How to remove the background of a picture in word 2017仕事
Dear Mr. David Dundas, Hello again, this is Yasuko WASHITANI from Japan. I have a manuscript should be revised and submit soon. I would like to ask you to proofread a part of it (actually 2 pages of all (7 pages)).
I have some translation projects and am looking for translators who can establish a long-term relationship. It's best for those who are beginners and want some experiences for your resume. Since the task is basically easy and long term, the rate will be $0.012 - 0.015 per word. Please leave your bid with your specialized field if you have. I'll contact all but agents. Thank you! 翻訳プロジェクトがいくつかあり、長期間協力していただける方を探しています。 翻訳業を始めたばかりの方や、履歴書に書ける経験をされたい方にぴったりの業務です。 内容は基本的に簡単で、長期ということもあり1単語$0.012 - 0.015で考えております。 コメントいただければこちらからお問い合わせさせていただきます。 専門分野や専門にしたい分野があればコメントに書いてください。 よろしくお願いします。
高齢者に対する肝切除に関する論文です。ファイルはWord形式でabstractとmain textの2つです。内容の修正は特に必要なく、あくまで英文の校正をお願いしたいです。ただ、論文投稿の経験のある人が望ましいです。
私はphotoshopのデザインカンプを持っている。それを使ってコーディングをお願いします。 この仕様はとjQueryを使ってください。 あと、movieフォルダにある動画をヘッダーのところに入れてください。
■お仕事の内容 一流旅館・ホテルの予約サイトrelux()の旅館、ホテルの情報を英語に翻訳したいと考えており、英語で文書を書くことが得意な方の募集を行います。作業としては、こちらから翻訳用のアカウントをお渡しするので、そこに記載されている旅館またはホテルの情報を翻訳して頂く形となります。 ▽Reluxについて 以下サイトをご覧くださいませ。 サイトURL: アプリ: ▽報酬金額 20,000円/10施設(システム利用料・税込み) ※10施設単位でのお支払いになります。 ※事前に源泉税を徴収の手続きをさせていただきます ▽翻訳の分量 弊社の予約サイト( )の各施設のページの中にある ・施設の名前 ・施設の紹介 ・宿泊プラン紹介(施設による数は変わります) ・部屋タイプ紹介(施設による数は変わります) ・アクセス ・レストラン ・お風呂 ・その他の施設情報 ・ご案内 ・注意事項 となります。文字の分量をご確認ください。 ▽応募条件 ・英語が母語の方 ・1週間10施設の翻訳を仕上げてくださる方。 ・英語のみでなく、日本語読解能力のある方(文言的な日本語がでてきます) ・定期的な進捗報告ができる方。 ▽選考および仕事依頼のフロー 【選考】 翻訳の品質を確認するため、短いテスト文面の翻訳を選考として行わせていただきます。 選考内容を答えた上で、ご応募してください 【仕事依頼のフロー】 選考を通過した方に一回目の契約はトライアルとして、1施設の翻訳のみとさせていただきます。 納品後作業のルール、内容と品質を確認した上で、問題ないようでしたら、正式に10施設をご依頼させていただきます。 ※トライアル翻訳(1施設分)の報酬は支払いますので、ご安心ください。 ▽期間 早くご応募いただけ...
■お仕事の内容 一流旅館・ホテルの予約サイトrelux()の旅館、ホテルの情報を英語に翻訳したいと考えており、英語で文書を書くことが得意な方の募集を行います。作業としては、こちらから翻訳用のアカウントをお渡しするので、そこに記載されている旅館またはホテルの情報を翻訳して頂く形となります。 ▽Reluxについて 以下サイトをご覧くださいませ。 サイトURL: アプリ: ▽報酬金額 20,000円/10施設(システム利用料・税込み) ※10施設単位でのお支払いになります。 ※事前に源泉税を徴収の手続きをさせていただきます ▽翻訳の分量 弊社の予約サイト( )の各施設のページの中にある ・施設の名前 ・施設の紹介 ・宿泊プラン紹介(施設による数は変わります) ・部屋タイプ紹介(施設による数は変わります) ・アクセス ・レストラン ・お風呂 ・その他の施設情報 ・ご案内 ・注意事項 となります。文字の分量をご確認ください。 ▽応募条件 ・英語が母語の方 ・1週間10施設の翻訳を仕上げてくださる方。 ・英語のみでなく、日本語読解能力のある方(文言的な日本語がでてきます) ・定期的な進捗報告ができる方。 ▽選考および仕事依頼のフロー 【選考】 翻訳の品質を確認するため、短いテスト文面の翻訳を選考として行わせていただきます。 選考内容を答えた上で、ご応募してください 【仕事依頼のフロー】 選考を通過した方に一回目の契約はトライアルとして、1施設の翻訳のみとさせていただきます。 納品後作業のルール、内容と品質を確認した上で、問題ないようでしたら、正式に10施設をご依頼させていただきます。 ※トライアル翻訳(1施設分)の報酬は支払いますので、ご安心ください。 ▽期間 早くご応募いただけ...
