Music store module xoops仕事
【 概要 】 このプロジェクトは将棋プレイヤー向けに棋力向上を支援するサービスを提供するアプリの構築を目的としています。 級位者~有段者~高段者など、将棋プレイヤーの棋力を診断した上で次の段級にステップアップするために必要な能力を分析し最適なトレーニング・自己学習の機会を提供することでプレイヤーの棋力向上を促進します。 第一段階としてこのプロジェクトではアプリ開発の環境整備と最低限の機能を実装したα版構築を目標とします。 【 依頼内容 】 ・開発内容: 1.iOSアプリ開発環境構築 -github上で複数人でのアプリ開発環境・ソースコード共有環境の構築 -iOSアプリ開発Developer 登録、 α 版アプリのApp Store 登録 2.棋力向上将棋アプリα版構築 ①Top Menu 画面構築 -トレーニングメニュー選択画面構築 ②将棋棋譜検討GUI構築 -将棋盤面GUI、将棋のルールに沿った指し手の動作機能構築 -コピー&ペーストによる棋譜入力(CSA形式) -APIから受け取った指し手ごとの検討結果表示 -各局面における指し継ぎ、検討ボタンの実装 ③アプリからのサーバーAPI連携実装 -棋譜をAPI連携し検討結果の受け取り -各局面をコード形式に変換しAPI連携、検討結果受け取り ・使用言語:Objective-C 【用意してあるもの】 ・仕様書:各画面のワイヤーフレーム・API仕様などを準備予定 ・サーバー、ドメイン: GCP Cloud Runを利用予定 ・デザイン:未定、デザイナーが必要であれば応相談
・App Store Optimization ・Localize はじめまして、中村です。 プレイストアにアプリを公開したのですが、ダウンロードがまだありません。 アプリストア最適化とローカライズをしていただけないでしょうか?
■お願いしたいこと Unity C#にて不具合対策を一件お願いしたいです ■不具合詳細 戦国ものシミュレーションゲームを運営しているのですが、ユーザーから多数、クラッシュ後にデータが消えてしまい、最初のチュートリアルからとなっていまったとのメールを受け取っています。(殆どがAndroidユーザーからの報告です) 機種やOSに傾向は見受けられません。 ゲーム内容: ■データ保存方法 データ保存にはPlayerPrefsを拡張したプラグイン、「」を使用しています。 PlayerPrefsのSave()同等のFlush()メソッドは都度実施しているため、ファイル書き込みはされています。 再現も難しく、解決するのに時間がかかっており、有識者に確認していただきたいと思っており、今回依頼をさせていただきました。 宜しくお願いいたします。
...3、キリスト教に詳しい、またはキリスト教関連書籍の翻訳を経験した方 4、音楽関係の経験がある方(もし歌詞翻訳、譜割りの経験がありましたら、もっと助かります。) ご応募する際に、履歴書(もしくはご作品のリングなど)を添付お願いいたします。或いは以下の情報を教えてください。 • Native language: • Country of Growing up: • Religion Background: • Education Degree & Major: • Technical Skill: • English Level: • How many experience do you have in lyrics translation or adaptation? And do you have some experience of music/ poetry? If so, it would be best if you could provide some materials that can show how good you are. • Other experiences or materials that can show you are suitable for this project. 当プロジェクトに対応できる方、ぜひ力を添えてお願い申し上げます。 ご返信お待ちしております。
Google Play Developer API ???????????????????????????????????????????? (1) ?????? A. Google Play Developer API ?????????????????? ??????????????????Google play Store????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????????(????????https/ajax??) ? ??????????????????? B. A??????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? C. ??????????????? Google Play Store???????????????APK??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????APK/???????????? ? ????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????? (2) ?????????????? ???????A/B/C???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????(1)????????????????????? ? ??????????????? ? ???????...
