Easy telemarketing job仕事


    2,000 easy telemarketing job 見つかった仕事

    ...いです。 撮影が終わったらスタッフさんを家か駅まで送ったら仕事が終わりです。 普通免許ドライバーの方は月40万円 大型免許ドライバーの方は月50万円 連絡お待ちしてます! ______________________________________________________ We are looking for a driver for our film crew! This job will run for three months from November to January. It's an easy job that anyone with a standard driver's license can do. You will pick up the film crew in the morning and then head to the location. After dropping off the crew, you will wait in the car, so you will have a lot of free time. After filming is over, you will take the crew home or to the station and your job is done. For drivers with a standard driver's license, you will earn 400,000 yen per month. For drivers with a large vehicle driver's license, you will ea...

    $2250 Average bid
    $2250 平均入札額
    2 入札

    This project is for Japanese users who are just starting out on Freelancer.com. Anyone who completes the task will receive a 5-star review, making it a great way to build up your track record. The reward will be $10, so please bid $10. Please note that we cannot accept work from people who do not reside in Japan. こんにちは。 このプロジェクトは、Freelancerで仕事探しを始めたばかりの方、実績作りをしたい方を対象としています。 指定したURLからアプリをダウンロードしていただき、10日間連続でアプリのチェックインをしていただくという作業になります。 ※TikTok Liteをダウンロードしたことがある方はご応募いただけませんのでご注意ください。 ※日本国外在住の方は作業いただけません。 10日間の作業を完了した方には報酬($10)の他、星5つのレビューを致しますので、実績作りに最適です。 気になった方はぜひ応募してみてください!

    $15 Average bid
    $15 平均入札額
    2 入札

    This project is for Japanese users who are just starting out on Freelancer.com. Anyone who completes the task will receive a 5-star review, making it a great way to build up your track record. The reward will be $10, so please bid $10. Please note that we cannot accept work from people who do not reside in Japan. こんにちは。 このプロジェクトは、Freelancerで仕事探しを始めたばかりの方、実績作りをしたい方を対象としています。 指定したURLからアプリをダウンロードしていただき、10日間連続でアプリのチェックインをしていただくという作業になります。 ※TikTok Liteをダウンロードしたことがある方はご応募いただけませんのでご注意ください。 ※日本国外在住の方は作業いただけません。 10日間の作業を完了した方には報酬($10)の他、星5つのレビューを致しますので、実績作りに最適です。 気になった方はぜひ応募してみてください!

    $500 Average bid
    $500 平均入札額
    1 入札

    この度は本案件にご興味をいただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。 本案件では、日本語(Japanese) → フィリピン語(Filipino)への翻訳が可能な方を募集しております。 翻訳の内容としては、Youtubeの概要欄に掲載するチャンネルのプロフィールとなります。 文章作成時のお願いとしては、ご自身での翻訳をお願いいたします。 翻訳サイトの利用は、文法(単語の選びや並び方など)に問題が生じますのでご遠慮ください。 ご対応可能な方は、下記の質問事項への回答と条件掲示の上でご連絡をいただければ幸いです。 いただいた内容を確認の上、ご採用者様には改めて詳細をお伝えさせていただきます。 以上、何卒よろしくお願いいたします。 敬具 ◆ 質問事項 ◆ Q1. 日本語の翻訳経験の有無について教えてください。 A1. ●●。 (※有の方 ⇒ ●年) Q2. 翻訳の希望単価についてお知らせください。 A2-1. 日本語(Japanese) → フィリピン語(Filipino):●円 / 1文字 A2-2. 本件の金額:●●●円 Q3. アピールポイントや質問事項などがあればご記入ください。 A3. ●●●●●(特になければ未記入で可)。

    $19 Average bid
    $19 平均入札額
    11 入札

    I have some translation projects and am looking for translators who can establish a long-term relationship. It's best for those who are beginners and want some experiences for your resume. Since the task is basically easy and long term, the rate will be $0.012 - 0.015 per word. Please leave your bid with your specialized field if you have. I'll contact all but agents. Thank you! 翻訳プロジェクトがいくつかあり、長期間協力していただける方を探しています。 翻訳業を始めたばかりの方や、履歴書に書ける経験をされたい方にぴったりの業務です。 内容は基本的に簡単で、長期ということもあり1単語$0.012 - 0.015で考えております。 コメントいただければこちらからお問い合わせさせていただきます。 専門分野や専門にしたい分野があればコメントに書いてください。 よろしくお願いします。