日本語の取扱説明書を校正お願いします。 よろしくお願いいたします。
業務内容としてはPC上での簡単なデータのコピー&ペースト作業です。 1日 30分程度です。 これを毎日お願いします。 基本コピー&ペースト作業、初心者の方でも大丈夫です。 報酬に関しては 約月6000円ぐらいからと考えています。 ※1日にこなせる作業幅が増えた場合は昇給させていただきます。 ☆条件☆ ?パソコンを持っている方 ?毎日作業が出来る方 ?ライン等を使える方 ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※ノウハウやデータの内容を第三者に漏洩することは厳禁です。 ※入力したデータに誤りがあった場合や、 重複があった場合には、以降の作業を拒否することがあります。 お仕事をお願いする場合はこちらの情報をかなりお渡しすることになりますので 本当に信頼できる方にお願いしたいと考えております。 ご応募の際は、以下の質問への回答をお願いいたします。 【質問への回答がなかった場合は、内容や条件などのご確認頂けていないものとし、返信はいたしませんので、予めご了承くださいm(__)m】 Q、インターネットの閲覧、PC上でのコピー&ペーストはできますか? Q、1日に確保できる作業時間はおおよそどのくらいですか? Q、年齢、性別、ご職業、お住いの地域、簡単な自己紹介をお願いいたします。 仕事内容についてご質問等ありましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください。 よろしくお願い申し上げます。
業務内容としてはPC上での簡単なデータのコピー&ペースト作業です。 1日 30分程度です。 これを毎日お願いします。 基本コピー&ペースト作業、初心者の方でも大丈夫です。 報酬に関しては 約月6000円ぐらいからと考えています。 ※1日にこなせる作業幅が増えた場合は昇給させていただきます。 ☆条件☆ ?パソコンを持っている方 ?毎日作業が出来る方 ?ライン等を使える方 ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※ノウハウやデータの内容を第三者に漏洩することは厳禁です。 ※入力したデータに誤りがあった場合や、 重複があった場合には、以降の作業を拒否することがあります。 お仕事をお願いする場合はこちらの情報をかなりお渡しすることになりますので 本当に信頼できる方にお願いしたいと考えております。 ご応募の際は、以下の質問への回答をお願いいたします。 【質問への回答がなかった場合は、内容や条件などのご確認頂けていないものとし、返信はいたしませんので、予めご了承くださいm(__)m】 Q、インターネットの閲覧、PC上でのコピー&ペーストはできますか? Q、1日に確保できる作業時間はおおよそどのくらいですか? Q、年齢、性別、ご職業、お住いの地域、簡単な自己紹介をお願いいたします。 仕事内容についてご質問等ありましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください。 よろしくお願い申し上げます。
前回のプロジェクトに関連する進行中のプロジェクトがあります。designing logo'
こちらはThe Church Before the Seat of Christの担当者 田中幸子です。 今英語の賛美歌を日本語で歌わせるプロジェクトをしています。歌はすでに日本語に翻訳されていました。従って、歌詞翻訳、譜割り、チェッカーを経験した方を募集しています。 こちらの希望は以下の通りです。 1、母語が日本語の方 2、翻訳またはチェック経験が豊かな方 3、キリスト教に詳しい、またはキリスト教関連書籍の翻訳を経験した方 4、音楽関係の経験がある方(もし歌詞翻訳、譜割りの経験がありましたら、もっと助かります。) ご応募する際に、履歴書(もしくはご作品のリングなど)を添付お願いいたします。或いは以下の情報を教えてください。 • Native language: • Country of Growing up: • Religion Background: • Education Degree & Major: • Technical Skill: • English Level: • How many experience do you have in lyrics translation or adaptation? And do you have some experience of music/ poetry? If so, it would be best if you could provide some materials that can show how good you ...
