International institute of business analysis仕事


    2,000 international institute of business analysis 見つかった仕事

    I am looking for a skilled Vietnamese - Japanese interpreter for multiple BD meetings in around a half year. - Setting: The interpretation will be needed in a business meeting. - Duration: a meeting is expected to last between 2 to 4 hours. Around 20 hours a month. - Experience in IT industry as the client is highly desirable. Especially in payment field. 継続的に契約更新ができる人材を探しています。 ・3か月程度毎の契約更新(試用期間がある可能性があります) ・ハノイ拠点またはホーチミン拠点 ・月に25時間程度の時間を予定しています(ホーチミンは月に1-2日程度) ・IT業界のシステム用語や、クレジットカード決済のスキームが理解できる方優遇 日本語力を見たいので、応募の際に日本語でご連絡いただける方を優遇いたします。

    $50 / hr Average bid
    $50 / hr 平均入札額
    1 入札

    Dear Mr. David Dundas, Hello again, this is Yasuko WASHITANI from Japan. I have a manuscript should be revised and submit soon. I would like to ask you to proofread a part of it (actually 2 pages of all (7 pages)).

    $60 Average bid
    $60 平均入札額
    1 入札

    私たちは、東京で開催される次回外交会議のためのフリー・メディア/コミュニケーション担当者を非営利的に探しています。 8月20-24日、日本は第4回武器貿易条約締約国会議(ATT)を開催する。 これは、兵器の世界的貿易を規制しようとする条約に関する高水準の多国間交渉である。 詳細はこちら: 我々は、メディア戦略の作成、プレスリリースの作成、メディア・アドバイザリーおよび編集、会議中のメディア調整などを支援しています。 Write press releases, coordinate with local and international media, create media strategy and Coordinate media relations during conference

    $1298 Average bid
    $1298 平均入札額
    4 入札

    イタリア観光情報とワイナリーツアーに関するウェブサイトにて SEOなどウェブサイトのマーケティングが可能な方を探しています。 目的はウェブサイトへのトラフィックの増加、オンラインプロフィールの向上です。 コンサルティングを兼ねて、細かくご相談にのってくださる方が好ましいです。 ご不明な点がございましたら、ご連絡ください。 I need someone to do some SEO marketing for my business. This marketing should increase traffic to our website as well as increase our online profile. The marketing should improve our online reputation. Please message me if you have any questions. (in Japanese website)

    $67 Average bid
    $67 平均入札額
    17 入札

    コピー&ペースト作業を手伝ってくださる方。 簡単な宣伝業務です。 テンプレ使用なので初心者でも可能です。 納期等はありませんので、無理ないペースでお願いします。 未経験者、初心者歓迎です。 立ち上がったばかりなので、ほとんどの方が初心者です。 サポートがありますので、初心者の方も実績を上げています。 マニュアル、常時サポートをご用意しております! 少しでも興味がありましたらお問い合わせください。 参加される方が増えております。 初心者向け・完全在宅OK。 主婦の方も大歓迎! 時間や場所も自由。 インターネットさえ使えれば 誰でもできます。 たくさんのメッセージお待ちしております!

    $174 Average bid
    $174 平均入札額
    3 入札

    私のビジネスを手伝ってください コピー&ペースト作業を手伝ってくださる方。 簡単な宣伝業務です。 テンプレ使用なので初心者でも可能です。 納期等はありませんので、無理ないペースでお願いします。 未経験者、初心者歓迎です。 立ち上がったばかりなので、ほとんどの方が初心者です。 サポートがありますので、初心者の方も実績を上げています。 マニュアル、常時サポートをご用意しております! 少しでも興味がありましたらお問い合わせください。 参加される方が増えております。 初心者向け・完全在宅OK。 主婦の方も大歓迎! 時間や場所も自由。 インターネットさえ使えれば 誰でもできます。 たくさんのご連絡お待ちしております! [Removed by Admin]

    $20 - $170
    $20 - $170
    0 入札

    私のビジネスを手伝ってください 【未経験者歓迎】PR広報の完全在宅ワークです。 指定のテキストを配布して、ある企業の広報をするお仕事です。 ■依頼詳細 お渡しする反応の取れるテキストを貼り付けて頂けると投稿できます。 ご自宅で空いた時間にお仕事をしていただけます。 時間、場所は問いませんが 夜時間の取れる方は大歓迎です。 ■採用条件 ・素直な方 ・インターネットでできる仕事をお探しの方 ・継続的に取り組める方 ■必要なもの ・スマホ 又は PC ・素直さ 少しでも気になった方はお気軽にご応募ください。それから考えていただいても構いません。 お待ちしております。

