Maps google api markermanager right click仕事
...format for easier outsourcing. --- 1. Household Income Tab Not Displaying Options (★★★) Issue: On Android devices, tapping the "Household Income" tab does not display any options. Request: Investigate and resolve the issue. Page: [Specify the relevant URL] --- 2. Disable Automatic Profile Entry When Logging in with Google Issue: When users log in via Google, their profile name is automatically entered. Request: Prevent the automatic entry of profile names upon Google login. Page: [Specify the relevant URL] --- 3. Email Language Issue – Remove Default English Version Issue: When a user creates an account using email, two versions of the welcome email are sent (English & Japanese). Request: Ensure only the Japanese email is sent...
私たちは、経験豊富なGoogle広告コンバージョントラッキングスペシャリストを募集しています。理想的な候補者は、Google広告のコンバージョントラッキング、Googleタグマネージャー、およびGoogleアナリティクスの設定と管理に豊富な経験を持っている必要があります。主な責任は、オフラインコンバージョンを含むコンバージョントラッキングを設定することにより、クライアントのGoogle広告キャンペーンを強化することです。これには、コンバージョンの金銭的価値の追跡と、キャンペーンの効果をさらに向上させるために顧客のメールをGoogleに送信することが含まれます。 主要な責任: クライアント向けにGoogle広告のコンバージョントラッキングを設定および管理し、強化されたコンバージョントラッキングに注力します。 正確なデータ収集と報告を確保するために、GoogleタグマネージャーとGoogleアナリティクスを実装および設定します。 金銭的価値と顧客メールを含むオフラインコンバージョンを追跡し、Google広告にフィードバックします。 必要なデータを収集し、適切なトラッキングメカニズムが確立されていることを確認するために、クライアントと協力します。 コンバージョンデータを分析し、キャンペーンのパフォーマンスを向上させるための実行可能な洞察と推奨事項を提供します。 最新のトレンドとGoogle広告、Googleタグマネージャー、およびGoogleアナリティクスのアップデートを常に把握し、ベストプラクティスを確保します。 資格: Google広告のコンバージョントラッキング、Goo...
Google マップの仕組みを増加させたいです。現在4名のお客様のGoogle マップを対応しています。日本で対応可能な方いましたらご連絡ください。
...帳戶,包括內容創建、發佈和與關注者的互動 - 實施有效的策略以提高品牌知名度並吸引更多關注者 - 監控和分析關鍵指標以衡量行銷活動的成功 - 與我合作開發和執行創意和引人入勝的營銷活動 技能和經驗: - 在管理Instagram帳戶和取得可衡量的結果 - 深入瞭解 Instagram 的演算法、最佳實踐和最新趨勢 - 對社交媒體行銷原則和策略有深刻的理解 - 精通內容創作和平面設計 - 出色的溝通和協作技巧 - 跟蹤和分析關鍵績效指標的分析思維 預算: - 我這個專案的預算在 500 美元到 1000 美元之間。如果你有技能和經驗來支援我的Instagram行銷工作,我很想聽聽你的意見。請提供您以前工作的範例,並讓我知道您如何説明我實現我的社交媒體營銷目標。 所需技能 網路行銷 社交網路 臉書行銷 社交媒體行銷 -- Project Description: Social Media and Google Marketing Support I am looking for a skilled freelancer who can provide support for my Instagram marketing efforts. Must speak Chinese and English fluently. Platforms: - Instagram Responsibilities: - Management of my Instagram account, including content creation, posting, and engagement with followers - Implementing effective strategies to increase brand visibility and ...
