Ai trading software india仕事


    2,000 ai trading software india 見つかった仕事

    当社はGoogleやMetaなどのIT企業にAI学習用の高品質なデータを提供しています。 「勤務条件」 リモートワーク フリーター 時給1,300~2,300円 「担当業務」 ・定められたガイドラインに従い、AIモデルが生成した英語・日本語のデータを確認・評価する ・評価結果を英語で記述し、提出する 「必要スキル」 ・日本語、英語の作文能力 ・TOEFL、TOEICのスコア保持者 「応募資格」 ・日本語がネイティブレベルの方 ・英語でのコミュニケーションが可能な方(特に、論理的なライティングが得意な方) 「歓迎条件」 ・データラベリングの業務経験者

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr 平均入札額
    3 入札

    【事業紹介内容】 ベトナムの高い技術力と低コストのスキルを日本の中小企業に販売する 例 ・IT導入 AI映像解析で業務プロセス改善 注文書等の文書管理を電子化 製造現場からすぐにデータ入力できる製造日報アプリの導入 ・建築図面の作成 2D&3D図面作成・設計を外注 BIM/CIMオペレーターを外注 【成果報酬型】 受注数に応じて費用を支払う 成約:売上の50% 例: アプリ作成依頼の成立 100万円 営業代行報酬 50万円 【目的】 専門性・経験 定期的な進捗報告

    $494 Average bid
    $494 平均入札額
    2 入札

    ワードプレスで制作したい システムとしてはChatGPTを英会話講師として利用したい。 ようするに今のオンライン英会話のAIバージョン。 ホームページ制作も大切ですが、そこにChatGPTのシステムを組み込める方ならなお嬉しいです。 このサイトの利用の方法は ➀無料で利用できるが、その際は広告が流れるようにしたい。有料登録すると広告なし ➁チケットや前払いの後、利用 ➂その他提案あれば 同時に一緒にこの事業をやってみようと思った方も募集します。 (個人で立ち上げますので報酬は成功報酬になります) 今後確実に今後伸びる事業だと思います。一緒に夢をつかみましょう!

    $1066 Average bid
    $1066 平均入札額
    6 入札

    ... 初めまして。 Uptempo Marketerはグローバル企業のローカリゼーションと翻訳サポートに特化した、急成長のITスタートアップ企業です。今年から来年にかけて大規模の翻訳プロゼェクト(中国語➡日本語)を進めており、多くの翻訳者の方々を募集しております。 【仕事内容】 弊社が提供するオンラインツールでの【中国語➡日本語】の翻訳業務です。 業務の詳細は下記の通りです。 <1.中国語スクリプトの日本語翻訳 (Human Translation) > 記事、TwitterやFacebook等のSNSで使われている一般的な文章を翻訳する作業です。 Google翻訳等の機会翻訳を使うのは禁止です。 <2.中国語➡日本語 機械翻訳文の校正 (Machine Translation + Post Editing)> 弊社のAI自動翻訳機が翻訳した文章のミスをチェックして、修正する作業です。 Google翻訳等の機会翻訳を使うのは禁止です。 【業務形態】 パートタイム(オンラインツールを活用する在宅勤務) 【応募条件】 日本語ネイティブもしくは中国語ネイティブの方 すぐにプロゼェクトに参加できる方 ネットの環境が整っている方 【待遇条件】 中国語が流暢に話せる日本人の方 過去に翻訳者として経験・実績がある方 海外在住経験のある方 【選考方法】 お申し込みフォーム ①お名前・履歴書の添付・テストの解答など、必須情報のご記入の上、フォームを提出してください。 ②フォームより送信いただきました内容をスタッフが拝見し、選考結果を判断します。 ③選考結果とプロゼェクトの詳細(翻訳ツールのマニュアルや報酬など)を、10営業日以内にお送りいたします。

