Formula 1 digital strategy仕事
I am looking for someone who could potentially become the COO of my digital marketing company, starting off working freelance first. They need to be a native Japanese speaker, also living in Osaka, so we can have a hybrid work flow of in persona and remote 職務詳細: - 会社の日常運営を監督し、すべての部署が効果的に協力して会社の目標を達成することを確保する - CEOやその他の幹部チームメンバーと緊密に協力し、成長・成功戦略を開発・実行する - 会社の事業計画の開発・実行を監督 - 部署長やチームを管理し、目標・ターゲットを達成するために動機付ける - 効率・生産性を向上するためのプロセス改善を特定し実施する - 市場動向・競合状況を監視・分析し、競争優位を維持する - 重要な顧客・パートナーとの関係を維持・開発する - 会社が財政的に安定・利益を上げるための財務・予算管理プロセスを管理する - マーケティング・広告キャンペーンの開発・実施を監督する - 社員にリーダーシップ・指導を提供する - 業界イベントやネットワーキング機会で会社を代表する 必要なスキル・属性: - 素早く学習することができる - 自己主導型 - 高いコミュニケーションスキル - 新しいソフトウェアや技術を学び使用することを好む 必要なスキル・属性: - 素早く学習することができる - 自己主導型 - 高いコミュニケーションスキル - 新しいソフトウェアや技術を...
▽目的・概要 こちらが用意した企業のロングリストから、指定企業を抽出していただくプロジェクトです。 ▽ 依頼方法 弊社にて企業名と用途が記載されたエクセルファイルをお渡しします。 その企業がその用途に適した事業を行っているかの選別をしていただきます。 ※間違いなどがあれば、修正作業を細かく行っていただく可能性がございます。 ▽データ入力・収集で使用するツール ・Excel ▽データ入力・収集で求められるスキル ・基本的なExcel操作スキル ・コツコツ丁寧な作業が行える方 ・納期を守る方 ・途中で投げ出さない方(途中で辞められる方が多いのですが、それは避けてください) ・コミュニケーションがこまめに取れる方 ・検索エンジンを活用して情報収集できる方 ▽データの納期 【納期】3-4営業日ほどを考えています ▽データの納品形式 【データの納品形式】Excelファイル ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※反社会的勢力の排除に関する覚書、NDA(秘密保持契約)の締結が可能な方に限ります ※上の締結にあたり住所、氏名を開示できる方に限ります ※データの内容を第三者に漏洩することは厳禁です ▽その他コメント 在宅でできるデータ入力・収集のお仕事です。 仕事内容についてご質問等ありましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください。 たくさんの方のご応募をお待ちしております。 ご応募の際は、以下の質問に回答してください。 Q、ご専門やこれまでのご経験などご教示ください。 Q、現在はどのようなお仕事をされていますか(個人事業主、主婦など)? Q、弊社と反社会的勢力の排除に関する覚書、NDA(秘密保持契約)を締結することは可能でしょうか? (お名前とご住所をお知らせしていただく必要があります) Q、エクセル1行あたりの希望単価をお知らせください。
iOS15/iPadOS 15 アップデート方法、アップデート不具合、iPhone13新機能に関連する記事を依頼します。記事の概要についてなんですが、こちらが提供可能です。複数あるテーマのなかから、得意・書きたいものを選んで執筆いただきます
