Free cell phone photo upload site仕事
WordPress Site Issue & Enhancement Request Document for Outsourcing Below is the revised version of your request in a clear and structured format for easier outsourcing. --- 1. Household Income Tab Not Displaying Options (★★★) Issue: On Android devices, tapping the "Household Income" tab does not display any options. Request: Investigate and resolve the issue. Page: [Specify the relevant URL] --- 2. Disable Automatic Profile Entry When Logging in with Google Issue: When users log in via Google, their profile name is automatically entered. Request: Prevent the automatic entry of profile names upon Google login. Page: [Specify the relevant URL] --- 3. Email Language Issue – Remove Default English Version Issue: When a user creates an account usin...
...______________________________________________________ We are looking for a driver for our film crew! This job will run for three months from November to January. It's an easy job that anyone with a standard driver's license can do. You will pick up the film crew in the morning and then head to the location. After dropping off the crew, you will wait in the car, so you will have a lot of free time. After filming is over, you will take the crew home or to the station and your job is done. For drivers with a standard driver's license, you will earn 400,000 yen per month. For drivers with a large vehicle driver's license, you will earn 500,000 yen per month. We look forward to hearing from you!...
...完成してくださった方にも8ドルお支払い致します。 報酬: アンケートを完成してくださった方全員に8ドルお支払い致します。 Native Japanese Amazon Users for Video Survey We need native Japanese Amazon users to participate in a short video survey. The survey results will be used for Japanese Amazon market research. You will get 8$ upon completion of the survey. Requirements: * At least 18 yrs old * Japanese * Live in Japan * Amazon user * Webcam or phone camera Procedure: 1st, there will be a short screening questionnaire to check if you match the requirements. 2nd, you will be asked to complete a short video survey about your Amazon use (10-15 min). 3rd, we will check if you completed the survey as requested. If yes, we will pay you 8$. If there is any missing info, we ask you to do the survey again. Payment: 8$ for successf...
Olá, Estamos recrutando redatores para entrar no nosso time! Você irá compor artigos de curadoria para um site sobre sonhos, espiritualidade, e esoterismo. Tudo já foi definido pela gente, e a estrutura dos artigos já está até montada: você só precisa escrever! Além disso, é você que escolhe quanto quer escrever! Confira os requisitos e os detalhes: Você é: ・Uma pessoa disponível para contato frequente; ・Responsável com prazos; ・Possui facilidade com o pacote Office (Excel, Word); ・Um redator que domina a língua portuguesa; E contribuirá em um projeto que: ・Publica artigos de 1000 a 4000 palavras; ・Paga aproximadamente R$20 a cada 1000 palavras (valor definid...
昨今の時代背景から垣間見える課題点を踏まえ 将来的に必要不可欠となるオンライン化へ切り替える サービス提供は結婚を目的とした出会いを求めている人向けに 新規オンラインシステムのサービスとしての各種必要になる システム機能や構成デザイン等をお願いしたい。 【発注の詳細】 ・Web&スマホ対応。(全国エリア対応) ※ご不明な点等、ご提案いただきました後に、ご説明いたします。 ・開発:各種システム機能の開発 ・開発種別:WEB系 ・システム内容:●参考サイトと同等レベルを希望。 ・必須機能:参考サイトと同じレベルの機能とデザインを希望。 ・類似サイト: ・利用ユーザー(ターゲット): 社外向け(BtoC) ・想定規模:数百人~数万人程度でもOK ・対応デバイス: モバイル デバイス、PC ・指定のサーバー:超格安でも内容が充実しているサーバーを希望 ・画面遷移図/仕様書/設計書: 無 ・予算内訳: 初期開発 / 保守費用 / マーケティングROI費用 ・金額の根拠: 参考情報あり(他社見積り等) ・決裁権: あり ・重視するポイント: 費用 【商談情報】 ・打ち合わせ方法:メール希望 【予算】 ・予算希望金額 イニシャルコスト:サイト参考見積額にて検討 (システム機能開発、設計、デザイン、保守、マーケティングROI、等含む) ・補足 (参考サイト全体の内容規模と構成と見積額の内訳書により検討) 【見積もり時期】なるべく早く。 【納期】可能であれば年内。 【その他詳細】 WEB開発(スマホ対応)・システム開発、設計、デザイン、各種機能等、 記載内容にてご対応できる企業様・個人様を希望。 ※(一部、外注でも可能) ※(男女問いません) お手数をお掛け致しますが、 お見積りのご提案を頂けますと幸いで御座います。 ※お見積りの詳細項目内容ですが、一式表...
