Construction industry in sri lanka 2019仕事


  • construction industry in sri lanka 2019
  • j2me game sample
2,000 construction industry in sri lanka 2019 見つかった仕事 in Sydney, Australia but we engage our Contractors and Freelancers all over the world to help us meet our crazy big goals. As a Contract or Freelancer at Canva you can work remotely in the country listed on this job ad, meaning you have ultimate flexibility. Wherever works for you, works for us. -What you’d be doing in this role As a Copywriter at Canva, it’s your mission to create content that makes complex things simple and to give ordinary people the ability to make extraordinary things. We place a strong emphasis on the success of our users, and content in all forms has a big impact on that. This could include copy for social advertising, branding campaigns, EDMs, landing pages, UI copy and more. You will have the opportunity to work on ...

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr 平均入札額
6 入札

I am looking for a skilled Vietnamese - Japanese interpreter for multiple BD meetings in around a half year. - Setting: The interpretation will be needed in a business meeting. - Duration: a meeting is expected to last between 2 to 4 hours. Around 20 hours a month. - Experience in IT industry as the client is highly desirable. Especially in payment field. 継続的に契約更新ができる人材を探しています。 ・3か月程度毎の契約更新(試用期間がある可能性があります) ・ハノイ拠点またはホーチミン拠点 ・月に25時間程度の時間を予定しています(ホーチミンは月に1-2日程度) ・IT業界のシステム用語や、クレジットカード決済のスキームが理解できる方優遇 日本語力を見たいので、応募の際に日本語でご連絡いただける方を優遇いたします。

$50 / hr Average bid
$50 / hr 平均入札額
1 入札

Project overview: 1. Language pair: English to Japanese 2. Field: UI industry 3. Project type: remote part-time job Project requirements: 1. Japanese native language; 2. Must have experience in UI industry translation, and can accept trial translation; 3. High degree of cooperation, timely response and stable daily output.

$79 Average bid
$79 平均入札額
29 入札

当社について:私たちはコスタリカのコーヒー輸出会社で、最高品質のコーヒーを販売しています。コスタリカのコーヒーは世界TOP3に入る最高品質のコーヒーです。すでに日本へ弊社のコーヒーを販売しておりますが、この度販路を拡大する予定です。弊社はコスタリカ現地企業ですが、マネージャーは日本人ですので、スペイン語や英語が話せなくても問題ありません。企業情報については、当社ウェブサイトをご覧ください。 弊社website: この度募集する営業担当者の業務内容は以下の通りです。 ・コーヒー輸入業者、顧客、代理店に対してコスタリカ産コーヒー豆の販売。 ・新規取引先のリサーチ。 ・電話営業を通しての新規クライアント獲得。 (ただし電話営業だけでアプローチするのではなく、サンプリングを提供する予定です。) ・取引先と常に良好な取引関係を維持すること。 ・問題や顧客の苦情に対して迅速に対応し、顧客満足度を高めること。 私たちは、積極的に新規取引先の開拓を行ってくれる即戦力のある営業担当者を募集しています。売上の収益成長、顧客満足度、収益性を向上させるために、顧客に対して適切な解決策を提供することが営業担当者の役割です。 〈求めている人材〉 ・電話での営業経験がある方、またはそれに対して抵抗のない方を優遇。 ※営業経験は必須ではありませんが、積極的に業務に取り組み学ぼうとする意欲は必須です。 ・コーヒーが好きな方、興味がある方を優遇。 ・この仕事は、フルタイムではなくパートタイムの仕事です。電話とネットさえあれば出来るので、自宅で仕事をすることが可能です。 ・コミュニケーション力、マネジメント力、交渉力に長けていて、顧客と良好な関係を築ける方。 ・プレゼンテーションスキルをお持ちの方。 〈給料〉 ・お給料は完全歩合制になります。取引終了後、コミッション...

