
    289 lamda 見つかった仕事

    I am creating a ios app that must use DynamoDB to upload data in real time, which will then be sent (as SynamoDB Stream) to a Lamda function and then it will be consumed by the that will display the data in realtime. The ios app will be used by many users and each of them should be able to log in into the web app to see their data in real time while they are using the mobile app.

    $224 Average bid
    $224 平均入札額
    9 入札

    I need you to develop an Amazon Echo Skill. If you know what this is, then we're good. I would like this software to be developed using Python or Node,js. on Lamda and use an external JSON call that ties to a UI/UX Database backed. The DB will have music artists and file URLs that will play audio to users based on alexa unterences The objective is to create a skill that will allow a user to ask the names of the artists in the database (JSON: Alexa what artists are in the NY music scene). Names are given Allow a user to play a particular artists songs Alexa ask the NY music scene to play Bozo Roket Or allow user to request to shuffle all available songs from the library. Upon playing any song Alexa should say the artist name.

    $184 Average bid
    $184 平均入札額
    7 入札

    ...different way. This will be actualized in src/phy/ At present it is computed as: total transmit power divided by the number of channels as shown below: double powerTx = pow (10., (GetTxPower () - 30) / 10); // in natural unit double txPower = 10 * log10 (powerTx / ()); //in dB But I want to compute the txPower like this now: txPower = 1.443 B_k/lamda - 1/Loss_k_j lamda = 1.433 K * sum(B_k * loss_k) / (powerTx * sum (loss_k) + K) powerTx is a known constant. K is number of users....flow_size Loss_k is the total loss - path loss+ shadowing+multipath fading + polarization loss for user k. The individual loss per user is need and also the total loss experienced by all users is needed. You can get this in src/channel/propagation-model/macroc

    $50 Average bid
    $50 平均入札額
    1 入札

    Need to Incorporate AWS S3, AWS Rekognition, and AWS LAMDA to create several services that: 1. Search an S3 folder for Updates to the folder. 2. Send the updated images to AWS Rekognition 3. Parse out all data possible AND compare to a Collection with IDs to see high % match 4. Send back parsed data in some sort of service call to a private local database for insert

    $2487 Average bid
    $2487 平均入札額
    45 入札

    ...change any text field and these changes will get saved when user presses “save all updates.” I emphasis that this will run in a off line mode, user needs to get 100 records, once user has processed them they will need to reconnect to the server and upload the data. The upload will consist of 100 table 2 records and any updated text fields (into table 1) you will need to write a Lamda to get 100 records (simply read first 100 records) I am looking for a fully working prototype. that meets all requirements specified payment on complete project only ...

    $558 Average bid
    $558 平均入札額
    9 入札

    This ML article contains LAMDA clustering algorithm (see algorithm 1 in PDF). This algorithm is used for unsupervised learning (data clustering). I feel that I have not enough math knowledge and experience to understand it (despite the fact that I have some machine learning experience). The job consists of the following steps: 1)I need help with understanding of the algorithm (only this algorithm, and not the entire article). 1.1) Inputs and outputs, their dimensions meaning and etc. 1.2) All the statements of the algorithm must be explained 2)Pseudocode of the algorithm must be extended. There are some parts of the algorithm without proper explanation (e.g the calculation of c_ij and ρ_ij). 3*)Ideally I need simple JAVA implementation of the algorithm (any test data as ...

    $217 Average bid
    $217 平均入札額
    11 入札

    It's a JAVA project for interpreting Lamda Calcul

    $150 Average bid
    $150 平均入札額
    15 入札
    Build a Website
    終了 left

    Using the Amazon Alexa API, create and install a Lamda function in AWS for Alexa to understand Rivescript using the NodeJS interpreter ().

    $557 Average bid
    $557 平均入札額
    5 入札

    I need an Android app. I already have a design for it, I just need it to be built. Concept: Backend: AWS Lamda Front end : Java App is 80% compete for a beta launch.

