How to integrate seo into your website仕事


    2,000 how to integrate seo into your website 見つかった仕事

    私のコーポレートサイト()において、インバウンドリードの獲得を目指しています。この役割を担ってくれるフリーランサーを募集します: ・SEOとSEMの戦略立案と実施経験が豊富であること ・サイトのコンテンツやデザインを一部改善できる能力があること ・タスクを一刻も早く完了させる能力があること 必要とするスキル: ・SEOとSEMの深い知識と経験 ・Google AnalyticsやGoogle AdWordsなどのツール使用経験 ・コンテンツマーケティングの知識 ・ウェブデザインとユーザーエクスペリエンスに対する理解 ・英語でのコミュニケーション(読み書き)できると尚可 ・日本語Native必須 あなたが私たちのプロジェクトの成功に貢献できると確信しています。私たちの仕事に共感してくれることを期待しています。あなたと一緒に働くことを楽しみにしています。

    $3240 Average bid
    $3240 平均入札額
    18 入札

    英会話スクールのウェブサイト。 5 ページのテキスト、図、Google マップの場所、お問い合わせフォーム。 この仕事を遂行してくれる日本語と英語を話せる人を探しています。 全ての課題をクリアできる方のみご応募ください。

    $216 Average bid
    $216 平均入札額
    37 入札

    記事の構造を提供します。 母語は日本語の人で、iOSシステムに詳しい人がいいです。 SEOとhtmlファイルに精通できます。 IT技術を少し知った方がいいです。 効果がよければ、長期的な協力が考えられます。 納期は必ず守ります。

    $51 Average bid
    $51 平均入札額
    3 入札

    記事の構造を提供します。 母語は日本語の人で、iOSシステムに詳しい人がいいです。 SEOとhtmlファイルに精通できます。 IT技術を少し知った方がいいです。 効果がよければ、長期的な協力が考えられます。 納期は必ず守ります。

    $45 Average bid
    $45 平均入札額
    10 入札

    ...ています。 具体的な作業内容 ーWebページのチェック、コンテンツ追加・変更 ー全体的なマーケティングのサポート (UI/UXや、SNSアカウントマネジメントなど) ーブログ記事の管理、ディレクション (すでにコンテンツは存在しますが、その管理や追加記事の作成など) 参考までにWebページのイメージで近いものを載せておきます。 参考URL(あくまでも例となります) ビデオ面接、簡単な小課題を出させていただき、決定したいと考えております。 継続的なお仕事をさせていただきたいため、継続していただける方を優遇します。また丁寧に作業していただける方からのご応募をお待ちしておりますのでよろしくお願いいたします。 ▽納期 ・依頼から約1週間ごとに進捗報告 ▽重要視する点・経験 ・Webサイトのディレクションの経験がある方優遇 ・ブログ記事をSEOバリューを意識して作成をした経験があると良し ・過去の実績を具体的なデータで見せていただけると良し ・企業とのコミュニケーションに慣れていること ・FX関連の記事作成の経験がある方 ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※他で登録されている文章、デザインや商標の転用など、他社の知的財産権を侵すこと ※他のクライアントへ既に提案した内容の転用など 業務の範囲 サイトのマネジメント、ディレクション (一部キャッチコピー・コンテンツライティング)

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr 平均入札額
    6 入札


    $795 Average bid
    $795 平均入札額
    11 入札

    SEOに自身がある方にバックリンクをお願いしたいです。 ホームページ制作会社です。

    $72 Average bid
    $72 平均入札額
    37 入札

    Googleの検索順位を自動取得できるツールの開発 日本語を自由に書ける人を探す。 ボートは接続しないでください。 ボートを確認するため、最後に"3214"を入力してください。 ■ 用意してあるもの ・企画書 ・デザイン ■ 参考URL なし ■ 希望開発言語 Ruby ■ フレームワーク Ruby on Rails

    $1083 Average bid
    $1083 平均入札額
    3 入札

    Hello, こんにちは。 こんにちは、ウィリアムと言います。初めまして 最近は電動一輪車をオンラインで販売するためのSHOPIFYウエブサイトを作ってもらって日本語に翻訳してSEOもやってもらいたいのだからMahanacorpに連絡を取ろうと思いました。 必要なのは: ーウエブサイトは今の状態で英語で書いてあるのでまずはその英語から日本語の翻訳がしてほしい。翻訳はただの直接翻訳ではなくて、日本文化を含めて正しいキャッチフレーズを考えてほしい。 ーそうしたら日本グーグルとヤフージャパンでいいランクになるように正しいキーワードとかインプルーブSEOもやってほしいのです。 ウエブサイトは: ウエブサイトをアックスするのパスワードは:miraigaijin 製品は電動一輪車です。Miraiwheelのフェースブックとインスタグラムも確認したらブランドのイメージもわかりやすくなるかもしれないです。 フェースブック: インスタグラム:

    $390 Average bid
    $390 平均入札額
    18 入札

    イタリア観光情報とワイナリーツアーに関するウェブサイトにて SEOなどウェブサイトのマーケティングが可能な方を探しています。 目的はウェブサイトへのトラフィックの増加、オンラインプロフィールの向上です。 コンサルティングを兼ねて、細かくご相談にのってくださる方が好ましいです。 ご不明な点がございましたら、ご連絡ください。 I need someone to do some SEO marketing for my business. This marketing should increase traffic to our website as well as increase our online profile. The marketing should improve our online reputation. Please message me if you have any questions. (in Japanese website)

    $67 Average bid
    $67 平均入札額
    17 入札

    イタリア観光情報とワイナリーツアーに関するウェブサイトにて SEOなどウェブサイトのマーケティングが可能な方を探しています。 目的はウェブサイトへのトラフィックの増加、オンラインプロフィールの向上です。 コンサルティングを兼ねて、細かくご相談にのってくださる方が好ましいです。 ご不明な点がございましたら、ご連絡ください。 I need someone to do some SEO marketing for my business. This marketing should increase traffic to our website as well as increase our online profile. The marketing should improve our online reputation. Please message me if you have any questions. (in Japanese website)

    $95 Average bid
    $95 平均入札額
    14 入札


    $1399 Average bid
    $1399 平均入札額
    16 入札


    $1352 Average bid
    $1352 平均入札額
    14 入札

    Deliver in 2 days JAN 事業 事業上崎嶇不平,工作中諸多困阻,必須謹慎操作,步步為營。 羊 財運 收入不錯,但開支較大,宜量入為出,避免財來財去。 愛情 感情生活不太穩定,需心平氣和處理與伴侶間的問題。 健康 健康運沒有太大問題,惟需注意飲食、留意胃部問題。 FEB 事業 事業上易生困局,宜積極面對,努力工作,便可開創新的局面。 猴 財運 正財運較佳,可透過閒暇時的兼職或副業賺取額外收入,不宜投資。 愛情 情侶間易因金錢問題發生口角,需多包容及體諒對方。 健康 注意肺部及呼吸道感染毛病,宜多喝水,好好保養身體。 MAR 事業 事業上會遇上考驗,宜抱信心及實力面對,即可轉危為安。 雞 財運 整體財運不錯,正財運尤為旺盛,可放膽嘗試投資。 愛情 愛情運佳,易出現追求者,但不可濫用感情,提防爛桃花。 健康 情緒上的波動較大,要調理好心態,坦然面對,以免影響身體。 APR 事業 事業上競爭較大,在辦公室人緣一般,需提防小人暗害。 狗 財運 偏財運不錯,但避免賭博及高風險投資,適當的理財可帶來回報收益。 愛情 愛情運一般,情侶間容易因瑣事吵架,需注意自己的情緒。 健康 要小心病從口入,提防上呼吸道感染及注意飲食。 MAY 事業 事業方面,有貴人的賞識及提攜,要抓緊機會,有望大展拳腳。 豬 財運 財運平穩,避免不必要的開支,宜守不宜攻,投資可免則免。 愛情 感情運勢不俗,頗有異性緣,若把握良機則可佳偶天成。 健康 健康運佳,但仍需注意咽喉疾病,遠離煙酒。 JUNE 事業 工作上容易受小人陷害,必須小心謹慎,凡事三思而後行。 鼠 財...

