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ワードプレスで制作したい システムとしてはChatGPTを英会話講師として利用したい。 ようするに今のオンライン英会話のAIバージョン。 ホームページ制作も大切ですが、そこにChatGPTのシステムを組み込める方ならなお嬉しいです。 このサイトの利用の方法は ➀無料で利用できるが、その際は広告が流れるようにしたい。有料登録すると広告なし ➁チケットや前払いの後、利用 ➂その他提案あれば 同時に一緒にこの事業をやってみようと思った方も募集します。 (個人で立ち上げますので報酬は成功報酬になります) 今後確実に今後伸びる事業だと思います。一緒に夢をつかみましょう!
...support (while, for...) 8. DateTime functions support (get system time...) 9. Wait (sleep) functions to support 10. Exports the robot that was created to a .exe file ### Automation batch manages application a. Running environment: Web b. Functional requirements: 1. Manage created robot (search, run, delete) 2. Alarm to the creator (email, message..) when having an error at runtime 3. View, download robot running logs. 弊社にてRPA作成アプリケーションを構築する必要があります。 要件は下記のようです。 ###オートメーションバッチを作成するアプリケーションの開発 a. 実行環境:Windows 7以降 b. 機能要件 1.マウスクリックをシミュレートする 2.キーボード入力をシミュレートする 3.オブジェクト/ウィンドウを選択するためのOCRの使用 4.プログラムを開く/閉じる 5.動作記録マクロ 6.論理機能のサポート(if-else、switch-case...) 7.ループ機能のサポート(while, for...) 8. DateTime関数のサポート(get system time...) 9. Wait(スリープ)機能 10.作成したロボットを.exeファイルにエクスポートする。 ###...
結局のところ信頼性があり、安心して申し込みができるHPにしたいと考えております。 つきましては、一旦内容を確認の上対応可能かどうかご検討いただきたく思います。 デザイン(横にひろがる部分のイメージ) 資料も添付します。(いま別のデザイナーとやりとり中) (クリックできる部分の色が変わる部分など) (このサイトのポップアップの部分はかなり良い感じだと思います) あまりデザインにこだわるとなかなか完成しないと思いまず、構成を見直し最低限の内容で公開できればと思っております 参考サイト (利用できるコンテンツはすでに移動済みです 融資などは現状対応外です) この2サイトにコンテンツ・デザインで上回ることが要件となります。 (正直パッとしないHPです) 一応資料として(訴求を考えず取り急ぎ作成したLP)今後修正予定 (今回はこちらの構成改善は含みません) 現状のサイトが になります。 ・ユーザーに刺さるライティング ・ターゲットを明確化した企画構成 ・サイトイメージに合ったタイポグラフィー
Technion Japan主催 武田薬品工業株式会社協賛 京都大学、Technion大学共同Symposium開催のお知らせ の作成。 アップロードした日本語の原稿でA4サイズでの作成をお願いします。 使ってほしい画像はアップロードした京都大学の校舎とマーク、テクニオン大学の校舎とマークです。 あと一点、武田薬品工業のTakedaという英語ロゴを使ってほしいのですが、HPに載っている画像をアップロードできなかったので探して使用をお願いします。 英語版のフライヤーを参考にアップロードしますのでレイアウトの参考にしてください。
...Each region of the world (Europe, North America, Asia, etc.) will be assigned to the person for each. However, you may want to ask more than one person in the same area. ■手順 ■ Step ①企業リストをもとに定型文をIR部署にメール。印刷物を請求する。 ① mail the original to the standard sentence the companies listed in the IR department. It claims the printed matter. ②PDFデータはダウンロードしておき、共有するグーグルドライブにUP。 ②PDF data leave download, UP to Google drive you want to share. ③印刷物が手元に届いたら、まとめて私たちがオフィスを構える日本(東京)に発送。 ③ When the printed material is delivered on hand, together we set up the office and shipped to Japan (Tokyo). ■期間 ■ period 契約開始後、1か月以内に日本へ発送完了を目安とする contract after the start, as a guide the completion of dispatch to Japan within one month 【報酬について】 [Remuneration] ①報酬は1社300円を想定(...