    $169 Average bid
    $169 平均入札額
    1 入札

    私のビジネスを手伝ってください >>詳細 ・簡単なコピペ作業、 ・お好きな時間に作業OK (時間帯は融通効きます) ・現在のお仕事の有無は不問。副業、Wワーク歓迎です。 ・育児中、通院中、その他様々なご事情があそっても大丈夫です ・PCがなくても可能です。特別なスキルもいりません。 ・スマホ、タブレット等が普通に操作できる方。 ・しっかりとサポートしますので、だれでも簡単に作業出来ます。 >>応募要件 ・19歳以上の方(学生可) ・内部情報を漏洩させない方(冷やかしでの応募はお断りします) ・パソコンやスマホをお持ちでLINEの使える方 経済的、時間的自由がほしい方にはぴったりの案件です。 インターネットビジネスを初めてやる方でも問題ありません。 簡単に稼げるなんて怪しいと思っている方こそ試していただきたいです。 スキル、経験は問いませんがやる気のある方、マメに連絡つく方の応募をお待ちしております(作業自体は単純ですが根気はいるため) 皆様のご応募お待ちしております。 _____

    $50000 Average bid
    $50000 平均入札額
    1 入札

    House Cleaning Job 2500JPY~8000JPY. 都内で池袋エリア、新宿エリア、上野エリア、銀座エリアにたくさんの物件持っています。 お部屋の清掃をお願いします。 11時〜夜の間でお願いします。 許可物件ですので、安心して出入りして頂けます。 収入が部屋の広さによります。 一軒家なら最大8000円になります、慣れてくるとお得です! 今回に限らず、継続して頂ける方が居ましたら、今後時々お願い出来ると嬉しいです。 また、今回だけでも構いません。 依頼を受けて頂ける方が居ましたら、マニュアルを送ります。 よろしくお願い致します。❤️

    $54 Average bid
    $54 平均入札額
    1 入札

    私のビジネスを手伝ってください 大成して自己実現したい新規事業のコアメンバーを募集致します。 既にある程度の成功を手にしたが、時間的拘束に悩んでいれば一度ご相談ください。 システムを拡散していただくシンプルな仕事です。 メッセージいただければ詳細の事業動画をお渡しします。 長期目線を念頭に取り組んでいただくことで、半年~一年後には爆発的に収益が見込めます。 【依頼詳細】 チームでシステムを拡散していくお仕事になります。 世界展開しており、すでに売り上げの立っている事業を日本や世界に向けて発信するお仕事になります。 ※今の参入は強烈なビジネスメリットが見込まれます。 経験者でしたらスピード感を持って取り組まれることで、すぐにコストも回収可能ですし、私の実績でも初月10万以上の報酬を獲得しています。 誰でも出来るよう高度にシステム化したシンプルな作業で現在稼働率も驚異的な数字を記録しています。 チーム全体の評価なので一人が頑張り続ける必要がありません。 ※仕組上、ノウハウやサポートの提供は無償提供致します。 ++++++++++++++++++++++ インターネット環境: PC、スマホ、タブレット等、いずれか一つでも可 PC、スマホ知識: 不問だが、経験者はスピード感を持って取り組めます 就業時間: 自由 就業場所: 自由、国内・海外と場所を問いません 予定収入: 歩合ですが、チームを総合的に評価する制度です 誰でも実践出来るよう高度にシステム化しているため、驚異的な稼働率を誇っています。初心者でもシンプルで実績の出せる仕組みが貴方にも強力なメリットです。 副業、専業と仕事としてのスタイルは問いませんがしっかり収益を上げたいならメリットが大きいビジネス。 【重要視する点・経験】 ■ やる気や行動力がないと出来ませ...

