Adobe illustrator cc 2019 system requirements仕事
外資系BtoBメーカーにて長期的なパートナーとしてご活躍いただけるポジションです。 ■業務内容 • プロモーションコンテンツのデザインおよび制作(ウェブ、印刷物、バナー広告、動画、イベント等向け資料等) • 海外で制作されたデザインの日本向けローカライズ • 日本向けオリジナルデザイン制作 • コンセプトに基づいたデザイン、コンセプト開発、デザイン修正 ■要件 • デザイン、動画等関連分野での大学・専門学校等の修了者 • B2B における 3 年以上の経験 • ポートフォリオ要提出 • Illustrator、Photoshop、InDesign、Premiere、After Effectsの経験・スキル • Power Point、Word、Excelの実務の経験・スキル • 企業CIに即したクリエイティブで効果的な制作が迅速にできる方 • 修正や急ぎの依頼にフレキシブルに対応できる方 • 簡単な英語でのコミュニケーション(読み書き)に抵抗のない方(Google 翻訳使用可)、日常会話できれば尚可 • 必要に応じてオンラインおよび対面打ち合わせが可能な方 • 日本在住日本人
We are looking for an Electrical and Hardware Engineer to design and prototype a power consumption smart meter with the following requirements: - Smart Meter is designed and built for high voltage (240 volts) - Smart Meter is a connected (IOT) device that sends power usage to the server using wifi connection - Smart Meter can be controlled from the server using APIs - Smart Meter is designed to pass UL and CE requirements (obtaining the certifications is not part of this project) Please only apply to the job posting if you have relevant prior experience. Submit your portfolio or past work to be considered for the job. ====Google翻訳テキスト==== 私たちは、次の要件を満たした消費電力スマートメーターを設計およびプロトタイプ化する電気およびハードウェアエンジニアを募集しています。 -スマートメーターは高電圧(240ボルト)用に設計および構築されています -スマートメーターは、WiF...
当社について:私たちはコスタリカのコーヒー輸出会社で、最高品質のコーヒーを販売しています。コスタリカのコーヒーは世界TOP3に入る最高品質のコーヒーです。すでに日本へ弊社のコーヒーを販売しておりますが、この度販路を拡大する予定です。弊社はコスタリカ現地企業ですが、マネージャーは日本人ですので、スペイン語や英語が話せなくても問題ありません。企業情報については、当社ウェブサイトをご覧ください。 弊社website: この度募集する営業担当者の業務内容は以下の通りです。 ・コーヒー輸入業者、顧客、代理店に対してコスタリカ産コーヒー豆の販売。 ・新規取引先のリサーチ。 ・電話営業を通しての新規クライアント獲得。 (ただし電話営業だけでアプローチするのではなく、サンプリングを提供する予定です。) ・取引先と常に良好な取引関係を維持すること。 ・問題や顧客の苦情に対して迅速に対応し、顧客満足度を高めること。 私たちは、積極的に新規取引先の開拓を行ってくれる即戦力のある営業担当者を募集しています。売上の収益成長、顧客満足度、収益性を向上させるために、顧客に対して適切な解決策を提供することが営業担当者の役割です。 〈求めている人材〉 ・電話での営業経験がある方、またはそれに対して抵抗のない方を優遇。 ※営業経験は必須ではありませんが、積極的に業務に取り組み学ぼうとする意欲は必須です。 ・コーヒーが好きな方、興味がある方を優遇。 ・この仕事は、フルタイムではなくパートタイムの仕事です。電話とネットさえあれば出来るので、自宅で仕事をすることが可能です。 ・コミュニケーション力、マネジメント力、交渉力に長けていて、顧客と良好な関係を築ける方。 ・プレゼンテーションスキルをお持ちの方。 〈給料〉 ・お給料は完全歩合制になります。取引終了後、コミッション...