...。 内容は、High School DxD BorN 1-12話 Working!!!3期 1‐13話 2作品合計25話分です。 書き方は添付ファイルを参照してください。 1.RedditのコメントをコピーしてOpen Officeに貼り付ける。 注:ファイルはOpen Officeでの提出でお願いします。 DLはこちらから→ 2.英語のコメントの下に日本語の翻訳を書く。 3.話の時系列に並べる。 4.全体の感想として述べられているものは一番最後にまとめる。 以上が流れになります。 下記サイトあにこ便を観ると話の流れも速く理解でき、翻訳しやすいと思います。 !!!&x=0&y=0 アニメが好きな方には楽しんでいただけると思います。 締め切りは6月の末まででお願いします。 よろしくお願いします。
...。 内容は、High School DxD BorN 1-12話 Working!!!3期 1‐13話 2作品合計25話分です。 書き方は添付ファイルを参照してください。 1.RedditのコメントをコピーしてOpen Officeに貼り付ける。 注:ファイルはOpen Officeでの提出でお願いします。 DLはこちらから→ 2.英語のコメントの下に日本語の翻訳を書く。 3.話の時系列に並べる。 4.全体の感想として述べられているものは一番最後にまとめる。 以上が流れになります。 下記サイトあにこ便を観ると話の流れも速く理解でき、翻訳しやすいと思います。 !!!&x=0&y=0 アニメが好きな方には楽しんでいただけると思います。 締め切りは6月の末まででお願いします。 よろしくお願いします。
こんにちは Midori984、あなたのプロフィールを拝見しました。私のプロジェクトをオファーしたいです。詳細についてはチャットで話し合うことができます。 i can english and bahasa. 和歌山で柑橘農家を営んでいるものです。 メールで送付されてくる売上のエクセルへの打ち込みや整理、HPサイトの改変などで一緒に取り組んでくれる人を探しています。 お話させていただくことは出来れば嬉しいです。
こんにちは maikojapan、あなたのプロフィールを拝見しました。 和歌山で柑橘農家を営んでいるものです。 メールで送付されてくる売上のエクセルへの打ち込みや整理、HPサイトの改変などで一緒に取り組んでくれる人を探しています。 お話させていただくことは出来れば嬉しいです。
I am looking for a freelancer with great Enslish writing skill to introduce originally created 「New English Pronuncation Symbols」to the world. English native prefered. The prospective ariticle will be on my HP with your name (nickname can be accepted).
弊社HPのコンテンツを充実させ、またipros、facebook等の媒体を使うことで、 製造業である弊社の価値を高め、問い合わせ件数を増やすことです。 弊社HPの変更に関して、取引業者がいるので、そこへどのように手を加えるか 指示をする仕事となるので、プログラミングの技術は無くても大丈夫です。
▼会社概要 当社は2014年2月に設立したスタートアップベンチャーにもかかわらず 弊社の持つシステムは、日本一のグラフィックソリューションを提供し、 数多くの有名企業や海外の作家様にご利用いただいております。 詳しくはこちら(当社HP : ) ▼依頼概要 北米を中心とした、海外展開に伴う、社長秘書の募集です。 勤務時間の制限はありませんが、現地時間でのリアルタイムでの対応をしていただきます。 ▼具体的な業務内容 ・社外との連絡窓口(メール管理・電話応対・交渉等) ・社長秘書業務(スケジュール管理等) ・その他、付随業務 幅広く現地で社長をサポートしていただきます。 ▼必要スキル ・日本語必須 ・高い英会話 及び 英語でのテキスト入力のスキル ・コミュニケーション能力 ・社長秘書として先回りして動くことができ、気がきく方 ▼歓迎する人材 ・秘書経験のある方。 ・ITリテラシーの高い方。 ・ゲーム・グラフィックが好きな方。 ▼業務時間 応相談 ▼報酬 月額 50,000JPY (振込日の為替レートによる) ※本採用後の報酬は月末締め、翌月末日に銀行振込でお支払致します。 ▼提出書類 職歴が分かるもの、タイピングテストの結果 ※個人を特定する情報の記載は不要です
格安・迅速にランディング・HP制作致します。 LINEスタンプのイラスト・アニメーションGIFの制作も行っています。 まずはご相談ください。
Hello, We are a Japanese owned Los Angeles Based Apparel Online store company. We are looking for someone who can update the website everyday. -No Need to Be able to read HTML -Each task is about 5 to 10 minutes. -You have to be able to READ Japanese but not able to Write or Speak -If you dont Read Japanese but high IT Literacy so that by our tellling you which part corresponds to which part, then you can do the job. JOB This is the job to update the items that comes to the toppage of our 2 online stores. the management system is already set up so yo do not need to use HTMLat all. You just select the item code from our website and set into the system everyday. SKILLS REQUIRED Ability to arrange items in a meaningful, atttractive manner. Lets say if i...
