Bulk business phone number lookup仕事
I am looking for a skilled Vietnamese - Japanese interpreter for multiple BD meetings in around a half year. - Setting: The interpretation will be needed in a business meeting. - Duration: a meeting is expected to last between 2 to 4 hours. Around 20 hours a month. - Experience in IT industry as the client is highly desirable. Especially in payment field. 継続的に契約更新ができる人材を探しています。 ・3か月程度毎の契約更新(試用期間がある可能性があります) ・ハノイ拠点またはホーチミン拠点 ・月に25時間程度の時間を予定しています(ホーチミンは月に1-2日程度) ・IT業界のシステム用語や、クレジットカード決済のスキームが理解できる方優遇 日本語力を見たいので、応募の際に日本語でご連絡いただける方を優遇いたします。
...完成してくださった方にも8ドルお支払い致します。 報酬: アンケートを完成してくださった方全員に8ドルお支払い致します。 Native Japanese Amazon Users for Video Survey We need native Japanese Amazon users to participate in a short video survey. The survey results will be used for Japanese Amazon market research. You will get 8$ upon completion of the survey. Requirements: * At least 18 yrs old * Japanese * Live in Japan * Amazon user * Webcam or phone camera Procedure: 1st, there will be a short screening questionnaire to check if you match the requirements. 2nd, you will be asked to complete a short video survey about your Amazon use (10-15 min). 3rd, we will check if you completed the survey as requested. If yes, we will pay you 8$. If there is any missing info, we ask you to do the survey again. Payment: 8$ for successf...
イタリア観光情報とワイナリーツアーに関するウェブサイトにて SEOなどウェブサイトのマーケティングが可能な方を探しています。 目的はウェブサイトへのトラフィックの増加、オンラインプロフィールの向上です。 コンサルティングを兼ねて、細かくご相談にのってくださる方が好ましいです。 ご不明な点がございましたら、ご連絡ください。 I need someone to do some SEO marketing for my business. This marketing should increase traffic to our website as well as increase our online profile. The marketing should improve our online reputation. Please message me if you have any questions. (in Japanese website)
My friend has 200 pics gaming headset at Amazon warehouse, I want to help her to promote and set up a Gaming Headphones Fan Club. The member of this club will get a free gaming headset, delivery by Amazon. We need you provide a Receive name, Address, City, Postcode and a phone number(Optional). Thank you for your time and best wishes. 私の友人はアマゾンの倉庫で200本のゲーム用ヘッドセットを持っています。私は彼女をプロモーションに援助し、ゲームヘッドフォンファンクラブを設立したいと考えています。 このクラブのメンバーは、Amazonによる無料のゲームヘッドセットを手に入れます。 あなたは名前、住所、市区町村、郵便番号、電話番号を受け取る(オプション)必要があります。 私たちに参加してください。 あなたの時間と最高の願いをありがとう。
コピー&ペースト作業を手伝ってくださる方。 簡単な宣伝業務です。 テンプレ使用なので初心者でも可能です。 納期等はありませんので、無理ないペースでお願いします。 未経験者、初心者歓迎です。 立ち上がったばかりなので、ほとんどの方が初心者です。 サポートがありますので、初心者の方も実績を上げています。 マニュアル、常時サポートをご用意しております! 少しでも興味がありましたらお問い合わせください。 参加される方が増えております。 初心者向け・完全在宅OK。 主婦の方も大歓迎! 時間や場所も自由。 インターネットさえ使えれば 誰でもできます。 たくさんのメッセージお待ちしております!