    $13 Average bid
    $13 平均入札額
    6 入札
    Data Entry -- 7
    終了 left

    業内容 簡単なツールを使ってインターネットから取得したデータをエクセルに入力して下さい。 入力したエクセルの結果からテキストファイルを作成して下さい。 エクセルファイルとテキストファイルを提出して下さい。 簡単な作業です。 詳細は採用後にお知らせいたします。 Enter data obtained from original easy tool to spread sheet in our format. From the result of Excel sheet and original tool, make text data. Submit Excel file and Text file to me. It is very easy task. I will let you know after hiring.

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr 平均入札額
    1 入札
    Data Entry -- 6
    終了 left

    業内容 簡単なツールを使ってインターネットから取得したデータをエクセルに入力して下さい。 入力したエクセルの結果からテキストファイルを作成して下さい。 エクセルファイルとテキストファイルを提出して下さい。 簡単な作業です。 詳細は採用後にお知らせいたします。 Enter data obtained from original easy tool to spread sheet in our format. From the result of Excel sheet and original tool, make text data. Submit Excel file and Text file to me. It is very easy task. I will let you know after hiring.

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr 平均入札額
    7 入札
    Data Entry
    終了 left

    業内容 簡単なツールを使ってインターネットから取得したデータをエクセルに入力して下さい。 入力したエクセルの結果からテキストファイルを作成して下さい。 エクセルファイルとテキストファイルを提出して下さい。 簡単な作業です。 詳細は採用後にお知らせいたします。 Enter data obtained from original easy tool to spread sheet in our format. From the result of Excel sheet and original tool, make text data. Submit Excel file and Text file to me. It is very easy task. I will let you know after hiring.

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr 平均入札額
    18 入札
    Data Entry
    終了 left

    業内容 簡単なツールを使ってインターネットから取得したデータをエクセルに入力して下さい。 入力したエクセルの結果からテキストファイルを作成して下さい。 エクセルファイルとテキストファイルを提出して下さい。 簡単な作業です。 詳細は採用後にお知らせいたします。 Enter data obtained from original easy tool to spread sheet in our format. From the result of Excel sheet and original tool, make text data. Submit Excel file and Text file to me. It is very easy task. I will let you know after hiring.

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr 平均入札額
    14 入札
    Data Entry -- 5
    終了 left

    業内容 簡単なツールを使ってインターネットから取得したデータをエクセルに入力して下さい。 入力したエクセルの結果からテキストファイルを作成して下さい。 エクセルファイルとテキストファイルを提出して下さい。 簡単な作業です。 詳細は採用後にお知らせいたします。 Enter data obtained from original easy tool to spread sheet in our format. From the result of Excel sheet and original tool, make text data. Submit Excel file and Text file to me. It is very easy task. I will let you know after hiring.

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr 平均入札額
    6 入札
    Data Entry -- 4
    終了 left

    業内容 簡単なツールを使ってインターネットから取得したデータをエクセルに入力して下さい。 入力したエクセルの結果からテキストファイルを作成して下さい。 エクセルファイルとテキストファイルを提出して下さい。 簡単な作業です。 詳細は採用後にお知らせいたします。 Enter data obtained from original easy tool to spread sheet in our format. From the result of Excel sheet and original tool, make text data. Submit Excel file and Text file to me. It is very easy task. I will let you know after hiring.

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr 平均入札額
    30 入札
    Data Entry
    終了 left

    業内容 簡単なツールを使ってインターネットから取得したデータをエクセルに入力して下さい。 入力したエクセルの結果からテキストファイルを作成して下さい。 エクセルファイルとテキストファイルを提出して下さい。 簡単な作業です。 詳細は採用後にお知らせいたします。 Enter data obtained from original easy tool to spread sheet in our format. From the result of Excel sheet and original tool, make text data. Submit Excel file and Text file to me. It is very easy task. I will let you know after hiring.

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr 平均入札額
    4 入札

    ...high IT Literacy so that by our tellling you which part corresponds to which part, then you can do the job. JOB This is the job to update the items that comes to the toppage of our 2 online stores. the management system is already set up so yo do not need to use HTMLat all. You just select the item code from our website and set into the system everyday. SKILLS REQUIRED Ability to arrange items in a meaningful, atttractive manner. Lets say if its getting closer to summer, it makes sense to have swimwear. and swimwear matches so well with sunglasses. I would like you to be interested in female sexy apparel and costume. You have to report online everyday via skype that the job is done. This is the requirement. Being able to communiate via ...