SDL is Product and Service Public Company. Over the past 25 years we’ve delivered transformative business results by enabling powerfullynuanced digital experiences with customers around the world. We are looking for passionate, collaborative and creative people to join our team. We are spreadacross 55 offices in 38 countries yet we still manage to keep a small company feel. About Us - SDLアメリアは、ソフトウェアテスティングサービスのリーディングカンパニーです。 ただいま、ソフトウェアのQAテスターを急募しています。様々なデバイスを使って、ソフトウェアのQAテストを担当していただきます。都内のグローバルIT企業のオフィスでのお仕事です。 雇用形態:契約社員(契約延長の可能性あり) 勤務地:東京 モバイルデバイスのテスト経験がある方、幅広い種類のデバイス、アプリ、メディアに対応できる方からのご応募をお待ちしています。 <求める経験、スキル> • モバイルデバイス、クラウド、ウェブ、テレビ/ビデオ等のテスト経験、または開発経験がある方(2年以上) • iOS、Android、Mac OSの使用経験がある方 • 分析力、トラブルシューティングのスキルをお持ちの方、細部に注意
私たちは、東京で開催される次回外交会議のためのフリー・メディア/コミュニケーション担当者を非営利的に探しています。 8月20-24日、日本は第4回武器貿易条約締約国会議(ATT)を開催する。 これは、兵器の世界的貿易を規制しようとする条約に関する高水準の多国間交渉である。 詳細はこちら: 我々は、メディア戦略の作成、プレスリリースの作成、メディア・アドバイザリーおよび編集、会議中のメディア調整などを支援しています。 Write press releases, coordinate with local and international media, create media strategy and Coordinate media relations during conference
...※著作権を遵守できる方 ※連絡がマメな方 ※スカイプができる方 ※できたらチャットワークができる方(仕事のやり取りはチャットワークでやりたいです。) 【仕事内容について】 当方が指定する商品やサービスをテーマに沿って記事を書いていただきます。 ※こちらが指定するテーマ(キーワード)に対して、文字数約500文字程度の記事を作成して頂きます。 ※インターネットや書籍などでテーマ(キーワード)について、ご自分で調べていただき、著作権の侵害にならないオリジナルの記事作成をお願いします。 【記事のジャンルについて】 ・美容系(モニターバイト、葉酸サプリ、水素水など) ・ダイエット ・仕事探し ・格安スマホ ・パソコン ・宝くじ ※今後ジャンル展開したいため、増える可能性があります。 【報酬について】 1記事につき150円スタート(500文字程度) 時給1000円以上も可能です。 さらに、長期契約の場合は固定報酬は5,000円以上となるよう依頼を行います。 また、長期で契約、または能力に応じて単価アップ 、及びボーナス(Amazonの商品券)を支給いたします。 【納期について】 依頼時にお願いしますが、3日~1週間でお願いしたいです。 もし、都合が悪い場合は連絡を頂ければ考慮しまので、安心してください。 【応募人数について】 規定に達し次第、締切らせていただきます。 【お支払いについて】 毎月月末締め、翌月10日のお支払いになります。 (10日が金融機関休業日の場合は翌営業日のお支払い) 【応募について】 応募される方は恐れ入りますが、経歴などがわかる簡単な履...
健康サイトにおいての記事作成がお仕事です。 ■下記の案件に当てはまる方を探しています。 体調不良・ダイエット・自転車・ランニング 1記事あたり1000w程度。月10記事程度。 報酬:月/10,000円/ジャンル毎 ■応募希望の方は以下の内容をお送り下さい。 ・簡単な自己紹介 ・作業日時、1日にできる作業時間、ネットに接続している時間帯 ・過去にライティングされた記事 (体調不良・ダイエット・自転車・ランニング) ・メールアドレス ■重要視する点・経験 生活習慣病・ダイエット・自転車・ランニングに詳しく、 記事の内容、タイトルの相談、自主提案のできる方。 ■注意点・禁止事項 他サイトからのコピーコンテンツは禁止です。 ■募集条件 ・1ヶ月10記事の納品が出来る方 ※急用などで納品できない場合は都度ご相談に応じます。 ・エクセル、ワードソフトが使える方 ・報告・連絡・相談をしっかりとして頂ける方