...ます。 第一段階としてこのプロジェクトではアプリ開発の環境整備と最低限の機能を実装したα版構築を目標とします。 【 依頼内容 】 ・開発内容: 1.iOSアプリ開発環境構築 -github上で複数人でのアプリ開発環境・ソースコード共有環境の構築 -iOSアプリ開発Developer 登録、 α 版アプリのApp Store 登録 2.棋力向上将棋アプリα版構築 ①Top Menu 画面構築 -トレーニングメニュー選択画面構築 ②将棋棋譜検討GUI構築 -将棋盤面GUI、将棋のルールに沿った指し手の動作機能構築 -コピー&ペーストによる棋譜入力(CSA形式) -APIから受け取った指し手ごとの検討結果表示 -各局面における指し継ぎ、検討ボタンの実装 ③アプリからのサーバーAPI連携実装 -棋譜をAPI連携し検討結果の受け取り -各局面をコード形式に変換しAPI連携、検討結果受け取り ・使用言語:Objective-C 【用意してあるもの】 ・仕様書:各画面のワイヤーフレーム・API仕様などを準備予定 ・サーバー、ドメイン: GCP Cloud Runを利用予定 ・デザイン:未定、デザイナーが必要であれば応相談
...わせます。 プラットフォームは、ユーザーが選択したBGM、アップロードされたビデオ、事前にレンダリングされたビデオセグメントを含むすべてのアセットを、友人や家族と共有できる1つの最終ビデオ(mp4)にまとめます。 動的なビデオテンプレートに変換されるカテゴリ別に整理された100を超える事前レンダリングされたビデオがあります。これらのテンプレートはユーザーが選択します。ユーザーは、各テンプレートの開いているセグメント内に自分の個人的なビデオを記録するように求められます。 沈黙とノイズの検出、デシベルレベルの決定と調整などの概念の経験が必要です。 責任 新しいビデオ編集と機能のアイデアのプロトタイプを作成します(管理者とエンドユーザーがレイヤーとタイムラインでビデオアセットを表示するためのビデオ編集ダッシュボード) 最前線のビデオ編集技術である新しい技術を探る 新機能の設計、APIの作成、デバッグ 製品、設計、モバイルおよびWeb開発、サーバー側エンジニアリングを代表するチームメンバーと部門間でコラボレーションします アプリを維持し、コミュニティに耳を傾け、発生する問題を修正します スキル:Node.js、C ++ Re、OpenCV、Python、React Native
...controlled from the server using APIs - Smart Meter is designed to pass UL and CE requirements (obtaining the certifications is not part of this project) Please only apply to the job posting if you have relevant prior experience. Submit your portfolio or past work to be considered for the job. ====Google翻訳テキスト==== 私たちは、次の要件を満たした消費電力スマートメーターを設計およびプロトタイプ化する電気およびハードウェアエンジニアを募集しています。 -スマートメーターは高電圧(240ボルト)用に設計および構築されています -スマートメーターは、WiFi接続を使用してサーバーに電力使用量を送信する接続(IOT)デバイスです -スマートメーターは、APIを使用してサーバーから制御できます -スマートメーターは、ULおよびCE要件に合格するように設計されています(認証の取得はこのプロジェクトの一部ではありません) 関連する以前の経験がある場合のみ、求人公募に応募してください。 あなたのポートフォリオまたは過去の仕事を提出して、その仕事を検討してください。
找在地台灣人做外匯在 google上的sem 及設定GA 需有相關經驗 有基本關鍵 詞提供
My company needs to build an RPA application creator software. The requirements as following. ### Automation batch creator application a. Running environment: Windows 7 or later b. Functional requirements: 1. Simulate mouse click 2. Simulate keyboard input 3. Using OCR to detect windows, selection 4. Open/Close Program 5. Record macro 6. Logic functions support (if-else, switch case...) 7. Loop functions support (while, for...) 8. DateTime functions support (get system time...) 9. Wait (sleep) functions to support 10. Exports the robot that was created to a .exe file ### Automation batch manages application a. Running environment: Web b. Functional requirements: 1. Manage created robot (search, run, delete) 2. Alarm to the creator (email, message..) when having an ...
日本代表購入サイトを作りたいので誰か似たサイトを作った経験があれば是非申し込んでください 条件: ショッピングサイト大手3社(Amazon、楽天、Yahoo!)のAPIの利用な方
私はAndroidとiOSの両方のアプリが必要です。 私はすでにそれのためのデザインとサンプルのWebサイトを持って、私はそれを構築する必要があります。 また、AdminコントロールパネルとWeb APIを作成する必要があります。 2月中に完了する必要がありますので、私は専門家のチームを探しています。 私はインタビューで詳細を提供します。 ありがとうございました。
Google Play Developer API ???????????????????????????????????????????? (1) ?????? A. Google Play Developer API ?????????????????? ??????????????????Google play Store????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????????(????????https/ajax??) ? ??????????????????? B. A??????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? C. ??????????????? Google Play Store???????????????APK??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????APK/???????????? ? ????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????? (2) ?????????????? ???????A/B/C???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????(1)?????????????????????...
Google Play Developer API ???????????????????????????????????????????? (1) ?????? A. Google Play Developer API ?????????????????? ??????????????????Google play Store????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????????(????????https/ajax??) ? ??????????????????? B. A??????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? C. ??????????????? Google Play Store???????????????APK??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????APK/???????????? ? ????????????????????????? ? ??????????????????????????? (2) ?????????????? ???????A/B/C???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????(1)?????????????????????...