    min $33980
    min $33980
    0 入札

    大成して自己実現したい新規事業のコアメンバーを募集致します。 既にある程度の成功を手にしたが、時間的拘束に悩んでいれば一度ご相談ください。 システムを拡散していただくシンプルな仕事です。 メッセージいただければ詳細の事業動画をお渡しします。 長期目線を念頭に取り組んでいただくことで、半年~一年後には爆発的に収益が見込めます。 【依頼詳細】 チームでシステムを拡散していくお仕事になります。 世界展開しており、すでに売り上げの立っている事業を日本や世界に向けて発信するお仕事になります。 ※今の参入は強烈なビジネスメリットが見込まれます。 経験者でしたらスピード感を持って取り組まれることで、すぐにコストも回収可能ですし、私の実績でも初月10万以上の報酬を獲得しています。 誰でも出来るよう高度にシステム化したシンプルな作業で現在稼働率も驚異的な数字を記録しています。 チーム全体の評価なので一人が頑張り続ける必要がありません。 ※仕組上、ノウハウやサポートの提供は無償提供致します。 ++++++++++++++++++++++ インターネット環境: PC、スマホ、タブレット等、いずれか一つでも可 PC、スマホ知識: 不問だが、経験者はスピード感を持って取り組めます 就業時間: 自由 就業場所: 自由、国内・海外と場所を問いません 予定収入: 歩合ですが、チームを総合的に評価する制度です 誰でも実践出来るよう高度にシステム化しているため、驚異的な稼働率を誇っています。初心者でもシンプルで実績の出せる仕組みが貴方にも強力なメリットです。 副業、専業と仕事としてのスタイルは問いませんがしっかり収益を上げたいならメリットが大きいビジネス。 【重要視する点・経験】 ■ やる気や行動力がないと出来ません ■ インターネット環境が必...

    $7 - $20
    $7 - $20
    0 入札

    ...the 500 Internal Server Error front end of the site is displayed. Back office is normal operation and normally displayed. Also with reference to the existing DB by installing a new magento files become 500 Internal Server Error. I will be get 500 Internal Server Error in DB creation time when I try to fresh installation with the new DB and file. I tried it. Change permissions using the magento-cleanup.php. Installation condition confirmation using the magento-check.php. Delete of .htaccess. It is desired. iam not a native English speaker, you understand me well patience view. I want you to do it. I want to return the site to normal display and correct the error. Submission of the cause description and accurate and detailed work report of err...

    $76 Average bid
    $76 平均入札額
    12 入札

    Hi, we are a Spoken Japanese Teaching Institute and require native Japanese speaking female voice artist/singer, who can sing rhymes in Japanese in a vibrant voice. Open to bidding for child singers who can sing close to good pitch and bit, not so much professional welcome too.. Thank you. 日本語で歌を歌って頂ける方を探しております。 弊社はオーストラリアにて日本語を子供達に教える仕事をしております。音楽の力で子供達に日本語を教えるプログラムを実施しており、今回オリジナルの曲を自主作成することになりました。そこで、歌が上手な方、特に元気な声、明るい声、聞き取りやすい声の方を探しております。子供の方でも歌が上手に歌えれば大丈夫です。ご連絡をお待ちしております。 I need a person, who can at least communicate with me understandably... I will provide you reference track and backing track soon. This will only be for a selection process, if we like your voice, there is future work, so bid accordingly..

    $28 Average bid
    $28 平均入札額
    3 入札

    Voice over a business video in Japanese, Need to do some corrections first and then voice over it Better be a Japanese person あるビジネスビデオの音声を吹き替えする仕事です 中国語から通訳したから、その内容をまず正しくして、そして吹き替えするのでお願いします。 日本人の方はお優先ね

    $209 Average bid
    $209 平均入札額
    12 入札

    Rusiru International co.,Ltd のローゴーがほしい

    $18 Average bid
    $18 平均入札額
    2 入札

    自分で作ったEAをコンパイルしたら、 私が間違ってソースコードを削除しました。 ソースコードに戻すソフトウェアを開発出来ますか? 英語はわかりません。 日本語のわかる人を優先します。 GOOGLEで英語に翻訳しました。 ------------------------------------------------- You have successfully deleted the source code by mistake Once you compile your own EA. Can I develop software back to the source code? English I do not know. I will give priority to people who understand the Japanese. -------------------------------------------------