▼詳細 1記事1000文字以上のブログ記事作成・ライティングのお仕事です。 記事のジャンルやキーワードを指定しますので、 ネットにある情報を拾ってきたり纏めたりして記事を作成して頂きます。 ライティングマニュアルや、記事のボリュームアップ3つのコツなどをお渡しします。 ▼文字数 1件1000文字~1200文字の文章+画像や動画 ▼数量 1週間に5件以上を希望しますが、質が高ければ少なくてもOKです。 ▼納品形式 指定のサイト(ワードプレス)へアップしてください。 指定したキーワードや見出しには文字装飾やタグをつけて頂きます。 ▼報酬について 納品完了後、1週間以内(土日祝日除く)にお支払いいたします。 1記事300円。 画像は20文字、動画は100文字としてカウントします。 継続して頂ける方は、10記事ごとに1記事あたり1円報酬アップします。 ▼注意点・禁止事項 ※他サイトからのコピペ行為は盗作になるため、カウントはできません。 (専用ソフトでコピペを調査します。) ※単語を置き換えたり、文章の順番を入れ替えるリライトはOKです。 ※他のクライアントへ既に提案した内容の転用など ※サイト内の記事の転載、再利用等は禁止しております。 ※著作権のある画像や動画は使用できません。 ▼応募方法 簡単な履歴書とチャットワークIDをご連絡ください。
データ入力の作業をして下さるスタッフさんを募集します。 専門的な知識は一切いらず、簡単なパソコンの操作が出来れば大丈夫です。 (エクセルやワードなどの知識がなくてもOK) 報酬は1入力完了で500円をお支払いします。 作業はデータを入力するだけですので、 ゆっくりやっても10分もかからないです。 お仕事の流れ 応募 → 研修プログラムを受けて頂く → 作業開始 → 報酬支払(月締め) 作業に必要なもの -連絡が取れるメールアドレス -インターネットに接続できるパソコン -スカイプ -ヘッドセット(作業を説明する時に使います) より高価な報酬を得たい方、 持続的に在宅で出来る仕事を探されている方には 弊社の他の仕事を割り振ることも可能です。
インターネットサイトのコンテンツ(記事)作成に関する、 在宅ワークのアルバイトさんを募集します。 今回も人数を限定して若干名募集させていただきます。 ■仕事の概要 サイト掲載用の記事を作成して頂きます。 主婦、未経験者大歓迎! 経験がなくても記事を書くのが好きであれば、すぐにでもお仕事をしていただけます。 初期費用、登録費用などのいかなる名目でこちらから金銭を徴収することは一切ありません。 (報酬の銀行振込み手数料も負担致します。) ■仕事内容 こちらが指定するテーマ(キーワード)をもとに、 1記事あたり約500文字の文章を作成して頂きます。 【応募条件等】 ・やる気が人一倍ある方 ・責任感を持って仕事できる方 ・ご自身で調べて記事を書ける方 ・著作権を遵守できる方 (盗用は犯罪です) ・1週間で10記事以上書ける方 ■報酬について ・1記事につき100円 ※ライティング次第で特別ボーナス有(月40記事以上が対象) ・お支払いは月末締めの翌月10日 ■納期について ・毎週1回メールにて納品をお願いします ※週ごとに、ご自分のペースに合わせた作成量を決めて頂いて構いません。 (例) 「今週は、時間に余裕があるので30記事納品します。」 「今週は、用事(育児)が忙しいので10記事納品でお願いします。」 納期だけは厳守をお願いしたいので、無理のないお仕事の量を申告してください。 ■お仕事により得られるメリットについて ・新しい言葉や通常では知りえない知識を得ることが可能です。 ・やればやるだけ収入を得ることができます。 ■応募される方へ 下記全てを記載の上、ご連絡ください。 正式採用者様にはメ...
I require assistance with entering customer information from digital files into a designated system or spreadsheet. The data is currently in Excel and Word formats, with the bulk residing in Word documents. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in data entry - Familiarity with Excel and Word - Attention to detail Experience with handling customer data is a plus. The ability to maintain confidentiality and ensure data accuracy is crucial.
