Crystal report retrieving com class factory component clsid仕事


    2,000 crystal report retrieving com class factory component clsid 見つかった仕事

    ...Confira os requisitos e os detalhes: Você é: ・Uma pessoa disponível para contato frequente; ・Responsável com prazos; ・Possui facilidade com o pacote Office (Excel, Word); ・Um redator que domina a língua portuguesa; E contribuirá em um projeto que: ・Publica artigos de 1000 a 4000 palavras; ・Paga aproximadamente R$20 a cada 1000 palavras (valor definido por palavra, variando com a cotação do dólar), com bônus de até 20% por produtividade e qualidade de artigo; ・Tem demanda constante de artigos! Caso tenha interesse, pedimos para mencionar em quais dias da semana estará disponível para contato, quantos artigos estima que conseguirá escrever por semana, e por quanto...

    $345 Average bid
    $345 平均入札額
    10 入札

    御担当様      おせわになります    ¥ マルティーニと申します       弊社はMartini Techとして、バックおっふぃす、翻訳者(英語―日本語)を探しておきます。  やらなければいけないこと:   1)  英語→日本語 翻訳   2)  私が書いたメールを訂正   3)  データー修理    4)  マーケット調査など     1週間当たりだいたい10時間程度  仕事の時間が自由です     家から仕事してもOK    東京、東京の周辺でに住んでおり方のみ     1時間当たり~1000円まで                                                                                                                    

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr 平均入札額
    4 入札 上記のようなサイトが制作します。 お願いしたい部分はサーバー側でグラフーを書いていただきたいです。 ゲームの方法は30秒に一度グラフーが作成されます。 ユーザーはその前に例えば100円を掛けます。 グラフーが右型上がりで書かれると倍数が表示されます。 グラフーが止まる前にユーザーが先にストップすればユーザーの勝利になり ユーザーがストップする前にグラフーが止まればユーザーの負けとなる単純がゲームです。 サンプルサイトは韓国語ですが何度かグラフーの動きを確認していただければ幸いです。

    $188 Average bid
    $188 平均入札額
    4 入札

    ... At the time of the contract of work, it also tells the name of our company. 【仕事内容について】 みなさまに協力してほしいことは、世の中にある優れたデザインを集めてほしいです。 About Job Description] that you want to cooperate with everyone is, I want to collect excellent design in the world. 世界中の大手企業のアニュルレポート、CSRレポート、サスティナビリティーレポート、会社案内を収集したいです。 Leading companies in the A Nurburgring reports around the world, CSR report, Sustainability report, we want to collect the company guidance. 世界の各地域(ヨーロッパ、北米、アジアなど)ごとに人をアサインします。ただし、同じ地域に複数人依頼する場合もあります。 Each region of the world (Europe, North America, Asia, etc.) will be assigned to the person for each. However, you may want to ask more than one person in the same area. ■手順 ■ Step ①企業リストをもとに定型文をIR部署にメール。印刷物を請求する。 ① mail the original to the standard se...

    $686 Average bid
    $686 平均入札額
    7 入札

    Please to recover the 500 Internal Server Error that occurred in the construction sites in Magento. 500 Internal Server Error is now displayed in normal operation to have a site that has been built with magento. I do not remember such as changes to the file. Only the 500 Internal Server Error front end of the site is displayed. Back ...tried it. Change permissions using the magento-cleanup.php. Installation condition confirmation using the magento-check.php. Delete of .htaccess. It is desired. iam not a native English speaker, you understand me well patience view. I want you to do it. I want to return the site to normal display and correct the error. Submission of the cause description and accurate and detailed work report of error. It is important. Speed, pric...

