How much does a freelance translator charge仕事
I am looking for someone who could potentially become the COO of my digital marketing company, starting off working freelance first. They need to be a native Japanese speaker, also living in Osaka, so we can have a hybrid work flow of in persona and remote 職務詳細: - 会社の日常運営を監督し、すべての部署が効果的に協力して会社の目標を達成することを確保する - CEOやその他の幹部チームメンバーと緊密に協力し、成長・成功戦略を開発・実行する - 会社の事業計画の開発・実行を監督 - 部署長やチームを管理し、目標・ターゲットを達成するために動機付ける - 効率・生産性を向上するためのプロセス改善を特定し実施する - 市場動向・競合状況を監視・分析し、競争優位を維持する - 重要な顧客・パートナーとの関係を維持・開発する - 会社が財政的に安定・利益を上げるための財務・予算管理プロセスを管理する - マーケティング・広告キャンペーンの開発・実施を監督する - 社員にリーダーシップ・指導を提供する - 業界イベントやネットワーキング機会で会社を代表する 必要なスキル・属性: - 素早く学習することができる - 自己主導型 - 高いコミュニケーションスキル - 新しいソフトウェアや技術を学び使用することを好む 必要なスキル・属性: - 素早く学習することができる - 自己主導型 - 高いコミュニケーションスキル -...
英日翻訳をしてくたさる方を探しています。 文字数は661文字。 分野は"宝石・ジュエリー"です。 高い品質を提供していただけた場合には、その後1400文字のプロジェクトをお任せいたします。 ご入札の際は、日本語にて希望単価、納期、宝石やジュエリー関係の翻訳経験の有無をお知らせください。 よろしくお願いします。
I represent a company in Mexico that manufactures Latex Balloons and I'm in Japan to visit clients in Tokyo and Osaka to discuss about buying plans for 2020. I will need translation support on Wednesday 20th of November from 12:00 pm in the noon till 4:00 pm in Tokyo and then I will need translation support on Friday 22th in Osaka (Full day translation service). I will appreciate someone who have experience in business meetings.
...【こういう方がピッタリ!】 ゲームのグラフィックデザインを担当した経験をお持ちの方 英語が流暢な方(※オプションです。) アニメ系のデザインに特化したスキルをお持ちの方 フリーランス経験のある方 締め切りを守れる方など 【Job description】 We are currently looking for a Japanese graphic designer who can help us create some graphic design for our Japanese game review site! it would be ideal if you are experienced self-motivated can create Japanese anime-themed comical designs would like to be a freelancer 【Details】 Job title: Japanese graphic designer (Freelancer) Certification: experienced. Place of work: Unspecified work hours: Unspecified Salary: Negotiable but it depends on the experience level 【Work Contents】 We currently have an open position for a Japanese graphic designer who can help us out create web designs for our Japanese game review site. what you would ...
Hello, こんにちは。 こんにちは、ウィリアムと言います。初めまして 最近は電動一輪車をオンラインで販売するためのSHOPIFYウエブサイトを作ってもらって日本語に翻訳してSEOもやってもらいたいのだからMahanacorpに連絡を取ろうと思いました。 必要なのは: ーウエブサイトは今の状態で英語で書いてあるのでまずはその英語から日本語の翻訳がしてほしい。翻訳はただの直接翻訳ではなくて、日本文化を含めて正しいキャッチフレーズを考えてほしい。 ーそうしたら日本グーグルとヤフージャパンでいいランクになるように正しいキーワードとかインプルーブSEOもやってほしいのです。 ウエブサイトは: ウエブサイトをアックスするのパスワードは:miraigaijin 製品は電動一輪車です。Miraiwheelのフェースブックとインスタグラムも確認したらブランドのイメージもわかりやすくなるかもしれないです。 フェースブック: インスタグラム:
...Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any existing content or article already submitted ・Submitting products that copied from any result from automatic translation tools or software ・Reprinting or leaking of any contents to a third party Plagiarism is crime, and please be aware that there is a case of termination of the contract and legal procedures when such act including "copy and paste" would be discovered.
...Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any existing content or article already submitted ・Submitting products that copied from any result from automatic translation tools or software ・Reprinting or leaking of any contents to a third party Plagiarism is crime, and please be aware that there is a case of termination of the contract and legal procedures when such act including "copy and paste" would be discovered.
...Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any existing content or article already submitted ・Submitting products that copied from any result from automatic translation tools or software ・Reprinting or leaking of any contents to a third party Plagiarism is crime, and please be aware that there is a case of termination of the contract and legal procedures when such act including "copy and paste" would be discovered.
...Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any existing content or article already submitted ・Submitting products that copied from any result from automatic translation tools or software ・Reprinting or leaking of any contents to a third party Plagiarism is crime, and please be aware that there is a case of termination of the contract and legal procedures when such act including "copy and paste" would be discovered.
英語から日本語への非常に簡単な宣誓書(150語)を翻訳したいと思います。 すべての応募者は日本語のネイティブスピーカーでなければならず、強力な英語力が必要です。 いかなる代理人またはチームも、例外なく! 予算:$ 5.00 USD(そしてすばらしいレビュー!)、ターンアラウンド:即刻
私たちは手書き出来るAndroidアプリを探しています。 よいAndroidアプリをご提案くださった方を採用します。 求めるアプリの条件 1: LINUXまたはAndroidOSである 2: それは画像保存できる 3: Android対応(iosは不可) 紹介できるアプリをご存じでしたら連絡ください。 ありがとうございます。 【google翻訳】 We are looking for an Android application which can input handwriting. We will adopt those who suggested a good Android application. Required application conditions 1: It is LINUX or AndroidOS 2: It can save images 3: Android compatible (ios not allowed) Please contact us to know which app you can introduce Thank you very much.
8600 symbols. 7,5 pages. Text translated by foreign translator agency to Japanese. Need to check it and edit to Natural Japanese language (by native speaker). Mark all edited paces so we could see. Only Editor with native japanese is accepted. 文字数は8600字 ページ数は7,5ページ 外国人が通訳したテキスト(自動ソフトではありません) 自然な日本語に直してほしいです。不自然なところやわかりずらい所の訂正をお願いします。 訂正したすべてのところに色付けてください。 日本語のネーティブスピーカーのみに依頼しますので、ご注意ください。
Hi, we are a Spoken Japanese Teaching Institute and require native Japanese speaking female voice artist/singer, who can sing rhymes in Japanese in a vibrant voice. Open to bidding for child singers who can sing close to good pitch and bit, not so much professional welcome too.. Thank you. 日本語で歌を歌って頂ける方を探しております。 弊社はオーストラリアにて日本語を子供達に教える仕事をしております。音楽の力で子供達に日本語を教えるプログラムを実施しており、今回オリジナルの曲を自主作成することになりました。そこで、歌が上手な方、特に元気な声、明るい声、聞き取りやすい声の方を探しております。子供の方でも歌が上手に歌えれば大丈夫です。ご連絡をお待ちしております。 I need a person, who can at least communicate with me understandably... I will provide you reference track and backing track soon. This will only be for a selection process, if we like your voice, there is future work, so bid accordingly..
Were currently looking to have a personal letter translated from English to Traditional Chinese. It is important that the translator has the key ability to translate the personal letter to an extent where the Chinese reader and understand the message clearly and that everything coherent.
I have a upcoming project of Japanese to English translation. Will you accept the deal, if yes how much you charge? Please keep in mind its a huge project so tell me minimal so that client can also agree and work should not be given to other contractors. If yes please provide below info: - Rate Per Japanese Character: - Daily Output: Again i am telling you that its a very long project so please keep the amount as minimal as possible. please translate Sample Text: Make sure the quality should be excellent. "QD51 (高硬度耐熱耐蝕鋼)" SUS440C相当 アルマイト(白) ズブ焼き セラミック溶射 なし パーカーライジング ユニクロメッキ レイデント "低温黒色 クロムメッキ+特殊フッ素樹脂" 締付工具種類 調質 端部種類 高周波焼入(SUS440C相当 56HRC~) 高周波焼入れ 浸炭焼き 精度 両端おねじ 両端段付めねじ 片端おねじ片端めねじ 片端めねじ 熱処...
I have a multi-language e-commerce site based on opencart. I got non-english products files ( docs ) I'm looking for a helper ( data-entry ) from the document to opencart product page. When I put datas, it shows too much <p> </p>tags and <div> </div>. I hope that <br /> would be used more and <p> would be used less. for example : <p> 既存の高麗人参の皮を剥いた白参よりもサポニン成分含有量が多い。紅参製造機用により多く使用される。</p> <p> <br /> 原産地:韓国産</p> <p> 製品類型:乾燥高麗人参</p> <p> 内容量:300g</p> <p> 品質保持期間:製造日から3年</p> <p> <br /> 保管および使用の注意事項</p> <p align="left" style="margin-left:40pt;"> l 風通しの良い乾燥した場所に保管して使用して下さい。</p...