...と 3. 海外ゲームタイトルであっても取得可能であること 4. 1日に1回バッチを回した際、以前に取得したことがない記事をリストとして取得できること 5. 記事のタイトル・サムネイル・記事本文の一部を取得すること ■ システム要件 1. PHP + MySQLで構築すること 2. PHP5.3で推奨されていない表現を用いないこと 3. Cronによって動作すること 4. プログラムを動かすサーバー OR dbサーバーに対して必要以上の負荷をかけないこと ■ 納品物については以下の通りとなります 1. プログラム本体の納品(PHP) 2. データの格納先DB-Tableの納品(SQLクエリ) ■ 応募条件 1. 応募時にどのような方法で実現する予定なのかを簡潔に明記してください (Ex. TwitterSerch API と Bing Serch APIを用いて実現します、など) ▽参考Webサイト サイト名:スマートニュース/newspicksなどのバックエンド ▽使用するプログラミング言語/ツール/特殊技術(テクノロジー) ・PHP(5.3) ・MySQL ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※ 他で登録されているデザインや商標の転用など、他社の知的財産権を侵すこと ※ 商用利用できないライセンスのプログラムを用いること ※ ▽その他コメント ※実際のWebサイト開発/アプリケーション開発の進め方・別途詳細は、 クラウドワークスのメッセージでやりとりして決められればと思います。 ※マイルストーン払いにも対応いたします。
virtuemart3のショッピングカートのカスタム支払いモジュールが必要です。この支払いモジュールは、ローカル支払プロセッサのAPIと統合されます。すべて必要なファイルを開発者に提供します。 Joomla、Virtuemart3.0.9、PHP5.5を3.4.1 APIプロセッサはヤマトクロネコ「クロネコwebコレクト」。API方式のマニュアルは日本語で書いております。 APIのPDFマニュアルがとても大きかったですが、アップロード出来ませんでした。宜しければ送りします。
ヤフオクYahoo Api を使用するウェブサイトの作成が必要。 このサイト(fromjapan. co. jp)と同様なシステムをつくるのは目的。デザインはこのサイトopennippon. comと同様なもの。 ヤフーオークション(Yahoo Auction)の情報を他国語に翻訳、カテゴリーの参照ができる、コスト(送料・手数料など)計算、ユーザーのアカウントページ、パイパルとカード(日本国内システム)の支払いを可能にするモジュール、お勧めカテゴリー、顧客の意見のモジュール、各国語のポップアップお問い合わせフォーム。 既存の出来上がったシステムがあれば、一番いいです。今後のサポートも別料金で依頼します。
I need a respondent for click a link. i need their e-mail address for sending the link i will offer them $5 as incentive.
=== project summary === Emails from Google Alert are registered on a table of MySQL everyday. We need PHP script that read these emails via cron, and auto post as wordpress article. On front-page, the website should have 30 new articles. And other article's link are needed on pages that have 30 links. We also need sitemap of all articles for visitors and google (xml). For design, wordpress default template is OK. But we need responsive design, we'll check under 320px, 640px and PC's resolution of width. === required pages === Front page New articles from 31 to 60 New articles from 61 to 90 (From 91, follow these URL) Article's detail Sitemap
We are looking for an experienced developer to create a bidirectional API interface between our cloud-based ERP system and a fulfillment network. The goal is to ensure seamless data flow between the two platforms to optimize order processing, inventory management, shipment tracking, and goods receipt. The integration should support real-time updates, automate data transfers, and reduce manual entry errors. Key Requirements: 1. **Order Synchronization (ERP → Fulfillment Network)** We need the system to automatically transfer sales orders from the ERP system to the fulfillment network. This transfer should include all relevant order data such as products, quantities, and customer information. Additionally, the system should allow for optional inclusion of batch/lot numbers if...
Deliverables: User Roles & Permissions: Define access for Admin, DP, DC, and DPO. Registration with OTP: Secure forms with OTP-based verification. Listing Pages: Manage Entities, Users, and Certificates efficiently. Certificate Generation: Implement DPALI format (DPALI 000000000001, incrementing). Payment Gateway (Super Admin Control): Activate/deactivate gateway. Modify API keys/credentials. Similar to FoodScan payment system. Form Price Management: Admin-controlled pricing updates. Certificate Workflow (Admin Management): Notify Admin upon registration & payment. Admin updates certificate status (Pending, Accepted, Rejected). Status tracking & process movement. CRUD Operations: Full Create, Read, Update, Delete for Entities, Users, and DPO. Key Consid...