Please to recover the 500 Internal Server Error that occurred in the construction sites in Magento. 500 Internal Server Error is now displayed in normal operation to have a site that has been built with magento. I do not remember such as changes to the file. Only the 500 Internal Server Error front end of the site is displayed. Back office is normal operation and normally displayed. Also with reference to the existing DB by installing a new magento files become 500 Internal Server Error. I will be get 500 Internal Server Error in DB creation time when I try to fresh installation with the new DB and file. I tried it. Change permissions using the...
We are looking for EN>JP translators for our project. Field: medical, life science pricing manner: per EN word requirements: Freelancer (not the agency) native Japanese speaker at least two years in a translation firm or department Good at medical translation simple test as acceptable Please contact us if you are available
good afternoon. We are a company that is supporting the channel construction of Japanese companies . Has been entrusted with the sale in the US market of a company , we are looking for a person who can help me with this project . Very 20-30 generations of awareness in the major products in Japan has exceeded 60 %. By all means, the person who is the sales and marketing in the US market this product together We are looking for . Target retail will wallmart, target, korger, wallgreen, to five companies of cvs. We certainly thank you . こんにちは。弊社は日本企業のチャネル構築を支援している会社です。 ある会社のアメリカ市場での販売を任されており、このプロジェクトを手伝っていただける方を探しております。 日本では非常にメジャーな商品で20&minu...
自分で作ったEAをコンパイルしたら、 私が間違ってソースコードを削除しました。 ソースコードに戻すソフトウェアを開発出来ますか? 英語はわかりません。 日本語のわかる人を優先します。 GOOGLEで英語に翻訳しました。 ------------------------------------------------- You have successfully deleted the source code by mistake Once you compile your own EA. Can I develop software back to the source code? English I do not know. I will give priority to people who understand the Japanese. -------------------------------------------------
Word pressを使用して音楽サイトを構築します。 サイトの骨子は私が作成するつもりですが、どのようなプラグインを使用したらよいのか分からないため、やりたい事に対して、どのようなプラグインを使用すれば、またはどのように構築すればよいのか、相談させていただき、アドバイスをいただきたいと考えています。 できれば直接お会いし、相談したいと考えています。 ロケは名古屋が希望ですが、大阪、京都、東京近辺でも相談させていただきます。 サンプル音源のリスニング環境の構築 カートの設置(ダウンロード販売) 会員システム アンケート イベントやライブを検索しMAP上に表示 多言語化 モバイルアプリの制作 などの機能を構築したいと考えています。
...============================= We are a translation company specialized on technical and patent translations from many languages to English, including Japanese. We already have some clients in Japan, but we want to expand our business there, so we are searching for candidates that can come to be interviewed to our branch office in Japan (Tokyo). We need a salesperson / account manager in Japan; the candidate will be required to: - Actively make sales calls to Japanese companies to sell translation services, and so develop new customers (no need for doing translations). - Contact and visit customers - keep a permanent, live relationship with the customers. - Manage the...
Android端末/iPhone向けソーシャルゲーム・アプリの設計、開発、テスト、運用まで一通り携わっていただきます。 当社サービスのスマートフォン向け企画、開発/新規アプリの開発/既存サービスの スマホクライアントを企画から一緒に作っていきます
●マレーシアの情報発信サイトへの記事投稿 ●日本人のみ応募可 内容:マレーシアの情報発信サイトの記事の編集とウェブサイトへの投稿 Website: (1) 書く内容をWordファイルにて、原稿と写真を協力者に送付。 (2) 協力者は、原稿(お役立ち情報)をより読者にわかりやすく編集し、ウェブページとしての見栄えと体裁(デザイン)を整えて、 弊社のウェブサイト管理画面にてアップロード。 (ウェブサイトの管理画面は英語ですが、利用方法はSkypeなどでお教えしますので、ご安心ください) ブログ投稿によく似た仕事です。 発信対象者は裕福層ですので、正しい日本語、丁寧な文章での記述になり、 読み手によって役立つようリライト(書き直し)していただくことになります。 ボリューム: 週に記事(ウェブページ1ページ程度)が3件程度です。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。
I'...Developer with a strong background in .NET technologies (both .NET Core and .NET Framework) for my web application project. This project will involve working with Azure, Data Factory, Azure Service Bus, and microservices. Key Requirements: - Deep understanding and practical experience with .NET Core and .NET Framework - Proficient in full-stack development, with a clear focus on web application development - Familiarity with Azure services, Data Factory, and Azure Service Bus - Experience with microservices architecture - Skills in Angular for front-end development Ideal Skills: - Full-Stack Development - .NET Technologies - Azure Services - Microservices Architecture - Angular Please provide examples of similar projects you...