100%利益を出すバイナリーオプション、FXのシステムを作って頂きたいです。 世の中に存在してるらしく、それを作れる方お願い致します。
日本語の「面白い事実」のリストからフレーズを発声する必要があります。所要時間は約20分です。声の種類が異なる3人の男性。 1つのファイルに録音が必要で、フレーズの間にはいくつかの区切りがあります。 録音は、以下の要件に従って、44,100 Hzのサンプリング周波数で品質を失うことなく(WAV)フォーマットで録音する必要があります。 - バックグラウンドノイズが少ない場所(ノイズ吸収のある室内または毛布の下)で記録してください。 - スマートフォン用ボイスレコーダーを使用する場合は、音源から20〜30 cm離してください。スマートフォンが持っていない、それは何かを柔らかくして固定することをお勧めします。 - 過剰な信号レベルがあってはいけません(クリッピング)。 - マイクに触れないでください。 - マイクに「吐き気」があってはいけません。ため息をつきません - 休止を守らなければならない(「事実」間に少なくとも2秒) - アナウンサーは声が荒くなるべきではなく、声帯の弛緩によって引き起こされる人工的な喘鳴を起こすべきではなく、フレーズの終わりに特有のものであり、声が低い。
ホノルルで結婚式の写真を撮った経験のある日本語を話すカメラマンを探しています。 可能であれば、写真家は結婚式の写真撮影の経験を最適化することができる化粧やヘアスタイリングの準備で花嫁を支援するべきです。 仕事の説明を読んだことを示すために、「I am real」と返信してください。 私達は完了する仕事全体のために200ドルを提供します。 興味のある方はご連絡ください。
私達は私達のJPのウェブサイトで私達の支払いシステムをテストするために5〜10人のWebテスターを探しています。 推定プロジェクト期間は1日以内です。これは緊急の課題であり、テストごとに50ドルを支払うことができます。主な要件は、WebテスターがJCB / MasterおよびVisaカード所有者(日本の銀行)であることです。
ホノルルで結婚式の写真を撮った経験のある日本語を話すカメラマンを探しています。 可能であれば、写真家は結婚式の写真撮影の経験を最適化することができる化粧やヘアスタイリングの準備で花嫁を支援するべきです。 仕事の説明を読んだことを示すために、「I am real」と返信してください。 私達は完了する仕事全体のために150ドルを提供します。 興味のある方はご連絡ください。
...our company, we are looking for a system engineer. About Us: it is a company We are doing a hardware development there Your job Overview: Have you responsible for the application development that corresponds to the Internet. <Work scope> Of the front-end requirements definition - Specification of the front-end functions and UI In addition, the following work will be made out of scope. 1. programming 2. Description of the test code 3. Test specification created Non_Japanese and GLOBAL community System Engineers are requested kindly to check the Attachment Files which signifies the REQUIREMENT for this ROLE. Assumed operating time: XXX contract period: XXX Such as the necessary skills and experience: - Business application requiremen...
... -iOSやAndroidのスマートフォンアプリケーション開発の経験 (IOTに対応したアプリケーション開発経験があればさらに可) -プロジェクト管理ツール(例 Basecamp) -チャットツール(例 Flowdock、Slack) -表計算ツール(例 Excel、Google Spreadsheet) -英語の読み書きに抵抗がないレベル (ビジネス英語レベルは必須ではありませんが、オフショアの開発メンバーとのコミュニケーションが英語となります) 注意点・禁止事項: 1500円~3000円/時間でご提案ください ご応募いただいた方にはこちらから詳細情報をご連絡いたします 依頼した仕事の内容を第三者に漏洩することは厳禁です 契約の際は手順に基づき、契約・NDA同意、仮払いと進めさせていただきます Non_Japanese and GLOBAL community System Engineers are requested kindly to check the Attachment Files which signifies the REQUIREMENT for this ROLE. NB: We have our own Highly experienced Native Correspondent for Non-japanese candidates. Feel free to apply your candidature.