Humble Futures Funded Firm Social Media & Community Marketing Team Budget: $1,200 for 6 months of work, willing to negotiate and change dep...solely rely on upload activity! Who Should Apply? ✅ Teams or individuals experienced in video content creation & social media marketing ✅ Those familiar with **Discord community management** ✅ Designers skilled in **flyer creation and promotional content** ✅ Creative marketers who can engage and grow an online audience How to Apply: Send us your portfolio, relevant experience, and a brief strategy on how you’d help grow our online presence. If you have any previous work and proof of progress for a company, it will greatly help with better pay! We look forward to working with a passionate team to take our marketing to t... media expert to set up and optimize my Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest accounts to help drive sales. My knowledge of online marketing is very limited, so I'm looking for someone who can not only set up these platforms but also provide guidance on how to use them effectively. Key Responsibilities: - Create and optimize business profiles on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. - Develop a strategy focused on driving sales through social media. - Suggest and help implement best practices for online marketing. Content to be shared: - Primarily product photos, showcasing my personalized items. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in social media marketing and eCommerce. - Knowledge of Etsy and how to leverage social media to drive traffic to an Etsy store. - Creativity i...
Role: Graphic Artist / Creative Designer Work status: Part-time, 4 hours per day Job Summary: The Graphic Artist / Creative Designer is responsible for creating visually appealing designs that communicate our brand message effectively. This role involves working on a variety of projects, including digital and print media, and collaborating with cross-functional teams to bring concepts to life. Responsibilities of the position The Graphic Artist / Creative Designer position is tasked to perform the following activities, among others: • Develop creative concepts and designs for marketing materials, websites, social media, and print collateral. • Collaborate with clients and team members to understand project goals and deliver effective design solutions. • Ensure cons... like minded friends on face book. Please explain your approach and the quickest amount of time to achieve total 4000 Seeking a social media person to skyrocket my community to 4,000 friends! If you have a knack for creating engaging content and growing online communities. About Me: I operate cutting-edge digital marketing educational platform that empowers entrepreneurs through a multi-level marketing (MLM) structure. Our platform is designed to educate on effective digital strategies and provide the tools for massive growth in any online business. Ideal Candidate: You should be familiar with MLM giants like Beachbody, Primerica, and Herbalife Nutrition and possess a proven track record on facebook social media accounts, limiting engaging, and building a onl...
...invitation that reflects the beauty and charm of crystals. If you have great design and marketing skills with attention to detail, we look forward to your proposal! 1. Contest Information - Contest Title: Invitation Design for Secret Light’s Grand Opening + QR Form for Registration, Giveaway & Social Media Interaction - Prize: $200.00 USD - Contest Duration: ⏳ 5 days - Objective: Create an elegant and functional invitation that encourages attendance and makes it easy for guests to register through a QR code. ? 2. About the Store & Grand Opening - Store Name: Secret Light - Event Date: ? March 8, 2025 - Time: ⏰ 1:00 PM - Location: ? Rua Peçanha 662 - Loja 16, Centro - Governador Valadares, MG What Attendees Will Experience: ✅ A wa...
We are looking for a WordPress Content Creator to craft engaging and SEO-friendly articles, blog posts, and job descriptions. The ideal candidate should have experience in WordPress publishing, SEO optimization, and keyword research. Key Responsibilities: Write and publish high-quality blog posts (SEO-optimized). Create engaging job postings for hiring needs. Research trending topics an...Write and publish high-quality blog posts (SEO-optimized). Create engaging job postings for hiring needs. Research trending topics and optimize content for search engines. Format and schedule content on WordPress. Ensure readability, grammar, and on-page SEO best practices. ? Requirements: Experience in WordPress, SEO, and content marketing. ? Apply now and help us build a high-ranking content strat...
I'm looking to create a series of Facebook Reels to showcase my digital products. The primary focus will be on delivering information about the products in a clear and engaging manner, so an informative tone is key. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in video editing and content creation - Understanding of Facebook's algorithms and audience engagement techniques - Ability to convey complex information simply and effectively - Experience with digital product promotion Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
I'm looking for an experienced Instagram and Facebook manager who can help me boost engagement on my accounts. Content Creation: - Posting a mix of photos, images, videos and reels - Crafting engaging captions - Appropriately crediting content Account Management: - Scheduling posts - Responding to comments and direct messages in a timely manner - Analyzing performance metrics and adjusting strategy accordingly Skills and Experience: - Proven track record of increasing social media engagement - Excellent content creation and copywriting skills - Strong understanding of social media metrics and analytics - Experience in timely and professional customer service on social media
We are seeking an experienced web developer to create a dynamic platform that connects workers with customers. The website should feature user-friendly interfaces, robust functionalities, and seamless navigation. The project involves full-stack coding and development, ensuring the back-end and front-end are well integrated. If you have a keen eye for detail and a passion for creating impactful digital solutions, we want to hear from you. Please provide your portfolio and relevant experience in similar projects.
