Make tri fold brochure photoshop cs3仕事
外資系BtoBメーカーにて長期的なパートナーとしてご活躍いただけるポジションです。 ■業務内容 • プロモーションコンテンツのデザインおよび制作(ウェブ、印刷物、バナー広告、動画、イベント等向け資料等) • 海外で制作されたデザインの日本向けローカライズ • 日本向けオリジナルデザイン制作 • コンセプトに基づいたデザイン、コンセプト開発、デザイン修正 ■要件 • デザイン、動画等関連分野での大学・専門学校等の修了者 • B2B における 3 年以上の経験 • ポートフォリオ要提出 • Illustrator、Photoshop、InDesign、Premiere、After Effectsの経験・スキル • Power Point、Word、Excelの実務の経験・スキル • 企業CIに即したクリエイティブで効果的な制作が迅速にできる方 • 修正や急ぎの依頼にフレキシブルに対応できる方 • 簡単な英語でのコミュニケーション(読み書き)に抵抗のない方(Google 翻訳使用可)、日常会話できれば尚可 • 必要に応じてオンラインおよび対面打ち合わせが可能な方 • 日本在住日本人
私はphotoshopのデザインカンプを持っている。それを使ってコーディングをお願いします。 この仕様はとjQueryを使ってください。 あと、movieフォルダにある動画をヘッダーのところに入れてください。
主題: 花園/植物 意念: quiet, tranquil, peaceful, elegant 風格: 歐洲 + 私人花園 需要製作圖象: item 1. 花園全景 x 3(不同內景), A1 size item 2. 樹10種, A2 size item 3. 花10種, A2 size item 4. 種籽20種, A4 size item 5. 園護用具10種, A3 size 格式: Photoshop
Target blog: *** This blog is one of the site managed on WordPress multisite. Requirements: 1. Please develop customize the theme to AMP compatible WITHOUT using AMP WordPress Plugin. 2. Keep showing the current mobile design of the blog when user accesses it from non-AMP-enabled mobile browser. In other words, this site currently has 2 responsive designs which support desktop & smartphone, so that this time we want it to support AMP in addition. We'd like to see how would you remodel this blog to AMP compatible at your proposal. (if possible) Please provide your working experience of AMP development with URLs. (must) Thank you! Sayuri
The task is to make tagline of product in Native level English. (hair care product). Based on the massage outline, submit 5 polished tagline for three line. We will pay $30(U.S) or 4000yen for this and the deadline is Noon of Dec.7th, in Japan time. Please apply by mail with your tagline work attached. Detail will be sent by e-mail. 商品のタグラインを考えていただくお仕事です。 日本語のアイディアを基に英語でタグラインを考えていただき、最良と思われる5案を提出頂きます。予算は5案で30ドルです。英語圏出身期限は12月7日の正午です。応募の際は、ご自身の書かれたコピーがわかる資料を添えてお送りください。依頼内容の詳細はメールにてお送りします。
...・経験に合った部署へ配属をさせていただきます。 ・Webの知識が豊富な方 →システム的な意味では無く、「情報収集」や「検索力」 ・英語が多少出来る人 ・Wordpressの経験のある方 ・Adobe Illustrator, Photoshopを扱える方 ・日本語の文章力に自信がある方 【必須条件】 ・ADSL以上のインターネット環境 ・skypeなどが問題無く動作するレベルのPC ご質問など、お気軽に頂ければと思います。 【提出書類】 選考に進まれる場合は、履歴書及び職務経歴書のご提出をお願い致します。 ※個人を特定する情報の記載は必須ではございません。 作業一例) ・領収書の整理と経理処理のサポート ・インターネット上での調査 ・電話での問合せ(仕入れ先への材料発注、納期確認、在庫確認等) ・エクセルの作成と加工等(元データを販売店別・品番別の売上実績表、商品別の利益率表に加工など) ・ウェブサイト更新の手伝い(商品説明の文面を考え、記入など) ・お客様より商品フィードバックを促進する(雛形を元にメールを配信) ・競合調査のリサーチ ・メール整理と返信 ※上記業務は一例になります。 すべてを実際に依頼されるわけではありません。 また、上記のリストに掲載されていない業務も発生する可能性があります。 【期間】長期 ◆質問事項 1)チャットワークは使われていますか? 2)英語は多少出来ますか? 3)持ってる資格記載してください。 4)Adobe Photoshop又はillustratorはお持ちですか? 皆様からのご応募、お待ちいたしております。