Google Play Developer API ???????????????????????????????????????????? (1) ?????? A. Google Play Developer API ?????????????????? ??????????????????Google play Store????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????????(????????https/ajax??) ? ??????????????????? B. A??????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? C. ??????????????? Google Play Store???????????????APK??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????APK/???????????? ? ????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????? (2) ?????????????? ???????A/B/C???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????(1)????????????????????? ? ??????????????? ? ???????...
We have an online store that have been running more than 5 years. Our cart provider upgraded system without back up and our orijinal integration with payment gateway was to be seemed broken. However, our orijinal engineer for programming is not reachable anymore. I would like to fix or get it back to original. I have chosen prefered language as Japanese but both English and Japanese are ok.
AREAS OF EXPERTISE Adobe Creative Suite Photoshop In-Design Illustrator MAC CS4/CS5 Flash ...skills TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY Image Editing & Graphic Designing: Adobe Photoshop CS, Illustrator, Flash Video Editing: FCP, AVID - Media composer, Adobe Premiere Pro, VFX: Adobe After Effects, 3D Max Sound Effects: Audacity, Cube Base 5, Nuendo, Protools. Operating System: MS Windows (Word, Excel, Power point) Camera Operation: Canon, Nikon Music - Western Organ Keyboard, Melodica, Singing STRENGTHS Achievement accompanied with excellence; Apropos Communication and Interpersonal skills. A dynamic optimistic and a positive attitude. Highly receptive with good grasping power
Hello, We are a Japanese owned Los Angeles Based Apparel Online store company. We are looking for someone who can update the website everyday. -No Need to Be able to read HTML -Each task is about 5 to 10 minutes. -You have to be able to READ Japanese but not able to Write or Speak -If you dont Read Japanese but high IT Literacy so that by our tellling you which part corresponds to which part, then you can do the job. JOB This is the job to update the items that comes to the toppage of our 2 online stores. the management system is already set up so yo do not need to use HTMLat all. You just select the item code from our website and set into the system everyday. SKILLS REQUIRED Ability to arrange items in a meaningful, atttractive manner. Lets say if its gett...
fifteenhex様 お世話になります。 依頼内容は同じです。 よろしくお願いします。 アンドロイド向けのツールアプリなのですが、 実はルート化が前提のアプリなのです。 (必須な内容だと判断しておりますがいかがでしょう?) 調べたところ、Linux のシェルコマンドの作成を行い、 root 権限でシェルコマンドを呼び出すという実装技術が必要なようです。 実際はお任せします。 内容は画面表示・移動・遷移を各センサーを利用して簡単に使用できるものです。 詳細は添付の仕様書をご確認ください。 参考にしたアプリをお伝え致します。 Angel Browser OneClick Scroll - root iOSアプリですが RotoView RotoView Photo Magnifier 開発の一助になれば幸いです。 このご縁が繋がることを心よりお待ちしております。 何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。
fifteenhex様 お世話になります。 前回も同じ内容で依頼していたSMArt新町と申します。 メールでも問い合わせした件ですが、よろしくお願いします。 さて、アンドロイド向けのツールアプリなのですが、 実はルート化が前提のアプリなのです。 (必須な内容だと判断しておりますがいかがでしょう?) 調べたところ、Linux のシェルコマンドの作成を行い、 root 権限でシェルコマンドを呼び出すという実装技術が必要なようです。 実際はお任せします。 内容は画面表示・移動・遷移を各センサーを利用して簡単に使用できるものです。 詳細は添付の仕様書をご確認ください。 参考にしたアプリをお伝え致します。 Angel Browser OneClick Scroll - root iOSアプリですが RotoView RotoView Photo Magnifier 開発の一助になれば幸いです。 このご縁が繋がることを心よりお待ちしております。 何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。