    $76 Average bid
    $76 平均入札額
    12 入札

    掲示板昨日を持った会員制サイトの制作 メディカル関連の情報配信サイト。 歯科医師向けにニュース配信などを行う、m3.comに近いサイトの制作

    $2587 Average bid
    $2587 平均入札額
    3 入札

    ...1 upgrade SQL server SSIS import program 2005 to 2012 SSIS side is improt form exel to dbo and job lancher is C# based exe. Req Skill C# 2000, SSIS, SQL prototype, ex- version will remained Documets also you need to upgarede customizing and version up job. Becase some field connection was changed. 2 upgarde SSRS program 2005 to 2012 small customizing upgarde checking. over 100 report should upgarde All required hourly job regards MS製品のSQLとSSIS、SSRSをサーバサイドに使用し フロントサイドをPHP+IISのMSソリューションベースのCRMシステムを作成使用しています 継続的にお出しできる開発箇所がございますのでご応募お待ちしています サーバサイドエンジニアはおります(SQLのみ作成もらえればストアドの実装などは当方で行います) テスト環境はありますので、フロントサイドのみに専念できます 以下のエンジニアリング案件ございます 1 SSISの取り込みとランチャーexeの作成 2005から2012へのアップグレード案件、エクセル型式変更などの変更対応 2 SSRSのアップグレード レポート多数 印刷系のレポートです  2005から2012へのア...

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr 平均入札額
    2 入札

    ...development can do english based with skype, github,mail and so on. We hope to good offshore appications. Thanks now we are searching below project enginner. 1 upgrade SQL server SSIS import program2005 to 2012 SSIS side is improt form CSV to DB, job lancher is C# based. Req Skill C# 2000, SSIS, SQL 2 upgarde SSRS program 2005 to 2012 small customizing upgarde checking. over 100 report should upgarde 3 php with sql add new searching view etc stored exec, view,dbo, will be made by server side so you only made front side. need github and wrike regards MS製品のSQLとSSIS、SSRSをサーバサイドに使用し フロントサイドをPHP+IISのMSソリューションベースのCRMシステムを作成使用しています 継続的にお出しできる開発箇所がございますのでご応募お待ちしています サーバサイドエンジニアはおります(SQLのみ作成もらえればストアドの実装などは当方で行います) テスト環境はありますので、フロントサイドのみに専念できます 以下のエンジニアリング案件ご...

    $320 Average bid
    $320 平均入札額
    3 入札

    ...対面は有りませんので、依頼はオンラインで完結出来る内容のみです。 【求めている人物像】 ・秘書経験者 ・日本語、英語のバイリンガル ・カスタマーサポート経験者 ・営業事務、アシスタント経験者 ・Webの知識が豊富な方  →システム的な意味では無く、「情報収集」や「検索力」 【必須条件】 ・ADSL以上のインターネット環境 ・skypeなどが問題無く動作するレベルのPC 【提出書類】 選考に進まれる場合は、履歴書及び職務経歴書のご提出をお願い致します。 ※個人を特定する情報の記載は必須ではございません。 また、下記の質問事項のご回答と、タイピングテスト(無料)の受検結果のスクリーンショットも併せてご提出お願いたします。 ◆タイピングテスト(3000円コースをお選び下さい:無料) :// ◆無料簡易テスト ◆質問事項 1)DROPBOXは使われていますか? 2)チャットワークは使われていますか? 3)Googledriveは使われていますか?その場合はどのような使い方をされていますか? 皆様からのご応募、お待ちいたしております。

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ・新規にドメインを取得、メールアドレス10個程度取得 ・会社ロゴの作成 ・Websiteの新規作成(シンプルなトップページから、会員用のサイトに入り、そこで のような、会社概要やビジネスの情報を見せるサイトにする)