...). Seller identity verification to prevent scams. Secure payment and electronic contract signing options. 2. Features for Professionals (Dealerships & Garages) ? Customizable Professional Space with Integrated Mini-Site Each professional gets a dedicated mini-site directly integrated into the platform. Fully customizable design (logo, colors, banners, layout, etc.). Automatic integration of Google Reviews to boost credibility. Customer video reviews can be uploaded directly to their mini-site. Live Instagram feed displaying available vehicles and promotions in real-time. Unique URL for each dealership, allowing them to share their mini-site externally. ? Ad Management Create and publish listings with easy upload of photos and videos. Scheduled postings (automatic highligh...
I'm seeking a creative designer to craft an impactful back wall design for an upcoming trade show. The project involves designing three walls of a 4mx3m stand, all due by April 1st. Key project details: - The overarching theme of the design is 'Global Maritime Data'. - The design should incorporate maritime vessels and ships, data and analytics visuals, as well as global maps and navigation tools. - A modern design aesthetic is preferred, conveying innovation and forward-thinking. Ideal candidates should have a strong portfolio in modern design, especially within the maritime and logistics sector. Experience with trade show design is a plus. Please request the full brief for more specific details., transparency, and efficiency in various applications. Smart Contract & dApp Development: Design, develop, and optimize smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) that leverage AI technology for advanced functionalities. AI Model Integration: Work alongside AI engineers to integrate blockchain with machine learning models, ensuring seamless data flow and secure transactions. API Development: Build and maintain APIs that enable secure communication between blockchain systems and AI components, enhancing the overall performance and capabilities of AI-driven applications. Security & Compliance: Ensure the security of blockchain and AI applications, implementing best practices for cryptographic solutions, data privacy, and industry-specific compliance...
Freelancer Job Proposal: Add Features to Chatbot We are looking for a skilled free...them to return the next day. Requirements: • The freelancer should register on to explore the platform and understand the implementation process. • Once they have demonstrated that they can implement these features successfully, we will provide our login credentials to complete the integration on our chatbot. Ideal Candidate: • Experience with JavaScript, Web Speech API, or third-party speech services (Google, Azure, OpenAI Whisper, etc.). • Familiarity with or chatbot integration. • Ability to implement popup notifications and session limitations. If you have the expertise to complete this task, please submit your proposal. We look forward to working with you!
I need an Excel guru to analyze my bank statement urgently. - Primary Data: The data to be analyzed is my bank statement. - Specific Analysis Required: I need help categorizing my expenses, as well as summarizing my income vs. my debits. - Categorization Method: All expenses should be categorized by merchant name. Ideal candidates for this project should have strong Excel skills, be able to work quickly and efficiently, and have experience in data analysis and expense categorization. Please apply if you can help me with this task urgently.
I'm facing a problem with my dashboard that pulls insights from Meta platforms and Google Ads. While everything works perfectly in the local environment, the insight data fails to load upon deployment, although all other features function as expected. Here's a bit more about the project: - Tech Stack: Integrated with Firebase. - Frontend: TypeScript/JavaScript with Vite - Backend: Node.js I'm reaching out for an expert who can help diagnose and resolve this deployment issue. Below is error screenshot of website when we try to login via google/fb account:
...(PayPal & Stripe). ✅ Maintain integration with Xero for accounting. ✅ Keep the frontend of the website unchanged – only backend fixes are needed. Ideal Candidate: ✔️ Strong expertise in WooCommerce & WordPress backend development ✔️ Experience working with custom pricing structures & product options ✔️ Familiarity with WooCommerce order management & Helpdesk integrations ✔️ Experience with Xero API integration ✔️ Ability to work independently and provide clear documentation To Apply, Answer These 5 Questions: 1) What experience do you have working with WooCommerce pricing structures & custom fields? 2) Have you ever integrated WooCommerce with third-party systems like Helpdesk or Xero? If so, how? 3) How would you approach restructuring an existing Wo...
I am developing an application that explains tongue exercises designed to strengthen tongue muscles and improve speech fluency. I need a professional to shoot 30+ short videos of a young male performer, with each video lasting between 3 to 8 seconds at most. Responsibilities include: - Selecting the right person for the videos - Setting up the studio and adjusting the lighting for high-quality footage - Filming the videos professionally, ensuring optimal angles to clearly demonstrate the exercises - Stabilizing the subject’s face for accurate recording of the exercises I am open to suggestions for the actor and would prefer a young adult male, aged 20-30. Please provide samples of your previous work when applying.