...・経験に合った部署へ配属をさせていただきます。 ・Webの知識が豊富な方 →システム的な意味では無く、「情報収集」や「検索力」 ・英語が多少出来る人 ・Wordpressの経験のある方 ・Adobe Illustrator, Photoshopを扱える方 ・日本語の文章力に自信がある方 【必須条件】 ・ADSL以上のインターネット環境 ・skypeなどが問題無く動作するレベルのPC ご質問など、お気軽に頂ければと思います。 【提出書類】 選考に進まれる場合は、履歴書及び職務経歴書のご提出をお願い致します。 ※個人を特定する情報の記載は必須ではございません。 作業一例) ・領収書の整理と経理処理のサポート ・インターネット上での調査 ・電話での問合せ(仕入れ先への材料発注、納期確認、在庫確認等) ・エクセルの作成と加工等(元データを販売店別・品番別の売上実績表、商品別の利益率表に加工など) ・ウェブサイト更新の手伝い(商品説明の文面を考え、記入など) ・お客様より商品フィードバックを促進する(雛形を元にメールを配信) ・競合調査のリサーチ ・メール整理と返信 ※上記業務は一例になります。 すべてを実際に依頼されるわけではありません。 また、上記のリストに掲載されていない業務も発生する可能性があります。 【期間】長期 ◆質問事項 1)チャットワークは使われていますか? 2)英語は多少出来ますか? 3)持ってる資格記載してください。 4)Adobe Photoshop又はillustratorはお持ちですか? 皆様からのご応募、お待ちいたしております。
AREAS OF EXPERTISE Adobe Creative Suite Photoshop In-Design Illustrator MAC CS4/CS5 Flash 3D animation PROFESSIONAL Visual Commination Creative Media PERSONAL SKILLS Problem solving Thinking creatively Attention to detail Communication skills TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY Image Editing & Graphic Designing: Adobe Photoshop CS, Illustrator, Flash Video Editing: FCP, AVID - Media composer, Adobe Premiere Pro, VFX: Adobe After Effects, 3D Max Sound Effects: Audacity, Cube Base 5, Nuendo, Protools. Operating System: MS Windows (Word, Excel, Power point) Camera Operation: Canon, Nikon Music - Western Organ Keyboard, Melodica, Singing ST...
...※時期により制作していただく量が変動します。 1_弊社より画像をメールにてお送りします。 2_Adobe IllustratorまたはAdobe Photoshopを使用して 弊社よりお送りした元画像を、見本のイラストの様にトレースしてください。 3_データはZip形式で圧縮したファイルをメールでお送りください。 注意事項 ・トレースしたオブジェクトは、Adobe Illustrator(ai)形式で保存してください。 ・バージョンは CS5以下 で保存してください。 ・オブジェクトの色は(C 50、M 50、Y 70、K 0)の1色のみ にしてください。 ・パスのアウトラインはとらないでください。 ※応募される際は、サンプルをお送りください。(元画像とイラストデータどちらも) Need long-term illustrator to make illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail. ...
様々なe-bookファイルを表示できるビュアーの開発ができる開発先を探しています。 VnBestSolutionsさんが可能であれば、詳細について打ち合わせさせていただきたいです。 また、もしVnBestSolutionsさんが不可能でも、お知り合いの方や会社を紹介いただけるとありがたいです。 ご検討よろしくお願いします。
...※時期により制作していただく量が変動します。 1_弊社より画像をメールにてお送りします。 2_Adobe IllustratorまたはAdobe Photoshopを使用して 弊社よりお送りした元画像を、見本のイラストの様にトレースしてください。 3_データはZip形式で圧縮したファイルをメールでお送りください。 注意事項 ・トレースしたオブジェクトは、Adobe Illustrator(ai)形式で保存してください。 ・バージョンは CS5以下 で保存してください。 ・オブジェクトの色は(C 50、M 50、Y 70、K 0)の1色のみ にしてください。 ・パスのアウトラインはとらないでください。 ※応募される際は、サンプルをお送りください。(元画像とイラストデータどちらも) Need long-term illustrator to make illustrations traced from photos. Around 6 people per month, may change accordingly. Please see the attached file for sample. When hired, 1_Photo will be sent by mail. 2_Using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop, please trace the photo according to the sample attached here. 3_Zip the file and send back by mail. ...
インターネット関連技術屋のための名刺のデザインをお願いします。 シンプルで思慮に富んだデザイン希望です。 成果物はイラストレータ形式のファイルでお願いします。 A business card design for IT company. Simple but thoughtful design is preferred. I need your help by the illustrator file format. thanks.