ifteenhex様 はじめまして、 日本人のSMArt新町と申します。 日本在住とのことであなた様に興味を持ち、レヴューを拝見しました。 好感が待てましたので、依頼させて頂きます。 (日本語で大丈夫ですよね?) さて、アンドロイド向けのツールアプリなのですが、 実はルート化が前提のアプリなのです。 (必須な内容だと判断しておりますがいかがでしょう?) 内容は画面表示・移動・遷移を各センサーを利用して簡単に使用できるものです。 詳細は添付の仕様書をご確認ください。 参考にしたアプリをお伝え致します。 Angel Browser OneClick Scroll - root iOSアプリですが RotoView RotoView Photo Magnifier 開発の一助になれば幸いです。 このご縁が繋がることを心よりお待ちしております。 何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。
fifteenhex様 はじめまして、 日本人のSMArt新町と申します。 日本在住とのことであなた様に興味を持ち、レヴューを拝見しました。 好感が待てましたので、依頼させて頂きます。 (日本語で大丈夫ですよね?) さて、アンドロイド向けのツールアプリなのですが、 実はルート化が前提のアプリなのです。 (必須な内容だと判断しておりますがいかがでしょう?) 内容は画面表示・移動・遷移を各センサーを利用して簡単に使用できるものです。 詳細は添付の仕様書をご確認ください。 参考にしたアプリをお伝え致します。 Angel Browser OneClick Scroll - root iOSアプリですが RotoView RotoView Photo Magnifier 開発の一助になれば幸いです。 このご縁が繋がることを心よりお待ちしております。 何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。
Quiz program written by JavaScript is already existed. I think of this app for android and iOS. I would like to implementate like them. 1. easily addon (It means another titles of quiz can be added ) Now, source code of quizes are written in basis script directly. I wish these addon can be downloaded each from the store. [main program +trial quiz] + [addon(other title of quiz)] I am looking forward to your proposals. 選択クイズプログラムがすでにJavascriptで書かれたものがあります。 これを、アンドロイドとiOS用に用意しているのですが、次で頓挫しています。 実装したいのは アドオンを追加することでクイズのタイトルが好きに追加できる機能。 アドオンはストアから別途ダウンロードできるようにしたいと考えています。 現在ソースコードにべた書きをしている状態で、分離できていません。 [メインプログラム+トライアルクイズ] と [アドオンなどで新しいクイズの追加] これを理想としています。 ご提案お待ちしております。
ブラウザ機能だけもったiPhoneとAndroidアプリを開発し、App store と Google Playに登録するまでをお願いします。 アプリの機能としては指定のページ(httpsで始まるログイン画面)を開くだけで構いません。
ブラウザ機能だけもったiPhoneとAndroidアプリを開発し、App store と Google Playに登録するまでをお願いします。 アプリの機能としては指定のページ(httpsで始まるログイン画面)を開くだけで構いません。
ブラウザ機能だけもったiPhoneとAndroidアプリを開発し、App store と Google Playに登録するまでをお願いします。 アプリの機能としては指定のページ(httpsで始まるログイン画面)を開くだけで構いません。
I need a Shopify expert who can analyse my store and manage all the necessary settings and SEO of the website. Issues: - Currently, my store is experiencing low traffic, despite selling physical products. Requirements: - The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of Shopify stores. - They should be capable of optimising my store, implementing necessary SEO strategies, and improving overall site performance to boost traffic and potentially enhance conversion rates. - Experience with physical product stores is a plus. Please note, I skipped questions about specific SEO aspects and other issues, as my main concern is the low traffic.
I'm seeking a Shopify expert who can improve my online store. I need somes changes to my site which is almost ready to launch. Also help to test the purchase proces and potentially assist with the courier provider integration seamless integration with a courier service to enhance the checkout process. Key Requirements: - Small content/copy updates - Make site live - Integration of a courier service into the checkout process (this is part complete) - Enhancement of the guest checkout capability - End to end testing Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Shopify - Experience with content creation for eCommerce - Understanding of courier service integrations - Ability to improve guest checkout functionality If you have the ability to create basic fb and IG hol...