    $155 Average bid
    $155 平均入札額
    1 入札

    Android端末/iPhone向けソーシャルゲーム・アプリの設計、開発、テスト、運用まで一通り携わっていただきます。 当社サービスのスマートフォン向け企画、開発/新規アプリの開発/既存サービスの スマホクライアントを企画から一緒に作っていきます

    $5522 Average bid
    $5522 平均入札額
    4 入札

    Business Planning Researchers Wanted(Analysts) IMPORTANT: This time we are ONLY looking for candidates who can write/speak Japanese language We are a Social Media Service Company ( MIRAISHONEN, Inc.() ) providing multiple services, seeking for Business Planning Researchers(Analysts) . Here is the introduction of our company. Corporate Summary PV: Corporate Brochure: WEB: This is the job to research on our new business models prior to their launch in regards to market trends and competitons with strong analysis especially based on data and numbers. -Job Descrption

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 入札

    インターネット関連技術屋のための名刺のデザインをお願いします。 シンプルで思慮に富んだデザイン希望です。 成果物はイラストレータ形式のファイルでお願いします。 A business card design for IT company. Simple but thoughtful design is preferred. I need your help by the illustrator file format. thanks.

    $26 Average bid
    $26 平均入札額
    5 入札

    I am seeking a seasoned ETAP professional proficient in conducting various power syst...system studies, including load flow, short circuit, relay coordination, harmonics, and arc flash analysis. The primary focus will be on system design and optimization through arc flash analysis. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with ETAP (Electrical Transient and Analysis Program) - Proficient in load flow study, short circuit study, relay coordination, harmonics, and arc flash analysis - Ability to provide system design and optimization recommendations based on analysis - Knowledge of safety standards and regulations related to arc flash Ideal Skills: - ETAP Power System Analysis - Electrical Engineering - System Design and Optimization - Safet...

    $1314 Average bid
    $1314 平均入札額
    3 入札

    I'm looking for a professional with extensive experience in Splunk to develop a query for analyzing event data and setting up an alert for a specific event pattern.. Key...a specific event pattern.. Key Requirements: - Proficient in crafting Splunk queries to analyze event data. - Experience in configuring alerts based on specific event patterns. - Understanding of setting up email notifications upon alert triggers. Your task will be to create a Splunk query that monitors event data and detects a particular event pattern. Upon detection, the query needs to trigger an alert that sends me an email notification. Please note, the selected freelancer will need to demonstrate a deep understanding of Splunk's capabilities, particularly in relation to event data ana...

    $23 Average bid
    $23 平均入札額
    4 入札

    ...timeframes and incorporate a variety of trading indicators and criteria. Key Aspects: - The screener should include a range of customized trading indicators, not limited to, but inclusive of, Moving Averages, Relative Strength Index (RSI), and Bollinger Bands. - It should also incorporate a variety of custom indicators and criteria, including price action patterns, volume-based indicators, and a custom algorithm. - The screener needs to be able to assess technical indicators, fundamental indicators, and sentiment indicators. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in TradingView and its scripting language, Pine Script. - Strong background in trading and understanding of various trading indicators. - Good understanding of technical, fundamental, and sentim...

    $104 Average bid
    $104 平均入札額
    4 入札

    I'm seeking a skilled software developer to convert my current Excel cost estimation workbook into a fully functional, user-friendly web-based estimating so...estimation tasks that the Excel workbook currently does. Additional Features: - Robust reporting capabilities: The software should be able to generate comprehensive reports on various aspects of the cost estimations. - Data export options: I need the ability to export data in different formats for further analysis or record-keeping. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web-based software development. - Experience with cost estimation tools is a plus. - Strong understanding of reporting systems and data export functionalities. I look forward to your bids, especially from those who can provide a timeline and a p...

    $556 Average bid
    $556 平均入札額
    70 入札
    IT Company Startup Guide Creation
    6 日 left

    ...a freelancer who can assist me in developing an all-encompassing business guide for launching my IT firm in Chennai. - A crucial component of this guide will be effective marketing and promotion strategies. The freelancer should have a strong background in marketing, particularly within the IT sector, and be able to provide innovative and practical strategies tailored to the Chennai market. - While the guide doesn't need to cover every possible area, the freelancer should ensure it includes key elements such as legal requirements and registration processes, as well as an in-depth market analysis. - The final product should be professionally formatted and easy to understand. The freelancer should have experience in business writing and be able to pre...

