Desktop alert mysql仕事
リモートワーカー向けの求人サイトのシステムを開発したいと考えており、 システムエンジニアの方々を募集します。 お仕事の詳細: ▽システム開発依頼の目的・概要 リモートワーカー向け求人サイトを新規で立ち上げたいと考えております。 デザイン制作は当社の方で用意いたしますので、 システムの設計から、構築までお願い致します。 ▽参考システム(サイト) サイトURL: ▽システム開発に利用するプログラミング言語 ・使用言語: PHP など ・MYSQL等データベース技術 ・サーバ構築、管理の技術(クラウドサーバーなど) ▽重要視する点・経験 ・業務用のシステム開発・システム設計の経験 ・フレームワークによる開発/ライブラリ開発の経験があると尚可 ・拡張性・生産性の高いコーディング力 ・クライアント企業とのコミュニケーションに慣れている方 ・秘密保持契約を結べる方 ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※開発したシステムに関する情報を第三者に漏洩すること ▽その他コメント ※実際のシステム開発の進め方・別途詳細は、メッセージでやりとりして決められればと思います。 ※このお仕事以降も、継続的に追加で開発依頼をさせていただくことも可能です。 たくさんのシステムエンジニアの方からのご連絡・ご応募お待ちしております。 ********************************************************** ボリューム感としては 参考サイトに記載したURLのサイトと同等のモノを作成したいと考えております。 ざっくりですが、 ・求人情報表示 ・求人検索 ・ユーザー管理 ・企業側ユーザー管理 ・企業側求人作成 ・企業側求人管理 ・企業ーユーザー間の連絡管理
【 Androidアプリ開発者募集 】 Android向けに開発したいと考えており、 エンジニア・プログラマの方を募集します。 お仕事の詳細: ▽使用するプログラミング言語 ・Javaのスキル ・MySQL / PostgreSQLなどのデータベース技術 ・サーバサイドの技術があれば尚可(vps、クラウドサーバーなど) ▽重要視する点・開発経験 ・Android SDK、Javaでのスマートフォンアプリ開発経験 ・Android端末に対する深い理解(特にGalasySシリーズなどのメジャーなスマートフォン) ・AndroidOSに関する理解 ・クライアント企業とのコミュニケーションに慣れている方 ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※他で登録されているデザインや商標の転用など、他社の知的財産権を侵すこと ※他のクライアントへ既に提案した内容の転用など ▽その他コメント ※実際のAndroidアプリ開発の進め方・別途詳細は、クラウドワークスのメッセージでやりとりして決められればと思います。 ※ご希望があれば、このお仕事以降も、Android版の開発など継続的に追加で依頼をさせていただく可能性もあります。 たくさんのエンジニア・プログラマの方からのご連絡・ご応募お待ちしております。
Target blog: *** This blog is one of the site managed on WordPress multisite. Requirements: 1. Please develop customize the theme to AMP compatible WITHOUT using AMP WordPress Plugin. 2. Keep showing the current mobile design of the blog when user accesses it from non-AMP-enabled mobile browser. In other words, this site currently has 2 responsive designs which support desktop & smartphone, so that this time we want it to support AMP in addition. We'd like to see how would you remodel this blog to AMP compatible at your proposal. (if possible) Please provide your working experience of AMP development with URLs. (must) Thank you! Sayuri
MYSQLサーバーと連携させて、twitterクローンアプリの制作。 実装する機能はtwitterの持つ機能+αです。 UIのデザインはこちらで用意致します。システム部分の構築をお願い致します。
...特定のゲームタイトルに関連する記事を取得すること 2. プログラムの特定の一か所に記述されたゲームタイトルパラメーターを変更するだけで対応したデータが取得できること 3. 海外ゲームタイトルであっても取得可能であること 4. 1日に1回バッチを回した際、以前に取得したことがない記事をリストとして取得できること 5. 記事のタイトル・サムネイル・記事本文の一部を取得すること ■ システム要件 1. PHP + MySQLで構築すること 2. PHP5.3で推奨されていない表現を用いないこと 3. Cronによって動作すること 4. プログラムを動かすサーバー OR dbサーバーに対して必要以上の負荷をかけないこと ■ 納品物については以下の通りとなります 1. プログラム本体の納品(PHP) 2. データの格納先DB-Tableの納品(SQLクエリ) ■ 応募条件 1. 応募時にどのような方法で実現する予定なのかを簡潔に明記してください (Ex. TwitterSerch API と Bing Serch APIを用いて実現します、など) ▽参考Webサイト サイト名:スマートニュース/newspicksなどのバックエンド ▽使用するプログラミング言語/ツール/特殊技術(テクノロジー) ・PHP(5.3) ・MySQL ▽注意点・禁止事項 ※ 他で登録されているデザインや商標の転用など、他社の知的財産権を侵すこと ※ 商用利用できないライセンスのプログラムを用いること ※ ▽その他コメント ※実際のWebサイト開発/アプリケーション開発の進め方・別途詳細は、 クラウドワークスのメッセージでやりとりして決められればと思います。...