...experience with Adobe Premiere Pro and be able to apply moderate animation techniques to keep our content visually appealing and engaging. Specific requirements include: - Transforming our 'basic' videos into a style similar to our professional ones - Working with videos that are less than 1 minute long - Applying moderate level animations to enhance the visual appeal - Ensuring the final product is suitable for public sharing on YouTube I will provide a sample of our basic video and a professional video we created previously. Please take a look at the sample and demonstrate your ability to convert it into our desired style. The task is purely visual as I will add licensed music to the final product. No voice over is required. Skills: - Video Editing - Anim...
Project Description: We require a robust and scalable Project Management System built on Microsoft Power Apps. The system should allow users to manage projects, tasks, risks, budgets, and reports efficiently. The application will integrate with Microsoft tools like SharePoint, Power Automate, and Teams for seamless collaboration and automation. Project Goals: Centralized management of projects, tasks, and related data. Improved collaboration among team members. Automation of workflows for task assignments, approvals, and notifications. Advanced reporting and analytics for project tracking and decision-making. Core Features: 1. Dashboard Overview of all projects. Visual status indicators (e.g., progress bars, charts). Quick filters (by priority, status, department). 2. Proj...
I need a professional who can create a comprehensive School Management System. This system should aim to streamline and automate key school functions. 1. User Management User authentication and authorization Role-based access control (admin, teacher, student, parent) User profile management (personal details, contact information, etc.) 2. Student Management Student registration and enrollment Student profile management (academic history, attendance, grades, etc.) Student grouping (classes, sections, batches, etc.) 3. Teacher Management Teacher registration and profile management Teacher assignment to classes and subjects Teacher performance evaluation and feedback 4. Course Management Course creation and management (subjects, topics, lessons, etc.) Course scheduling and tim...
...looking for an experienced Laravel developer to assist us in upgrading our existing system, resolving some critical bugs, and developing APIs for specific modules. Our platform plays a significant role in our operations, and we aim to enhance its performance and scalability. Key Responsibilities: Upgrade our existing Laravel-based system to the latest stable version. Fix identified bugs and improve overall system stability. Develop secure and efficient APIs for specific modules to enhance functionality and enable integration with other systems. Optimize application performance and database queries. Provide technical documentation for the APIs and updated system features. Requirements: Proven experience in Laravel framework d...
I'm looking to have a PDF file reskinned and modified to align with a new brand aesthetic. The original file is attached for your reference. Key Requirements: - New Color Scheme: The reskin should incorporate our updated brand colors. - Updated Fonts: The PDF should use our new brand fonts. - New Layout Design: A fresh, engaging layout is essential to capture our audience's attention. The primary purpose of this PDF is for marketing. Therefore, it should be visually appealing and professionally designed to promote our brand effectively. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design: A strong background in graphic design is crucial. - Adobe Acrobat/Illustrator/Photoshop: Proficiency in these software tools is needed for this task. - Branding: An understanding of brand c..., and innovation while emphasizing efficiency and quality. It must reflect the professional and scientific nature of the pharmaceutical industry with a visually appealing and modern look. 7. Key Requirements: Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design, particularly in creating trust logo - Strong understanding of color theory and ability to incorporate bright and vibrant colors in a balanced way. – Ability to create relatable and appealing illustrations. - Experience in working with agricultural-related brands would be a plus. Require: png, ai file( illustrator)...
I need a skilled graphic designer with a strong background in product enhancement for Instagram images. Key Responsibilities: - Enhance the product images through the addition of graphical elements - Maintain the visual consistency and brand integrity across all images Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator) - Strong understanding of Instagram's visual aesthetic.
I'm in need of a talented illustrator who can create cartoonish style illustrations for a book intended for all ages. The illustrations should convey a sad tone, despite the cartoonish style. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in creating cartoonish style illustrations - Experience with illustrations intended for all age groups - Ability to convey a specific tone through illustrations - Portfolio demonstrating previous work with cartoonish and emotional illustrations - Ability to meet deadlines and work collaboratively The ideal candidate will have a knack for creating engaging and visually appealing illustrations that can resonate with readers of all ages. Your illustrations will play a vital role in conveying the tone of the book, so a strong understanding of storytell...
