing links and data. Some links should be editable from the control panel to open external links ; So you need to use same control panel (I Well provide old source code). - Integration of social media into the new version. - You are responsible for publish website on our server (on Google cloud) - You can give guides to SEO Ideal Skills: - Strong UI/UX design capabilities. - Extensive web development experience, particularly with .NET framework 8, JavaScript, and AJAX. - Proven track record of delivering projects within tight deadlines. - Experience with creating bilingual...
I'm looking for a talented UI designer to create an engaging and intuitive user interface for a mobile Android app focused on social networking. Key Requirements: - Expertise in UI design for Android mobile apps - Experience designing user interfaces for social networking applications - Ability to create an interface that is both engaging and user-friendly The ideal freelancer for this project will have a strong portfolio of Android UI designs, particularly in the social networking space. Your role will be crucial in enhancing user interaction and satisfaction with the app. Please provide examples of your previous work in your proposal.
I am in need of a skilled Network Engineer who is proficient in both setting up and maintaining a network. Key Responsibilities: - Network Setup & Installation: The engineer will be responsible for installing and configuring network devices, ensuring optimal network performance from the outset. - Network Troubleshooting & Maintenance: Post-installation, the engineer will need to monitor the network, troubleshoot any issues that arise, and perform regular maintenance to ensure ongoing network reliability. The ideal candidate for this project should have experience working with a variety of network devices, including: - Routers and Switches: Understanding of how to configure these devices for optimal network per...
I'm in need of a network expert with extensive VoIP and IPT experience. The main focus will be on the configuration and setup of my network, as well as troubleshooting and support. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in VoIP and IPT - Strong troubleshooting skills - Excellent understanding of network setup and support
**? Looking for a Reliable Digital Marketing Agency in Noida/Ghaziabad! ?** Are you a **Noida/Ghaziabad-based digital marketing agency**? We’re on the lookout for a trusted **vendor partnership** to handle sourced projects across various domains. ### **What We Need:** ✅ **Social Media Management** ✅ **SEO & SEM Campaigns** ✅ **AI-Driven Creative Content Production** ✅ **Video Creation & Editing** ✅ **Website Design & Optimization** ✅ **Performance Marketing Expertise** ### **Why Collaborate with Us?** - Regular project outsourcing opportunities. - Clear communication and seamless workflows. - Mutually beneficial long-term partnerships. ? **Preferred Location:** Agencies based in **Noida/Ghaziabad** for better coordination and faster ...
...engaging, friendly and playful content around pet wellbeing and protection. We also want to incorporate our support for non-profits into our content. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a social media strategy primarily on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok - Create content focused on pet wellbeing and protection - Integrate our social cause initiatives into the content - Update our followers with company news and promotions - Build and grow our social media presence Ideal Skills and Experience: - Native German speaker with a deep understanding of the culture - Proven experience in social media content creation - Experience with growing the number of followers / reach - Experience in establishing a new brand is a plus - Familiarity with the pet indu...
I'm looking for a proficient web scraper who can extract specific lists from X/Twitter and use AI to organize the data according to specified parameters. Key Responsibilities: - Scrape lists from X - Use AI to compile and organize the data according to predefined criteria Ideal Skills and Experi...web scraper who can extract specific lists from X/Twitter and use AI to organize the data according to specified parameters. Key Responsibilities: - Scrape lists from X - Use AI to compile and organize the data according to predefined criteria Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in web scraping tools and techniques - Familiarity with AI data compilation methods - Prior experience with social media data extraction - Ability to understand and implement specific data organiza...
Job Description: I’m purchasing a ready-to-use social media platform called Sngine (if you’re not familiar with it, you can search for it online). I need a developer who can: Customize the appearance and functionalities of Sngine. Deploy it on a VPS server. Integrate user storage with AWS or another cloud platform. Required Modifications: Repost Button: Add a "Repost" button on ak posts, allowing users to repost content to their profiles. Thread Feature: Implement a "Thread" option, similar to X (formerly Twitter), so users can connect their posts into threads. Home Page Tabs: Add "For You" and "Following" tabs: For You: Displays trending posts. Following: Shows posts from users they follow. Add two primary tabs in the top naviga...
I'm looking for an experienced content creator to enhance the online presence of our Forex Trading Platform through engaging promotional Reels across Instagram, TikTok, and Youtube. The primary focus will be creating captivating, shareable, and platform-appropriate content that promotes our platform and its unique features. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in social media content creation, particularly for Instagram, TikTok, and Youtube - Strong understanding of Forex trading - Excellent copywriting and visual storytelling abilities - Experience with promotional content - Acting in the video and shooting the same. Please provide examples of previous similar work.
I'm looking for an experienced app developer to build a mobile app for both iOS and Android. The primary purpose of this app is social networking. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in developing cross-platform mobile apps. - Strong portfolio of social networking apps. - Excellent understanding of UI/UX design principles for social apps. - Ability to implement robust backend for user management and data security. - Knowledge of app store guidelines for both iOS and Android. The successful freelancer will be able to create a user-friendly, engaging, and secure social networking mobile app.