    $54 Average bid
    $54 平均入札額
    5 入札

    Create an AWS based solution that parses inbound emails, posting selected fields using an existing API: 1. Configure AWS environment: SES, S3, KMS, Lamda, Cloudwatch etc. 2. Coding (Lambda function): Email parsing & Invoke Location Check-in Service API 3. Logging & error management 4. Documentation

    $2598 Average bid
    $2598 平均入札額
    16 入札

    Integration of a Twilio SMS engine with Lambda (AWS) and SQS. Knowledge on API following a microservice architecture and understanding of Cloud Native Development.

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr 平均入札額
    24 入札

    Need to create app that will help in aggregating the service provider and will have in maintaining their records, profiles and employee details. Also help in creating appointments to the users. The application will have multiple login roles.

    $2890 Average bid
    特集 緊急 NDA
    $2890 平均入札額
    26 入札

    ...define alpha + beta + gamma + delta + lamda + omega + word where alpha, beta, gamma, delta, lamda and omega are all variables and represent a character. Characters include all letters (A-Z), digits 0-9 and hyphen (-). To clarify, I restrict the output selecting only 2 variables (alpha and beta) and no words. In this case, I will get 37 * 36 = 1332 results (where n = 26+10+1=37, being 26 letters + 10 digits + 1 special character) Word is a constant I can specify (or leave it blank) and can include ANY character (including special characters such as @ , _ . ? ! etc...) The set of possible rules includes: 1. I can set the value of (from 1 only up to 5) variables to a "constant". For example, if I set: alpha = A beta = F gamma = 2 lamda = 1 ...

    $160 Average bid
    $160 平均入札額
    23 入札

    Suppose {N(t),t>0} is a poisson process with rate lamda. prove that given N(t)=n, then N(s) follows Binomial (n,s/t) when s<t. that is N(s)N(t)=n~Binomial (n,s/t).

    $30 Average bid
    $30 平均入札額
    12 入札

    A self-serve srvice station has two pumps. Suppose cars enter the station at an exponential rate lamda. this means that the times between entries are i.i.d exponential random variable with common rate lamda > 0. people serve themselves independtly at an exponential rate u for each pump. We assume that the service times and the entry times are independent. (a) if both pumps are currently busy what is the probability that another car will enter the station before either of pumps become free?

    $42 Average bid
    $42 平均入札額
    2 入札
    終了 left

    A self-serve srvice station has two pumps. Suppose cars enter the station at an exponential rate lamda. this means that the times between entries are i.i.d exponential random variable with common rate lamda > 0. people serve themselves independtly at an exponential rate u for each pump. We assume that the service times and the entry times are independent. (a) if both pumps are currently busy what is the probability that another car will enter the station before either of pumps become free?

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 入札

    A self-serve srvice station has two pumps. Suppose cars enter the station at an exponential rate lamda. this means that the times between entries are i.i.d exponential random variable with common rate lamda > 0. people serve themselves independtly at an exponential rate u for each pump. We assume that the service times and the entry times are independent. (a) if both pumps are currently busy what is the probability that another car will enter the station before either of pumps become free? (b) If Customer A is at Pump 1, Customer B is at Pump 2, and customer C now enters (and there are no other customers in the station) then what is the probability that B leaves C?

    $42 Average bid
    $42 平均入札額
    2 入札

    ...separated by large distances. However, I have 1km gridded data so if we can assume each grid is a site then we will have more sites, thus I want the area of the field and number of sites to be flexible as well, which mean I can change the area and number of sites 3-In page 117 of the paper, in the last paragraph the author mention he didn't use lamda in the calculations because its computationally too demanding, However I want to try to use lamda and get more accurate results. 4- this paper is already depend on a previous paper for the same author, please see reference 7 there are other few equations you need to use from that paper (e.x. equation 8, 9 , 14:20), so I think you need to take look at this article (reference 7) to help you to find the other equation...

    $23 - $283
    $23 - $283
    0 入札

    A self-serve srvice station has two pumps. Suppose cars enter the station at an exponential rate lamda. this means that the times between entries are i.i.d exponential random variable with common rate lamda > 0. people serve themselves independtly at an exponential rate u for each pump. We assume that the service times and the entry times are independent. (a) if both pumps are currently busy what is the probability that another car will enter the station before either of pumps become free? (b) If Customer A is at Pump 1, Customer B is at Pump 2, and customer C now enters (and there are no other customers in the station) then what is the probability that B leaves C?

