Mail list usa radio stations仕事


    2,000 mail list usa radio stations 見つかった仕事

    ...画像の用意に関しても現状は不要です。 ▪記事体裁 JPG形式でサンプルがございます、以下よりご確認ください。 多くの方にご訪問頂けるサイトを目指しておりますので、佐藤様より追加のご提案あれば適宜お知らせ頂けますと幸いです。 ▪料金-納期 要相談 ※ 日本人のライター様とは文字単価でお願いしているのですが、ご希望等あればご教授ください。 ※ 当サイトにて依頼させていただくのが初めてのため、勝手がわからず料金と納期につきましては仮入力させていただいております。お手数ですが、こちらも後ほどご相談させてください。 ▪支払いサイクル 初回の為、全額先払いにてお支払い。 ※継続的には依頼となる場合は別途相談させて下さい。 ▪仕事の流れ ① 記事タイトルを送付 ② 記事作成、ご納品 ③ お支払い ------------ その他、ご不明な点などありましたら、お気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。 Mail: @ 担当窓口: Sato or Hidaka 佐藤様のご連絡、お待ちいたしております!!

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ...Nurburgring reports around the world, CSR report, Sustainability report, we want to collect the company guidance. 世界の各地域(ヨーロッパ、北米、アジアなど)ごとに人をアサインします。ただし、同じ地域に複数人依頼する場合もあります。 Each region of the world (Europe, North America, Asia, etc.) will be assigned to the person for each. However, you may want to ask more than one person in the same area. ■手順 ■ Step ①企業リストをもとに定型文をIR部署にメール。印刷物を請求する。 ① mail the original to the standard sentence the companies listed in the IR department. It claims the printed matter. ②PDFデータはダウンロードしておき、共有するグーグルドライブにUP。 ②PDF data leave download, UP to Google drive you want to share. ③印刷物が手元に届いたら、まとめて私たちがオフィスを構える日本(東京)に発送。 ③ When the printed material is delivered on hand, together we set up the office and shipped to Japan (Tokyo). ■期間...

    $686 Average bid
    $686 平均入札額
    7 入札

    This is rosemarylaw office, lawyer in Japan. We are searching freelancer of PHP, SSIS, SSRS programer. We are continue to develop CS system, MS SQL +SSIS ,SSRS of server side and PHP front with IIS. All MS solution based. We have Server side engineer in house. and test server with dummy data, you can try from remote. development can do english based with skype, github,mail and so on. We hope to good offshore appications. Thanks now we are searching below project enginner. 1 upgrade SQL server SSIS import program 2005 to 2012 SSIS side is improt form exel to dbo and job lancher is C# based exe. Req Skill C# 2000, SSIS, SQL prototype, ex- version will remained Documets also you need to upgarede customizing and version up job. Becase some field connection was...

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr 平均入札額
    2 入札

    This is rosemarylaw office, lawyer in Japan. We are searching freelancer of PHP, SSIS, SSRS programer. We are continue to develop CS system, MS SQL +SSIS ,SSRS of server side and PHP front with IIS. All MS solution based. We have Server side engineer in house. we have test server with dummy data, you can try from remote. development can do english based with skype, github,mail and so on. We hope to good offshore appications. Thanks now we are searching below project enginner. 1 upgrade SQL server SSIS import program2005 to 2012 SSIS side is improt form CSV to DB, job lancher is C# based. Req Skill C# 2000, SSIS, SQL 2 upgarde SSRS program 2005 to 2012 small customizing upgarde checking. over 100 report should upgarde 3 php with sql add new searching view e...