    $25 Average bid
    $25 平均入札額
    2 入札

    画像を元にイラスト作成してください。 月に6人分を目安に長期でお願いします。 ※時期により制作していただく量が変動します。 1_弊社より画像をメールにてお送りします。 2_Adobe IllustratorまたはAdobe Photoshopを使用して  弊社よりお送りした元画像を、見本のイラストの様にトレースしてください。 3_データはZip形式で圧縮したファイルをメールでお送りください。 注意事項 ・トレースしたオブジェクトは、Adobe Illustrator(ai)形式で保存してください。 ・バージョンは CS5以下 で保存してください。 ・オブジェクトの色は(C 50、M 50、Y 70、K 0)の1色のみ にしてください。 ・パスのアウトラインはとらないでください。 ※応募される際は、サンプルをお送りください。(元画像とイラストデータどちらも) Need long-term illustrator to make illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail. -Save file as Ad...

    $16 Average bid
    $16 平均入札額
    3 入札

    画像を元にイラスト作成してください。 月に6人分を目安に長期でお願いします。 ※時期により制作していただく量が変動します。 1_弊社より画像をメールにてお送りします。 2_Adobe IllustratorまたはAdobe Photoshopを使用して  弊社よりお送りした元画像を、見本のイラストの様にトレースしてください。 3_データはZip形式で圧縮したファイルをメールでお送りください。 注意事項 ・トレースしたオブジェクトは、Adobe Illustrator(ai)形式で保存してください。 ・バージョンは CS5以下 で保存してください。 ・オブジェクトの色は(C 50、M 50、Y 70、K 0)の1色のみ にしてください。 ・パスのアウトラインはとらないでください。 ※応募される際は、サンプルをお送りください。(元画像とイラストデータどちらも) Need long-term illustrator to make illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail. -Save file as Ad...

    $15 Average bid
    $15 平均入札額
    7 入札

    I'm in need of professional guidance focusing on job search strategies within the technology sector. Key areas of focus: - Comprehensive job search strategies tailored for the tech industry - Mock interview sessions to prepare for real-life scenarios Skills & Experience: - Proven track record in tech industry job placement - Expertise in conducting mock interviews - Strong understanding of current tech industry trends and job expectations

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr 平均入札額
    16 入札

    ...criteria. • Firewall & Antivirus • Confirm that Defender antivirus and firewall are fully operational and configured on company devices. 4. Logging & Monitoring • We are unsure of the detailed logging/alerting level we need, so please recommend a lightweight or default approach. • Rely on Microsoft’s built-in reporting tools—no separate SIEM system. 5. Documentation & Training • Provide written, easy-to-understand guides for both our IT admin (if any) and end users. • Minimal end-user training may be needed—just enough to explain new login processes or restrictions. 6. Timeline & Budget • Deadline: We need this completed within one week of project start. • Budget: We’re a small business, so...

    $75 - $150
    $75 - $150
    7 入札

    I need a sleek, user-friendly e-commerce site designed for selling physical goods. The design should embody a modern, minimalist aesthetic. Key Features: - The site must incorporate product filters and a search function to facilitate easy navigation and enhance user experience. Ideal Skills: - E-commerce website design - UX/UI design with a modern minimalist focus - Proficiency in implementing product filters and search functions Experience with physical goods e-commerce sites will be a plus. Please include examples of relevant past work in your proposal.

    $534 Average bid
    $534 平均入札額
    181 入札
    Trophy icon Pickleball Pavilion
    21 時間 left

    I am looking for a logo for Pickleball Pavilion - a indoor & outdoor pickleball facility. I want it simple and easy to read. Skills and Experience: - Graphic design - Logo design - Creativity and ability to incorporate client's ideas and preferences

    $100 Average bid
    緊急 保証
    291 エントリー

    I'm looking for a skilled HTML developer to create a simple copy of a redirection page to an affiliate, specifically for traffic coming from TikTok. The page should be designed to detect whether the user is on an Android or iOS device and respond accordingly. Key Requirements: - Utilize user agent detection for Android and iOS on TikTok. - Create different temp...provided affiliate links. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in HTML and web development - Experience with user agent detection - Ability to create device-specific templates - Familiarity with TikTok traffic patterns and requirements. I will provide the exact method for the detection and template creation, your role will be to implement the HTML based on this guidance. Please ensure that the templates are easy to understan...