    $3000 Average bid
    $3000 平均入札額
    3 入札

    ... 初めまして。 Uptempo Marketerはグローバル企業のローカリゼーションと翻訳サポートに特化した、急成長のITスタートアップ企業です。今年から来年にかけて大規模の翻訳プロゼェクト(中国語➡日本語)を進めており、多くの翻訳者の方々を募集しております。 【仕事内容】 弊社が提供するオンラインツールでの【中国語➡日本語】の翻訳業務です。 業務の詳細は下記の通りです。 <1.中国語スクリプトの日本語翻訳 (Human Translation) > 記事、TwitterやFacebook等のSNSで使われている一般的な文章を翻訳する作業です。 Google翻訳等の機会翻訳を使うのは禁止です。 <2.中国語➡日本語 機械翻訳文の校正 (Machine Translation + Post Editing)> 弊社のAI自動翻訳機が翻訳した文章のミスをチェックして、修正する作業です。 Google翻訳等の機会翻訳を使うのは禁止です。 【業務形態】 パートタイム(オンラインツールを活用する在宅勤務) 【応募条件】 日本語ネイティブもしくは中国語ネイティブの方 すぐにプロゼェクトに参加できる方 ネットの環境が整っている方 【待遇条件】 中国語が流暢に話せる日本人の方 過去に翻訳者として経験・実績がある方 海外在住経験のある方 【選考方法】 お申し込みフォーム ①お名前・履歴書の添付・テストの解答など、必須情報のご記入の上、フォームを提出してください。 ②フォームより送信いただきました内容をスタッフが拝見し、選考結果を判断します。 ③選考結果とプロゼェクトの詳細(翻訳ツールのマニュアルや報酬など)を、10営業日以内にお送りいたします。

    $20000 Average bid
    $20000 平均入札額
    4 入札

    My company needs to build an RPA application creator software. The requirements as following. ### Automation batch creator application a. Running environment: Windows 7 or later b. Functional requirements:  1. Simulate mouse click  2. Simulate keyboard input  3. Using OCR to detect windows, selection  4. Open/Close Program  5. Record macro  6. Logic functions support (if-else, switch case...)  7. Loop functions support (while, for...)  8. DateTime functions support (get system time...)  9. Wait (sleep) functions to support  10. Exports the robot that was created to a .exe file ### Automation batch manages application a. Running environment: Web b. Functional requirements:  1. Manage created robot (search, run, delete)  2. Alarm to the creator (email, message..) when having an ...

    $4851 Average bid
    $4851 平均入札額
    6 入札

    SDL is Product and Service Public Company. Over the past 25 years we’ve delivered transformative business results by enabling powerfullynuanced digital experiences with customers around the world. We are looking for passionate, collaborative and creative people to join our team. We are spreadacross 55 offices in 38 countries yet we still manage to keep a small company feel. About Us - SDLアメリアは、ソフトウェアテスティングサービスのリーディングカンパニーです。 ただいま、ソフトウェアのQAテスターを急募しています。様々なデバイスを使って、ソフトウェアのQAテストを担当していただきます。都内のグローバルIT企業のオフィスでのお仕事です。 雇用形態:契約社員(契約延長の可能性あり) 勤務地:東京 モバイルデバイスのテスト経験がある方、幅広い種類のデバイス、アプリ、メディアに対応できる方からのご応募をお待ちしています。 <求める経験、スキル> • モバイルデバイス、クラウド、ウェブ、テレビ/ビデオ等のテスト経験、または開発経験がある方(2年以上) • iOS、Android、Mac OSの使用経験がある方 • 分析力、トラブルシューティングのスキルをお持ちの方、細部に注意を払える方、新しいことを学びすばやく吸収でき...