    $320 Average bid
    $320 平均入札額
    3 入札

    The task is to make tagline of product in Native level English. (hair care product). Based on the massage outline, submit 5 polished tagline for three line. We will pay $30(U.S) or 4000yen for this and the deadline is Noon of Dec.7th, in Japan time. Please apply by mail with your tagline work attached. Detail will be sent by e-mail. 商品のタグラインを考えていただくお仕事です。 日本語のアイディアを基に英語でタグラインを考えていただき、最良と思われる5案を提出頂きます。予算は5案で30ドルです。英語圏出身期限は12月7日の正午です。応募の際は、ご自身の書かれたコピーがわかる資料を添えてお送りください。依頼内容の詳細はメールにてお送りします。

    $114 Average bid
    $114 平均入札額
    4 入札

    ★ work Your job is, primarily, mail, etc., is the translation work of explanation contents. English and Japanese is okay if possible. (日本語の分かる方、こんにちは!私は、日本に住む、佐々木と申します。 宜しくお願いします。 早速ですが、私が今回、募集しているランサーさんは、日本語と英語の両方翻訳を出来る方を募集しています。 主な翻訳作業内容は、メールの内容、商品等の説明内容、その他の翻訳です。 お互いの通信手段は、Skypeを使用します。 長期間お付き合いできる方を優先して、採用します。 ★ budget 1 e-mail = $ 0.10 We're looking for people who can work a long period of time together. Nice to meet you.

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr 平均入札額
    5 入札

    【development request of iOS app】 I want to ask the development of apps that listen to the radio. Listen radio is only one station. the operation of the carrier lines such as docomoLTE au4G is required . Thanks. 【IOS ラジオ試聴アプリの開発依頼】 アプリ内でラジオ放送を試聴するアプリの開発を依頼したく思います。 試聴チャンネルは1局のみ「サイマル放送 FM KENTO」になります。 docomoLTEやau4G回線のようなキャリア回線での動作が必須になります。 よろしくお願いいたします。

    $1049 Average bid
    $1049 平均入札額
    1 入札
    click and earn
    終了 left

    I need a respondent for click a link. i need their e-mail address for sending the link i will offer them $5 as incentive.

    $11 Average bid
    $11 平均入札額
    2 入札

    ...WEBデザイン及びコーディング業務 給与 実力により応相談(案件・作業当たりの報酬) 勤務時間: 仕事量に応じて変動します。お好きな時間ご自宅で作業して頂けます。 必要なスキル: 手打ち又はwordpressなどを使ってホームページをで制作できるスキル FireworksもしくはPhotoshopのスキル デザインセンス CSSの知識は必須。 制作に必要なSEOの知識は都度レクチャーします。 文章を書くのが好きな方。 サイトに関するテーマのWebサイト掲載文章執筆 (こちらのサイトに相応しいテーマでのライティング) 給与 文章力と文章の集客価値により応相談 (週1記事600文字程度) 昇給 長期継続の場合のみあり。 応募資格: 学歴は一切問いません。デザイン力とホームページ作成経験は必須です。パソコンを所有し、スマホ等のメールでの連絡が日中可能な方。 応募方法: まずはe-mailよりご応募下さい。 お電話での対応はしておりません。 お名前・ご連絡先(住所・TEL・メールアドレス) 制作実績のURL 使用可能なソフトやスキル等のアピール 作業開始可能時期

    $192 Average bid
    $192 平均入札額
    2 入札

    ...・オブジェクトの色は(C 50、M 50、Y 70、K 0)の1色のみ にしてください。 ・パスのアウトラインはとらないでください。 ※応募される際は、サンプルをお送りください。(元画像とイラストデータどちらも) Need long-term illustrator to make illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail. -Save file as Adobe Illustrator (ai) file. -Version needs to be CS5 or under. -Object color is one color (C 50, M 50, Y 70, K 0) -Do not take outline of pass. !! Please attach a sample when bidding (both the photo and the illustration) !!

    $16 Average bid
    $16 平均入札額
    3 入札

    ...・オブジェクトの色は(C 50、M 50、Y 70、K 0)の1色のみ にしてください。 ・パスのアウトラインはとらないでください。 ※応募される際は、サンプルをお送りください。(元画像とイラストデータどちらも) Need long-term illustrator to make illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail. -Save file as Adobe Illustrator (ai) file. -Version needs to be CS5 or under. -Object color is one color (C 50, M 50, Y 70, K 0) -Do not take outline of pass. !! Please attach a sample when bidding (both the photo and the illustration) !!

