Company profile brochure pdf仕事
サンプルと似たような雰囲気のデザインを作っていただきたいです。 サンプルにある「MOUNTAIN ROCK」という文字を「MOUNTAIN GRAVEL」に変更します。 日本語の部分できれば「ニューマウンテンロック」を「マウンテングラベル」に変更します。できないなら空白にしてください。 最終入港はoutlineされた状態で.aiか.pdfでお願いします。
SASS Centrum, Inc(サスセントラム)代表の川尻と申します。弊社は海外から講師を招聘した様々なセミナーや講演会の企画運営を行っております。今回は下記の内容の講演会を企画しており、そのための広告宣伝用チラシの作成をお願い致します。 ”MLB最高のサポートチームのチームビルディングの秘密” 講師:Ken Crenshaw(MLBアリゾナダイアモンドバックス、ヘッドアスレチックトレーナー) 日時:11月10日(土)10時〜11時半 場所:TKP新宿カンファレンスセンター カンファレンスルーム6B プリントアウトしての配布もしますが、PDFファイルによる添付ファイルでの配信が中心になるかと思います。 SASS Centrum Inc. ホームページ
...of the target translation content to those freelancers who are considered to be the best candidates. ■採用条件 / Hiring Conditions ・英語、日本語がネイティブであること ・ワークシフトでのプロフィールや評価がしっかりしていること ・日本語、若しくは英語でのコミュニケーションがこまめに取れる方 ・採用時に本人確認書類を入れていただく可能性があります- Profile (language skills) ・Native English and Japanese speaker ・Substantial and completed Workshift profile ・Applicant who can be in touch frequently in Japanese or English. ・Personal identification verification may be asked during recruiting process. ■納品ファイルの形式 / Delivery Form 納品形式のPDFファイルをお送りします。 We will send an PDF file . ■禁止事項 / Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any exi...
...of the target translation content to those freelancers who are considered to be the best candidates. ■採用条件 / Hiring Conditions ・英語、日本語がネイティブであること ・ワークシフトでのプロフィールや評価がしっかりしていること ・日本語、若しくは英語でのコミュニケーションがこまめに取れる方 ・採用時に本人確認書類を入れていただく可能性があります- Profile (language skills) ・Native English and Japanese speaker ・Substantial and completed Workshift profile ・Applicant who can be in touch frequently in Japanese or English. ・Personal identification verification may be asked during recruiting process. ■納品ファイルの形式 / Delivery Form 納品形式のPDFファイルをお送りします。 We will send an PDF file . ■禁止事項 / Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any exi...
...of the target translation content to those freelancers who are considered to be the best candidates. ■採用条件 / Hiring Conditions ・英語、日本語がネイティブであること ・ワークシフトでのプロフィールや評価がしっかりしていること ・日本語、若しくは英語でのコミュニケーションがこまめに取れる方 ・採用時に本人確認書類を入れていただく可能性があります- Profile (language skills) ・Native English and Japanese speaker ・Substantial and completed Workshift profile ・Applicant who can be in touch frequently in Japanese or English. ・Personal identification verification may be asked during recruiting process. ■納品ファイルの形式 / Delivery Form 納品形式のPDFファイルをお送りします。 We will send an PDF file . ■禁止事項 / Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any exi...
...of the target translation content to those freelancers who are considered to be the best candidates. ■採用条件 / Hiring Conditions ・英語、日本語がネイティブであること ・ワークシフトでのプロフィールや評価がしっかりしていること ・日本語、若しくは英語でのコミュニケーションがこまめに取れる方 ・採用時に本人確認書類を入れていただく可能性があります- Profile (language skills) ・Native English and Japanese speaker ・Substantial and completed Workshift profile ・Applicant who can be in touch frequently in Japanese or English. ・Personal identification verification may be asked during recruiting process. ■納品ファイルの形式 / Delivery Form 納品形式のPDFファイルをお送りします。 We will send an PDF file . ■禁止事項 / Prohibition ・既存のコンテンツや既に提出した内容をそのまま転用する行為 ・自動翻訳ツールやソフトで翻訳・作成したものをそのまま転用する行為 ・業務詳細内容を、第三者へ転載/漏洩する行為 盗作は犯罪にあたり、コピー&ペースト等が発覚した際は契約の打ち切り及び法的手続を取る場合があることを御認識ください。 ・Copying or rewriting of any exi...