    $23 Average bid
    $23 平均入札額
    5 入札

    I am undertaking an academic research project comparing AI laws and guidelines globally, with a academic research project comparing AI laws and guidelines globally, with a specific focus on the EU AI Act and ASEAN countries. I need an expert to assist with this. Key Responsibilities: - Comparison of AI laws from Europe and the Asean. - Detailed analysis of aspects such as data privacy, ethical guidelines, implementation and compliance, and all legal requirements and conditions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in AI laws and regulations in the specified regions - Strong analytical skills for legal comparison - Experience in academic research - Excellent understanding of data privacy and ethical guidelines in AI - Familiarity with implemen...

    $648 Average bid
    $648 平均入札額
    31 入札

    I'm looking for a skilled translator to translate a 1200-word marketing catalog from English to French. The catalog primarily consists of product descriptions for electronics. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in both English and French - Experience in translating marketing materials - Understanding of electronics terminology - Ability to maintain brand voice and tone - Attention to detail and accuracy This is for an educational iPad case / Headphone brand with teachers as audience

    $24 Average bid
    $24 平均入札額
    17 入札

    We are a newly established digital agency looking for young...Are Hiring For: Web Design: Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and CMS platforms like WordPress or Shopify. Graphic Design: Skilled in CorelDRAW, Photoshop, Illustrator, and creating creative designs for brands. App Design & Development: Experienced in UX/UI tools like Figma or Adobe XD. Advanced Coding: Knowledge of PHP, Laravel, and modern frameworks like React.js, Vue.js, or Angular. What We Offer: Flexible remote work environment. Opportunities to work on exciting international projects. A creative and supportive team to grow with. Application Details: Please send your CV and portfolio to digiberiagency @ Salary and other details will be discussed during the interview process. Join us to create and innova...

    $169 Average bid
    $169 平均入札額
    41 入札
    $100 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I'm seeking a dedicated Pinterest marketing professional to help me generate sales leads for my home interiors business. Main Objectives: - The primary goal is to generate sales leads through engaging and strategic Pinterest marketing. - The content focus will be predominantly on promoting home interior design ideas. Target Audience: - The target audience for this campaign is primarily homeowners. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in Pinterest marketing, specifically in the home interiors industry or targeting homeowners. - Creative content creation skills, with a knack for home interior design. - Strong track record in lead generation and sales conversion.

    $607 Average bid
    $607 平均入札額
    7 入札
    Junior SEO Expert Needed
    6 日 left

    We're seeking a highly motivated and enthusiastic Junior SEO Expert to join our team. As a Junior SEO Expert, you'll play a crucial role in improving our website's search engine rankings, driving organic traffic, and increasing online visibility. This is an excellent opportunity for someone looking to gain hands-on experience and develop their skills in SEO. Responsibilities: 1. SEO Audits and Analysis: Conduct thorough website audits to identify areas for improvement and provide recommendations. 2. On-Page Optimization: Optimize website elements, such as meta tags, titles, descriptions, headings, and content, to improve search engine rankings. 3. Off-Page Optimization: Develop and implement strategies to improve website authority, including link building, social me...

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr 平均入札額
    66 入札

    as per our discussion over the chat

    $230 Average bid
    $230 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I'm seeking a seasoned Business Development Executive to help with our financial services including Accounting, Reconciliation, and Return Filing. Our primary goal is to ensure compliance with regulations, as we operate in the fast-paced Technology industry. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and secure new business opportunities related to our financial services - Foster and maintain relationships with current and potential clients - Ensure all financial processes align with regulatory compliance Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in business development, preferably in the financial sector - Strong understanding of accounting, reconciliation and return filing processes - Excellent communication and relationship-building skills - Familiarity with compliance...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr 平均入札額
    7 入札

    I am seeking a talented website designer with a strong understanding of B2B web design. The primary purpose of this website will be to showcase our products and generate leads. Key Features: - Contact Forms: These will be crucial for potential clients to reach out to us. - Downloadable Resources: We want to provide valuable content for our visitors, helping to establish our brand as an industry authority and facilitating lead generation. - Live Chat: A real-time communication tool to engage with our website visitors and convert them into potential leads. Design Style: The design of the website should be Corporate and Professional, aligning with our brand image. A clean, easy-to-navigate interface coupled with an appealing, professional aesthetic is key. Ideal skill...