I'm looking for a skilled content creator to develop engaging image posts for my business's Instagram account. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in social media content creation, specifically for Instagram - Understanding of Instagram's best practices and trends - Ability to create visually appealing and brand-consistent image posts - Strong understanding of target audience and ability to create content that resonates with them - Skills in using design tools like Canva, Adobe Illustrator, etc. would be a plus Please provide examples of your previous work and any relevant Instagram accounts you've managed.
I'm on the lookout for a talented designer who can create modern-style thumbnails and advertising posters for my products. The designer should have experience in creati...advertising posters for my products. The designer should have experience in creating minimalist and sleek designs that can grab attention. Key Responsibilities: 1. Design modern-style thumbnails that are in line with the design aesthetics of our brand. 2. Create unique and engaging advertising posters featuring our product images. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc. - Previous experience designing modern-style thumbnails and advertising posters - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles - Ability to effectively incorporate produ...
We are looking for a talented and experienced Corporate Video Editor ,person should have strong editing skills and expertise in creating corporate videos in Tamil, Telugu, and Kann...languages. Key Responsibilities: Editing and producing high-quality corporate videos for internal and external use. Working closely with the content team to understand project goals and deliverables. Creating engaging and professional video content that aligns with brand guidelines. Ensuring the final output is well-edited, error-free, and suitable for the target audience. Requirements: Proficiency in video editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, etc.). Fluent in Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada languages. Previous experience in corporate video editing. Strong attention to detail and a ... mathematics worksheets based on provided drafts. Ensure accurate and professional formatting of fractions, equations, and other mathematical expressions. Create visually engaging, age-appropriate layouts suitable for primary school students. Follow specific formatting guidelines (details will be provided). Requirements: Applicants must: Demonstrate experience in formatting educational materials or similar projects. Be proficient in using tools such as Microsoft Word, Adobe InDesign, Canva, or equivalent software. Show expertise in formatting fractions, equations, and mathematical content to a professional standard. Submit a sample of previous work that showcases your ability to format mathematical content effectively. Deliverables: Professionally formatted workshe...
I am looking for a unique, custom illustration for my logo. The name of the brand is "Handcrafted with Heart", which indicates a focus on handmade, heartfelt items. Project Description: I am seeking a skilled illustrator to create a vibrant and heartfelt custom artwork featuring the tagline "Handcrafted with Heart." The illustration should showcase a central character presenting handcrafted items in a whimsical, creative setting surrounded by fun and relatable icons (e.g., trees, animals, crafts, and other personalized elements). The design should evoke a sense of creativity, passion, and uniqueness. Key Elements: Central Character Illustration: A stylish and friendly individual presenting small handcrafted items. Warm and inviting expression with soft and ele...
I need a professional who can convert food labels and nutritional tables from 17 PDF files into editable text in Adobe Illustrator. Key Requirements: - Some texts are converted to curves. - Some files are converted to images and saved in the PDF. - The final files must be in AI, editable in continuous text format. - Precise matching of editable text to the image. The ideal freelancer for this job should: - Be fluent in Brazilian Portuguese. - Have excellent skills in Adobe Illustrator. - Have experience in text conversion from PDF files. - Be detail-oriented and able to match font format, measurements, and layout precisely. Please note, you'll need to match the fonts since I cannot provide the original ones. The final output must match the layout...
I am writinf a childrens book 10 pages or less and i need aomeone to transform the story into illustrations. I also would like the illustrations to look like 2 real peoplw i know. I would be doing 4-5 books
...videos. One is in Landscape, and the other in Portrait. The final product will be used primarily on LinkedIn and YouTube, so understanding the nuances of these platforms is essential. Requirements: - Basic color grading - Voice isolation and enhancement (the original audio is a bit faint) - Fade-in and fade-out transitions - Syncing to a pre-selected, inspirational background music (BGM) I have edited a rough draft for reference, which I can share upon request. The final aspect ratio can be discussed, but it should be appropriate for social media use. The ideal freelancer will have: - Proficiency in Adobe Premiere Pro - A portfolio showcasing cinematic video edits - A keen understanding of storytelling flow, as this is the most important aspect of the final video for m... Key Requirements: - A balance between the architect's name and a distinctive architectural icon within the logo. - An initial concept phase where the logo is presented in a simple black and white format. No color or shading, just crisp, clear black and white. - Use of precise dimensions, consistent elements, and an articulate visual style. The client will have a keen eye for detail and expects no shortcuts. - Delivery of the final logo in vector format (Adobe Illustrator), ensuring versatility for different uses. - The logo must be adaptable for both light and dark backgrounds. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in minimalist and modern logo design. - Strong understanding of geometric and abstract design principles. - Proficiency in ...