...ます。 -------------------------------------- 1.氏名 2.年齢 3.性別 4.スカイプID(お持ちであれば) 5.ライティング経験(なしでも可) 6.PR(得意分野(脱毛器,美顔器,化粧品,作曲など)など) 7.1週間に書ける記事数(目安) 8.選考テスト記事(500文字前後) 美顔器の「エステナードソニックローズ」の紹介記事を500文字でお書きください。 次のURLを見て、商品情報を集めてから、人に紹介するような感じでお書きください。 (※記事は、選考のみに使用致します。選考テスト記事に対する報酬はありません) -------------------------------------- ■連絡先 HP:
①あるHPにamazonの窓を貼ってください。() のようなイメージ。 ↑ぼくが簡易的に作ったものです。 ②ここ経由でモノを買ったユーザーが、「お問い合わせページ」から、たとえば「メールアドレスと、買った商品名と価格」を入れると、 (もし買った商品が本当だと認定されたら、) その価格の3%がユーザーにアマゾンギフト券として届くシステム。
Project Title: Data Entry and Administrative Support Needed Project Description: Update a large database with accuracy and efficiency. Use Google Sheets and Excel for data entry and management. Ensure all data entries are accurate and error-free. Submit daily progress reports. Required Skills: Proven experience in data entry. Proficiency in Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel. Ability to complete tasks within deadlines and maintain accuracy. --- If your project is related to Sales & Marketing or Translation & Languages, you can modify it accordingly. Example: Project Title: Content Writing for Marketing Campaigns Project Description: Create engaging and customer-attractive content for a new product launch. Write short yet impactful copy for social media ads....
Malay Recording Project We have a project, that needs Native Malay speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 569 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $10 dollar for 569 sentences record. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks :
I am an eBay seller seeking assistance to enhance my Boost Space automation with Google Sheets. The primary goal is to streamline my shipping purchasing and automate my accounting updates while ensuring my data is properly formatted. Key Responsibilities: - Integrate Boost Space with Integromat and Google Sheets - Connect various shipping platforms, primarily eBay and possibly Pirate Ship - Update my spreadsheets with order numbers and formatting dates to a U.S. style date format Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Boost Space and eBay shipping processes - Extensive experience with Integromat and Google Sheets - Strong understanding of eBay and Pirate Ship integration - Excellent attention to detail for data formatting and accuracy Your expertise will help me significantly reduce manu...
Malay Recording Project We have a project, that needs Native Malay speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 569 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $10 dollar for 569 sentences record. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks :
...Core Features: 1. Dashboard Overview of all projects. Visual status indicators (e.g., progress bars, charts). Quick filters (by priority, status, department). 2. Project Management Display detailed project information: Name, description, start and end dates, assigned team, status. Edit project details inline. Milestones tracking and deadline management. 3. Task Management Create, assign, and update tasks. Task views: List View Kanban Board Gantt Chart Task filters (by status, priority, due date). Subtasks and recurring tasks support. 4. Risk and Budget Management Risk matrix (impact vs. probability). Mitigation plans and conditional formatting for high-risk items. Budget tracking: Total budget, expenses, and remaining funds. Visualizations for expenses and trends (charts). 5....
Apdate card designs with agreed CARDLAB logo, adjust colour palette, make change to the animation in line with these requests including some changes to the back of the card in the animation.
