Ai text to text仕事
当社はGoogleやMetaなどのIT企業にAI学習用の高品質なデータを提供しています。 「勤務条件」 リモートワーク フリーター 時給1,300~2,300円 「担当業務」 ・定められたガイドラインに従い、AIモデルが生成した英語・日本語のデータを確認・評価する ・評価結果を英語で記述し、提出する 「必要スキル」 ・日本語、英語の作文能力 ・TOEFL、TOEICのスコア保持者 「応募資格」 ・日本語がネイティブレベルの方 ・英語でのコミュニケーションが可能な方(特に、論理的なライティングが得意な方) 「歓迎条件」 ・データラベリングの業務経験者
【事業紹介内容】 ベトナムの高い技術力と低コストのスキルを日本の中小企業に販売する 例 ・IT導入 AI映像解析で業務プロセス改善 注文書等の文書管理を電子化 製造現場からすぐにデータ入力できる製造日報アプリの導入 ・建築図面の作成 2D&3D図面作成・設計を外注 BIM/CIMオペレーターを外注 【成果報酬型】 受注数に応じて費用を支払う 成約:売上の50% 例: アプリ作成依頼の成立 100万円 営業代行報酬 50万円 【目的】 専門性・経験 定期的な進捗報告
ワードプレスで制作したい システムとしてはChatGPTを英会話講師として利用したい。 ようするに今のオンライン英会話のAIバージョン。 ホームページ制作も大切ですが、そこにChatGPTのシステムを組み込める方ならなお嬉しいです。 このサイトの利用の方法は ➀無料で利用できるが、その際は広告が流れるようにしたい。有料登録すると広告なし ➁チケットや前払いの後、利用 ➂その他提案あれば 同時に一緒にこの事業をやってみようと思った方も募集します。 (個人で立ち上げますので報酬は成功報酬になります) 今後確実に今後伸びる事業だと思います。一緒に夢をつかみましょう!
... 初めまして。 Uptempo Marketerはグローバル企業のローカリゼーションと翻訳サポートに特化した、急成長のITスタートアップ企業です。今年から来年にかけて大規模の翻訳プロゼェクト(中国語➡日本語)を進めており、多くの翻訳者の方々を募集しております。 【仕事内容】 弊社が提供するオンラインツールでの【中国語➡日本語】の翻訳業務です。 業務の詳細は下記の通りです。 <1.中国語スクリプトの日本語翻訳 (Human Translation) > 記事、TwitterやFacebook等のSNSで使われている一般的な文章を翻訳する作業です。 Google翻訳等の機会翻訳を使うのは禁止です。 <2.中国語➡日本語 機械翻訳文の校正 (Machine Translation + Post Editing)> 弊社のAI自動翻訳機が翻訳した文章のミスをチェックして、修正する作業です。 Google翻訳等の機会翻訳を使うのは禁止です。 【業務形態】 パートタイム(オンラインツールを活用する在宅勤務) 【応募条件】 日本語ネイティブもしくは中国語ネイティブの方 すぐにプロゼェクトに参加できる方 ネットの環境が整っている方 【待遇条件】 中国語が流暢に話せる日本人の方 過去に翻訳者として経験・実績がある方 海外在住経験のある方 【選考方法】 お申し込みフォーム ①お名前・履歴書の添付・テストの解答など、必須情報のご記入の上、フォームを提出してください。 ②フォームより送信いただきました内容をスタッフが拝見し、選考結果を判断します。 ③選考結果とプロゼェクトの詳細(翻訳ツールのマニュアルや報酬など)を、10営業日以内にお送りいたします。
... 初めまして。 Uptempo Marketerはグローバル企業のローカリゼーションと翻訳サポートに特化した、急成長のITスタートアップ企業です。今年から来年にかけて大規模の翻訳プロゼェクト(中国語➡日本語)を進めており、多くの翻訳者の方々を募集しております。 【仕事内容】 弊社が提供するオンラインツールでの【中国語➡日本語】の翻訳業務です。 業務の詳細は下記の通りです。 <1.中国語スクリプトの日本語翻訳 (Human Translation) > 記事、TwitterやFacebook等のSNSで使われている一般的な文章を翻訳する作業です。 Google翻訳等の機会翻訳を使うのは禁止です。 <2.