How to get selected row value in html table using php仕事
This project is for Japanese users who are just starting out on Anyone who completes the task will receive a 5-star review, making it a great way to build up your track record. The reward will be $10, so please bid $10. Please note that we cannot accept work from people who do not reside in Japan. こんにちは。 このプロジェクトは、Freelancerで仕事探しを始めたばかりの方、実績作りをしたい方を対象としています。 指定したURLからアプリをダウンロードしていただき、10日間連続でアプリのチェックインをしていただくという作業になります。 ※TikTok Liteをダウンロードしたことがある方はご応募いただけませんのでご注意ください。 ※日本国外在住の方は作業いただけません。 10日間の作業を完了した方には報酬($10)の他、星5つのレビューを致しますので、実績作りに最適です。 気になった方はぜひ応募してみてください!
This project is for Japanese users who are just starting out on Anyone who completes the task will receive a 5-star review, making it a great way to build up your track record. The reward will be $10, so please bid $10. Please note that we cannot accept work from people who do not reside in Japan. こんにちは。 このプロジェクトは、Freelancerで仕事探しを始めたばかりの方、実績作りをしたい方を対象としています。 指定したURLからアプリをダウンロードしていただき、10日間連続でアプリのチェックインをしていただくという作業になります。 ※TikTok Liteをダウンロードしたことがある方はご応募いただけませんのでご注意ください。 ※日本国外在住の方は作業いただけません。 10日間の作業を完了した方には報酬($10)の他、星5つのレビューを致しますので、実績作りに最適です。 気になった方はぜひ応募してみてください!
私はある特定のプロジェクトのためのプログラマーを探しています。このプロジェクトではPHPとReactJSを主なプログラミング言語として使用します。 ### 必要スキルと経験 - PHPとReactJSに精通していること - 顧客管理、販売管理などの主要な業務システム開発要素に対する理解 - フルスタックエンジニアリングの経験があること - 日本語が理解できること 仕事の範囲には、プログラムの実装、既存のコードの保守、改良、デバッグが含まれます。また、設計チームと協力して効率的なシステムを作り出すことが必要です. 適格な候補者は、コードのクオリティと効率を高める新技術の適応力を持ち、問題解決スキルが優れていることが望まれます。
...required. **Job Overview:** In this role, prior English teaching experience isn't a major requirement. Our students, mostly 6 to 8-year-old boys new to English learning, are exposed to basic and straightforward content. We cover simple topics like naming "colors, animals, and body parts," and introduce basic phrases such as "I want" and "I have" to those just starting to grasp English. Additionally, many parents hope our project sparks their children's interest in English, emphasizing the enjoyment of using English before delving into formal learning. Therefore, we're seeking teachers who can connect with children and make them think, "Playing with foreign friends in Minec...
記事の構造を提供します。 母語は日本語の人で、iOSシステムに詳しい人がいいです。 SEOとhtmlファイルに精通できます。 IT技術を少し知った方がいいです。 効果がよければ、長期的な協力が考えられます。 納期は必ず守ります。
初めまして、松本と申します。 WEBサイトのデザインについてご相談させて頂きたいと思いましてメッセージを送信させて頂きました。 上記のようなポップなデザインとクオリティサイトです。 PSD制作とHTMLデザインのそれぞれ概算見積もりをお願いできますでしょうか? 金額的な面での折り合いがされると依頼したいです。 お手数をおかけいたしますが、ご確認いただけますと幸いです。