speaker is a plus. experience in recording company promotion 2. Plz record a demo 工業団地は、著しい地理的優位性を有しています。当該工業団地は、珠江デルタのコア区域に位置しており、珠江河口域「A字型」交通構造の重要な接合位置を占めており、珠江デルタ西岸の装備品産業が東西方向へ接続させる上での「足掛かり」であり、四方八方に通ずる水陸輸送ネットワークを有しています。中山市都市レール輸送計画は、合計7本の運行路線があり、その中で、5号線が板芙鎮内で三つのサイトが作られています。105国道、広州珠海西線高速鉄道と古神道路は、全地域に繋がります。工業団地を接続する西環高速道路と105国道改造のアップグレード工事はすでに着工しました。
need mature and steady voice, sometimes emotional whole script is about 1500 Japan words record a demo below: ここは緑豊かで肥沃な大地であり、西江と岐江の雨露を休むことなく浴び;板芙鎮という肥沃な大地の滋養を吸収、中山市知的生産システム産業園は、ここで根を張りその発芽を待っています。 【産業的地位編】 「天下の先たるをおそれない」と言う精神の元、中山市は、世界クラスの現代装備品製造業基地にするためにその建設に向かって努力しています。中山市における重点として建設された唯一の省レベルの知的生産モデル基地であり、中山市知的生産装備品産業園は、まさにこの目標達成の為の重要手段であります。
(1)相談内容 その1:新潟県内に特化した求人サイトの構築。 ================= 参考サイト: ワイヤフレーム:見積もり依頼1:求人サイトワイヤーフレーム.pdf 機能一覧:見積もり依頼1:機能一覧.xlsx ※ワイヤーフレームと機能一覧に基づきお見積りをお願いいたします。 参考サイトをもとに作成しておりますが、会員登録やログインなど記載していない 機能はお見積りから除外していただいて結構です。 ■「見積もり依頼1:求人サイトワイヤーフレーム.pdf」「見積もり依頼1:機能一覧.xlsx」の資料(下記からダウンロードして下さい) (依頼範囲) ワイヤーフレームに基づいた詳細設計・開発・テストとなります。 デザイン・HTMLコーディングは当社で対応する予定のため含みません。 (開発条件) PHP5.2 MySQL5.1 フレームワーク:symfony1.4 対応デバイス:PC、スマホ (納期) 3月末
*ワイン輸入・販売会社のウェブサイト。 *小売りはしておらず対象は酒問屋、卸業者、レストラン等。 *オンライン販売も無し。 *基本的に現行ウェブサイトの内容をそのままリニューアルしたいが、現在FFFTPとDreamweaverでの編集なのでもっと簡単に管理できるようにしたい。 *見た目を新しくスタイリッシュに変えたい。 *定期的にアップデートするカタログをもっと分かりやすい場所でだれでもダウンロードできるようにしたい(現在はNEWSページでアップデートの都度掲載)。 *会社ロゴ、ワイナリーロゴ、ボトルショット、カタログデータ(PDF)などの画像やデータは提供可能。 *その他もっと良くするためのアドバイスがほしい。 *ページ詳細 ABOUT US: 会社案内 NEWS:休業やカタログ情報など WINE:国別・ブランド別に掲載し価格変更や取り扱いブランドの追加・変更・削除など CONTACT US:コンタクト情報 LINKS:国別の取り扱いブランドへのリンク NEWSやWINEページは比較的頻繁なアップデートが必要。
【私たちについて】 私たちは日本の上場企業300以上と直接取り引きのある日本(東京)の制作会社です。 [About us] We are a production company in Japan (Tokyo) that deal directly with the Japanese listed companies more than 300. 私たちが手掛けている制作物は、会社案内、コーポレートサイト、カタログ、アニュアルレポート、CSRレポートです。 Production that we are working on, the company guidance, corporate site, catalogs, annual reports, CSR reports. 私たちが仕事をするうえで最も大切にしていることは、まず世の中にあるデザインの優れているものを徹底的に集め、分析することです。 That we are the most important in terms of the work, thoroughly collect what first is better some of the design in the world, it is to analyze. 仕事の契約をした際には、私たちの会社の名前もお伝えします。 At the time of the contract of work, it also tells the name of our company. 【仕事内容について】 みなさまに協力してほしいことは、世の中にある優れたデザインを集めてほしいです。 About Job Description] that you want to c...