...price using the data from the Excel document. This is part of the fixed price , in order to cover all the latest tables. Currently I am using PHP Excel, to migrate to MySQL if possible. MySQL 5.5 PHP 5.2 Basically: I want to display the captured data in XLS (Excel) to MySQL in calendar form. PS. if there is the necessary support, we can do this monthly PPS. For the test site , I can prepare it in the same server. ---------------------------------------------------------------- エクセルファイルのデータを使って料金をカレンダー表示したい。 料金を一部変えることは無く、最新のシートですべて上書きする。 現在はPHPExcelを使っている。 できればMySQLに移行したい。 MySQLは5.5 PHPは5.2 ・XLSをMySQLに取り込む ・取り込んだデータをカレンダー状に表示する 月を区切るためにエクセルになにか追記が必要な場合対応可能。 テストサイトは、同じサーバーで用意できます。
...今回のみ、開発をお願い致します。 ECサイトの出店先 独自サイト 参考サイト 希望する色 赤系 重視する点 予算、クオリティ、業務経験・知識、実績評価 希望開発言語 PHP、JavaScript CMS導入 特に希望はありませんので、相談して決めさせていただければと思います。 補足説明 ▽利用するECカート 現在はCakePHPを使用しております。 SEOに強い新しいフレームワークに移行をしたく ご提案を希望します。 サーバーはできればクラウドサーバーを使用したく メリットとデメリットもあわせてご提案をお待ちしております。 ▽ECサイト/ネットショップの制作に使用するプログラミング言語 ・PHPなどのプログラミングスキル ・HTML / CSSなどのコーディングスキル ・MySQLなどのデータベース技術 ・JavaScript(jQuery)の技術 ・サーバ構築、管理の技術があれば尚可(VPS、クラウドサーバーなど) ▽重要視する点・経験 ・Skypeのビデオ面談に対応していただけるかた(必須)<=最初に ・Skypeもしくはチャットワークスで連絡が取れる方(必須) ・納期をしっかりと守っていただける方 ・クライアント企業とのコミュニケーションに慣れている方
現在、弊社ではユーザー直、代理店案件含めまして、受託、常駐案件ともに多数ございます。 PHP、Java、Oracle、C#、Ruby、SAPが中心ですが、事業拡大に伴い現在、パートナーを探しております。 SAP案件、Java、PHP案件、LAMP(Linux、Apache、MySQL、PostgreSQL)案件、VC++、C言語案件、VB、C#.NET、COBOL、Ruby案件、PM(プロジェクトマネージャー)、PL(プロジェクトリーダー)など受託、常駐で開発案件のご協力をして頂ける方の募集で御座います。 制御系・組み込み系から企業の情報システム、基幹システム、業務システム開発、ウェブシステム、サイト構築まで。 現在、ユーザー直の受注案件で具体的な案件内容も提示できますので、宜しければ、一度お会いしてご相談させて頂ければと思っております。
...・コメント(各ユーザーの掲示板でのやり取り数)ランキング 口コミユーザー会員 ・Facebook/Twitterアカウントログイン ・ユーザーのマイページ 留学期間、受講プログラム、学校、 留学前(TOEIC400、中学生レベルなど)、留学後(上級クラス、またはビジネス知識の習得など)、 帰国後の状態(学生、出版業界に従事、教師として勤務など) ・ユーザー同士でメッセージをやり取りできる機能 ・ユーザーへのQ&A掲示板 企業ユーザー会員 ・企業ユーザー(レビューされる側)ログイン ・企業ページの編集可能 ■必要な対応項目 ・システム開発 ・データベース構築 ・ウェブデザイン ・コーディング ・ドメイン/サーバーの取得はこちらで行いますので、設定をお願いします。 ・SEO (可能であれば) ■使用言語 WordPressを想定しているので、PHP, MySQL ■ 重視する点/検討基準 ・実績 ・クオリティ ・予算 ■その他 サイトのコンテンツ、素材などは弊社にて用意致します。 ある程度ユーザーを獲得できた後、SNSシステムの強化を考えているので、 拡張性のあるシステムをお願いします。 設定している予算や納期は目安です。必要に応じてご提案いただけますと幸いです。 またWordPress、PHPなどを考えていますが、他に良い方法があれば、 ご提案いただければ検討致します。 提案にあたり不明点があれば、お気軽にご質問ください。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
WEBシステム開発のお仕事です。 (求められるスキル) ・PHP ・WEBデザイン ・グラフィック ・MySQL ・HTML (ジャンル) ・教育 ・ジョブマッチング ・ソフトウェア ・エンターテイメント ・医療
=== project summary === Emails from Google Alert are registered on a table of MySQL everyday. We need PHP script that read these emails via cron, and auto post as wordpress article. On front-page, the website should have 30 new articles. And other article's link are needed on pages that have 30 links. We also need sitemap of all articles for visitors and google (xml). For design, wordpress default template is OK. But we need responsive design, we'll check under 320px, 640px and PC's resolution of width. === required pages === Front page New articles from 31 to 60 New articles from 61 to 90 (From 91, follow these URL) Article's detail Sitemap