$1115 Average bid
$1115 平均入札額
3 入札

100%利益を出すバイナリーオプション、FXのシステムを作って頂きたいです。 世の中に存在してるらしく、それを作れる方お願い致します。

$2460 Average bid
$2460 平均入札額
10 入札

日本語の「面白い事実」のリストからフレーズを発声する必要があります。所要時間は約20分です。声の種類が異なる3人の男性。 1つのファイルに録音が必要で、フレーズの間にはいくつかの区切りがあります。 録音は、以下の要件に従って、44,100 Hzのサンプリング周波数で品質を失うことなく(WAV)フォーマットで録音する必要があります。 - バックグラウンドノイズが少ない場所(ノイズ吸収のある室内または毛布の下)で記録してください。 - スマートフォン用ボイスレコーダーを使用する場合は、音源から20〜30 cm離してください。スマートフォンが持っていない、それは何かを柔らかくして固定することをお勧めします。 - 過剰な信号レベルがあってはいけません(クリッピング)。 - マイクに触れないでください。 - マイクに「吐き気」があってはいけません。ため息をつきません - 休止を守らなければならない(「事実」間に少なくとも2秒) - アナウンサーは声が荒くなるべきではなく、声帯の弛緩によって引き起こされる人工的な喘鳴を起こすべきではなく、フレーズの終わりに特有のものであり、声が低い。

$15 Average bid
$15 平均入札額
3 入札

ホノルルで結婚式の写真を撮った経験のある日本語を話すカメラマンを探しています。 可能であれば、写真家は結婚式の写真撮影の経験を最適化することができる化粧やヘアスタイリングの準備で花嫁を支援するべきです。 仕事の説明を読んだことを示すために、「I am real」と返信してください。 私達は完了する仕事全体のために200ドルを提供します。 興味のある方はご連絡ください。

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 入札

私達は私達のJPのウェブサイトで私達の支払いシステムをテストするために5〜10人のWebテスターを探しています。 推定プロジェクト期間は1日以内です。これは緊急の課題であり、テストごとに50ドルを支払うことができます。主な要件は、WebテスターがJCB / MasterおよびVisaカード所有者(日本の銀行)であることです。

$155 Average bid
$155 平均入札額
1 入札

ホノルルで結婚式の写真を撮った経験のある日本語を話すカメラマンを探しています。 可能であれば、写真家は結婚式の写真撮影の経験を最適化することができる化粧やヘアスタイリングの準備で花嫁を支援するべきです。 仕事の説明を読んだことを示すために、「I am real」と返信してください。 私達は完了する仕事全体のために150ドルを提供します。 興味のある方はご連絡ください。

$200 Average bid
$200 平均入札額
1 入札

Please to recover the 500 Internal Server Error that occurred in the construction sites in Magento. 500 Internal Server Error is now displayed in normal operation to have a site that has been built with magento. I do not remember such as changes to the file. Only the 500 Internal Server Error front end of the site is displayed. Back office is normal operation and normally displayed. Also with reference to the existing DB by installing a new magento files become 500 Internal Server Error. I will be get 500 Internal Server Error in DB creation time when I try to fresh installation with the new DB and file. I tried it. Change permissions using the magento-cleanup.php. Installation condition confirmation using the magento-check.php. Delete of .h...

$76 Average bid
$76 平均入札額
12 入札

good afternoon. We are a company that is supporting the channel construction of Japanese companies . Has been entrusted with the sale in the US market of a company , we are looking for a person who can help me with this project . Very 20-30 generations of awareness in the major products in Japan has exceeded 60 %. By all means, the person who is the sales and marketing in the US market this product together We are looking for . Target retail will wallmart, target, korger, wallgreen, to five companies of cvs. We certainly thank you . こんにちは。弊社は日本企業のチャネル構築を支援している会社です。 ある会社のアメリカ市場での販売を任されており、このプロジェクトを手伝っていただける方を探しております。 日本では非常にメジャーな商品で20−30代の認知度は60%を超えております。 ぜひ、この商品を一緒にアメリカ市場での営業・マーケティングをしていただける方を 探しております。 ターゲット小売は、wallmart,tar...

$1667 Average bid
$1667 平均入札額
3 入札

...technical and patent translations from many languages to English, including Japanese. We already have some clients in Japan, but we want to expand our business there, so we are searching for candidates that can come to be interviewed to our branch office in Japan (Tokyo). We need a salesperson / account manager in Japan; the candidate will be required to: - Actively make sales calls to Japanese companies to sell translation services, and so develop new customers (no need for doing translations). - Contact and visit customers - keep a permanent, live relationship with the customers. - Manage the existing customer accounts and manage sales records. - Participate in trade shows and conferences. - Submit regular reports about his/her activity. - Mai...