    $398 Average bid
    $398 平均入札額
    2 入札

    ヤフオクYahoo Api を使用するウェブサイトの作成が必要。 このサイト(fromjapan. co. jp)と同様なシステムをつくるのは目的。デザインはこのサイトopennippon. comと同様なもの。 ヤフーオークション(Yahoo Auction)の情報を他国語に翻訳、カテゴリーの参照ができる、コスト(送料・手数料など)計算、ユーザーのアカウントページ、パイパルとカード(日本国内システム)の支払いを可能にするモジュール、お勧めカテゴリー、顧客の意見のモジュール、各国語のポップアップお問い合わせフォーム。 既存の出来上がったシステムがあれば、一番いいです。今後のサポートも別料金で依頼します。

    $1974 Average bid
    $1974 平均入札額
    3 入札

    Hello, We are a Japanese owned Los Angeles Based Apparel Online store company. We are looking for someone who can update the website everyday. -No Need to Be ab...need to use HTMLat all. You just select the item code from our website and set into the system everyday. SKILLS REQUIRED Ability to arrange items in a meaningful, atttractive manner. Lets say if its getting closer to summer, it makes sense to have swimwear. and swimwear matches so well with sunglasses. I would like you to be interested in female sexy apparel and costume. You have to report online everyday via skype that the job is done. This is the requirement. Being able to communiate via skype is must. You can do the task anytime at your convenience. This time I am going to hire someone with lowe...

    $25 Average bid
    $25 平均入札額
    2 入札

    ...----------- 1.氏名 2.年齢 3.性別 4.スカイプID(お持ちであれば) 5.ライティング経験(なしでも可) 6.PR(得意分野(脱毛器,美顔器,化粧品,作曲など)など) 7.1週間に書ける記事数(目安) 8.選考テスト記事(500文字前後) 美顔器の「エステナードソニックローズ」の紹介記事を500文字でお書きください。 次のURLを見て、商品情報を集めてから、人に紹介するような感じでお書きください。 (※記事は、選考のみに使用致します。選考テスト記事に対する報酬はありません) -------------------------------------- ■連絡先 HP:

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ...だきたいと思います。 例えば、「化粧品」といった商品ですと、 口紅やファンデーションなど、幅が広すぎてしまいます。 そうではなく、「口紅」や「ファンデーション」など 細かいジャンルで応募していただきたいと思います。 「口紅」の中でさらにジャンル分けして商品を紹介できるとなお好ましいです。 上記のように複数の商品について詳しく書けるというのでも構いませんし、 1~5個ぐらいの商品について、とことん詳しく複数の記事を書けるというのでも構いません。 外注の皆様から頂いた記事を参考に、下記のようなサイトを作りたいと思っております。 参考までにチェックしていただければと思います。 ・おすすめシャンプー解析サイト ・シミ・そばかすを消すコスメ・化粧品 http://シミそばかす対策コスメ.com/ ※必ずしも上記のようなサイト(記事)を作るとは限りません。 どのような記事を作るかは外注の皆様とお話をして決めて行きたいと考えております。 「サービス」というのは、食材宅配やライブチャット・エステなどの 物販ではないようなサービスを指します。 こちらも書いていただく記事は、それらサービスの体験談などになります。 こちらもジャンルは出来る限り絞っていただけるのが好ましいです。 たとえば、「エステ」というよりも、「男性向けエステ」や「美顔エステ」など ジャンルがより細かいほうが好ましいです。 「メンズTBC」など具体的ならなお良いです。 サービスに関してもそのジャンルの複数のサービスについて記事を書くというのでもいいですし、 1~5個ぐらいのサービスをとことん詳しく書くというのでも構いません。 外注の皆様から頂いた記事を

    $169 Average bid
    $169 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I need a des...well as 20 simple leather patch designs for the back of jeans. The designs should be made according to a range of requested colors and styles. Basically add my logo in the button and make suggested color. Key Tasks: - Design wp jean buttons and rivets. - Create 20 simple leather patch designs for the back of jeans. - Prepare a PDF guide/manual with all designs, each with a serial number for factory replication. Ideal Skills: - Strong graphic design skills - Experience in fashion accessories design - Proficiency in creating detailed design manuals - Ability to work with a diverse color palette The color palette for the buttons and rivets will be several different ones, including neutral tones, bold and vibrant colors, and metallic finishes. Reference images will be...