I'm seeking a designer to give our website a fresh, bold and vibrant visual design. The main objective of the redesign is to update the visual style of the site, making it more engaging and exciting for our users. Key Pages for Redesign: - Founder's Page - About Us - Contact - E-commerce Section - Revision Page Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in modern web design principles. - Experience with creating bold and vibrant visual styles. - Familiarity with e-commerce website design. - Able to deliver a comprehensive redesign of multiple website pages.
I’m looking to automate sending birthd...contacts via WhatsApp. Here’s what I need: What I Have: • An Excel sheet with nearly 2,000 contacts. o Each entry has: Name Contact number (with country code) Birthday date • I’ve also got 2 promotional images and a message I’d like to send. What I Need: 1. Send WhatsApp Messages (direct from excel) two images I provide. 2. Reusable for Future Months o For upcoming months, I want to just update the Excel sheet with new names, numbers, and birthdays, and then click something to send messages to the new list. 3. Extras I’d Like: o Skip duplicate numbers so no one gets spammed. o Log which messages were sent successfully and which weren’t. How I Want It Done: • It should be simple an...
...to place orders for prescription medications online. - *Optional Customer Accounts: * Allowing customers to create accounts for easy order tracking and faster checkout on future visits. - *Essential Legal Pages: * Inclusion of necessary legal pages such as Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, and Refund Policy to comply with regulations and ensure transparency. Additional Features: - *New Bulk Update for Availability, Stock, Prices, and Menu Items: * Facilitating a streamlined process for bulk updates, enabling quick changes to product availability, stock levels, prices, and other essential information across the website. - *Fully Integrated POS System: * Ensuring the website is fully integrated with your existing Point of Sale (POS) system, allowing for real-time synchronizati...
I'm seeking a seasoned digital marketing professional to strategize and execute an advertising campaign On Meta Ads for my app on the Google Play Store. The primary goal is to increase app downloads. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in digital marketing for mobile apps - Proficient in creating and managing Search, Display, and Video ads - Deep understanding of the Google Play Store ad ecosystem Please provide examples of previous app marketing campaigns you've managed, particularly those focused on increasing downloads. Your ability to deliver results in a timely manner will be key to this project's success.
I run a small farm, luxury holiday let and café and need a skilled graphic designer to update my existing logo. Key Details: - The new design should maintain a similar colour and theme to the old one, which uses a turquoise green colour and stylised seedhead image. I have a photo of a seedhead from my meadow I would like to base the new logo on so illustration skills would be useful. - The logo should reflect our luxury retreat in the wilderness vibes. - I prefer a modern but timeless style for the updated logo, rather than rustic or minimalist. - The logo will be used for both digital and print versions, so colour and black and white versions are required. Existing logo and photo attached. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in logo design, pref...
Update for android dating app with php server side
...with my website's theme. The specific requirements include: - Implementing a COD option at the checkout - Customizing the COD interface to match my website's style - Incorporating features like order confirmation via email and a verification step before order completion - Conducting thorough testing and troubleshooting to guarantee a seamless user experience - Providing future maintenance and update guidance The ideal candidate should have: - Proven experience with Wix development - A solid background in payment gateway customization - Excellent problem-solving and communication skills - Previous projects involving COD implementation (a bonus!) To apply, please send me: - A brief introduction about your Wix experience - Links to relevant previous projects - Your prop...
...control functions can be added. These ECU software updates may need to be performed at specific locations. (2. technology search) The technology I would like to find is a technology that, when updating the software of ECUs installed in a vehicle, notifies the user of the vehicle of the update request at a specified location if the update is predetermined update task. Specific examples are given below, but the survey should be conducted broadly and not limited to these examples. Examples of predetermined update tasks include software updates with large amounts of data, when a direct explanation to the user is required, or when parts need to be replaced. Examples of predetermined locations include vehicle dealerships, maintenance shops, places where Wi-Fi is a...
...from the backend. 2) The app will handle user login and account management, with a one-time setup for adding printers. Printers will be pre-installed on the desktop. Users will select from a list of printers to associate with their print category (eg: passport photos -> printer1, page printing -> printer2 etc). 3) The app will facilitate printing of photos and PDFs using a pre-selected printer and update the firebase with the print status. User Roles: The app will primarily cater to standard users, so the design should be intuitive and user-friendly. Authentication: User login will be managed via phone number and OTP Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in C# and desktop application development. - Experience with Firebase integration. - Understanding of print management systems. ...