I want to ask you the entire renewal of this website. 「シーボニアヨットクラブ」< > Renewal Pages: ○概要、What's new ○理事長ご挨拶 ○設備(メンバーズルーム、事務局、レストラン)、空撮 ○交通、Googleマップ、地図 ○集合写真、理事長、部会長写真 ○入会案内 ●概要、写真 → Lightbox機能の導入 ●各カテゴリ年間イベントカレンダー → Googleカレンダー等で代用 ●各カテゴリ別写真フォルダー → 要検討 ○セイルボートカテゴリ紹介 ○クルーザーカテゴリ紹介 ○ディンギーカテゴリ紹介 ○パワーボートカテゴリ紹介 ○お問い合わせフォーム ○外部サイト・リンク
ビジネスパートナーを募集しています。 PHPと日本語ができるのが条件です。 おそらく、月10万円ぐらいの報酬は得られるかと思います。 あなたが負担する初期費用はサーバー代とドメイン費ぐらいです。 連絡お待ちしています。
詳細は決まってからお伝え致しますが、ランディングページ(LP)を作りたいと考えており、ウェブデザイナー・HTML/CSSコーダー(JSが使えるのであれば尚よし)の方を募集します。 時給換算2500円お支払い致します。 日本人の方であれば、嬉しいです。
HTML, CSS, JS(あれば尚よし)のコーディングが出来るデザイナーを募集致します。 ランディングページの一部の作成を依頼します。 やって頂く内容は別途ご説明致します。 時給換算2500円差し上げます。
<応募条件> ・東南アジア在住のエンジニア ・PHP、Ruby、Rails等を利用したweb開発経験(3年以上) ・リモートワークに対応してくださる方 ・日本語の読み書き能力 ・週40時間以上のコミット <担当案件(一部)> Webシステムの開発を行っており、特に ・Saas型ユーザーアンケート分析システム ・WebRTCを利用した遠隔医療サービス ・CtoCマッチングプレイス ・対話インターフェースのbotアプリ ・機械学習を用いた不動産取引価格予測システム の開発案件多数 を担当していただきます。 また、週一程度でクライアントとのミーティングがあり、 skypeで参加いただきますので、その点もご留意ください。 給与は応相談です。(約20~50万/週40時間) 皆様のご応募をお待ちしております!
弊社で開発中のアプリ等と連動する会員管理サイト。登録や管理画面を開発をお願いします。画面イメージ等はこちらで準備しております。 ・今回は在ミャンマーの方限定です。 ・日本語が出来る方(メールのみ、会話不要)限定です。
現状のサイトをワードプレスのモーバルリスポンシブルサイトに置き換える。 今のサイトはHTMLで製作されています。 これをモーバルフレンドリーにしたいので、モーバル用のサイトを作るか、ワードプレスのリスポンシブルのテンプレートを使用するか考えています。
This is rosemarylaw office, lawyer in Japan. We are searching freelancer of PHP, SSIS, SSRS programer. We are continue to develop CS system, MS SQL +SSIS ,SSRS of server side and PHP front with IIS. All MS solution based. We have Server side engineer in house. we have test server with dummy data, you can try from remote. development can do english based with skype, github,mail and so on. We hope to good offshore appications. Thanks now we are searching below project enginner. 1 upgrade SQL server SSIS import program2005 to 2012 SSIS side is improt form CSV to DB, job lancher is C# based. Req Skill C# 2000, SSIS, SQL 2 upgarde SSRS program 2005 to 2012 small customizing upgarde checking. over 100 report s...
...特定のゲームタイトルに関連する記事を取得すること 2. プログラムの特定の一か所に記述されたゲームタイトルパラメーターを変更するだけで対応したデータが取得できること 3. 海外ゲームタイトルであっても取得可能であること 4. 1日に1回バッチを回した際、以前に取得したことがない記事をリストとして取得できること 5. 記事のタイトル・サムネイル・記事本文の一部を取得すること ■ システム要件 1. PHP + MySQLで構築すること 2. PHP5.3で推奨されていない表現を用いないこと 3. Cronによって動作すること 4. プログラムを動かすサーバー OR dbサーバーに対して必要以上の負荷をかけないこと ■ 納品物については以下の通りとなります 1. プログラム本体の納品(PHP) 2. データの格納先DB-Tableの納品(SQLクエリ) ■ 応募条件 1. 応募時にどのような方法で実現する予定なのかを簡潔に明記してください (Ex. TwitterSerch API と Bing Serch APIを用いて実現します、など) ▽参考Webサイト サイト名:スマートニュース/newspicksなどのバックエンド ▽使用するプログラミング言語/ツール/特殊技術(テクノロジー) ・PHP(5.3) ・MySQL ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※ 他で登録されているデザインや商標の転用など、他社の知的財産権を侵すこと ※ 商用利用できないライセンスのプログラムを用いること ※ ▽その他コメント ※実際のWebサイト開発/アプリケーション開発の進め方・別途詳細は、 クラウドワークスのメッセージでやりとり...