私のビジネスを手伝ってください コピー&ペースト作業を手伝ってくださる方。 簡単な宣伝業務です。 テンプレ使用なので初心者でも可能です。 納期等はありませんので、無理ないペースでお願いします。 未経験者、初心者歓迎です。 立ち上がったばかりなので、ほとんどの方が初心者です。 サポートがありますので、初心者の方も実績を上げています。 マニュアル、常時サポートをご用意しております! 少しでも興味がありましたらお問い合わせください。 参加される方が増えております。 初心者向け・完全在宅OK。 主婦の方も大歓迎! 時間や場所も自由。 インターネットさえ使えれば 誰でもできます。 たくさんのご連絡お待ちしております! [Removed by Freelancer.com Admin]
私のビジネスを手伝ってください 【未経験者歓迎】PR広報の完全在宅ワークです。 指定のテキストを配布して、ある企業の広報をするお仕事です。 ■依頼詳細 お渡しする反応の取れるテキストを貼り付けて頂けると投稿できます。 ご自宅で空いた時間にお仕事をしていただけます。 時間、場所は問いませんが 夜時間の取れる方は大歓迎です。 ■採用条件 ・素直な方 ・インターネットでできる仕事をお探しの方 ・継続的に取り組める方 ■必要なもの ・スマホ 又は PC ・素直さ 少しでも気になった方はお気軽にご応募ください。それから考えていただいても構いません。 お待ちしております。
私のビジネスを手伝ってください >>詳細 ・簡単なコピペ作業、 ・お好きな時間に作業OK (時間帯は融通効きます) ・現在のお仕事の有無は不問。副業、Wワーク歓迎です。 ・育児中、通院中、その他様々なご事情があそっても大丈夫です ・PCがなくても可能です。特別なスキルもいりません。 ・スマホ、タブレット等が普通に操作できる方。 ・しっかりとサポートしますので、だれでも簡単に作業出来ます。 >>応募要件 ・19歳以上の方(学生可) ・内部情報を漏洩させない方(冷やかしでの応募はお断りします) ・パソコンやスマホをお持ちでLINEの使える方 経済的、時間的自由がほしい方にはぴったりの案件です。 インターネットビジネスを初めてやる方でも問題ありません。 簡単に稼げるなんて怪しいと思っている方こそ試していただきたいです。 スキル、経験は問いませんがやる気のある方、マメに連絡つく方の応募をお待ちしております(作業自体は単純ですが根気はいるため) 皆様のご応募お待ちしております。 _____
House Cleaning Job 2500JPY~8000JPY. 都内で池袋エリア、新宿エリア、上野エリア、銀座エリアにたくさんの物件持っています。 お部屋の清掃をお願いします。 11時〜夜の間でお願いします。 許可物件ですので、安心して出入りして頂けます。 収入が部屋の広さによります。 一軒家なら最大8000円になります、慣れてくるとお得です! 今回に限らず、継続して頂ける方が居ましたら、今後時々お願い出来ると嬉しいです。 また、今回だけでも構いません。 依頼を受けて頂ける方が居ましたら、マニュアルを送ります。 よろしくお願い致します。❤️
私のビジネスを手伝ってください 大成して自己実現したい新規事業のコアメンバーを募集致します。 既にある程度の成功を手にしたが、時間的拘束に悩んでいれば一度ご相談ください。 システムを拡散していただくシンプルな仕事です。 メッセージいただければ詳細の事業動画をお渡しします。 長期目線を念頭に取り組んでいただくことで、半年~一年後には爆発的に収益が見込めます。 【依頼詳細】 チームでシステムを拡散していくお仕事になります。 世界展開しており、すでに売り上げの立っている事業を日本や世界に向けて発信するお仕事になります。 ※今の参入は強烈なビジネスメリットが見込まれます。 経験者でしたらスピード感を持って取り組まれることで、すぐにコストも回収可能ですし、私の実績でも初月10万以上の報酬を獲得しています。 誰でも出来るよう高度にシステム化したシンプルな作業で現在稼働率も驚異的な数字を記録しています。 チーム全体の評価なので一人が頑張り続ける必要がありません。 ※仕組上、ノウハウやサポートの提供は無償提供致します。 ++++++++++++++++++++++ インターネット環境: PC、スマホ、タブレット等、いずれか一つでも可 PC、スマホ知識: 不問だが、経験者はスピード感を持って取り組めます 就業時間: 自由 就業場所: 自由、国内・海外と場所を問いません 予定収入: 歩合ですが、チームを総合的に評価する制度です 誰でも実践出来るよう高度にシステム化しているため、驚異的な稼働率を誇っています。初心者でもシンプルで実績の出せる仕組みが貴方にも強力なメリットです。 副業、専業と仕事としてのスタイルは問いませんがしっかり収益を上げたいならメリットが大きいビジネス。 【重要視する点・経験】 ■ やる気や行動力がないと出来ませ...