    $20 Average bid
    $20 平均入札額
    53 入札

    I need a talented web designer to enhance the visual appeal and structure of my WordPress webpage, specifical... - Improving the visual design of the site. This includes selecting suitable colors and fonts that align with the overall theme and aesthetics of the site. - Optimizing the layout and spacing of the site to ensure a clean, organized appearance. Ideal skills for this job include: - Extensive experience with WordPress. - Strong knowledge of web design principles, particularly for blogs and articles. - Proficiency in selecting and implementing appropriate visual design elements. - Ability to create an organized and easy-to-navigate site. I expect the freelancer to take the lead in this project, applying their expertise to make my site more visually appealing a...

    $425 Average bid
    $425 平均入札額
    119 入札
    Website Carousel Images Design
    6 日 left

    Graphic Designer for Carousel Image Creation Job Description: We are looking for a talented and creative graphic designer to create a set of eye-catching carousel images for our bingo website. These images will promote various bonuses and incentives to our users. You will be responsible for designing five carousel images, each featuring a unique offer with compelling text content. Key Responsibilities: Design 5 carousel images for a bingo website, each promoting a different incentive (Deposit Bonus, Referral Program, Weekly Raffle, Exclusive Rewards, and Free Trial Bonus). Use modern, visually appealing fonts (including cursive for emphasis where needed) and a style that aligns with our brand's sophisticated and engaging tone. Ensure the text is easy to read, while ma...

    $52 Average bid
    $52 平均入札額
    123 入札

    I'm looking for a skilled web designer to create a user-friendly subscription page aimed at increasing sign-ups for customers with solar panels. The page should primarily feature an easy-to-navigate sign-up form and should include discount offers as an incentive for potential subscribers. Key Requirements: - Expertise in web design and UI/UX principles - Experience with creating subscription-based pages - Ability to incorporate elements to encourage sign-ups, such as promotional offers Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and relevant web design software - Understanding of solar energy and its market trends - Ability to create visually appealing and informative content The goal is to have a seamless sign-up process that ultimately boosts our customer base. A...

    $24 / hr Average bid
    $24 / hr 平均入札額
    131 入札

    I'm looking for a text-based database-like list of daily job openings, specifically focused on remote tech positions in India and the United States. Key Requirements: - Each job listing should include the job title, company, and location, as well as the application link or contact information. - The job listings need to be updated on a daily basis. - The focus is solely on the tech industry. Ideal Skills: - Data collection and curation - Familiarity with the tech job market - Attention to detail - Ability to provide data in a clean, text-based format

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr 平均入札額
    50 入札

    ...themes (e.g., locks, shields, networks). Use a secure and professional color palette (e.g., blues, greys, and whites). we already have the Logo and the branding for the company. Website Development: Build the website using a secure platform (e.g., WordPress, custom CMS, or templates ). Ensure fast loading times and mobile responsiveness. Include SSL/TLS encryption and other security measures. Easy-to-update backend for content management. Content and Structure: Design core pages: Homepage Services Case Studies/Testimonials About Us Contact Us Blog/Resources Integrate forms (e.g., contact form, newsletter subscription). Include clear CTAs (e.g., "Get a Free Assessment," "Request a Quote"). SEO and Analytics: Optimize for search engines (SEO) with meta t...

    $415 Average bid
    $415 平均入札額
    249 入札
    Trophy icon Logo Design for Camera Legacy
    6 日 left

    ...company, Camera Legacy. - Design Aesthetic: The logo should reflect a creative edge consistent with the multimedia industry. The preferred color palette includes shades of blue, white, and gray, which should convey a professional yet dynamic look. - Logo Type: I am interested in a combination logo (text and symbol). The text should be 'Camera Legacy' and the font should be clean, contemporary, and easy to read. - Symbolism: The logo should incorporate elements representing multimedia, specifically using symbols of a camera or lens. - Usability: The logo will be used across various platforms - digital, print, and merchandise. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong portfolio in logo design, particularly in the multimedia industry. They should be ab...