中国語➡日本語 機械翻訳文の校正 (Machine Translation + Post Editing)> 弊社のAI自動翻訳機が翻訳した文章のミスをチェックして、修正する作業です。 Google翻訳等の機会翻訳を使うのは禁止です。 【業務形態】 パートタイム(オンラインツールを活用する在宅勤務) 【応募条件】 日本語ネイティブもしくは中国語ネイティブの方 すぐにプロゼェクトに参加できる方 ネットの環境が整っている方 【待遇条件】 中国語が流暢に話せる日本人の方 過去に翻訳者として経験・実績がある方 海外在住経験のある方 【選考方法】 お申し込みフォーム ①お名前・履歴書の添付・テストの解答など、必須情報のご記入の上、フォームを提出してください。 ②フォームより送信いただきました内容をスタッフが拝見し、選考結果を判断します。 ③選考結果とプロゼェクトの詳細(翻訳ツールのマニュアルや報酬など)を、10営業日以内にお送りいたします。
サンプルと似たような雰囲気のデザインを作っていただきたいです。 サンプルにある「MOUNTAIN ROCK」という文字を「MOUNTAIN GRAVEL」に変更します。 日本語の部分できれば「ニューマウンテンロック」を「マウンテングラベル」に変更します。できないなら空白にしてください。 最終入港はoutlineされた状態で.aiか.pdfでお願いします。
8600 symbols. 7,5 pages. Text translated by foreign translator agency to Japanese. Need to check it and edit to Natural Japanese language (by native speaker). Mark all edited paces so we could see. Only Editor with native japanese is accepted. 文字数は8600字 ページ数は7,5ページ 外国人が通訳したテキスト(自動ソフトではありません) 自然な日本語に直してほしいです。不自然なところやわかりずらい所の訂正をお願いします。 訂正したすべてのところに色付けてください。 日本語のネーティブスピーカーのみに依頼しますので、ご注意ください。
... 弊社よりお送りした元画像を、見本のイラストの様にトレースしてください。 3_データはZip形式で圧縮したファイルをメールでお送りください。 注意事項 ・トレースしたオブジェクトは、Adobe Illustrator(ai)形式で保存してください。 ・バージョンは CS5以下 で保存してください。 ・オブジェクトの色は(C 50、M 50、Y 70、K 0)の1色のみ にしてください。 ・パスのアウトラインはとらないでください。 ※応募される際は、サンプルをお送りください。(元画像とイラストデータどちらも) Need long-term illustrator to make illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail. -Save file as Adobe Illustrator (ai) file. -Version needs to be CS5 or under. -Object color is one color (C 50...
... 弊社よりお送りした元画像を、見本のイラストの様にトレースしてください。 3_データはZip形式で圧縮したファイルをメールでお送りください。 注意事項 ・トレースしたオブジェクトは、Adobe Illustrator(ai)形式で保存してください。 ・バージョンは CS5以下 で保存してください。 ・オブジェクトの色は(C 50、M 50、Y 70、K 0)の1色のみ にしてください。 ・パスのアウトラインはとらないでください。 ※応募される際は、サンプルをお送りください。(元画像とイラストデータどちらも) Need long-term illustrator to make illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail. -Save file as Adobe Illustrator (ai) file. -Version needs to be CS5 or under. -Object color is one color (C 50...