I would like the calendar to display the price using the data from the Excel document. This is part of the fixed price , in order to cover all the latest tables. Currently I am using PHP Excel, to migrate to MySQL if possible. MySQL 5.5 PHP 5.2 Basically: I want to display the captured data in XLS (Excel) to MySQL in calendar form. PS. if there is the necessary support, we can do this monthly PPS. For the test site , I can prepare it in the same server. ---------------------------------------------------------------- エクセルファイルのデータを使って料金をカレンダー表示したい。 料金を一部変えることは無く、最新のシートですべて上書きする。 現在はPHPExcelを使っている。 できればMySQLに移行したい。 MySQLは5.5 PHPは5.2 ・XLSをMySQLに取り込む ・取り込んだデータをカレンダー状に表示する 月を区切るためにエクセルになにか追記が必要な場合対応可能。 テストサイトは、同じサーバーで用意できます。
I need to make a company profile brochure , power point design for special reports and stationary design for a tax consulting firm
■冊子 ■初稿5日以内 ■入稿までにトータル8日以内 ■フルカラー 4c/4c ■ページ数40~50p ■日本人 フォトショップ、イラストレーター、インデザインのいずれか で作成可能な方。 ■値段 4万円 毎月定期的にお仕事をお願いするので、 継続的にお付き合いできる方を募集致します。
AREAS OF EXPERTISE Adobe Creative Suite Photoshop In-Design Illustrator MAC CS4/CS5 Flash 3D animation PROFESSIONAL Visual Commination Creative Media PERSONAL SKILLS Problem solving Thinking creatively Attention to detail Communication skills TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY Image Editing & Graphic Designing: Adobe Photoshop CS, Illustrator, Flash Video Editing: FCP, AVID - Media composer, Adobe Premiere Pro, VFX: Adobe After Effects, 3D Max Sound Effects: Audacity, Cube Base 5, Nuendo, Protools. Operating System: MS Windows (Word, Excel, Power point) Camera Operation: Canon, Nikon Music - Western Organ Keyboard, Melodica, Singing STRENGTHS Achievement accompanied ...
雇用形態: アルバイト 仕事内容: WEBデザイン及びコーディング業務 給与 実力により応相談(案件・作業当たりの報酬) 勤務時間: 仕事量に応じて変動します。お好きな時間ご自宅で作業して頂けます。 必要なスキル: 手打ち又はwordpressなどを使ってホームページをで制作できるスキル FireworksもしくはPhotoshopのスキル デザインセンス CSSの知識は必須。 制作に必要なSEOの知識は都度レクチャーします。 文章を書くのが好きな方。 サイトに関するテーマのWebサイト掲載文章執筆 (こちらのサイトに相応しいテーマでのライティング) 給与 文章力と文章の集客価値により応相談 (週1記事600文字程度) 昇給 長期継続の場合のみあり。 応募資格: 学歴は一切問いません。デザイン力とホームページ作成経験は必須です。パソコンを所有し、スマホ等のメールでの連絡が日中可能な方。 応募方法: まずはe-mailよりご応募下さい。 お電話での対応はしておりません。 お名前・ご連絡先(住所・TEL・メールアドレス) 制作実績のURL 使用可能なソフトやスキル等のアピール 作業開始可能時期
...time we are ONLY looking for candidates who can write/speak Japanese language We are a Social Media Service Company ( MIRAISHONEN, Inc.() ) providing multiple services, seeking for Business Planning Researchers(Analysts) . Here is the introduction of our company. Corporate Summary PV: Corporate Brochure: WEB: This is the job to research on our new business models prior to their launch in regards to market trends and competitons with strong analysis especially based on data and numbers. -Job Descrption *Creating reports with PowerPoint and Word about the services and companies
美容室のホームページのデザインをphotoshopで 制作しました。 サイトマップ、ワイヤーフレームあります。 これをjoomlaで制作してほしいです。 それぞれの美容師スケジュールのモジュールを 組み込みたいと思います。