    $10 Average bid
    194 エントリー
    Food Delivery App & Website
    6 日 left

    ...partners, and an admin. Key Features: - User Roles: The app should seamlessly handle different user roles - Customers, Business partners, Delivery partners, and an Admin. - Multi-Platform Availability: The app should be compatible with iOS, Android and also have a web version. - GPS Tracking: Integrate GPS tracking for real-time updates on food delivery. - Cart Facility: Implement a cart feature for easy selection and purchasing of food items. - Payment Gateway: Incorporate a secure payment gateway supporting multiple payment methods including Credit/Debit cards, Digital wallets, and Bank transfers. - Admin Dashboard: A comprehensive admin dashboard for monitoring and managing the app. - Partner Dashboards: Separate dashboards for business partners and delivery partners to track...

    $1282 Average bid
    $1282 平均入札額
    63 入札

    I'm looking for a vibrant and engagi...audience. Key Elements: - Include product images: The design should effectively showcase the pasta and its appeal. - Nutritional information: It’s crucial that the design incorporates clear and accurate nutritional information to promote transparency and health consciousness. - Cooking instructions: The packaging should communicate the ease of preparation, so the design needs to include simple, easy-to-follow cooking instructions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in food packaging design. - Strong graphic design skills, with a portfolio demonstrating fun and vibrant designs. - Understanding of how to effectively communicate information through design. - Ability to translate product features and benefits into appeali...

    $44 Average bid
    $44 平均入札額
    42 入札

    I'm seeking a skilled web developer to create an engaging and user-friendly website for offering live Italian lessons. The site will cater to both one-on-one sessions and group classes, and will need to include a robust scheduling system for managing individual...tools - Knowledge of creating interactive, user-focused platforms Key features of the website will include: - A seamless interface for both instructors and students - A reliable scheduling system for lessons - Potential for future integration of student progress tracking and video conferencing tools. Your main goal will be to create a platform that is not only functional, but also engaging and easy to navigate for users of all ages and tech-savviness. A keen understanding of education-focused web design will be hig...

    $472 Average bid
    $472 平均入札額
    180 入札

    I need a professional website for my business. The site should be well-structured, easy to navigate and visually appealing. I already have a design template that needs to be customized with my needs Key Features: - An Appointment Booking System: This should allow potential clients to schedule consultations at their convenience. - Detailed Service Descriptions: Clear information on the services I offer is crucial to attract and retain visitors. - Client Testimonials: A section dedicated to positive feedback from my clients to build credibility and trust. - Payment Integration: A secure and seamless system for processing payments for my services. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development and design - Experience in creating business service websites - Knowledge in developing boo...

    $88 Average bid
    $88 平均入札額
    194 入札

    ...category and filter by location, budget, or availability. • A contact form will be available on each listing for users to reach vendors directly. • Vendors can be reviewed and rated by users. 4. Blog Section: • A blog to showcase articles, tips, and inspiration related to wedding planning and trends. • Categories for blog posts such as decor ideas, wedding planning tips, and vendor spotlights. • Easy-to-use blog management system integrated into the WordPress admin panel. 5. Search and Filtering: • Advanced search functionality for users to quickly find vendors by: o Category o Location o Budget range o Ratings 6. Design and Customization: • Responsive and mobile-friendly design. • Intuitive navigation for both users and vendors. • Ve...

    $485 Average bid
    $485 平均入札額
    201 入札
    Rustic Menu Design
    6 日 left

    I'm seeking a rustic-style menu design in neutral tones (black, white, gray) that incorporates a selection of coffee arts, smoothies, and a few of my personal photos. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design: A strong portfolio in menu or similar design. - Modern Rustic Aesthetic: Deep understanding and appreciation for rustic design elements. - Image Editing: Ability to seamless...selection of coffee arts, smoothies, and a few of my personal photos. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design: A strong portfolio in menu or similar design. - Modern Rustic Aesthetic: Deep understanding and appreciation for rustic design elements. - Image Editing: Ability to seamlessly integrate photos into the design. - Attention to Detail: Ensuring the design is visually appealing and ea...

    $190 Average bid
    $190 平均入札額
    122 入札

    I'm seeking a skilled webmaster or programmer who can help me identify the advertising/marketing agency utilized by a specific competitor. The information should be succinctly summarized for easy understanding. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web research and data analysis - Experience with competitor analysis - Strong understanding of marketing and advertising strategies Requirements: - You need to use the provided website URL of the company to uncover what ad/marketing agency they are working with - Present the findings in a clear, concise summary - All findings should be used for competitor analysis purposes Please, include your relevant experience in your proposal.