Need a Japanese translator to communicate with the people from Japan!!!!! というオファーに入札されていますが、犯罪あるいはトラブルに巻き込まれる可能性があります。私は、日本在住のネイティブフリーランサーです。石井正弘と申します。私も以前入札しておりましたが、念のため警察、弁護士に確認してみたところ、絶対にとはいえませんが、マネーロンダリング、脱税、悪質な言いがかりをかけられて虚偽の弁済を求められる等の問題が発生する可能性があります。私は、この事を”alexfomko Ukraine”にそのまま伝えて、てをひきました . ご判断は、もちろん貴女様の自由ですが、同じアジアの人間として一言十分注意されるよう進言いたします。お忙しいところ、ご無礼いたしました。
I'm looking to kickstart my freelancing journey as a copywriter. I need an experienced freelancer who can guide me through the process, help refine my skills, and assist in finding potential clients. Skills in SEO and digital marketing would be a plus.
I am looking for a person who is currently located in US. I am looking for a dependable individual to assist with receiving, setting up, and providing technical support for laptops on a daily basis. This role requires someone with strong technical expertise to handle the physical setup, troubleshoot issues, and provide on-demand support. The position does not involve remote work or user training; the focus is solely on managing laptops and offering technical troubleshooting assistance. Key Responsibilities: Receive and set up laptops as they arrive. Provide troubleshooting and technical support for hardware and software issues. Ensure proper configuration and functionality of laptops before use. Ideal Candidate Requirements: Stable shipping address to recei...
Overview: Our business is seeking a skilled freelance mobile app developer to assist with the final development and refinement of our NFC inventory identification app, preparing it for launch at the end of February 2025. The project involves enhancing existing functionality and building new screens related to subscription options. Your expertise will help us deliver a polished, user-friendly, and robust app for both iOS and Android platforms. Scope of Work: 1. Enhancements to Existing Functionality You will work on refining and optimizing the existing features of the app, including: • Registration Page Edits: Implement changes as per spec to include reference and acceptance of T’s and C’s. • Forgot Password Functionality: Implement and integr...
I am looking for a dependable individual to assist with receiving, setting up, and providing technical support for laptops on a daily basis. This role requires someone with strong technical expertise to handle the physical setup, troubleshoot issues, and provide on-demand support. The position does not involve remote work or user training; the focus is solely on managing laptops and offering technical troubleshooting assistance. Key Responsibilities: Receive and set up laptops as they arrive. Provide troubleshooting and technical support for hardware and software issues. Ensure proper configuration and functionality of laptops before use. Ideal Candidate Requirements: Strong technical acumen, especially with laptops and related hardware. Proven experience in trouble...
Hello, Introduction: We are looking for an experienced developer to collaborate on an innovative SaaS project designed to simplify administrative and commercial processes for a high-potential sector. The project includes advanced features such as automation and AI-based analysis tools. If you are passionate about SaaS technology and have expertise in web development and API integration, we would love to hear from you. Main Responsibilities: You will be responsible for: Designing and structuring an MVP tailored to user needs. Integrating key features, including automation tools and data generation. Creating an intuitive web and mobile interface. Leveraging APIs to maximize efficiency and streamline development. Required Skills: Technical skills: Front-end development: React.js, ...
I have a digital map that needs to be digitized into lines and polygons and output as a shapefile. The map is in a digital format (PDF, JPEG). Key requirements: - Medium level of detail: The digitized lines and polygons should be of a medium level of detail. - No specific features prioritization: The digitization does not need to prioritize any specific features, such as roads, land use, or boundaries. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in GIS software and map digitization - Experience in creating shapefiles - Attention to detail for medium level digitization
We are seeking a skilled freelance researcher to investigate allegations of corruption and misconduct by bureaucrats in the Tweed Shire Council. The findings will be used to support a community-led campaign advocating for accountability and transparency in local governance.