$15 Average bid
$15 平均入札額
1 入札
Trophy icon Design a Postcard for Pharmacy
7 日 left

I'm looking for a nice and professional dou...- 5pm - Website: Requirements for Postcard: Double Sided, 4x6 postcard MUST INCLUDE THESE IN THERE (JUST LIKE EXAMPLES) - Free Delivery - Receive a $10 Gift Card when you transfer your prescription from CVS, Rite Aid, or Walgreens - Complimentary (first time patients): Glucose Monitor, Moisturizing Lotion, Pulse Oximeter, Pill Organizer, & more. The rest of the information required is pretty standard if you use the 3 references I've attached. Looking for professional designs only please! Ideal Skills: - Graphic design, particularly in creating print-ready designs. - Experience in designing for the retail sector. - An understanding of the pharmacy industry would be a plus. - A knack for creating ...

$100 Average bid

I'm seeking a freelancer to create a complete branding package for my portrait photography studio. This includes a modern logo design, business card, letterhead, and a cohesive color palette. I have a general idea of the colors I want but I'm open to your ...freelancer to create a complete branding package for my portrait photography studio. This includes a modern logo design, business card, letterhead, and a cohesive color palette. I have a general idea of the colors I want but I'm open to your suggestions. The branding needs to be modern in style, reflecting the contemporary aesthetic of my photography. Ideal skills for this job include graphic design, branding, and a strong understanding of modern design principles. Experience in designing for the phot...

$616 Average bid
$616 平均入札額
14 入札

### Project Description: ElevateFlow is a cutting-edge virtual assistant (VA) agency specializing in enhancing productivity and workflow efficiency for businesses leveraging the Go High-Level CRM platform. At ElevateFlow, our mission is to empower clients by streamlining their operations, optimizing marketing and sales funnels, and delivering tailored support with a friendly, approachable touch. #### Key Features and Services: - Go High-Level Expertise: Our team of VAs is thoroughly trained in Go High-Level functionalities, ensuring seamless support for all aspects of the platform, including pipeline management, automated workflows, appointment scheduling, and client communication. - Efficiency Redefined: We focus on simplifying complex tasks and optimizing processes to h...

$443 Average bid
$443 平均入札額
9 入札

"I'm seeking a highly creative and skilled freelancer to develop a powerful visual identity and digital portfolio that will elevate my brand and showcase my work. I need a bold, modern design that captures attention and effectively communicates my unique value proposition within the [Client's Niche/Industry] sector. This project requires a comprehensive approach, encompassing: - Visual Identity: Design of a striking logo, color palette, typography, and brand style guide that reflects my brand's personality and resonates with my target audience. - Portfolio Website: Development of a dynamic and responsive website that serves as a captivating online portfolio. The website should be visually engaging, user-friendly, and optimized for showcasing high-quality ima...

$487 Average bid
$487 平均入札額
4 入札

I'm ...promotes my availability for design consulting contract positions. With nearly two decades of experience in design, particularly with Autodesk Inventor, I've worked across various sectors including sanitary piping design, water filtration tank design, and oil refineries. Key Requirements: - A creative touch that can make the flyer stand out - Ability to showcase my experience across different industries - Design skills to create an editable text section for me to input my skills Core Skills to Highlight: - Technical drawings - 3D Modeling - Conceptual to fabrication Ideal candidates should have experience in designing promotional materials, a strong understanding of the design industry and its key components, along with a creative flair to make the...

$34 Average bid
$34 平均入札額
86 入札

Job Overview:BilliMD is looking for a highly motivated Talent Acquisition Specialist / Recruiter to join our team in India. This individual will play a key role in identifying, attracting, and hiring top talent in the software and technology industry. As our HR Representative in India, you will be responsible for managing the full recruitment cycle while ensuring a seamless and efficient hiring process. You must have strong negotiation skills, a sense of urgency, and the ability to represent BilliMD professionally in the Indian talent market. Key Responsibilities: Identify and attract top-tier software and tech industry professionals to join BilliMD. Develop and execute sourcing strategies using job boards, LinkedIn, networking, and refer...

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr 平均入札額
4 入札

I'm in need of an expert who can create electrical, site, and foundation plans for a residential building. Plans Needed: - Electrical Plan: The plan should incorporate the layout for the circuit breaker panel. - Site Plan: A basic layout with major features and dimensions is required. - Foundation Plan: A detailed foundation plan for the residential building. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in CAD or similar software. - Previous experience with residential building plans. - Knowledge of electrical layout and site planning. I'm looking for comprehensive, easy-to-understand blueprints that can be used for construction and inspection purposes. Please provide similar work examples in your proposal.