    $24 Average bid
    $24 平均入札額
    5 入札

    I want to automate electrum from the command line. I need a dev who can provide the proper commands to send btc from an offline wallet. The following commands are not working. They return error: argument tx: invalid <lamda> 1. electrum -w ~/.electrum/wallets/default_wallet -v payto 1Cpf9zb5Rm5Z5qmmGezn6ERxFWvwuZ6UCx 0.001 2. electrum -w ~/.electrum/wallets/default_wallet broadcast HEX-from-previous command OS is ubuntu. Electrum version is 2.6 Thanks for bidding.

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 入札

    ...•Dodatkowe success fee dla wybranych projektów Obowiązki i profil kandydata: •Dbałość o wysoką jakość tworzonych rozwiązań •Tworzenie czytelnego, testowalnego, wysokiej jakości kodu przygotowanego do zmienności wymagań •3 letnie doświadcznie w programowaniu aplikacji webowych PHP opartych na Drupalu •Umiejętność integrowania Drupala z zewnętrznymi usługami AWS •Znajomość usług AWS: RDS, LAMDA, ELASTIC BEANSTALK •Umiejętność tworzenia rozwiązań opartych o architekturę LAMP •Praktyczna znajomość przynajmniej jednej biblioteki javascriptowej (jQuery, AngularJS, KnockoutJS) w stopniu umożliwającym tworzenie responsywnych i interaktywnych aplikacji •Dobra znajomość języka SQL •Znajomość Bootstrapa będzie zaletą &...

    $1703 Average bid
    $1703 平均入札額
    2 入札

    We need some node.js code developed for AWS Lambda. There will be 5 set of functions that you will develop. You *SHOULD* make extensive use of promises (bluebird) Function 1: Download two files (CSV and ZIP) and store into S3 Bucket Function 2: Load the CSV into DynamoDB and upon successful completion archive the files in a separate folder. Function 3: Unzip the files from the zip into S3 (same bucket different folder) Function 4: Based on the filename from 3 search DynamoDB for a parameter and watermark the value on the image and store it. Function 5: Use the watermarked image and upload it to a FTP server As described in this blog post, you can either use S3 notification to trigger the lambda function or you can use SNS as a trigger. Reference: Alternatively you can make u...

    $306 Average bid
    $306 平均入札額
    4 入札

    ...with the AWS Lamba service do a small check and return some html code back to the client website. The snippit will carry 2 variables, VIN and STYLE When the code on the AWS Lamda service is called by the snippit it will look in an S3 bucket to see if a file with the matching VIN exists. () If there is a matching .pdf in S3 then a the Lamda code returns code for an html button with a link to the file on S3. If there is a matching .pdf then there is a button with a link to the file, if there is no file then there is no button code returned. The snippit also needs to be able to tell the Lamda application code which set of CSS styles to use when returning the button to the client site. There will be a CSS style sheet saved on S3 with a number of different s...

    $387 Average bid
    $387 平均入札額
    6 入札

    I'm looking for someone to build a website backend using It'll just be a bunch of API endpoints which allow - for users to login / register using facebook and google - allow users to upload photo - comment on uploaded photo - rate photos All the endpoints will be served by the Amazon API gateway and lamda functions All the images will be uploaded to S3 DynamoDB will be used for storing user / meta data for photos Session can be stored in dynamodb or elasticache.