    $89 Average bid
    $89 平均入札額
    28 入札

    I'm looking for assistance with a project involving 1000 PDF files. This task will require the integration of new pages into each document, which should be placed at the end of the PDFs. The new pages will consist of a mix of content. Some will be provided by me, whilst others will need to be created by the freelancer. The new pages will incorporate both text and images. Therefore, the ideal candidate for this project should have: - Proficiency in PDF editing software - Ability to create and edit content (text and images) - Attention to detail to ensure the new pages are accurately added to each PDF Please note that this project will require careful handling of a large volume of files, and the successful candidate will need to demonstrate t...

    $28 Average bid
    $28 平均入札額
    105 入札

    As discussed over chat on freelancer

    $300 Average bid
    $300 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I'm looking for a professional to help me determine if our company emails are triggering spam alerts. This is crucial to ensuring our communications are reaching their intended recipients without hin...for a professional to help me determine if our company emails are triggering spam alerts. This is crucial to ensuring our communications are reaching their intended recipients without hindrance. Key tasks include: - Evaluating our business emails (Google Workspace) for potential spam triggers. - Providing a report on findings with recommendations for improvement. Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience in email management and spam assessment. - Strong analytical skills to identify potential issues and propose solutions. - Excellent understanding of spam filter...

    $120 Average bid
    $120 平均入札額
    10 入札
    NFT Collections Email Database
    6 日 left

    I'm looking for a freelancer who can help me compile an email database of NFT collections. This data will primarily be sourced from official NFT collection websites and online NFT marketplaces. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in data collection and analysis - Familiarity with NFT collections and the crypto space - Experience in managing and organizing large datasets Need Email, Website of NFT collections owner.

    $151 Average bid
    $151 平均入札額
    2 入札

    ... The primary focus of this paper will be the regulation, compliance, and consumer protection issues related to AI in the banking sector, with an emphasis on the challenges faced by GCC Countries in this area. Key Requirements: - Extensive knowledge of legal implications of AI in banking - Familiarity with regulatory frameworks for AI in banking - Ability to conduct in-depth case studies of AI implementation in banks - Understanding of compliance issues and consumer protection mechanisms - Experience with comparative analysis with other countries The ideal candidate should be able to: - Conduct comprehensive research on AI and its regulation in the banking sector - Identify and analyze key challenges faced by GCC Countries in AI regulation - Ex...

    $115 Average bid
    $115 平均入札額
    46 入札
    Modern Logo Design for Travel Fair
    6 日 left

    I'm in need of a modern styled logo for an international travel fair. This logo should include landmark icons of Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippine, Cambodia and Vietnam and incorporate the colors blue, red, white, and yellow. Key Requirements: - Experience in graphic design with a focus on logo creation - Ability to design in a modern style - Proficiency in incorporating specified elements and color schemes - Creativity in using landmark icons in a unique and appealing way.

    $82 Average bid
    $82 平均入札額
    88 入札

    ...Marketing KPI & KRA Targets Sales Create organic social media following Applicant will be required to show that they are capable of excelling in the following areas. Able to create engaging content and visitor retention and conversions. Create brand awareness within community. Highlight community outreach programs with a focus to find and gain individuals and community groups who may benefit from community fundraising activities to join in participating in our fundraising activities. Attract and retain followers across wide range of social media accounts. Convert visitors to customers. Grow our brand to a leading trusted go to location for national and international visitors and customers. To expand our online presence to a nationally recognised go to...

    $58 Average bid
    $58 平均入札額
    13 入札

    Project Description: I am seeking an experienced cybersecurity expert to provide an independent technical assessment regarding the use of a travel router during remote work. The assessment will focus on the router’s capabilities and its alignment with secure remote working practices. Scope of Work: Review the technical specifications of the router and confirm whether it is capable of circumventing corporate network security. Assess whether the router’s use aligns with industry-standard secure remote working practices. Evaluate whether the router posed any cybersecurity risks to the corporate network. Provide a formal, detailed report summarizing the findings in non-technical language suitable for presentation to a non-technical audience. Provided Ma...