$239 Average bid
$239 平均入札額
29 入札

I am seeking a Mechanical Engineer with expertise in Commercial HVAC to join my team and play a key role in an exciting, innovative, industry-changing program—from design to production. Key Responsibilities: - Both design and production phases - Primary focus on Commercial HVAC system design - Use of CAD software and Carel C Suite Ideal Candidate Qualifications: - Proficient in Electrical Schematic Design - Capable of IOM (Installation, Operation, and Maintenance) Manual Development - Experienced with UL Submittal & Documentation - Knowledgeable about Unit Label Placement & UL Requirements - Highly skilled in CAD - Field Installation Experience (Preferred) - Program Management Skills - Extensive Commercial HVAC System Design Experience If...

$51 / hr Average bid
$51 / hr 平均入札額
11 入札

I am looking for an expert to help me with the creation of a 3D model for my groundbreaking, self-sustaining thermal cycle generator. This 20 kW unit is designed ...looking for an expert to help me with the creation of a 3D model for my groundbreaking, self-sustaining thermal cycle generator. This 20 kW unit is designed for home electricity supply, but with scalability in mind. The generator will need to operate in both indoor and outdoor environments, making its design and construction crucial. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize provided data points for component placement and dimensions The project is already well-structured with clean notes, making it easier to execute. Your expertise in energy technology and generator design will be pivotal in bri...

$583 Average bid
$583 平均入札額
9 入札

I'm seeking a freelancer with experience in creating email campaigns to promote my upcoming conferences targeting industry professionals. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement effective email campaigns. - Strategize to reach and engage industry professionals. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in email marketing. - Familiarity with conference promotion. - Ability to target and engage industry professionals.

$24 Average bid
$24 平均入札額
14 入札

I'm seeking a skilled research analyst to help identify the target market for various sectors. Key tasks will include: - Conducting comprehensive market research to uncover potential customer segments - Providing insights on customer prefer...research analyst to help identify the target market for various sectors. Key tasks will include: - Conducting comprehensive market research to uncover potential customer segments - Providing insights on customer preferences and behaviors within the tech industry - Input details into Excel Ideal candidates should have: - Previous experience in market research, in diverse sectors - Strong analytical skills and proficiency in data interpretation - Excellent communication skills for presenting findings in a cle...

$131 Average bid
$131 平均入札額
58 入札

*Cold Caller for US Real Estate – Join Our SMMA Agency!* Our average caller makes 1500$ per month We are looking for a *Cold Caller* to join our team and help us generate leads in the *real estate* industry. ### *Requirements:* - Fluent English with a clear and professional accent. - Experience in cold calling is a plus, but *not required* – we provide full training. - Punctuality, responsibility, and consistency in daily tasks. ### *What We Offer:* - *Commission-based pay:* Earn *$200 per closed deal* +++ *incentive per appointment show up* - *Proven results:* Our closers convert *20% of leads, with an **average deal size of $2,000*. - *Bonuses:* Performance-based weekly bonuses. - A *structured system* for success and *full...

$364 Average bid
$364 平均入札額
7 入札

I'm launching a new construction company and need a comprehensive marketing package to get the word out. This includes: - Social Media Posts: Targeted for Facebook and Instagram with a professional tone. These posts should highlight our services and establish our presence as a reliable, top-tier construction company. - Brochure: This should cover our company's services, showcase some of our previous projects, and include client testimonials. The brochure needs to be visually appealing and professionally designed. - Emailer: This should be a digital file ready to send out to potential clients, partners, and stakeholders. Ideal skills for this project include social media marketing, graphic design, and copywriting. Experience in the construction i...