We’re looking for a skilled 3D designer to create a moderately detailed fantasy dice tower. The design should include the following: An entry/exit large enough to accommodate a 20mm die without the need to scale up A base to contain any rolled dice A fully unique design free from copyrighted materials Minimal support requirement We’re looking for a designer with a creative approach and passion for fantasy. The contest winner will be considered for long term ongoing projects. AI submissions will be rejected
I need an AI-powered chatbot to provide technical support to my customers. The bot should be capable of retrieving information and solving common technical issues. It should be integrated across multiple platforms, including our website, social media channels, and mobile application. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in AI and chatbot development. - Experience in creating bots for technical support. - Skills in multi-platform integration. The ideal freelancer for this project will have a strong background in AI, experience in developing chatbots, and a deep understanding of technical support requirements.
...creative designers to develop hard hat sticker concepts for an employee recognition program. The stickers will be used to celebrate milestone years of service and need to be both visually appealing and meaningful for field personnel in the mining industry. Project Requirements: Concept 1: A cohesive design style across all milestone stickers, differentiated only by colors to signify different years of service. Concept 2: Unique designs for each milestone year (1, 5, 10, 15, 20+ years) incorporating themes inspired by mining and regional nature (e.g., wild donkeys, mustangs, snakes, cacti, Joshua trees, mining tools). Designs must be: Compact enough for hard hats (approx. 1-1.5 inches). Durable and visually striking, with elements appealing to rugged...
I'm in need of a proficient AI chat agent programmed to respond to user inquiries, specifically focusing on the technical analysis of various cryptocurrencies. The AI should be equipped to use specific technical indicators, notably Moving Averages and the Relative Strength Index (RSI), to provide insightful and accurate analyses. Ideal freelancers for this project should have: - Demonstrated experience in AI development, particularly in creating chat agents - Strong understanding of cryptocurrency and its market - Proficiency in implementing technical indicators for analysis - Excellent communication skills to ensure the AI can clearly articulate responses and analyses. - Knowledge to link the replies to ...
I'm seeking a professional with a strong background in dissertation writing and research. I will provide the dissertation idea and structure, and you will need to assist with: - Comprehensive literature review - Data analysis - Writing the dissertation in a coherent and academically rigorous manner The total word count of the dissertation is 15,000. Ideal Skills and Experience: - PhD or equivalent in a related field - Proven track record of dissertation writing - Excellent research skills - Strong abilities in literature review and data analysis - Familiarity with academic writing standards NO AI NO COPY PASTING
I am in need of an image processing professional to assist with my research paper. Individual must have published papers in AI, image processing or computer vision field
...GENERATION SYSTEM WITH AI - COMPREHENSIVE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRED TECHNICAL EXPERTISE: 1. Programming Languages: - Python (5+ years experience required) - Experience with Python frameworks (Django/Flask) - Frontend development (React.js/Vue.js) 2. Machine Learning/AI Experience Required: - Machine learning implementation - Neural networks - Natural Language Processing - Pattern recognition - Predictive analytics - OpenAI integration 3. Additional Technical Skills: - Database management (PostgreSQL) - API development - Cloud services (AWS/DigitalOcean) - Version control (Git) Project Overview: Building a fully automated, AI-powered lead generation system for B2C services, initially focused on roofing (7+ year shingle roofs) and pressure was...
I need an expert who can make Filemaker Go take a picture of an invoice and use Google Cloud AI (API) and machine learning to read the document and extract various data points. This extracted information should then be input into my Filemaker server. I need to extract the following data points from the invoices: - Invoice number - Date - Total amount - Details from the different items - Different item names Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with Filemaker Go - Proficiency in Google Cloud AI and machine learning - Skills in data extraction and server input - Capability to ensure the process is seamless and efficient soon as someone successfully completes this task. I will award after just 1 day if someone is successful. No need to wait 4 weeks for payment if you can complete sooner** We are developing a mobile app that applies custom text onto objects within a GIF, ensuring the text looks realistically placed (skewed and distorted) as the objects move and rotate. The tracking for these objects has already been completed in the attached After Effects (AE) file. We need a custom script/plugin for After Effects that can: -Export tracking data (position, rotation, scaling, and skew/distortion) from our pre-tracked AE compositions into a structured JSON file. -Include sufficient data to recreate the text's realistic transformation and distortion within an external...