I'm looking for an expert audio editor to help me refine an hour-long podcast episode. I need the audio to be transformed into a highly polished and professional piece. Key requirements: - Typical denoise, speech volume leveler, and parametric equalizer processes - Removal of filler words (ums, you knows, ahs) and dead space - Elimination of specific breaks (my questions a...and dead space - Elimination of specific breaks (my questions about pronunciation and pauses for coughing) The ideal candidate for this project will have extensive experience in podcast editing, with a strong commitment to delivering high-quality work. Your expertise in creating a highly polished and professional sound will be crucial. Please note, I prefer the episode to be free from background music or...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a website for my retail store. The primary goal of this site is to showcase my products in a classic and elegant design style. Essential Requirements: - Home page: This will serve as the introduction to my store, featuring a welcome message and an overview of what we offer. - Product catalog: This is the heart of the site where all our products will be displayed. It needs to be user-friendly and visually appealing, in line with the overall elegant aesthetic. - Contact us page: This will provide our customers with the means to reach us, featuring a contact form, our email address, phone number, and store address. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in e-commerce website development - Strong skills in modern, clean,...
I'm looking for an experienced Rock music producer and Hindi elements songs. I have a collection of written songs and a clear vision of the sound I'm aiming for. Ideal Skills: - Experience in English Rock/Hip Hop and hindi music production. - Understanding and ability to incorporate Hindi music elements. - Proficiency in mixing and mastering. - Skills in instrumental arrangement. - Expertise in vocal editing and effects. - Familiarity and experience with AI in music production. Please note, the project requires a creative producer who can understand my vision and bring it to life. Let's make some great music together!
...Highlight determination and effort during the gym workout. - **Content:** Clips from the gym session, focusing on: - Lifting weights, stretching, or using resistance machines. - Close-ups of hands gripping equipment or facial expressions showing effort. - Wide shots of the gym environment to establish context. - **Editing Notes:** - Sync cuts to the rhythm of motivational background music. - Alternate between cinematic wide shots and tight close-ups. - Include moments of struggle or pauses for breath to make it relatable. #### **Gym Bike Session** - **Goal:** Showcase endurance and mental focus during the cycling session. - **Content:** Clips of you on the bike, including: - Adjusting the bike settings or taking a water break. - Close-ups ...
We have a UI and want to make this UI in Unreal 5. Its just a Start Screen and a Main Menu Screen. The Hover need to make a Noise and a background music
...focusing mostly on text data. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize EasyOCR, pdfplumber, and OpenCV for document processing. - Implement with Python, , and Label Studio for annotation and user interface. - Apply spaCy for Natural Language Processing and Named Entity Recognition (NER). - Leverage PyTorch and Hugging Face's Datasets and Transformers within a machine learning framework. - Store metadata in PostgreSQL. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in OCR, PDF processing, and image handling. - Strong background in Python and Next.js. - Experience with spaCy, PyTorch, and Hugging Face's Transformers. - Familiarity with PostgreSQL. - Ability to work with low-quality documents. The goal of this project is to facilitate AI/ML data extraction from these PDF documents....
I'm looking for a professional Android app developer to create an app for me. The specific purpose of the app, user interactions, and special features will be discussed in detail once we connect. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in Android app development - Proficiency in Java/Kotlin - Knowledge of UI/UX design principles for Android - Familiarity with Google Play Store policies and guidelines - Ability to integrate various functionalities into the app A keen understanding of user-centric design and ability to deliver a high-quality, bug-free product is a must. Please share your portfolio and any relevant projects you've worked on in the past.
I'm looking for a talented video editor to compile and edit my recent holiday drone footage. The footage was shot with a DJI Mini 4 Pro and totals about 60 clips. The final video should be approximately 5 minutes long, showcasing both landscapes and activities from my trip. Key Requirements: - Smooth and cinematic editing style - Selection of suitable background music Ideal candidates should have previous experience with drone footage and a strong sense for cinematic editing. Please include samples of your previous similar work in your application. The final product is for personal use, intended for sharing on Instagram and YouTube. I'm open to using less than all of the available clips if necessary.