...experienced Power BI developer to create a comprehensive report for our sales and marketing data. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in data visualization and analysis, with a proven track record of delivering high-quality Power BI reports. **Project Requirements:** 1. **Data Integration:** - Integrate sales and marketing data from various sources (e.g., CRM, ERP, Excel files). - Ensure data accuracy and consistency. 2. **Report Design:** - Create visually appealing and interactive dashboards. - Include key metrics such as sales performance, marketing campaign effectiveness, customer segmentation, and ROI analysis. - Design reports that are easy to navigate and understand. 3. **Data Analysi...
I need a professionally designed internship certificate. The design should be formal and reflect a typical corporate style. The color scheme should be in line with my university's colors. Key Elements: - Need Anad Rathi share and stock broker instead of Investment sevices in bold. - Incorporation of my university's colors into the design - A formal, professional design style - A clean layout that allows for the inclusion of the company logo, intern's photo and supervisor's signature I am looking for a designer with experience in creating formal, professional certificates, preferably with a background in corporate design.
...looking to develop a conversational voice AI bot, that can handle customer support in English, Chinese and Hindi. This AI voice agent should be tailored to my business and capable of managing the entire customer journey. Key Responsibilities: - Answering basic customer inquiries - Handling first line IT support queries - Assisting with appointment booking - Guiding customers through troubleshooting steps from our IT knowledge base and providing resolutions Integration & Deployment: The AI voice agent needs to be seamlessly integrated into our current systems and set up to receive support calls. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in AI development, specifically in creating voice agents - Mu...
I'm in need of a modern sticker design featuring a coat of arms with a caduceus. The design should include our company logo and two slogans: the Latin phrase 'In Tela Fidem Habemus' and the English equivalent 'In Gauze We Trust'. These phrases should encircle the coat of arms, with the Latin on top and the English underneath. Key design specifications: - The sticker is a circle with a diameter of 2.5". - The primary color scheme is red, white, and black. - The overall feel of the sticker should be fun and bright. -Our company logo should be incorporated (see attached file) Preferred design elements:...
I'm seeking a skilled Shopify expert to design my retail-focused Shopify store. The primary modifications will be around layout design and functionality, so expertise in these areas is crucial. Key Responsibilities: - Recommend suitable Shopify themes for a retail business - Modify the chosen theme's layout for optimal user experience - Enhance the store's functionality to meet retail requirements Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in designing Shopify stores - Strong background in theme modification, particularly in layout design and functionality - Excellent understanding of retail website requirements - Ability to provide theme recommendations based on industry standards...
I'm looking for a professional who can assist with translating my English marketing materials into Arabic, providing character voice-overs for the content, and promoting on various social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Skills and experience required: - Proficient in English and Arabic, with a strong background in marketing language translation - Experienced in providing character voice-overs - Knowledgeable in social media marketing, specifically on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok - Able to create engaging content for the target audience - Understands the nuances of marketing in Arabic-speaking countries.
I'm experiencing background noise from my PDM microphone, which is connected to a codec ADC6140 during recording. I've already attempted to troubleshoot the issue by adjusting the microphone settings, but the problem persists. I need review of the PCB layout to identify the problem Key requirements: - Proficient in audio electronics troubleshooting - Experience with PDM microphones and codecs - Able to diagnose and resolve analog circuit design Please provide your approach to diagnosing and fixing this issue in your bid.
I'm seeking a talented designer to create an abstract, minimalist logo for my brand. This logo will primarily be used on my website, so it needs to be web-optimized and visually striking. Key Requirements: - Abstract style: The logo should be unique and intriguing, capturing the essence of an abstract design. - Minimalist approach: Despite its abstract nature, the logo should maintain a clean, minimalist aesthetic. - Bold and vibrant colors: The design should incorporate bold and vibrant colors, making it stand out on the website. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in graphic design, particularly in logo creation. - Experience with minimalist and abstract design. - Proficiency in color ...
I'm in need of a mechanical designer who can assist with the design of a prototype for a project. The prototype needs to be both functional and visual, and will be made from composite materials. Key Responsibilities: - Create a mechanical design suitable for prototyping - 3D rendering of the design for visualisation and presentation - Ensure the design is feasible for manufacturing from composite materials Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in mechanical design - Proficient in 3D CAD software (e.g. SolidWorks, AutoCAD, CATIA) - Experience with composite materials - Able to design both functional and visual prototypes - Good communication skills for re...