...Work Primary Deliverables: Updated Renders: Provide 2 renders based on the existing illustrations, but with proposed material and design changes: Brick: Lighter off-white brick, as seen in the reference photo from a different development (photo included). First-floor cladding: Large ivory-colored tiles. Balconies: Replace current glass panels with black steel balustrades. Comparative Renders: Update the existing 2 renders to include the neighboring property in the background. Versions required: Current materials (red brick facade). Proposed materials (off-white brick facade). Provided Resources: Existing architectural illustrations (2 renders with red brick facade). Photos of the neighboring property (red brick facade). Context elevations with neighboring property "The Ter...
I'm looking to give my existing logo a modern update. The new design should maintain the colors and shape of the current logo, but with a fresh, contemporary twist. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Strong graphic design background, particularly in modern design trends - Expertise in creating gradient style designs - Ability to work with and adapt existing brand elements Please only apply if you have a portfolio showcasing your experience with modern logo design and gradient style.
I'm looking for a seasoned developer to create a WordPress-based e-commerce site for selling physical products. Key Requirements: - Proficient in WordPress and WooCommerce - Experience in developing e-commerce websites - Able to integrate Razorpay payment gateway The project does not require any specific functionalities like download management, subscription options, or license key generation at this point. However, a robust understanding of e-commerce features would be beneficial. Please note, the payment gateway integration is crucial. The chosen developer should have prior experience working with Razorpay and be able to create a seamless payment process for the customers. Skills and experience in SEO and digital marketing would be considered an asset, as I aim to have ...
Base Design Inspiration: Use the attached M&W Private Auto Care logo as the foundation for the design's style, layout, and color scheme. Logo Text Updates: Replace M&W Private Auto Care with Genesis Automotive. Keychain Design: Update the keychain to display a G instead of "M&W". Additional Details: Include the following contact information below the logo: Address: 2810 W. Van Buren St., Phoenix, AZ 85009 Update the Phone to : 623-343-8900 Colors and Style: Maintain or enhance the existing color palette to ensure a clean, professional, and modern automotive branding vibe.
I need a skilled programmer to help me update my MsAccess 2007 database. The project will involve making necessary changes to the following components: - Tables - Queries - Forms - Reports Ideal candidates for the job should have a strong background in programming and experience working with MsAccess 2007. They should be able to understand database structures and functionality, and make necessary updates efficiently and accurately. => => Please provide examples of your previous work with MsAccess 2007 in your bid.
I need someone to change the text on a current logo to a new name while keeping the existing design elements. "Campfire Beanies" needs to be changed to "Campfire Knits". The font is called Raleway, which I can supply if necessary. Needed in JPEG and PNG formats, on white and transparent backgrounds.
I Just need to update a smartsheet candidates sheet after I get a meeting in calendly with that candidate, updating statud and date in the sheet. And at the same time update a tag in mailchimp contact list to know that candidate have a pending interview. Once the interview date ocurrs update the mailchimp status when I change the status in Smarsheet control sheet. I would like be made with Make better than zapier or otheer tools no so expensive as Zapier.
I'm looking for a skilled video editor to help tidy up some video interviews for The Accommodation Show podcast. This first video will serve as a competition to find the best fit for ongoing work. You can download the test video from the following link: Learn more about The Accommodation Show at: @theaccommodationshow What I'm Looking For: A clean, engaging edit of a single episode, using the existing basic edit as a starting point. Removal of unnecessary filler words (ums, ahs, etc.) to improve flow. Potential zoom-ins on the speaker to enhance engagement. No captions required for this round. If your edit stands out, you'll have the opportunity
I have an upload center; Unlimited file space, up to 4gb for any kind of files. I need some employers who can upload +100Mb files (application, movies, msic, ... etc) and share on internet for download by others. Everything will be monitor and i'll not pay for none visit links. So you should know how to bring visitors for your uploaded files.