$340 Average bid
$340 平均入札額
120 入札

I'm seeking a professional to conduct a gap analysis between our work procedure and a nuclear industry guideline. The focus will be identifying discrepancies and omissions from our current procedures. This analysis will be documented in a PowerPoint presentation with moderate detail and key points. Key Requirements: - Conduct research and compare our work procedure against the PDF guideline - Identify gaps in our work procedure - Create a PowerPoint presentation outlining the key points of the analysis - Present the findings in moderate detail Ideal Skills: - Strong analytical skills - Proficient in PowerPoint - Familiarity with the nuclear CFSI industry - Experience in gap analysis - Attention to detail

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr 平均入札額
74 入札

I'm seeking a creative marketing professional who can propose a captivating campaign to promote my fintech app designed for hassle-free, zero-fee international money transfers. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a campaign that boosts our br...promote my fintech app designed for hassle-free, zero-fee international money transfers. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a campaign that boosts our brand visibility among frequent travelers, our primary target audience. - Utilize social media as the main platform for the campaign, crafting engaging content that resonates with our audience. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in social media marketing - Experience in fintech industry marketing - Understanding of the frequent traveler demographic - Creative campaign development - Stro...

$74 Average bid
$74 平均入札額
9 入札

...areas. • 3D walkthrough animations. • List of proposed materials, fixtures, and furnishings. Software Requirements: Designs should be created using industry-standard 3D modeling and rendering software such as: • Autodesk 3ds Max • SketchUp • V-Ray • LightWave 3D • Augment Submission Requirements: • Portfolio showcasing previous interior design and 3D visualization projects. • Proposed timeline for project completion. • Detailed cost estimate. Selection Criteria: • Creativity and originality in design concepts. • Relevance and quality of past work. • Ability to meet deadlines and work within budget. • Proficiency in the required software tools. Additional Information: We ai...

$415 Average bid
$415 平均入札額
65 入札

...areas. • 3D walkthrough animations. • List of proposed materials, fixtures, and furnishings. Software Requirements: Designs should be created using industry-standard 3D modeling and rendering software such as: • Autodesk 3ds Max • SketchUp • V-Ray • LightWave 3D • Augment Submission Requirements: • Portfolio showcasing previous interior design and 3D visualization projects. • Proposed timeline for project completion. • Detailed cost estimate. Selection Criteria: • Creativity and originality in design concepts. • Relevance and quality of past work. • Ability to meet deadlines and work within budget. • Proficiency in the required software tools. Additional Information: We ai...

$42 Average bid

I'm planning to build a shed dormer primarily to increase my living space. I'm looking for an structural engineer to see if is up to code and structurally sound. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in framing shed dormers - Proficiency in working with wood - Experience with home expansion projects - Knowledge of safety and building codes

$941 Average bid
$941 平均入札額
37 入札

We are seeking a skilled developer to create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for a referral management system tailored for our construction company. This system should effectively incentivize and track referrals to enhance our client acquisition processes. The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of referral systems and experience in building interactive applications on the platform. Your expertise will help streamline our referral processes and improve overall engagement. The core features of the MVP should include: -A way for new clients and users in our network to sign up to become an "affiliate", and sign an agreement that stipulates the affiliate revenue amounts they will be entitled to by referring people to us. Them signing up will add t...

$578 Average bid
$578 平均入札額
107 入札

I'm looking for a skilled professional to build a PVC deck at my home. The primary purpose of this deck is to host various entertainment events and parties, so it needs to The lighting should be suitable for evening events, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. The outdoor kitchen setup should be functional and seamlessly integrated into the deck design. Ideal qualifications for the freelancer include: - Proven experience in deck construction, particularly with PVC. - Ability to design and incorporate built-in features such as lighting and an outdoor kitchen. - Strong understanding of creating entertainment-friendly outdoor spaces. I'd love to see examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal. Looking forward t...

$383 Average bid
$383 平均入札額
65 入札

I am seeking assistance with an in-depth case study analysis focused on the marketing industry, specifically honing in on market analysis aspects within the technology sector. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in MBA-level case study analysis - Strong understanding of marketing industry - Experience in technology sector market analysis - Excellent research and analytical skills - Ability to present findings in a clear, concise manner

$103 Average bid
$103 平均入札額
58 入札

I'm looking for an experienced Wikipedia author to create a page for a notable individual in the film industry. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Proven track record of creating successful Wikipedia pages - Strong understanding of Wikipedia's guidelines and standards - Excellent writing and research skills - Background or strong knowledge in the film industry - Experience with individual, entertainment, and film-related pages. Please provide examples of previous Wikipedia pages you have created.