I need a medium (up to 24x 36 inches) oil painting created in a realistic style from a picture I will provide. - Ideal Skills: - Exceptional oil painting skills - Experience in creating realistic style paintings - Ability to work with canvases This will be for my wife’s birthday in august. Her dad died when she was 22 and this is one of her favorite pictures of him. - Please include in your bid: - Examples of your previous oil paintings - Your estimated timeline for project completion
Note: the whole budget for this project is 20$ The Idea: A Secret Task System with Points and Hidden Rewards: Build web application that operates as a secret facilitator and motivator for fulfilling users' dreams and desires. Each user privately submits their wishes or needs to the application. The application then generates specific, secret tasks and distributes them individually to other users. Each user earns "secret points" upon successful completion of their assigned tasks, without knowing the ultimate goal of their actions or who will benefit. These secret points are later used by the user to have their own desires and needs fulfilled, as the application secretly orches...
...Expert with years of experience in SDR Software Defined Radio sourcing and antenna design and construction and signal analysis and detection. I need you to design the SDR system I need and Provide the list of inexpensive equipment, instructions to assemble the handheld unit, and I need you to build the software I need. Please send me samples of your SDR projects that are close to what I need. I want to be able to detect distance, strength, direction, interference, etc... including elevation, and to be able to 3D graphic map everything. I would like to analyze 1Hz to 300GHz I know this is a wide spectrum, can you design an all in one small handheld...
I'm seeking a professional who can help design a structured questionnaire consisting of 16 multiple-choice questions, with one correct answer per question. Key Requirements: - Each question should be presented on a separate page, enhancing user focus and engagement. - Users should navigate through the questionnaire using both 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons, allowing for flexible pacing. Ideal Skills: - Experience with questionnaire design and user interface (UI) principles - Proficiency in relevant software/tools - Ability to deliver a seamless and interactive user experience. Description of the Excel Attachment: - The text in BLACK are the questions - The text in...
I'm looking for a skilled blog writer with SEO expertise to assist me in crafting informative and educational posts for my construction website. This project involves: - Writing about various topics within the construction industry, from the latest technologies to project management tips. - Assisting me in brainstorming specific topics and themes. - Implementing SEO strategies to increase the blog's visibility and reach. Ideal candidates should have a background in construction or construction blogging, and demonstrated SEO expertise. Input on content strategy and creative topic development is essential.
I...Profile for a quick review I'm looking for an eCommerce and Data Analytics expert to conduct technical research on online consumer behavior and write a strong 5-page IEEE Conference Paper. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct in-depth research focusing on online consumer behavior analysis. - Analyze data from various sources, including social media, website transactions, and customer surveys. - Utilize statistical analysis methods for data interpretation. - Write a compelling 5-page IEEE Conference Paper based on the findings. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in eCommerce and Data Analytics. - Proficient in statistical analysis and machine learning methods. - Excellent technical research and academic w...
I need a self-serve solution for policy creation from CRUD operations. Currently, we manually create a CSV file and use it to run a Spinnaker pipeline for policy creation. Key Requirements: - Automate policy creation from CRUD operations. - Develop a web-based dashboard as the self-serve interface. - Use React for the dashboard framework. - Fullstack development knowledge is essential. - Proficient in Python, Spinnaker, and Docker. Ideal candidates will have a strong background in fullstack development with proven experience in creating web-based dashboards using React. A deep understanding of Python, Spinnaker, and Docker is crucial for this project. The goal is to streamline...
I'm seeking a computer graphics expert to enhance a picture with a wildlife theme. The focus is primarily on fur and feathers, so I need someone who can skillfully edit the image to make these textures pop. You will be required to create realistic effects, particularly textures and details. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in computer graphics and photo editing software - Experience in wildlife-themed picture editing - Exceptional attention to detail - Understanding of texture editing, specifically for fur and feathers Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in the past.
I'm seeking a culinary expert to prepare healthy, low-fat chicken dishes using sous-vide cooked chicken. The goal is to create light snacks that aren't heavy on oil or ingredients. A deep understanding of low-fat, simple and healthy cooking is essential. Key Requirements: - Creation of low-fat, light snack recipes - Cooking with sous-vide technique - Minimal use of oil and complex ingredients - Understanding of healthy, low-fat Mediterranean, Asian and American cuisines - Culinary experience with sous-vide cooked chicken Ideal Candidates: - Professionals with a background in healthy cooking - Sous-vide cooking experts - Specialists in low-fat diet cuisine - Creative snack recipe developer...