...responses and share a detailed technical spec with selected developers for refined proposals. - I am open to suggestions and would appreciate your expertise in determining the most beneficial features for the application. Please note, the platform compatibility for the SAAS application is yet to be decided. However, it should ideally have flexibility to be accessible on: - Web - Mobile - Desktop The application will require different user role support primarily for: - Admin - User - Guest Your experience in SAAS development, understanding of user role management, and ability to implement cross-platform compatibility will be highly valued. Previous work samples and case studies would be appreciated to help me gauge your suitability for this project....
...for: The main task is to fully implement the latest changes from the Figma design. Additionally, if possible, you'd like to combine mobile versions with desktop versions, making the design responsive. For pages that don't have a mobile version, they should be made responsive, as there are no specific Figma designs for them. You already have a frontend built with Vanilla JS, but due to recent changes in the design and some issues with the frontend, you need to update it to match the Figma layout. There was a separate version for mobile, but not all pages had a mobile version. So the goal is to merge existing mobile versions with the desktop versions and make everything responsive. Pages without a mobile version should be adapted to be responsive since there'...
I want customers to fill out a form and then it Will be sent to mailadresses i have in a database(mysql). For example 10-20 mailadresses.
...the official APIs of Meta Ads, Google Ads and TikTok Ads to retrieve real-time data (e.g.: campaigns, metrics, budget). Create an OAuth2 authentication system for these platforms. Real Authentication System: Replace the current mock with a secure system (e.g.: Auth0, Firebase Auth, or JWT + OAuth2). Add permission controls (e.g.: admin, analyst, client). Real-Time Notifications: Develop an alert system using WebSocket or tools like Pusher/ 2. Data Features Data Synchronization: Create jobs to automatically update campaign data (e.g.: every 5 minutes). Store metrics history for temporal analysis. Automatic Insights Calculation: Develop algorithms to identify trends (e.g.: "CPA increased by 20% in the last week"). Report Export: Generate PDF/Excel w...
Storecheckers are a Market Research and Mystery Shopping assignments. The fee is $50. For this online visit, you will be posing as someone taking an exam ONLINE using a Proctor test-taking system. Via a series of actions and challenges, you will be assessing the security standards of the Proctor system and the vigilance of the proctor who will be monitoring the online test. In order to proceed with the online test you will need to have: • A desktop/laptop with Windows 8 or above • Google chrome installed as a browser • One form of ID bearing your name, signature and a recent photo The test will take up to one hour, and you will need to complete a report about your experiences afterwards. There is the potential to do more of these online visits in th...