CtoCサイト(一部分)phpからRailsへ,元サイトをそのまま移行。 使用技能Solr,Sass. Php及びRuby on Railsに詳しい方連絡してください。
依頼の目的・背景 ▽ECサイト/ネットショップ制作依頼の目的 現状のシステムが古くなったために リニューアル 開発の進捗状況 デザインがある 開発の範囲 分からないので、相談して決めさせていただければと思います。 開発の継続性 今回のみ、開発をお願い致します。 ECサイトの出店先 独自サイト 参考サイト 希望する色 赤系 重視する点 予算、クオリティ、業務経験・知識、実績評価 希望開発言語 PHP、JavaScript CMS導入 特に希望はありませんので、相談して決めさせていただければと思います。 補足説明 ▽利用するECカート 現在はCakePHPを使用しております。 SEOに強い新しいフレームワークに移行をしたく ご提案を希望します。 サーバーはできればクラウドサーバーを使用したく メリットとデメリットもあわせてご提案をお待ちしております。 ▽ECサイト/ネットショップの制作に使用するプログラミング言語 ・PHPなどのプログラミングスキル ・HTML / CSSなどのコーディングスキル ・MySQLなどのデータベース技術 ・JavaScript(jQuery)の技術 ・サーバ構築、管理の技術があれば尚可(VPS、クラウドサーバーなど) ▽重要視する点・経験 ・Skypeのビデオ面談に対応していただけるかた(必須)<=最初に ・Skypeもしくはチャットワークスで連絡が取れる方(必須) ・納期をしっかりと守っていただける方 ・クライアント企業とのコミュニケーションに慣れている方
...everyday. -No Need to Be able to read HTML -Each task is about 5 to 10 minutes. -You have to be able to READ Japanese but not able to Write or Speak -If you dont Read Japanese but high IT Literacy so that by our tellling you which part corresponds to which part, then you can do the job. JOB This is the job to update the items that comes to the toppage of our 2 online stores. the management system is already set up so yo do not need to use HTMLat all. You just select the item code from our website and set into the system everyday. SKILLS REQUIRED Ability to arrange items in a meaningful, atttractive manner. Lets say if its getting closer to summer, it makes sense to... This is the job to research on our new business models prior to their launch in regards to market trends and competitons with strong analysis especially based on data and numbers. -Job Descrption *Creating reports with PowerPoint and Word about the services and companies we specify. *The quality of the reports must be professional business presentation and close to professional Business Analysts’ level. -Compensation $300-$1000/month *Please provide us your request as a proposal -Requirements/Experiences/Skills *Being able to write/read/speak Japanese is a MUST *Experience as a business planner(Desired) *Experience as Securities analyst -If you are selected, the main communication tool will be skyp...