...creating an app for parents, educators and children to learn social emotional regulation strategies. Are you interested or able to do this? I have a storyboard that I have generated some ideas on but I defer to your expertise. I have included the text on them but obviously they won't be there I would just do a voiceover. The characters are in my storybooks and I have a lot of images from my illustrator and backgrounds and I wondered if they could be used. It's an instructional video for young children to introduce my mindfulness curriculum. I think when I read out the text it should be about 1 min -2 min you could give me some guidance on your creative ideas and approximate cost that would be great....
I have two photos that I need edited into one photo. I want to add one person missing from one “photo A”, a middle aged man on the right seen in “photo B”. Have him in the final. A dog, a husky looking at the camera in “Photo B” have him in the final product i. This position, looking at the camera., a husky looking at the camera in “Photo B” have him in the final product i. This position, looking at the camera. i don't care to have his entire body in the photo, like how he is in “photo A”. just him looking like he is in “photo B”, whatever works best as i know the perspective of each photo is different. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in photo editing software (e.g. Adobe Phot...
More details: Is this project for business use? For starting a new enterprise What information should successful freelancers include in their application? This question was skipped by the user How soon do you need your project completed? ASAP
Looking for a talented illustrator to bring to life a children's book centered around a whimsical 8-year-old Therian named Lilah. The illustrations need to be cartoonish and vibrant, reflecting Lilah's unique characteristics and personality. Key Aspects:- Design of Lilah: It's crucial to emphasize her Therian traits and her whimsical personality in the illustrations. - Number of Illustrations: The book requires between 10-15 illustrations. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Proven experience in children's book illustration. - Ability to create engaging, cartoonish, and colorful designs. - Experience with character design, particularly for unique or fantastical charactersThe first rays of dawn, painting the sky in hues of rose and apricot, found Lilah alr...
I'm looking for a distinctive rustic-styled logo for my landscape design business, Florida Man Garden Design. Along with the name the logo should feature an alligator in a Hawaiian shirt, with the either gator lying down with a shovel in its mouth and standing with a shovel in its hand Ideal skills and ...feature an alligator in a Hawaiian shirt, with the either gator lying down with a shovel in its mouth and standing with a shovel in its hand Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Graphic design with a focus on logo creation - Experience in creating rustic-themed designs - Ability to incorporate whimsical elements into professional designs - Proficient in using design software (Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, etc.) - Strong understanding of brand identity a...
I'm seeking a talented illustrator to create a minimalistic, cartoonish overhead map of Main Street in Blue Springs, Missouri. The map should cover the area from 10th to 15th Street, including Oak Street or one block to the north and one block to the south. Key requirements: - Top-down view map with streets, buildings, sidewalks and parking lots. - Exclusion of street and business names. - High-resolution PDF output. - Optional: Multiple views, such as 3D renders, can increase chances of selection. I will provide ratings and feedback on the designs. Please note, files that do not meet expectations will be rejected. Ideal candidates will have experience with minimalistic design and map illustration.
... and blockchain technology. This project aims to combine cutting-edge technologies such as gaming, blockchain, SNS integration, and virtual economies to maximize user engagement and interaction, and implement various reward and game systems based on meme coins. We are seeking a developer who can oversee the entire technology stack and build an innovative platform. Key Development Areas and Requirements This project covers multiple technological domains, and comprehensive technical expertise across all areas is required. The developer will be responsible for the overall development of the website, app (PWA), web games, real-time tournament systems, and blockchain-based meme coin systems. Essential Qualifications and Technical Stack Web Development and PWA (Progressive Web App): ... company. Here’s a simplified version of what the ideal person should know how to do: 1. Brand Design: • Create logos, mascots, icons, and other visuals using tools like Adobe Illustrator or Canva. • Develop a cohesive color palette, typography, and brand guidelines. 2. Marketing and Advertising: • Design ad creatives for social media (static, animated, or video). • Manage social media profiles (cover photos, profile pics, and post templates). • Run targeted campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google. 3. Video Creation: • Create explainer or demo videos using tools like Vyond, Animaker, or Adobe Premiere Pro. 4. Strategy: • Research your audience and competitors to position the brand effectively. &b...