    $468 Average bid
    緊急 NDA
    $468 平均入札額
    8 入札

    Vietnam Recording Project We have a project, that needs Native Vietnam speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 363 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $5 dollar for 363 sentences record. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks :

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr 平均入札額
    5 入札

    Malay Recording Project We have a project, that needs Native Malay speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 363 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $5 dollar for 363 sentences sentences record. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks :

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr 平均入札額
    9 入札

    ...These forms must be easily accessible and simple to fill out, encouraging users to reach out and inquire about our services. - Landing Pages: I need multiple landing pages designed to target different segments of our audience. These pages should be visually appealing, informative, and persuasive to facilitate lead conversion. - Blog: A section for a blog is essential. This feature should allow for easy content management, enabling us to share industry news, company updates, and thought leadership pieces. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Angular is a must, as the website will be built on this platform. - Prior experience in designing and developing lead generation websites will be highly advantageous. - A strong understanding of UX/UI principles is required to ensure...

    $264 Average bid
    $264 平均入札額
    50 入札

    ...headings, and meta descriptions. 2. Optimize Page Titles and Meta Descriptions Free & Easy: Writing unique, keyword-rich titles and meta descriptions is completely free. How to Apply: Customize your title and meta description tags for each page to accurately reflect the content and encourage clicks. Ensure they align with user search intent. Tools: You can use browser-based HTML editors or CMS plugins (like Yoast SEO on WordPress) to optimize meta tags. 3. Create High-Quality, Relevant Content Free & Essential: Crafting valuable, informative content is a free strategy, and it’s one of the most important factors for SEO. How to Apply: Write content that answers user queries. Use a clear, easy-to-read style, and avoid keyword stuffing. ...

    $167 Average bid
    $167 平均入札額
    188 入札

    ...developer to create a new website for our unique platform, Staff, which connects companies with potential employees. The project involves using React in the framework and integrating with our existing database through simple APIs. Key Responsibilities: - Building dynamic pages for job listings - Implementing advanced filtering options for job searches - Creating a user authentication system for both candidates and companies - Developing an application and user profile management section - Integrating APIs for job posting and display - Ensuring SEO optimization and fast page loading The designs will be provided via Figma, so experience with responsive web design is a must. Required Qualifications: - Proven experience with and React - Strong knowledge of respons...

    $1096 Average bid
    $1096 平均入札額
    203 入札

    France French Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native France French speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 160 Short sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $8 dollar for 160 sentences record. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks :

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr 平均入札額
    15 入札
    iOS & Tech Article Writer Needed
    6 日 left

    ...in iOS and other tech domains. Your work will be published on a well-established blogging website, so quality and accuracy are paramount. The topics you will cover include: - iOS: Detailed, technical articles about the latest updates, features, and trends in the iOS ecosystem. - Product Reviews: Summarizing the pros and cons of various electronics, headsets, wearable gadgets etc. in a succinct, easy-to-digest format. The ideal candidate should have: - Exceptional English writing skills, with a strong grasp of grammar and style. - The ability to utilize media kits from different companies to enhance the content. - A deep understanding and passion for iOS and technology in general. - Experience in writing technical and detailed articles in the AI/ML and EV sector /domain. I'...

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr 平均入札額
    32 入札

    I'm looking for a professional who can build a comprehensive Excel spreadsheet for daily cash flow management. The model should ideally cater to the following requirements: - **Cash Flow Management**: The primary purpose of the model will be to assist in tracking and managing daily cash flow. - **Graphical Analysis**: The model should include features for graphical analysis, enabling easy visual representation of cash flow trends. The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in financial modelling and Excel, with a strong understanding of cash flow management. Skills in creating visually appealing and informative graphical representations within Excel will be particularly beneficial.

    $76 Average bid
    $76 平均入札額
    67 入札

    ...throughout the year. It should be easy to read and user-friendly for input by all team members. Sections: Marketing Campaigns Events and Conferences Social and Digital Media CEO Profile Raising C-Suite Engagement Traditional Media Internal Communications and Employee Engagement (EE) International Relations Community Engagement, with subsections: School Visits Festivals Farms Engagement Commercial Campaigns Other. Requirements: Each section should have enough cell space for detailed points. The layout should be clear, professional, and easy to navigate. Include filters or dropdowns where necessary to simplify data input. Sheet 2: Purchase Requests Tracker Purpose: To track purchase requests I have raised, while being visually appealing and ea...