現在、弊社ではユーザー直、代理店案件含めまして、受託、常駐案件ともに多数ございます。 PHP、Java、Oracle、C#、Ruby、SAPが中心ですが、事業拡大に伴い現在、パートナーを探しております。 SAP案件、Java、PHP案件、LAMP(Linux、Apache、MySQL、PostgreSQL)案件、VC++、C言語案件、VB、C#.NET、COBOL、Ruby案件、PM(プロジェクトマネージャー)、PL(プロジェクトリーダー)など受託、常駐で開発案件のご協力をして頂ける方の募集で御座います。 制御系・組み込み系から企業の情報システム、基幹システム、業務システム開発、ウェブシステム、サイト構築まで。 現在、ユーザー直の受注案件で具体的な案件内容も提示できますので、宜しければ、一度お会いしてご相談させて頂ければと思っております。
WEBシステム開発のお仕事です。 (求められるスキル) ・PHP ・WEBデザイン ・グラフィック ・MySQL ・HTML (ジャンル) ・教育 ・ジョブマッチング ・ソフトウェア ・エンターテイメント ・医療
=== project summary === Emails from Google Alert are registered on a table of MySQL everyday. We need PHP script that read these emails via cron, and auto post as wordpress article. On front-page, the website should have 30 new articles. And other article's link are needed on pages that have 30 links. We also need sitemap of all articles for visitors and google (xml). For design, wordpress default template is OK. But we need responsive design, we'll check under 320px, 640px and PC's resolution of width. === required pages === Front page New articles from 31 to 60 New articles from 61 to 90 (From 91, follow these URL) Article's detail Sitemap
...without the commitment of a full-time Chief Technology Officer. Whether you're a startup looking to establish a solid tech foundation or an established company seeking expertise for specific projects, our services offer a flexible and cost-effective Design, Web Development, SEO, and more:Strategic Leadership: Align technology with business goals through experienced CTO Stack Assessment: Analyze and optimize your technology stack for performance and Management: Streamline vendor relationships for value and effective Mitigation: Implement cybersecurity measures and strategies to safeguard your Optimization: Identify opportunities to optimize technology costs without compromising quality. Elevate your technology strategy, tailored
...Freelancer Profile Page Employer Profile Page Task Search/Listing Page (for both Freelancers and Employers) Freelancer Search Page (used by Employers to find Freelancers) Show State Field Filter: Add a State field filter on the following pages: Freelancer Registration Page Employer Registration Page Create Task Page (Freelancer) Post Project Page (Employer) Freelancer Profile Page Employer Profile Page Task Search/Listing Page (for both Freelancers and Employers) Freelancer Search Page (used by Employers to find Freelancers) Connect State with City (Dependent Dropdown): Ensure that the City dropdown only shows cities from the selected State on the following pages: Freelancer Registration Page Employer Registration Page Create Task Page (Freelancer)...
Procurement jobe receiving RFQ finding as per RFQ product local and international market make compression then selected offer submit to client etc.
...developer to create a comprehensive and professional website for KHROCHET, a growing crochet business. This website will serve as the central platform to feature our crochet patterns, merchandise, integrate with existing social media accounts, and host automated blog posts. The focus will be on user-friendly design, e-commerce capabilities, and seasonal content, particularly a page dedicated to yearly holidays. Objectives: To design and develop a visually appealing and navigable website that reflects KHROCHET’s brand ethos. To integrate the site seamlessly with our social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest. To incorporate an automated blog system that supports scheduled posting. To develop an efficient online store to...
I need an HTML expert to help me create a landing page and the corresponding code. - Design Assistance: I have a concept for the landing page, but I need help turning it into a comprehensive design/mockup. - HTML Coding: The main purpose of this landing page will be to provide information about a product, so the code needs to be clean, responsive and optimized for user experience. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in HTML and experience in creating engaging, informative landing pages. Skills in UI/UX design will be a significant advantage.
I need assistance with placing my Adskeeper ads on my news website. The ads should be strategically positioned in the sidebar, between the text in articles, and possibly on the homepage. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in website management, preferably with news sites - Experience with Adskeeper or similar ad networks - Knowledge of HTML/CSS for ad placement - Ability to work collaboratively in generating ad codes
I am seeking a talented freelancer to develop an automation and analysis system for a Blackjack card game using computer vision and game strategy analysis. The system should be able to: Monitor the screen in real-time to track the game. Keep track of the history of dealt cards. Restart the game when needed. Analyze the dealer's hand. Provide strategy recommendations for the next move based on my hand. Requirements: Screen Capture and Monitoring: The system must continuously monitor the screen in real-time to capture and detect gameplay. Utilize screen capture tools (OpenCV or similar) to detect cards, the dealer’s hand, and the player's hand during the game. Card History ...
I'm looking to have a bootstrap static website created that contains business information. The site should be a full replica of The WP section for header and footer have issues currently. The wp source file can be provided or wayback can be used to match. The design should closely mirror Ideal skills for the job include: - Proficiency in HTML/CSS - Bootstrap framework experience - Web design with a keen eye for detail - Ability to create responsive, mobile-friendly websites - Experience in replicating and modifying existing web designs Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.