画像を元にイラスト作成してください。 月に6人分を目安に長期でお願いします。 ※時期により制作していただく量が変動します。 1_弊社より画像をメールにてお送りします。 2_Adobe IllustratorまたはAdobe Photoshopを使用して 弊社よりお送りした元画像を、見本のイラストの様にトレースしてください。 3_データはZip形式で圧縮したファイルをメールでお送りください。 注意事項 ・トレースしたオブジェクトは、Adobe Illustrator(ai)形式で保存してください。 ・バージョンは CS5以下 で保存してください。 ・オブジェクトの色は(C 50、M 50、Y 70、K 0)の1色のみ にしてください。 ・パスのアウトラインはとらないでください。 ※応募される際は、サンプルをお送りください。(元画像とイラストデータどちらも) Need long-term illustrator to make illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail....
画像を元にイラスト作成してください。 月に6人分を目安に長期でお願いします。 ※時期により制作していただく量が変動します。 1_弊社より画像をメールにてお送りします。 2_Adobe IllustratorまたはAdobe Photoshopを使用して 弊社よりお送りした元画像を、見本のイラストの様にトレースしてください。 3_データはZip形式で圧縮したファイルをメールでお送りください。 注意事項 ・トレースしたオブジェクトは、Adobe Illustrator(ai)形式で保存してください。 ・バージョンは CS5以下 で保存してください。 ・オブジェクトの色は(C 50、M 50、Y 70、K 0)の1色のみ にしてください。 ・パスのアウトラインはとらないでください。 ※応募される際は、サンプルをお送りください。(元画像とイラストデータどちらも) Need long-term illustrator to make illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail....
過去のプロジェクトに関連する新しいプロジェクトがありますMake banners for websites part1 - repost'
I'm looking for a modern and creative logo. I have 7 years of experience in logo design and can complete it in two days with the utmost precision and can modify it according to the client’s vision. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in graphic design software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop) - Strong understanding of modern design principles - Excellent communication and client management skills. Please note that the color scheme is currently open and I welcome your creative input.
I'm looking for an experienced Photoshop professional who can seamlessly add realistic objects to my images. The main focus of the task is to enhance the images by incorporating these objects in a natural and convincing manner. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop - Strong background in image editing - Experience with adding realistic objects to images - Attention to detail - Creativity and a good sense of visual aesthetics I forgot my wedding bouquet while taking pictures with my husband. My bouquet is in image 233 and hoping it would be possible to add my bouquet to my hand in the other three images. Thank you
Project Title: Design a Flyer and Menu for Porkbelly’s 4 for $30 Meal Deal Goals is to get people in Cedar City Utah to come try our meals Project Description: I’m looking for a creative and items if real photos are not provided. • Ensure the images match the descriptions and look appetizing. • I will review and provide final approval on images used. 4. Delivery Format: • High-resolution PDF and editable source files (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or Canva). Skills Required: • Graphic Design • Menu and Flyer Creation • Creativity in Layout and Typography Additional Notes: • Please include samples of previous menu or flyer designs if available. • Feel free to suggest additional design ideas or improvements that ...