    $15 Average bid
    $15 平均入札額
    7 入札

    I'm seeking a skilled social media manager who can create and handle my accounts across all major platforms: Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), and LinkedIn. My services revolve around online IT training and job placements for individuals in the USA. Key Responsibilities: - Create and manage social media accounts - Daily posting of promotional content - Website marketing Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in social media management - Knowledge in IT training and job placement sector is a plus - Proficiency in crafting engaging promotional content

    $228 Average bid
    $228 平均入札額
    15 入札

    I'm searching for independent cold callers based in the USA to help convert leads into sales for my service-based business in the trades residential sector. Main Responsibilities: - Conduct cold calls with the aim of selling our service - Follow up on leads and convert to sales - Maintain records of calls and sales Ideal Candidates Should Possess: - Proven experience in cold calling, preferably in the service sector - Strong sales conversion skills - Excellent communication and persuasion abilities - Knowledge or experience in the trades residential industry is a plus - Ability to work independently and meet sales targets Your role will be crucial in helping us grow our customer base and increase sales. Please apply if you have a track record of successful sales conversions...

    $295 Average bid
    $295 平均入札額
    16 入札

    I'm looking for a USA-based freelancer to buy and review our horror film available on Amazon Prime. The total pay is $12, which includes an additional $2 to go toward the purchase (rental) of the film. Requirements: - Rate the film with stars - Write a short, honest review of one to three sentences focusing on the overall story - Send a screenshot of the review before posting This project is ideal for a film enthusiast who can provide a genuine and thoughtful critique. Please note, the film is intended for an adult audience.

    $19 Average bid
    $19 平均入札額
    26 入札

    Tasks to be executed: - Creation of 2 labels for different niches/pill products. Product 1: - Product name: MD-40X. - Brand name: BioHigh. - The product will be focused on general health & wellness. - The predominant colors of the label should be white/blue or white/green. - This label can have ...female weight loss. - The predominant colors of the label should be pink and white. - This label can have a more aggressive style, with the look of a supplement that burns a lot of fat! Additional details: - The labels should be created using Adobe Illustrator. I have the template containing the mandatory text (supplement facts) and margin markings. - You may include symbols like FDA approval, the USA flag, etc. Deliverable: - The `.ai` file of the label, including all fonts used in...

    $60 Average bid
    $60 平均入札額
    1 入札
    Trophy icon Quick, Impactful VSL Design
    18 時間 left

    ...Marketing and Referrals. 2. Custom Assets and SOPs (Door Hangers, Mailers, Checklists). 3. Team Training and Accountability Measures. 4. Ongoing Support and Strategic Consulting. - Visual: Flowchart showing the steps. --- ### Slide 5: **The Process** - Title: "How We Work Together" - Points: 1. Develop a Custom Plan Aligned with Your Sales & Production. 2. Create Plug-and-Play Assets (Direct Mail, GHL/Proline Setup, etc.). 3. Train Your Team on Execution and Accountability. 4. Provide Continuous Support for Growth. - Visual: Timeline or process image. --- ### Slide 6: **Results You Can Expect** - Title: "From 1 Job to a Pipeline of Opportunities" - Points: - Case Study Example: [Insert Trueworks Testimonial] - Data: "Clients see ...

    $250 Average bid
    特集 緊急 保証
    57 エントリー

    I'm looking for assistance in setting up a manual transfer system for my paycheck from the USA to India via PayPal. The goal is to facilitate seamless, timely transfers that can support my needs. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient understanding and experience with PayPal - Knowledge of international money transfer regulations and procedures - Experience in setting up manual transfer systems - Excellent communication skills for updates and clarifications. Please note, this project does not require automation, but a keen attention to detail and reliability is essential. I am open to discussing strategies for optimizing the transfer process.