**Setting up a RAG AI agent to retrieve information from my library, consisting of PDFs, images, and PDFs that include images / Managing conversation follow-ups.** I am a self-employed assistant (sole proprietor) in the sports field, and much of my time is spent answering questions related to sports and nutrition programs. This is the part I would like to automate: ### The process should be as follows: 1. The user submits their question to a chatbot (Telegram): they can send a written text, a voice message, or even a photo or a document. 2. The incoming message is sorted and analyzed: - If there are documents, they are stored in a G-Drive folder, and a Google Sheet is updated with columns for "timesta...
Delivery Cost Mapping for WooCommerce example below Base Pricing by County and Weight Tier County Light (€) Medium (€) Medium Heavy (€) Heavy (€) Very Heavy (€) Fastway (€) Dublin 20 30 60 80 100 10 Cork 25 35 65 85 105 10 Galway 22 32 62 82 102 10 ... (Repeat for all 26 counties but different pricing per county excel be provided) Fastway Note: If all items are Fastway-eligible, apply a flat €10 delivery rate. Product that this applies too already done (and live like this) SIte already has fastways setup done, plust there is enquiry only about products which can't be ordered on the site. We expanding the setup to have 5 weight classes with each state/county (26 of them) having their own pricing for each weight class. However the surcha...
I'm looking for a web developer to create a five-page website that publishes data from Excel, specifically bond characteristics. The pages will include: Main, Bonds Selector, Indices, About Us, and an additional Bonds page. A Figma layout is provided and the task is to replicate it accurately. Key Features: - The website does not need to be responsive or mobile-friendly - Users will only view, not interact with or upload, Excel data Design Expectations: - A minimalistic and clean aesthetic, as opposed to modern or overly sleek designs - Corporate and professional styling is not required, but a clear understanding of minimalistic design is crucial Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in front-end web development - Experience ...
Apto para perfiles de ARGENTINA solamente. Buscamos una diseñadora freelance con atención al detalle y habilidades en diseño gráfico para configurar productos personalizados en nuestra plataforma de e-commerce. El trabajo implica alinear elementos gráficos con precisión, crear plantillas, y estructurar opciones de personalización de forma lógica. Requisitos: • Experiencia en diseño gráfico. • Atención al detalle y cuidado en alineaciones. • Capacidad de razonamiento lógico para organizar opciones de personalización. • Trabajo autónomo y cumplimiento de plazos.
Job Post: Freelance WordPress Website Developer We are seeking a skilled WordPress developer to create a professional website using the Superio – Job Board WordPress Theme. Domain and hosting will be provided. Website Type: Freelancer-based portal for HR and project management. Key Features Required: Candidate Enrolment Page: Landing page for applicant tracking and onboarding, similar to basic freelancer websites upon Super Admin & Admin Approval. Employee Management: Segregate employees by project, track project tenure, and manage manpower adjustments (additions/removals). Payout System: Auto-generate payslips based on project details. Project Creation: Create new projects with assigned employees, SOPs, and external IDs. Applicant Tracking [optional]:...
Brief for Hiring a Quantity Surveyor We are seeking an experienced Quantity Surveyor with a strong background in construction and utilities to join our team on a freelance basis. The ideal candidate will have expertise in cost estimation, contract management, and project analysis within these industries. Responsibilities: Provide accurate cost assessments for construction and utility projects. Prepare, review, and manage contracts and tender documents. Conduct risk analysis and ensure budget control throughout projects. Liaise with stakeholders to monitor project progress and resolve any financial issues. Requirements: Proven experience as a Quantity Surveyor in construction and utility sectors. Excellent knowledge of procurement, contracts, and finan...
I'm launching a tutoring startup named IQBridge and need an original, modern and sleek logo. The logo should be bright and vibrant, yet catchy and impactful, steering clear of generic designs. Requirements: - Five different logo versions set against distinct backgrounds for diverse collateral. - A complete logo package inclusive of Social Media assets and files in vector, PNG, and transparent background formats. - An abstract element intertwined with conventional education symbols. Ideal Skills: - Logo Design - Graphic Design - Brand Development - Social Media Asset Creation - Vector File Creation Your mission is to create a standout logo that embodies the IQBridge vision. I have attached a few AI generated logos that I liked (but we want something ...
I have a simple marketing plan that I would like you to review. It is imperative that you maintain confidentiality throughout the process. Please delete all files relating to this task once it's complete. Your task will involve: - Providing general suggestions on the plan to improve it Your feedback will primarily focus on: - Suggestions to help increase sales Ideal candidate qualifications: - Experience in marketing with a focus on sales strategies - Ability to provide clear, actionable feedback - High level of professionalism and discretion Please note, the scope of this project does not require deep analysis or a focus on specific areas of the plan. I am looking for a general review and suggestions for improvement.