大成して自己実現したい新規事業のコアメンバーを募集致します。 既にある程度の成功を手にしたが、時間的拘束に悩んでいれば一度ご相談ください。 システムを拡散していただくシンプルな仕事です。 メッセージいただければ詳細の事業動画をお渡しします。 長期目線を念頭に取り組んでいただくことで、半年~一年後には爆発的に収益が見込めます。 【依頼詳細】 チームでシステムを拡散していくお仕事になります。 世界展開しており、すでに売り上げの立っている事業を日本や世界に向けて発信するお仕事になります。 ※今の参入は強烈なビジネスメリットが見込まれます。 経験者でしたらスピード感を持って取り組まれることで、すぐにコストも回収可能ですし、私の実績でも初月10万以上の報酬を獲得しています。 誰でも出来るよう高度にシステム化したシンプルな作業で現在稼働率も驚異的な数字を記録しています。 チーム全体の評価なので一人が頑張り続ける必要がありません。 ※仕組上、ノウハウやサポートの提供は無償提供致します。 ++++++++++++++++++++++ インターネット環境: PC、スマホ、タブレット等、いずれか一つでも可 PC、スマホ知識: 不問だが、経験者はスピード感を持って取り組めます 就業時間: 自由 就業場所: 自由、国内・海外と場所を問いません 予定収入: 歩合ですが、チームを総合的に評価する制度です 誰でも実践出来るよう高度にシステム化しているため、驚異的な稼働率を誇っています。初心者でもシンプルで実績の出せる仕組みが貴方にも強力なメリットです。 副業、専業と仕事としてのスタイルは問いませんがしっかり収益を上げたいならメリットが大きいビジネス。 【重要視する点・経験】 ■ やる気や行動力がないと出来ません ■ インターネット環境が必...
Voice over a business video in Japanese, Need to do some corrections first and then voice over it Better be a Japanese person あるビジネスビデオの音声を吹き替えする仕事です 中国語から通訳したから、その内容をまず正しくして、そして吹き替えするのでお願いします。 日本人の方はお優先ね
我々は、Android 、 iOSとWindowsの携帯電話のために本当に良いゲームを開発する必要があります。 我々は提案を開いているし、予算や期間によって制限されています。 私たちは入札メッセージでお知らせください。 We need to develop a really good game for Android, iOS and Windows Phone. We're open to suggestions, and are limited by budget and time period. Please let us know in bid message.
Business Planning Researchers Wanted(Analysts) IMPORTANT: This time we are ONLY looking for candidates who can write/speak Japanese language We are a Social Media Service Company ( MIRAISHONEN, Inc.() ) providing multiple services, seeking for Business Planning Researchers(Analysts) . Here is the introduction of our company. Corporate Summary PV: Corporate Brochure: WEB: This is the job to research on our new business models prior to their launch in regards to market trends and competitons with strong analysis especially based on data and numbers. -Job Descrption
インターネット関連技術屋のための名刺のデザインをお願いします。 シンプルで思慮に富んだデザイン希望です。 成果物はイラストレータ形式のファイルでお願いします。 A business card design for IT company. Simple but thoughtful design is preferred. I need your help by the illustrator file format. thanks.