    $241 Average bid
    $241 平均入札額
    8 入札

    ...Lambda before. I need to set up a AWS Lambda job that will run when a certain dynamodb table is updated. It will grab a filename from the db and run a series of ImagiceMagick commands that I already have. These commands will manipulate a image and then composit some other images on top. When the IM commands are done it will send the image to a s3 bucket and update the db. Thats it! I believe Lamda works with node.js so you will need to use that. I have another simple python application running on amazon EB that I will be using to test out your lambda code. It writes to the DB and then waits for a response to display the image that came back. Some links: Creating a aws lambda function to make thumbnails:

    $250 Average bid
    特集 緊急
    $250 平均入札額
    1 入札

    This project is to build a sample app that - uses Angular.js on the front end and ngResource to access the backend - uses AWS Lambda / API Gateway / Java (*not* Node.js) The app itself only needs to be fairly simple - just a simple CRUD example, e.g. similar to - j...The app itself only needs to be fairly simple - just a simple CRUD example, e.g. similar to - just list some resources, be able to add a new resource, delete, update an existing resource using a REST API. You will need your own AWS account for this project. If you have the required skills, reply to this project with the (publicly accessible) URL of a AWS API Gateway/Lamda function hosted function that displays some JSON output that includes the text "lambda freelancer".

    $144 Average bid
    $144 平均入札額
    1 入札

    Project description The aim of the project is to create from a CRM export files a file that will be used to send bulk messages. Create a job to extract .csv files from a .zip file. Merge data from .csv files (named...“ExpFile-dd/mm/yyyy” to « C:/FileExportCrm/ » Consolidated file “ConsoFile-dd/mm/yyyy” format: first_name last_name,”mobile”,”Event” (Variable),”Date” (Calculated),”Repeats” (Variable),”Time” (Constant),”Message” (Concatenate + Variable) The target TEXT file format: Name,"Phone","Event","Date","Repeats","Time","Message" Example with data: (Audrey LAMDA,"06 18 99 99 99","...

    $43 Average bid
    $43 平均入札額
    5 入札

    I have a bunch of ongoing projects. I lack time to code all of these myself. Hence looking for a couple of team-members to work together with. Ideal candidate w...of ongoing projects. I lack time to code all of these myself. Hence looking for a couple of team-members to work together with. Ideal candidate would be having 1-3 years of experience on web development using .net C# interfaces & collections Understanding of Asp.Net MVC / WebApi Razor View object oriented Javascript Understanding of jQuery New features introduced in HTML-5 CSS3 Lamda expressions, LINQ queries for fetching data using entity framework You will get an opportunity to work on Windows Azure & Angular.JS. I would personally share the knowledge required to work on cloud, to the sele...

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr 平均入札額
    37 入札

    The 3rd Problem ...using relevant enthalpy data B) Derive a simplified equation for estimating the adiabatic flame temperature (Tfa) as a function of the fuel high heating Value ( Qhhv), Air-to fuel ratio, (A/F) Averaged specific heat. (Cc), of combustion gas and temperature (To) At the initial condition. Calculate and plot, Tfa over varying the air to fuel equivalence ratio ( Lamda ) in the range of lamda = 1 and 3 A step size delta lamda =0.4 maybe used .... assume To= 25 C and the combustion gas Ave specific heat = 1.3 Kj/Kg Please be as detailed as possible and be be thorough when explaining the code, and the steps taken to solve. I'll provide the book, copy of problem statement, and details from my Prof' My Budget for this ...

    $32 Average bid
    $32 平均入札額
    7 入札

    ...monitoring company rebuilding our platform from the ground up on the MEAN stack running on AWS. We currently have a very senior core architecture/engineering team and are looking to expand our engineering capacity with the most skilled professional engineers and passionate technophiles who really want to work on the latest with the greatest. Our backend application is implementing the polyglot Lamda architecture pattern in node.js with MongoDB and Apache Cassandra to support global web scale and integrated big data analytics. Our front end application is integrating global WebRTC voice/video eVisits into an advanced clinician experience in HTML5/CSS and Angular.js. Our mobile application is integrating a wide array of FDA approved Bluetooth bio-monitoring devices a...