...Vincent. Quiénes Somos: Historia, valores y equipo. Servicios: Publicidad, UX/UI, Desarrollo Web/App, Consultoría TI, etc. Portafolio: Muestra de proyectos previos y casos de éxito. Impacto Social: Explicación de nuestro compromiso con la inclusión y sostenibilidad. Contacto: Formulario, correo y redes sociales. ✅ Optimización SEO básica. ✅ Diseño responsive: Compatible con dispositivos móviles y desktop. ✅ Integración con redes sociales. Buscamos a alguien con experiencia en WordPress, accesibilidad web (WCAG), UX/UI y SEO básico. ¡Esperamos trabajar contigo para llevar nuestra visión a la web! ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENGLISH We are look...
I'm in need of an experienced QuickBooks professional to fix my data migration issues and provide ongoing support. The task primarily involves dealing with financial transactions that need to be migrated from QuickBooks Desktop to my current setup.
Title: Build a Professional Marriage Net...Features: • Profiles with Verification: Users create structured profiles (education, profession, values, etc.). • Connection Requests: Users can send requests like LinkedIn but for serious marriage discussions. • Moderation & Privacy: Strict user verification and moderation to ensure Islamic compliance. • Tech Stack: Preferably Flutter (so it can be converted into an app later), with Firebase/MySQL for backend. Developer Requirements: • Experience in Flutter Web Development. • Strong understanding of secure authentication & user verification. • Experience in building networking or matchmaking platforms. Please share similar projects you’ve worked on and provide a timeline and cost es...
...4. Graphical Interface 8x8 board with clear squares. Pieces and kings must be moved by dragging with the mouse – the player should not click on squares but rather drag the piece to the desired position. The program should prevent illegal moves (e.g., no undoing a move, no placing a piece on an invalid square). 5. Technology Any programming language – Python, C++, Java, etc. It can be a desktop application or work in a web browser. 6. Additional Features (Optional) Ability to play against AI at different difficulty levels. AI move analysis preview....
I'm looking for a talented developer to help me build a journaling app that works on both iOS and desktop. The app should be similar to TradeZella's Daily Journal and TraderSage, but with my unique twist. Key Requirements: - The app must have a user authentication system that uses only Email and Password. Simplicity is key here. - The design style of the app should be modern and minimalistic. Clean lines, plenty of white space, and careful attention to typography will be important. - The app needs to be built for both iOS and desktop platforms. Experience with cross-platform development tools will be a plus. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in iOS and desktop app development. - Experience with creating modern, minimalistic designs. - Strong understanding of user ...
...Setting up Windows Authentication for user access - Hosting the server on Windows Server Ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience with SQL server management - In-depth knowledge of Windows Server - Prior experience with configuring databases for software packages - Excellent communication skills for remote assistance Please ensure standard encryption is applied to the SQL server. Remote Desktop should be used for ongoing maintenance and support. Include weekly manual backup recommendations for the SQL server. "As per my requirements, but it appears that I am not expecting any support or monitoring after the initial setup." The project should be completed within 1 month. Include basic support for troubleshooting and minor adjustments post-setup. Please inclu...
I need a web developer to fix the footer of our login page to be consistently at the bottom of the screen, for both desktop, and mobile devices. Key Requirements: - Ensure the footer is fixed at the bottom across both Desktop and Mobile devices. - No specific elements or links need to be included in the footer, keep it simple. - Test the functionality across the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web development - Responsive design - Cross-browser testing experience. Please note, the project requires a simple, uncluttered footer that is consistent across devices and browsers.
I am looking for a comprehensive system looking for a comprehensive system that allows platform for board and committee members to access meeting documents. This includes the Board, Board committees, Exco and Exco committees. The system should be able to electronically collate and distribute meeting packs. It should support round robin processing of committee documents or resolutions by members. Key Features: - Dual Access: Both desktop and mobile - Comprehensive Document Handling: Uploading, downloading, editing, commenting and viewing - Diverse Document Types: Meeting agendas, minutes, policy documents, memorandums and reports Ideal Skills and Experience: - Web and mobile application development - Document handling systems creation - Understanding of committee and board ...
Project: Route Optimization in Laravel + Flutter with Google Maps ? Project Description: We are looking for a developer experience...routes in a list and on Google Maps. Fetch data from the Laravel API to display packages and routes. ✅ Google Maps API Integrate Google Maps in Flutter to display delivery locations with markers. Implement Google Directions API to optimize routes automatically. ✅ API Documentation Provide clear API documentation so other developers can use it easily. ? Required Skills & Technologies: Laravel + MySQL (Backend) Flutter + Dart (Mobile App) Google Maps API REST API + JSON ? Expected Deliverables: ✅ Working Laravel Backend with API ✅ Flutter App with route list and interactive map ✅ Clear API documentation ? Budget & Estimated Time: ? Budget: $15...