$228 Average bid
$228 平均入札額
7 入札

...functionalities. For Agents: Agents will have the ability to create detailed property listings, including high-quality images, virtual tours, and comprehensive descriptions. They will manage their listings, respond to inquiries, and track leads directly through their profile. For Builders: Builders will showcase their projects with dedicated project pages, highlighting floor plans, amenities, construction progress, and pricing. They can manage project updates, generate leads, and engage with potential buyers. For Users: Individual users can list their own properties for sale or rent, browse listings from agents and builders, and save their favorite properties. They will also be able to directly contact agents and builders and save their search preferences. Key Features: Role...

$292 Average bid
$292 平均入札額
25 入札

I am in need of a meticulous attorney or paralegal with a strong proficiency in Microsoft Word and experience in legal document formatting. The task involves preparing legal documents for an appeal to the Supreme Court of Montana, specifically creating an accurate and comprehensive Table of Authorities. I have attached notes for the brief. I will compile the brief with the Exhibits and organize. Key Responsibilities: - Format legal documents according to industry standards - Create a Table of Authorities that includes cases and statutes - Ensure clarity and professionalism in all documents Ideal Candidate: - Has experience in legal formatting - Strong understanding of legal citation styles - Background in legal writing or editing is a plu...

$75 / hr Average bid
$75 / hr 平均入札額
8 入札

We are seeking an experienced and detail-oriented Business Analyst to act as a bridge between business units and IT teams. In this role, you will lead the documentation and analysis of business requirements, map existing processes, and support the design of effective technical solutions. A proven history of meticulously documenting processes is essential, and Salesforce experience is highly preferred. ________________________________________ Essential Duties & Responsibilities: • Requirement Gathering & Analysis: o Collaborate with stakeholders to capture and analyze detailed business requirements. o Conduct interviews, workshops, and meetings to elicit and validate business needs. o Identify gaps and opportunities for process improvements. • Process Documentation ...

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr 平均入札額
25 入札

I'm looking to have a 1:24 scale model home built. This model should be constructed from plastic and feature a moderate level of detail, inclusive of furnishings. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in scale model construction - Proficiency in using plastic as a primary material - Ability to design and incorporate detailed furnishings within the model Experience: - Prior experience in creating detailed scale models - Portfolio showcasing previous model home projects - Demonstrable skills in working with plastic materials

$392 Average bid
$392 平均入札額
56 入札
Professional Graphic Designer
6 日 left

I'm looking for a professional graphic designer who can help me...of graphics I need, but they may include logo design, marketing materials, or social media graphics. I also haven't determined the exact purpose of the designs, but they will likely be used for branding, advertising, or event promotion. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design software such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc. - Experience in creating a variety of design types. - Strong understanding of branding and marketing principles. - Ability to work independently and suggest designs based on industry best practices. Please note, I am open to suggestions regarding colors and fonts, as I do not yet have specific brand colors or fonts that need to be used. Creativity and a ...

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr 平均入札額
81 入札

I'm on the hunt for a telemarketing professional who can assist in lead generation for the packaging industry. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct telemarketing campaigns targeting businesses within the packaging industry. - Generate and qualify leads for potential business opportunities. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in B2B telemarketing, particularly within the packaging industry. - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. - Proficiency in data mining and scraping for lead generation. - Ability to generate quality leads and contribute to business growth. If you have a knack for telemarketing and a keen understanding of the packaging sector, I would love to hear from you.

$7 / hr Average bid
$7 / hr 平均入札額
11 入札

I'm seeking a talented and experienced tourism sales executive to expand our business. Key responsibilities include: - Generating leads. - Conducting engaging and persuasive sales in the tourism industry. - Developing and maintaining strong relationships with travel agencies to secure partnerships and sales opportunities. The expected qualifications and skills for the role include: - Proven experience in sales - In-depth knowledge of the tourism industry - Exceptional communication Kindly add country name in your bid.

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr 平均入札額
10 入札

I'm a beginner looking to kickstart my career in software development. I need intensive training in Python, JavaScript, Java, or .NET, followed by immediate placement assistance. The ideal trainer should have strong industry connections for job placement post-training. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Python, JavaScript, Java, and .NET - Extensive experience in software development - Strong industry connections for job placement - Proven track record in training beginners - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills - Able to provide intensive and hands-on training Your role will be to train me comprehensively and help me secure a job. The goal is to gain enough skill and knowledge to be competitive in the field of soft...