Dzień dobry, chciałbym zapytać o możliwość stworzenia landing page dla mojego kursu online. Szukam specjalisty, który stworzy stronę estetyczną, przejrzystą i dopasowaną do treści kursu, a jednocześnie zachęcającą do zapisów. Zapewniam wszystkie potrzebne materiały, w tym teksty i zdjęcia, które powinny znaleźć się na stronie. Zależy mi, aby projekt został zrealizowany w terminie 14 dni. Jeśli podejmie się Pan/Pani tego zlecenia, proszę o informację dotyczącą wyceny, szczegółów współpracy oraz wymaganych danych potrzebnych do rozpoczęcia pracy. Będę wdzięczny za odpowiedź i mam nadzieję na owocną współpracę. Pozdrawiam serdecznie, Paweł Szkudlarek
I need an experienced Photoshop user to help me with a small task. The project involves a single image, where a ball needs to be placed into a net. Key Requirements: - Remove the background of the image. - Skillfully insert the ball into the net. - Ensure seamless integration to maintain a realistic appearance. Please note that both the ball and the net are in the same picture. Your task will be to replace the ball into the net.
I'm looking for a talented designer to create modern and clean graphics for my posts on Facebook and Instagram. Key Requirements: - Create visually appealing and engaging graphics tailored for Facebook and Instagram. - Adhere to a modern and clean design style. - Understand the spec...visually appealing and engaging graphics tailored for Facebook and Instagram. - Adhere to a modern and clean design style. - Understand the specifications and requirements for each platform. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in social media graphic design. - Strong understanding of modern and clean design aesthetics. - Proficient in using design software (e.g. Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop). - Portfolio showcasing previous social media designs. I look forward to seeing your crea...
We are looking for a creative graphic designer to develop branding and design elements for a fast food unit, refreshment room, and retiring room at a railway station. The scope includes bot...compliance. 2. Interior Branding: • Develop wall graphics, menu boards, and signage. • Ensure consistent and visually appealing branding throughout. 3. Deliverables: • High-resolution, print-ready designs and editable source files. • Suggestions for material selection and implementation. Requirements: • Proven experience in graphic design with a strong portfolio. • Proficiency in tools like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. • Familiarity with branding for hospitality or food services is preferred. If you’re interested, please submit your portfolio and...
Looking for a esports team logo. DO NOT USE AI - I will be putting a lot logos through an AI scanner to see if you are trying to scam. I will need the FULL Illustrator & Photoshop file once completed I have attached some images for reference. Please show the logo in Black & White Blue & white Attached are some we like Team name AXIS
I need a skilled photo editor to remove a napkin from a picture in a realistic style. The napkin is located in the middle ground of the picture and the primary focus of the photo is the scene. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in photo editing software, such as Adobe Photoshop - Experience in realistic photo editing - Attention to detail to ensure the edited photo looks natural and seamless Please note, the objective is to maintain the realism of the picture post-editing.
I need a freelancer to change some text on my banner image. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Image Editing - Adobe Photoshop or similar software Current Format: The banner is currently in JPEG format.
I'm in need of a talented graphic designer to create a leaflet brochure for an upcoming event aimed at business professionals. The tone of the brochure should be formal and professional, reflecting the nature of the event and its target audience. Key requirements: - Design a leaflet brochure for an event targeting business professionals. - The tone and style should be formal and professional. - Ability to deliver high-quality work under tight deadlines. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in graphic design and brochure creation. - Strong understanding of designing for a business audience. - Ability to work quickly without compromising on quality. Please be prepared to start immediately and deliver the first draft within a tight timeframe. ...
I need a black lines changed to a red line (with gaps like the rest of the lines in the image). All the areas that have arrows pointing to them. Should take 5min and final document needs to be pdf. Do not make offer and try to renegotiate price or ask me what my budget is. File here
I have a brochure designed in Canva that I need converted to a Coral Draw file. The original design is in PDF format. Requirements: - Convert the Canva-designed brochure from PDF to Corel Draw without any design alterations. - Deliver a Corel Draw file that meets standard compatibility. No specific version of Corel Draw is needed. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Corel Draw - Experience with Canva designs - Excellent attention to detail
I'm looking for a skilled photo editor to help me with a single photo. The editing tasks include removing one person, relocating a person, digitally creating open eyes for another person, and enhancing the photo's quality for large-scale printing. The final product should have a natural style. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in photo editing software (e.g., Photoshop) - Experience with digital manipulation of images - Ability to enhance photo quality for printing Specific Requirements: - One person needs to be removed from the photo - One person's eyes need to be digitally created as open - One person needs to be relocated so they are closer to the group - The background of the photo should remain unchanged - The final edited photo should be of high quality
...videos for real estate marketing campaigns. Key Responsibilities: Design 3-4 digital creatives per month tailored to real estate marketing. Create 1 engaging video per month showcasing properties, services, or promotional campaigns. Collaborate to understand project requirements and deliver within agreed timelines. Skills Required: Expertise in graphic design and video editing tools (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, After Effects). Experience in creating marketing materials for social media, websites, and other digital platforms. Creativity and a keen eye for aesthetics and details. Familiarity with the real estate industry is a plus but not mandatory. What We Offer: Flexible deadlines with consistent monthly projects. Competitive remuneration for each creative ...