...9. Send automated reminders for upcoming appointments. Output: Confirmed and attended appointments. Step 4: Case Management and Service Requests Objective: Streamline service tracking and case updates. Process: 10. Clients submit cases through the Ligna CRM client portal. 11. Staff is assigned to cases based on requirements (e.g., movers, process servers). 12. Monitor progress in real-time and update clients via automated notifications. Output: Efficient case tracking and client satisfaction. Step 5: Automated Invoicing and Payments Objective: Automate invoicing and ensure timely payments. Process: 13. Generate invoices automatically through Ligna CRM. 14. Send payment links via SMS and email. 15. Track payments and send reminders for overdue invoices. Output: Timely payments and...
I am looking to update my WordPress website with a modern and minimalist design while integrating new features, specifically E-commerce functionality. Key Requirements: - Transform the current design into a modern and minimalist style. - Integrate robust e-commerce functionality seamlessly into the website. - Ensure the website is user-friendly, responsive and optimally designed for online shopping. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress with a strong portfolio in modern, minimalist design. - Extensive experience in integrating e-commerce functionalities into WordPress sites. - Knowledgeable in UX/UI design principles to ensure optimal user experience. Pleased provide your best sample of work completed.
...developer to create a corporate, professional website for Talobeeg Consulting Services (TCS) on WordPress. Key Responsibilities: • Website Design and Development: The site should align with TCS's branding and effectively communicate our core services. It should be visually appealing and user-friendly. • Content Management System: The site needs to be developed on WordPress, ensuring it's easy to update and maintain. • Responsive Design: The website must be fully responsive and optimized for all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. • SEO Optimization: Implement basic SEO practices to enhance our online visibility. The homepage should prominently feature: • Our Consulting Services • Case Studies • Client Testimonials...
I need a skilled Wordpress VA to update the content of my hotel reservation website. This includes modifying existing room information and adding new rooms with prices, description and images. Information can be copied from already listed rooms on both: booking . com and Air bnb. Local Guides: Create blog posts or guides on local attractions, events, and dining to position us as an expert in the city. Keyword Optimization: Use SEO-friendly content to rank higher in search engine results. Social Media Integration: Include links to active social media pages and encourage sharing. Comprehensive Accommodation Listings: Providing detailed information, high-quality images, and booking options for each type will cater to diverse preferences. For inspiration, refer to Visit Wales'...
I am in need of an experienced VB6 developer who can update my source code and add new features to my application. Key Requirements: - Update existing VB6 application source code - Implement user authentication - Integrate data export functionality - Enhance existing reporting tools The primary goal of this project is to add new features to the application. Please note that I am not looking to fix any bugs or improve performance at this time. Your main focus will be on the successful implementation of the new features. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with VB6 - Proven track record of updating source code - Prior experience implementing user authentication - Capability to integrate data export functionality - Experience enhancing reporting tools in a V...
I need to develop a website that is very simple and intuitive. On the home screen, there is a catalog with videos. The user will choose the video, after clicking on the video, they will be taken to the video page with the synopsis and a b...generates an automatic code and the customer pays. After payment, the order status is updated as paid. This is the most widely used payment method in Brazil. There are already numerous plugins for this process.) After the payment status is updated, the user will have access to the video. There must be a registration area for the user to watch the videos they have already purchased. There cannot be a download option. (I will upload the videos that will be available in the catalog) I would like to know how much a project like this would cost o...
...**Level 3**: Highly adaptable and able to exploit security weaknesses Companies should assess their current maturity level and gradually improve their cybersecurity to reach the desired level. ### The Eight Strategies in Detail 1. **Application Control**: Prevent unauthorized software from running on your system, including files from emails or removable drives. 2. **Patch Applications**: Regularly update third-party software to fix security problems. 3. **Configure Microsoft Office Macro Settings**: Block all macros unless approved, to stop harmful code in Office documents. 4. **User Application Hardening**: Limit or block risky software like Flash or Java. 5. **Restrict Administrative Privileges**: Limit admin access based on job roles and review permissions regularly. 6. **P...
See branch valibot2 The system_content_structure is currently saving compiledCollections as a flat map, but i need a nested json On collection changes this compiledCollections extension should update. Change table format and commit fix via PR Max 2 days