I'm seeking a professional who can enhance the visibility of my Facebook group in search results. Currently, I am focusing on organic growth through quality content, but I'm not seeing the reach I need. Key Responsibilities: - Improve the group's SEO to boost its visibility in search results - Maintain the organic growth strategy, leveraging quality content Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience with Facebook SEO - Strong understanding of organic growth strategies - Excellent skills in content creation and curation
...graphic designer to create a series of e-book covers that are visually captivating, professionally designed, and reflective of the respective categories. The design focus is on bold, attention-grabbing titles with a minimal yet relevant background. These covers will establish a cohesive brand identity while differentiating each category through distinct color schemes. Design Requirements Key Themes 1. Bold Titles: • Title text must be the main focal point of each cover. • Use a combination of white and category-specific colors for titles to align with the brand focus. • Typography should be clean, modern, and easy to read. 2. Dark Backgrounds: • All designs should feature dark backgrounds to allow the category colors to stand out and create a premium, ...
...streetwear. ? Think gritty yet polished—strong typography with urban edge. ? I love the early Young & Reckless logo for its boldness and attitude. ? Open to subtle distressing, spray paint textures, or stencil-inspired design (but keep it clean and sharp, not overly grungy). Where the Logo Will Be Used: Branding (website, packaging, promotional materials) Clothing tags, labels, and prints on apparel Digital use (social media, ads, marketing) Deliverables: Primary logo (high-res, vector format) Secondary sub-mark/icon Multiple color variations Editable files (AI, PNG, SVG, and transparent versions)...
I'm in need of a skilled developer to create a Meme Coin trading bot for me. This bot should be able to automatically find co...connect to an external wallet. It should also be compatible with DexScreener. Key features the bot should support: - Trading strategy: The bot should primarily use a trend-following strategy. - Blockchain Networks: It should be able to operate on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon. - Buying Criteria: The bot should consider both price increase percentage and volume increase when deciding to buy. Ideal Skills for the Job: - Experience with creating trading bots. - Knowledge of meme coin trading and trends. - Proficiency in working with DexScreener. - Familiarity with the mentioned blockchain networks. - Understanding of the trend-follo...
...Typography: Clean, easy-to-read fonts conveying intelligence and sophistication - Colour Palette: Suggestive of technology, finance, and trust (e.g., shades of blue, grey, or green) - Iconography (optional): Abstract symbols representing AI, automation, compliance, or seamless connection Logo Usage The logo will be used on the company's website, marketing materials, presentations, and digital platforms. Ensure scalability and adaptability for different formats. Deliverables in PNG Format and Editable Version - Logo - Combination - Black/ - Logo - Combination - Grey/ - Logo - Combination - Colour/ - Logo - Combination - White/ - Logo - Combination Ext - Black/ - Logo - Combination Ext - Grey/ - Logo - Combination Ext - Colour/Trans
I need a creative and skilled designer to create an original male Anime-style OC (original character) for me. This character should not be designated as a hero, villain, or sidekick, but rather be a standalone character with unique traits and features. Would love it in digital art a character that looks like me Ideal skills for the job: - Proficiency in Anime character design - Strong understanding of design principles - Creative thinking and originality - Good communication skills for understanding and implementing feedback Experience with character design in the anime style is a must. Please provide a portfolio of your previous work.