    $20 Average bid
    $20 平均入札額
    13 入札

    I'm seeking a talented social media marketer to help promote my Kids Bollywood Contemporary classes. The primary goal is to increase class enrollment through strategic social media campaigns. Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging content targeted towards parents and children. - Develop and implement a comprehensive social media marketing strategy. - Monitor, analyze and report on performance metrics to optimize campaigns. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in social media marketing, specifically targeting the children and parenting sector. - Strong understanding of various social media platforms and their demographics. - Excellent content creation and copywriting skills. Previous experience in promoting dance classes or similar activities will be an added advantage....

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr 平均入札額
    14 入札

    Somos uma empresa de administração de um condomínio de multiproprietarios. Eles podem usar seus apartamentos em determinados períodos do ano. Desde que estejam adimplentes. Eles também pode usar ou locar ou emprestar suas ...uma empresa de administração de um condomínio de multiproprietarios. Eles podem usar seus apartamentos em determinados períodos do ano. Desde que estejam adimplentes. Eles também pode usar ou locar ou emprestar suas semanas de uso futuras. Que são 2, 4,6 8 semanas em diante por ano. Precisamos de um formulário ou um app com uma seleção das semanas dos proprietários para que eles possam dizer e escolher o que desejam fazer com cada semana sua....

    $130 Average bid
    $130 平均入札額
    4 入札
    Very simple app development
    6 日 left

    ...specific movement detection or volume button or power button Automatic push notification to designated members when pressed Members who receive push notifications must take action App payment Promotional reward function Visit path number of visits SNS sharing login Condições de elegibilidade para participação no desenvolvimento 1 Mais de 5 anos de experiência em desenvolvimento / Deve ser uma equipe com ampla experiência em desenvolvimento 2 Somente equipes capazes de projetar e desenvolver telas e UIUX como equipe de desenvolvimento 3 O cliente não fala inglês, portanto é utilizado tradutor apenas para desenvolvedores que não tenham problemas de comunicação. 4 Como o orçamento de desenvolvi...

    $72 Average bid
    $72 平均入札額
    17 入札

    Airline customer Analysis Report

    $100 Average bid
    $100 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ...including property development businesses, while leading a remote bookkeeping team and driving the use of technology to streamline financial management and reporting. You must be engaged, confident and passionate about delivering great work.  Key Responsibilities: - Lead and manage bookkeeping tasks by outsourcing to a remote team, ensuring accurate and efficient financial operations. - Prepare and report on business budgets, forecasts, and actuals, with a focus on operational and property development finances. - Confidently manage payruns for both business operations and property development projects. - Collaborate closely with Development Managers and the Accounts team at Homecorp, ensuring financial alignment and reporting consistency. - Guide the team on accounting best...

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr 平均入札額
    3 入札

    I'm in need of a professional who can assist with registering both my trademark name and logo in the UK. This is crucial as my product, which falls under the 'pharmaceutical , medical devices , cosmetics , food supplements' category, is sold internationally. Key Responsibilities: - Assist in the registration of my trademark name and logo in the UK. - Ensure the trademark registration process is compliant with international standards. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in trademark registration, particularly in the UK. - Knowledge of international trademark laws. - Strong attention to detail to ensure all aspects of the trademark are correctly registered.

    $117 Average bid
    $117 平均入札額
    22 入札

    I'm seeking a nutrition specialist to revamp the meal planning component of our health and wellness program, with a focus on creating engaging, nutritious weekly meal plans.

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr 平均入札額
    12 入札

    basicamente criar um site semelhante ao mas com poucas diferenças.

    $1018 Average bid
    $1018 平均入札額
    30 入札

    Criar uma plataforma de encontros online. Com conversa a créditos.. depois dou mais informações.