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a new business website for me. The site should be designed in WordPress, using as a template. Key Requirements: - The website should include Home, Services, and Contact pages - The site needs to be built on WordPress so that I can easily make updates and changes post completion - A logo design is also included in this project Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in WordPress website development - Strong design skills, with a portfolio of previous logo designs - Ability to create a site that is visually appealing and easy to navigate - Good understanding of SEO and website performance optimization
...WhatsApp Business API solution at the most competitive pricing. Our product is designed for businesses of all sizes and industries, providing a superior alternative to existing solutions. As part of our brand penetration strategy, we are looking to generate high-quality leads through email marketing on a performance-based (Cost Per Lead) model. Scope of Work: We are looking for experienced email marketing agencies or freelancers to run performance-driven email marketing campaigns focused on lead generation for our WhatsApp Business API solution. Target Audience: Industry: Any (Industry-Agnostic) Business Size: Any (SMBs, Mid-size, Enterprises) Geographical Focus: Top 5 Metro Cities in India (Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad) Landing Page:
I'm seeking a Canadian citizen to participate in paid surveys about cosmetics. This could be a lucrative opportunity for you, as the payment varies depending on the type of survey and the number of surveys completed. - Online surveys pay USD 22 per survey. - Physical surveys pay USD 35 per survey. You can choose to do both online and physical surveys. The more surveys you do, the more money you make. Ideal candidates for this project should: - Be a Canadian citizen - Be open to either online or physical surveys - Have an interest in cosmetics - Be able to complete surveys with honesty and integrity. Please note that the location for physical surveys may vary, so flexibility and a willingness to travel within your local area is a must. I look forward to seeing your applic...
I'm in need of a Canva Pro expert to assist me in creating presentation slides for a business proposal. The slides must incorporate charts and graphs, as well as images and infographics. Ideal skills for this project: - Proficiency in Canva, ideally with access to the Pro version - Experience in designing presentation slides - Ability to incorporate visual elements such as charts, graphs, images and infographics effectively - Understanding of business proposal content and structure Experience in creating engaging and professional presentation slides is crucial. I have several projects in the pipeline, so this could turn into a long-term collaboration if the work meets my expectations. Please provide examples of your previous work in your application.
I'm seeking a dedicated individual to assist me with my online business and media for 4 hours a day, 10 am IST to 2 PM IST. The tasks will primarily involve social media management, customer support, and administrative tasks. A part of the role will also include helping with various SaaS platforms. Key Responsibilities: - Managing my social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter - Handling customer support queries - Assisting with administrative tasks - Providing assistance with SaaS platforms Ideal Skills: - Proficient in social media management - Excellent customer service skills - Strong administrative capabilities - Familiarity with various SaaS platforms The compensation for this role is 1200 INR per week.
I need an expert PowerPoint designer to create a compelling presentation aimed at our clients, showcasing our services and event portfolio, along with some impactful client testimonials. Key Requirements: - Design a business proposal PowerPoint - Targeted at our clients - Highlighting our services, event portfolio and client testimonials Ideal Skills: - PowerPoint expertise - Graphic design - Excellent storytelling through visuals - Experience with business presentations
I'm looking for a modern-style business card designed for Summit Shield Insurance Agency. Key Components: - The card should include my name and title, contact details, the company logo, and my photo. - I will provide specific colors and branding guidelines to follow. Ideal Skills: - Graphic design - Branding knowledge - Experience with business card design
See attached video we have flutterflow app with custom flutter. We are using the camera module. But when we turn the phone to landscape view the camera rotates so the picture is sideways - instead of just showing the picture horizontal - vertical view works fine.
Freelance Graphic Designer Needed – Y2K & Retro Aesthetic Designs Project Overview: We are looking for a talented graphic designer to create bold, nostalgic Y2K and retro-inspired designs for a print-on-demand apparel and accessories brand. The designs will be used on t-shirts, hoodies, tote bags, and phone cases. Design Style & Inspiration: Your designs should capture the vibrant and nostalgic aesthetic of the early 2000s internet era, including: ✅ Bright neon colors (hot pink, lime green, electric blue, purple). ✅ Pixelated text and retro internet graphics (AIM chat bubbles, MySpace, dial-up modems). ✅ Cybercore & Vaporwave aesthetics (checkered patterns, glitch effects, 3D wireframes). ✅ 90s/early 2000s pop culture references (flip phones, Tamagotchis, low-res...