    $52 / hr Average bid
    $52 / hr 平均入札額
    31 入札

    SERVEROK SOFTWAREさん、あなたのプロフィールを見つけて、私のプロジェクトを依頼したいと思います。詳細についてはチャットで話し合いましょう。

    $25 Average bid
    $25 平均入札額
    1 入札

    サンプルと似たような雰囲気のデザインを作っていただきたいです。 サンプルにある「MOUNTAIN ROCK」という文字を「MOUNTAIN GRAVEL」に変更します。 日本語の部分できれば「ニューマウンテンロック」を「マウンテングラベル」に変更します。できないなら空白にしてください。 最終入港はoutlineされた状態で.aiか.pdfでお願いします。

    $50 Average bid

    ブログ記事の翻訳をしてくださる方を募集しております。良い記事を読者に提供するのが唯一の目的であり、重要なことはそれだけです。そのため、翻訳の方法は直訳ではなく意訳でもなく、実際の作業は「英語を記事を参考にした日本語記事」を執筆とも言えます。原文に忠実である必要はなく、パラグラフをひとつ削除しても、文章の構成を完全に作り替えてしまっても結構です。ただし、完成品は以下の条件を満たすものとします。 日本語の文字数:800~1500 ひとつの段落は3-7文。 見出し(h1、h2、h3)を使用する。 一文は長くても60文字以内にする。 HTML形式で納品する。 翻訳・執筆内容 本文 タイトル(ひとつの英語タイトルにつき、5つの日本語タイトルを作成して下さい。一番良いものを利用します。) メタディスクリプション(メタディスクリプションを3つ書いてください。タイトルのように使うのは1つだけです。) Twitter投稿メッセージ x 5 なお、PMでマニュアルを2点送付いたします。必ず目を通してください。

    $59 Average bid
    $59 平均入札額
    7 入札

    ... 弊社よりお送りした元画像を、見本のイラストの様にトレースしてください。 3_データはZip形式で圧縮したファイルをメールでお送りください。 注意事項 ・トレースしたオブジェクトは、Adobe Illustrator(ai)形式で保存してください。 ・バージョンは CS5以下 で保存してください。 ・オブジェクトの色は(C 50、M 50、Y 70、K 0)の1色のみ にしてください。 ・パスのアウトラインはとらないでください。 ※応募される際は、サンプルをお送りください。(元画像とイラストデータどちらも) Need long-term illustrator to make illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail. -Save file as Adobe Illustrator (ai) file. -Version needs to be CS5 or under. -Object color is one color (C 50, M 50, Y 70, K 0) ...

    $16 Average bid
    $16 平均入札額
    3 入札

    ... 弊社よりお送りした元画像を、見本のイラストの様にトレースしてください。 3_データはZip形式で圧縮したファイルをメールでお送りください。 注意事項 ・トレースしたオブジェクトは、Adobe Illustrator(ai)形式で保存してください。 ・バージョンは CS5以下 で保存してください。 ・オブジェクトの色は(C 50、M 50、Y 70、K 0)の1色のみ にしてください。 ・パスのアウトラインはとらないでください。 ※応募される際は、サンプルをお送りください。(元画像とイラストデータどちらも) Need long-term illustrator to make illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail. -Save file as Adobe Illustrator (ai) file. -Version needs to be CS5 or under. -Object color is one color (C 50, M 50, Y 70, K 0) ...

    $15 Average bid
    $15 平均入札額
    7 入札

    ...rolls into the screen, revealing the Goals Zone logo. Text on Screen: "The ultimate platform for football professionals." Animation: The ball pulses and transitions into a digital football ecosystem with icons representing players, coaches, referees, agents, and organizers. ? Scene 2 (3-6 sec) – AI-Powered Insights Visual: A player uploads a match video, and AI instantly analyzes their movements. Text on Screen: "AI-powered match analysis – instant insights on your game." Animation: A glowing AI brain processes the video, showing performance metrics (speed, positioning, passing accuracy). ? Scene 3 (6-9 sec) – Smart Scheduling & Team Management Visual: A coach sets up a training session, and players receive invites ...

    $113 Average bid
    $113 平均入札額
    42 入札

    BrightEdge Recruitment – Junior Recruitment Specialist Role ________________________________________ Position: Junior Recruitment Specialist Company: BrightEdge Recruitment & Consulting – India/Dubai Location: Remote Salary: INR 12K per month + Annual Incentives (INR 30K – 100K) + Travel Perks Working Hours: Monday – Friday (9:30 AM – 7 PM), Saturday (Half-day) Joining: Immediate (within 5 days preferred) ________________________________________ Key Responsibilities • Screen candidates and assess their suitability for roles • Communicate effectively with candidates via calls and emails • Arrange and schedule interviews between candidates and hiring managers • Ensure compliance with the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and maintain...