...Utilize a design tool to create user-friendly and intuitive interfaces. Although the choice of design tool (Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch) is open, the ability to create advanced functionality is crucial. - Develop user flows and wireframes to visualize the voting process. **System Architecture:** - Design the system architecture, including the selection of appropriate frontend technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, Vue.js), a suitable backend programming language and framework (Python/Django, Node.js/Express, Ruby on Rails), and a secure database system (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB). - Create detailed documentation outlining the pros and cons of your options, focusing on long-term efficacy and ease of use for end users. Ideal skills for the job incl...
...Overview: KIP Advisors, LLC is a cutting-edge sales advisory and business development consultancy specializing in empowering cybersecurity, risk management, SaaS and technology firms. We help organizations bridge the gap between technical innovation and scalable business development. Led by a seasoned entrepreneur with over 30 years of expertise in sales leadership and strategic growth, KIP Advisors provides services ranging from fractional Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) support to tailored advisory for startups and mid-sized firms. Our mission is to future-proof our clients' growth with measurable, impactful strategies. What We Need: We are seeking a highly creative and professional designer to develop a complete logo and branding package that refl...
We have been using the Boulevard "BLVD" as our booking & payment platform to track all our customer & booking data. We collect data from BLVD using Daily Recurring Report Exports through their API created by GraphQL, the report exports are in CSV format and the data is automatically updated. All the report CSV's are exported from BLVD using fileURLs, and the fileURL provides an automatic download of the CSV with all the related data, there's 12 fileURLs/CSVs each updated with the related data. Each fileUrl is a static, signed url that will reference the latest version of the export, an example of the fileURL link: /api/2020-01/report_exports/(id).csv?signature=(signature) I'm making this listing because I can't see...
I need assistance with automating the comparison of numerical data from two different sites. The findings should be compiled into a new Excel sheet or page in a table format. Key Requirements: - The compiled data should be saved for 24 hours before being automatically deleted. - I should have the ability to sort the data based on various parameters. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data analysis and Excel - Familiarity with automation tools - Strong attention to detail
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into business models has become a transformative strategy, enabling organizations to enhance efficiency, optimize decision-making, and gain a competitive edge. This study explores the development and implementation of an AI-driven business model tailored to address dynamic market demands and operational challenges. The proposed model combines machine learning algorithms, data analytics, and predictive modeling to streamline processes, enhance customer engagement, and maximize profitability.
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into business models has become a transformative strategy, enabling organizations to enhance efficiency, optimize decision-making, and gain a competitive edge. This study explores the development and implementation of an AI-driven business model tailored to address dynamic market demands and operational challenges. The proposed model combines machine learning algorithms, data analytics, and predictive modeling to streamline processes, enhance customer engagement, and maximize profitability.
I'm looking to reconfigure my current WordPress site and redesign various pages, including the landing pages. The primary goal of this redesign is to increase conversions. The selected freelancer will: - Revamp the layout and design of the landing pages - Update the content and images across the site - Review and sort out the plugins, specifically Rank Math - Remove the entire Barcola plugin from the site Skills and experience required for this project include: - Strong proficiency in WordPress - Experience in web design and user experience - Knowledge of SEO and plugins, particularly Rank Math - Ability to work with content and images The ideal candidate will have a keen eye for detail and a proven track record of redesigning WordPress si...
As the owner of a premium limo service, I am seeking a skilled freelancer to craft an enticing proposal aimed at attracting new clients. The proposal needs to be: - Formal and sophisticated in tone - Highlighting the luxury amenities, professional chauffeurs, and on-time reliability of our service - Polished and professional, befitting the luxury of our company Essential components of the proposal include an introduction letter, detailed service descriptions, a comprehensive rate sheet, and carefully selected, relevant photos. Ideal candidates will have: - Proven experience with creating compelling business proposals - Excellent writing skills - Ability to create a visually appealing document Please attach previous examples of your work.
We have a room measuring 24 feet in length and 14 feet in breadth, which we want to transform into a state-of-the-art robotics lab. The room currently has four wall-mounted racks, each 4 feet by 4 feet, with two racks on either side of the 24-foot walls. The lab must accommodate 40 students and include 20 computers, with two students sharing each computer. The layout should include a designated corner for the teacher, featuring a custom-designed table and a computer for the teacher's use. Additionally, there must be a smart board installed for instructional demonstrations. All hardware components should be neatly organized within the existing racks, but additional racks can be added if necessary. The entrance door is located in the middle of one of...