SDL is Product and Service Public Company. Over the past 25 years we’ve delivered transformative business results by enabling powerfullynuanced digital experiences with customers around the world. We are looking for passionate, collaborative and creative people to join our team. We are spreadacross 55 offices in 38 countries yet we still manage to keep a small company feel. About Us - SDLアメリアは、ソフトウェアテスティングサービスのリーディングカンパニーです。 ただいま、ソフトウェアのQAテスターを急募しています。様々なデバイスを使って、ソフトウェアのQAテストを担当していただきます。都内のグローバルIT企業のオフィスでのお仕事です。 雇用形態:契約社員(契約延長の可能性あり) 勤務地:東京 モバイルデバイスのテスト経験がある方、幅広い種類のデバイス、アプリ、メディアに対応できる方からのご応募をお待ちしています。 <求める経験、スキル> • モバイルデバイス、クラウド、ウェブ、テレビ/ビデオ等のテスト経験、または開発経験がある方(2年以上) • iOS、Android、Mac OSの使用経験がある方 • 分析力、トラブルシューティングのスキルをお持ちの方、細部に注意を払える方、新しいことを学びすばやく吸収でき...
My friend has 200 pics gaming headset at Amazon warehouse, I want to help her to promote and set up a Gaming Headphones Fan Club. The member of this club will get a free gaming headset, delivery by Amazon. We need you provide a Receive name, Address, City, Postcode and a phone number(Optional). Thank you for your time and best wishes. 私の友人はアマゾンの倉庫で200本のゲーム用ヘッドセットを持っています。私は彼女をプロモーションに援助し、ゲームヘッドフォンファンクラブを設立したいと考えています。 このクラブのメンバーは、Amazonによる無料のゲームヘッドセットを手に入れます。 あなたは名前、住所、市区町村、郵便番号、電話番号を受け取る(オプション)必要があります。 私たちに参加してください。 あなたの時間と最高の願いをありがとう。
我々は、Android 、 iOSとWindowsの携帯電話のために本当に良いゲームを開発する必要があります。 我々は提案を開いているし、予算や期間によって制限されています。 私たちは入札メッセージでお知らせください。 We need to develop a really good game for Android, iOS and Windows Phone. We're open to suggestions, and are limited by budget and time period. Please let us know in bid message.
この度はお世話になります。 東京都中央区で開業しております歯科クリニックでございます。 延期、延期になり、皆様へは大変ご迷惑をお掛けいたしましたが、この度、外国人への認知の向上、来院者数の増加を狙い、デンタルクリニックのWeb siteの英語簡略版のWebsite制作をすることになりました。 詳細は以下の通りですのでご覧ください。 尚、ご提案頂ける様でしたら、その際に、過去の実績を何点か 拝見させて頂けましたら非常に幸いでございます。 以上、ご協力いただけます様、宜しくお願い申し上げます。 記 1、 某デンタルクリニックのWeb siteの英語簡略版のWebsite制作 現サイト ・Site構成:①TOP、Why Japanなのか? ②医院紹介 ③歯医者紹介 ③治療紹介 ④クリニック内紹介 ⑤アクセス ⑥問い合わせ等 + 予約画面へのリンク ・英語のテキストは全てこちらから提供 ・骨格はこちらから指定しますので、デザインを主にしてくれる方を希望 2、上記クリニックの多言語版ランディングページ ・Site構成:1ページ。内容は上記のサマリー見たいなもの。1ページを4,5個のセクションに分ける。 ・トップに「お知らせ」や強調ポイントを何枚かのスライド風に流したい。 正直な話、プロジェクトとしての数字が未定であり、レスポンスの反応を見る為に作成致します。よって、少額の予算しかつきませんので、何卒、ご理解いただいたうえで、ご連絡頂けましたら、大変助かります。 希望予算を明治の上、ご連絡願います。 皆様、お忙しい中恐れ入りますが、宜しくお願い致します。
fifteenhex様 お世話になります。 依頼内容は同じです。 よろしくお願いします。 アンドロイド向けのツールアプリなのです...して簡単に使用できるものです。 詳細は添付の仕様書をご確認ください。 参考にしたアプリをお伝え致します。 Angel Browser OneClick Scroll - root iOSアプリですが RotoView RotoView Photo Magnifier 開発の一助になれば幸いです。 このご縁が繋がることを心よりお待ちしております。 何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。
fifteenhex様 お世話になります。 前回も同じ内容で依頼していたSMArt新町と申します。 メールでも問い合わせした件で...して簡単に使用できるものです。 詳細は添付の仕様書をご確認ください。 参考にしたアプリをお伝え致します。 Angel Browser OneClick Scroll - root iOSアプリですが RotoView RotoView Photo Magnifier 開発の一助になれば幸いです。 このご縁が繋がることを心よりお待ちしております。 何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。
ifteenhex様 はじめまして、 日本人のSMArt新町と申します。 日本在住とのことであなた様に興味を持ち、レヴューを拝見...して簡単に使用できるものです。 詳細は添付の仕様書をご確認ください。 参考にしたアプリをお伝え致します。 Angel Browser OneClick Scroll - root iOSアプリですが RotoView RotoView Photo Magnifier 開発の一助になれば幸いです。 このご縁が繋がることを心よりお待ちしております。 何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。