    $236 Average bid
    $236 平均入札額
    2 入札

    Rewrite and AI removal project from research paper

    $43 Average bid
    $43 平均入札額
    1 入札

    I am seeking a talented video editor w...content that will capture the viewer's attention while delivering informative insights about various tech elements. Key Responsibilities: - Edit videos featuring tech products, AI capabilities, and interactions within the creator economy. - or AI reviews, use tech tips and tricks - Utilize dynamic and attention-grabbing transitions to keep the content lively and engaging. - Ensure the overall tone of the video is informative. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in video editing software. - Prior experience editing tech videos or similar content. - Ability to highlight specific elements such as product features, AI capabilities, and creator interactions. - Creativity in using dynamic transitions while maint...

    $64 Average bid
    $64 平均入札額
    9 入札

    ...client in the Software Development industry, I'm on the lookout for a proficient German-speaking Requirements Engineer. This professional will primarily focus on the gathering of requirements for our Enterprise Software projects. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate with stakeholders to gather software requirements. - Translate stakeholder needs into technical specifications. - Communicate effectively with the team in German. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in requirements engineering, specifically in the software development industry. - Extensive background in working with enterprise software. - Exceptional skills in requirements gathering. - Fluent in German, both written and spoken. - Excellent communication skills. Your role...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr 平均入札額
    3 入札

    ... and trust—while being visually appealing and professional. It should be timeless, standing out in the competitive real estate market. The successful designer will produce a logo that is both distinctive and adaptable, along with a letterhead that communicates professionalism and aligns perfectly with the brand’s identity. File Requirements: Logo Files: Provide the final logo in vector format (AI, EPS), as well as high-resolution PNG and JPEG files. Letterhead: Provide the letterhead design in an editable format (e.g., Word, InDesign) for future editing and use....

    $51 Average bid
    104 エントリー

    I need to create a cartoon/Disney/Pixar-style filter/faceswap using existing tools that can be applied to a live camera feed (preferably for multiple people). The filtered output should then be usable as a virtual camera for photobooth software or allow taking a screenshot. An example is shown in the attached file.

    $133 Average bid
    $133 平均入札額
    17 入札

    I need a freelancer skilled in video editing and AI technology to help me modify a Shutterstock video to better represent my tattoo studio brand. Key tasks: - Edit the video to align with my brand's style and tone - Enhance the video using AI for a realistic finish Ideal skills: - Proficiency in video editing software - Experience with AI video enhancement - Understanding of brand representation in media Please note, the specifics of video modifications will be discussed in detail with the selected freelancer.

    $92 Average bid
    $92 平均入札額
    2 入札

    I need a freelancer to help me rewrite an academic paper with a word count of around 4000 words. The primary focus will be on: - Removing any traces of AI-generated content - Eliminating plagiarism - Rewriting the paper to enhance clarity and coherence The final document should adhere to the Harvard formatting style. Ideal candidates should have experience in academic writing and a deep understanding of the Harvard style. A prior background in academic research would be a plus. Please provide samples of your previous work and your strategy for ensuring the paper is original. The project needs to be completed by tomorrow 9 am.

    $59 Average bid
    $59 平均入札額
    57 入札

    I need help rewriting/rephrasing my 1000 words personal statement for university admission. Currently, It have 57% AI generated content which I want should be zero. The revised statement should be between 900 - 1000 words, with no AI generated revised statement should maintain a formal and professional tone. Please mention at the top of your bid "Budget" + "I can rewrite your personal statement, and make AI content 0%" to exclude bots.