Description: I am looking for an experienced Android app developer to work on my project. The developer should have expertise in creating advanced Android applications with modern UI/UX designs and functionality. Key requirements: Proficiency in Android development using Java/Kotlin. Experience with app publishing on the Google Play Store. Ability to implement app changes and updates post-launch. If you have a Google Play Console account and a strong portfolio, I’d love to hear from you. Let’s collaborate to create something amazing!
I'm in need of a modern-style logo for a personal finance ebook store. Key Details: - The logo should have a modern style. - It should incorporate a fresh green, charcoal grey, and soft teal color scheme. - A simple, modern icon that combines a “leaf” (representing freshness and growth) and a stylized “path” or “road” running through it, indicating forward momentum and guidance. The leaf can be softly curved (suggesting a gentle, welcoming vibe) with a clear, minimalist path/line cutting through the center or wrapping around the leaf edge. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design and logo creation. - Strong understanding of modern design principles. - Excellent color theory skills. Experience: - Prior experience in designing logos f...
I am encountering an iOS build error in my project related to the gRPC-C++ module. The error specifically states: module map file '/black_portal/ios/Pods/Headers/Private/grpc/' not found This issue appears to be related to CocoaPods and the gRPC library integration in the iOS project. The developer will need to debug and resolve this issue to ensure that the project builds successfully on iOS. Scope of Work: 1. Debugging the Issue: Analyze the Podfile and Pod dependencies for potential misconfigurations. Check the installation and configuration of gRPC-C++ in the project. 2. Resolving the Problem: Fix the missing issue by either regenerating the module map or correctly linking the library. Ensure that the Pods are properly integrated and build without
I need a skilled designer to create infographic images for my Amazon storefront. Key Requirements: - Create infographic images that highlight product features - Design these images in a professional style Images: 1) Feature image (3000 x 1500px @ 300 dpi+) Setting: office desk with all our Mini PCs. Desk should have monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers and minimal clutter. Single ornaments (plant, clock, etc) permitted. On this image we will have hotspots attributed to the product displayed. 2) Use-case image as background (1500 x 1500 @ 300dpi+) Background image for Home Automation + logo of Home Assistant. Image should be faint and watermarked (white washed). May include icons that reference: Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Philips Hue, Nest, Ecobee, Ring, Arlo, Zigbee, ZWave and an ic...
...Android and iOS apps to make them more visually appealing, user-friendly, and modern. 2. Improve the App Store (Google Play and App Store) presentation: • Ensure the interface and content displayed on the stores are professionally organized and in French. • Create a clean, attractive layout for app descriptions, screenshots, and visuals to align with my target market. Requirements: • All descriptions, text, and visuals in the app and app stores must be provided in French. • The new UI must reflect modern, visually appealing design principles. What I Need From You: 1. Your budget proposal for the project. 2. Your estimated timeline for delivery. Please include examples of apps or store presentations you’ve worked on previously. The...
I've recorded a spontaneous vocal performance and need a skilled composer to add basic yet engaging background music to it. The aim is to enhance the track's overall appeal and convey an uplifting mood. Ideal Skills: - Music Composition - Audio Production - Understanding of Uplifting Musical Elements Experience in creating background music for vocals is preferred. Please provide samples of similar projects you've completed.
I need a freelancer experienced with ClickFunnels and Stan Store to help me migrate my course. Please do not apply if you are unfamiliar with either platform.
I'm in need of a skilled Odoo developer who can customize Odoo modules to fit my business needs. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Odoo module customization. - Knowledge of Odoo's (Invoice & Offer). - Experience with Odoo 16, 17, and 18. Looking forward to your proposals. Thanks!