    $392 Average bid
    $392 平均入札額
    27 入札

    ...ensure approval. Key Responsibilities: Review and analyze my website against Mediavine’s standards. Confirm traffic metrics through Google Analytics. Provide a detailed report on improvements needed (if any). Offer support through the Mediavine application process. Preferred Qualifications: Experience with Mediavine approvals or similar ad networks. Strong knowledge of website optimization and analytics. Proven track record of assisting websites in achieving ad network approval. Deliverables: A fully optimized website ready for Mediavine application. Successful Mediavine approval or a comprehensive report on next step...

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr 平均入札額
    14 入札

    I'm in need of a formal editing expert with the ability to undertake major and minor differential revisions on a business document. This document is an internal report that requires substantial editing and rephrasing to enhance its overall quality and clarity. Key Tasks: - Modify the document to a formal tone suitable for a business setting - Change major and minor differential topics to ensure a wholesome paraphrase - Implement different aspects of editing to improve the document Focus Areas: - Grammar and punctuation - Clarity and conciseness - Formatting and structure Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in editing business documents - Excellent command of English grammar and punctuation - Ability to enhance the clarity and conciseness of the text - Proficienc...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr 平均入札額
    23 入札, which the system will match. Each QR code has 4 fields, which the shall be processed and match logically. Add a container to add additional QR codes when a field does not match. once all matches, The user can press a button to save the record as an Excel file. There will be a Photo container that will lookup jpg file in device local folder, if one of the field from QR code is entered . 3. Report Activity: A simple list format for viewing saved data. Data Logged: The application will save user details and QR code data to Excel files in a specific location on the device. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Android development - Experience with QR code scanning integration - Knowledge in working with Excel files on Android devices - Understanding of creating user login systems...

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr 平均入札額
    5 入札

    ...of the elements, interfaces and other requirements follows • Maximum board size 100mmx200mm aprox. • Power souce 12v, protected and converted to other DC (present in CMIO) • USB-C with mini USB conector for programming (present in CMIO) • USB 3.0 (present in CMIO) • Ethernet (present in CMIO) • CANBUS • PCIe (present in CMIO) • SD card slot (present in CMIO) • eDP video signal + backlight • AIS class B (from other open-source) • Other UART inputs with optocouplers (to be decided) • GPS • GPIO ports accesss via male connector (compatible with Raspberri Pi) These are the main requeriments, maybe other minor will appear during the design. I can provide schemas for all the parts involved (can bus, eDP, AIS,...). The j...

    $483 Average bid
    $483 平均入札額
    28 入札

    Job Description: We are looking for a detail-oriented and resourceful professional to collect and analyze information on leading asset management systems such as Yardi and TRIRIGA. The objective is to identify their key fea...Proven experience in research, business analysis, or technical writing (experience with asset management systems is a plus). - Strong understanding of business and system requirements documentation. - Ability to analyze and synthesize complex information. - Excellent writing and communication skills. - Familiarity with tools and methodologies used for creating BRDs. Deliverables: 1. Comprehensive report detailing the features and components of leading asset management systems. 2. Well-structured Business Requirements Document (BRD) suited for guiding a develop...

    $580 Average bid
    緊急 NDA
    $580 平均入札額
    10 入札

    I'm looking to set up a private MMORPG server aimed primarily at fostering community interaction. The server needs to be capable of hosting in-game events, which will be a key component of the community building effort. Key Requirements: - Experience in setting up MMORPG private servers - Strong understanding of MMORPG game mechanics - Ability to create and manage engaging in-game events - Knowledge in server maintenance and troubleshooting Your bid should reflect your ability to deliver a high-quality, reliable server that can support a growing community. Game is old and has no anti cheat. Its called "Global Agenda" and uses the engine "Unreal Engine 3" I want to be able to create this private server as the game is now unsupported by the DEV's and...