    $63 Average bid
    $63 平均入札額
    21 入札

    日本語で書かれた文章の英語への翻訳。 字数は460字。 「私はいま海岸を散歩している。海が山に迫り、海岸線が断崖によって区切られているような海浜である。ゆくてには深い緑が見え、木々の茶色い木肌が点々と見えかくれしている。そのなかで一本の枯木が、ほかの木にもたれかかるようにして、ななめに立っている・・・」

    $10 Average bid
    $10 平均入札額
    8 入札

    SEOマーケティング(オフページ)のスペシャリスト募集 旅行関連サイトのオーソリティ構築を担当してくれるSEOのプロを募集しています。日本語サイトから当社サイト複数ページへの質の高いリンク獲得をお手伝いしていただく仕事です。 必要なスキル:日本語のネイティブで、かつ当社担当者と英語でコミュニケーションができる方。コンテンツの制作、リンク構築、キーワード調査ができ、日本のインターネット業界に精通していること。 条件・予算:1ヵ月約3,000~5,000 豪ドル (経験により応相談)。6ヶ月の試用期間がありますが、長くお仕事をしてくださる方を募集しています。 Quality Off-Page SEO Ad: We are looking for an SEO professional that can help us build the authority of our travel website in Japan. Someone that can help us build diverse and high quality links from relevant Japanese websites pointing to different pages of our site. Skills required: Native Japanese speaker, good English, Content writing, Link building, Keyword research, In depth knowledge of the Japanese Internet landscape. Conditions and Approximate ...

    $2599 Average bid
    $2599 平均入札額
    7 入札

    Hello, I am looking to integrate WalletConnect into my TokenLite platform, which is built on the Laravel framework. The goal is to enable users to connect their decentralized wallets (e.g., MetaMask, Trust Wallet) and perform token purchase transactions securely and seamlessly. Below are the key requirements and expectations for this project: Project Details: Wallet Connection: Users should be able to connect their wallets using WalletConnect. The connection will be established via QR code or deep link sharing on the frontend. The connected wallet address and connection status should be sent to the Laravel backend for storage and further processing. Transaction Handling: When a user initiates a payment, the transaction signature should ...

    $127 Average bid
    $127 平均入札額
    71 入札

    I'm seeking a seasoned web developer or agency to design and construct a corporate, formal-style website for my cybersecurity services. The site should: -Scope of Work: Website Design: Create a clean, professional, static website ( custom or relying on a template ) Incorporate relevant cybersecurity themes (e.g., locks, shields, networks). Use a secure and professional color palette (e.g., blues, greys, and whites). we already have the Logo and the branding for the company. Website Development: Build the website using a secure platform (e.g., WordPress, custom CMS, or templates ). Ensure fast loading times and mobile responsiveness. Include SSL/TLS encryption and other security measures. Easy-to-update backend for content managem...

    $420 Average bid
    $420 平均入札額
    168 入札

    I need a comprehensive SEO keyword research for my tech company in the health and fitness space. The goal of this project is threefold: to increase our website traffic, to improve our search engine ranking, and to help us target a specific audience. Key project aspects: - Focused primarily on Google for ranking improvements. - Utilization of both short-tail and long-tail keywords. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in SEO and keyword research. - Familiarity with the health and fitness tech industry. - Ability to identify and target specific audience effectively.

    $120 Average bid
    $120 平均入札額
    91 入札

    ...MyExpenses Overview: MyExpenses is a mobile application designed to help users manage their daily and monthly expenses efficiently. The application leverages user-friendly interfaces and AI-powered analytics to provide users with insights into their spending habits, set budgets, and achieve financial goals. Core Features: Expense Tracking: Allow users to log daily expenses with a simple and intuitive interface. Categorize expenses (e.g., Food, Transport, Entertainment, Bills, etc.). Include support for adding notes and photos for each expense entry. Budget Management: Users can create monthly budgets for specific categories. Provide visual indicators when nearing or exceeding budget limits. Option to carry over unused budgets to the ne...

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr 平均入札額
    6 入札

    I'm looking for a unique 16x20 canvas wall art piece that combines a specially designed background with a poem. The poem should be complemented by an appr...poem should be complemented by an appropriate design or background image. - Style: The piece should be in an abstract style, not too realistic or minimalist. - Theme: The background image or design should follow a religious theme - something that represents wisdom. - Elements/Symbols: I want the piece to include some abstract representations of wisdom, but not using animals. -masculine - not macho Ideal candidates should have a strong background in abstract design and be able to integrate text and image seamlessly. An understanding of religious themes and symbolism would be beneficial. Experience in creat...