I'm in need of an expert who can optimize my Shopify store comprehensively, set up email marketing automation, and enhance my SEO. Key areas of focus include: Shopify Store Optimization: - Prioritize a user-friendly design that aligns with my brand. - Ensure a smooth checkout process with tracking via Meta Pixel and Google Analytics. - Integration of popups, lead magnets, and various apps such as reviews and upselling features. Email Marketing Automation: - Focus primarily on setting up an effective abandoned cart recovery workflow. - Implement a welcome series and upselling campaigns. SEO Optimization: - On-page SEO focusing primarily on meta descriptions for product pages. Budget: $100–$300. Timeline: 7 days or less. Please include: - Examples of your previo...
I'm looking for a Shopify expert to build a vibrant and engaging e-commerce website for selling physical products. The design should be bold and colorful, appealing to a wide range of customers. Starting a wellness, nutrition, supplement, natural, organic products and lifestyle store. Product categories will include but are not limited to: Vitamins Herbs Natural Medicines Sports Nutrition Body Care Essential Oils Pain Management Cold & Flu Organic Foods Gluten Free Foods Keto Foods Organic Cleaning Products Natural Child Products Organic Tea Organic Coffee Organic Pet Products Meal Replacements Books Lifestyle Products Key requirements: - Extensive experience with Shopify and e-commerce website development. - Strong skills in creating visually appealing, bold and colo...
I'm looking for a professional to help me rebrand my Shopify store. This includes revamping the theme and layout, as well as updating product descriptions and images. I want the new layout to be modern and minimalist, so an understanding of contemporary design principles is crucial. Moreover, I need some enhancements and improvements on my site, specifically: - Enhanced product filtering: I want my customers to be able to find what they need quickly and easily. - Customer reviews and testimonials: I want to build trust with my customers by showcasing what others have to say about my products. - Advanced search capabilities: I need a more robust search function to improve the overall user experience. Ideal candidates for this project should be well-versed in Shopify, have a ...
I'm se...The video should incorporate both close-ups of the tattooing process and wide shots that include the environment. Key Requirements: - Expertise in video editing and creating highlight reels - Ability to capture and edit both close-ups and wide shots - Experience with incorporating background music into the video - Understanding of pacing and rhythm to match the music and visuals The final product should be engaging and well-paced, with appropriate cuts to maintain viewer interest. Background music will be provided, but the editor should have a good sense of timing and rhythm to match the visuals to the audio. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency with video editing software - Strong sense of storytelling through visuals - Experience with tattoo-related content...
Milestone 1 - Listing images & A+ Content - $550 Milestone 2 - Listing images & A+ Content (variation) - $120 Milestone 3 - Listing images & A+ Content (variation) - $120 Milestone 4 - Brand Store (Home Page) - $250 Milestone 5 - Brand Story - $32
I just bought an Insta 360 camera and use it to record my motorcycle rides. I'd like to try having a professional edit this. I have a 25 minute video - pretty boring, really. I'd like to condense it down to a 2-3 minute video. Parts of the video I'd like to speed way up, and other parts show in 1X. Maybe put it to music. This is just for personal use.
I'm seeking a seasoned videographer capable of directing, filming, and editing a high-quality performance-style music video. The location for the shoot is flexible and will be chosen by the videographer. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in directing, filming and editing music videos - Creative with a keen eye for location scouting - Proficient in editing software and techniques Visual Style: - I'm inspired by artists like Connor Price, Dax, and Lil Mabu - A modern/contemporary aesthetic with dynamic visuals and engaging storytelling I value creativity and professionalism, and I'm looking for a collaborator who can bring their own vision and expertise to the project.
Description: I’m looking for a skilled and results-driven professional to help grow my online music theory program. The focus is entirely on finding and converting students for virtual music theory classes conducted via Zoom. There is a tight deadline where we have to meet the target of 75 new students signed up. Responsibilities: Identify and engage potential students (or their parents) through platforms like Facebook groups, Instagram, and other online channels. Send outreach messages to leads with the goal of converting them into trial lesson sign-ups (templates and guidance will be provided). Effectively communicate the value of our music theory program in a professional and engaging manner. Pass qualified and interested leads to my team for scheduling and f...