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr 平均入札額
    15 入札

    create offitial profiles for SOY LAMDA create an artycle for blogging. Post artycle in 20 blogs (targeted) target group: gay users (only men)

    $60 Average bid
    $60 平均入札額
    1 入札

    Hi! We are launching a new platform named LAMDA , It is a social network- private club for the gay community (only men). We are still working on the development but we are starting to make the marketing strategy. We wanna get targeted people who comes to our website and let it a good SEO, online reputation, backlins, social media and many other marketing skills. We launch next monday for méxico country and then, next month for worlwide. We want to count with your services, even include you on our project if everything goes well. The project is: Create contents, translate contents from spanish to english. Blogging strategy (publish in at least 50 related (targeted) blogs. Press releases strategy, etc

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr 平均入札額
    1 入札

    Please create api payment integration by making payment modules for Zen Cart and then Interspire. Here is the zen cart site login info: user: toni pw: 11223344 cPanel is: user: hcginjec pass: T6Agachutr5CRenU Here also some test info they gave us some of this you may have to u...is: user: hcginjec pass: T6Agachutr5CRenU Here also some test info they gave us some of this you may have to use for testing: Retailer: Platinum Concept Site name: hcg24 SID: 1924 Rcode: 9945fa Descriptor: Internal Test Gateway Remember there should Visa and Mastercard to chose for customers. Visually please style the page/entry fields similiar like the existing LAMDA payment module. Thanks

    $250 Average bid
    $250 平均入札額
    1 入札

    Task: I prepared wireframes for the lobby and game screens. Your task is to make them breath.(see attachment) Description: I need a sleek and eye-candy visual interface design for our online backgammon game site. You have to emphasise on concepts of 'cheating' & 'entertainment' with the colors,shapes and forms you're going to utulise in your design. Your design must make the player to feel ...didnt paid as much attention to wireframe dimensions, you are more free to resize the dimensions of components. As you will notice some elements are removed or added in my wireframe design when you compare with the draft screens... Therefore, pls always refer to wireframes,not draft screens! Pls either send your portfolio or some mockups for wireframes while bid...

    $671 Average bid
    $671 平均入札額
    7 入札

    Hello, I need assistance in producing a website for a Greek Fraternity: Omega Psi Phi, Upsilon Lamda Lamda Chapter. I've attached a blueprint (here: ) of something that I put together, but as you can see it needs a lot of work. This file, at the minimum, breaks down the different sections that the web site needs. For example: Current information, chapter officers, resources, photo gallery, etc. What I'm looking for is the following: A customized wordpress theme that caters to the fraternity Omega Psi Phi - what that means is using the colors purple and gold in the design as well as various high quality stock images that can be found using Google Image Search. A photo gallery that uses the flickr api so that I can upload all the pictures

    $654 Average bid
    $654 平均入札額
    12 入札

    this project is mainly related? with automaton theory, topics to be known by coder :- context free grammar, griebach normal form, pushdown automaton. here the input is a context free grammar the first step is, take the input (it should be a grammar with lamda productions also)? and convert it into griebach normal form after that the we should construct a pushdown automaton for the production obtained from the above step.

    $295 Average bid
    $295 平均入札額
    5 入札

    I am struggling with this homework problem. Here is the assignment description. The purpose of this project is to simulate a general case of a network gateway. We assume that packets arrive following a Poisson process with an average rate of Lamda = 250 packets per second. In addition, we assume that the gateway takes about 2 milliseconds to forward packets. Assume that the service time is exponential distribution with an average of 2 milliseconds. Run your simulation for 100,000 arriving packets. Write a report that summarizes the results. 1. Sample the profile, n(t) = number of packets in gateway vs. time, at the rate of 2 milliseconds, then compute the histogram of n(t). 2. What is avg and max num packets in gateway? 3. Using sampling scheme of part 1, compute transition matrix. ...

    $17 Average bid
    $17 平均入札額
    1 入札

    The disk has totally 50 tracks, numbered from 1 to 50. I/O requests arrive following an exponential distribution with an arrival rate lamda. Assume that the track numbers, randomly generated, are using addresses of items on the disk. The service time for each request is calculated as (d/50)*20, where d is the distance from the current position of the r/w head to destination track. The initial position of the r/w head is at track 25. The algorithms to be simulated are a) First come first served b) shortest seek time first c) LOOK I have the first 2, scan needs to be changed to look. No time to do it. Thanks ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. 2) Deliverab...

    $25 Average bid
    $25 平均入札額
    2 入札