    $85 Average bid
    $85 平均入札額
    103 入札
    Shopify Store Template Enhancement
    6 日 left

    I'm looking for a seasoned ...clean aesthetic. Key Responsibilities: - Revise the upper and lower menus to ensure a user-friendly and intuitive navigation experience. - Enhance the template to incorporate necessary store functionalities. - Design adjustments in line with a minimalistic and clean style. Shipping and Payment Setup: - Integrate the store with Oto for shipping. - Link the store with electronic payment systems. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Shopify template modifications. - Strong understanding of design principles, specifically minimalistic and clean aesthetics. - Experience with shipping integration on Shopify, preferably with Oto. - Knowledge of electronic payment system integration on Shopify. Please provide your portfolio ...

    $20 Average bid
    $20 平均入札額
    71 入札

    I'm seeking a professional with a proven track record in SEO, website optimization, and brand development. Key Responsibilities: - Implementing advanced SEO tactics to enhance my website and social media (LinkedIn) visibility. - Creating 10-15 engaging and SEO-optimized pages for the website. - Focusing on Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads for lead generation, with a strategic approach to reach potential clients. - Ideating and crafting high-quality blogs, articles, social media posts to build my brand image and enhance content on the website and social media. - Managing email marketing campaigns to engage with our audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in SEO and website opti...

    $1069 Average bid
    $1069 平均入札額
    18 入札
    Serbian SEO Expert Needed
    6 日 left

    I'm seeking a seasoned Serbian SEO specialist with a proven track record in enhancing search engine rankings. My primary focus areas include on-page SEO and link building. Key Requirements: - In-depth understanding and experience in on-page SEO strategies - Expertise in link building techniques that comply with search engine guidelines - Proven ability to improve search engine rankings Please note that the type of website this project pertains to has not been specified, so versatility in your approach is appreciated.

    $93 Average bid
    $93 平均入札額
    81 入札

    I'm seeking a seasoned GoHighLevel (GHL) professional to enhance my agency's operations. Key tasks will include setting up the agency and its sub-accounts, configuring an IVR system, implementing a payment gateway, and developing funnel pages. Key Responsibilities: - Agency Setup: Create sub-accounts, configure the IVR system, set up the payment gateway, and integrate Voice AI. - Automation: Streamline processes and workflows triggered from online forms, with data being saved in the GHL CRM, Google Sheets, and email. - AI Integration: Link an AI Bot to all social accounts and set up Voice AI. - Development: Create funnel pages and a logo. - Documentation: Prepare comprehensive documentation for all tasks. Please provide your hourly rate and an estim...

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr 平均入札額
    84 入札

    Looking for an experienced PHP Laravel developer to integrate a Bangladesh payment gateway into my website. The payment methods to be incorporated are bank, Bkesh , Rocket , Nagad , Upay , ok Wallet , SureCash, top , Binance , nowpayments ) . Key Requirements: - Integration of Bkash, Rocket, and Nagad payment gateways - Direct payment functionalities - Expertise in PHP Laravel - Prior experience with Bangladesh payment gateways is a plus - Ability to deliver high-quality work on time Please provide examples of similar work you've done in the past.

    $24 Average bid
    $24 平均入札額
    62 入札

    I'm looking to enhance my Laravel 11 and Vue 3 app that utilizes Inertia 2. The task involves implementing dynamic Open Graph tags on few pages for effective social media sharing. Key Requirements: - Integrate dynamic Open Graph tags on the Home page and Product pages for social media sharing. - Ensure that the sharing experience is seamless and the tags are optimized for visibility and engagement. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Laravel 11 and Vue 3, with demonstrated experience using Inertia 2. - Solid understanding of Open Graph protocol and its implementation. - Previous experience in enhancing web applications for social media sharing is a plus. - Ability to deliver quality work within set timelines.

    $26 Average bid
    $26 平均入札額
    53 入札
    Car Inspection App
    6 日 left

    ...experienced developer to create a mobile application for vehicle inspections tailored for car hauler companies. The main goal of the app is to streamline the inspection process before and after transportation, ensuring greater efficiency, accuracy, and clear documentation. **Main Features:** 1. **User Registration:** - User login and authentication (drivers and administrators). - Access levels based on user type. 2. **Inspection Recording:** - Dynamic form for recording vehicle details (make, model, year, color, etc.). - Upload photos of the vehicle from different angles, with the ability to add annotations to each image. - Tool to mark damages directly on photos. - Record vehicle mileage. - Access to ...