fifteenhex様 はじめまして、 日本人のSMArt新町と申します。 日本在住とのことであなた様に興味を持ち、レヴューを拝...して簡単に使用できるものです。 詳細は添付の仕様書をご確認ください。 参考にしたアプリをお伝え致します。 Angel Browser OneClick Scroll - root iOSアプリですが RotoView RotoView Photo Magnifier 開発の一助になれば幸いです。 このご縁が繋がることを心よりお待ちしております。 何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。
Services Professional Photos, Images, Pictures editing Data Entry & Data Processing Logo Designing & T-shirt Designing Any work with Ms. WORD, Ms. Excel, Ms. PowerPoint Architecture HTML, CSS, PHP FB Cover Photo, Banner Designing
...illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail. -Save file as Adobe Illustrator (ai) file. -Version needs to be CS5 or under. -Object color is one color (C 50, M 50, Y 70, K 0) -Do not take outline of pass. !! Please attach a sample when bidding (both the photo and the illustration) !!...
...illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail. -Save file as Adobe Illustrator (ai) file. -Version needs to be CS5 or under. -Object color is one color (C 50, M 50, Y 70, K 0) -Do not take outline of pass. !! Please attach a sample when bidding (both the photo and the illustration) !!...
I need a skilled photo editor to remove the current background of my photo and replace it with a solid custom color. Ideal skills for this project: - Expertise in photo editing software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop) - Attention to detail - Ability to match the new background with the subject of the photo. Please include in your proposal your portfolio of similar past work.
...users to upload a photo of their prescription, and based on the image, the app will: Extract the prescribed medications using image recognition technology. Compare prices for the medications from various local chemist shops. Display a list of the nearest, most affordable chemists along with their contact details and ratings. Enable users to navigate to the chosen chemist or pharmacy. The application will also have an in-built feature for users to set up accounts to track their prescriptions, purchase history, and receive notifications of discounts or promotions. Additionally, we will include ad placements for monetization, so the app will also require ad integration for banner and full-screen ads. Key Features: Prescription Image Upload: A feature allowing users...
I'm looking for a skilled image editor to take a personal photo of mine and enhance it. Key Responsibilities: - Employ your expert skills in image enhancement to improve a single photo of mine, paying meticulous attention to detail. - Make nuanced adjustments to lighting to enhance the overall look of the photo. Ideal Candidate: - Has an impressive portfolio of past work, preferably with a focus on image enhancements. - Is a professional who can deliver high-quality results with a personal, attentive touch. Please, while applying, make sure to share some of your previous work that demonstrates these skills. Please focus on color correction to improve the photo. The desired final image should have a natural and realistic style.