I am looking for an AWS DevOps developer. I Want to move Elastic Beanstalk environment, RDS with data, Route 53, Load balancer etc alongwith the necessary configuration from one account to another. Want to link to domain with SSL. RDS Mysql, Java spring boot (.war file) Note: We have just 1 hour
We are seeking someone to create a .thmx file for us to use across all Microsoft products. Will will use this as the standardizing format package for our business. OUTPUT GOAL Creation of a .thmx file SCOPE OF PROJECT Details: there may be more that goes into it, but my understanding is the 3 main pieces are: 1. Font selection (ideally one that works with online and desktop versions) -- we would love your help curating a few font choices that we can select between. We serve professional and corporate clients, so we'd want this to be easy to read, yet still crisp and not overly stuffy nor too informal 2. 10 theme colors (with gradients) -- I can share our website and the virtual background that we use for video calls. I imagine you might be able to extract a color palate f...
Kami mencari freelancer berpengalaman di Data Mart, jQuery, Laravel, dan MySQL untuk mengoptimalkan performa salah satu modul analisis data. Saat ini, terdapat kendala dalam pemrosesan data yang menyebabkan beberapa fitur tidak berjalan optimal. Kualifikasi: ✅ Memahami Data Mart untuk pengolahan dan analisis data ✅ Mahir dalam jQuery, Laravel, dan MySQL ✅ Berpengalaman dalam optimasi query dan peningkatan kinerja sistem Detail lebih lanjut akan diberikan setelah kesepakatan harga. Jika tertarik, dapat menghubungi kami segera, terima kasih.
I'm in need of an experienced developer well-versed in PHP and MySQL, particularly with a strong track record in payment gateway integration, specifically with Razorpay. The project involves building a scalable architecture capable of supporting over 5,000 users daily. Key requirements: - Proficient in PHP, MySQL, and Razorpay integration - Strong experience with server setup and Google Cloud - Expertise in database management and creating a scalable architecture While I didn't specify particular location-based features, experience with integrating services like Google Maps for transport services would be beneficial. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven experience in PHP and MySQL - Expertise in payment gateway integration, especially Razorp...
...hotspots within the organization. Heatmaps showing burnout risk distribution across different teams and job functions. Automatic Alerts: Real-time alerts triggered when an employee exhibits multiple burnout risk factors. Recommendations for HR or managers to take preemptive action (e.g., workload adjustments, wellness programs, direct check-ins with employees). Option for HR to configure personalized alert thresholds based on organizational policies. 2.4. Privacy and Consent All data collection is opt-in, ensuring 100% voluntary participation. Strict data anonymization and encryption for privacy compliance (GDPR, CCPA). Employees can control which insights they share with HR, ensuring transparency and trust. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in Bubble - Extensive experience i...
Generate python script to send information using the protocol: "wialon retranslator" Data is obtained from a mysql table
...rating system that allows users to rate boats and share their experiences. Interactive Maps: Display available boat locations on the map. Notifications: Receive notifications about offers, booking confirmations, and changes in booking status. Customer Support: Provide fast and reliable technical support to users. Additional Features: Weather Alerts: Display weather conditions in boat locations to alert users. Personalized Suggestions: Provide boat suggestions based on user preferences. Wish Lists: Save favorite boats for later reference. Boat Owner App Easy Registration: A simplified registration process for boat owners. Add New Boats: Add detailed information about boats, including photos, descriptions, features, and prices. Manage Bookings: View and manage bookings, and confi...
...Languages: Proficiency in [mention specific languages - e.g., PHP, Python, Node.js, Ruby on Rails, etc.] is required. Experience with [mention any specific frameworks - e.g., Laravel, Django, , etc.] is preferred. * API Integration: Demonstrable experience integrating with RESTful APIs, particularly within the domain industry. * Database Management: Experience with database systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB. * Front-End Development: Strong understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and modern front-end frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, Vue.js). * Version Control: Proficiency with Git. * Security Best Practices: Knowledge of web security best practices to protect against vulnerabilities. Preferred Skills: * Experience with domain registrar APIs (e.g., ResellerCl...