I'm in need of a professional to help recover deleted WhatsApp chats from my iPhone. The chats I need to recover are specific conversations, not all chats. My phone is regularly backed up on iCloud, and WhatsApp is synced on my laptop. I haven't attempted any recovery methods yet, so you're free to explore all possible options, including: - iCloud - Local backups - Forensic tools - Third-party software Thanks
I'm looking for a designer who can create a fun, engaging flyer and invitation promoting a phone-free movement. The tone should be reminiscent of an 80's infomercial, presenting joining the movement as a challenge. The design should be filled with bold, bright colors, retro fonts, and vintage graphics. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in graphic design, with a deep understanding of 80's design aesthetics - Experience in creating fun, engaging, and challenging promotional material - Ability to work with bold, bright colors and retro fonts - Skill in incorporating vintage graphics in a modern context. i created something, but i dont like it at all.... need to make better and have more items for same campaign
...between a 7- and 9-digit number, allowing access to our Visor Access System, which opens the door or gate. I would like the ability to have membership cards appear and work in the Apple and Android wallets, much the same as a boarding pass used on airlines or credit cards and to transmit the card number to the scanner at the door (RFID). The unique number is used to identify the person accessing the venue. I imagine the invitation to add the card to the member's wallet would be via text message much like the airlines. So as the text invitation cannot be shared or given to other non-members there should be some type of security such as only one-time usage or validate the invitation with the person's mobile number, maybe the last four digits of t...
...and recruiting. Key responsibilities include: * Cold calling to identify motivated sellers and secure deals * Following up with leads to nurture relationships * Collaborating with the team to close deals * Recruiting and training new team members to grow the division Only for serious and qualified inquiries- Please send a Voice note presenting yourself as well as your resume to this WhatsApp number +1 908-494-9233 Estamos buscando un “Lead Manager” de Bienes Raíces Élite para Operaciones de Wholesaling Con más de 4 años de experiencia en adquisiciones inmobiliarias para unirse a nuestro equipo. Este puesto es ideal para alguien fluido en inglés (con excelente acento) y con un historial comprobado trabajando con empresas de invers...
I'm looking for a seasoned SEO expert who can help my painting business generate quality leads rather than just increasing traffic. This project specifically targets the local area, so understanding of local SEO strategies is essential. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of SEO best practices - Proficient in local SEO strategies - Experience working with service-based businesses - Able to generate quality, service-specific leads Key Services to Emphasize: - Residential painting - Commercial painting - Exterior painting Your role will be to improve our visibility for these specific services within our local area. Please provide examples of past successes in your proposal.
I'm looking for a freelancer to compile a database of 10,000 contacts related to 'structural-steel-fabrication' across New South Wales, Victoria, and Queensland. What I need: - For each contact, please provide their email address, phone number, and company name. Data Organization: - The information should be neatly organized in an Excel Spreadsheet. Data Quality: - Raw data is acceptable. There's no need for data verification, so you can focus on quantity over quality. Ideal Skills: - Data entry - Proficiency in Excel - Research skills Experience: - Prior experience in compiling contact databases is preferred. Familiarity with the structural steel industry will be a plus.
I'm in need of a transferring my logo to a design file along with a corresponding business card. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in graphic design software such as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop - Strong portfolio demonstrating modern and minimalist design - Experience in creating professional business card layouts - Ability to work with a two-tone color scheme - Good understanding of branding and visual identity Business Card Details: - Should include my name, the logo, and my contact information. Please ensure that the logo and business card design are cohesive and reflect a modern, minimalist aesthetic.
I'm in need of a seasoned professional, who can craft a comprehensive strategic business plan aimed at securing investment for my business. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a compelling executive summary - Provide realistic and persuasive financial projections - Conduct an in-depth market analysis Ideal Skills: - Business planning - Financial forecasting - Market research and analysis - Investment proposal writing Experience required: - Proven track record in writing successful strategic business plans - Previous experience in securing investments through well-crafted business plans Please note, the ultimate goal of this project is to create a strategic business plan that can attract potential investors.