    $256 Average bid
    $256 平均入札額
    4 入札

    ...operations in the USA, India, and other regions. Responsibilities: 1. Support and Optimization: • Provide additional expert advice on Rippling’s features, including: • Payroll, Benefits Administration, Time and Attendance, Expense Management, Device Management, LMS, Document Management, and Performance Management. • Collaborate with the team to integrate these modules with systems like JobDiva for seamless workflow management. 2. Integration Guidance: • Advise on integrating Rippling with Microsoft-based environments, including: • Microsoft Teams for collaboration. • AI tools for automated workflows. • Power Apps for customized applications tailored to PRI Global’s needs. 3. Global Deployment Support: • Assist in aligning Ri...

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr 平均入札額
    19 入札

    We need someone who communicates in proper English and can follow instructions ... One Question...... What days and times are you available in Phoenix USA MST Time .. Please respond with the answer to this simple question. I'm seeking an individual WordPress designer/developer (no firms please) to help augment my current website with some key features. Key Tasks: - Incorporate E-commerce functionality: This includes setting up a product catalog and shopping cart. - Integrate SEO optimization tools: I want my site to be more discoverable. - Design: The site needs a simple, yet effective design. - Communication: Fluent English and good communication skills are a must. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in WordPress development, with specific experience in add...

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr 平均入札額
    314 入札

    *** Hosting is at Arsys *** All has to be on Wix and also create a Subdomain on Arsys to add custom functionality code that Wix doesn't allow as ...“collect the photos of your guests in an easy, automatic and organized way”. Typography “Oswald” and below phrase, Logo Greetti”. LACK Add image border of comment LACK Create .PDF, store it in the cloud by folder depending on the form data (First Name-Surname-Completion Date in WIX Storage?) and upon arrival of the completion date (indicated in the Frontend Web Bride and Groom form) send by e-mail. NOT VISIBLE TO THE USER- LACK Generate 1 .PDF that has 1 image + comment (Special Elite Typography) per page of all images that have been uploaded and later. LACK Generate another PDF that groups 4 albu...

    $158 Average bid
    $158 平均入札額
    65 入札

    My WordPress site is facing several issues that need immediate attention. - Mail and Forms: I'm experiencing problems with the mail and forms on my site. At this point, I'm unsure of the specific issues, but they clearly aren't functioning as they should. - Elementor Landing Page: While trying to edit my landing page in Elementor, I encounter a "server error 403" which prevents me from saving any changes. - Troubleshooting Steps Taken: I've tried disabling plugins in hopes of resolving the 403 error, but to no avail. I'm looking for an experienced WordPress developer who can quickly diagnose these problems and implement effective solutions. Time is of the essence as I need these issues resolved as soon as possible.

    $24 Average bid
    $24 平均入札額
    101 入札

    ...negotiate the “payment_amount” for a particular ad 7. Backend Jobs Scheduled Job - Daily reminders - The application should send daily reminders to influencers on g-chat using Google Chat Webhooks or SMS or mail Check if an influencer has not visited/has pending ad request If yes, then send the alert asking them to visit/accept the ad request or checkout the public ad requests The reminder can be sent in the evening, every day (students can choose the time) Scheduled Job - Monthly Activity Report - Device a monthly report for the sponsors created using HTML and sent via mail. The activity report can consist of campaign details, how many advertisements done, growth in sales of products due to campaigns, budget used/remaining etc. For monthly report to be...