I'm seeking a talented video editor for my coaching class. The project involves editing lecture recordings with a specific editing style and incorporating engaging graphics and text. Requirements: - Edit lecture recordings by adding dynamic and animated graphics and text - Incorporate background music and sound effects to enhance the viewing experience Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in video editing, particularly with educational content - Proficiency in using video editing software - Ability to create engaging and visually appealing content I look forward to your bids.
I'm in need of a designer to create an engaging and vibrant Amazon KDP-ready eBook and paperback cover for my piano sheet music book. The book features 20 songs - I will provide you with the PDF of these 20 songs. Key tasks include: - Designing a fun, colorful, and vibrant cover, with specific incorporation of 'piano keys and letters' - Creating a well-formatted content page for both eBook and paperback - Ensuring the entire package is correctly formatted for Amazon KDP Ideal candidates will have: - Experience with Amazon KDP cover design - A portfolio demonstrating colorful and engaging design work - Ability to adhere to specific design elements - Excellent attention to detail to ensure correct formatting and design This task is perfect for someone who can transl...
I'm looking for a talented video editor to transform my vacation footage into a fun and playful short film. The film should predominant...highlight family interactions, capturing our special moments together. Key details include: - Style: The film should have a light-hearted, fun and playful tone. - Soundtrack: It should be accompanied by ambient background music, creating a pleasant viewing experience. - Focus: Please ensure to emphasize and include scenes featuring family interactions. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Video editing experience, particularly with family or vacation footage. - Ability to create a fun and playful tone. - Familiarity with selecting appropriate soundtracks and music. - Excellent attention to detail to ensure all important family...
...The site will serve as a store for Team Merch jerseys and related items. Key Requirements: - Development of a custom e-commerce website, including a database for user registration and login. - Development of a private admin panel. This panel should allow admins to view orders and access the contact details of customers who placed those orders. - Integration of multiple payment methods including Credit/Debit Cards and Apple Pay. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in custom website development. - Experience with e-commerce website creation. - Knowledge of secure payment integration. The successful freelancer will have a proven track record of developing modern and clean style websites. They will be able to deliver a fully functional, user-friendly, and secure online store....
We need someone to design the screens shots for our iOS and android app listings. We already have a concept design in mind and i can send you this concept when we discuss the project. I do not mind paying for any images that we need for the design or even using royalty free images as long as we are provided with the source of the images used. We need delivery of the source files upo...mind and i can send you this concept when we discuss the project. I do not mind paying for any images that we need for the design or even using royalty free images as long as we are provided with the source of the images used. We need delivery of the source files upon delivery of the work along with the images in the correct recommended image sizes as per the scope in the Apple App store and Google P...
I need a skilled web designer to revise and enhance my Shopify store. Key Tasks: - Revise product descriptions for clarity and SEO effectiveness. - Redesign the homepage for improved aesthetics and user navigation. - Optimize the checkout process to minimize cart abandonment. Content: - I have a mix of existing images and text that can be incorporated, but I also need some new content created. Design: - I'm looking for moderate customization of a pre-existing theme. Please, no basic template tweaks or fully custom designs. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Shopify. - Strong copywriting and SEO skills. - Web design experience with eCommerce sites. - Ability to create engaging content.
I'm working on an educational project involving the STM32F429 microcontroller, an...involving the STM32F429 microcontroller, and I need assistance modifying a template for this. The project involves reading data from a DHT11 sensor, specifically both temperature and humidity, and sending this data over Bluetooth using an HC-05 module. Key requirements: - Modifying a template to read a DHT11 sensor - Sending data over Bluetooth using HC-05 module - Formatting the data as a formatted string for transmission Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Proficiency with STM32F429 microcontroller - Experience with DHT11 sensor and HC-05 module - Strong understanding of Bluetooth communication - Ability to work with educational project goals in mind - Experience in dat...