I am looking for a professional to assist with data collection and management research focusing on maternity care. Key Tasks: - Collecting and managing various data sets - Analyzing the data to identify trends and insights Ideal Skills: - Strong background in data collection and analysis - Experience in healthcare or maternity care research is a plus - Excellent organizational and management skills Please note that specific data types, goals of the research, and sources for data collection will be finalized in collaboration with the selected freelancer.
Looking for someone to Brochure Outline 1. Cover Page Company Logo Engaging Photo (e.g., luxury limo, happy clients) Title: "Experience Luxury Travel with [Your Company Name]" 2. Professional Introduction Letter Greeting: “Dear [Client's Name],” Introduction: Briefly introduce your limo company, emphasizing your commitment to luxury and customer satisfaction. Value Proposition: Highlight what sets your service apart (e.g., experienced drivers, a range of vehicles, competitive pricing). Call to Action: Invite them to review the rate sheet and contact you for bookings. Closing: “We look forward to serving you,” followed by your name, title, and contact information. 3. Services Offered List various services (e.g...
I'm seeking a developer experienced with Amibroker AFL to create a custom indicator for me. Key Requirements: - The custom indicator should be able to call the value of a previous array. - Experience with creating Amibroker indicators is essential. - Understanding of AFL coding is required. I also need assistance with backtesting a specific strategy, which is based on the RSI. Ideal Candidates: - Proficient in coding AFL for Amibroker. - Able to create custom indicators. - Experience with backtesting trading strategies. The goal is to create a robust custom indicator that can help enhance my trading strategies.
...and skilled freelancers to post high-quality, relevant answers and comments on Quora. This is a long-term opportunity, and we need a minimum of 10-15 freelancers to help us meet our goals. What We Need: Total Answers Needed: 1500+ (Each answer should be handmade, not AI-generated or copy-pasted). Quora Account Requirements: You must use different Quora accounts (15+ accounts, each minimum 1 year old). Each account needs to post 100+ answers. Accounts must be active and ready to post answers. Provide us with the email and password for each account you use. Quality Standards: Answers must be relevant to the niche we promote. You must use the name of our website in your answer and bold it for better visibility. Answers should be detailed, inform...
...talented designer to help me redesign my logo. I want the new design to be classic in style. It should effectively support brand recognition, so it will be used primarily for that purpose. The logo will need to be a combination of text and a symbol or icon. I've pasted detailed explanations from Deep Seek AI below: Here’s a refined explanation of **Delta Emergency’s logo** incorporating the actual elements you’ve described (gold color, EMS Star of Life, lightning bolt, and heart). This breakdown will help the freelance designer grasp the depth and intentionality behind each component, tying them to your company’s mission and values: ### **1. Gold Color Palette** - **Symbolism**: - **Excellence & Reliabili...
...200 € par site. • Type de sites : vitrines, e-commerce ou autres projets simples. • Technologies requises : • Shopify : création et codage de thèmes personnalisés (HTML, CSS, Liquid). • WordPress : personnalisation de thèmes ou création sur mesure. • HTML/CSS/JavaScript pour des projets plus spécifiques. • Design : utilisation de thèmes existants ou création de thèmes personnalisés. • Fonctionnalités attendues : responsive design, optimisation SEO de base, et intégration de fonctionnalités spécifiques selon les besoins. Exigences : • Expérience confirmée en développement de thèmes Shopify (capaci...
I am in need of a skilled recruiter who can help me source and screen qualified property managers. The selected candidate will also manage the entire interview process. This role will require close collaboration with hiring managers to identify top talent in the property management field and ensure a smooth hiring experience. Key Responsibilities: - Source qualified property managers using a variety of methods including job boards, networking, and referrals. - Conduct initial candidate screenings to assess experience and qualifications. - Schedule and coordinate interviews with hiring managers. - Maintain candidate records and track interview progress. - Ensure a positive and efficient candidate experience throughout the hiring process. Ideal Ski...