Voice over a business video in Japanese, Need to do some corrections first and then voice over it Better be a Japanese person あるビジネスビデオの音声を吹き替えする仕事です 中国語から通訳したから、その内容をまず正しくして、そして吹き替えするのでお願いします。 日本人の方はお優先ね
前回のプロジェクトに関連する進行中のプロジェクトがあります。Japanese Company "MAMIQL" logo design'
前回のプロジェクトに関連する進行中のプロジェクトがあります。Company logo for a name card and webpage'
virtuemart3のショッピングカートのカスタム支払いモジュールが必要です。この支払いモジュールは、ローカル支払プロセッサのAPIと統合されます。すべて必要なファイルを開発者に提供します。 Joomla、Virtuemart3.0.9、PHP5.5を3.4.1 APIプロセッサはヤマトクロネコ「クロネコwebコレクト」。API方式のマニュアルは日本語で書いております。 APIのPDFマニュアルがとても大きかったですが、アップロード出来ませんでした。宜しければ送りします。
...いただいて結構です(電話、打ち合わせ等のため)。 ・ EメールとSkypeが使えること。 応募者に求められていること: ・ 英語ができること (TOEIC 865点以上)。 ・ 翻訳業務の経験があること。 ・ 営業が得意な。翻訳を必要としそうな企業に営業をかけることがこの仕事の一番重要なところです。 既に翻訳業界での営業の経験がある方を優遇します。 こちらの募集要項で掲載している報酬金額は、 上記の仕事のためではなく、面接に来ていただくための交通費としてみて見てください。 =============================================================================================================== We are a translation company specialized on technical and patent translations from many languages to English, including Japanese. We already have some clients in Japan, but we want to expand our business there, so we are searching for candidates that can come to be interviewed to our branch office in Japan (Tokyo). We need a salesperson / account manager in Japan; the candidate will be required to: - Act...
I need to make a company profile brochure , power point design for special reports and stationary design for a tax consulting firm
会社案内及び活動、商品案内のホームページ作成を依頼します。災害備蓄燃料の販売を していますので、PDFなどをもとに作成してください。
■冊子 ■初稿5日以内 ■入稿までにトータル8日以内 ■フルカラー 4c/4c ■ページ数40~50p ■日本人 フォトショップ、イラストレーター、インデザインのいずれか で作成可能な方。 ■値段 4万円 毎月定期的にお仕事をお願いするので、 継続的にお付き合いできる方を募集致します。
Business Planning Researchers Wanted(Analysts) IMPORTANT: This time we are ONLY looking for candidates who can write/speak Japanese language We are a Social Media Service Company ( MIRAISHONEN, Inc.() ) providing multiple services, seeking for Business Planning Researchers(Analysts) . Here is the introduction of our company. Corporate Summary PV: Corporate Brochure: WEB: This is the job to research on our new business models prior to their launch in regards to market trends and competitons with strong analysis especially based on data and numbers. -Job Descrption
台湾及びシンガポールの投資家さんに日本の物件を紹介する物件概要A4一枚の翻訳。 不動産の知識は特に不要、一般的な賃貸用語がわかればできます。 写真と図面がほとんどなので、文字数少なく1,2時間もかからないで完了する仕事です。 ちなみに、元情報はPDFしかないので、イラストレータがあればできますが、もしなければエクセルやワードに訳した文章を記載して頂ければ結構です。 よろしくお願いいたします。 もし英語か中国語片方しかできないということであれば、教えてください。英語・中国語別々のプロジェクトにします。
Il progetto prevede la traduzione di un testo ITALIANO di circa 4000 parole (9 pagine) in INGLESE, SPAGNOLO e GIAPPONESE. Vedere il PDF allegato. The project involves the translation of an italian text of about 4000 words (9 pages) in english, spanish and japanese. See the attached PDF. El proyecto consiste en la traducción de un texto italiano de alrededor de 4000 palabras (9 páginas) en Inglés, español y japonés. Ver el PDF adjunto プロジェクトは、英語、スペイン語、日本語で約4000ワード(9ページ)のイタリア語の文章の翻訳を必要とする。 添付のPDFファイルを参照してください。
My company website is not loading at all, and this issue is persistent. It hasn't been updated or changed recently, so I'm unsure what has caused it. Skills and Experience Required: - Web Development - Troubleshooting - Website Recovery - Server Management
? Elevate Your Brand with Stunning Company Profiles! ? Are you looking to make a lasting impression in the corporate world? Look no further! I specialize in crafting captivating company profiles that reflect the essence of your brand and leave a lasting impact on your audience. Why Choose Me? ✨ Bespoke Designs: I understand that every company is unique, and I tailor my designs to perfectly encapsulate your brand identity and values. ✨ Attention to Detail: From layout to typography, I pay meticulous attention to every detail to ensure a polished and professional finish. ✨ Visual Storytelling: I believe in the power of visual storytelling. My designs not only inform but also engage and inspire your audience. ✨ Professionalism: With years of experience in the industry, I ...