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr 平均入札額
    37 入札
    AI Pages Menu Text Edits
    6 日 left

    I need help editing the text on 7 AI pages menu. The edits primarily involve updating menu item names and adding new ones that I have already prepared. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in text editing - Attention to detail - Ability to follow provided instructions

    $21 Average bid
    $21 平均入札額
    44 入札

    ...minimalist landing page by 9 PM IST today. I’m looking for a talented UI/UX designer to create two sections for a lead-generation landing page for businesses. This is just the start — I am seeking a long-term design partner or agency, with many more design needs to come. If you also have coding skills, that’s a big plus! If you can code, you'll definitely get more work in the future. Requirements: India-based designers only (Preference given to freelancers based in Chandigarh Tri-City area) Available for calls and future availability aligned with USA time Skills Needed: Expert in UI/UX Design with a strong understanding of modern design trends Proficient in Figma Strong knowledge of HTML/CSS, JavaScript, HubSpot, WordPress If you're passionate ab...

    $23 Average bid
    $23 平均入札額
    24 入札

    ...questionnaire the AI must show a report baed on answers. The web must have a form plugin jotform) The job to do: make the landing pages with information of service, add the buy page of service using table price and direct ckeckout (you can use woocommerce); add jotform; integrate the questionnaire of jotform and the answer with AI to create the authomatic report. The questions of jotform and the answer of jotform must be saved inside my mysql database. So it is necessary use a plugin to create the tables and save the answer add a plugin or code to comunicate with an AI the plugin (wpautomator o Ai engine). Finally it is necessary show the report inside a web page and create a pdf. The report must have an excellent design, it must chart and tables create wit...

    $146 Average bid
    $146 平均入札額
    9 入札

    I am seeking a web developer with AI expertise to create an engaging portfolio website for my custom lighting and metal art. The primary objective of this site is to attract new clients. Key requirements include: - Implementing AI functionalities such as personalized recommendations, automated image tagging, and a virtual assistant for queries. - Ensuring the AI optimally adjusts product images and makes text SEO compatible. The design of the website should reflect an industrial aesthetic, befitting my art style. Ideal candidates will have experience in AI integration within web development, a strong understanding of SEO, and a keen eye for industrial design.

    $220 Average bid
    $220 平均入札額
    41 入札

    I'm seeking a highly skilled programmer with expertise in machine learning and AI for an exciting project that intersects computer vision and natural language processing (NLP). Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Computer Vision techniques - Advanced skills in Sentiment Analysis - Experience analyzing survey responses Ideal candidates will have a strong programming background, with a focus on machine learning and AI, alongside a proven track record working with computer vision and sentiment analysis. You will be tasked with interpreting survey responses using sentiment analysis, and leveraging computer vision techniques to enhance the project outcomes. Your ability to deliver high-quality analysis will be crucial to the success of this project.

    $132 Average bid
    $132 平均入札額
    24 入札

    I'm looking for a seasoned web app developer, proficient in Node.js and Angular, to enhance my existing crypto-related site. The project requires the integration of several key components: - Automated Trading Options: This feature will enable users to set pre-defined trading parameters, allowing for trades to be executed automatically based on market conditions. - Advanced Analytics Tools: Real-time trading charts must be equipped with sophisticated, user-interactive analytics tools. This will provide users with the capacity to conduct in-depth market analysis and make informed trading decisions. - Stop-Loss Orders: Essential for risk management, this feature will allow users to set automatic sell orders to limit potential losses on their investments. Ide...

    $7210 Average bid
    $7210 平均入札額
    51 入札

    Project Overview: AI@Home is an open-source initiative aimed at creating a decentralized, federated AI network where users contribute computing power to collaboratively train AI models. This project will focus on a minimal yet functional version of federated learning with a lightweight AI model and simple Mastodon bot integration. The concept is inspired by volunteer-computing projects like SETI@home and Folding@home but differs in its focus on training Large Language Models (LLMs) rather than processing scientific data. Scope 1. Training of a Lightweight AI Model Implement training using a lightweight model like DistilBERT. Optimize for decentralized training with minimal computational overhead. Ensure training can run efficiently on CPU-bas...

    $4432 Average bid
    $4432 平均入札額
    25 入札
    Python AI Code Review and Fix
    6 日 left

    I have some automation-related Python code that was generated by an AI. Unfortunately, there are some syntax and logical errors that need to be resolved. I am looking for an experienced Python developer with a strong grasp on automation coding to verify and fix this code. Please provide your relevant experience with Python and automation in your bid. The code to be reviewed is less than 100 lines.