Hi! I’m Silvio Crisari, Head Coach of the China National Futsal Team, and I’m looking for an experienced designerto create a professional, eye-catching, and inte...own expertise and artistic vision to refine and enhance the final product. Your role will be to combine your design skills with my objectives, ensuring that the business card is not just visually appealing but also premium, functional, and impactful. If you believe you can create a truly high-end, exclusive design that aligns with my brand, I’d love to see your ideas! ?✨ AI-Enhanced Photo Design: I want my photo to be artistically enhanced using Artificial Intelligence, creating a stunning, high-impact visual experience. This should integ...
I am in need of an engineering and design professional who specializes in fuel cell technology for a hydrogen car project. The main focus will be on the design and integration of hydrogen storage systems into the vehicle. Key Responsibilities: - Engineer and design a hydrogen car with a focus on fuel cell technology. - Develop and integrate efficient hydrogen storage systems. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive background in automotive engineering and design, specifically with hydrogen cars. - Deep understanding and experience with fuel cell technology. - Proven track record in designing hydrogen storage systems. - Strong problem-solving skills and creativity in engineering design.
...– Scalable to any size • Square Version – Create a square version for flexibility Digital Platforms Social Media Profiles • Instagram Profile Picture: 320 x 320 pixels • Facebook Profile Picture: 170 x 170 pixels (desktop), 128 x 128 pixels (mobile) • LinkedIn Profile Picture: 400 x 400 pixels (minimum), 768 x 768 pixels (recommended) Social Media Headers • LinkedIn Cover Photo: 1584 x 396 pixels • Twitter Header Photo: 1500 x 500 pixels • YouTube Banner: 2560 x 1440 pixels Website Assets • Favicon: 16 x 16, 32 x 32, 48 x 48, 512 x 512 pixels • Header Logo: 250 x 100 pixels • Mobile Logo: 200 x 60 pixels App Icons • iOS App Icon: 180 x 180 pixels • Android App Icon: 192 x 192 pixels Print Assets &...
I have a personal photo that requires a skilled photo editor. Requirements: - Adjust the arm position of a male in the photo to be by his side. - Make the skin tone of the male match that of a female in the photo. The final edited image should be delivered in JPEG format. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in photo editing software (Adobe Photoshop, etc.) - Strong understanding of color matching and skin tone adjustments - Experience with altering body positions in photos
I'm looking to build a robust e-commerce website that includes a variety of payment options. This site needs to be user-friendly, secure and capable of handling a high volume of traffic and transactions. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive experience in e-commerce website development. - Proficiency in integrating multiple payment gateways, particularly PayPal, Stripe and Credit/Debit Card processors. - Ability to design a site that is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. - Prior experience with SEO and digital marketing strategies will be a plus. I have not yet decided on a platform for this project, so I'm open to your suggestions based on your expertise and past experience. Please provide examples of your previous work in your proposal.
We are seeking a modern, sleek, yet professional design for our injectables business "Inject DDS". The design should be visually appealing, standing out in a remarkable way while maintaining a sophisticated look. Key Requirements: - Prominently feature our company logo in the design. - Utilize an 'elegant' style for the logo and overall design....candidate for this project will have a strong background in graphic design with a portfolio showcasing minimalist and elegant designs. Experience in the health or beauty sector would be a plus. I'm looking for someone who can creatively translate our brand identity into an eye-catching design. Please include medical symbols in the design such as an injection syringe/needle. I have included a reference photo from ...
I need a seasoned WordPress developer to create a unique plugin for my site. This plugin will allow job seekers to upload their CVs and fill out a basic form with their Full Name, Email Address, and Phone Number. Upon submission, they should be directed to a payment page. Once payment is confirmed, the CV is automatically sent to pre-set email addresses. Key Requirements: - The plugin should be delivered as a standalone file, ready for upload and activation. - It must incorporate the Muyassar payment gateway using provided API codes. - Data Validation: The plugin should enforce specific requirements for form fields: - Full Name: only letters - Email Address: must be a valid email format - Phone Number: must consist of digits only Ideal candidates...
I need a professional photo editor to assist with some minor adjustments to my images. The task involves: - Adding a text label as a location tag in the center of the photo. - Resizing the image appropriately for a JPEG format. Please ensure the final resized photo is in JPEG format only. Experience with photo editing software is essential, and a keen eye for detail will be highly valued.