I'm looking for a talented graphic designer with a cinematic touch to edit a picture for personal use. The style I'm aiming for is a modern aesthetic. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Ability to create realistic effects - Experience with modern aesthetic design Please provide examples of previous work that aligns with this project.
...looking for a skilled CAD designer who can convert my 2D JPEG/PNG drawings into high-detail STL files for 3D printing. These files will be used to assemble a scale model of a locomotive headlight. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in CAD software - Experienced in creating STL files for 3D printing - Detail-oriented and able to replicate intricate designs - Familiar with converting 2D drawings into 3D models Requirements: - Use the provided JPEG/PNG drawings to create high-detail STL files - Ensure the files are suitable for 3D printing - Deliver the completed files in a timely manner I already have the 2D drawings, and they are available in JPEG/PNG format. I require high-detail S...
I'm seeking a proficient web designer/developer to rectify certain bugs on my e-commerce site and modify its layout and structure. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and correct bugs within the product catalog, user account management, and the checkout process. - Redesign and modify the layout and structure of the website to enhance user experience and improve site aesthetics. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in e-commerce website design and development. - Proven track record of bug detection and fixing. - Exceptional skills in web layout and structure design.
I need a professional who is adept at using SPSS for analyzing survey data. The primary focus of this analysis will be descriptive statistics. Key Analysis Components: - Mean and Standard Deviation: I want to understand the average responses and the variation in the data. - Frequency Distributions: I need to see how often certain responses occur. - Cross-tabulations: This will help me understand the relationship between different variables in the survey. The ideal freelancer for this project would have a strong background in statistics and experience analyzing survey data using SPSS. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed in the...
I'm looking for a professional who can create a Wikipedia page for a journalist. The page should highlight: - Awards and Recognitions: This journalist has received several accolades throughout their career that should be noted. - Major Articles and Stories: The journalist has covered a number of significant events and issues. These pieces should be included to showcase the journalist's impact on the field. - Professional Background: A detailed account of the journalist's career trajectory will need to be included. I am open to the use of both specific and commonly available online sources. However, the freelancer may need to help ident...
WinkPay App Development Plan Overview WinkPay is an innovative e-wallet app designed to bridge traditional finance and cryptocurrency. The app provides users with secure, seamless, and versatile options to deposit, withdraw, and manage their funds. WinkPay is compatible with multiple currencies (fiat and crypto), integrates with Apple Pay and Google Pay, and offers advanced features such as crowdfunding and P2P transfers. Core Features 1. Multi-Currency Wallet • Functionality: • Display wallet balances in multiple fiat currencies (e.g., USD, EUR, SAR) and cryptocurrencies (e.g., BTC, ETH, USDT). • Real-time conversion between fiat and crypto with live exchange rates. • Users can set a preferred display currency. 2. Deposit Opt...
I'm launching a website and need an experienced professional to guide me through an SEO audit and necessary changes. - Primary Goal: The main focus is on optimizing the site for SEO to increase visibility and traffic. - On-page SEO Assistance: I need help with content optimization, meta tags and descriptions, and technical SEO. I'm planning to do most of the work myself, so the ideal freelancer for this project should be able to provide clear, understandable guidance. A strong background in SEO, particularly in on-page and technical SEO, is crucial. Experience with website audits is a must. Good communication skills are key, as I need the advice to be easy ...
...selecting me for your banner design project. I'm excited to work on creating a vibrant and engaging banner for your website store selling probiotics and dietary supplements. Project Details: - Project Timeline: 2 days (flexible) - Bid Amount: £30 - Deliverables: High-resolution banner design for desktop and mobile devices Design Concept: Based on your project outline, I will create a visually appealing banner that showcases comprehensive care and health. The design will incorporate: - Vibrant and energetic colors (orange, green, and white) - A flat lay background featuring capsules, vitamins, and probiotics (without packaging) - Headline: "Supplements for Every Need – Health Starts Here." - Call-to-Action (CTA...
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a logo for my brand. The logo will primarily feature text, so a strong typographic element is crucial. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in graphic design software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop) - Strong background in typography - Experience in logo design - Ability to translate brand identity into design - Understanding of color theory and minimalist design principles