I'm in search of a skilled and experienced digital marketing agency, team, or individual to help my architecture business grow. Key Focus Areas: - Lead Generation: I would like to see more potential clients reaching out to my business, so your ability to refine and generate leads is crucial. - Online Presence: Enhancing and refining my business's web presence is another key part of this project. Your Proposal: I would like to understand the range of services you offer and the scope of possibilities. Please ensure your proposal doesn't contain AI-generated cover letters, as I'm looking for serious professionals who are truly good at their job.
I'm seeking a developer to create a website and PWA for an image synthesis AI application. The app should be able to automatically synthesize images for users based on their saved pictures. Key Requirements: - The app should be compatible with both desktop and mobile platforms - PWA features should include push notifications and access to the device camera - The project budget is less than $200 - Immediate availability and quick turnaround time is crucial - Must communicate via a translator as English is not spoken Ideal Skills: - Experience in website and PWA development - Prior work with image automatic synthesis AI - Ability to deliver a project within a tight budget and timeframe Please note, I do not have a preferred image synthesis ...
...extracting both elliptical and rectangular text from a circle banner. The background of the banner will be varied, not a solid color or design, which adds complexity to the task. Key Tasks: - Determine the best grayscale conversion method for text extraction and convert the image to grayscale accordingly. - Determine the proper orientation of the image based on text phrases (as opposed to graphic elements or color patterns). - Rotate and save the image for optimal text extraction - Extract and save all text in plain text format, along with its corresponding quadrant from the image. - Identify and locate the position of a separate image within the main image using threshold matching. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficie...
I'm seeking a lead generation specialist with a strong background in software and IT products, particularly in AI and SaaS. This project focuses on the US market and spans across all industries, including healthcare, finance, and retail. Key Goals: - The primary objective of this campaign is to build brand awareness, so experience in this area is a plus. Preferred Methods: - The main method for lead generation will be cold calling. Therefore, excellent communication skills and a persuasive demeanor are essential. Prior experience in cold calling for IT products will be highly regarded.
I am seeking a seeking a skilled professional to develop a unique AI project within the cryptocurrency domain. Key Requirements: - Expertise in cryptocurrency development and blockchain technology - Proficiency in building AI for data analysis and prediction - Experience in creating machine learning models Ideal Candidate: The ideal freelancer for this project should have a solid background in both AI and cryptocurrency. They should be capable of designing a machine learning model that can analyze and predict trends in the crypto market. Please note that the focus of this project is primarily on cryptocurrency development, with a significant emphasis on AI's role in data analysis and prediction. Prior experience in this area will be highly benef...
I'm looking for a program that primarily focuses on analyzing text data within the engineering field. Key Responsibilities: - Perform data retrieval and organization, specifically on text data. - Implement features for text classification and keyword extraction. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in programming for data analysis. - Expertise in engineering-related text data analysis. - Experience with implementing text classification and keyword extraction features.
I need a tool to automate text extraction from my screenshots and inputting it into external software text fields. Key Requirements: - Extract text from screenshots - Use pre-configured template matching for text extraction - Input extracted text into external software text fields Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in text extraction and automation tools - Proven experience with pre-configured template matching - Familiarity with various external software - Strong attention to detail and ability to follow templates accurately.
I'm looking for a logo that embodies a minimalist style, combining both text and an icon. The color scheme should be two-tone.
I'm seeking a skilled designer to create visually captivating content for promoting a game akin to the Avatar movie's aesthetics. This project focuses on stylish images, primarily for social media, as well as carousels featuring gameplay scenes and short videos. The game promotes mindfulness, so a passion for similar themes would be beneficial. Key Responsibilities: - Design appealing, stylish images that reflect a futuristic aesthetic, immersive visuals with a hint of sci-fi - We will provide some game play visuals - that need to be stylised for engaging social media carousels. - Create immersive short videos, ideally using AI tools for enhanced creativity. Ideal Candidate: - Exceptional design skills with a flair for creating immersive visuals. - E...