I'm in need of a captivating company trailer that serves as a promotional tool. The primary aim of this trailer is to enhance brand awareness among potential customers. Key requirements include: - Creative and engaging design concepts - Understanding of branding principles - Ability to translate corporate identity into a visual narrative - Expertise in c...identity into a visual narrative - Expertise in creating content that resonates with consumers Ideal candidates are those who can demonstrate previous experience in designing promotional trailers, with a portfolio showcasing successful brand awareness campaigns. Your creativity and understanding of our target audience will be key to the success of this project. The Design will need to include our phone number, list...
...addres,active time recive bouns bank informations list and update refrel link update option withdraw,approve,cancel,type region option (Agent option) red envelope report,recharge,withdraw trade,bonus (control option) result Green,red,violet,number, total amount green total amount red total amount violet total amount which number and control panel Auto result option low amount colour & low amount number and withdraw manage options all information update control panel *GAME PANNEL* ID NAME MOBILE NO 4. AVAILABLE BALANCE NICK NAME BORD & READ RULE ,LEVEL 1&LEVEL 2,APPLY SACTIONS RECHARGE IN SIDE RECHARGE RECORD SAME WITHDEAWAL
I'm looking for a designer to create or modify my current logo to align with a modern and minimalist style. This project also includes designing a business card to match. Requirements: - Delivery of 3 logo concepts - Provision of the source files Ideal Skills: - Strong background in graphic design, particularly logo creation - Proficiency in using design software - Experience in creating business card designs - Ability to develop modern and minimalist designs
...professional to adapt our Business Continuity Management Policy for a startup named Adamo. The startup offers a software solution supported by a specific infrastructure, as detailed in the provided documents. Key Requirements: - Create a high-quality, comprehensive document of 30-40 pages, organized into relevant sections as per the "Business Continuity Management Policy ". - You need to analyze the document as we send as model ("Business Continuity Management Policy ") and read and analyze the Adamo description of services ("Adamo "), and apply the structure of the model document to the functionality and the services that provides Adamo. - Emphasize sections on Risk Assessment, Incident Response Plan, Business Impact Analysis...
I am seeking a proficient professional to develop an AI-driven Lead Generator tailored for my business requirements to scale up client outreach effectively. The solution should be AI-generated and designed to enhance lead capture, integration, and interaction.
Hi Tanmay, are you able to rebrand this 4-page document? I will need the Adobe Indesign files supplied to me upon completion. In the first instance, are you able to provide an approximate quote on what it would cost to reproduce it with the updated logo/branding? Thanks
...map on the thank you page that shows up ONLY when someone selects the "depot collect" delivery option. Key Requirements: - If a user selects the "depot collect" option, a map should appear on the thank you page for depot selection. - Once a depot is selected, this information (ex. Depot: Sydney) should be added to the order notes. - You must be familiar with the haversine method to reduce the number of calls to the API. Depot Locations: - I have some depot locations ready, but need assistance adding more. Depot Coordinates: - The depot location coordinates are available in a JSON file. Ideal Candidate: - Must have extensive experience with Shopify. - Proficient in working with maps and API integrations. - Familiar with the haversine method. - Able to assi...
I am in need of a uniquely designed business card that is not only visually appealing but also communicates effectively in Norwegian. Pleas note the text under the logo should be updated to norwegian. Once logo and business card is approved we would also like a A5 sized leaflet. Key requirements: - The design should be 'Creative and Bold', standing out from the typical business card. - The card must include: - Our company logo and address - Contact details (phone, email) - A list of services offered: - Key Cutting & Programming - All Types of Car Programming - ECU Resetting & Cloning - Software Updates - Diagnostic - Unlocking Hidden Features - Retrofit Equipment - Engine Tuning DPF, EGR & IMMO Solutions...