I'm looking for a seasoned PHP developer to integrate the Bank of America card payment gateway into my website. The system needs to facilitate secure user transac...facilitate secure user transactions via credit/debit cards, while also updating the transaction status accordingly. Key Responsibilities: ✅ Seamlessly integrate the Bank of America API for card payments. ✅ Ensure secure payment processing in compliance with PCI-DSS Level 1. ✅ Efficiently store transaction details in a MySQL database. ✅ Implement robust success/failure response handling. ✅ Provide a user-friendly checkout form with card fields. Ideal Skills: ? Proficiency in PHP, MySQL, and API Integration. ? Extensive experience with Payment Gateways, cURL, and JSON. ? In-depth understanding of Security Bes...
...Platform – Users stake crypto for rewards. 3. Crypto Lending & Borrowing – Users lend crypto for interest. 4. Portfolio Management – Helps users track and manage investments. Step 3: Choose the Right Technology Stack Frontend (User Interface): • HTML, CSS, JavaScript (React.js, Vue.js, or Angular) Backend (Server-side): • Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), PHP (Laravel) • Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB Blockchain & Crypto Integration: • Use APIs (CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap, Binance API) • Smart Contracts (Solidity for Ethereum, Rust for Solana) Security Protocols: • SSL Encryption • 2FA Authentication • Cold Wallet Storage for Funds • DDOS...
We are looking for a dedicated WooCommerce Speed Optimization Specialist to improve the performance of our webshop. Our store runs on an up-to-date WooCommerce setup with the WoodMart theme and minimal custom coding. While user experience is smooth, our PageSpeed Insights scores (both mobile and desktop) need improvement. Check descripion attached for more information Requirements & Qualifications • Proven experience in webshop speed optimization. • Strong knowledge of PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, and Pingdom. • Experience working with LiteSpeed caching and other performance tools. • Ability to analyze, propose, and implement solutions independently. • A meticulous approach to testing, ensuring no negative impact on functionality. • Dedicated tim... integrate user login functionality into my existing website, This will involve the following tasks: - Setting up secure login and registration processes - Connecting these functionalities to a MySQL database - Implementing robust password hashing techniques - Managing user sessions efficiently The ideal candidate should have: - Strong experience with Flask and Python - Familiarity with user authentication, sessions, and password security - Frontend integration skills using plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Database experience with MySQL - Knowledge of web security best practices including CSRF protection and HTTPS While I do not require social login options at this moment, the ability to potentially integrate these in the future will be a plus. This is a great
...seeking a skilled developer to create a web application for a travel agency. This project centers on a hotel booking engine. Key Requirements: - The booking engine should specifically cater to hotel bookings. - A room availability calendar is essential for the hotel booking system. - The system must support online payment integration. - The web app should be compatible across multiple platforms: desktop, mobile, and tablet. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web app development - Experience in creating booking engines, particularly for hotels - Knowledge of integrating online payment systems - Understanding of responsive design for cross-platform compatibility This project offers an exciting opportunity to create a comprehensive booking system for a travel agency. Your expertise c...
I need a freelancer to convert my PHP MySQL web application source code into a clean, organized PDF for IP registration. The PDF should include the full code, line by line, while excluding comments and documentation. The code syntax highlighting, folder and file headings, and line numbering need to be emphasized for clarity. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven experience handling and documenting web application source code. - Proficiency in PHP, HTML, CSS, and web application project structures. - Excellent attention to detail to maintain code formatting and syntax in PDF format. Please provide an estimated delivery time and any relevant past experience when applying. Thank you!
Need to extract all emails from magento mysql database file I have the file
...resource-constrained devices. • Experience with integrating AI systems with IoT or cloud platforms is a plus. • Good communication skills for working remotely and delivering regular progress updates. Preferred Qualifications: • Previous experience in developing security-related AI systems. • Familiarity with integrating AI models into embedded systems or mobile apps. • Knowledge of cloud-based storage and alert systems for remote monitoring. Deliverables: • A fully functional motion detection and object recognition software. • Code documentation and installation instructions. • A report on system performance and optimization strategies. If you have a passion for AI and computer vision and are excited about creating innovative sol...