    $145 Average bid
    $145 平均入札額
    20 入札

    I'm seeking a modern redesign of my website, aimed at enhancing user experience with a specific focus on the navigation menu, blog layout, and classified page. The primary goal is to make the website more intuitive and enjoyable to navigate. Key Components: - A complete overhaul of the navigation menu to ensure it's user-friendly and efficient. - A revamped blog layout that is engaging and easy to read. - An updated classified page designed for simplicity and ease of use. Our Website: The redesign should embody a bold and colorful theme. Ideal skills for this project include web design, UX/UI design, and a strong understanding of modern design trends. Experience with creating visually appealing, user-friendly websites

    $85 Average bid
    $85 平均入札額
    86 入札

    I'm seeking an expert to build a compelling LinkedIn profile for me, tailored specifically for job opportunities in the healthcare industry. The main goal of this project is to enhance my visibility and attractiveness to potential employers, significantly improving my prospects in the job market. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in LinkedIn profile optimisation - Deep understanding of the healthcare industry - Skills in personal branding and networking strategies - Ability to articulate professional experience and skills effectively A strong LinkedIn profile can significantly improve job prospects and networking opportunities. The successful freelancer will understand this and be able to deliver a profile that meets these needs...

    $23 / hr Average bid
    $23 / hr 平均入札額
    10 入札

    ...Functionality: Search products using product names, product code, or categories. Display product details, pricing, and availability from multiple suppliers. 2. Catalog Management: Incorporate visible soft copies of supplier catalogs for easy access to data. Integrate manual or automated data extraction initially, with potential API integration later. 3. Order Management: Add products to a cart, view quotations, and place orders directly. Track orders with status updates like "Order Received," "Preparing," "Out for Delivery," and "Delivered." 4. User-Friendly Interface: Easy registration and login for suppliers and buyers. Mobile-friendly design for on-the-go access. 5. Scalable Features (Future Scope): API integration for real-ti...

    $174 Average bid
    $174 平均入札額
    47 入札

    I'm in need of a Python script that can generate a work shift schedule. The shifts will be recurring daily, and there will be three or more shifts to schedule each day. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python - Experience in scheduling algorithms - Understanding of work shift patterns The freelancer should provide a solution that is efficient, easy to understand and modify if necessary.

    $443 Average bid
    $443 平均入札額
    140 入札

    ...Design: Attractive and child-friendly design. Mobile and tablet responsiveness. Website Features: Home page with banners and introductory content. Inner pages including: About Us Programmes Offered Activities & Events Image/Video Gallery Contact Us (with an enquiry form and Google Map integration). Dynamic content sections for updates and announcements. CMS Integration: WordPress or any other easy-to-manage CMS for future updates. SEO-friendly: Basic on-page SEO optimisation. Technical Requirements: Fast loading speed and secure (SSL certificate). Assistance with domain and hosting (if required). Deliverables: A fully functional and tested website ready for launch. User training on how to manage and update the website. Post-launch support for a specified period. Budget:...

    $85 Average bid
    $85 平均入札額
    108 入札

    Job Title: Virtual Assistant Needed for Multiple Tasks with Step-by-Step Tutorials Job Description: We are a growing company looking for a dedicated Virtual Assistant to help with a variety of tasks. The ideal candidate will be organized, detail-oriented, and tech-savvy. You will assist in managing and executing tasks that are crucial for our business operations and growth. Tasks Include: Creating Offers: Assist in drafting and formatting offers for our products and services. Emailing: Send professional emails to clients, distributors, and partners. Posting Ads: Publish ads on various platforms to attract potential clients and distributors. Using CRM: Update, manage, and organize tasks using our CRM system. Photo and Video Management: Collect photos and videos of

    $528 Average bid
    $528 平均入札額
    34 入札

    I'm seeking a graphic designer to create an engaging, professional PDF company profile presentation. This will be used primarily for email marketing and client meetings, so it needs to be eye-catching and easy to digest. The presentation should incorporate the following sections: - Company history - Services offered - Our Unique Selling Propositions (USPs) - Sectors we work in - Project photographs Ideal candidates should have: - Prior experience in graphic design, specifically in creating company presentations - Ability to create visually appealing layouts and designs - Understanding of marketing principles to make the presentation suitable for email marketing - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator, InDesign or equivalent software

    $28 Average bid
    $28 平均入札額
    138 入札