I am looking for a skilled developer to create an MVC .netcore site for my online business. My ideal candidate will have experience with .netcore and be able to work with me to bring my general vision to life. The site will be targeted to professionals wo will invite their clients to construct a legal document for the client (a Will, Power of Attorney and the like). The professionals (eg accountants, planners etc) will need to become members of my site and it will record their details and any staff details. Once the professional becomes a meber I will have the ability to set how much of my fees will be paid to the Professional member OR the professional member will be able to say any employee of theirs may instead receive the fees instead of th...
Cerco Social Media Manager per Gestione Account LinkedIn Siamo alla ricerca di un freelance esperto nella gestione di LinkedIn per supportare un nostro cliente nella creazione e ottimizzazione della sua presenza professionale sulla piattaforma. L'obiettivo principale è aumentare la visibilità del profilo e generare lead qualificati. Responsabilità principali: • Creazione di un piano editoriale mensile per contenuti pertinenti e professionali. • Pubblicazione regolare di post, articoli e aggiornamenti aziendali. • Ottimizzazione del profilo LinkedIn (foto, descrizione, titolo, ecc.). • Ricerca e interazione con connessioni di valore per il settore. • Monitoraggio e analisi delle prestazioni con report settimanali. ...
We're seeking an experienced mobile app developer to build a habit tracking application called "Don't Break The Chain" for both iOS and Android platforms. The ideal candidate should have experience with React Native and leveraging AI tools for efficient development. I've created a prototype using and it built it in React and next. This won't work for a mobile app unfortunately. But, I can share the code it gave me so you can replicate it and I also have created a video showing what it does. I want this done quickly, 2 weeks ideally. Here is the video: Required Skills & Experience: 3+ years of React Native development experience Proven track record of publishing apps to both Apple App Store and Google Play Store E...
I have 3 gift box designs that need some adjustments. All necessary artwork and a draft detailing the required changes will be provided. This project does not require any new design work; I simply need someone to follow the supplied instructions. - Gift Box 1: 4 different styles - Follow the draft file named ''Redesign of Gift Box 1 - Draft'' - Gift box 2: 1 style - Follow the draft file named ''Redesign of Gift Box 1 - Draft'' - Gift Box 3: 1 style -Follow the draft file named ''US Gift Box 3 - DRAFT'' Specifically, the changes to be made include: - Modifying the placement of logos - Updating some text The files that need changes will be supplied in PDF format. The final design needs to be delivered in PDF format...
We are seeking a dynamic and resourceful Influencer Manager to join our team on a freelance basis. You will be responsible for identifying, managing, and collaborating with influencers to drive brand visibility, Improve sales, engagement, and conversions. This role requires a blend of strategic planning, relationship management, and campaign execution expertise. Responsibilities: - Influencer Identification & Outreach - Research and identify influencers across various platforms (Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, etc.) that align with our brand values and target audience. - Build and maintain a database of potential influencers, categorizing them based on niche, audience demographics, and engagement levels. - Initiate outreach and establish relationships wi...
Would like get a software program to track instructor and student timing across different modules in a truck driving training environment can be highly beneficial for ensuring efficient learning, performance tracking, and improved curriculum management. Here’s a breakdown of key features and functionalities that you might want to consider a program: 1. User Roles and Access Control: Instructors: Can view student progress, assign modules, and monitor the timing for each task. Also, The maintain a proper daily work of an instructor with students name and DL number Admin: Can manage users, Can see registration details of the students, oversee training schedules, generate reports, and make adjustments to the curriculum. 2. Core Features: Module Tracki...
i have mercury cds g3 202...reskin software and change admin control panel ui/ux change (add on subscription system saas ) I'm looking for a skilled software developer to bypass the online activation of my Mercury CDS G3 2024 software, reskin the UI/UX, and update the admin control panel. Key tasks: - Bypass online verification for software activation - Perform a comprehensive UI/UX reskin - Modify the admin control panel Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience in software modification and reskinning - Strong skills in UI/UX design - Ability to implement secure and efficient software solutions Please note, the main goal is to bypass software activation. The project does not include adding a subscription system. Prior experience with simil...