...memorandums and listings. • Develop investment highlight sections that showcase cash flow, appreciation potential, and market advantages. • Craft location highlights that emphasize walkability, transit access, and East Bay lifestyle perks. • Maintain a polished yet dynamic tone that speaks to both investors and owner-occupiers. • Ensure consistency in branding across brochures, email campaigns, and digital listings. Ideal Candidate: • Proven real estate copywriting experience (multifamily/commercial preferred). • Deep knowledge of East Bay markets (Berkeley, Oakland, Alameda, etc.). • Strong understanding of real estate investment terms (cap rates, GRM, NOI, rent roll). • Ability to write in a concise, investment-forward style (no ...
I'm looking for someone to conduct a site visit in Tashkent and capture some photos for personal use. Key Requirements: - Visit to a specific address (details to be provided) - Capture a variety of photos, potentially including architectural structures, local markets and streets, as well as cultural and historical landmarks Deliverables: - Digital files of the photographs taken Ideal Skills and Experience: - Photography experience, particularly in capturing diverse subjects - Familiarity with Tashkent or ability to navigate the city effectively - Good understanding of personal-use photo requirements
User-Facing Features - Food Ordering System - Digital menus with customization options - Order placement and real-time tracking - Push notifications for order progress - Age verification for alcohol purchases - Loyalty program and promotional offers - Room Reservation and Event Management - Real-time room availability with filters - Interactive calendar for scheduling - Integrated add-on services (AV, catering, layout preferences) - Automated booking confirmations and reminders - Event Browsing and Participation - Comprehensive event listings with descriptions - Sorting and filtering of events by type and date - AI-powered personalized event recommendations - RSVP and ticket purchasing integration - Interactive maps for navi...
I'm launching a new kids rental business and need a professional logo that encapsulates the spirit of the business. - Style: The logo should be playful and fun, reflecting the nature of the business. - Colors: It must incorporate bright and vibrant colors. Ideal skills for this project include graphic design, brand strategy, and a knack for creating engaging and memorable visuals. Experience in designing for children's brands or the retail sector would be a plus.
I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to create eye-catching, vibrant and colorful YouTube graphics. The project includes: - A channel banner - Video thumbnails - A channel logo While I do have some existing branding elements that need to be incorporated, there's also room for creative input. Ideally, you should have: - Strong graphic design skills, particularly in creating digital content. - Experience with YouTube graphic design. - Ability to incorporate existing branding elements into new designs. - Creativity and a good understanding of vibrant and colorful design styles. Please provide samples of your previous work, specifically any YouTube graphics you've designed. I'm looking for someone who can bring energy and professionalism to my channel...
I need an expert to help interpret a digital map that indicates water depth locations from a recent geological survey. The map is in JPEG format and needs to be read for specific water depth locations. Ideal candidate should be proficient in cartography and have strong understanding of geological surveys, particularly in relation to underwater mapping. - Specific Focus: Water depth locations and also quantity of water - Format: Digital file, JPEG - Software/Format: Image file (JPEG, PNG) Please bid if you have the necessary skills and experience.
I'm looking for a professional PowerPoint designer with a strong understanding of market analysis and strategy development, to create a compelling Go-To-Market proposal deck. Key Requirements: - Design a PowerPoint deck targeting clients/customers with a focus on: * In-depth market analysis * Comprehensive marketing strategy * Detailed sales plan - The deck should be visually engaging and easy to understand for the target audience. - Prior experience in creating business proposals and a strong understanding of market analysis is preferred. Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in PowerPoint - Strong market analysis skills - Experience in designing business presentations - Ability to simplify complex information for a non-expert audience - Creative design skil...
I'm seeking a digital marketing expert with significant experience in promoting legal services and generating leads. Key Requirements: - Create and implement a comprehensive digital marketing strategy focused primarily on lead generation. - Manage and optimize our presence on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Ideal Skills: - Proven track record in content marketing, SEO, and social media marketing within the legal sector. - Excellent understanding of lead generation techniques and strategies. - Strong expertise in using social media for brand awareness.