    $691 Average bid
    $691 平均入札額
    18 入札

    the landing page should be world class, it should have a prompt for our upcoming Android app to be launched soon and a login button for patients

    $97 Average bid
    $97 平均入札額
    26 入札

    ...with our team to ensure successful project execution after client acquisition. Outreach Specialist: -Conduct outreach campaigns via email, LinkedIn, and cold calling to generate leads. -Research and identify key decision-makers within solar companies. -Create and manage outreach sequences to engage prospects. -Schedule meetings and book calls with qualified leads for follow-up by the sales team. -Report on the effectiveness of outreach strategies and suggest improvements. Requirements: Skills and Experience: -Proven experience in sales and/or outreach, especially in the solar industry or B2B marketing (preferred but not required). -Excellent communication and negotiation skills. -Strong understanding of lead generation strategies, including cold calling and email marketing. -A...

    $2000 Average bid
    $2000 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I'm seeking an experienced professional to assist with the design of a for both the drainage and irrigation systems. This will entail calculating design parameters, net irrigation requirements, and selecting appropriate equipment. - Analyzing leaching requirements during irrigation to prevent salinization. I also need a comprehensive analysis of calculation results under various rainfall conditions using SOBEK software. The final deliverable should be a clear report detailing the design steps and results, alongside a proposed management and maintenance plan for the study polder. I value efficiency above all in this project, so a strong background in maximizing system efficiency is a plus. Experience with SOBEK software and understanding of rural drainage system...

    $119 Average bid
    $119 平均入札額
    10 入札

    Request for Proposal Evaluation and Website Development Audit for Holiday Rental Web...(e.g., HTML, CSS, WordPress). Familiarity with security measures and GDPR compliance standards. Extensive knowledge of SEO best practices and experience conducting thorough SEO audits. Ability to produce detailed, actionable reports with feedback and recommendations. Timelines and Deliverables: Proposal evaluation report within 7 days of project start. Website audit report within 5 days after website completion. Final comprehensive report including conclusions and actionable recommendations. We look forward to receiving your applications, along with examples of prior audits, relevant projects, or evaluations. Please ensure your expertise aligns with the pro...

    $141 Average bid
    $141 平均入札額
    43 入札

    Since I am abroad, I need someone to visit my house in Bremen, Germany, to ascertain how many people Bremen, Germany, to ascertain how many people currently reside there. This task is crucial due to legal and compliance reasons. Key Responsibilities: - A site visit to my Bremen property. - Note and info about the number and names of occupants. - Note the duration of their stay (since when to when, how found the room). - Document your findings with photographic evidence. - Compose a written report detailing your observations. Ideal Candidate: - Must be located in or have access to Bremen, Germany. - Must keep project details confidential to tenants and guests. Pay is $ 30,- and 50,- if all needed informations eg photo for evidence are fully documented. Speak to you ...

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 入札

    I'm in need of highly skilled cold callers who can help me gather market feedback and set appointments for my offerings. The target market is national, and the main objectives of the calls are to assess product fit and gauge market demand. This role is commission based with very lucrative commission structure and growth ...growth opportunity to work with a variety of offerings. Key responsibilities: - Conduct cold calls to potential clients - Gather feedback on product fit (problem qualifying and solution interest) - Assess overall market demand - Set appointments for further discussions Ideal candidates should: - Have proven experience in cold calling - Possess excellent communication skills - Be able to gather and report feedback effectively - Have a knack for sales and cli...

    $1100 Average bid
    $1100 平均入札額
    18 入札 create a comprehensive sales commission report. I receive monthly reports from my company, but they don't balance the commission sold versus the commission final at job completion. Key Requirements: - Creation of a report that can be used ongoing, allowing future data input - Each job has three commission payments based on billed/paid - The report should provide as much data as possible Data to be Included: - Sales amounts - Commission percentages - Job completion status - Cost - Price - Margin - Profit - Commission Rate - Commission amount sold - Commission amount executed - Commission due Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Excel - Experience with sales and commission reporting - Ability to create reports for CSV data import I want the report to be m...

