How to create web application in visual studio 2019仕事
Ajaykumar Narshibhai P.さん、こんにちは。あなたのプロフィールを拝見させていただきました。ぜひわたしのプロジェクトをオファーさせてください。プロジェクト情報を確認した後、詳細を話しあいましょう。
当社について:私たちはコスタリカのコーヒー輸出会社で、最高品質のコーヒーを販売しています。コスタリカのコーヒーは世界TOP3に入る最高品質のコーヒーです。すでに日本へ弊社のコーヒーを販売しておりますが、この度販路を拡大する予定です。弊社はコスタリカ現地企業ですが、マネージャーは日本人ですので、スペイン語や英語が話せなくても問題ありません。企業情報については、当社ウェブサイトをご覧ください。 弊社website: この度募集する営業担当者の業務内容は以下の通りです。 ・コーヒー輸入業者、顧客、代理店に対してコスタリカ産コーヒー豆の販売。 ・新規取引先のリサーチ。 ・電話営業を通しての新規クライアント獲得。 (ただし電話営業だけでアプローチするのではなく、サンプリングを提供する予定です。) ・取引先と常に良好な取引関係を維持すること。 ・問題や顧客の苦情に対して迅速に対応し、顧客満足度を高めること。 私たちは、積極的に新規取引先の開拓を行ってくれる即戦力のある営業担当者を募集しています。売上の収益成長、顧客満足度、収益性を向上させるために、顧客に対して適切な解決策を提供することが営業担当者の役割です。 〈求めている人材〉 ・電話での営業経験がある方、またはそれに対して抵抗のない方を優遇。 ※営業経験は必須ではありませんが、積極的に業務に取り組み学ぼうとする意欲は必須です。 ・コーヒーが好きな方、興味がある方を優遇。 ・この仕事は、フルタイムではなくパートタイムの仕事です。電話とネットさえあれば出来るので、自宅で仕事をすることが可能です。 ・コミュニケーション力、マネジメント力、交渉力に長けていて、顧客と良好な関係を築ける方。 ・プレゼンテーションスキルをお持ちの方。 〈給料〉 ・お給料は完全歩合制になります。取引終了後、コミッション...
100%利益を出すバイナリーオプション、FXのシステムを作って頂きたいです。 世の中に存在してるらしく、それを作れる方お願い致します。
日本語の「面白い事実」のリストからフレーズを発声する必要があります。所要時間は約20分です。声の種類が異なる3人の男性。 1つのファイルに録音が必要で、フレーズの間にはいくつかの区切りがあります。 録音は、以下の要件に従って、44,100 Hzのサンプリング周波数で品質を失うことなく(WAV)フォーマットで録音する必要があります。 - バックグラウンドノイズが少ない場所(ノイズ吸収のある室内または毛布の下)で記録してください。 - スマートフォン用ボイスレコーダーを使用する場合は、音源から20〜30 cm離してください。スマートフォンが持っていない、それは何かを柔らかくして固定することをお勧めします。 - 過剰な信号レベルがあってはいけません(クリッピング)。 - マイクに触れないでください。 - マイクに「吐き気」があってはいけません。ため息をつきません - 休止を守らなければならない(「事実」間に少なくとも2秒) - アナウンサーは声が荒くなるべきではなく、声帯の弛緩によって引き起こされる人工的な喘鳴を起こすべきではなく、フレーズの終わりに特有のものであり、声が低い。
ホノルルで結婚式の写真を撮った経験のある日本語を話すカメラマンを探しています。 可能であれば、写真家は結婚式の写真撮影の経験を最適化することができる化粧やヘアスタイリングの準備で花嫁を支援するべきです。 仕事の説明を読んだことを示すために、「I am real」と返信してください。 私達は完了する仕事全体のために200ドルを提供します。 興味のある方はご連絡ください。
私達は私達のJPのウェブサイトで私達の支払いシステムをテストするために5〜10人のWebテスターを探しています。 推定プロジェクト期間は1日以内です。これは緊急の課題であり、テストごとに50ドルを支払うことができます。主な要件は、WebテスターがJCB / MasterおよびVisaカード所有者(日本の銀行)であることです。
My company needs to build an RPA application creator software. The requirements as following. ### Automation batch creator application a. Running environment: Windows 7 or later b. Functional requirements: 1. Simulate mouse click 2. Simulate keyboard input 3. Using OCR to detect windows, selection 4. Open/Close Program 5. Record macro 6. Logic functions support (if-else, switch case...) 7. Loop functions support (while, for...) 8. DateTime functions support (get system time...) 9. Wait (sleep) functions to support 10. Exports the robot that was created to a .exe file ### Automation batch manages application a. Running environment: Web b. Functional requirements: 1. Manage created robot (search, run, delete) 2. Alarm ...