I'm in need of a skilled developer who can create a function in for me. This function will retrieve data from a SOAP API (Equifax), and subsequently call a second API to fetch additional data. All necessary documentation and test accounts will be provided. Key Requirements: - Process and handle retrieved data in XML (first call) and PDF (second call) formats. - Implement custom error messages for API calls. - Use Basic Auth for API access. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in Next.js. - Prior experience with SOAP APIs. - Strong understanding of error handling and custom messaging. - Experience with Basic Authentication. Please provide examples of previous work.
Hello Sir, I am provide you with a complete solution for the SEO service With On-page & Off-pag...➢ Set up G-4 Tag ( Google Analytics setup) ➢ Google Search Console setup ➢ Robots Txt file Creation ➢ Site map xml setup ➢ Indexing Links ➢ Remove Broken Links ➢ Initial Links ➢ Boost Site speed ➢ Fix Redirection of site ⟹ Phase: 2 (Off Page SEO) ➢ High DA Links ➢ Web 2.0 submission & Setup ➢ High Profile Creation ➢ High Social Bookmarking ➢ Local Citation Submission ➢ Article Posting ➢ Guest Post ➢ Infographics Submission ➢ Directory Submission ➢ Blog Promotion ➢ Document Sharing/ PDF Creation ➢ Blog commenting ➢ Classified Ads Post ➢ Business Listing/ Local Listing Website Amount One site: 1350 INR Total Amount: 1350*3= 4050 Thank You!!
I need a professional product flyer designed and written for an electronics item. The project includes creating content and design for a A4 size flyer. I'll provide website, logo and content guidelines. You will be required to create marketin...for the design and content. The primary goal of the product insert is to educate customers about the product item. The product insert should be in A4 size. The product insert should be designed and written for tech-savvy users, with more detailed and technical information. Please use our company branding colors to ensure consistency with our brand identity. The freelancer has the discretion to create a suitable layout. Please highlight all major features of the item. The final files should be delivered in PDF format. The flyer s...
...presented in the Assessment 02 Supplement: Applying Research Skills [PDF] Download Assessment 02 Supplement: Applying Research Skills [PDF]resource. You must select your healthcare-related issue or problem from the topic areas presented in this resource. Important Note: Conduct a library search as needed. Review the BSN Nursing Program Library Research Guide for assistance. Be sure to review journal articles published within the past three to five years. Write Your Paper Write a 3–5 page paper in which you include the following: Topic Identification Select one of the healthcare problems or issues presented in the Assessment 02 Supplement: Applying Research Skills [PDF] Download Assessment 02 Supplement: Applying Research Skills [PDF]resource. Write a...
I'm seeking a talented motion designer to create a live action and motion graphics promotional video for our quick food delivery service. The primary platform for this video will be our social media channels. Ideal skills for this project include: - Expertise in motion graphics and video editing - Experience in creating engaging social media content - Ability to seamlessly blend live action with motion graphics Your task will be to design a captivating video that embodies the fast-paced, exciting nature of our service, and encourages viewers to engage and share. Please provide samples of similar work you've done in the past. The promotional video should be 15-30 seconds long.
I need a highly realistic, detailed 3D model of a soccer kit including the jersey, shorts, and socks. The model should be able to represent real-world characteristics such as wrinkles and stitching. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D modeling software - Experience in creating detailed and realistic models - Previous work designing sports gear or clothing is a plus - Able...shorts, and socks. The model should be able to represent real-world characteristics such as wrinkles and stitching. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D modeling software - Experience in creating detailed and realistic models - Previous work designing sports gear or clothing is a plus - Able to deliver in specific software format Please note, the final 3D model should be delivered in PDF...
I currently operate a towing company with a functional website, but I need to enhance its usability by incorporating a location-sharing button for my customers. Sometimes, those requesting assistance are unable to pinpoint their location, and this feature would enable us to automatically identify their whereabouts. Features: - Compatibility with both mobile devices and desktop computers - Triggering an SMS with the shared location - A message box for additional customer details Skills required: Proficiency in web development and SMS integration. Experience with user-friendly interface design and location-sharing functionalities will be highly regarded.