    $156 Average bid
    $156 平均入札額
    15 入札

    I'm looking for a professional web developer to design and implement a new dual-language (Turkish/English) website for me. Other languages will be added later, so this should be available. This site will serve as a portal for an insurance agency, with a blog component, and will also incorporate some interactive elements like Appointment Management system connected to Google Calendar and Zoom accounts. Will also need to implement some interactive forms to get insurance applications or information updates. We want to implement some API connections to Healthcare Marketplace as well. The main languages will be Turkish and English, so we prefer a native Turkish speaker, as well as English knowledge. We also want to carry emails (....@) to Microsoft or Google mail hosting without

    $9192 Average bid
    $9192 平均入札額
    147 入札

    I'm looking for a freelancer who can create two report templates in Zoho Writer connected with our Zoho CRM data. The templates should be modeled after an Excel report design and tailored for client presentations, hence they need to be professional and easy to follow. The first report is 3 pages long, and the second one is 8 pages long. The templates should include: Essential Elements: - Data feed from Zoho CRM - Conditional formatting for certain text field The ideal candidate will have experience with Zoho Writer and Zoho CRM, as well as a clear understanding of creating business report templates. I've specific branding guidelines that need to be applied to the report templates, so the freelancer should be able to adhere to these closely....

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr 平均入札額
    10 入札

    I'm in search of an online teacher who can provide recorded lessons in Math and Science for students from Class 1 to 12. The lessons need to be based on the local school curriculum. Key Responsibilities: - Create and deliver recorded lessons covering Math and Science topics in line with the local school curriculum - Ensure lessons are engaging, informative, and accessible to students of varying abilities - Utilize Google Meet for any necessary live sessions Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in teaching Math and Science at primary and secondary school levels - Familiarity with the local school curriculum - Proficient in creating engaging recorded lessons - Comfortable using Google Meet for live sessions

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr 平均入札額
    12 入札

    I'm a startup cosmetics brand looking for an experienced Meta Ads specialist from Pakistan. I need someone who can run effective ads on both Facebook and Instagram, with a primary goal of generating sales. Key Responsibilities: - Create and manage video-based ad campaigns on Facebook and Instagram - Monitor ad performance and adjust strategies as needed - Report on sales generated from the ad campaigns Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in running Meta Ads - Strong understanding of the cosmetics market in Pakistan - Ability to create engaging video ad content Compensation: This is a commission-based role, with payment tied to the sales generated from the ad campaigns.

    $22 Average bid
    $22 平均入札額
    7 入札
    $120 平均入札額
    1 入札 on the platform. Process Automation: Link existing categories with dynamic data from the APIs. Set up workflows to ensure automated updates and data processing. Email Automation: Implement an automated email management system. Enable AI-powered responses to incoming inquiries based on customer inputs. Artificial Intelligence (AI): Integrate an AI solution for data analysis and automated report or response generation. Connect the AI with the platform’s categories and data. Social Media Integration: Automate the publishing of platform content to social networks (e.g., LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook). Set up templates for social media posts based on platform content. Our Preparation: WordPress is already installed and set up. All categories, text, images, and design elem...

    $1177 Average bid
    $1177 平均入札額
    122 入札

    I am seeking an experienced environmental researcher to prepare a comprehensive yet accessible research report on climate change. The aim of this project is to provide a detailed understanding of climate change and its implications to the general public. Key Requirements: - In-depth understanding of climate change - Excellent research skills - Ability to translate complex concepts into simple, clear language - Experience in writing research reports Please include samples of similar work you've done in your application.