I need an expert in Word to reformat my resume so that the page breaks are in the right place and the font and type structure is consistent. Key aspects to focus on: - Ensuring consistent font and type structure throughout the document. - Correctly placing page breaks for an optimal reading experience. - Emphasizing my work experience and skills/competencies as per the original content. Your creative input will be valuable in using an engaging and modern font style that aligns with a creative resume. The ideal candidate should be proficient in Microsoft Word, have a keen eye for detail and a good understanding of creative resume styling.
New Junior level freelancer from Pakistan or india of laravel. I need at low budget. I am looking for a junior level Laravel developer to help me with a new project. The tasks will involve bug fixing and potentially database management. The ideal candidate should have a good understanding of backend development and be able to work with existing code. Experience with web application and API development would be beneficial. Please note this is a junior level position, suitable for someone looking to gain more experience in Laravel development.
...noticias de varios periódicos digitales en España y las reescriba utilizando inteligencia artificial. Requisitos Técnicos: Scraping de noticias: Obtener noticias de diferentes periódicos españoles sin infringir derechos de autor. Reescritura con IA gratuita: Implementar una API de IA que no sea OpenAI para reformular los textos y generar noticias únicas. Generación automática de imágenes: Usar una IA gratuita para crear imágenes relacionadas con cada noticia. API funcional: El sistema debe estructurarse como una API que pueda ser consumida fácilmente. Automatización: El proceso debe ser completamente automático, sin intervención humana. Hosting económico: Prefe...
... **Dashboard for Daily Tasks** 5. *Statistics* - Count-Conversion-Visits- Lead Sources-Conversion Rates-Visit Rate, Agent performance 6. *Login* 7. Round-Robin *Lead distribution* to agents * Color Coding pf leads. Lead Stage. Lead Status Show in listing, Chat Templates * 1-click dialer (mobile view lead to dial directly without entering number by seeing in laptop) Inventory Management; * Building Name * Room number * Bed Number * Automated Scheduling of New Year and Diwali Wishes, HBD wishes via Whatsapp API I'm in need of a comprehensive system to effectively manage our sales leads. These leads are primarily sourced from our website, social media platforms, and through cold calls. Key Requirements: - The system should be capable of storing vital inform...
I'm looking for a Google Sheets script that will help me upload videos from a specific Google Drive folder to YouTube. The script should trigger the upload process when a cell in column H is marked as 'Upload'. Key Requirements: - The script should check if a cell in column H is marked as 'Upload' to initiate the upload process. - It should allow for customizable tags and descriptions for each video. These will be located in columns next to the video filename. - Ideally, the freelancer for this project should have experience with Google Apps Script, YouTube API, and Google Sheets. Please bid if you can create a solution that meets these specifications. Thank you!
...Laravel: Proficiency in PHP and Laravel for backend development. React.js: Experience in building dynamic front-end components. GitHub: Strong experience with Git version control, including collaborating on repositories, managing branches, resolving conflicts, and following Git workflows. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP: Strong foundational skills. Database Management: MySQL or other relevant databases. API Integration: Experience integrating third-party APIs (REST, GraphQL). Performance Optimization: Experience with caching, CDN, and speed optimization techniques. Nice-to-Have Skills: Experience with WooCommerce and Shopify. Familiarity with Tailwind CSS or Bootstrap. Knowledge of headless WordPress setups. Experience with or Vue.js. Understanding of UI/UX best practices. What We ...
ich suche einen erfahrenen Freelancer, der mein Projekt "FlowCast" von Grund auf neu entwickelt. FlowCast ist eine No-Code-App, die Wetterdaten (via OpenWeatherMap-API) mit Aktivitätsvorschlägen kombiniert, um Nutzern passende Aktivitäten basierend auf Wetter und Präferenzen vorzuschlagen (z. B. Indoor bei Regen, Outdoor bei Sonne). Die Plattform ist flexibel wählbar – Adalo ist eine Option, aber andere No-Code-Tools wie Bubble oder Glide sind ebenfalls möglich.