ホノルルで結婚式の写真を撮った経験のある日本語を話すカメラマンを探しています。 可能であれば、写真家は結婚式の写真撮影の経験を最適化することができる化粧やヘアスタイリングの準備で花嫁を支援するべきです。 仕事の説明を読んだことを示すために、「I am real」と返信してください。 私達は完了する仕事全体のために150ドルを提供します。 興味のある方はご連絡ください。
...中身のあるサイトを作っていきたいのです。 ですので、スピード重視で記事を書くのではなく、本気で私と一緒にサイトを作り上げていけるビジネスパートナーを募集しています。 そこで、報酬は「アフィリエイト報酬を折半」という形にさせて頂きます。 あなたと一緒に作り上げたサイトから発生(確定)した報酬のうち50%をお支払させて頂きます。 目安としては、1年かけて30~50万円/月の売上を目標にしていきます。 まずは5~10万円/月を売上られるサイトを数サイト作り、 その後は1サイトで30万、50万、100万と売り上げられる大きめのサイト作りにステップアップしていきます。 いくつか小さ目のサイトを作成したあと、大きなサイト作りに入っていくといった流れです。 報酬のお支払に関しては、ASPからの入金後3営業日以内にお振込み致します。 応募条件などについては詳細サイトをご覧ください。
AREAS OF EXPERTISE Adobe Creative Suite Photoshop In-Design Illustrator MAC CS4/CS5 Flash 3D animation PROFESSIONAL Visual Commination Creative Media PERSONAL SKILLS Problem solving Thinking creatively Attention to detail Communication skills TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY Image Editing & Graphic Designing: Adobe Photoshop CS, Illustrator, Flash Video Editing: FCP, AVID - Media composer, Adobe Premiere Pro, VFX: Adobe After Effects, 3D Max Sound Effects: Audacity, Cube Base 5, Nuendo, Protools. Operating System: MS Windows (Word, Excel, Power point) Camera Operation: Canon, Nikon Music - Western Organ Keyboard, Melodica, Singing STRENGTHS Achievement accomp...
現在、弊社ではユーザー直、代理店案件含めまして、受託、常駐案件ともに多数ございます。 PHP、Java、Oracle、C#、Ruby、SAPが中心ですが、事業拡大に伴い現在、パートナーを探しております。 SAP案件、Java、PHP案件、LAMP(Linux、Apache、MySQL、PostgreSQL)案件、VC++、C言語案件、VB、C#.NET、COBOL、Ruby案件、PM(プロジェクトマネージャー)、PL(プロジェクトリーダー)など受託、常駐で開発案件のご協力をして頂ける方の募集で御座います。 制御系・組み込み系から企業の情報システム、基幹システム、業務システム開発、ウェブシステム、サイト構築まで。 現在、ユーザー直の受注案件で具体的な案件内容も提示できますので、宜しければ、一度お会いしてご相談させて頂ければと思っております。
...非常にストレスを抱えています。そのため至急対応することができる熟練レベルの実務経験をお持ちの方を求めています。 システム要件定義書、テスト機能リストを作成する作業もセットになる場合もあります。 あなたの即戦力を必要としています。 ご興味のある方は下記をお読み頂き御納得頂けましたらこちらの応募フォームもしくはメールアドレス 佐方まで ご連絡頂きたくお願い致します。 業務内容: 開発の途中経過(7割り程完成)しているシステム、 楽天及びアマゾン、ヤフーASPと連動したデータベース一括在庫管理システムを引き継いでいただき 現状稼働時に起きるエラーの修正作業及び完成までフルスクラッチで仕上げて頂く、修正及び開発 業務です。 応募資格:実務経験熟練者 楽天ASP及びフルスクラッチに長けた熟練者の方を募集します。 日本国籍 スカイプでの打ち合せが可能な方 既存システム内容 楽天及びアマゾン、ヤフーASPと連動したデータベース一括在庫管理システムのエラー 主要機能 ・会員登録制 ・ショップ各社のASPに、1つの管理画面から自社の商品情報(文字、画像)を一括登録し編集管理、更新する事ができる ・会員各自の管理画面を所有し商品一覧表から、各店舗のASPに一括出力更新している内容を随時修正更新管理することができる ・店舗ページのレイアウトを文字、色、背景色などをチェックボタン、プルダウンなどで選択カスタマイズし ・オリジナルのテンプレート生成する。 ・初期設定時のテンプレートもしくは会員によるオリジナルテンプレートと選択することができる機能 作業内容 エラー修正箇所>>&g...