I need a professional translator from Korean to Thai. The specific type of text and its length are currently undetermined as I am still in the process of gathering the content. Only bid Thai native, include the "Korean" in your bid Thanks
I'm in need of a freelance Graphic Designer to collaborate with me on creating striking designs for both digital and print marketing materials. The primary focus will be on designing print materials like brochures, with the ultimate goal of boosting brand awareness through our digital advertisements. Key Responsibilities: - Craft visually appealing designs for social media posts, banners, brochures, logos, and advertisements. - Work closely with the marketing team to ensure all designs are in line with a newly developed brand identity. - Meet project deadlines while maintaining high-quality standards. - Bring fresh, innovative ideas by staying updated with current design trends. Requirements: - Proven experience as a graphic designer (please provide port...
...affecting the Oracle RAC. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in Oracle RAC, with proven experience in troubleshooting network connectivity issues. Experience with Java connectivity is a plus. The goal is to restore stable network connectivity and prevent future interruptions. The problem I am encountering is Java programs keep encountering 'The Network Adapter could not establish the connection at ()'. However the issue does not happen when Toad connects to the RAC. The problem happens intermittently when there is heavy load. There are multiple servers which are connected to this 3 node RAC server. Each time we need to reset the firewall and the problem goes away for a while and then comes back on again. Ideal person is
We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Email Deliverability Specialist to join our team. Your primary responsibility will be to ensure the successful delivery of email campaigns to the recipient's inbox while maintaining a high sender reputation and compliance with email marketing best practices. This is a freelance/remote position with flexible hours. Key Responsibilities: Email Deliverability Optimization: Monitor, analyze, and improve email deliverability rates. Identify and resolve deliverability issues, including spam filtering, blacklisting, and sender reputation concerns. Sender Reputation Management: Manage IP warm-ups and authentication protocols (SPF, DKIM, DMARC). Maintain a positive sender reputation across various domains. E...
Hi, I hope you are doing well. I read your job description very are doing well. I read your job description very carefully. You need an expert of "YouTube SEO" I am a professional social media expert such as (Facebook,YouTube,TikTok,Instagram,Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest)Marketing, SEO(off page and on page) and others. I have 4 years+ practical working experience on this. >>>>My tremendous service <<<< 1. SEO related title and description 2. Niche related effective hashtag research 3. 100% organic engagement to grow high quality online presence 4. Channel profile optimized and proper video SEO 5. Promotion and back links to reach more views, like, comments and subscribers No hesitate to message me to discuss more about project. T...
3x videos supplied Video "1" 16min raw footage, 1 hr work Video "2" 1h40m raw footage, 1.5 hrs work Video "4" 23min raw footage, 1 hr work Renders for all 3 will quite possibly take 4+ hours, but I don't charge for render time, simply adding this in for expectations.
I'm looking for a professional developer who can create a macro for my Excel file "Report1". Here's the functionality I need: - When the user clicks the "Select File" button in the Excel file, they should be able to choose the Word document (e.g., "SampleForm1"). The macro should transfer the text fields from the Word file to the corresponding columns in the Excel report. - Additional clicks on "Select File" should add a new row for each new entry. - The Word file uses legacy forms, which may complicate things, but this needs to be handled. Considerations: - The software versions in use are Office 365. - Text fields from the Word file should match with the columns in the Excel file by field name. - If a field ...
My goal was to use AI to create a solid foundation for my website, minimizing the time needed for building and editing. I initially tried Wix AI to generate a new website, but I’m not satisfied with the wording and layout it provided. While I’ve built websites from scratch on Wix before, I don’t have the time to do so right now. I need to create two more websites, and my goal is to use an AI website builder as a starting point to edit from to save time. I also tried the AI website builder from , and the results were great—it produced a website I really liked, with only a few changes needed. However, I’m not familiar with the backend of the platform like I am with Wix, and I’d prefer not to learn a new system si...
...are looking for a skilled freelance developer or a development team to build a fully functional online learning portal. The portal will be developed using React for the frontend and Node.js for the backend, ensuring a seamless integration between the two. The project will involve several key components, including user authentication, course management, video/content delivery, and payment integration. Key Requirements: Backend Development: Set up a RESTful API using Node.js and Express. Implement user authentication using JWT (JSON Web Tokens). Develop a database schema using MongoDB for storing user data, courses, and other relevant information. Create endpoints for CRUD operations on courses and user management. Frontend Development: ...