$475 Average bid
$475 平均入札額
64 入札

...concept, and the freelancer will need to translate it into a professional, technical document for approval. Scope of Work: 1. Architectural Drawings (AutoCAD or similar format) -Floor Plan (Top-down view with dimensions and layout details) -Front & Side Elevations (Structural views, materials, and branding locations) -Sectional Views (Breakdown of key kiosk components, materials, and construction details) -Lighting & Electrical Plan (Power outlets, LED lighting, and sign placements) -Security & Storage Plan (Lockable compartments, fire safety equipment, and surveillance points) 2. Technical Documentation (Formatted PDF Report) -Professional document layout (Matching the sample PDFs provided) -Title page with kiosk name, location, and project details -Ma...

$145 Average bid
$145 平均入札額
35 入札

I'm looking for a talented writer to produce monthly blogs for my company. The primary purpose of produce monthly blogs for my company. The primary purpose of these blogs will be promotional/marketing, aimed at industry professionals. Key Requirements: - The blogs should primarily include industry news/updates, must be about the catering industry. - The content should be engaging and relevant to capture the attention of industry professionals. - The writing should be persuasive to promote our brand and services. Ideal Skills: - Excellent writing and research skills. - Understanding of the industry and ability to distill complex news into accessible content. - Experience in promotional writing. Experience with MailChimp. Please pro...

$468 Average bid
$468 平均入札額
58 入札

...with expertise in semiconductor design, particularly in the digital domain. The project focuses on creating a new digital semiconductor tailored for automotive systems. Key Responsibilities: - Designing a new digital semiconductor from scratch. - Ensuring the design meets automotive industry standards and requirements. - Collaborating closely with me to incorporate specific design features. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in semiconductor design, specifically digital semiconductors. - Familiarity with automotive systems and their semiconductor needs. - Strong collaborative skills to work closely with me on this project. If you have a portfolio of relevant projects, I would love to see it. Your expertise could play a crucial role in...

$2787 Average bid
$2787 平均入札額
34 入札

I'm seeking assistance to secure grant funding for my healthcare startup, which is currently in its growth stage. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive network and experience in obtaining grants specifically for healthcare startups - Proven track record of successful fund-raising - Deep understanding of the healthcare industry - Excellent communication and proposal writing skills - Ability to strategize and present compelling cases to potential grant providers

$65 Average bid
$65 平均入札額
2 入札

I need an architectural drawing of an existing building, with all interior walls removed, for a permit application. This project requires: - Creating a basic layout drawing without any existing blueprints or detailed blueprints available. - The ability to understand and translate the physical building into a basic architectural drawing. - Experience with architectural design sof...requires: - Creating a basic layout drawing without any existing blueprints or detailed blueprints available. - The ability to understand and translate the physical building into a basic architectural drawing. - Experience with architectural design software and knowledge of permit application requirements. Please note that the level of detail required is a basic layout, not a fully detailed construction...

$384 Average bid
$384 平均入札額
79 入札

I need a topographical CAD drawing for a car park layout, which will include an as-built of ducting runs. This drawing will be used for construction planning. The CAD drawing should encompass: - A comprehensive layout of parking spaces - Clear indications of traffic flow directions - Placement of signage The as-built ducting runs should provide: - Sizes and types of the ducts - Exact locations and routes of the ducting Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in CAD design, particularly for construction planning. Knowledge of ducting systems would be beneficial. Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in your bid.

$152 Average bid
$152 平均入札額
46 入札
High-Quality Backlink Building
6 日 left

...expertise in white-hat link-building techniques, strong outreach skills, and the ability to secure backlinks from reputable, high-authority websites in our industry. Key Requirements: 5+ years of experience in guest post backlink outreach Familiarity with SEO tools like Ahrefs and Semrush Strong communication and email outreach skills Experience in crafting compelling outreach templates that get responses Understanding of Google's link-building guidelines and best practices Please submit your response by answering the following questions: Q. How do you identify and qualify websites for backlink opportunities? Share specific metrics like DA, DR, traffic, relevance, etc. Q. What parameters do you consider while choosing the right websites for guest ...

$331 Average bid
$331 平均入札額
39 入札

I need a comprehensive topographical CAD drawing for construction planning. This should include detailed land features and utilities. Key Requirements: - Incorporate my existing comprehensive survey data into the CAD drawing. - Ability to create a detailed, accurate representation of the site. - Understanding of construction planning elements. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in CAD software. - Experience with topographical drawing. - Background in construction planning.

$142 Average bid
$142 平均入札額
24 入札