I need a freelance designer to create a product catalog for my business, Petal & Bloom Florals. We spec...→ Bouquets - GLD-001 → Garlands - HND-001 → Hand Garlands - HO-001 → Hair Ornaments - Catalog Features: - Modern and minimalistic design that highlights floral beauty - Well-organized sections for easy customer browsing - Clear product codes & sample pricing - Balanced layout with combination of lifestyle and studio images & descriptions - Both print-friendly & digital version (PDF) Ideal Candidate: - Experienced in product catalog design - Can work with high-resolution floral images - Creative, with an eye for aesthetic layouts - Preferably has experience in floral or luxury branding Please provide a portfolio of similar wo...
Elegant Artwork for Travel Brochure
...initial phase of this project will focus on core functionalities like order creation and invoicing, with a simplified user role system (admin and non-admin) and no external integrations. 2. Project Scope 2. Implement a search function to quickly locate orders using various filters such as customer name, order ID, or date range. 3. Allow exporting orders and invoicing data in various formats like CSV, PDF, and Excel for external reporting or bookkeeping needs. 4. Set up email or SMS notifications for important events like order creation, completion, and shipping updates. 5. Maintain a detailed log of changes and actions performed on each order, such as edits, status changes, and notes. 6. Enable bulk processing features to handle multiple orders simultaneously for operations like...
...Settlement is 20-Feb Key Tasks: - Investigate the transaction history of the sale - Confirm via obtaining bank documents documents that the 10% holding deposit is in the Real Estate's trust account - Provide a document from Bank that shows the deposit, currently only documentation made available is from the real estate's own accounting system (Xero etc) The final audit report should be delivered in PDF format. Ideal Skills and Experience: - CPA, licensed conveyancer or similar - Audit ***Background*** - Real Estate has been resistant in providing a bank document, for unknown reasons, even to my conveyancer. the Buyer's solicitor might have the bank statement/deposit receipt document required, or you may just need to demand the bank receipt/statement from the R...
...inventario, y garantizará el cumplimiento de los requisitos legales mediante el manejo eficiente de los catálogos y procesos necesarios. **2. Alcance del Proyecto** El sistema estará diseñado para facilitar la generación, validación y almacenamiento de facturas electrónicas, permitiendo a las empresas cumplir con las regulaciones gubernamentales. Se proporcionarán los esquemas JSON, formatos en PDF de las facturas electrónicas, así como los requisitos para la firma digital y la integración con la API correspondiente. ### **Módulos Principales:** #### **2.1. Gestión de Empresas y Usuarios** - Registro de múltiples empresas dentro del sistema. - Asignación de usuarios a empr...
I'm in need of a professional who can assist me with text data entry from PDF files and also help with writing engaging blog posts. Data Entry Tasks: - Primarily focused on text data entry from PDF files. - Accuracy and attention to detail is paramount. Content Writing: - I need someone who can write compelling and engaging blog posts. - Understanding of SEO and keyword usage is a plus. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in English for both data entry and writing tasks. - Prior experience with data entry from PDF files. - Strong writing skills with a proven track record of blog content creation. - Familiarity with SEO and keyword usage. - High attention to detail and ability to maintain accuracy over prolonged tasks.
I need a professional, clean, and editable PDF document that will work seamlessly with PDF Expert on an iPad. The document should include fillable areas for text, checkboxes, and signature fields, and must be well-designed to meet a professional standard.
...1️Content Editing and Proofreading ✍️ ✅ Orthotypographic and stylistic correction to ensure fluency and professionalism. ✅ Content optimization to improve clarity, cohesion, and engagement. ✅ Scientific review to ensure accuracy and coherence of sources. 2️eBook Formatting and Design ? ✅ Creation of an eye-catching and professional cover to maximize conversions. ✅ Optimized formatting in EPUB, MOBI, PDF, and KPF (Kindle) formats. ✅ Inclusion of images, graphics, and visual elements to enhance the reader’s experience. 3️Infographic and Visual Material Creation ?️ ✅ Design of attractive and functional infographics based on key points from the book. ✅ Optimization of images and graphics for digital reading. 4️Positioning and Sales Strategy ? ✅ Implementation of SEO strategies ...