...LEAD GENERATION SYSTEM WITH AI - COMPREHENSIVE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRED TECHNICAL EXPERTISE: 1. Programming Languages: - Python (5+ years experience required) - Experience with Python frameworks (Django/Flask) - Frontend development (React.js/Vue.js) 2. Machine Learning/AI Experience Required: - Machine learning implementation - Neural networks - Natural Language Processing - Pattern recognition - Predictive analytics - OpenAI integration 3. Additional Technical Skills: - Database management (PostgreSQL) - API development - Cloud services (AWS/DigitalOcean) - Version control (Git) Project Overview: Building a fully automated, AI-powered lead generation system for B2C services, initially focused on roofing (7+ year shingle roofs) and pressure washing, expandable ...
Objective: Create a comprehensive platform, ShafCoLink, to streamline operations across ShafCo's ecosystem enhancing collaboration and efficiency. Key features will include integration of advanced AI for demand predictions, personalized promotions, and seamless interaction among stakeholders like resellers, distributors, and customers. The project will also require integration with external platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, TikTok Shop, and logistics services like JNE and SiCepat. An initial consultation phase is included to refine budget estimations and technology strategies.
...seeking a professional with robust experience in AI development, particularly in creating interactive and adaptive search engines. Key Requirements: - The search engine should be able to conduct text searches and interact with users by asking if further search refinement is necessary. - It should adapt to user preferences over time, changing search results based on individual tastes. - The engine should also be capable of carrying out general searches depending on various fields of leads. - Most importantly, the engine's ranking system should prioritize user preferences above all else. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI and machine learning - Experience in developing search engines - Strong understanding of interactive software design - Ability ...
...for an experienced automation expert to help me set up a workflow using , Google Sheets, and I want to build a system similar to the one shown in this video: Goal: Create a system where: - A bot pulls contact data (name, phone number, address) from Google Sheets. - Vapi's AI makes automated cold calls dynamically using the data. - The bot updates Google Sheets with call results, notes, and lead status (interested, not interested, follow-up needed). Key Features I Need: - Integration between Google Sheets and Vapi via - Vapi bot dynamically references fields (like firstName, address, city, property type, market value, etc) during calls. - Call notes and responses are logged back to the appropriate row in Google Sheets
I'm looking to integrate cutting-edge AI software into my website, specifically a virtual try-on tool for clothing. This tool should allow users to select clothes and see them on a 3D visualization of themselves without needing to upload a photo or use a webcam. Key Features: - A user-friendly interface where customers can select clothes to visualize them on a 3D model - Advanced 3D visualization capabilities to accurately represent how the clothes fit and look Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in AI software development, particularly in creating interactive tools for websites - Expertise in 3D visualization technology - Strong understanding of eCommerce and customer engagement strategies I'm looking for a freela...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create an AI tool for influencers that helps in editing videos to achieve a cinematic quality. Key Features: - The AI should be capable of color grading and applying filters. - It needs to automatically generate transitions throughout the video. - The AI should enhance soundtracks and audio. The tool should be compatible with video uploads on Instagram and TikTok, with potential for future expansion to other platforms. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI and machine learning. - Experience in video editing software development. - Knowledge of social media video standards. The goal is to create a user-friendly, efficient tool that can help influencers elevate their content and reac...
I'm seeking a professional copywriter to craft the text for an introductory brochure for my new company. The brochure will be a 6-page, foldable brochure on either A4 or B4 size. The tone of the brochure should be inspirational and motivational, aiming to captivate potential investors. Key sections to include: - Company history - Product/service overview - About the licensed technology - Future plans - Contact if interested Ideal candidates should have experience in writing for investment-focused materials, with a knack for crafting inspirational and motivational content. Prior experience in corporate communications or marketing will be a plus. Please note, all necessary information about the company is available, but it needs to be professionall...