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr 平均入札額
    27 入札

    NOTE - *ONLY I...visible number plates) from different cities/states. requirements- 1)minimum pixels 1920*1080. 2)No blur images. 3)Images to be clicked in Landscape mode. 4)visible number plate(either front or back- any side will work). 5)Need minimum of 500 images daily - if not then try at least uploading 250 images. 6)Multiple Hiring for this Project(I need more than 20,000 images from different states of INDIA). 7)Pay cut will be 1.75rs per qualified image; Deliverables- Kindly while uploading the images on "Files Tab" zip the folder and upload it.; as soon as your images are qualified I will give you the Drive link to review your submissions and after you confirm I will release payment on immediate basis. Duration- Ideally need 20,000 images in 15days. Looking f...

    $10 Average bid
    $10 平均入札額
    3 入札

    ...building standards, the Building Code, product specifications, architectural designs, and consultant reports. - Users should be able to input or upload data via both a web and desktop interface. - Data input methods should include manual input forms, file uploads, and API integration. - Tailored ChatGPT API prompts will be used to analyze, summarize, and extract key details for each report section. - AI-generated content should be automatically inserted into a pre-formatted Word template using python-docx. - The final report should be convertible into a PDF using FPDF. - The solution must include secure API handling and proper credential management. - A potential web interface development using Flask should be considered to ensure user-friendliness and adherence to security prot...

    $116 Average bid
    $116 平均入札額
    13 入札

    I'm looking for a skilled professional to create a technical brochure for our software, targeted at businesses. Key Requirements: - Understanding of technical language and ability to communicate complex software features in a clear and engaging manner. - Experience in creating promotional materials for B2B software. - Ability to create a design that aligns with our brand and appeals to a business audience. The brochure will primarily serve a promotional purpose, so a strong background in marketing or promotional material design would be highly beneficial. The tone of the brochure should be formal yet accessible, with a focus on clearly communicating the technical aspects of our software.

    $49 Average bid
    $49 平均入札額
    18 入札

    I am looking for an experienced firmware developer who can work with the ESP32 platform. This project involves creating firmware for an IoT device. It is small project with mostly completed developments. Key Responsibilities: - Implementing sensor data reading and processing - Enabling wireless communication via BLE - Overseeing battery management and monitoring Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with ESP32 - Proficiency in ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) - Skilled in Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication - Knowledgeable in Battery Management Systems (BMS) If you are a talented firmware developer with the necessary skills and experience, I would love to hear from you. please do not bid if you not from NCR or Delhi

    $98 Average bid
    $98 平均入札額
    2 入札

    ...approximately 2,000 words per list. 2. The content must be written in an engaging, error-free, and reader-friendly style. 3. Ensure all content is 100% original and free from plagiarism. 4. Demonstrate excellent research skills to guarantee accuracy and depth in the content. 5. Create compelling headlines that encourage readers to keep reading. 6. All writing must be 100% human-generated. If AI-generated content is detected, the contract will be immediately terminated without discussion. Conditions: Adherence to agreed deadlines is essential. Prior experience in writing detailed lists or similar content is preferred. Topics will be selected in coordination with the client to ensure relevance and quality. Benefits: Opportunity for long-term collaboration if work...

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr 平均入札額
    44 入札

    Project Description*: I am a Chinese language teacher for non-native speakers, and I am looking for an AI developer to create innovative applications and technologies for teaching Chinese. The goal is to integrate AI into my courses to make them more interactive and effective. I have several ideas that I want to implement, and I need someone with expertise in AI, app development, and augmented/mixed reality. --- ### *Tasks Required*: 1. *Camera-Based Learning App*: - Develop a smartphone app that uses the camera to recognize objects and display their names and pronunciation in Chinese. - The app should support features such as: - Image recognition using AI. - Displaying correct pronunciation of words. - Adding example sentenc...