    $1113 Average bid
    $1113 平均入札額
    178 入札

    ...Mindbody API Integration (Payment & Scheduling) Post Description: We are looking for an experienced WordPress developer to integrate the Mindbody API into our WordPress website. The integration will involve implementing payment processing and scheduling functionality to streamline our customer experience. Requirements: • Proficiency in WordPress development. • Experience working with APIs, particularly Mindbody API. • Ability to set up and customize payment gateways. • Expertise in scheduling systems integration. • Strong troubleshooting and debugging skills. Deliverables: • Full integration of Mindbody API for payment and scheduling. • User-friendly interface for clients to schedule and m...

    $59 Average bid
    $59 平均入札額
    29 入札
    Food Delivery App & Website
    6 日 left

    I'm looking for a seasoned developer or a team to create a homemade food delivery app and its corresponding website. The app should cater to multiple user roles, including customers, business partners, delivery partners, and an admin. Key Features: - User Roles: The app should seamlessly handle different user roles - Customers, Business partners, Delivery partners, and an Admin. - Multi-Platform Availability: The app should be compatible with iOS, Android and also have a web version. - GPS Tracking: Integrate GPS tracking for real-time updates on food delivery. - Cart Facility: Implement a cart feature for easy selection and purchasing of food items. - Payment Gateway: Incorporate a secure payment gateway supporting multiple payment methods including Credi...

    $1274 Average bid
    $1274 平均入札額
    49 入札

    IM LOOKING FOR A Talented Roblox developer to create a cozy and inviting modern cafe for me. This cafe should seamlessly integrate interactive seating, a custom menu system and a VIP Lounge. [Key Requirements] - A cozy and inviting minimalist-industrial style cafe - Interactive seating arrangements - a custom menu system - A VIP Lounge with exclusive seating areas [The Landscape of the Cafe] -Snowy with Small Snowy rocks around the cafe. -A outside Seating for customers. [The Theme Of The Cafe] -Dark, Snowy, And Aesthetic. [Cafe Arrangements] I would like 5 Interviewing rooms, inside of the cafe. With these 5 interviewing rooms i want them to be enclosed with glass doors. With the interviewing rooms, nothing special. table, and two office chairs. I have a Referen...

    $391 Average bid
    $391 平均入札額
    81 入札

    Description: We are looking for a developer to create a tool designed to analyze publicly accessible social media profiles for research purposes. This tool must comply with all platform terms of service and relevant data protection regulations. Requirements: Proven experience in building tools that process publicly available online data using PHP or Node.js. Knowledge of optimizing connectivity and ensuring efficient data retrieval methods. Ability to integrate the tool with an existing server infrastructure. Deliverables: A fully functional and well-documented tool for processing public social media data. Clear instructions for installation, usage, and troubleshooting. Terms: Please provide a fixed price and time estimate for project completion. Include pri...

    $462 Average bid
    $462 平均入札額
    106 入札

    I'm looking for an experienced SEO and Marketing professional to help increase traffic to my website primarily through On-page SEO strategies. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement effective SEO strategies focusing on content and keywords - Enhance brand visibility and website traffic through social media, search engines, and email marketing Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven track record in SEO and digital marketing - Exceptional understanding of On-page SEO - Experience with social media, search engines, and email marketing - Excellent content creation and keyword optimization skills

    $500 Average bid
    $500 平均入札額
    29 入札

    I'm looking for a skilled Spatial/Mockup Designer who can create a visual mockup of how our festival's branding will appear in various physical spaces. This includes banners, signage, entrance setups, stages, food stalls, and decorations. This project is crucial for ensuring all elements align with our festival's overarching theme of 'Art'. Key Responsibilities: - Develops visuals for the venue mockups. - Ensures all designs align with the festival’s theme. - Collaborates during refinement to integrate spatial designs into the festival’s overall identity. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. - Experience in spatial/venue design. - Strong understanding of brand alignment in physical spaces.

    $76 Average bid
    $76 平均入札額
    72 入札

    I’m offering an exciting opportunity to purchase a captivating eBook, complete with stunning illustrations. This eBook combines an engaging narrative with high-quality illustrations to enhance the reading experience. Key details: Professionally written eBook High-quality illustrations integrated into the content Ready for immediate purchase and download If you're looking for a unique and exciting eBook, this one is for you. Don’t miss out on the chance to acquire a thrilling and beautifully illustrated story!