Hi there. Would you please fix this website code for the Chrome add-on Stylus? () or... () ... Both are doing the same thing - I love to use Stylus. This is the code and the website have some visual bugs because the code is from March 06, 2020. This is the source () This is the code: @-moz-document domain("") { @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { body { background: #222; color: #d7d7d7; } #header, #footer { background: unset; } #header { position: fixed; z-index: 1000; background-color: #000; } #gservices { padding-top: 80px; background-color: #131313; } #grandwrapper, #screen { border: 0px; background-color: #000; } #grandwrapper { padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; } .head1, .head2, .head3, .head4 { color: #fff !important; } .head1 { color: #b1b1b1 !impor...
I'm looking for a NinjaTrader indicator that identifies and marks supply and demand zones. This indicator should work with the Ninja strategy builder for trade entries. It should also generate buy/sell signals based on price action patterns. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in NinjaTrader platform - Experience in coding custom indicators - Deep understanding of price action patterns - Familiarity with Ninja strategy builder Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed in the past.
I'm looking for a custom Excel template to organize my extensive s...looking for a custom Excel template to organize my extensive sports memorabilia collection. The collection includes various types of items, such as: - Autographed items - Trading cards - Game-used items - Pop figures - Jerseys - Balls - Movie memorabilia The template should be user-friendly, allowing for easy input and tracking of each item. Ideal candidates should have experience in creating digital templates, preferably for memorabilia or similar collections. Skills needed: - Advanced proficiency in spreadsheet software - Experience in template creation - Knowledge of sports memorabilia is a plus. Please submit your proposal if you have the required skills and experience. I am not looking to create a ...
...Implementar técnicas de optimización y normalización para asegurar el rendimiento y eficiencia de la base de datos. - Asegurar la integridad y seguridad de los datos mediante la implementación de protocolos adecuados. - Colaborar con el equipo de desarrollo para integrar APIs y servicios de terceros. - Garantizar el cumplimiento de las normativas y regulaciones del mercado automotriz y comercio digital. - Documentar el diseño y desarrollo de la base de datos. - Definir el stack tecnológico ### **Requisitos:** - Experiencia 7+años en diseño y desarrollo de bases de datos, preferentemente para e-commerce o marketplaces. - debe demostrar su experiencia - Sólidos conocimientos en bases de datos relacionales (SQL) y no r... pesticides to help me create a concentrated liquid bio organic fertilizer specifically for my chilli crop. This formula should also help to combat various fungal, viral, and bacterial diseases that typically afflict chilli plants. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a concentrated solution of liquid bio organic fertilizer - Create a formula that targets specific diseases: - Fungal: Powdery mildew, Anthracnose, Fusarium wilt, Phytophthora leaf blight, Choanephora blight - Viral: Chilli veinal mottle virus (ChiVMV), Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV), Leaf curl virus, Begomovirus, Potyvirus, Tospovirus - Design a liquid soil conditioner formula The ideal candidate for this project should have a strong background in chemical engineerin...
I am seeking a seasoned Google Ad expert to manage my campaigns. The main goal is to generate valuable leads - specifically, contact form submissions. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in Google Ads management - Focus on lead generation - Expertise in converting leads to contact form submissions - Excellent understanding of digital marketing strategies While there's no immediate deadline for this project, I am looking for quality work that can consistently deliver results over time. Your task will be to optimize ad performance and lead conversion rates for my Tallahassee Kitchen website.
...managed, sent, and followed up with each customer. Also provide a tracking number to customers and setting up the carrier for the packages. Optimize Content Listing Optimizing content listing involves things such as headlines, calls to action, the content listing’s body, and others. They often make up the difference to a customer buying from you or not. Virtual assistants specializing in SEO and digital marketing can help with this. Providing Answers to Customer Questions Amazon and many other e-commerce platforms are customer centered. That means you must reply to questions as soon as possible. Your VA can take care of this, quick enough in answering customer questions accurately, eagerly, and professionally. Replying on Amazon Reviews Reviews are essential in business,...
Hi there, I offer brainstorming and idea services on Fiverr and am looking for an experienced marketer to help me promote my gig on TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and possibly Facebook (still deciding on that platform). Your task will be to create and implement a targeted marketing strategy to drive traffic and sales to my Fiverr gig. I am open to creative ideas, viral content, and ads that effectively showcase my services to the right audience. What I’m Looking For: Someone with proven experience in social media marketing, especially TikTok, IG, and Snapchat. A clear, results-driven approach to making this campaign profitable. Strong communication and the ability to track and report results. Why This Matters: If this project is a success and proves to be profitable, I have s...