    $173 Average bid
    $173 平均入札額
    10 入札
    Business School Review Composition
    6 日 left

    I'm looking for someone to prepare moderately detailed reviews for a business school, with the primary purpose being to provide feedback to the faculty. The reviews should cover the following aspects: teaching quality, facilities and resources, and career support. Ideal Skills: - Strong analytical skills - Excellent written communication - Experience in educational assessments - Knowledge of business school standards

    $341 Average bid
    $341 平均入札額
    18 入札

    ...job portal, , designed specifically for teachers. Key Responsibilities: - Strategy: Define the app's goals, conduct market analysis, and research customer needs. - Design: Propose and implement design changes for an interactive job search experience, coding and creating a user-friendly interface. - Development: Construct installable software bundles, implement backend services, and carry out comprehensive testing of the app. - Security: Ensure the app's security through advanced encryption, effective authentication measures, and other necessary security features. Important Aspects: - Fast Browsing Speed: The most crucial goal of this app is to facilitate fast browsing. - Interactive Job Search: The app's design must include an engaging and inte...

    $448 Average bid
    $448 平均入札額
    38 入札

    Project Title: Development of a Real Estate Fractional Ownership App – PropX Project Description: We are looking for a skilled freelance app developer (or team) to develop PropX, a user-friendly and secure real estate fractional ownership app tailored for the Indian market, starting in Siddipet, Telangana. The app should allow users to invest in fractional ownership of properties, track their investments, and provide a seamless user experience with essential features for trust and transparency. Core Features: 1. User Registration and Authentication: Email/phone-based sign-up and login. User profiles with KYC integration (Aadhar, PAN). 2. Property Listings: Display available properties with images, descriptions, investment breakdowns, and projected returns. Sea...

    $308 Average bid
    $308 平均入札額
    31 入札

    I have a few black and white photos that I'd like to have colorized and restored. Some of these photos have tears or cracks, while others are faded or discolored. This project is deeply personal for me, as the restored photos will be used as keepsakes. Ideal Skills: - Photo editing software expertise (Photoshop, Lightroom, etc.) - Experience in photo restoration and colorization - Attention to detail to ensure high-quality restoration You should be able to deliver a product that is not just a repair of the original photo but a beautiful, vibrant image that can be treasured for years to come.

    $30 Average bid
    $30 平均入札額
    56 入札

    ...categorizing (e.g., recurring, nightmares), and associated emotions. ● Dream Analysis: Basic analysis tools to identify common symbols and recurring themes within the user's dream entries. ● Search and Filtering: Ability to search and filter dream entries by keywords, tags, and date ranges. Technical Requirements: ● cross-platform development ● Experience with React Native, Flutter, SwiftUI ● Secure data storage and user privacy considerations My Vision: Our envision, an app that is not just functional but also aesthetically pleasing and enjoyable to use. Colors light / pastel / pink, purple some black The calendar-centric design should be central to the user experience, allowing for easy navigation and visualization of dream patterns over time. Additional Func...

    $554 Average bid
    $554 平均入札額
    25 入札

    ...Your Product Offering • Identify Core Products: Decide which AI-powered tools are most valuable to estate agents (e.g., property valuation tools, lead generation systems, chatbots, CRM systems, virtual tour solutions). • Customization: Ensure the products are white-labeled, allowing clients to brand them as their own. • Subscription Plans: Offer tiered subscription plans to cater to different business sizes and needs. 2. Platform Development • Choose a Platform: Use a scalable e-commerce platform like Shopify, WooCommerce, or custom development using frameworks like Laravel or Node.js for flexibility. • SaaS Integration: Integrate your SaaS products into the platform, ensuring seamless user onboarding, account management, and usage tracking. •...

    $514 Average bid
    $514 平均入札額
    140 入札

    ...strategy creation, testing, optimization, and automation. This platform should enable the development of trading strategies based on my ideas, using AI/ML models for pattern recognition and optimization, and allow for backtesting with historical data. Integration with TradingView for visualization and strategy refinement is essential, along with the ability to automate trades based on validated setups. The system must support configurable parameters like trading times, asset classes, and trade duration (short-term and long-term) to build a diversified, sustainable trading approach. In addition to the trading functionality, I would like the platform to include AI-driven performance analysis to evaluate daily trade performance and provide insights into individual and cumu...

    $5231 Average bid
    $5231 平均入札額
    83 入札