    $12 Average bid
    $12 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I'm looking for a talented designer to create a sleek and modern sticker for my energy drink, which will be placed on the front of a fridge at fuel stations. Think 7/11. The design needs to grab attention so people will buy BEASTMODE energy drink. The sticker will be small. Approx 5-8 cm long. Key elements to include in the design: - My logo (lonewolf) - Laser/electrifying? BEASTMODE text. Ideal skills and experience for the job would include: - Previous experience in sticker design or product packaging - A strong portfolio of sleek and modern designs - Ability to work with bright and contrasting color schemes - Proficiency in incorporating logos and taglines into designs - Experience with product

    $80 Average bid
    205 エントリー

    I'm seeking an adept professional to compile sales leads for unique nail and toe clippers targeting export markets. The ideal candidate should have a knack for sourcing potential leads from Google and filling in an Excel template with pertinent details. Job Responsibilities: - For each assigned project, collect total 500 email addresses from Google for 5 designated countries (100 e-mail addresses from each country). - Adhere to provided guidelines using relevant and useful keywords. - Utilize a shared Google Drive Excel template to fill in 5 important fields for each company: Company Name, Country, Website URL, Email Address, and Telephone Number. The selected candidate will have a video call session, if necessary, to thoroughly explain the requirements. Ideal Skills and Ex...

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr 平均入札額
    53 入札

    I'm in need of an expert to assist with some crucial tasks related to my Exchange 2016 setup....with the configuration of the server, as I'm currently experiencing some issues. - Assistance with migrating 10 mailboxes from Exchange Online to my on-prem server. - Support with setting up a Proxmox mail gateway alongside Exchange 2016. Key configurations that need attention include: - SMTP settings - Mailbox setup - Security settings Skills and experience necessary for this job include: - Extensive knowledge of Exchange 2016 and proxmox mail gateway. - Proven track record in email servers configuration - Expertise in mailbox migration, setup and security. - Familiarity with Proxmox mail gateway with security. - Understanding of SMTP, mailbox, and security sett...

    $157 Average bid
    $157 平均入札額
    18 入札

    WARMUP phase 10% 2.500 = USD 10 I'm seeking assistance in sourcing new email addresses for a mail merge. The countries of interest include Dubai, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, and Yemen. Key Details: - Industry Focus: The email addresses must be from the Engineering, Project Management, Construction, and Plant Engineering sectors. - Contact Level: I'm specifically looking for C-Level contacts, Presidents, and Heads of departments. - Target Job Titles: The email addresses should belong to individuals with the job titles of CEO/President, Head of Engineering, or Head of Project Management. Deliverables: 2500 valid email addresses up to date Make sure you are using a bot or can share data from a designated provider Mandatory: Make sure your data is verif...

    $21 Average bid
    $21 平均入札額
    12 入札

    ... writing script or using any other form of tools, platform, VPN, are your responsibilities. I will NOT provide anything. 6) Populate the Excel sheet, remove duplicate, clean it up with proper formatting, post link to the populated Excel sheet. Do not send me junk or screen shot. I do not want to see email in phone column or vice versa. Email is the most important field. a) Milestone 1-DFW-USA: From the 22 US Universities, collect 50 professors / Instructors and 700 students (BS, MS, and Ph.D.) contacts from each department or school of i) Engineering ii) Computer Science iii) Business iv) Entrepreneurship v) Math & Sciences Note: You will collect twice as many contacts for the 3 universities that are listed in green color. b) Milestone 2-Internatio...

    $103 Average bid
    $103 平均入札額
    86 入札
    Pre Employment Vetting
    6 日 left

    I am seeking a professional background check service based in Chicago, USA, to assist with pre-employment vetting. The primary focus of this project will be to verify the candidate's employment history. Key Requirements: - Conduct thorough employment verification on the candidate's background - Check basic employment information such as job title and responsibilities, employment dates, and salary history. Ideal Skills: - Experience in conducting background checks and reference checks - Knowledge of and ability to conduct thorough employment verification - Strong attention to detail and commitment to accuracy - Excellent understanding of confidentiality and ethical considerations in vetting process. Please note, drug testing is not required for this project.