I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer to create a captivating brochure. The purpose of this document is product advertising, specifically designed to resonate with professionals and entrepreneurs. Here's what I need: • High-quality brochure design that's both appealing and informative about my product. • A design that'll resonate with professionals and entrepreneurs, capturing their attention and enticing interest in the product. Ideal Candidate: • Extensive experience in brochure design is a must. • An understanding of marketing techniques, particularly revolving around product advertisement. • Ability to interpret and implement feedback effectively. • Portfolio showcasing previous design work targeted towards a p...
I'm in need of a skilled photo editor to enhance over 50 of my images. The project primarily involves basic retouching and the application of artistic filters to give the photos a unique touch. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in photo editing software (like Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, etc.) - Experience in basic photo retouching - Creative mindset for applying artistic filters The selected freelancer should be able to demonstrate a keen eye for detail, a strong understanding of visual aesthetics, and the ability to deliver high-quality edits in a timely manner. Looking forward to seeing your bids!
I will share a Figma Design to design a Roulette Game. Backend APIs will be provided to respective developer later after completion of the static screens or standalone Application Development. You shall be expert in Animations for this project. I am sharing the rough UI as of now, final UI will be shared at award. (Copy)?node-id=171-55&t=A7iJ5nOZCaoJAE4d-1
I'm looking for a skilled photo editor to change the color of a dress in a photo to either a grey or a blueish tone. The color can be a solid grey, a blueish tone, or a blend of both - whatever looks best. Requirements: - Highly realistic color transformation: The dress ...a grey or a blueish tone. The color can be a solid grey, a blueish tone, or a blend of both - whatever looks best. Requirements: - Highly realistic color transformation: The dress color change needs to be highly realistic. - Creative input: You should be able to suggest the best color option and apply it effectively. - Proficiency in photo editing software: Experience with tools like Adobe Photoshop or similar is essential. Please include examples of similar work in your proposal. Looking forward to se...
I'm in need of a professional Photoshop expert who can help me with editing an official form. Key requirements: - Modify text on the official form - Center the text - Match the existing text style and font Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in Adobe Photoshop - Excellent attention to detail - Prior experience in document editing - Ability to match font styles accurately
I need an experienced graphic designer to create a coupon book using Photoshop. I will be providing all the templates, layout, and information for the the coupons. It will include. 1. Coupon Dimensions 2. Coupon Language 3. Each Coupon Slides HEX Color 4. Slide Ordering 5. Coupon Slide Wording This will be a long term project. I will be needing this for promotion throughout the year. Each time I will provide details and you will be paid to compile these into the same coupon book template. It will be a VERY repetitive task that should be straight forward.
I need a creative professional to help me with the production of two advertisement videos and two brochures for an upcoming promotional sale. The project also involves updating my current brochure and creating a cohesive brand identity. Key Responsibilities: - Create two advertisement videos and two brochures using the same data. - Update the current brochure to align with the promotional sale. - Help establish and implement a brand identity. The videos are intended for use across various platforms including social media, my website, and email campaigns. Therefore, understanding the requirements and nuances of these platforms is crucial. Ideal Skills: - Video production and editing - Graphic design - Branding and identity creation - Understanding of social media and emai...