I'm seeking professionals adept at promoting my website development company. Your primary role will be using various communication channels such as Email, Phone calls, and Social Media to generate interest and drive engagement. Key Responsibilities: - Actively convince the clients. - Utilize Email, Phone calls, and Social Media for outreach. - Employ convincing skills to engage potential customers. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional communication skills. - Strong convincing abilities. - Proficient in Email, Phone, and Social Media. The ability to effectively convince and convert the client and generate sales leads is crucial. Experience in technology promotion is a plus.
... Features1. Automated Early Check-In Offer via WhatsApp● Objective: Automatically send a scheduled WhatsApp message to booked guests oneday before their check-in to ofer early check-in along with special perks (e.g., freecofee, and discounts).Functionality:● Setup in Admin Panel:○ Admins can configure the early check-in ofer, including the additional cost (Xamount) and perks (e.g., free cofee).○ Set customizable text for the ofer that can be edited per room type or guestprofile.● Automated Message Scheduling:○ The system automatically schedules a WhatsApp message to be sent to theguest 24 hours before their check-in date.○ The message includes the ofer, a link to confirm early check-in, and paymentinstructions (linked to the payment gateway or QR code).● Guest Response:○ Guests
I'm in need of a talented graphic designer who can assist me over the next 3-4 days. Key Responsibilities: - Primarily photo editing - Corporate style video editing Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop is a must - Experience in corporate video editing - Strong attention to detail and ability to meet tight deadlines - Good communication skills
...and main office space as a shipping container structure. This area should feel functional but also fit within the overall theme of the park. Private Bays for Parties (Driving Range): Each group rents a private shipping container bay to hang out and hit golf balls. The design should reflect this private experience while maintaining the overall open atmosphere. Free Range Hitting Area: At the top of the shipping containers, design a free range hitting area where players can hit golf balls, but their distances won’t be tracked. This area should be visually distinct from the tracked driving range. Driving Range Field: Design a large field with fun, golf-related targets that visitors can aim for. The targets should encourage friendly competition and engagement. Realist...
I'm looking for a graphic designer who can create a sleek, professional Facebook cover photo for me. It should include: - A photo of me - Some text The design needs to be polished and suitable for a professional profile. A keen eye for detail and experience with corporate branding are essential. I would prefer someone who can also provide advice on the layout and phrasing of the text to ensure it fits seamlessly into the design.
...Deployment:** - Provide user and technical documentation (including API documentation and setup instructions). - Deploy the web application on a cloud hosting platform. --- ### 5. Functional Requirements Focus on the "Must Have" features for the minimum viable product (MVP): **User Accounts:** - User registration and login functionality. - Profile management (name, address, profile photo, password, email, phone number). - Wishlist functionality for bookmarking items. - (Optional) Style boards for curating outfit inspirations. **Core Infrastructure:** - Setup of the database and backend API. - Establishment of application architecture. **Product Discovery:** - Homepage featuring personalized recommendations. - Search and filtering options (...
I'm seeking a proficient translator who can translate my e-commerce site from Turkish to English and English to Turkish. The project primarily involves translating web pages, so familiarity with e-commerce terminology and practices will be beneficial. Key Responsibilities: - Accurately translate all web page content from Turkish to English and from English to Turkish - Ensure the translations are suited for an e-commerce context - Maintain the original meaning and tone of the content Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in translating e-commerce websites - Fluent in both Turkish and English - Exceptional understanding of daily, non-specialized terminology - Strong attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines. Please note, this project does not involve te...
I'm facing a critical issue with my OpenCart website. The menu items are not displaying, which is severely impacting user experience and site functionality. The menu is supposed to retrieve data from the database, but it seems to be failing. In addition to fixing the menu, I also need assistance migrating the site to a different server. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Extensive knowledge and experience with OpenCart - Proficiency in database management - Expertise in website migration - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
I need to insert booking in my site. is a B&B and i need to connect , airb&B, vrbo and other tourist platform at my site. I DON'T want to create a new site. i only need to add this function on my site. actualy i add plugin VIK booking, but if you know more better... i do it
I'm seeking an experienced Unity developer who can procedurally create a virtual world terrain based on a three matrices of numbers, to be seen on a laptop, phone and Oculus headset. To start, for this initial MVP, it should be visible as a 3D walkable world on a laptop. In further projects it should bi visible as an AR world on a phone and also via a Google Cardboard type cheap headset, eventually on an Oculus Headset. There will be a starter screen to enter a grid of 5x6 integer numbers, values 0-10. On submission the numbers will be sent to a web api, returning two additional 5x6 matrices of numbers. The first set will be turned into a terrain, numbers indicating height. The second representing surface texture, desert-fertile. The third representing types of flora an...