Necesito extraer datos específicos (por ejemplo, valor de EMAs, etc.) de la plataforma BingX y tradingview, que al parecer no ofrece una API pública directa. He inspeccionado las peticiones en la pestaña Network (DevTools) del navegador y veo que el sitio realiza llamadas a dominios como , pero cuando intento replicarlas en Python, recibo un 403 o un bloqueo por parte del firewall (WAF). Extraer la respuesta JSON (o el formato que sea) y devolver esos datos en Python (por ejemplo, imprimirlos por consola en "TIEMPO REAL") Estoy abierto a sugerencias. performed along with a detailed architectural diagram and detailed proposed architecture. - The primary aim of this paper is to elucidate the intricacies of the model architecture and bring out their results. - A thorough explanation of the detailed algorithmic steps alongside relevant mathematical derivations is essential. - The paper should utilize Ethereum scanner data along with CoinGecko API data for model explanation and performance illustration. Ideal Skills: - Profound understanding of GNN-based models and recommender systems - Expertise in cryptocurrency data analysis - Strong technical writing skills - Ability to break down complex concepts into comprehensible segments. Please note, the paper needs to extensively compare model performance and not delve into pr...
...bench, not called up (color-coded). o Cards received (yellow/red). o Number of goals and assists. o Indication “Not in Squad” when the player is not called up with the relevant championship day. o National team career : o Number of caps and matches played. o Detailed selection performance statistics. ________________________________________ 4 - Data management and retrieval o Implementation of an API and Web Scrap to automatically retrieve and synchronize data. o Retrieval of player and competition history archives. o Integration of Botola Pro 1 and 2 statistics (clubs, players, results, rankings, etc.).________________________________________ 5 - Transfer management o Creation of a table listing all transfers of Moroccan players or players of Moroccan origin. &...
I need an experienced CodeIgniter developer to integrate the NSDC API into my platform. The integration should support both fetching and submitting data to NSDC. Key Requirements: - Implementing API functionality: The developer should facilitate both fetching data from NSDC and submitting data to it. - Authentication: The developer will need to incorporate the appropriate authentication features as per the NSDC official documentation. - Data Handling: The integration should allow for fetched data to be both displayed directly on the platform and stored for later use. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in CodeIgniter framework. - Experienced in working with APIs, particularly NSDC. - Strong understanding of data handling and storage solutions. - Knowledgeable about implementing auth...
...Users can configure AI behaviors and automate Telegram interactions ✅ Telegram Bot Integration – Seamless connection with Telegram Bot API ✅ Custom AI Responses – Users define AI agent behavior for automated responses ✅ Dashboard & Bot Management – Simple UI to manage AI agents ✅ Solana Integration – Phantom wallet-based authentication, potential for future blockchain features Tech Stack (Preferred): Backend: Node.js / Python (FastAPI, Flask, or Django) Frontend: React.js / / Vue.js Database: MongoDB / PostgreSQL AI: OpenAI API / Llama / Claude / Custom LLM Blockchain: Solana, Phantom Wallet SDK Ideal Candidate: ✅ Experience with Telegram Bot API & AI ✅ Strong background in full-stack development ✅ Familiarity with Solana & Pha...
I'm seeking a reliable provider of Google PPC calls specifically for printer support , PayPal PPC , Norton Support etc in for USA. Key Details: - I'm looking for high-quality, conversion-optimized calls on a daily basis. - Payment will be made on a per-call basis, with no advance payments. - All transactions will take place on the Freelancer platform. - Time wasters need not apply. I appreciate understanding my requirements. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with PPC call generation, particularly in the tech support sector. - An understanding of the printer support, PayPal PPC Call , Norton Anti-virus Calls niche is a plus. - Ability to deliver quality calls that enhance the conversion rate. - Excellent communication and negotiation skills.
We are looking for a skilled Magento 2 developer to provide ongoing support for our website and its API integration with our ERP system. The ideal candidate will be responsible for fixing bugs, implementing new features, and ensuring optimal performance. Availability during EEST timezone is crucial for effective communication and collaboration. If you have a strong understanding of Magento 2 and are passionate about delivering quality work, we would love to hear from you.
I am looking for a professional with extensive experience in Shopify store setup and Cin7 API integration for my startup "Snack Shop". The project involves the following key components: - Shopify Store Setup: The store will require extensive app integration to support its functionality. - API Synchronization: This will include real-time inventory updates, order management integration, and customer data synchronization with Cin7. - Initial Product Listing: I want to start with 15 SKUs, which will need to be managed effectively. - Website Build and UI/UX Design: I will provide the designs and copy, but you will need to build the site according to these. - Xero Connection: Ideally, I want to integrate with Xero for financial management. In terms of store features...