I am facing performance issues with my Laravel-based photo stock website when uplo...with my Laravel-based photo stock website when uploading bulk images. Here's an overview of the problem: Issue Description: Bulk uploads of images (both AI-generated JPGs and regular camera photos) cause the server to slow down significantly. When images reach 99% upload, other pages and requests become unresponsive. The issue occurs regardless of the type of image file, but it is more noticeable during bulk uploads. Environment Details: VPS Specifications: 16GB RAM 8-Core CPU CyberPanel Installed Tried stripping metadata using ExifTool. Adjusted server settings for LiteSpeed and PHP. Tested with different types of images, including AI-generated and regular camera photos. Th...
I'm looking for a freelancer who can create an AI-generated, realistic-looking girl for TikTok dance reels. The character should embody a calm and sophisticated persona, presenting a stark contrast to the energetic nature of dance. Key Requirements: - The AI-generated girl should be realistic and not cartoonish or anime-styled. - The character's personality needs to be calm and sophisticated, bringing a unique perspective to dance routines. - The content should primarily focus on dance routines. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI character generation - Experience in creating content for TikTok - Understanding of dance and ability to sync movements with the music - Ability to create a character with nuanced personality trai...
... GDScript (Python-like scripting) or C#. --- Step 2: Define the Game Concept 1. Game Genre: Platformer, puzzle, endless runner, RPG, shooter, etc. 2. Mechanics: Key features like jumping, shooting, solving puzzles, or collecting items. 3. Story or Theme: Add a story or aesthetic that stands out. Example Ideas: 2D Game: A platformer where the player avoids traps and solves puzzles to escape a dungeon. 3D Game: A runner game in a sci-fi city where the player dodges obstacles and collects coins. --- Step 3: Plan Features 1. Core Gameplay: Define objectives: Survival, scoring points, defeating enemies. Design mechanics: Movement, combat, or interaction. 2. Visual Style: 2D: Pixel art, cartoonish, or flat design. 3D: Low-poly, realistic, or stylized. 3....
I'm looking for someone to modify the text in both of my screenshots. The word "Luciano" needs to be changed to "Danilo". The current file format of the images is PNG. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in image editing software - Attention to detail - Ability to deliver the modified images promptly
I'm in need of a logo that encapsulates a playful and fun style for a travel company. The logo should be designed using subtle and neutral colors, avoiding any bold or vibrant hues. - Style: The logo should be modern and m...playful and fun style for a travel company. The logo should be designed using subtle and neutral colors, avoiding any bold or vibrant hues. - Style: The logo should be modern and minimalist in design, but with a playful twist. - Color: Use of subtle and neutral colors is essential. - Design Elements: The logo will consist of an icon and text. Ideal candidates for this project will have a strong background in playful and minimalist design, with an ability to work with subtle color palettes. A portfolio showcasing previous relevant work would b...
...MyExpenses Overview: MyExpenses is a mobile application designed to help users manage their daily and monthly expenses efficiently. The application leverages user-friendly interfaces and AI-powered analytics to provide users with insights into their spending habits, set budgets, and achieve financial goals. Core Features: Expense Tracking: Allow users to log daily expenses with a simple and intuitive interface. Categorize expenses (e.g., Food, Transport, Entertainment, Bills, etc.). Include support for adding notes and photos for each expense entry. Budget Management: Users can create monthly budgets for specific categories. Provide visual indicators when nearing or exceeding budget limits. Option to carry over unused budgets to the ne...
I'm working on a project involving trai...on a project involving training radiotherapy contour images for automatic contouring. I have a ready-made AI code that needs running on a local PC equipped with an RTX 3090 graphics card. I require assistance with: - Verifying necessary software and drivers are installed on the PC - Partially setting up the environment to run the AI code Ideal skills and experience include: - Familiarity with AI code execution - Experience with setting up complex software environments - Knowledgeable about RTX 3090 and associated software requirements - Relevant experience in image processing and radiotherapy would be a plus I need a professional who can ensure everything is in place for the code to run smoothly. Cloud-bas...