    $37 Average bid
    $37 平均入札額
    5 入札
    SEO & Backlinks -- 2
    6 日 left

    We are seeking a reliable partner to help us secure high-quality backlinks that we can use for our business and customers to enhance search engine visibility. Backlink Creation: Focus on acquiring backlinks from IT or computer-related websites and forums. Domains with DA 50+, primarily based in Canada/USA. 75 links per week, totaling 300 links over 4 weeks. 10 keywords focus per week, with accurate anchor texts, descriptions, and hyperlinks targeted to main and inner pages. Quality Assurance: Links must originate from aged, stable domains with no spam history. A minimum of 300 approved and live links is required for milestone release. All links must be permanent, verified as active, and adhere to SEO best practices. Submission Process: Use the provided descriptions and keywords f...

    $78 Average bid
    $78 平均入札額
    152 入札

    Trashcancleaning USA Fixing some issues with this website.

    $100 Average bid
    $100 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ...alerting them to unexplained charges that were not reflected in prior statements or the payment portal. (See Exhibit H). Additionally, Plaintiff incurred study abroad charges, which were later removed but contributed to ongoing discrepancies. (See Exhibit I). Subsequently, Plaintiff was contacted by the Collection Agency, alleging a debt of (C). Plaintiff disputed this claim through certified mail (See Exhibit J), prompting the agency to provide contradictory responses. (See Exhibit K). The University’s "Student Financial Responsibility Agreement" purports to justify withholding official transcripts for unpaid balances. However, the University’s website explicitly states that transcripts are available for order 24/7. (See Exhibit L). Certified copies of t...

    $50 / hr Average bid
    $50 / hr 平均入札額
    9 入札

    I'm seeking a skilled solar design professional to help with a cost-effective solar solution for a new construction multifamily project. The site includes 120 apartments, an 88,000 sq ft...minimize costs while ensuring a viable and efficient solar setup. - The design should incorporate rooftop solar panels and solar carports. - The solar carports should have integrated EV charging stations and battery storage options. -Sourcing of the panels to deliver to USA or USA companies Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in solar design, particularly for New Construction of multifamily residential projects. - A proven track record of delivering cost-effective and sustainable solar solutions. - Knowledge and experience with designing solar carports and inte...

    $139 Average bid
    $139 平均入札額
    40 入札

    I'm seeking a freelancer to provide 2000 verified email leads from restaurants across the USA. The leads should be top-level contacts, one per restaurant. Your work should be delivered in an Excel spreadsheet. Ideal candidates for this project will be skilled in data sourcing, lead generation, and Excel. Previous experience in the restaurant industry or with B2B lead generation is a plus. Please note: All leads must be verified and legitimate. Quality over quantity is key.

    $329 Average bid
    $329 平均入札額
    32 入札
    Email Marketer Needed for sales
    5 日 left


    $239 Average bid
    $239 平均入札額
    30 入札

    I am looking for a Shopify + Wordpress developer with specific expertise in custom theme development. The ideal candidate will have experience wokring in the US West Coast time zone and be available for full-time work. Specific requirements for this project include: - Custom theme development for Shopify and Wordpress - Familiarity with app development for Shopify & plugins for wordpress - Store setup and configuration - INSTANT communication availability (as we have only teamwork-based tasks, not work-at-your-own-pace). Only individual freelancers please, no teams/agencies. In order to separate spammers from real candidates, if you agree with this statement please write it on top of your bid: "I am available to work in the US time zone and have X hours left available TODAY!&qu...

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr 平均入札額
    172 入札

    Je souhaite faire un site de commerce électronique • Page d'accueil : Présentation concise et visuelle de votre activité. Services/Produits : Description détaillée et claire des offres. • Contact : Formulaire, e-mail, téléphone, et localisation via Google Maps. • FAQ : Réponses aux questions fréquentes. • Blog (optionnel) : Section d'articles pour attirer du trafic. Pour tous les sites : • Responsive design : S’adapte aux écrans (ordinateurs, tablettes, smartphones). • Optimisation SEO : Pour apparaître dans les moteurs de recherche (balises, mots-clés). • Vitesse de chargement rapide : Hébergement et images optimisés. • ...