    $1370 Average bid
    $1370 平均入札額
    31 入札
    Logo Creation
    9 日 left

    Logo Creation Quote Client Name: Hi, Rishabh Date: 01/02/2025 Project Details Logo Concept: Unique, creative, and tailored design based on your brand’s vision and values. Deliverables: 3-4 Initial Logo Concepts Up to 2 Rounds of Revisions Final Logo Files: PNG, JPG, PDF, AI/PSD (source file), and SVG (vector format). Timeline: One day Pricing Package: Basic Total Cost: ₹500

    $1 / hr Average bid
    $1 / hr 平均入札額
    1 入札
    Facebook / Instagram API
    6 日 left

    Hello, I am looking for someone that has worked with the Meta/Facebook/IG Graph API to build a consumer facing app where multiple users can login and interact with my application and perform tasks that call the API. NO AI BOT RESPONSES ALLOWED Answer both question in your proposal.... 1) Have you used the FB Graph API in the past and for what? 2) Will you sign an NDA

    $78 Average bid
    $78 平均入札額
    1 入札

    ...voice over should be in a narrative tone. It needs to guide the viewer through the documentary in an engaging way. - Experience with documentaries is a must, particularly those relating to fishing or nature. - Able to deliver high-quality audio recordings. Hi there, I want to do voice over for my fishing video. Voice must be documentary style since its documentary video. I dont mind you are using AI or your own voice but I need voice something like this: Most important is the voice and also the way you narrate your voice to suit the video. I will give the video link once YOU message me to show you are serious. To win the project you need to submit me voice

    $109 Average bid
    $109 平均入札額
    24 入札

    ...seeking a professional who can provide an AI-based service delivering stock trading signals. The service should focus on the following: - Markets: Signals should be relevant to the NYSE, NASDAQ, and the London Stock Exchange. - Types of Signals: I need accurate Buy/Sell recommendations and insightful Market trend analyses. - Include Stop-Loss Suggestions: Provide recommendations on appropriate stop-loss levels for risk management. - Add Take-Profit Targets: Suggest target prices for taking profits to maximize gains. - Identify Entry Points: Pinpoint optimal entry points for initiating trades. - Determine Exit Points: Identify ideal exit points to close trades effectively Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in AI and stock mar...

    $18980 Average bid
    $18980 平均入札額
    31 入札

    I'm seeking a logo for my artist management company, SkyTeam Enterprise, which focuses on the reggae industry. The design should incorporate a microphone and wings, positioned outside a circle, with the company name prominently displayed inside. (NO AI DESIGN) (PLEASE SEE IMAGE UPLOADED AS AN EXAMPLE........) Design elements: - A modern style - An emphasis on management within the music industry - A conveyance of energetic and vibrant feelings Color palette can include: aqua blue, black, or any Caribbean colours. Ideal candidates for this project should: - Have a strong portfolio in modern logo design, particularly within the music or management sectors - Understand and can creatively incorporate elements of Caribbean culture into their designs - Able to convey an energeti...

    $10 Average bid
    134 エントリー

    I'm seeking a modern and sleek logo for my real estate firm, incorporating building icons and using a bold color palette. This project will also include creating social media marketing tools aligned with the logo and tagline. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Branding - ...and using a bold color palette. This project will also include creating social media marketing tools aligned with the logo and tagline. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Branding - Social Media Marketing Requirements: - Modern and sleek design - Incorporation of building icons - Use of bold colors - Creation of social media marketing tools - Deliver the logo in various formats (e.g., PNG, SVG, AI) Please use dark colors such as black, navy blue, or dark gray. The tagline should have a professional and auth...

    $39 Average bid
    $39 平均入札額
    31 入札

    ...scalping strategy for maximum profitability and minimal risk. - Fine-tune parameters of the harmonics indicator for optimal performance. - Define and measure key performance metrics for the scalping strategy. - Automate the strategy execution on a trading platform, if possible. - Debug discrepancies in backtest results and suggest improvements. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Pine Script. - Proven track record of developing and backtesting trading strategies. - Familiarity with scalping strategies. - Ability to work with custom trading indicators. - Strong analytical skills to interpret backtest results. Please only apply if you have the necessary skills and experience. Looking forward to your proposals. The Pine Script should be compati...