We are seeking a high-level SEO expert with a proven track record of driving organic growth for dental offices. This is a freelance opportunity for a specialist who follows best SEO practices, understands the nuances of local SEO, and can...SEO tools (Ahrefs, SEMrush, Moz, Screaming Frog, etc.). ✔ A data-driven mindset with the ability to provide detailed SEO reports and performance insights. ✔ Strong communication skills and ability to collaborate with content writers, web developers, and marketing teams. Preferred Qualifications: ⭐ Experience with multi-location dental practices or DSOs. ⭐ Familiarity with HIPAA compliance in digital marketing. ⭐ Knowledge of conversion rate optimization (CRO) and patient lead generation. ⭐ Google Analytics & Google Ads certification is a plu...
I'm in need of a skilled freelance copywriter who can create engaging and reader-focused articles for me. I will provide the topics and I need you to follow my proven article creation formula. Your writing should be friendly and conversational, speaking directly to the reader. Responsibilities: - Write content that is personable and engaging - Adhere to a specific article creation formula for consistency and quality - Use Grammarly to ensure all work is error-free and polished Ideal Skills: - Excellent command of English - Experience in copywriting - Familiarity with using Grammarly - Ability to write in a friendly and conversational tone - Ability to follow specific guidelines and formulas
We are seeking a high-level SEO expert with a proven track record of driving organic growth for dental offices. This is a freelance opportunity for a specialist who follows best SEO practices, understands the nuances of local SEO, and can...SEO tools (Ahrefs, SEMrush, Moz, Screaming Frog, etc.). ✔ A data-driven mindset with the ability to provide detailed SEO reports and performance insights. ✔ Strong communication skills and ability to collaborate with content writers, web developers, and marketing teams. Preferred Qualifications: ⭐ Experience with multi-location dental practices or DSOs. ⭐ Familiarity with HIPAA compliance in digital marketing. ⭐ Knowledge of conversion rate optimization (CRO) and patient lead generation. ⭐ Google Analytics & Google Ads certification is a plu...
Job description Company Description Nevercrox Solutions specializes in delivering conversion-focused web designs, powerful digital marketing, and marketplace growth. The company aims to provide comprehensive solutions to help businesses thrive in the online space. Role Description This is a part-time remote role for a Spokesperson at Nevercrox Solutions. The Spokesperson will be responsible for handling press releases, communication, media relations, and writing tasks on behalf of the company. Qualifications Fluency in both Hindi and English. Experience in public speaking or as a Spokesperson. Strong verbal communication and public speaking abilities. Basic video editing skills to ensure polished content. Professional and charismatic presence on camera. Good understanding o...
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer with a knack for creating engaging digital print materials aimed at youth and teenagers. Your portfolio should prominently feature work that appeals to this demographic.
Somos uma empresa digital que vende suplementos alimentares destinados a homens de uma certa idade para melhorarem seu desempenho com sua parceira. Para este vídeo necessitamos de uma gravação no estilo storys. A atriz precisará estar com algum baby doll ou camisola decotada. As falas são +18 pois referem-se ao desempenho do produto. Por gentileza nos chame se sentir confortável em gravar. Enviaremos por dm o script. Obrigada!
I need an expert in blockchain and web development to create a digital crypto coin named "Digital Goat Coin". This coin will be built on the Binance Smart Chain platform and will be based on a multi-level marketing (MLM) program. Key Requirements: - Develop the Digital Goat Coin on the Binance Smart Chain. - Create a website for the coin with a primary focus on user registration and login. - Implement features like Wallet integration and Transaction history on the website. - Include information about the MLM program on the site. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating and launching a crypto coin. - Strong knowledge of Binance Smart Chain. - Expertise in web development with a focus on user registration and login systems. - Previous expe...