    $469 Average bid
    $469 平均入札額
    151 入札

    Je souhaite faire un site de commerce électronique • Page d'accueil : Présentation concise et visuelle de votre activité. Services/Produits : Description détaillée et claire des offres. • Contact : Formulaire, e-mail, téléphone, et localisation via Google Maps. • FAQ : Réponses aux questions fréquentes. • Blog (optionnel) : Section d'articles pour attirer du trafic. Pour tous les sites : • Responsive design : S’adapte aux écrans (ordinateurs, tablettes, smartphones). • Optimisation SEO : Pour apparaître dans les moteurs de recherche (balises, mots-clés). • Vitesse de chargement rapide : Hébergement et images optimisés. • ...

    $465 Average bid
    $465 平均入札額
    150 入札

    Hi, We have the following website: We have a tag manager in place that receives conversions (when people hit call or E-mail on the website, when they complete the quote form or when they chat with us) we have the tracking for google Adwords, bing ads and Facebook ads. We need help with the following: - Adding the conversion track for LinkedIn so we can star a campaign and track results on analytics - Make sure that all the tracking tags are workin properly and providing info to analitics Please confirm how much you charge and what is you lead time Please do not call our company

    $108 Average bid
    $108 平均入札額
    113 入札

    I need a seasoned professional to help raise our brand awareness in the USA, Dubai and UK, specifically targeting technology startups. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and engage potential tech startup clients. - Develop and implement client acquisition strategies. - Enhance our brand visibility in target markets. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in client acquisition in the technology sector. - Excellent communication and networking skills. - Strategic thinker with a strong understanding of brand promotion.

    $377 Average bid
    $377 平均入札額
    27 入札

    reciso criar um APP simples. entradas – o motorista chega na empresa usa um qr code, e lança as informações necessárias via google forms. as informações são envidas para uma google sheet 1* departamento valida as notas 2* valida o recebimento fisico da mercadoria. criar perfil de acesso criar relatorio de acompanhamento criar mini dashboard com as algumas informações. fechar o acesso ao dia anterior para alterações.

    $151 Average bid
    $151 平均入札額
    15 入札

    I'm in search of a seasoned cold caller who can connect with potential clients across all industries. The task is to make 100-150 calls daily, targeting prospects for our services in web development, social media marketing, and video animation, primarily in the USA and UK markets. This role is a commission-based, offering a lucrative 10% cut from any sales made by the company. Key Responsibilities: - Make 100 to 150 cold calls per day - Engage potential customers from every industry - Promote our services in web development, social media marketing, and video animation Skills & Experience Required: - Proven experience in cold calling - Exceptional communication skills - Ability to engage and persuade potential clients - Familiarity with web development, social media market...

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr 平均入札額
    21 入札

    ...assistance in sourcing new email addresses for a mail merge. The countries of interest include: Germany Austria Switzerland UK USA Key Details: - Industry Focus: The email addresses must be from the Venture Capital und Private Equity sectors. - Contact Level: I'm specifically looking for C-Level contacts, Presidents, and Heads of departments. - Target Job Titles: The email addresses should belong to individuals with the job titles of CEO/President, Head of ...C-Level, Portfolio Manager. Deliverables: 25000 valid email addresses up to date Make sure you are using a bot or can share data from a designated provider To apply: decrie the sources you use and how you make sure the bouncing rate is under 3% what mailtester are you using to make sure each mail is...

    $111 Average bid
    $111 平均入札額
    22 入札

    I'm seeking assistance in sourcing new email addresses for a mail merge. The countries of interest include: Germany - Austria - Switzerland Key Details: - Industry Focus: The email addresses must be from the tax advisor, auditor, insolvency administrator sectors. - Contact Level: I'm specifically looking for C-Level contacts, Presidents, and Heads of departments. - Target Job Titles: The email addresses should belong to individuals with the job titles of CEO/President, Partner, Anwalt, Founder. Feature: nuber of empoyees MUST NOT have more than 300 Deliverables: 25000 valid email addresses up to date Make sure you are using a bot or can share data from a designated provider Mandatory: Make sure your data is verified by a mailtester (attach protocol) To apply: decrie ...