様々なe-bookファイルを表示できるビュアーの開発ができる開発先を探しています。 VnBestSolutionsさんが可能であれば、詳細について打ち合わせさせていただきたいです。 また、もしVnBestSolutionsさんが不可能でも、お知り合いの方や会社を紹介いただけるとありがたいです。 ご検討よろしくお願いします。
...talented experienced graphic designer to create a series of 23-25 original modern, mature, simple (not too busy) abstract images for my website. The images need to adhere to a consistent design language that aligns with my brand identity, and incorporate abstract textures. Key requirements: - Ability to interpret and translate our brand identity into visual imagery. - Experience with creating mature and modern designs. - Proficiency in using abstract textures in a visually appealing way. - Create original design without copying 100% from stock photos. Note: Using stock licensed images is fine with edits to achieve the goal. The images need to be bold and vibrant, with a color palette obtained from our websit...
Just simply put in any basic info, 4 pages only. Any ui is fine.
I'm seeking a talented video editor to craft a captivating Instagram reel for our travel company, Hii Stories. This reel will highlight "5 Reasons to Visit Jaipur" with a sophisticated, cinematic aesthetic. Key Aspects: - Transition Style: The transitions between clips should be elegant and sophisticated, enhancing the overall visual appeal of the reel. - Color Scheme: The video needs to embody warm tones with a touch of pink. This specific color palette should create a cohesive and appealing visual narrative. - Content Focus: The reel should prominently feature historical sites in Jaipur, such as palaces and forts. These iconic landmarks are essential to convey the beauty and grandeur of the city. Skills and Experien...
i am looking for a web developer who can create a website for my clients. i prefer wordpress, but i am also open to simple cms that the client can manage himself. i am looking for a web developer who can create a website for my clients. i prefer wordpress, but i am also open to simple cms that the client can manage himself. hosting is with me or with the customer. i will send the access data accordingly.
...for a skilled photographer to take and edit product images for shoes and bags. The primary use for these images is for E-commerce listings, so they need to be high-quality and effective at showcasing the product. I know couple of applications that I want the freelancer to use and they are super easy to use. If the work is good, I will give more products to be captured. Key requirements: - Photography: The images need to be taken against a white background, so a home studio or access to professional equipment would be ideal. - Editing: All images will need background removal to ensure they conform to standard E-commerce presentation. The ideal freelancer for this job has: - Proven experience in product photog...
I'm in search of a seasoned visual merchandising professional specializing in traditional and classic Christmas displays. Your role will be to design and create engaging displays and activations for retail property companies in Australia. Key Responsibilities: - Design and create traditional and classic Christmas displays - Develop interactive elements such as photo booths and games - Conform to the specified color scheme where required, typically Red, green and gold - Provide presentation drawings alongside design concepts for various display elements. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in visual merchandising, particularly with Christmas displays - Strong design skills with the ability to ...
...combining aesthetics and functionality to create stylish, high-quality bags for modern women. We’re currently preparing to launch our first collection, which includes three camera bags. We’re looking to collaborate with a photographer who can assist with the following: • 10-20 on-model shots of our three bags, captured in urban outdoor environments like the streets of London or New York. • 2 unboxing videos, filmed outdoors in either a city or natural setting. • 3 short-form videos (up to 20 seconds) highlighting our brand philosophy and the unique features of our products. We already have product images and studio shots, but we are especially in need of street-style images to showcase ...