    $258 Average bid
    $258 平均入札額
    6 入札

    I need a Pine Script expert to create a scalping trading strategy for me. The strategy will primarily use custom harmonics. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Pine Script - In-depth understanding of scalping strategies - Proficiency in identifying and utilizing custom harmonics - Strong background in algorithmic trading - Capable of developing and testing trading strategies in TradingView - Expertise in risk management and mitigation for trading environments. - Strong background in technical and fundamental market analysis. - Familiarity with a wide range of financial instruments beyond forex (e.g., stocks, commodities). - Experience with various backtesting tools and platforms. - Expertise in data analysis and interpretation to improve strategy decisio...

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr 平均入札額
    3 入札

    I'm seeking a top-notch SEO professional to propel my new waste management company's website to Google's top results swiftly. The emphasis should be on targeting local and 'low hanging' keywords. Key Responsibilities: - Content creation and backlinking - On-page and off-page optimization - Adding necessary information to my website I require continuous, high-quality, non-AI generated content for my site, primarily blog posts. For on-page optimization, content optimization is my main concern. The ideal candidate for this project should: - Have proven experience in SEO - Have a track record of successful site optimizations - Be capable of creating engaging, high-quality content - Understand and be able to implement effective backlinking strategies This ...

    $394 Average bid
    $394 平均入札額
    96 入札

    I'm seeking a proficient AI developer to create an interactive, AI-powered chatbot specifically for restaurants. This chatbot's primary role will be to efficiently manage customer interactions, enhancing the overall dining experience. Key tasks will include handling reservations, addressing menu-related inquiries, processing orders, and delivering tailored recommendations to patrons. The ideal candidate for this project should be well-versed in AI development and Natural Language Processing (NLP), with a proven track record in creating intelligent AI agents capable of natural, engaging customer interactions. The project will necessitate: - Integration with various restaurant systems, such as POS, CRM and reservation systems. - Optimization of the cha...

    $175 Average bid
    $175 平均入札額
    15 入札

    ...looking for an experienced AI/ML developer to create a cutting-edge AI system that generates original, high-quality novels from scratch with long-term coherence, character consistency, and dynamic storytelling. This AI should be future-proof, incorporating the latest AI research, including: • Fine-tuned LLMs (LLaMA 3, Mixtral 8x7B, DeepSeek) • Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) • Vector Search (ChromaDB, FAISS, Weaviate) • Semantic Search for Contextual Relevance • Multi-Agent AI (Self-Improving AI) • Graph-Based Memory Systems (Neo4j, LangGraph) • Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) • LoftQ for Low-Cost Fine-Tuning • FlashAttention-2 for Efficient Model Training • RWKV for Adapti...

    $4750 Average bid
    $4750 平均入札額
    20 入札

    I'm seeking an expert in NinjaTrader for custom automated strategy development. The focus will be on futures markets. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with NinjaTrader - Proven track record in developing automated trading strategies - Deep understanding of futures markets Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.

    $121 Average bid
    $121 平均入札額
    11 入札
    Facebook / Instagram API -- 2
    6 日 left

    Hello, I am looking for someone that has worked with the Meta/Facebook/IG Graph API to build a consumer facing app where multiple users can login and interact with my application and perform tasks that call the API. NO AI BOT RESPONSES ALLOWED Answer both question in your proposal.... 1) Have you used the FB Graph API in the past and for what? 2) Will you sign an NDA

    $159 Average bid
    $159 平均入札額
    3 入札

    I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a dynamic and responsive e-commerce website on Shopify for my premium candle brand based in India. The site will feature: - A variety of candle products - Candle accessories - Gift sets The design should embody an elegant and luxurious style. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with Shopify - A strong portfolio in designing elegant, luxury-themed e-commerce sites - Knowledge in creating user-friendly, responsive, and dynamic websites. I am looking for a freelancer who can understand and translate the aesthetic and quality of my brand into an exquisite online shopping experience.

    $353 Average bid
    $353 平均入札額
    56 入札