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a fully editable, 96 inch x 36 inch banner in Photoshop. This banner is for a promotional event and will be displayed as a reward banner. Key Requirements: - The final file must be fully editable with all elements on separate layers. - Text with event details must be included in the design. - I would like the design to be unique and impressive, not a duplicate of something I've seen before. - If a design is liked during the contest, I will request a JPEG of the actual file to show the client (no watermark). Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Adobe Photoshop - Strong graphic design skills - Experience creating large-format banners - Able to deliver high-quality, fully editable files Attached i have new seals...
I'm looking for a skilled photo editor to retouch my portrait photos. The editing tasks include skin smoothing, color correction, and background removal. Also, I would like to have HDR effects applied to the photos. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop or similar software - Experience with portrait photo editing - Ability to apply HDR effects professionally
I'm looking for a modern and sleek brochure design for my company, Altitude AV, which specializes in home automation. The primary goal of this brochure is to attract new customers, so it needs to be visually appealing and informative. Key Services to Highlight: - Climate Control - Security Systems - Smart Lighting - Audio/Video Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design - Brochure Design - Understanding of Home Automation industry is a plus - Proficient in modern, sleek design styles - Ability to create engaging and persuasive content
... (Home of empowering Faith & Family Media). We need this new homepage / landing page to pop. It needs to blow me away. It needs to be awesome. It needs to be better than others. It needs to do the following: * Highlight / spotlight my good content * Provide access to parts of my site * Highlight my brand, asking people if they are Ready for Eternity? And give them resources if not. * Make a solid header and footer and responsive design Ideal skills for this project include: - UX/UI design - Web consulting - User experience optimization podcasts, or live TV— help ensure that visitors have a smooth and engaging experience. ---------- My main landing page web site is @ We offer: * On-demand videos that are family friendly ranging from interviews, shorts
I can make it with 3$/tweet for a large number of tweets from different accounts
I'm looking for a skilled Photoshop expert to enhance a headshot for me. The main goal is to make the subject appear thinner and more attractive. Specific requirements include: - Making the subject look approximately 70lbs lighter - Enhancing the jawline - Adding more volume to the hair - Touching up the photo to improve its overall quality Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with Photoshop - A keen eye for detail - Ability to make realistic adjustments without making the photo look overly edited Please include examples of similar work you've done in your proposal.
I'm looking for a designer who can create variations of my app icon. The idea is to have a selection of icons for users to choose from within the app. At least these ones: - Neon version - Gold version - Metalic version More version to discuss. Please note; I already have a default App Icon, and I don't need a new design for an App Icon. Only variations on the default. I do have a PSD of the standard default icon. If you really read this description. Start your proposal with the text: "HOLA!". So I can filter all the AI fake proposals.
I need a skilled Photoshop editor to retouch some of my event photos. The primary task will be photo retouching, specifically focusing on improving the overall quality of the images. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop - Extensive experience in photo retouching - Ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure.
* WINNER WILL BE SELECTED IN NEXT 24-48 HOURS* I need 8 Facebook Ad Static Images designed for my product, Nuovaluce Anti Aging Device. The ads should draw inspiration from the Canva designs linked below and maintain a similar clean, engaging style. Key Requirements: Incorporate intriguing taglines and captivating Facebook Ad statics...utm_content=DAGagot8-28&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=uniquelinks&utlId=h60e0e28240 UGC Content: Photoshoot Images: Impress me with your creativity! I’m looking forward to seeing unique and engaging designs that will make the Nuovaluce Anti Aging Device shine!
I'm seeking a Photoshop expert to help me design a vibrant and colorful vision board that encapsulates my personal goals. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop - Experience in graphic design, particularly with creating visually engaging pieces - Ability to understand and interpret personal goals into visual representation Design Elements: - Incorporating quotes and affirmations - Using images and photos - Creating and integrating unique graphics and illustrations Ideal Candidate: The ideal freelancer for this project should be able to combine creativity with technical skills to design a vision board that not only meets but exceeds my expectations. A keen understanding of visual storytelling and motivational design will be highly beneficial.