    $120 Average bid
    $120 平均入札額
    26 入札

    I'm facing an issue with my OpenCart store. Before the payment processing begins, an error message pops up during checkout, which is impacting my customers' shopping experience and ultimately my sales. Additionally, I'm trying to send mail via the OpenCart panel but encountering problems as well. At the beginning give SMTP error and now Syntax error If you have extensive experience with OpenCart and you're skilled in troubleshooting technical issues, please reach out. I need someone who can swiftly pinpoint these problems and implement effective solutions. Your expertise could help restore smooth operations to my online store.

    $22 Average bid
    $22 平均入札額
    117 入札

    I'm seeking assistance in sourcing new email addresses for a mail merge. The countries of interest include Dubai, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, and Yemen. Key Details: - Industry Focus: The email addresses must be from the Engineering, Project Management, Construction, and Plant Engineering sectors. - Contact Level: I'm specifically looking for C-Level contacts, Presidents, and Heads of departments. - Target Job Titles: The email addresses should belong to individuals with the job titles of CEO/President, Head of Engineering, or Head of Project Management. Deliverables: 25000 valid email addresses up to date Make sure you are using a bot or can share data from a designated provider Mandatory: Make sure your data is verified by a mailtester (attach protoc...

    $125 Average bid
    $125 平均入札額
    21 入札
    Sales Representative (Female)
    5 日 left

    ...communications prospects and clients. Achieve sales targets as a result-driven individual. Requirements: Fluent in English with excellent communication skills. Proven experience in sales, preferably in financial services. (Niche is not mandatory) Ability to work independently in a remote setting with minimal supervision. Flexible to schedule meetings and follow-ups within the time frame of 8 AM to 8 PM, (USA time zones). Compensation: Competitive base salary ($100/month) with 33% commission on every sale, high ticket. How to Apply: If you are a driven individual looking to make a significant impact in the financial wellness industry, please send your resume and a brief cover letter explaining why you would be a perfect fit for Credit Boost Solutions. Our team will reach out to...

    $166 Average bid
    $166 平均入札額
    6 入札

    I'm looking for a professional radio audio producer to assist with my project. It's crucial for you to have extensive experience in music production, podcast recording, and other audio work. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in voice recording - Expert in audio editing - Skilled in mixing/mastering

    $350 Average bid
    $350 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I'm in need of a comprehensive Excel file detailing the top 50 universities in the USA offering PhD programs in Quantum Computing with a focus on AI. The Excel should contain the following: - University name - Details of Professors 1 to 5 including: - Their department and position - LinkedIn profiles - Emails - History of past collaborations or projects in AI - Application deadlines for both Fall and Spring batches - Program specifics I would like this data to be organized in a single sheet with categorized columns for ease of use. Ideal skills for this project include experience in data collection, proficiency in Excel, and knowledge of the field of quantum computing and AI. Previous experience compiling similar data sets will be an added advantage.

    $64 Average bid
    $64 平均入札額
    101 入札

    ...Microsoft list I need a simple Power Automate flow designed to update a SharePoint list. This flow should specifically handle updating existing items.. Details: 2 lists. List A: Title and Stock List B: Title (lookup from A), Type (choice with values Add/Remove), Quantity First step will be user adds list of items in list A with stocks (no flow so far) Logic: when a user adds a record in list B, flow will check if type is Add, modify the Stock value for the respective title Example, Item 1 has 1000 stock in list A, add a new item in list B, type Add, Quantity is 100, in this case modify the stock to be 1100 Now, add a new item in list B, type as Remove, Quantity is 300, in this case, the stock is updated to 800 ...

    $33 Average bid
    $33 平均入札額
    15 入札