...warn users if fraud is detected, such as using multiple accounts from the same device. Content-Based Customization: Customize ads based on the article type (e.g., tech ads for articles about gadgets). B. User Dashboard: Display statistics: Number of ads watched. Available balance for withdrawal. Earned rewards. Track successful referrals and team formation. --- 4. Admin Panel: Managing Articles and Ads: Customize ad placements within articles. Specify ad types (text, image, video). Managing Referral Rewards: Display the number of successful referrals for each user. Track team progress (6 people) for the user, including the second team (9 people). --- 5. Fraud Prevention: Track IP and Device: Ensure each account is linked to a single device usin...
I've got a project that involves creating a WordPress site with a vibrant design. The primary objective of the site is to provide business information in a clear, engaging manner. Key Requirements: - A striking, bold design that stands out in the digital landscape - A site structure that effectively presents business information - A modern, clean aesthetic, as evidenced by a strong portfolio Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in WordPress site creation - Expertise in bold and vibrant design styles - Excellent skills in structuring business information websites - Portfolio showcasing modern and clean design styles - Experience with creating dedicated 'About Us', 'Services', and 'Testimonials' sections on homepages As...
I'm in need of a professional to help recover deleted WhatsApp chats from my iPhone. The chats I need to recover are specific conversations, not all chats. My phone is regularly backed up on iCloud, and WhatsApp is synced on my laptop. I haven't attempted any recovery methods yet, so you're free to explore all possible options, including: - iCloud - Local backups - Forensic tools - Third-party software Please share your experience in this field and your assessment of the likelihood of a successful recovery. The ideal candidate for this project would have extensive experience with data recovery, particularly with WhatsApp and iPhone devices, and possess the right tools and software for the task. Your skills should include: - Proficiency with iCloud and local backup ...
I'm seeking an expert who can thoroughly assess my business's online presence, including our website, social media profiles, and online business listings. Key Areas of Focus: - Website: The evaluation should cover both user experience and our online reputation. - Social Media: A review of our Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn profiles. - Online Business Listings: An assessment of our visibility and standing on various platforms. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience in digital marketing and online business assessments. - Strong skills in SEO, content evaluation, and user experience analysis. - Proficiency in analyzing and providing recommendations for social media engagement.
...have developed a market-leading blogging and content strategy over the last 6 years covering a wide range of topics in the property space (covering sales, purchasing, legal, finance, auctions). We are looking for an SEO-minded copywriter (preferably with significant UK experience) - not someone who's going to provide us with AI generated content - to work with our main editor and take over the bulk of the writing tasks alongside in-house accompanying images and infographics. This will involve: - Writing with SEO rankings in mind (although some creativity required) - covering a range of property-related topics; - Good understanding of on-page SEO factors; - Compelling, approachable and writing styles - Solid research skills and a keen understanding of the UK property indus...
I need a brochure designed with a creative and artistic style, aimed at attracting new customers. Ideal skills: - Graphic design - Brochure design - Branding - Understanding of target audience - Creative thinking Experience: - Proven track record of designing successful marketing materials - Experience working with businesses to develop brand-focused materials - Portfolio showcasing creative and artistic designs
I'm in need of a freelancer who can help generate business leads specifically within the skill trade The ideal candidate for this project should be adept at identifying and reaching out to: - Mid-level managers in technology companies - Entry-level professionals in tech startups - Residential tech enthusiasts or professionals Skills in data analysis, market research, and using CRM software for tracking leads will be beneficial. Prior experience in lead generation within the tech industry is a plus.
I'm looking for a web developer who can create an interactive and engaging portfolio website for ...should be dynamic and interactive. Key Sections: - Home Page: This should be interactive and engaging, showcasing my work and the film industry. - Works Section: This will primarily showcase video clips. The developer should have experience in embedding video content and ensuring it runs smoothly and looks appealing. - Contacts: I want my contact information displayed clearly as my email and phone number. Layout references: Home Page: Works: Contacts: Ideal Skills: - Web development and design - Experience with dynamic and interactive website creation - Proficient in embedding video content