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr 平均入札額
    51 入札

    I'm looking for a professional to create a PowerPoint presentation from my Excel data. The presentation will primarily focus on sales statistics, specifically sales by region. The visual representation of the data will be in pie chart f...PowerPoint presentation from my Excel data. The presentation will primarily focus on sales statistics, specifically sales by region. The visual representation of the data will be in pie chart format. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Excel for data extraction - Expertise in PowerPoint for presentation creation - Ability to create clear and engaging pie charts - Experience in sales report preparation The final output should be a well-structured and visually appealing PowerPoint presentation that effectively communicates ...

    $67 Average bid
    $67 平均入札額
    51 入札

    ...Identify and engage potential clients through social media platforms (e.g., Instagram, LinkedIn). Run targeted campaigns to attract aspiring aviation professionals. Use tools like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or organic strategies to generate leads. Customer Conversion: Follow up with leads to explain the benefits of our classes. Guide clients through the enrollment process. Reporting: Track and report lead conversion metrics weekly. Suggest strategies to improve client acquisition. Proven experience in lead generation or digital marketing. Knowledge of payment platforms (e.g., Razorpay, Instamojo, PayPal). Strong communication skills and ability to engage clients online. Familiarity with aviation or career coaching industries is a plus. What We Offer: Flexible working hours. O...

    $12 Average bid
    $12 平均入札額
    1 入札

    We run a specialised news website dealing with Asian economies and financial markets. We are seeking an experienced SEO Freelancer ...Responsibilities: Perform keyword research Identify quality backlink sources within our industry. Develop and implement link-building strategies. Monitor and report on the success of link building and its impact on Keyword rankings. Requirements: Experience in SEO and link building, preferably within the news/finance sector. Knowledge of SEO best practices and search engine guidelines. Independent working style and analytical skills. Track record in raising search enginge traffic for other news websites. For the website, we'd like to start linkbuilding for our top 20 keywords. Please send relevant success reports, your SEO plans and your ...

    $308 Average bid
    $308 平均入札額
    76 入札

    ...niche or geographic area (Göteborg). No spammy or low-quality links. Strategic Outreach: Contacting local websites, blogs, directories, and forums for link-building opportunities. Key Requirements: Knowledge of SEO best practices. Experience with tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or similar for backlink analysis. Ability to track and report progress. Deliverables: A minimum of 50 high-quality backlinks within 1 month. Weekly updates on progress with a backlink report. Assurance of only white-hat methods used. Budget: Flexible depending on experience and results. Competitive proposals will be given priority. Timeline: Start immediately. Initial contract is for 1 month, with potential for ongoing work based on results. How to Apply: Share examples of successful backlink...

    $317 Average bid
    $317 平均入札額
    95 入札

    We run a specialised news website dealing with Asian economies and financial markets. We are seeking an experienced SEO Freelancer ...Responsibilities: Perform keyword research Identify quality backlink sources within our industry. Develop and implement link-building strategies. Monitor and report on the success of link building and its impact on Keyword rankings. Requirements: Experience in SEO and link building, preferably within the news/finance sector. Knowledge of SEO best practices and search engine guidelines. Independent working style and analytical skills. Track record in raising search enginge traffic for other news websites. For the website, we'd like to start linkbuilding for our top 20 keywords. Please send relevant success reports, your SEO plans and your ...

    $95 Average bid
    $95 平均入札額
    97 入札

    ...devices, especially mobile and tablet screens. Optimize for fast performance with lightweight assets and mobile-first design principles. SEO Optimization: Structure the site with SEO best practices, including schema markup, meta tags, and clean URLs. Optimize images, scripts, and content for search engine ranking improvement. User-Friendly Features: Include yoga-specific sections, such as blogs, class schedules, testimonials, and an interactive contact page. Integrate functional features like a booking system (optional) and newsletter sign-ups. Performance & Security: Minimize page load times using efficient coding and compression techniques. Ensure the website is secure and adheres to the latest security standards. Testing & Deployment: Conduct thorough testing to en...

    $44 Average bid
    $44 平均入札額
    8 入札