I'm looking for a skilled Software Developer to build a new Web Application from scratch. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Software Development, particularly in creating Web Applications. - Proficient in programming languages and frameworks suitable for Web Development. - Experience in building user-friendly, responsive, and secure Web Applications. - Understanding of full software development lifecycle, from initial planning to deployment and maintenance. Your role will involve conceptualizing, designing, and implementing a brand new Web Application. A keen attention to detail, creativity, and a problem-solving mindset are essential. I'm excited to see your proposals and k...
I have a 158-page, A5 size PDF that needs to be converted into a fillable PDF for use as a journal. Key aspects of the project: - The PDF should be made fillable with various fields - The client has skipped specifying field types, but a good understanding of standard journaling needs is essential - The PDF should not have any calculations or automated functions, just fillable fields Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in PDF editing software - Previous experience in creating fillable PDFs - Attention to detail and understanding of user-friendly design - Ability to deliver the project within the specified timeline
I'm in need of a large, eye-catching decal for the back of my caravan. The design should be in a vintage style and use a bold and bright color scheme. Key components of the design include: - The words "CanAussie Cruisers" in an arc at the top - The Canadian and Australian flags crisscrossed in the middle - The phrase "Georgia 2" with an accompanying image of our cruising boat at the bottom (I will provide a picture) - The details of our CB radio channel at the very bottom Ideal candidates for this project should have: - A strong portfolio in vintage design - Experience in creating large-scale decals - Ability to work with provided images and text - Excellent understanding of color schemes and visual balance
...professional deck Designgot, we specialize in transforming ordinary PowerPoint presentations into extraordinary visual experiences. Our enhancement services are designed to captivate your audience, communicate your message effectively, and leave a lasting Expertise:PowerPoint Enhancement: Upgrade your slides with sleek, modern designs and cohesive layouts that enhance your content. We focus on visual storytelling to ensure your presentation is not only informative but also Improvement: Revamp your existing decks with a professional touch. Our team refines every aspect of your presentation, from design aesthetics to content structure, making sure your key messages stand Impact: Create impactful visuals that support your narrative and k...
Dynamic and Engaging Presentation...Presentation for Cepicat We are looking for a skilled professional to create a dynamic and convincing presentation about our company, Cepicat. The presentation will be in English and should include the following elements: High-quality images and videos sourced from our websites: and (blog section). Use of pictograms and visual storytelling to make the content engaging. Integration of our branding, products, and services. The presentation should highlight: Our innovative abrasive solutions. Key markets (Stone, Metal, and Floorcare). Strategic goals and future growth. We aim for a professional, polished, and impactful result suitable for international clients. Please provide examples of similar work you’ve done ...
I'm looking to build a website in HTML with a jobs admin page. The website will cater to multiple industries and need to be designed in a corporate and professional style. Key Features: - Menus including Home, About Us, Industries (6 pages), Find a Job (existing WordPress page), and Contact Us. - The 'Industries' pages will encompass Technology, Healthcare, Finance, Semiconductor/EV, ITES/BPO, and Banking & Finance. - A jobs admin page with functionalities for job posting and editing, as well as a job application form. - Incorporation of social plugins. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in HTML and web development - Experience with creating jobs admin pages - Understanding of corporate and professional design elements. ...
I'm seeking an expert in Google Slides and graphic design to create a visually striking, 8-10 slide presentation for an upcoming job interview. The deck should follow a professional and corporate layout, highlighting my work achievements in a modern, sleek style. Key Requirements: - Visual Design: The overall look should be clean, minimalist yet professional and corporate. - Graphics: The slides should incorporate a variety of images and graphics including icons, symbols, and my CV for reference. - Content: I will provide an outline for each slide. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Google Slides - Graphic Design - Presentation Design - Ability to translate information into engaging visuals. Please note, I prefer the use of timeline dia...
I'm seeking a skilled professional with experience in ABAQUS Simulia to simulate shoulder movement using two types of prosthetics - reverse and custom made. Key Aspects: - The primary focus of the simulation will be the range of motion of the shoulder with each type of prosthetic. - I have existing 3D models for the prosthetics, so no assistance will be needed in that regard. Deliverables: - The simulation report should include visual animations and numerical data. - Graphs and charts are not necessary. - video of the process Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proficiency in ABAQUS Simulia or Ansys. - Experience with biomechanical simulations. - Ability to present data in a clear and accessible manner.