    $21 Average bid
    $21 平均入札額
    36 入札 (Go High Level). The primary focus will be on setting up, customizing, and integrating these platforms to meet our company’s unique requirements. (Not Go High Level) (Go High Level) Responsibilities: •Build out and customize to align with our business needs (majority of the work will be on this platform). •Integrate (Go High Level) with to ensure seamless data transfer. •Extract client data from and import it into •Create automations and workflows in to optimize client management processes. •Provide live hourly screen-sharing sessions to collaborate and explain the process (camera not required). Required Skills and Qualifications: •Proven experience working

    $8 / hr Average bid
    特集 緊急
    $8 / hr 平均入札額
    3 入札

    I'm seeking an expert in YouTube SEO to help improve the search rankings of my football highlights channel. Key Responsibilities: - Optimize the use of keywords and tags - Create engaging thumbnails - Write detailed video descriptions Ideal Candidate: - Proven track record in YouTube SEO - Experience with sports-related content preferred - Creative mindset for thumbnail design - Excellent writing skills for video descriptions

    $24 Average bid
    $24 平均入札額
    58 入札

    I'm seeking an experienced SEO and Google Ads expert to help generate leads for my business on an local and international scale. Key Responsibilities: - Optimize my website's SEO to attract potential leads from different blog posts and relevant back links only - Strategically manage Google Ads campaign to target international customers effectively. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in SEO and Google Ads. - Strong knowledge of international market trends. - Excellent understanding of lead generation strategies. Please note, the primary focus should be on Google Search, as this is the main platform my target audience is most active on.

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr 平均入札額
    84 入札

    I am looking for a talented web developer with a strong background in HTML and CSS to create a responsive, user-friendly, and visually appealing e-commerce website for me. Key Requirements: - Design and implement a modern, bold and colorful design layout. - Ensure cross-browser compatibility and optimize for different devices. - Integrate product search and filtering functionalities. The ideal freelancer will have: - A proven track record of creating high-quality websites. - A keen eye for detail and a passion for clean, maintainable code. - Excellent communication skills and a commitment to timely project delivery. I believe that a clear understanding of my vision, along with your skills and dedication, can make this project a success.

    $23 / hr Average bid
    $23 / hr 平均入札額
    108 入札

    ...Enable users to create accounts, log in, and securely store their health details collected from various healthcare centers. The system should allow users to update and manage their health information over time. API Integration: Use existing authentication APIs (e.g., OAuth, Firebase) and health data management APIs. Acess to Health Records Provide users with the ability to access their health records, including medical history, prescriptions, lab results, and other relevant data. The system should support data aggregation from multiple healthcare providers. API Integration: Integrate Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) APIs to fetch and display patient records. Appointment Schedulling Implement a ...

    $9 Average bid
    $9 平均入札額
    15 入札

    I'm seeking an SEO specialist who can help improve my website's search engine ranking, specifically on Google. I've done a little SEO work on the site myself, but it's clear that professional assistance is needed to take it to the next level. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of SEO strategies and techniques - Proven experience in improving website's Google ranking - Ability to conduct comprehensive SEO audit - Proficient in using SEO tools and software Experience: - Previous work with websites in similar industry preferred - Track record of successful SEO projects - Familiarity with Google's SEO guidelines and algorithms

    $57 Average bid
    $57 平均入札額
    41 入札

    ...Digital Marketing Expert to manage our overall digital strategy, with a key focus on lead generation and video ad campaigns. The ideal candidate should have a strong grasp of social media marketing, video advertising, and end-to-end digital marketing strategies to grow our brand's online presence and drive measurable results. Key Responsibilities: Develop and implement a comprehensive digital marketing strategy to achieve lead generation goals. Plan and execute video ad campaigns tailored for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Manage social media platforms, including content creation and scheduling to maintain engagement and visibility. Optimize ad performance through A/B testing, audience targeting, and analytics. Use SEO, ...

    $152 Average bid
    $152 平均入札額
    24 入札

    ...WareOS developer to assist with a project involving data collection from a watch. The job consists of the following tasks: - Utilize the gyroscope and accelerometer data from the watch every 0.1 seconds. This should be triggered by a mobile app, followed by a vibration from the watch, and then a subsequent measurement over a 5 second range. - Send this data to a mobile app via BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy). - No user interface is required, as I will integrate this into the main app at a later stage. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience in WareOS development. - Proficiency in working with gyroscope and accelerometer data. - Skills in BLE data transmission. - Prior experience with similar projects would be a plus. Looking ahe...