I need a logo redesign that's closely based on the attached one, with some specific alterations. Key Requirements: - **Text Changes**: The new logo needs to include the text "JLX Capital Properties". - **Color Adjustments**: The color scheme for the redesign is red background Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Adobe Illustrator - Branding A strong portfolio of previous logo designs would be advantageous. Please be prepared to provide examples of work that align with this project.
I've got 4 AI-generated blogs ready to go, complete with keywords. However, they need a human touch to enhance their SEO and make them more appealing to industry professionals. The ultimate goal is to improve keyword optimization without compromising the integrity of the content. I'm willing to pay 10 AUD for this task. Once completed, I need these blogs to be completely AI-free. Please let me know if you can help.
Looking for a Freelancer to Create a RAG Database for Storing Professional Documents We are seeking a skilled freelancer to develop a robust Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) database capable of storing approximately 2 TB of professional documents. The database will mainly consist of PDF files that include text, images, and diagrams, in multiple languages. Key Requirements: Storage: Handle up to 2 TB of data, with a scalable solution for future needs. Languages: Support for multilingual document storage and retrieval. Ease of Use: A simple and intuitive interface for managing and accessing documents. Implementation: The solution must be implemented on our server, ensuring optimal performance and security. Advanced Search: Capability for s...
I'm looking for a Supabase expert to help me prototype some applications. The specifics of the applications will be discussed but prior experience with Supabase and app prototyping is crucial. Must use AI powered tools, ideally gpt engineer or similar Instructions - Share your best live app in DM - confirm your bid is the price we will accept, do not try to renegotiate - as a condition of bidding you agree all IP and rights in the work you perform for us are the property of our company
I've got 4 AI-generated blogs ready to go, complete with keywords. However, they need a human touch to enhance their SEO and make them more appealing to industry professionals. The ultimate goal is to improve keyword optimization without compromising the integrity of the content. I'm willing to pay 10 AUD for this task. Once completed, I need these blogs to be completely AI-free. Please let me know if you can help.
I'm in need of a comprehensive Excel ...comprehensive Excel file detailing the top 50 universities in the USA offering PhD programs in Quantum Computing with a focus on AI. The Excel should contain the following: - University name - Details of Professors 1 to 5 including: - Their department and position - LinkedIn profiles - Emails - History of past collaborations or projects in AI - Application deadlines for both Fall and Spring batches - Program specifics I would like this data to be organized in a single sheet with categorized columns for ease of use. Ideal skills for this project include experience in data collection, proficiency in Excel, and knowledge of the field of quantum computing and AI. Previous experience compiling si...
I'm looking for a talented AI image creator who can generate around 18-20 realistic images of different couples in various paradise-like settings. These settings could range from picturesque country hillsides, beautiful beaches, lush tropical jungles, to breathtaking African safaris. Requirements: - The images should resemble the individuals I will provide pictures of. - The style of the images should be realistic, not cartoonish or abstract. - The color palette of the images should be neutral and earthy. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI image generation. - Strong understanding of creating realistic images. - Experience in working with likenesses of individuals. - Ability to interpret and apply a specific color palette. This is a unique project that ...
...for me. This plugin should harness the power of artificial intelligence to monitor the web, rewrite detected articles, and share them on my site under specified tags. The plugin should also be capable of posting the content on my Telegram, Facebook, and Instagram accounts. Key functionalities of the plugin should include: - Monitoring and detecting new articles from various relevant websites (specific sites will be discussed). - Utilizing AI to rewrite these articles before sharing on my site and social media. - Categorizing articles into tags based on keyword matching. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in WordPress plugin development. - Extensive knowledge and experience working with AI. - Familiarity with social media APIs...
I'm in need of a talented video editor for my Youtube channel. The content is primarily animated, motion graphics-style entertainment. Specifics: - The videos will involve complex motion graphics with text and icons. - A deep understanding of creating engaging, faceless videos is crucial. - Knowledge of AI and its application in video editing is a significant plus. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects). - Experience in creating and editing motion graphics. - Familiarity with Youtube content trends and standards. Please provide examples of your previous work in this domain.