Web scraping from website - guitar tabs in photo format. Approximately 763 songs. More information in a private message.
I am looking for an experienced AI & Web Developer to create an AI-powered image synthesis platform that allows users to upload a face image and replace it with a face in any given image URL. Core Features: ✅ Face Swapping with AI: Users upload their face image & input an image URL, and AI seamlessly replaces the face. ✅ Social Login Integration: Users can sign in using Google, Facebook, or email. ✅ Instant Processing: The AI should generate results in real-time or within a few seconds. ✅ Monetization System: Implement referral-based earnings and a freemium model. ✅ Secure Cloud Storage: Store processed images securely. ✅ Mobile & Web Compatibility: The platform must be responsive and work smoothly on all devices. Tech Stack Preferences (Optional): ? AI Models: ...
I'm in need of a professional photo editor who can retouch fashion images to match a set of provided reference images. Key Requirements: - Image matching: You'll need to adjust the images to closely resemble the reference images in terms of color, style, and overall appearance. This is a long term cooperation and budget is 1$ per image with a volume of 30-40 images per day. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in photo editing software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom). - Prior experience in fashion image retouching is a plus. - Keen attention to detail for image matching. - Good understanding of color correction - Proficient in layer manipulation and mask usage. I have a set of reference images ready for you to work from. Looking forward to seeing your bids.
As a Site Verifier, you will verify a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) Tianjin, China • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available duri...
I'm in need of an administrative assistant to help with scheduling appointments. You will primarily be managing my Google Calendar, so familiarity with this tool is essential. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Google Calendar - Excellent organizational skills - Strong communication abilities - Detail-oriented - Strong time management skills to prioritize tasks effective...hours. Prefer communication to be primarily through email. The assistant should be very flexible with adjusting working hours for different time zones. The assistant will be responsible for scheduling appointments in different time zones. The assistant will be managing appointments related to consulting. Candidates with mid-level experience in administrative roles are preferred. Communication via phone calls is ...
We are seeking an experienced freelance web developer to build a modern and fully functional WordPress website. The project involves creating a custom WordPress theme that delivers a seamless user experience across all devices and simplifies content management for future updates. Key Requirements: Custom WordPress Theme: Develop a unique, tailor-made theme that aligns with current design trends. Responsive Design: Ensure the website looks and works flawlessly on desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Functionality: Integrate essential features such as a blog, contact form, social media links, and optionally, a newsletter subscription module. SEO Optimization: Implement basic SEO best practices to enhance the website’s visibility on search engines. Technical Profici...
I'm in need of assistance to set up a camera for recording events. The setup involves using one phone for audio output to the camera and another phone as a remote for the camera, which will be placed on a tall tripod. Key Tasks: - Connect a radio or phone to a camera for sound - Ensure the camera is set up for video recording - Position the camera on a tall tripod - Use one phone for audio output and another as a remote - Ensure all devices have sufficient power or are plugged in. - Make sure the tripod is stable and the camera is secure on top. - Set the camera's focus to ensure a clear image. - Test and adjust audio levels to ensure clear sound. - Test the remote control to ensure it properly operates the camera. - Prepare backup equipment in case o...
We need a write script for purchasing items on website, with out design, just script
I'm seeking a talented content writer to help me produce engaging and high-quality content. I am looking for someone with experience in creating compelling narratives and delivering content that resonates with a wide audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in content writing - Strong command of the English langua...format. Include basic SEO keywords relevant to fashion items. The content should cover a variety of fashion items without focusing on specific brands. Please submit the content in a Word document format. The content needs to be delivered within 2 weeks. The content should be written in a friendly and conversational tone. The content should be written in a casual, relaxed, and informative tone. Feel free to use your discretion to create a casual an...
Screen share assist and guidance to correcting several reconciliation errors, under 20, which show up on reconciliation error report. Ideal Freelancer Profile: Good experience with QuickBooks online Simple start Willing to assist in screen share session on hourly basis. 1-2 hours expected for this project Availability to discuss by phone while sharing screens