    $127 Average bid
    $127 平均入札額
    30 入札

    ...reliable freelancer to assist us in developing a stock market trading web application as part of our college project for the Database Management Systems (DBMS) subject. The project focuses on building a web-based platform with robust database management using MySQL. Responsibilities: Design and implement a relational database structure in MySQL tailored to a stock trading platform. Develop core database functionalities such as user account management, stock data storage, transaction logs, and portfolio tracking. Integrate front-end components (if applicable) with the database for seamless user experience. Optimize queries and database performance for faster response times. Assist in designing and executing queries for data analysis and reporting. Provide documenta...

    $68 Average bid
    $68 平均入札額
    11 入札 solutions in India. The site should be flexible enough to accommodate three solutions: investment planning, financial advisory, and retirement planning. The website is made in the address is Key Features: - Integration of my Python notebooks: The site should have the ability to seamlessly integrate and run my Python notebooks. - Analytical Features: The website needs to include capabilities for data visualization, automated reports, and scenario analysis. - Subscription Model: The site should be designed to charge clients on a subscription basis. Ideal Skills: - Web Development: Strong background in web development with a focus on analytical and data-driven sites. - Python: Proficiency in Python to ensure smooth in...

    $242 Average bid
    $242 平均入札額
    29 入札

    Job Title: Website Design and Content Creation for Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice Description: I am looking for a talented freelancer to help me design a professional and visually appealing website for my online counselling and psychotherapy practice in the UK. Requirements: Website Design Create a user-friendly and aesthetic website inspired by these templates: Ensure the website is optimized for mobile and desktop use. Include a calendar booking feature for clients to schedule therapy sessions online. Content Writing Write clear, engaging, and empathetic copy for the website that speaks to prospective clients. Ensure the content reflects a warm, professional tone and aligns with SEO best practices. Brandin...

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr 平均入札額
    79 入札

    I'm seeking a skilled freelancer who can create a professional and sleek PowerPoint presentation animation for my company overview and product features. Key Aspects: - The primary focus of the presentation should be on product features and benefits. - The animation style should be professional and sleek, aligning with a corporate aesthetic. - Visual aids wi...on product features and benefits. - The animation style should be professional and sleek, aligning with a corporate aesthetic. - Visual aids will primarily consist of images and photos. Ideal candidates for this project should possess: - Experience in creating product-focused PowerPoint animations. - A portfolio demonstrating professional and sleek animation style. - Ability to integrate visual aids seamlessly ...

    $337 Average bid
    $337 平均入札額
    123 入札

    I'm seeking an innovative AI developer to create mobile apps of a virtual companion inspired by Lord Krishna. This virtual friend will primarily serve as a source of spiritual guidance and teachings. Key Features: - **Spiritual Guidance**: The AI should provide guidance on meditation techniques, offer scriptural explanations, and dispense moral and ethical advice, all in a manner that's true to the teachings of Lord Krishna. - **Multimodal Interaction**: The AI must support text-based conversation, voice interaction, and visual animations. This will engage users on multiple levels and make interactions more immersive. Ideal Skills: - Strong understanding of AI development and machine learning - Experience in creating interactive, multimodal AIs - Deep understandi...

    $278 Average bid
    $278 平均入札額
    72 入札
    Rustic Menu Design
    6 日 left

    I'm seeking a rustic-style menu design in neutral tones (black, white, gray) that incorporates a selection of coffee arts, smoothies, and a few of my personal photos. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design: A strong portfolio in menu or similar design. - Modern Rustic Aesthetic: Deep understanding and appreciation for neutral tones (black, white, gray) that incorporates a selection of coffee arts, smoothies, and a few of my personal photos. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design: A strong portfolio in menu or similar design. - Modern Rustic Aesthetic: Deep understanding and appreciation for rustic design elements. - Image Editing: Ability to seamlessly integrate photos into the design. - Attention to Detail: Ensuring the design is ...

    $188 Average bid
    $188 平均入札額
    103 入札

    I am seeking a skilled web developer with SEO expertise to create a consulting services website for me. The primary purpose of the site is to generate leads. Key Requirements: - A professional and engaging design that showcases our consulting expertise. - A functional contact form to facilitate communication with potential clients. - A section for client testimonials to build credibility and trust. - A blog section for sharing insights and updates, with potential for driving organic traffic through SEO. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in developing lead-generation websites. - Strong SEO knowledge to enhance our online visibility. - Web design skills to create an attractive and user-friendly site. - Ability to ...

    $120 Average bid
    $120 平均入札額
    50 入札