I'm in need of a skilled 2D animator who specializes in cartoon-style animation. This project is for a commercial/advertisement, so experience in creating engaging and visually appealing animations for this purpose is crucial. - I have a script ready for the animation, so you will not need to assist with that. However, your input and expertise in timing and visual interpretation would be greatly appreciated. - Ideal candidates will have a strong portfolio of cartoon-style 2D animations, particularly in the commercial/advertisement space. - Key skills include 2D animation, understanding of pacing and timing, ability to interpret a script visually, and experience working on commercial projects.
I'm seeking a video editor with a keen eye for detail and a flair for creativity. The project involves editing a 2-minute introduct...myself for university, with a tone that is goofy, yet professional and engaging. Key Requirements: - The video should incorporate a variety of academic achievements in a fun and playful way - The visual style needs to be modern and sleek, with good transitions and high-quality visual aesthetics - The final product should be an engaging, goofy, yet professionally edited video Ideal Skills: - Video Editing - Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro - Graphic Design - Understanding of pacing and timing for comedic effect - Ability to create clean, quality transitions Please include samples of similar work in ...
I'm seeking a skilled video editor to re-edit my marriage video. The goal is to enhance the footage of the bride and make her the star of the show. Key Responsibilities: - Rework the transitions, music, and overall cut and sequence of the video to highlight the bride. - Incorporate special effects and visuals around the bride to make her stand out. I specifically need: - Expert color grading to enhance the visual presentation of the bride. - Skillful editing to make her look thinner and remove dark circles. Ideal candidates will have a strong portfolio of similar work, demonstrating their ability to create visually stunning and emotionally engaging videos.
I'm looking for a proficient developer to create an EV Charging Station application using Android Studio and Flutter. The app should include the following core functionalities: - Locating nearby charging stations - Payment processing - Charging station availability tracking - Session booking - Booking cancellation Ideal skills for this project include: - Expertise in Android Studio and Flutter - Experience in developing location-based services - Proficiency in integrating payment systems - Understanding of real-time data tracking Please provide examples of similar apps you've created in your bid.
I'm in need of a proficient MAXQDA specialist to assist with qualitative data analysis from interviews and focus groups. The ideal candidate should be adept at utilizing both text analysis tools and visual tools for mapping and visualization within MAXQDA. Experience with qualitative research is a must, and familiarity with MAXQDA's features will be key to our success.
I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer to create compelling marketing materials. The primary focus will be designing pieces that can effectively promote my business and engage with our target audience. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite or similar design software - Experience in creating marketing materials - Strong understanding of visual branding and design principles - Ability to meet deadlines and manage multiple projects simultaneously Please note that the specific types of marketing materials to be designed have not yet been determined, and we will be deciding this collaboratively.
I'm seeking a skilled motion graphics designer to craft a 30-second, fun and playful 2D animated video for promoting my mobile dog grooming business. The animation should be high-quality, with smooth transitions and clear visuals. Your attention to detail will be key in conveying the message effectively. Requirements: - Proven experience in creating engaging motion graphics videos, particularly for marketing purposes - Ability to deliver high-quality animation with dynamic transitions - Strong attention to detail and clear visual communication Budget: $600 Scene 1 (0–5 seconds): • Visual: A pet owner carrying their dog, stuck in traffic, looking frustrated. • Text on Screen: “Busy? No time for ...
I'm in search of a designer who can create a modern, square SVG logo for my legal document sharing web application, similar in size to the Reddit logo. The app caters specifically to Turkish lawyers, so a design that resonates with this target audience would be a plus. Key Requirements: - Design a modern, minimalist logo - Avoid using a gavel in the design - Use of elements like 'Scales of Justice' or 'Document icon' will be appreciated, but not mandatory - Create a design that is visually appealing in blue and white, black and gold or red and grey Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design, particularly for web applications - Strong understanding of modern an...
I'm seeking a seasoned .Net framework developer for a long-term collaboration. The project revolves around a .Net based web application with core components including user authentication. Key requirements: - Proficient in .Net framework with a focus on web application development - Experienced in implementing secure and efficient user authentication systems The initial stage of the project entails the integration of a standard email and password login system. Future phases may incorporate additional features and complexities. Therefore, a forward-thinking approach and a knack for problem-solving would be highly beneficial. Ideal candidates will have: - A strong portfolio of .Net web applications - Proven...