I'm looking for a solution that can simulate mouse clicks on a desktop application to keep a webviewer connection active. Key Requirements: - The clicks will need to be automated in a way that simulates a real user to prevent timeout or disconnection. - The application will run on Windows, so the solution must be compatible with this OS. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in creating automation scripts for Windows desktop applications. - Familiarity with simulating user interactions on a desktop. - Prior experience with mouse click automation would be a plus.
I'm in need of a seasoned software developer who can create a robust data management desktop application for Windows. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Windows desktop application development - Expertise in data management systems - Prior experience in developing productivity tools highly valued - Knowledge of user-friendly interface design - Ability to deliver on time and within budget
I'm seeking a talented web developer to create a modern and clean e-commerce website on the WooCommerce platform for my line of detergents and cleaning products. The site should be user-friendly, visually appealing, and optimized for both desktop and mobile users. Key features should include a product catalog, secure PayPal integration, customer reviews, and a hassle-free checkout process. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WooCommerce with a strong portfolio of e-commerce sites - Excellent skills in web development and UI/UX design - Experience with integrating secure payment gateways - Able to create a modern and clean design style - Knowledge of SEO and mobile optimization strategies
I'm looking for a seasoned Laravel developer to assist in building and enhancing our HRM & Payroll Management System. The scope of this project include...salary components such as Basic, HRA, Bonus, PF, and Deductions. - Developing workflows for leave request and approval. - Configuring attendance rules and penalties. - Automating salary processing and payslip generation. - Integrating the Provident Fund tracking and final settlement system. - Ensuring secure access control and smooth payroll calculations. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Laravel and MySQL. - Experience with REST APIs and UI development. Please note, specific user roles, leave types, and software integrations have yet to be determined. Your keen insight and experience will be invaluable in shaping these aspe...
I need a proficient web developer with expertise in HTML, CSS, PHP, and MySQL. The project includes: - Responsive Web Design: Creating a mobile-friendly and responsive blog website from scratch. - Custom Website Development: The blog should be able to host custom features that might add value to the user experience. A basic understanding of PHP and MySQL is essential for this task. - Performance & Speed Optimization: The blog should be optimized for performance and speed. This is a key aspect of the project. Please note, I do not have an existing website that needs customization. The hired freelancer will be creating the blog from scratch. A keen eye for detail and a passion for creating high-performance, user-friendly websites will be highly appreciated.
1. Project Structure & Requirements - Build a Windows/Desktop Touch-optimized Blazor Hybrid application using .NET 9. - The UI must use MudBlazor components exclusively (no other UI frameworks). - Develop a reusable custom Razor component that functions as an On-Screen Keyboard (OSK). - The OSK must be reusable and configurable to work with multiple MudTextField components. - Create a service class to manage the OSK’s visibility and interactions. 2. On-Screen Keyboard Component Details Appearance & Behavior: - Style the OSK using MudBlazor components (e.g., MudButton with Variant="" and default MudBlazor color scheme). - Follow the QWERTZ layout from the provided screenshot (include special characters: Ä, Ö, Ü, &sz...
I need a talented UX/UI designer for my simple 6-page informational website. The project involves creating a brand-new visual identity for the site. Key Requirements: - Design 6 pages (Home, About, Services, Portfolio, Contact, and Blog) - Create wireframes and high-fidelity UI designs - Ensure mobile and desktop responsiveness - Deliver design files in Figma, Adobe XD - Provide style guides (colors, typography, buttons, etc.) - Collaborate to refine the design based on feedback Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in UX/UI design principles - Experience in creating modern and minimalistic designs - Strong branding and visual identity development skills - Proficiency in design software like Adobe XD, Sketch, Figma etc. Please provide examples of your previous related work in your proposa...
...expertise in premium mobile display repairs ✔️ Provide a seamless user experience across devices (mobile-first approach) ✔️ Allow customers to request repair quotes or book services ✔️ Include customer testimonials to build trust ✔️ Be optimized for SEO to improve search visibility Responsibilities ? Design & Develop a Responsive Website – Aesthetic and high-tech layout optimized for mobile and desktop. ?️ Service Pages & Landing Pages – Dedicated sections for different repairs (OLED, iPhone, Foldable, etc.). ? Booking & Inquiry Form – Easy-to-use contact form for customer inquiries. ? SEO Optimization – Ensure the website ranks well on search engines. ⚡ Fast Loading Speed – Optimize images and scripts for performance. ? Integration &nda...