Logo Design The name is changing so use the name KAM Roofing and Reconstruction With the slogan Commercial & Industrial Roofing Experts I need a unique, modern logo for my COMMERCIAL roofing and ROOF RESTORATION company. Please do not just pop it into software to create it. Take some time and put some thought into it. Key Requirements: - Avoid using images of houses or house roofs. NO HOUSE ROOFS - Consider using abstract shapes or tools in a creative way. - The logo CAN BE built off the name 'KAM'. BUT IT IS NOT REQUIRED. - Utilize cool tones like blue or green in the design. Ideal Skills: - Graphic design, particularly logo design. - Creativity in using abstract imagery. - Ability to work with specified color themes.
...real-time. *Key Features Needed:* 1. *Customer Registration:* - Customers should be able to register and provide details about the item they wish to send, including the pickup and destination locations. 2. *Cargo Company Dashboard:* - Each cargo company should have a separate login with its own dashboard to manage shipments. - The cargo companies (e.g., Ajmal Cargo) should be able to fill in information about the sender (customer) and recipient (delivery person) of the goods. 3. *SMS Notifications:* - Once the shipment details are filled by the cargo company, SMS notifications should be sent to both the sender and recipient with tracking updates. - Customers and cargo companies should receive SMS notifications at key points in the delivery pr...
Transform Our Pricing Sheet Mock-Up into a Visually Appealing PDF Project Overview: We are seeking a talented graphic designer to take our existing pricing sheet mock-up and turn it into a polished, professional, and visually engaging PDF. This document will be a key piece for customer communication and will also be used by our sales team. The ideal design should clearly present our pricing information while aligning with our brand identity. Scope of Work: Design Enhancement: Use the provided mock-up as a foundation to create a refined, professional design that is both attractive and easy to understand. Brand Alignment: Incorporate our brand colors, typography, and design elements to ensure consistency with our overall brand identity. Layout & Visual Appeal: Improve ...
...options, and automatically generate a quote with the appropriate model selection. To minimize costs, the solution should leverage a simple web application. The tool should require minimal maintenance, with an option for user authentication and tiered pricing if needed. Key features include: • Simple UI for selecting system components • Automatic lookup and model selection • Quote generation with PDF export • Admin access for updating pricing and configurations The focus is on delivering functionality with the lowest development and hosting costs while ensuring ease of use and scalability. Pump Station Selection Tool: 1. Tank Selection o Vertical Configuration o Horizontal Configuration 2. Tank Access Size 3. Tank Cover Type 4. Valve Pit Size (Optional) 5. V...
I need assistance in creating tax receipts for both individuals and organizations. This task includes creating the receipts in PDF format, using a template I will provide, and incorporating additional custom fields that I will specify. Key Responsibilities: - Generate tax receipts in PDF format based on a provided template. - Incorporate additional custom fields into the receipts. - Email the completed receipts using my email address. - Create address labels using Avery. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in creating and editing PDF documents. - Attention to detail for incorporating custom fields. - Experience with label creation and emailing documents. - Good communication skills for understanding and executing instructions. provide accurate, source-backed responses. We are seeking an experienced consultant to supervise and engineer a pipeline that processes PDFs (text + images), reduces redundancy, and structures data for fine-tuning large language models. This role requires expertise in NLP, computer vision, and workflow automation, with a focus on ensuring data accuracy and compliance. Key Responsibilities: PDF & Image Processing: Extract text and images from PDFs using tools like PyMuPDF, pdfplumber, and OCR solutions (e.g., Tesseract, Google Vision). Convert diagrams and tables into text via captioning (using models such as GPT-4V, LLaVA) and structured markdown. Preserve contextual relationships between images and adjacent text through layout analysis (e.g., using LayoutParser). Data ...
I need a comprehensive market research in the retail industry. The primary objective of this project is to analyze competition within this sector. Ideal skills and experie...Expertise in data analysis tools and techniques - Ability to perform quantitative analysis of market data The analysis should focus on pricing strategies used by competitors. The research should focus on nationwide competition across the country. Include only basic profiles of competitors. The analysis should recommend optimal pricing strategies based on findings. The final deliverable should be in PDF report format. The analysis should cover the competition's pricing strategies over the last 5 years. Include an analysis of the customer demographics targeted by competitors. N/A Please focus on regional ...
I'm in need of a minimalist style logo for my car and jeep rental business. The logo should incorporate car and jeep icons alongside the company name/text. A monochrome color scheme is preferred. Key Requirements: - Design a modern, minimalist logo - Include car and jeep icons - Incorporate the company name/text - Use a monochrome color scheme Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Experience with minimalist designs - Knowledge of monochrome color palettes NOTE: I would like a similiar logo to my main company logo attached.