I'm seeking a skilled web developer to replicate the content of , with improvements to UX and UI that surpass the original website. Key Tasks: - Copy existing content from the AI Agents Directory site. - Implement a bot that updates the site daily with new AI companies from the original source. - Enhance the navigation menu design, layout, and visual aesthetics to optimize user experience. Specific Improvements: - Simplify the current navigation menu for ease of use. - Make the navigation menu more visually appealing. - Overall, enhance the site with a professional and clean visual style. Ideal Skills: - Web development and programming - UX/UI design - Experience with creating bots for website updates - Ability to deliver a v...
I need a small, professionally styled motion graphics animated video of my company logo. This animation will primarily be used for presentations, so it needs to be polished and visually appealing to match the tone of a corporate setting. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in motion graphics software - Experience in creating professional, corporate-style animations - Ability to deliver high-quality work suitable for presentations The final animation should seamlessly integrate with a variety of presentation formats and maintain a high level of visual quality.
I'm looking for an experienced developer to assist me in building a web app, specifically a dashboard/admin panel of a web app. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate with me on the development process - Implement user authentication, data visualization, and payment integration features - Ensure the dashboard is intuitive and user-friendly Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in - Previous experience with dashboard/admin panel development - Strong understanding of user authentication, data visualization, and payment integration - Excellent communication skills for effective peer coding
I'm seeking a talented UI/UX designer proficient in Figma to create an intuitive, visually appealing design for an Android and iOS vehicle rental application. The primary aim is to enhance user engagement and streamline the overall user experience. Key Responsibilities: - Design a user-friendly interface suitable for a commercial vehicle rental application. - Create an engaging and visually appealing design to attract and retain users. - Ensure the design is compatible with both Android and iOS platforms. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Figma. - Extensive experience in designing UI/UX for mobile applications, specifically for commercial and vehicle rental services. - Strong understanding of enhancing visual ...
I'm looking for an experienced web designer with specific expertise in Wix to revamp the homepage for my existing business. The primary objective of this project is to highlight and showcase the services and products my business offers in a visually appealing and user-friendly manner. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Wix - Demonstrated experience in creating engaging and effective websites for businesses - Strong understanding of UX design principles - Ability to suggest and implement creative solutions to enhance the site's visual appeal and user experience.
***DO NOT SUBMIT A GENERIC ENTRY I WILL BE DELETED*** I am looking for an experienced and creative designer to create a logo suitable for embroidery. I need the logo to be my dog with a smile with her tongue out a little. (See images) and I want hot pink cursive type text “Ella” The letter E should be something that looks like an open heart shape sideways. Will also need AI, PSD Indesign etc files. 300 DPI etc I want it of her head straight on. This will be added to a polo shirt with a small logo, a hat and other shirts so please think about how it will look embroidered with threads. Key Requirements: - Professional: The logo should represent my company image and values. - Suitable for Embroidery: The final design should be suitable f...
We are seeking a proficient frontend developer to build a user-facing application using and TypeScript. This project focuses on creating a robust and interactive user interface that consumes data from a pre-built backend via a RESTful API. The key objective is to develop a responsive, well-designed frontend that allows users to seamlessly interact with the various functions provided by the backend. This application will support multiple business areas and will be multilingual, requiring support for English, Spanish, and Arabic. Key Requirements: Multilingual Support: Full implementation for displaying and interacting with the app's content in English, Spanish, and Arabic. Framework: Language: TypeScript API Communication: RESTful API (JSON f...
I am looking for a talented C# and C++ developer for an undisclosed project. The specifics of the project, including the development environment and main function of the software, are still to be determined. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in C# and C++ - Experience with desktop application development, game development, or system utility software Preferred Development Environments: - Visual Studio - JetBrains Rider - Eclipse CDT Please note that the project type and development environment will be finalized during our discussions.
I'm seeking a music producer to record my vocals. I have the piano laid down already, so I just need my vocals added to it. I want to do this in person. Ideal skills and experience: - have a London studio - Experience in vocal recording - Ability to deliver clean, clear and pitch-perfect vocal tracks