Project Overview: ResQMedic / ResQService ResQMedic is an advanced communication and documentation system designed to enhance the realism and functionality of emergency response scenarios in online role-playing environments. The system primarily targets fire departments, emergency medical services, and hospitals, enabling seamless data management, realistic protocols, and effective communication between teams. Its modular structure makes it versatile and user-friendly. The system consists of three main components: 1. Admin Control Panel (ACP): Centralized management hub for system administrators to oversee users, configurations, and permissions. 2. User Control Panel (UCP): Interface for individual users to manage personal data, create mandates, and access t...
... and blockchain technology. This project aims to combine cutting-edge technologies such as gaming, blockchain, SNS integration, and virtual economies to maximize user engagement and interaction, and implement various reward and game systems based on meme coins. We are seeking a developer who can oversee the entire technology stack and build an innovative platform. Key Development Areas and Requirements This project covers multiple technological domains, and comprehensive technical expertise across all areas is required. The developer will be responsible for the overall development of the website, app (PWA), web games, real-time tournament systems, and blockchain-based meme coin systems. Essential Qualifications and Technical Stack Web Development and PWA (Progressive Web App): ...
No AI-generated content will be accepted. I need a professional to recreate my existing trifold in Adobe Illustrator. The project requires applying my brand color (#ed2420) while ensuring the text content remains unchanged. The design should be minimalist, steering clear of any clutter or unnecessary design elements. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles - Excellent attention to detail - Experience in creating promotional materials
I am looking for a skilled illustrator for a project titled "Beauty That Empowers". The project does not have a specific style of illustration, so I am open to creative suggestions. The target audience is also not strictly defined, which gives room for versatility and creativity. I am seeking a talented illustrator to create a personalized and empowering artwork that highlights beauty and confidence. The design should feature a stylish character holding beauty products (like a compact or lotion bottle), surrounded by a vibrant and feminine backdrop. The text "Beauty That Empowers" should be integrated in an elegant and bold font, complementing the overall design. Key Elements: Character Illustration: A detailed and vibrant depiction of a confident indiv...
Project Overview: ResQMedic / ResQService ResQMedic is an advanced communication and documentation system designed to enhance the realism and functionality of emergency response scenarios in online role-playing environments. The system primarily targets fire departments, emergency medical services, and hospitals, enabling seamless data management, realistic protocols, and effective communication between teams. Its modular structure makes it versatile and user-friendly. The system consists of three main components: 1. Admin Control Panel (ACP): Centralized management hub for system administrators to oversee users, configurations, and permissions. 2. User Control Panel (UCP): Interface for individual users to manage personal data, create mandates, and access t...
I'm looking for a talented packaging designer to create bottle or tube labels for a line of cosmetics. The design should embody a luxurious aesthetic, appealing to high-end consumers. Key Requirements: - Experience in designing packaging for cosmetics - Strong understanding of sport and vibrant design principles - Ability to create visually stunning, high-quality labels Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Package Design - Brand Development - Adobe Illustrator - 3D Modeling The designer will need to provide a portfolio of past work, particularly any experience with luxury cosmetics packaging.
I'm seeking a talented illustrator and designer to help create a captivating children's book aimed at 8-10 year olds. Key Requirements: - Design and illustrate a book with less than 20 pages - Create engaging, cartoon-like illustrations - Collaborate with me to bring the story to life visually Ideal Skills: - Experience in designing and illustrating children's books - Strong portfolio of cartoon-like illustrations - Excellent communication and collaboration skills
I'm seeking a modern logo for my company, "ONE" (Original Natural Extract). This company specializes in extracting natural products using CO2 extraction machines. The logo should emphasize the company name and integrate a unique graphic element. Key Requirements: - The logo should cater to a minimalist yet modern aesthetic. - It should highlight both the company name and a graphic element. - The overall design should convey a sense of innovation. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Illustrator - Creative Conceptualization - Modern Design Aesthetics